# # Makefile # # See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. # include Make.config TARGET = epgd HTTPTARGET = epghttpd HISTFILE = "HISTORY.h" BASELIBS = -lrt -lz -larchive -ldl -lcrypto -luuid BASELIBS += $(shell mysql_config --libs_r) $(shell python-config --libs) $(shell pkg-config --cflags --libs jansson) HLIB = -L./lib -lhorchi DLIBS = $(HLIB) $(BASELIBS) -lcurl $(shell xml2-config --libs) $(shell xslt-config --libs) -lexslt HTTPLIBS = $(HLIB) -lmicrohttpd $(BASELIBS) -lcurl $(shell xml2-config --libs) $(shell xslt-config --libs) -lexslt -ljpeg $(shell imlib2-config --libs) CFLAGS += $(shell mysql_config --include) VERSION = $(shell grep 'define _VERSION ' $(HISTFILE) | awk '{ print $$3 }' | sed -e 's/[";]//g') ARCHIVE = $(TARGET)-$(VERSION) LASTHIST = $(shell grep '^20[0-3][0-9]' $(HISTFILE) | head -1) LASTCOMMENT = $(subst |,\n,$(shell sed -n '/$(LASTHIST)/,/^ *$$/p' $(HISTFILE) | tr '\n' '|')) LASTTAG = $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0) BRANCH = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) GIT_REV = $(shell git describe --always 2>/dev/null) HLIBDEP = ./lib/libhorchi.a export DESTDIR ifdef GIT_REV DEFINES += -DGIT_REV='"$(GIT_REV)"' endif ifdef SYSD_NOTIFY ifdef SYSDLIB_210 BASELIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs libsystemd) else BASELIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs libsystemd-daemon) endif endif # object files OBJS += main.o update.o plugin.o epgdconfig.o channelmap.o series.o svdrpclient.o levenshtein.o episode.o OBJS += tvdbmanager.o moviedbmanager.o OBJS += tools/fuzzy.o tools/stringhelpers.o scraper/thetvdbscraper/thetvdbscraper.o OBJS += scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbseries.o scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.o OBJS += scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmedia.o scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbactor.o OBJS += scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbepisode.o OBJS += scraper/themoviedbscraper/themoviedbscraper.o scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.o OBJS += scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbactor.o HTTPOBJS += epgdconfig.o webstore.o webdo.o webauth.o webtools.o httpd.o svdrpclient.o # rules: all: hlib $(TARGET) $(HTTPTARGET) plugins lv eptest: eptest.c episode.c $(CC) $(DEFINES) eptest.c episode.c svdrpclient.c -L./lib -lhorchi $(DLIBS) -o eptst hlib: (cd lib && $(MAKE) lib) $(TARGET) : hlib $(OBJS) $(CC) -rdynamic $(OBJS) $(DLIBS) -o $@ $(HTTPTARGET) : hlib $(HTTPOBJS) $(CC) -rdynamic $(HTTPOBJS) $(HTTPLIBS) -o $@ lv: (cd epglv && $(MAKE)) clean: clean-plugins @-rm -f $(OBJS) $(HTTPOBJS) core* *~ */*~ *.so @-rm -f scraper/themoviedbscraper/*~ scraper/themoviedbscraper/*~ scraper/thetvdbscraper/*~ (cd epglv; $(MAKE) clean) rm -f $(TARGET) $(ARCHIVE).tgz rm -f $(HTTPTARGET) pytst rm -f last.json eptst (cd lib && $(MAKE) clean) dist: clean @-rm -rf $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @mkdir $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @cp -a * $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @tar czf $(ARCHIVE).tgz -C $(TMPDIR) $(ARCHIVE) @-rm -rf $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE) @echo Distribution package created as $(ARCHIVE).tgz install: install-epgd install-epglv install-epghttpd make install-$(INIT_SYSTEM) install-epgd: hlib $(TARGET) $(HTTPTARGET) install-scripts install-config install-plugins install -D $(TARGET) $(_BINDEST)/ install-epghttpd: install-http install -D $(HTTPTARGET) $(_BINDEST)/ install-epglv: (cd epglv; $(MAKE) install) install-none: install-upstart: cat contrib/epgd.conf | sed s:"<BINDEST>":"$(BINDEST)":g | sed s:"<PLGDEST>":"$(PLGDEST)":g | install -C -D /dev/stdin $(UPSTARTDEST)/epgd.conf chmod a+r $(UPSTARTDEST)/epgd.conf cat contrib/epghttpd.conf | sed s:"<BINDEST>":"$(BINDEST)":g | install -C -D /dev/stdin $(UPSTARTDEST)/epghttpd.conf chmod a+r $(UPSTARTDEST)/epghttpd.conf install-systemd: cat contrib/epgd.service | sed s:"<BINDEST>":"$(BINDEST)":g | sed s:"<AFTER>":"$(INIT_AFTER)":g | sed s:"<PLGDEST>":"$(PLGDEST)":g | install --mode=644 -C -D /dev/stdin $(SYSTEMDDEST)/epgd.service chmod a+r $(SYSTEMDDEST)/epgd.service cat contrib/epghttpd.service | sed s:"<BINDEST>":"$(BINDEST)":g | install --mode=644 -C -D /dev/stdin $(SYSTEMDDEST)/epghttpd.service chmod a+r $(SYSTEMDDEST)/epghttpd.service ifeq ($(DESTDIR),) systemctl daemon-reload endif cppchk: cppcheck --language=c++ --template="{file}:{line}:{severity}:{message}" --quiet --force *.c *.h \ scraper/thetvdbscraper/*.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/*.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/*.c scraper/themoviedbscraper/*.h \ tools/*.c tools/*.h #-------------------------------------------------------- # dependencies #-------------------------------------------------------- HEADER = lib/db.h lib/common.h lib/config.h epgd.h series.h svdrpclient.h lib/curl.h channelmap.o : channelmap.c $(HEADER) episode.o : episode.c $(HEADER) levenshtein.h levenshtein.o : levenshtein.c $(HEADER) levenshtein.h main.o : main.c $(HEADER) series.o : series.c $(HEADER) series.h levenshtein.h svdrpclient.o : svdrpclient.c $(HEADER) svdrpclient.h update.o : update.c $(HEADER) plugin.o : plugin.c $(HEADER) httpd.o : httpd.c $(HEADER) httpd.h webdo.o : webdo.c $(HEADER) httpd.h webauth.o : webauth.c $(HEADER) httpd.h webtools.o : webtools.c $(HEADER) httpd.h SCRHEADER = tools/stringhelpers.h lib/curl.h tvdbmanager.o : $(SCRHEADER) tvdbmanager.h tvdbmanager.c lib/epgservice.h lib/epgservice.c lib/db.h lib/db.c moviedbmanager.o : $(SCRHEADER) moviedbmanager.h moviedbmanager.c lib/epgservice.h lib/epgservice.c lib/db.h lib/db.