path: root/scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.c')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.c b/scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8060930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.c
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <jansson.h>
+#include "../../lib/curl.h"
+#include "../../tools/fuzzy.h"
+#include "../../tools/stringhelpers.h"
+#include "moviedbmovie.h"
+using namespace std;
+cMovieDbMovie::cMovieDbMovie(string json) {
+ this->json = json;
+ title = "";
+ originalTitle = "";
+ tagline = "";
+ overview = "";
+ backdropPath = "";
+ posterPath = "";
+ adult = false;
+ collectionID = 0;
+ collectionName = "";
+ collectionPosterPath = "";
+ collectionBackdropPath = "";
+ budget = 0;
+ revenue = 0;
+ genres = "";
+ homepage = "";
+ imdbid = "";
+ releaseDate = "";
+ runtime = 0;
+ popularity = 0.0;
+ voteAverage = 0.0;
+ currentActor = 0;
+ backdropWidth = 1280;
+ backdropHeight = 720;
+ posterWidth = 500;
+ posterHeight = 750;
+cMovieDbMovie::~cMovieDbMovie() {
+ for(std::vector<cMovieDBActor*>::const_iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); it++) {
+ delete *it;
+ }
+ actors.clear();
+void cMovieDbMovie::ParseJSON(void) {
+ cJsonLoader jMovie(json.c_str());
+ if (!jMovie.isObject()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ json_t *jTitle = jMovie.objectByName("title");
+ if(json_is_string(jTitle)) {
+ title = json_string_value(jTitle);;
+ }
+ json_t *jOriginalTitle = jMovie.objectByName("original_title");
+ if(json_is_string(jOriginalTitle)) {
+ originalTitle = json_string_value(jOriginalTitle);
+ }
+ json_t *jOverview = jMovie.objectByName("overview");
+ if(json_is_string(jOverview)) {
+ overview = json_string_value(jOverview);
+ }
+ json_t *jBackdrop = jMovie.objectByName("backdrop_path");
+ if(json_is_string(jBackdrop)) {
+ backdropPath = backdropBaseUrl + json_string_value(jBackdrop);
+ }
+ json_t *jPoster = jMovie.objectByName("poster_path");
+ if(json_is_string(jPoster)) {
+ posterPath = posterBaseUrl + json_string_value(jPoster);
+ }
+ json_t *jAdult = jMovie.objectByName("adult");
+ if(json_is_true(jAdult)) {
+ adult = true;
+ }
+ json_t *collection = jMovie.objectByName("belongs_to_collection");
+ if(json_is_object(collection)) {
+ json_t *colID = json_object_get(collection, "id");
+ if (json_is_integer(colID)) {
+ collectionID = (int)json_integer_value(colID);
+ }
+ json_t *colName = json_object_get(collection, "name");
+ if(json_is_string(jPoster)) {
+ collectionName = json_string_value(colName);
+ }
+ json_t *colPoster = json_object_get(collection, "poster_path");
+ if(json_is_string(colPoster)) {
+ collectionPosterPath = posterBaseUrl + json_string_value(colPoster);
+ }
+ json_t *colBackdrop = json_object_get(collection, "backdrop_path");
+ if(json_is_string(colBackdrop)) {
+ collectionBackdropPath = backdropBaseUrl + json_string_value(colBackdrop);
+ }
+ }
+ json_t *jBudget = jMovie.objectByName("budget");
+ if (json_is_integer(jBudget)) {
+ budget = (int)json_integer_value(jBudget);
+ }
+ json_t *aGenres = jMovie.objectByName("genres");
+ if(json_is_array(aGenres)) {
+ size_t numGenres = json_array_size(aGenres);
+ for (size_t res = 0; res < numGenres; res++) {
+ json_t *result = json_array_get(aGenres, res);
+ if (json_is_object(result)) {
+ json_t *jGenre = json_object_get(result, "name");
+ if(json_is_string(jGenre)) {
+ genres += json_string_value(jGenre);
+ if ((res+1) < numGenres)
+ genres += " | ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ json_t *jHomepage = jMovie.objectByName("homepage");
+ if(json_is_string(jHomepage)) {
+ homepage = json_string_value(jHomepage);
+ }
+ json_t *jIMDB = jMovie.objectByName("imdb_id");
+ if(json_is_string(jIMDB)) {
+ imdbid = json_string_value(jIMDB);
+ }
+ json_t *jPopularity = jMovie.objectByName("popularity");
+ if(json_is_real(jPopularity)) {
+ popularity = json_real_value(jPopularity);
+ }
+ json_t *jReleaseDate = jMovie.objectByName("release_date");
+ if(json_is_string(jReleaseDate)) {
+ releaseDate = json_string_value(jReleaseDate);
+ }
