path: root/lib/epgservice.h
diff options
authorhorchi <>2017-03-05 16:39:28 +0100
committerhorchi <>2017-03-05 16:39:28 +0100
commite2a48d8701f91b8e24fbe9e99e91eb72a87bb749 (patch)
tree726f70554b4ca985a09ef6e30a7fdc8df089993c /lib/epgservice.h
git init1.1.103
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/epgservice.h')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/epgservice.h b/lib/epgservice.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63ed56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/epgservice.h
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+ * epgservice.h
+ *
+ * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __EPGSERVICE_H
+#define __EPGSERVICE_H
+#include <list>
+#include "common.h"
+#define EPG_PLUGIN_SEM_KEY 0x3db00001
+// Globals
+typedef unsigned long long tEventId;
+enum EpgServiceMisc
+ sizeMaxParameterValue = 150 // should match the field size in parameters table
+enum FieldFilter
+ ffAll = 0xFFFF,
+ ffEpgd = 1,
+ ffEpgHttpd = 2,
+ ffEpg2Vdr = 4,
+ ffScraper2Vdr = 8,
+ ffCount = 5
+struct FieldFilterDef
+ int filter;
+ const char* name;
+const char* toName(FieldFilter f);
+int toFieldFilter(const char* name);
+enum SearchFields
+ sfNone = 0, // off
+ sfTitle = 1,
+ sfFolge = 2,
+ sfDescription = 4
+enum SearchMode
+ smExact = 1,
+ smRegexp,
+ smLike,
+ smContained
+enum TimerNamingMode
+ tnmDefault = 0, // naming would done by VDR
+ // naming of following modes handled by an can 'configured' there
+ tnmAuto = 1, // autodetect if 'constabel', 'serie' or 'normal movie'
+ tnmConstabel = 2, // naming in constabel series style with season, number, ..
+ tnmSerie = 3, // series style, like Title/Subtitle
+ tnmCategorized = 4, // sorted in sub folders which are auto-named by category
+ tnmUser = 5, // user defined mode 'to be implemented in'
+ tnmTemplate = 6 // Templating mode
+enum RecordingState
+ rsFinished = 'F',
+ rsRecording = 'R',
+ rsDeleted = 'D'
+enum TimerState
+ tsUnknown = 'U',
+ tsPending = 'P',
+ tsRunning = 'R', // timer is recording
+ tsFinished = 'F',
+ tsDeleted = 'D',
+ tsError = 'E',
+ tsIgnore = '-' // ignore in timer menu -> already tooked 'any-VDR' timer
+const char* toName(TimerState s);
+enum TimerAction
+ taCreate = 'C',
+ taModify = 'M',
+ taAdjust = 'J',
+ taDelete = 'D',
+ taAssumed = 'A',
+ taFailed = 'F',
+ taReject = 'T'
+enum TimerType
+ ttRecord = 'R', // Aufnahme-Timer
+ ttView = 'V', // Umschalt-Timer
+ ttSearch = 'S' // Such-Timer
+const char* toName(TimerAction a, int nice = no);
+enum TimerDoneState
+ tdsTimerRequested = 'Q', // timer already requested by epgd/webif
+ tdsTimerCreated = 'C', // timer created by VDR
+ tdsTimerCreateFailed = 'f', // create/delete of timer failed by VDR
+ tdsRecordingDone = 'R', // Recording finished successfull
+ tdsRecordingFailed = 'F', // Recording failed
+ tdsTimerDeleted = 'D', // timer deleted by user
+ tdsTimerRejected = 'J' // timer rejected due to user action or timer conflict, ...
+enum UserMask
+ umNone = 0x0,
+ umNologin = 0x1, // the right without a session
+ umConfig = 0x2,
+ umConfigEdit = 0x4,
+ umConfigUsers = 0x8,
+ umFree1 = 0x10,
+ umFree2 = 0x20,
+ umTimer = 0x40,
+ umTimerEdit = 0x80,
+ umSearchTimer = 0x100,
+ umSearchTimerEdit = 0x200,
+ umFree3 = 0x400,
+ umFree4 = 0x800,
+ umFsk = 0x1000,
+ umFree5 = 0x2000,
+ umFree6 = 0x4000,
+ umRecordings = 0x8000,
+ umRecordingsEdit = 0x10000,
+ umAll = 0xFFFFFFFF & ~umNologin
+int hasUserMask(unsigned int rights, UserMask mask);
+// cEpgdState
+class cEpgdState
+ public:
+ enum State
+ {
+ esUnknown = na,
+ esInit,
+ esStandby,
+ esStopped,
+ // handler pause on this states!
+ esBusy,
+ esBusyEvents = esBusy,
+ esBusyMatch,
+ esBusyScraping,
+ // handler don't pause on this states!
+ esBusyImages,
+ esCount
+ };
+ static const char* toName(State s);
+ static State toState(const char* name);
+ static int isValid(State s) { return s > esUnknown && s < esCount; }
+ static const char* states[];
+typedef cEpgdState Es;
+// cEventState
+class cEventState
+ public:
+ enum State
+ {
+ // add to VDRs EPG => wird von allen VDR angezeigt
+ usActive = 'A', // => Aktiv
+ usLink = 'L', // => DVB Event welches auf ein externes zeigt
+ usPassthrough = 'P', // => Durchgeleitetes Event: vdr:000
+ // remove from VDRs EPG => Löschsignal wird an alle vdr gesendet
+ usChanged = 'C', // => war mal aktiv wurde jedoch später zum Target,seine eigene ID muss also aus dem epg gelöscht werden. C ist also eine Ausprägung von T
+ usDelete = 'D', // => Sender oder Providerseitig gelöscht
+ usRemove = 'R', // => von uns gelöscht weil wir uns für ein anderes Event entschieden haben, zB eins mit Bildern oder Serieninformationen.
