/* * epgdata.c * * See the README file for copyright information * */ #include <dirent.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "epgdata.h" //*************************************************************************** // Epgdata //*************************************************************************** Epgdata::Epgdata() : Plugin() { pxsltStylesheet = 0; stmtByFileRef = 0; stmtCleanDouble = 0; stmtMarkOldEvents = 0; selectByDate = 0; selectId = 0; pin = 0; timeout = 3 * tmeSecondsPerMinute; baseurl = strdup("http://www.epgdata.com"); } Epgdata::~Epgdata() { if (pxsltStylesheet) xsltFreeStylesheet(pxsltStylesheet); delete stmtByFileRef; delete selectByDate; delete stmtCleanDouble; delete stmtMarkOldEvents; free(baseurl); free(pin); } int Epgdata::init(cEpgd* aObject, int aUtf8) { Plugin::init(aObject, aUtf8); pxsltStylesheet = loadXSLT(getSource(), confDir, utf8); return done; } int Epgdata::initDb() { int status = success; // -------- // by fileref (for pictures) // select name from fileref // where source = ? and fileref = ? stmtByFileRef = new cDbStatement(obj->fileDb); stmtByFileRef->build("select "); stmtByFileRef->bind("NAME", cDBS::bndOut); stmtByFileRef->build(" from %s where ", obj->fileDb->TableName()); stmtByFileRef->bind("SOURCE", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); stmtByFileRef->bind("FILEREF", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); status += stmtByFileRef->prepare(); // --------------- // (for cleanup double) // select name from fileref // where source = ? order by name desc stmtCleanDouble = new cDbStatement(obj->fileDb); stmtCleanDouble->build("select "); stmtCleanDouble->bind("NAME", cDBS::bndOut); stmtCleanDouble->build(" from %s where ", obj->fileDb->TableName()); stmtCleanDouble->bind("SOURCE", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); stmtCleanDouble->build(" order by name desc"); status += stmtCleanDouble->prepare(); // --------- // select channelid, merge, mergesp from channelmap // where source = ? and extid = ? selectId = new cDbStatement(obj->mapDb); selectId->build("select "); selectId->bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndOut); selectId->bind("MERGESP", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectId->bind("MERGE", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectId->build(" from %s where ", obj->mapDb->TableName()); selectId->bind("SOURCE", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); selectId->bind("EXTERNALID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); status += selectId->prepare(); // --------- // select name, tag from filerf // where source = 'epgdata' // and name like ? valueName.setField(obj->fileDb->getField("NAME")); valueNameLike.setField(obj->fileDb->getField("NAME")); selectByDate = new cDbStatement(obj->fileDb); selectByDate->build("select "); selectByDate->bind(&valueName, cDBS::bndOut); selectByDate->bind("FILEREF", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByDate->build(" from %s where source = '%s' and ", obj->fileDb->TableName(), getSource()); selectByDate->bindCmp(0, &valueNameLike, "like"); status += selectByDate->prepare(); // // -------- // // update events set delflg = ?, updflg = ?, fileref = ?, updsp = ? // // where fileref = ? // // and source = ?; // // and updflg in (....) // valueFileRef.setField(obj->eventsDb->getField("FileRef")); // stmtSetDelByFileref = new cDbStatement(obj->eventsDb); // stmtSetDelByFileref->build("update %s set ", obj->eventsDb->TableName()); // stmtSetDelByFileref->bind("DelFlg", cDbService::bndIn |cDbService:: bndSet); // stmtSetDelByFileref->bind("UpdFlg", cDbService::bndIn |cDbService:: bndSet, ", "); // stmtSetDelByFileref->bind("FileRef", cDbService::bndIn | cDbService::bndSet, ", "); // stmtSetDelByFileref->bind("UpdSp", cDbService::bndIn | cDbService::bndSet, ", "); // stmtSetDelByFileref->build( " where "); // stmtSetDelByFileref->bind(&valueFileRef, cDbService::bndIn |cDbService:: bndSet); // stmtSetDelByFileref->bind("Source", cDbService::bndIn | cDbService::bndSet, " and "); // stmtSetDelByFileref->build(" and updflg in (%s)", Us::getDeletable()); // status += stmtSetDelByFileref->prepare(); // ---------- // update events // set updflg = case when updflg in (...) then 'D' else updflg end, // delflg = 'Y', // updsp = unix_timestamp() // where source = '...' // and (source, fileref) not in (select source,fileref from fileref) stmtMarkOldEvents = new cDbStatement(obj->eventsDb); stmtMarkOldEvents->build("update %s set ", obj->eventsDb->TableName()); stmtMarkOldEvents->build("updflg = case when updflg in (%s) then 'D' else updflg end, ", cEventState::getDeletable()); stmtMarkOldEvents->build("delflg = 'Y', updsp = unix_timestamp()"); stmtMarkOldEvents->build(" where source = '%s'", getSource()); stmtMarkOldEvents->build(" and (source, fileref) not in (select source,fileref from fileref)"); status += stmtMarkOldEvents->prepare(); // ---------- // if no epgdata entry in fileref read files from FS to table int count = 0; obj->fileDb->countWhere("source = 'epgdata'", count); if (!count) { char* path = 0; DIR* dir; dirent* dp; asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", EpgdConfig.cachePath, getSource()); chkDir(path); if (!