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/thetvdbscraper.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/thetvdbscraper/thetvdbscraper.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/thetvdbscraper.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbseries.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbseries.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbseries.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbseries.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmedia.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbactor.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbepisode.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmedia.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmedia.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmedia.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbactor.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbactor.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbactor.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbepisodes.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbepisode.h scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbepisode.c scraper/thetvdbscraper/tvdbmirrors.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/themoviedbscraper.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/themoviedbscraper/themoviedbscraper.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/themoviedbscraper.c scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbactor.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbmovie.c scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbactor.h tools/fuzzy.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/ moviedbactors.o : $(SCRHEADER) scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbactor.h scraper/themoviedbscraper/moviedbactor.c tools/fuzzy.o : tools/fuzzy.h tools/fuzzy.c tools/stringhelpers.o : tools/stringhelpers.h tools/stringhelpers.c # ------------------------------------------------------ # Plugins # ------------------------------------------------------ plugins: @find $(PLGSRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "[a-z0-9]*" -exec \ $(MAKE) \-\-no-print-directory -C {} \; clean-plugins: @find $(PLGSRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "[a-z0-9]*" -exec \ $(MAKE) \-\-no-print-directory -C {} clean \; install-plugins: plugins mkdir -p "$(_PLGDEST)" for i in ${PLGSRCDIR}/*/Makefile; do\ grep -q "PLUGIN.*=" "$$i" || continue;\ i=`dirname $$i`;\ (cd "$$i" && $(MAKE) install);\ done; # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install # ------------------------------------------------------ install-scripts: if ! test -d $(_BINDEST); then \ mkdir -p "$(_BINDEST)" \ chmod a+rx $(_BINDEST); \ fi install -D ./scripts/epgd-*[!~] $(_BINDEST)/ install -D ./scripts/epgh-*[!~] $(_BINDEST)/ install -D ./scripts/epgsearchdone.pl $(_BINDEST)/ install-http: (cd "http/" && make install) install-config: if ! test -d $(CONFDEST); then \ mkdir -p $(CONFDEST); \ chmod a+rx $(CONFDEST); \ fi install --mode=644 -D ./configs/getupdflg.sql $(CONFDEST) install --mode=644 -D ./configs/getcrosslvr.sql $(CONFDEST) install --mode=644 -D ./configs/getlvrmin.sql $(CONFDEST) install --mode=644 -D ./configs/mergeepg.sql $(CONFDEST) install --mode=644 -D ./configs/reverseepg.sql $(CONFDEST) install --mode=644 -D ./configs/thetvdbview.sql $(CONFDEST) install --mode=644 -D ./configs/epg.dat $(CONFDEST) for i in ./configs/eventsview*.sql; do\ install --mode=644 -D "$$i" $(CONFDEST)/; \ done; if ! test -f $(CONFDEST)/epgd.conf; then \ install --mode=644 -D ./configs/epgd.conf $(CONFDEST)/; \ fi if ! test -f $(CONFDEST)/recording.py; then \ install --mode=644 -D ./configs/recording.py $(CONFDEST)/; \ else \ install --mode=644 -D ./configs/recording.py $(CONFDEST)/recording.py.dist; \ fi if ! test -f $(CONFDEST)/channelmap.conf; then \ install --mode=644 -D ./configs/channelmap.conf $(CONFDEST)/; \ fi # ------------------------------------------------------ # Git / Versioning / Tagging # ------------------------------------------------------ vcheck: git fetch if test "$(LASTTAG)" = "$(VERSION)"; then \ echo "Warning: tag/version '$(VERSION)' already exists, update HISTORY first. Aborting!"; \ exit 1; \ fi push: vcheck echo "tagging git with $(VERSION)" git push git tag $(VERSION) git push --tags commit: vcheck git commit -m "$(LASTCOMMENT)" -a git: commit push showv: @echo "Git ($(BRANCH)):\\n Version: $(LASTTAG) (tag)" @echo "Local:" @echo " Version: $(VERSION)" @echo " Change:" @echo -n " $(LASTCOMMENT)" upd: update update: git pull @make clean install systemctrl restart epgd systemctrl restart epghttpd