+ // don't care for VDRs EPG => werden von den VDRs nicht beachtet und nicht mal gesehen.
+ usInactive = 'I', // => inaktiv
+ usTarget = 'T', // => verknüftes Event zum Link, wird unter seiner ID mithilfe des Link im vdr geführt
+ usMergeSpare = 'S' // => ersatzevent welches für Multimerge ur Verfügung steht
+ };
+ // get lists for SQL 'in' statements
+ static const char* getDeletable() { return "'A','L','P','R','I'"; } // epg plugins
+ static const char* getNeeded() { return "'A','L','P','C','D','R'"; } // epg2vdr
+ static const char* getVisible() { return "'A','L','P'"; } // epghttpd
+ // checks
+ static int isNeeded(char c) { return strchr("ALPCDR", c) != 0; } // epgd2vdr
+ static int isRemove(char c) { return strchr("CDR", c) != 0; } // epgd2vdr
+typedef cEventState Us; // remove later, not uses anymore
+// cUserTimes
+class cUserTimes
+ public:
+ enum Mode
+ {
+ mUnknown = na,
+ mNow,
+ mNext,
+ mTime,
+ mSearch
+ };
+ struct UserTime
+ {
+ UserTime(const char* strTime, const char* strTitle = 0)
+ {
+ highlighted = yes;
+ mode = mUnknown;
+ *hhmmStr = 0;
+ title = 0;
+ hhmm = 0;
+ search = 0;
+ setTime(strTime, strTitle);
+ }
+ UserTime(const UserTime& cp)
+ {
+ highlighted = cp.highlighted;
+ mode = cp.mode;
+ hhmm = cp.hhmm;
+ strcpy(hhmmStr, cp.hhmmStr);
+ title = strdup(cp.title);
+ search = ? strdup( : 0;
+ }
+ ~UserTime() { free(title); free(search); }
+ void setTime(const char* strTime, const char* strTitle)
+ {
+ hhmm = 0;
+ *hhmmStr = 0;
+ if (strTime[0] == '!')
+ {
+ highlighted = no;
+ strTime++;
+ }
+ if (strchr(strTime, ':'))
+ {
+ hhmm = atoi(strTime) * 100 + atoi(strchr(strTime, ':')+1);
+ sprintf(hhmmStr, "%02d:%02d", hhmm / 100, hhmm % 100);
+ mode = mTime;
+ }
+ else if (*strTime == '@')
+ {
+ highlighted = no;
+ if (strcmp(strTime, "@Now") == 0)
+ mode = mNow;
+ else if (strcmp(strTime, "@Next") == 0)
+ mode = mNext;
+ else
+ mode = mSearch;
+ }
+ // title
+ free(title);
+ title = 0;
+ if (!isEmpty(strTitle))
+ title = strdup(strTitle);
+ else if (!isEmpty(hhmmStr))
+ asprintf(&title, "%02d:%02d", hhmm / 100, hhmm % 100);
+ // search
+ if (*strTime == '@')
+ {
+ free(search);
+ search = strdup(strTime+1);
+ }
+ }
+ int getHHMM() const { return hhmm; }
+ const char* getHHMMStr() const { return hhmmStr; }
+ const char* getTitle() const { return title; }
+ const char* getSearch() const { return search; }
+ int getMode() const { return mode; }
+ const char* getHelpKey() const { return title; }
+ int isHighlighted() const { return highlighted; }
+ time_t getTime()
+ {
+ struct tm tmnow;
+ time_t now = time(0);
+ localtime_r(&now, &tmnow);
+ tmnow.tm_hour = hhmm / 100;
+ tmnow.tm_min = hhmm % 100;
+ tmnow.tm_sec = 0;
+ time_t ltime = mktime(&tmnow);
+ if (ltime < time(0)-tmeSecondsPerHour)
+ ltime += tmeSecondsPerDay;
+ return ltime;
+ }
+ int mode;
+ int highlighted;
+ char* title;
+ char* search;
+ int hhmm;
+ char hhmmStr[5+TB];
+ };
+ cUserTimes()
+ {
+ clear();
+ it = times.end();
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ times.clear();
+ }
+ void add(const char* strTime, const char* strTitle = 0)
+ {
+ UserTime ut(strTime, strTitle);
+ times.push_back(ut);
+ }
+ UserTime* first()
+ {
+ it = times.begin();
+ if (it == times.end())
+ return 0;
+ return &(*it);
+ }
+ UserTime* next()
+ {
+ if (it == times.end())
+ it = times.begin();
+ else
+ it++;
+ if (it == times.end())
+ it = times.begin();
+ return &(*it);
+ }
+ UserTime* getFirst()
+ {
+ std::list<UserTime>::iterator i;
+ i = times.begin();
+ return &(*i);
+ }
+ UserTime* getNext()
+ {
+ std::list<UserTime>::iterator i = it;
+ if (i == times.end())
+ i = times.begin();
+ else
+ i++;
+ if (i == times.end())
+ i = times.begin();
+ return &(*i);
+ }
+ UserTime* current() { return &(*it); }
+ private:
+ std::list<UserTime>::iterator it;
+ std::list<UserTime> times;
+// EPG Services
+#define EPG2VDR_UUID_SERVICE "epg2vdr-UuidService-v1.0"
+struct Epg2vdr_UUID_v1_0
+ const char* uuid;
+#define MYSQL_INIT_EXIT "Mysql_Init_Exit-v1.0"
+enum MysqlInitExitAction
+ mieaInit = 0,
+ mieaExit = 1
+struct Mysql_Init_Exit_v1_0
+ MysqlInitExitAction action;
+#endif // __EPGSERVICE_H