(dir = opendir(path))) { tell(0, "Error: Opening cache path '%s' failed, %s", path, strerror(errno)); free(path); return fail; } while ((dp = readdir(dir))) { char* fileRef = 0; char* file = 0; char* tag = 0; struct stat sb; if (!strstr(dp->d_name, "_de_qy.zip")) continue; asprintf(&file, "%s/%s", path, dp->d_name); stat(file, &sb); free(file); asprintf(&tag, "%" PRId64, sb.st_size); asprintf(&fileRef, "%s-%s", dp->d_name, tag); // store file and let tag NULL to indicate that processing is needed obj->fileDb->clear(); obj->fileDb->setValue("NAME", dp->d_name); obj->fileDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); obj->fileDb->setValue("EXTERNALID", "0"); obj->fileDb->setValue("FILEREF", fileRef); obj->fileDb->store(); tell(1, "Added '%s' to table fileref", dp->d_name); free(fileRef); free(tag); } free(path); closedir(dir); } return success; } int Epgdata::exitDb() { delete stmtByFileRef; stmtByFileRef = 0; delete stmtCleanDouble; stmtCleanDouble = 0; delete selectByDate; selectByDate = 0; delete selectId; selectId = 0; delete stmtMarkOldEvents; stmtMarkOldEvents = 0; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // At Config Item //*************************************************************************** int Epgdata::atConfigItem(const char* Name, const char* Value) { if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Url")) { free(baseurl); baseurl = strdup(Value); } else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Pin")) { free(pin); pin = strdup(Value); } else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Timeout")) { timeout = atoi(Value); } else return fail; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Ready //*************************************************************************** int Epgdata::ready() { static int count = na; if (isEmpty(pin)) return no; if (count == na) { char* where; asprintf(&where, "source = '%s'", getSource()); if (obj->mapDb->countWhere(where, count) != success) count = na; free(where); } return count > 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Process Day //*************************************************************************** int Epgdata::processDay(int day, int fullupdate, Statistic* statistic) { char* directory = 0; char* fspath = 0; char* path = 0; // name of the zip file including the path int haveOneForThisDay = no; MemoryStruct data; int fileSize = 0; char* fileRef = 0; char* url = 0; char* logurl = 0; int load = yes; char* like = 0; int bSize = 0; char entryName[200+TB]; MemoryStruct uzdata; // char* oldFileRef = 0; int status; // path to zip files, url, .. asprintf(&directory, "%s/%s", EpgdConfig.cachePath, getSource()); chkDir(directory); asprintf(&url, "%s/index.php?action=sendPackage&iOEM=VDR&pin=%s&dayOffset=%d&dataType=xml", baseurl, pin, day); asprintf(&logurl, "%s/index.php?action=sendPackage&iOEM=VDR&pin=%s&dayOffset=%d&dataType=xml", baseurl, "insert-your-pin-here", day); // first get the http header data.clear(); data.headerOnly = yes; status = obj->downloadFile(url, fileSize, &data); if (status != success || isEmpty(data.name)) { tell(1, "Download header for day (%d) at '%s' failed, aborting, got name '%s', status was %d", day, logurl, data.name, status); status = fail; goto Exit; } tell(2, "Got info for day (%d), file '%s' with tag '%s'", day, data.name, data.tag); asprintf(&fileRef, "%s-%s", data.name, data.tag); asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", directory, data.name); // lookup file obj->fileDb->clear(); obj->fileDb->setValue("NAME", data.name); obj->fileDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); // 1:1 match ? obj->fileDb->find(); asprintf(&like, "%.8s_%%", data.name); valueNameLike.setValue(like); free(like); // check for update if (selectByDate->find()) { haveOneForThisDay = yes; // oldFileRef = strdup(obj->fileDb->getStrValue("FileRef")); } if (haveOneForThisDay && day >= EpgdConfig.upddays) { // don't check for update of