path: root/
diff options
authorhorchi <>2017-03-05 16:39:28 +0100
committerhorchi <>2017-03-05 16:39:28 +0100
commite2a48d8701f91b8e24fbe9e99e91eb72a87bb749 (patch)
tree726f70554b4ca985a09ef6e30a7fdc8df089993c /
git init1.1.103
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 847 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc6666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "epg2vdr.h"
+#include "update.h"
+int loglevel = 4;
+cDbConnection* connection = 0;
+int fileExists(const char* path)
+ return access(path, F_OK) == 0;
+cEvent::cEvent(tEventID EventID)
+ schedule = NULL;
+ eventID = EventID;
+ tableID = 0xFF;
+ version = 0xFF;
+ title = NULL;
+ shortText = NULL;
+ description = NULL;
+ components = NULL;
+ memset(contents, 0, sizeof(contents));
+ parentalRating = 0;
+ startTime = 0;
+ duration = 0;
+ vps = 0;
+int cEvent::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
+ return 0;
+void cEvent::SetTitle(const char* t)
+ title = strcpyrealloc(title, t);
+void cEvent::SetShortText(const char *ShortText)
+ shortText = strcpyrealloc(shortText, ShortText);
+void cEvent::SetDescription(const char *Description)
+ description = strcpyrealloc(description, Description);
+void cEvent::SetStartTime(time_t StartTime)
+void cEvent::SetDuration(int Duration)
+// --- tChannelID ------------------------------------------------------------
+const tChannelID tChannelID::InvalidID;
+tChannelID tChannelID::FromString(const char *s)
+// char *sourcebuf = NULL;
+// int nid;
+// int tid;
+// int sid;
+// int rid = 0;
+// int fields = sscanf(s, "%a[^-]-%d-%d-%d-%d", &sourcebuf, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid);
+// if (fields == 4 || fields == 5) {
+// int source = cSource::FromString(sourcebuf);
+// free(sourcebuf);
+// if (source >= 0)
+// return tChannelID(source, nid, tid, sid, rid);
+// }
+ return tChannelID::InvalidID;
+// cString tChannelID::ToString(void) const
+// {
+// char buffer[256];
+// snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), rid ? "%s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%s-%d-%d-%d", *cSource::ToString(source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
+// return buffer;
+// }
+tChannelID &tChannelID::ClrPolarization(void)
+ while (tid > 100000)
+ tid -= 100000;
+ return *this;
+// Parse XML Event
+int parseEvent(cDbRow* event, xmlNode* node)
+ const char* name;
+ char* content;
+ for (xmlNodePtr n = node->xmlChildrenNode; n; n = n->next)
+ {
+ if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+ continue;
+ name = (const char*)n->name;
+ content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(n);
+ printf("\t%s = '%s'\n", name, content);
+ if (cDbService::FieldDef* f = cEventFields::toField(name))
+ {
+ if (f->format == cDbService::ffAscii)
+ event->setValue(f->index, content);
+ else
+ event->setValue(f->index, atoi(content));
+ }
+ else
+ printf("Ignoring unexpected element <%s>\n", name);
+ xmlFree(content);
+ }
+ return success;
+MemoryStruct data;
+// Download Episodes and store to filesystem
+int downloadEpisodes(Table* episodeDb)
+ // #CKO
+ // cSvdrpClient cl("", 2006 /*port*/);
+ cSvdrpClient cl("bauerl", 2006 /*port*/);
+ string fileName;
+ string linkName;
+ int isLink = 0;
+ cEpisodeFiles files;
+ int code;
+ int abort = 0;
+ char command[50];
+ int withutf8 = yes;
+ if ( != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Open connection to '%s' failed, aborting transfer!\n", "");
+ return fail;
+ }
+ printf("Starting episode download ...\n");
+ // select characterset
+ printf("request charset ...\n");
+ if (!cl.send(withutf8 ? "CHARSET utf-8\n": "CHARSET iso-8859-1\n"))
+ {
+ tell(0, "Send '%s' failed, aborting transfer!", command);
+ cl.close();
+ return fail;
+ }
+ // check for characterset confirmation
+ cList<cLine> csconf;
+ if (cl.receive(&csconf) != 225)
+ {
+ tell(0, "SVDRPCL: did not receive charset confirmation. Closing...");
+ cl.abort();
+ return fail;
+ }
+ if (csconf.First() && csconf.First()->Text())
