// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Dictionary for EPG Daemon and related Plugins
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Events
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table events
   EVENTID              ""                                                   eventid              UBigInt      0 Primary,
   CHANNELID            ""                                                   channelid            Ascii       50 Primary,

   MASTERID             ""                                                   masterid             UInt         0 Autoinc,
   USEID                ""                                                   useid                UInt         0 Data,

   SOURCE               ""                                                   source               Ascii       10 Meta,
   FILEREF              ""                                                   fileref              Ascii      100 Meta,
   INSSP                ""                                                   inssp                Int         10 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                                                   updsp                Int         10 Meta,
   UPDFLG               ""                                                   updflg               Ascii        1 Meta,
   DELFLG               ""                                                   delflg               Ascii        1 Meta,

   TABLEID              ""                                                   tableid              Int          2 Data,
   VERSION              ""                                                   version              Int          3 Data,
   TITLE                ""                                                   title                Ascii      200 Data,
   COMPTITLE            ""                                                   comptitle            Ascii      200 Data,
   SHORTTEXT            ""                                                   shorttext            Ascii      300 Data,
   COMPSHORTTEXT        ""                                                   compshorttext        Ascii      300 Data,
   LONGDESCRIPTION      ""                                                   longdescription      MText    25000 Data,
   COMPLONGDESCRIPTION  ""                                                   complongdescription  MText    25000 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   STARTTIME            ""                                                   starttime            Int         10 Data,
   DURATION             ""                                                   duration             Int          5 Data,
   PARENTALRATING       ""                                                   parentalrating       Int          2 Data,
   VPS                  ""                                                   vps                  Int         10 Data,
   CONTENTS             "Genre code like table 28 of ETSI EN 300 468"        contents             ASCII      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   SHORTDESCRIPTION     ""                                                   shortdescription     MText     3000 Data,
   ACTOR                ""                                                   actor                MText     5000 Data,
   AUDIO                ""                                                   audio                Ascii       50 Data,
   CATEGORY             ""                                                   category             Ascii       50 Data,
   COUNTRY              ""                                                   country              Ascii       50 Data,
   DIRECTOR             ""                                                   director             Text      1000 Data,
   COMMENTATOR          ""                                                   commentator          Ascii      200 Data,
   FLAGS                ""                                                   flags                Ascii      100 Data,
   GENRE                ""                                                   genre                Ascii      100 Data,
   MUSIC                ""                                                   music                Ascii      250 Data,
   PRODUCER             ""                                                   producer             Text      1000 Data,
   SCREENPLAY           ""                                                   screenplay           Ascii      500 Data,
   SHORTREVIEW          ""                                                   shortreview          Ascii      500 Data,
   TIPP                 ""                                                   tipp                 Ascii      250 Data,
   TOPIC                ""                                                   topic                Ascii     1000 Data,
   YEAR                 ""                                                   year                 Ascii       10 Data,
   RATING               ""                                                   rating               Ascii      250 Data,
   NUMRATING            ""                                                   numrating            Int          2 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   TXTRATING            ""                                                   txtrating            Ascii      100 Data,
   MOVIEID              ""                                                   movieid              Ascii       20 Data,
   MODERATOR            ""                                                   moderator            Ascii      250 Data,
   OTHER                ""                                                   other                Text      2000 Data,
   GUEST                ""                                                   guest                Text      1000 Data,
   CAMERA               ""                                                   camera               Text      1000 Data,
   EXTEPNUM             ""                                                   extepnum             Int          4 Data,
   IMAGECOUNT           ""                                                   imagecount           Int          2 Data,

   EPISODECOMPNAME      ""                                                   episodecompname      Ascii      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME ""                                                   episodecompshortname Ascii      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODECOMPPARTNAME  ""                                                   episodecomppartname  Ascii      200 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODELANG          ""                                                   episodelang          Ascii       10 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,