existing files more than 'upddays' in the future tell(2, "Skipping update check of file '%s' for day %d", data.name, day); statistic->nonUpdates++; status = success; load = no; } else if (haveOneForThisDay && obj->fileDb->hasValue("FileRef", fileRef)) { tell(2, "Skipping download of day (%d) due to non-update", day); statistic->nonUpdates++; status = success; load = no; } if (!load && !obj->fileDb->getRow()->getValue("Tag")->isNull()) goto Exit; // not exist, update or not processed -> work // first check if we have it already on fs asprintf(&fspath, "%s/%s", directory, valueName.getStrValue()); if (!load && fileExists(fspath)) { tell(1, "File '%s' exist, loading from filesystem", fspath); obj->loadFromFs(&data, valueName.getStrValue(), getSource()); free(fileRef); free(path); path = strdup(fspath); asprintf(&fileRef, "%s-%s", valueName.getStrValue(), data.tag); obj->fileDb->clear(); obj->fileDb->setValue("NAME", valueName.getStrValue()); obj->fileDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); } free(fspath); if (load) { tell(0, "Download file: '%s' to '%s", logurl, data.name); data.clear(); if (obj->downloadFile(url, fileSize, &data, timeout) != success) { tell(0, "Download of day (%d) from '%s' failed", day, logurl); status = fail; goto Exit; } statistic->bytes += data.size; statistic->files++; // store zip to FS obj->storeToFs(&data, data.name, getSource()); } if (data.isEmpty()) goto Exit; // unzip ... uzdata.clear(); if (unzip(path, /*filter*/ ".xml", uzdata.memory, bSize, entryName) == success) { tell(0, "Processing file '%s' for day %d (%d/%d)", fileRef, day, haveOneForThisDay, load); uzdata.size = bSize; // store ? if (EpgdConfig.storeXmlToFs) obj->storeToFs(&uzdata, entryName, getSource()); // process file .. obj->connection->startTransaction(); if ((status = processFile(uzdata.memory, uzdata.size, fileRef)) != success) statistic->rejected++; if (!obj->dbConnected()) { status = fail; goto Exit; } // we can use this code instead of "stmtMarkOldEvents" !! // but we have to complete it like tvm plugin! // if (haveOneForThisDay && load && strcmp(oldFileRef, fileRef) != 0) // { // // mark 'old' entrys in events table as deleted // // and 'fake' fileref to new to avoid deletion at cleanup // tell(0, "Removing events of fileref '%s' for day %d", oldFileRef, day); // obj->eventsDb->clear(); // obj->eventsDb->setValue("DelFlg", "Y"); // obj->eventsDb->setValue("UpdFlg", "D"); // obj->eventsDb->setValue("FileRef", fileRef); // fake to new fileref // obj->eventsDb->setValue("UpdSp", time(0)); // obj->eventsDb->setValue("Source", getSource()); // valueFileRef.setValue(oldFileRef); // old fileref // stmtSetDelByFileref->execute(); // } // Confirm processing of file obj->fileDb->setValue("EXTERNALID", "0"); obj->fileDb->setValue("TAG", data.tag); obj->fileDb->setValue("FILEREF", fileRef); obj->fileDb->store(); obj->connection->commit(); } Exit: // free(oldFileRef); obj->fileDb->reset(); selectByDate->freeResult(); uzdata.clear(); free(url); free(logurl); free(fileRef); free(directory); free(path); return status; } //*************************************************************************** // Process File //*************************************************************************** int Epgdata::processFile(const char* data, int size, const char* fileRef) { xmlDocPtr transformedDoc; xmlNodePtr xmlRoot; int count = 0; if ((transformedDoc = obj->transformXml(data, size, pxsltStylesheet, fileRef)) == 0) { tell(0, "XSLT transformation for '%s' failed, ignoring", fileRef); return fail; } if (!(xmlRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(transformedDoc))) { tell(0, "Invalid xml document returned from xslt for '%s', ignoring", fileRef); return fail; } // DEBUG: xmlSaveFile("/tmp/test.xml", transformedDoc); for (xmlNodePtr node = xmlRoot->xmlChildrenNode; node && obj->dbConnected(); node = node->next) { char* prop = 0; tEventId eventid; char* extid = 0; // skip all unexpected elements if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || strcmp((char*)node->name, "event") != 0) continue; // get/check eventid if (!(prop = (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)"id")) || !*prop || !(eventid = atoll(prop))) { xmlFree(prop); tell(0, "Missing event id, ignoring!"); continue; } xmlFree(prop); // get/check provider id if (!(prop = (char*)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar*)"provid")) || !