/* * channelmap.c * * See the README file for copyright information * */ #include <fstream> #include <string.h> #include "lib/common.h" #include "epgd.h" //*************************************************************************** // Load Channelmap //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::loadChannelmap() { ifstream cmfile; string s; size_t p; int line = 0; int count = 0; int status = success; char* path; enum ConfIndex { ciSource, ciExtid, ciMerge, ciVps, ciCount }; asprintf(&path, "%s/channelmap.conf", confDir); cmfile.open(path); if (cmfile.fail()) { tell(0, "Error reading '%s' %s!", path, strerror(errno)); free(path); return fail; } tell(0, "Loading '%s'", path); connection->startTransaction(); mapDb->clear(); cDbStatement updateFlag(mapDb); updateFlag.build("update %s set updflg = 'D'", mapDb->TableName()); updateFlag.prepare(); updateFlag.execute(); while (!cmfile.eof()) { char* left = 0; char* right = 0; char* extid = 0; char* source = 0; char* pc; int index; int vps = no; int merge = 1; getline(cmfile, s); line++; removeChars(s, " \f\n\r\t\v"); // remove comments p = s.find_first_of("//"); if (p != string::npos) s.erase(p); if (s.empty()) continue; // split line at '=' p = s.find_first_of("="); if ((p == string::npos) || !s.substr(p+1).length()) { tell(0, "Error parsing '%s' at line %d!", path, line); status = fail; break; } left = strdup(s.substr(0, p).c_str()); right = strdup(s.substr(p+1).c_str()); for (index = 0, pc = strtok(left, ":"); pc; pc = strtok(0, ":"), index++) { switch (index) { case ciSource: source = strdup(pc); break; case ciExtid: extid = strdup(pc); break; case ciMerge: merge = atoi(pc); break; case ciVps: vps = strchr("1yY", *pc) != 0; break; } } free(left); if (!right || !source || !extid) { tell(0, "Error: Syntax error in '%s' at line %d!", path, line); free(right); free(source); free(extid); status = fail; break; } // read channels separated by commas for (index = 0, pc = strtok(right, ","); pc; pc = strtok(0, ","), index++) { updateMapRow(extid, source, pc, merge, vps); count++; } free(right); free(source); free(extid); } connection->commit(); cmfile.close(); free(path); tell(0, "%d channel mappings read.", count); return status; } //*************************************************************************** // Update Map Row //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::updateMapRow(char* extid, const char* source, const char* chan, int merge, int vps) { int insert = no; int changed = 0; // updflg: // I - insert // U - updated // S - stay unchanged // D - no more used -> delete // force id of vdr source to 0 if (!isZero(extid) && strcmp(source, "vdr") == 0) { tell(1, "Force extid of for channel '%s' to 0, due to source 'vdr'", chan); free(extid); extid = strdup("0"); merge = 0; } else if (strcmp(source, "vdr") == 0) { merge = 0; } else if (isZero(extid) && strcmp(source, "vdr") != 0) { tell(1, "Ignoring config with empty extid for channel '%s', '%s'", chan, source); return fail; } // mapDb->clear(); mapDb->setValue("EXTERNALID", extid); mapDb->setValue("CHANNELID", chan); mapDb->setValue("SOURCE", source); // defaults mapDb->setValue("ORDER", 0); mapDb->setValue("VISIBLE", 3); // lookup insert = !mapDb->find(); if (insert) { // select by channelid ... // - to fill order an visible if (!selectMapOrdOf->find()) { if (selectMaxMapOrd->find()) mapDb->setValue("ORDER", mapDb->getIntValue("ORDER") + 1); } // visible and order was set by selectMapOrdOf selectMapOrdOf->freeResult(); selectMaxMapOrd->freeResult(); } mapDb->setValue("VPS", vps); if (!mapDb->hasValue("MERGE", (long)merge)) { changed++; mapDb->setValue("MERGE", merge); } if (changed || insert) { tell(1, "Channel '%s' %s, source '%s', extid %s, merge %d", chan, insert ? "inserted" : "updated", source, extid, merge); mapDb->setValue("MERGESP", 0L); // reset mergesp! mapDb->setValue("UPDFLG", insert ? "I" : "U"); // force initial check if (!EpgdConfig.checkInitial) { tell(1, "At least one channelmap change detected, force initial check!"); EpgdConfig.checkInitial = yes; } } else { mapDb->setValue("UPDFLG", "S"); } mapDb->store(); mapDb->reset(); return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Apply Channelmap Changes to Events //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::applyChannelmapChanges() { connection->startTransaction(); mapDb->clear(); for (int f = selectAllMap->find(); f; f = selectAllMap->fetch()) { char flg = mapDb->getStrValue("UpdFlg")[0]; // remove all fileref entrys for deleted 'D', updated 'U' or inserted 'I' // channelmap rows if (flg == 'U' || flg == 'D' || flg == 'I') { tell(1, "Removing fileref and event entrys for channel '%s' " "(extid %s) of '%s' due to channelmap change (%c)", mapDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"), mapDb->getStrValue("EXTERNALID"), mapDb->getStrValue("SOURCE"), flg); if (!isZero(mapDb->getStrValue("EXTERNALID"))) { // delete coresponding fileref entrys fileDb->deleteWhere("extid = '%s' and source = '%s'", mapDb->getStrValue("EXTERNALID"), mapDb->getStrValue("SOURCE")); } // delete events eventsDb->deleteWhere("channelid = '%s' and source = '%s'", mapDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"), mapDb->getStrValue("SOURCE")); } } selectAllMap->freeResult(); // now delete wasted map entries mapDb->deleteWhere("updflg = 'D'"); connection->commit(); return done; }