   SCRSERIESID          ""                                                   scrseriesid          Int          0 Data,
   SCRSERIESEPISODE     ""                                                   scrseriesepisode     Int          0 Data,
   SCRMOVIEID           ""                                                   scrmovieid           Int          0 Data,
   SCRSP                ""                                                   scrsp                Int          0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Events
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index events
   comptitle            ""  COMPTITLE,
   source               ""  SOURCE,
   filerefsource        ""  FILEREF SOURCE,
   channelid            ""  CHANNELID,
   useid                ""  USEID,
   useidchannelid       ""  USEID CHANNELID,
   updflgupdsp          ""  UPDFLG UPDSP,
   sourcechannelid      ""  SOURCE CHANNELID,
   scrsp                ""  SCRSP,
   sourceupdsp          ""  SOURCE UPDSP,
   scrseriesid          ""  SCRSERIESID,
   channelidstarttime   ""  CHANNELID STARTTIME,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table components
   EVENTID              ""  eventid              UBigInt      0 Primary,
   CHANNELID            ""  channelid            Ascii       50 Primary,
   STREAM               ""  stream               Int          3 Primary,
   TYPE                 ""  type                 Int          3 Primary,
   LANG                 ""  lang                 Ascii        8 Primary,
   DESCRIPTION          ""  description          Ascii      100 Primary,
   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table FileRef
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table fileref
   NAME                 ""  name                 Ascii      100 Primary,
   SOURCE               ""  source               Ascii       10 Primary,
   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,
   EXTERNALID           ""  extid                Ascii       10 Data,
   FILEREF              ""  fileref              Ascii      100 Data,
   TAG                  ""  tag                  Ascii      100 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for FileRefs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index filerefs
   SourceFileref        ""  SOURCE FILEREF,
   Fileref              ""  FILEREF,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table ImageRefs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table imagerefs
   EVENTID              ""  eventid              UBigInt      0 Primary,
   LFN                  ""  lfn                  Int          0 Primary,
   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,
   SOURCE               ""  source               Ascii       10 Meta,
   FILEREF              ""  fileref              Ascii      100 Data,
   IMGNAME              ""  imagename            Ascii      100 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for ImageRefs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index imagerefs
   lfn                  ""  LFN,
   name                 ""  IMGNAME,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Images
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table images
   IMGNAME              ""  imagename            Ascii      100 Primary,
   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,
   IMAGE                ""  image                Mlob    512000 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Episodes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table episodes
   COMPNAME             ""  compname             Ascii      100 Primary,
   COMPPARTNAME         ""  comppartname         Ascii      200 Primary,
   LANG                 ""  lang                 Ascii       10 Primary,

   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,

   LINK                 ""  link                 Int          0 Data,
   SHORTNAME            ""  shortname            Ascii      100 Data,
   COMPSHORTNAME        ""  compshortname        Ascii      100 Data,
   EPISODENAME          ""  episodename          Ascii      100 Data,
   PARTNAME             ""  partname             Ascii      300 Data,
   SEASON               ""  season               Int          0 Data,
   PART                 ""  part                 Int          0 Data,
   PARTS                ""  parts                Int          0 Data,
   NUMBER               ""  number               Int          0 Data,
   EXTRACOL1            ""  extracol1            Ascii      250 Data,
   EXTRACOL2            ""  extracol2            Ascii      250 Data,
   EXTRACOL3            ""  extracol3            Ascii      250 Data,
   COMMENT              ""  comment              Ascii      250 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Episodes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index episodes
   updsp                ""  UPDSP,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table ChannelMap
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table channelmap
   EXTERNALID           ""  extid                Ascii       10 Primary,
   CHANNELID            ""  channelid            Ascii       50 Primary,
   SOURCE               ""  source               Ascii       20 Primary,

   ORDER                ""  ord                  Int          0 Data,
   VISIBLE              ""  visible              Int          0 Data,
   CHANNELNAME          ""  channelname          Ascii      100 Data,
   VPS                  ""  vps                  Int          0 Data,
   FORMAT               ""  format               Ascii       50 Data,
   UNKNOWNATVDR         ""  unknownatvdr         UInt         1 Data,
   MERGE                ""  merge                Int          0 Data,
   MERGESP              ""  mergesp              Int          0 Data,
   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDFLG               ""  updflg               Ascii        1 Meta,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for ChannelMap
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index channelmap
   sourceExtid          ""  SOURCE EXTERNALID,
   source               ""  SOURCE,
   updflg               ""  UPDFLG,
   sourcechannelid      ""  SOURCE CHANNELID,
   mergesp              ""  MERGESP,
   channelid            ""  CHANNELID,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Vdrs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table vdrs
   UUID                 ""  uuid                 Ascii       40 Primary,