*prop || !atoi(prop)) { xmlFree(prop); tell(0, "Missing provider id, ignoring!"); continue; } extid = strdup(prop); xmlFree(prop); obj->mapDb->clear(); obj->mapDb->setValue("EXTERNALID", extid); obj->mapDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); free(extid); for (int f = selectId->find(); f; f = selectId->fetch()) { int insert; const char* channelId = obj->mapDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"); // create event .. obj->eventsDb->clear(); obj->eventsDb->setBigintValue("EVENTID", eventid); obj->eventsDb->setValue("CHANNELID", channelId); insert = !obj->eventsDb->find(); obj->eventsDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); obj->eventsDb->setValue("FILEREF", fileRef); // auto parse and set other fields obj->parseEvent(obj->eventsDb->getRow(), node); // ... time_t mergesp = obj->mapDb->getIntValue("MERGESP"); long starttime = obj->eventsDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME"); int merge = obj->mapDb->getIntValue("MERGE"); // store .. if (insert) { // handle insert obj->eventsDb->setValue("VERSION", 0xFF); obj->eventsDb->setValue("TABLEID", 0L); obj->eventsDb->setValue("USEID", 0L); if (starttime <= mergesp) obj->eventsDb->setCharValue("UPDFLG", cEventState::usInactive); else obj->eventsDb->setCharValue("UPDFLG", merge > 1 ? cEventState::usMergeSpare : cEventState::usActive); obj->eventsDb->insert(); } else { if (obj->eventsDb->hasValue("DELFLG", "Y")) obj->eventsDb->setValue("DELFLG", "N"); if (obj->eventsDb->hasValue("UPDFLG", "D")) { if (starttime <= mergesp) obj->eventsDb->setCharValue("UPDFLG", cEventState::usInactive); else obj->eventsDb->setCharValue("UPDFLG", merge > 1 ? cEventState::usMergeSpare : cEventState::usActive); } obj->eventsDb->update(); } obj->eventsDb->reset(); count++; } } selectId->freeResult(); xmlFreeDoc(transformedDoc); tell(2, "XML File '%s' processed, updated %d events", fileRef, count); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Create FS Name Of Picture // - caller has to free the result! //*************************************************************************** char* Epgdata::fsNameOfPicture(const char* imagename) { char* buffer = 0; if (const char* p = strstr(imagename, "://")) buffer = strdup(p+strlen("://")); else buffer = strdup(imagename); replaceChars(buffer, "<>:\"/\\:|?*", '_'); return buffer; } //*************************************************************************** // Get Picture //*************************************************************************** int Epgdata::getPicture(const char* imagename, const char* fileRef, MemoryStruct* data) { int fileSize = 0; int status; data->clear(); if (!imagename) { tell(0, "Error: No image url given, skipping image"); return 0; } tell(0, "Downloading image '%s'", imagename); status = obj->downloadFile(imagename, fileSize, data); if (status != success) { tell(0, "Error: downloading image from url '%s' failed", imagename); return 0; } return fileSize; } int Epgdata::cleanupAfter() { const char* ext = ".zip"; struct dirent* dirent; DIR* dir; char* pdir; int count = 0; char* last = 0; // cleanup *.zip in FS cache ... // remove old versions for each day obj->fileDb->clear(); obj->fileDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); for (int f = stmtCleanDouble->find(); f; f = stmtCleanDouble->fetch()) { const char* name = obj->fileDb->getStrValue("NAME"); if (last && strncmp(name, last, 8) == 0) { char* where; tell(1, "Remove old epgdata file '%s' from table", name); asprintf(&where, "name = '%s'", name); obj->fileDb->deleteWhere("%s", where); free(where); } free(last); last = strdup(name); } free(last); stmtCleanDouble->freeResult(); // mark wasted events (delflg, ...) stmtMarkOldEvents->execute(); // cleanup filesystem, remove files which not referenced in table asprintf(&pdir, "%s/%s", EpgdConfig.cachePath, getSource()); if (!(dir = opendir(pdir))) { tell(1, "Can't open directory '%s', '%s'", pdir, strerror(errno)); free(pdir); return done; } tell(1, "Starting cleanup of epgdata zip's in '%s'", pdir); free(pdir); while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) { // check extension if (strncmp(dirent->d_name + strlen(dirent->d_name) - strlen(ext), ext, strlen(ext)) != 0) continue; // lookup file obj->fileDb->clear(); obj->fileDb->setValue("NAME", dirent->d_name); obj->fileDb->setValue("SOURCE", getSource()); if (!obj->fileDb->find()) { asprintf(&pdir, "%s/%s/%s", EpgdConfig.cachePath, getSource(), dirent->d_name); if (!removeFile(pdir)) count++; free(pdir); } obj->fileDb->reset(); } closedir(dir); tell(1, "Cleanup finished, removed (%d) epgdata files", count); return success; } //*************************************************************************** extern "C" void* EPGPluginCreator() { return new Epgdata(); }