+ json_t *jRevenue = jMovie.objectByName("revenue");
+ if (json_is_integer(jRevenue)) {
+ revenue = (int)json_integer_value(jRevenue);
+ }
+ json_t *jRuntime = jMovie.objectByName("runtime");
+ if (json_is_integer(jRuntime)) {
+ runtime = (int)json_integer_value(jRuntime);
+ }
+ json_t *jVote = jMovie.objectByName("vote_average");
+ if(json_is_real(jVote)) {
+ voteAverage = json_real_value(jVote);
+ }
+ json_t *jTagline = jMovie.objectByName("tagline");
+ if(json_is_string(jTagline)) {
+ tagline = json_string_value(jTagline);
+ }
+int cMovieDbMovie::ParseJSONForMovieId(string movieSearchString) {
+ //convert searchstring to lower case
+ transform(movieSearchString.begin(), movieSearchString.end(), movieSearchString.begin(), ::tolower);
+ cJsonLoader root(json.c_str());
+ if (!root.isObject()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ json_t *results = root.objectByName("results");
+ if(!json_is_array(results)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ size_t numResults = json_array_size(results);
+ for (size_t res = 0; res < numResults; res++) {
+ json_t *result = json_array_get(results, res);
+ if (!json_is_object(result)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ json_t *title = json_object_get(result, "title");
+ if (!json_is_string(title)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ string resultTitle = json_string_value(title);
+ //convert result to lower case
+ transform(resultTitle.begin(), resultTitle.end(), resultTitle.begin(), ::tolower);
+ json_t *jId = json_object_get(result, "id");
+ if (json_is_integer(jId)) {
+ int id = (int)json_integer_value(jId);
+ searchResult sRes;
+ = id;
+ sRes.distance = sentence_distance(resultTitle, movieSearchString);
+ resultSet.push_back(sRes);
+ }
+ }
+ return FindBestResult();
+int cMovieDbMovie::FindBestResult(void) {
+ int resID = -1;
+ int bestMatch = -1;
+ int numResults = resultSet.size();
+ for (int i=0; i<numResults; i++) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ bestMatch = resultSet[i].distance;
+ resID = resultSet[i].id;
+ } else if (resultSet[i].distance < bestMatch) {
+ bestMatch = resultSet[i].distance;
+ resID = resultSet[i].id;
+ }
+ }
+ return resID;
+void cMovieDbMovie::ReadActors(void) {
+ stringstream url;
+ url << baseUrl << "/movie/" << id << "/casts?api_key=" << apiKey;
+ string actorsJSON;
+ if (curl.GetUrl(url.str().c_str(), &actorsJSON)) {
+ cMovieDbActors act(actorsJSON, actorBaseUrl);
+ act.ParseJSON(&actors);
+ }
+cMovieDBActor *cMovieDbMovie::GetActor(void) {
+ int numActors = actors.size();
+ if ((numActors < 1) || (currentActor >= numActors))
+ return NULL;
+ cMovieDBActor *act = actors[currentActor];
+ currentActor++;
+ return act;
+void cMovieDbMovie::Dump(void) {
+ cout << "-------------- MOVIE DUMP ---------------" << endl;
+ cout << "Title: " << title << endl;
+ cout << "Original Title: " << originalTitle << endl;
+ cout << "Tagline: " << tagline << endl;
+ cout << "Overview: " << overview << endl;
+ cout << "BackdropPath: " << backdropPath << endl;
+ cout << "PosterPath: " << posterPath << endl;
+ cout << "Adult: " << (adult?"true":"false") << endl;
+ if (!collectionID) {
+ cout << "Movie belongs not to a collection" << endl;
+ } else {
+ cout << "CollectionID: " << collectionID << endl;
+ cout << "Collection Name: " << collectionName << endl;
+ cout << "Collection BackdropPath: " << collectionBackdropPath << endl;
+ cout << "Collection PosterPath: " << collectionPosterPath << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "Budget: " << budget << "$" << endl;
+ cout << "Revenue: " << revenue << "$" << endl;
+ cout << "Genres: " << genres << endl;
+ cout << "Homepage: " << homepage << endl;
+ cout << "imdbID: " << imdbid << endl;
+ cout << "Release Date: " << releaseDate << endl;
+ cout << "Runtime: " << runtime << " min" << endl;
+ cout << "Popularity: " << popularity << endl;
+ cout << "Vote Average: " << voteAverage << endl;
+ int numActors = actors.size();
+ cout << "--------------------- " << numActors << " actors found -----------------" << endl;
+ for (int i=0; i<numActors; i++) {
+ actors[i]->Dump();
+ }