+ tell(0, "Got '%s'", csconf.First()->Text());
+ // identify myself
+ sprintf(command, "HELLO %s v%s (%s)\n", "epgd", VERSION, VERSION_DATE);
+ printf("send %s", command);
+ cl.send(command);
+ cl.receive();
+ // GET
+ // sprintf(command, "GET all\n"); // #CKO
+ sprintf(command, "TGET newer than 4 days\n"); // #CKO
+ printf("send %s", command);
+ if (!cl.send(command))
+ {
+ printf("Send '%s' failed, aborting transfer!\n", command);
+ cl.close();
+ return fail;
+ }
+ cList<cLine>* result = new cList<cLine>;
+ while (!abort && (code = cl.receive(result)) != codeCommunicationEnd)
+ {
+ switch (code)
+ {
+ case codeFileInfo:
+ {
+ if (result->Count() < 2)
+ {
+ if (loglevel > 1)
+ printf("Protocol violation, aborting!\n");
+ abort = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ linkName = "";
+ fileName = result->Next(result->First())->Text();
+ isLink = fileName != "not a link";
+ if (!isLink)
+ fileName = result->First()->Text();
+ else
+ linkName = result->First()->Text();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case codeFileContent:
+ {
+ if (isLink)
+ {
+ files.Add(new cEpisodeFile(fileName, linkName));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (cLine* l = result->First(); l; l = result->Next(l))
+ {
+ if (strcmp(l->Text(), "End of data") == 0)
+ {
+ result->Del(l);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result->Count())
+ {
+ // create episode file and adopt the result
+ files.Add(new cEpisodeFile(fileName, "", result));
+ // create new result object since cEpisodeFile adopted the current
+ result = new cList<cLine>;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case codeTransferEnd:
+ {
+ abort = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ result->Clear();
+ }
+ printf("Received %d episode files\n", files.Count());
+ files.storeToFile("./epl/");
+ files.storeToTable(episodeDb);
+ delete result;
+ cl.close();
+ return 0;
+// Update Map Table
+int updateChannelMap(cChannelMap* chanmap, const char* dbpath)
+ Table* mapDb;
+ int count = 0;
+ mapDb = new Table(connection, "channelmap", cChannelMapFields::fields);
+ if (mapDb->open() != success)
+ {
+ tell(0, "Could not access sqlite database %s for table %s", dbpath,
+ mapDb->TableName());
+ return fail;
+ }
+ mapDb->truncate();
+ tell(0, "Update map");
+ for (cChanMap::iterator iter = chanmap->chanmap.begin(); iter != chanmap->chanmap.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ const char* extid = iter->first;
+ tell(0, "Update map for extid %s", extid);
+ for (int index = 0; index < chanmap->GetChanCount(extid); index++)
+ {
+ mapDb->clear();
+ mapDb->setValue(cChannelMapFields::fiExtId, extid);
+ mapDb->setValue(cChannelMapFields::fiChannelId, chanmap->GetChanStr(extid, index));
+ mapDb->setValue(cChannelMapFields::fiSource, chanmap->isNull(extid) ? "epgdata" : "vdr");
+ mapDb->store();
+ tell(0, "insert '%s' to extid %s in map", chanmap->GetChanStr(extid, index), extid);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ tell(0, "Update channel map done with %d entries", count);
+ delete mapDb;
+ return success;
+// Main
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ int res;
+ if (argc < 1)
+ {
+ printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Table::setConfPath("./configs/epg2vdr");
+ cDbConnection::setHost("bauerl"); // #CKO
+ cDbConnection::setEncoding("utf8");
+ connection = new cDbConnection();
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Image Table Test
+ Table* imageDb = new Table(connection, "images", cImageFields::fields, cImageFields::views);
+ if (imageDb->open() != success)
+ {
+ printf("Opening database 'images' failed\n");
+ delete imageDb;
+ return 1;
+ }
+// imageDb->clear();
+// imageDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiEventId, 1212);
+// imageDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 0);
+// imageDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiName, "1212.jpg");
+// imageDb->store();
