Genindex (C) 2003-2006 Stefan Hulswitt, (c) RF 2016 See the file COPYING for license information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This tool can be used to: a) Generate a VDR 1.x index file b) Generate subtitles in EN 300 743 compliant format as part of a conversion to VDR2.x file (along with vdr-convert script) c) Split VDR1.x files at a specified point. Note max total input size is now increased to 16Gb from the original 2Gb. vdr-convert needs 1 file Useful if you lost the orginal index file or if you want to create an index file for some other video stuff. The tool is suitable for MPEG2 video (e.g. VDR1.x recordings) and MPEG1 video (e.g. ripped VCD files). If the tool is called without any commandline options, it searchs for VDR video files (001.vdr, 002.vdr ...) in the current directory. The generated index file will be named "index.vdr" or "index.vdr.generated" if there is already an "index.vdr". There are some commandline options to influence the behaviour of the tool: -q --quiet no output to the console, except errors. -r --rewrite enables rewrite mode, i.e. genindex reads all data contained in the input file(s), filters out any crap and/or data not usefull for VDR and writes the remaining data to new file(s). The output file(s) will be named 001.vdr, 002.vdr ... and will not exceed the 2GB limit. In no case any existing file will be overwritten, so you cannot rewrite files from the current directory to the current directory (use either -i or -d option). Only data which is actually used by VDR is written to output file(s), i.e. PES packets of type 0xE0-0xEF, 0xC0-0xCF, 0xBD and 0xBE. -d DIR --dest=DIR Writes output files to directory DIR. -i FILE --input=FILE Rather than scanning for input files, use FILE as single input file. -s SIZE --split=SIZE Split output files at a size of SIZE megabytes. Allowed input range is 1-2000. --skip=STR In addition to the normal stream filtering, skip PES packets of type STR too. The value has to be given in hexdecimal. You can give multiple --skip options, if you want to skip more than one stream. -b Build EN 300 743 compliant subs instead of VDR1.x (implies -r) -n No progress indicator (like ffmpeg) The rewrite mode is especially useful if you want to prepare a single, huge file for replay with VDR e.g. a DVD rip. Assuming you have ripped the DVD to the file /tmp/rip.vob, you can prepare it with (creating VDR video files in current directoy): genindex -r -i /tmp/rip.vob If you additionaly want to skip any DolbyDigital audio stream: genindex -r -i /tmp/rip.vob --skip=0xBD Or limit output files to 1GB: genindex -r -i /tmp/rip.vob -s 1000 This work was inspired by and is based on the work from Werner Fink and Sascha Volkenandt (although virtualy no code pieces from their work made it into this work). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY: 01.09.2016 - Version 0.2.0 rf - Modified principally to process subtitles for vdr-convert script in EN 300 743 format, and remove initial short subs segments to help ffmpeg successfully probe the streams - added -b and -n flags 05.06.2006 - Version 0.1.3 - Added mode to rewrite video files (including file splitting and removing of PES streams). - Allow a single input file >2GB in rewrite mode. 17.10.2003 - Version 0.1.2 - Don't choke on files >2GB but give the user a hint about the limitation. 27.07.2003 - Version 0.1.1 - Fixed index creation behond the first video file. - Fixed index creation for broken video files (e.g. with skipped bytes). 26.07.2003 - Version 0.1.0 - Initial release.