+ imageDb->clear();
+ imageDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 1); // limit to config
+ for (int res = imageDb->find(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn); res; res = imageDb->fetch(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn))
+ {
+ int eventid = imageDb->getIntValue(cImageFields::fiEventId);
+ const char* image = imageDb->getStrValue(cImageFields::fiName);
+ int lfn = imageDb->getIntValue(cImageFields::fiLfn);
+ char* destfile;
+ asprintf(&destfile, "./%s", image);
+ // get image if missing
+ if (!fileExists(destfile) && !imageDb->isNull(cImageFields::fiImage))
+ {
+ printf("Store image '%s' with %ld bytes\n",
+ destfile, imageDb->getStrValueSize(cImageFields::fiImage));
+ if (FILE* fh1 = fopen(destfile, "w"))
+ {
+ fwrite(imageDb->getStrValue(cImageFields::fiImage), 1,
+ imageDb->getStrValueSize(cImageFields::fiImage), fh1);
+ fclose(fh1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("can't write image to '%s', error was '%m'\n", destfile);
+ }
+ }
+ free(destfile);
+ }
+ imageDb->resetFetch(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn);
+ imageDb->clear();
+ imageDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 1); // limit to config
+// delete imageDb;
+// return 0;
+ for (int res = imageDb->find(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn); res; res = imageDb->fetch(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn))
+ {
+ int eventid = imageDb->getIntValue(cImageFields::fiEventId);
+ const char* image = imageDb->getStrValue(cImageFields::fiName);
+ int lfn = imageDb->getIntValue(cImageFields::fiLfn);
+ // if (lfn != 0) tell(0, "Got lfn %d from table, max is %d", lfn, EPG2VDRConfig.maximagesperevent);
+ char* destfile;
+ asprintf(&destfile, "./%s", image);
+ printf("Check for '%s'\n", destfile);
+ // import the images from the FS into the table
+ if (fileExists(destfile))
+ {
+ printf("Found '%s' import to database\n", destfile);
+ if (FILE* fh1 = fopen(destfile, "r"))
+ {
+ int size = 200000;
+ char* buf = (char*)calloc(size, sizeof(char));
+ size = fread(buf, 1, size, fh1);
+ if (size > 0 || size < 200000)
+ {
+ printf("Copy image '%s' with %d bytes to table\n", destfile, size);
+ imageDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiImage, buf, size);
+ imageDb->store();
+ }
+ free(buf);
+ fclose(fh1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tell(1, "Can't open image '%s', error was '%m'", destfile);
+ }
+ }
+ free(destfile);
+ }
+ imageDb->resetFetch(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn);
+ delete imageDb;
+ return 0;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Constabel Test
+ Table* episodesDb = new Table(connection, "episodes", cEpisodeFields::fields, cEpisodeFields::views);
+ if (episodesDb->open() != success)
+ {
+ printf("Opening database 'episodes' failed\n");
+ delete episodesDb;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // test insert ...
+ episodesDb->clear();
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiCompName, "TESTSERIE1");
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiCompPartName, "TESTSERIE");
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiEpisodeName, "PART1");
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiPartName, "part1");
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiLang, "de");
+ episodesDb->store();
+ episodesDb->clear();
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiCompName, "TESTSERIE1");
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiCompPartName, "TESTSERIE");
+ episodesDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiLang, "de");
+ if (episodesDb->find())
+ {
+ printf("Got: %s\n", episodesDb->getStrValue(cEpisodeFields::fiEpisodeName));
+ printf("Got: %s\n", episodesDb->getStrValue(cEpisodeFields::fiPartName));
+ }
+ downloadEpisodes(episodesDb);
+ // evaluateEpisodes(episodesDb, evtDb);
+ delete episodesDb;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Test Episodes Table ...
+ printf("\n----------------------------------\n");
+ Table* epiDb = new Table(connection, "episodes", cEpisodeFields::fields, cEpisodeFields::views);
+ if (epiDb->open() != success)
+ {
+ printf("Opening database 'episodes' failed\n");
+ delete epiDb;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int days = na;
+ epiDb->clear();
+ epiDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiCompName, "TESTSERIE");
+ epiDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiCompPartName, "TESTSERIE");
+ epiDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiEpisodeName, "test serie");
+ epiDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiPartName, "part1");
+ epiDb->setValue(cEpisodeFields::fiLang, "de");
+ epiDb->store();
+ epiDb->clear();
+ if (epiDb->find(cEpisodeFields::viMaxUpdSp))
+ {
+ printf("found - max updsp is (%ld)\n", epiDb->getIntValue(cEpisodeFields::fiMaxUpdSp));
+ if (epiDb->getIntValue(cEpisodeFields::fiMaxUpdSp))
+ days = (time(0) - epiDb->getIntValue(cEpisodeFields::fiMaxUpdSp)) / 60 / 60 / 24;
+ }
+ epiDb->resetFetch(cEpisodeFields::viMaxUpdSp);
+ printf("episodes have to get %d days\n", days);
+ delete epiDb;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Test EPG Table ...
+ printf("\n----------------------------------\n");
+ Table* db = new Table(connection, "events", cEventFields::fields, cEventFields::views);
+ if (db->open() != success)
+ {
+ printf("Opening database 'events' failed\n");
+ delete db;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiEventId, 4711);
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiSource, "epgdata");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiTitle, "Test Title");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle, "TESTTITLE");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiChannelId, "11");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCategory, "cat 11");
+ db->store();
+ db->clear();
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiEventId, 4712);
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiSource, "epgdata");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiShortText, "blablabla");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiTitle, "Test Title 12");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle, "TESTTITLE");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiChannelId, "11");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiFileRef, "test-1234");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCategory, "cat 12");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiLongDescription,
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
+ db->store();
+ db->clear();
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiEventId, 4713);
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiSource, "epgdata");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiTitle, "Test Title what the fuck ...");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiChannelId, "11");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiFileRef, "test-11111");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCategory, "cat 13");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle, "TESTTITLEWHATTHEFUCK");
+ db->store();
+ // fetch via view
+ printf("lookup events for channel 11 via lview\n");
+ db->clear();
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiChannelId, "11");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiSource, "epgdata");
+ for (res = db->find(cEventFields::viByChannel); res; res = db->fetch(cEventFields::viByChannel))
+ {
+ if (!db->find())
+ printf("FATAL!\n");
+ int id = db->getIntValue(cEventFields::fiEventId);
+ printf(" -> found event '%s'(%d) [%s] '%s'\n",
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiTitle),
+ id,
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle),
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiCategory));
+ if (!db->find(cEventFields::viVdr)) // perform select to load view fields
+ {
+ printf("Fatal can't lookup event %d\n", id);
+ continue;
+ }
+ db->resetFetch(cEventFields::viVdr);
+ }
+ db->resetFetch(cEventFields::viByChannel);
+ int count;
+ db->countWhere("source = 'epgdata'", count);
+ printf("source 'epgdata' -> %d\n", count);
+ db->countWhere("source = 'vdr'", count);
+ printf("source 'vdr' -> %d\n", count);
+ db->countWhere("", count);
+ printf("all events -> %d\n", count);
+ delete db;
+ return 0;
+ printf("\n");
+ // ---------------------------------
+ printf("lookup events by comptitle 'TESTTITLE' lview\n");
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle, "TESTTITLE");
+ for (int res = db->find(cEventFields::viByCompTitle); res;
+ res = db->fetch(cEventFields::viByCompTitle))
+ {
+ if (!db->find())
+ printf("FATAL!\n");
+ printf(" -> found (%ld) '%s' by comptitle [%s]\n",
+ db->getIntValue(cEventFields::fiEventId),
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiTitle),
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle));
+ }
+ db->resetFetch(cEventFields::viByCompTitle);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("lookup event by db-view\n");
+ db->clear();
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiEventId, 4712);
+ db->setValue(cEventFields::fiChannelId, "11");
+ if (db->find(cEventFields::viVdr))
+ {
+ if (!db->find())
+ printf("FATAL!\n");
+ int id = db->getIntValue(cEventFields::fiEventId);
+ printf(" -> found event '%s'(%d) [%s] '%s'\n",
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiTitle),
+ id,
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiCompTitle),
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiShortText)
+ );
+ printf(" -> [%s]\n",
+ db->getStrValue(cEventFields::fiDescription));
+ }
+ db->resetFetch(cEventFields::viVdr);
+ delete db;
+ return 0;
+ printf("----------------------------------\n");
+ // delete db;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Test Image Table ...
+ printf("\n----------------------------------\n");
+ Table* imgDb = new Table(connection, "images", cImageFields::fields, cImageFields::views);
+ if (imgDb->open() != success)
+ {
+ printf("Opening database 'images' failed\n");
+ delete imgDb;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiEventId, 4711);
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 0);
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiName, "ok 1");
+ imgDb->store();
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiEventId, 4711);
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 1);
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiName, "fail");
+ imgDb->store();
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiEventId, 4713);
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 0);
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiName, "ok 2");
+ imgDb->store();
+ // fetch via view
+ imgDb->clear();
+ imgDb->setValue(cImageFields::fiLfn, 1);
+ for (res = imgDb->find(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn); res; res = imgDb->fetch(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn))
+ {
+ int id = imgDb->getIntValue(cImageFields::fiEventId);
+ printf(" -> found image (%d) via view, name is '%s', lfn is (%ld)\n",
+ id, imgDb->getStrValue(cImageFields::fiName),
+ imgDb->getIntValue(cImageFields::fiLfn));
+ }
+ imgDb->resetFetch(cImageFields::viAllLessLfn);
+ printf("----------------------------------\n");
+ delete imgDb;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ return 0;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Test File Table ...
+ Table* fileDb = new Table(connection, "fileref", cFileRef::fields);
+ fileDb->open();
+ fileDb->setValue(cEventFields::fiName, "test");
+ if (fileDb->find())
+ printf("found with tag %s\n", fileDb->getStrValue(cFileRef::fiTag));
+ else
+ printf("NOT found\n");
+ fileDb->setValue(cFileRef::fiTag, "1234");
+ fileDb->setValue(cFileRef::fiFileRef, "test-1234");
+ fileDb->store();
+ delete fileDb;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ return 0;
+ // ------------------------------------------------
+ // Test XML parsing
+ xmlDocPtr xml = 0;
+ xml = xmlParseFile("test.xml");
+ if (!xml)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to parse test.xml\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ xmlNodePtr xmlRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml);
+ for (xmlNodePtr node = xmlRoot->xmlChildrenNode; node; node = node->next)
+ {
+ cDbRow* evt = 0;
+ char* prop = 0;
+ tEventID id;
+ // skip all unexpected elements
+ if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || strcmp((char*)node->name, "event") != 0)
+ continue;
+ // get/check id
+ if (!(prop = (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)"id")) || !*prop || !(id = atoi(prop)))
+ {
+ xmlFree(prop);
+ printf("Missing event id, ignoring!\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ xmlFree(prop);
+ // create event
+ evt = new cDbRow(cEventFields::fields);
+ evt->setValue(cEventFields::fiEventId, id);
+ evt->setValue(cEventFields::fiSource, "epgdata");
+ printf("event %ld\n", evt->getIntValue(cEventFields::fiEventId));
+ if (parseEvent(evt, node) != success)
+ delete evt;
+ }
+ xmlFreeDoc(xml);
+ return 0;