   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,

   NAME                 ""  name                 Ascii      100 Data,
   VERSION              ""  version              Ascii      100 Data,
   DBAPI                ""  dbapi                UInt         0 Data,
   LASTUPDATE           ""  lastupd              Int          0 Data,
   NEXTUPDATE           ""  nextupd              Int          0 Data,
   LASTMERGE            ""  lastmerge            Int          0 Data,
   STATE                ""  state                Ascii       20 Data,
   MASTER               ""  master               Ascii        1 Data,
   IP                   ""  ip                   Ascii       20 Data,
   MAC                  ""  mac                  Ascii       18 Data,
   PID                  ""  pid                  UInt         0 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   SVDRP                ""  svdrp                UInt         0 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   OSD2WEBP             ""  osd2webp             UInt         0 Data,
   TUNERCOUNT           ""  tunercount           UInt         0 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,

   SHAREINWEB           ""  shareinweb           UInt         1 Data,
   USECOMMONRECFOLDER   ""  usecommonrecfolder   UInt         1 Data,

   VIDEODIR             ""  videodir             Ascii      300 Data,
   VIDEOTOTAL           ""  videototal           UInt         0 Data,
   VIDEOFREE            ""  videofree            UInt         0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Vdrs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index vdrs
   state                ""  STATE,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Users
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table users
   USER                 ""                           user      Ascii   40 Primary,

   INSSP                ""                           inssp     Int      0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                           updsp     Int      0 Meta,

   PASSWD               ""                           passwd    Ascii  100 Data,
   ACTIVE               ""                           active    Int      1 Data,
   RIGHTS               ""                           rights    UInt     0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Parameters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table parameters
   OWNER                ""                                     owner    Ascii     40 Primary,
   NAME                 ""                                     name     Ascii     40 Primary,
   INSSP                ""                                     inssp    Int        0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                                     updsp    Int        0 Meta,
   VALUE                ""                                     value    Ascii    500 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Analyse
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table analyse
   CHANNELID            ""  channelid            Ascii       50 Primary,
   VDRMASTERID          ""  vdr_masterid         UInt         0 Data,
   VDREVENTID           ""  vdr_eventid          UBigInt      0 Primary,
   VDRSTARTTIME         ""  vdr_starttime        Int         10 Data,
   VDRDURATION          ""  vdr_duration         Int          5 Data,
   VDRTITLE             ""  vdr_title            Ascii      200 Data,
   VDRSHORTTEXT         ""  vdr_shorttext        Ascii      300 Data,
   EXTMASTERID          ""  ext_masterid         UInt         0 Data,
   EXTEVENTID           ""  ext_eventid          UBigInt       0 Data,
   EXTSTARTTIME         ""  ext_starttime        Int         10 Data,
   EXTDURATION          ""  ext_duration         Int          5 Data,
   EXTTITLE             ""  ext_title            Ascii      200 Data,
   EXTSHORTTEXT         ""  ext_shorttext        Ascii      300 Data,
   EXTEPISODE           ""  ext_episode          Ascii        1 Data,
   EXTMERGE             ""  ext_merge            Int         11 Data,
   EXIIMAGES            ""  ext_images           Ascii        1 Data,
   LVMIN                ""  lvmin                Int          3 Data,
   RANK                 ""  rank                 Int          5 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Analyse
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index analyse
   vdr_masterid         ""  VDRMASTERID,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Snapshot
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table snapshot
   CHANNELID            ""  channelid            Ascii       50 Data,
   SOURCE               ""  source               Ascii       10 Data,
   VDRMASTERID          ""  masterid             UInt         0 Data,
   EVENTID              ""  eventid              UBigInt      0 Data,
   USEID                ""  useid                UInt         0 Data,
   STARTTIME            ""  starttime            Int         10 Data,
   DURATION             ""  duration             Int          5 Data,
   TITLE                ""  title                Ascii      200 Data,
   COMPTITLE            ""  comptitle            Ascii      200 Data,
   SHORTTEXT            ""  shorttext            Ascii      300 Data,
   COMPSHORTTEXT        ""  compshorttext        Ascii      300 Data,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int         10 Data,
   EPISODE              ""  episode              Ascii        1 Data,
   MERGE                ""  merge                Int          0 Data,
   IMAGES               ""  images               Ascii        1 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Snapshot
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index snapshot
   channelid            ""  CHANNELID,
   starttimeSource      ""  STARTTIME SOURCE,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table UseEvents
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table useevents
   CNTSOURCE               ""                                               cnt_source                    Ascii     10 Primary,
   CHANNELID               ""                                               cnt_channelid                 Ascii     50 Primary,
   CNTEVENTID              ""                                               cnt_eventid                   UBigInt    0 Primary|Meta,

   MASTERID                ""                                               cnt_masterid                  UInt       0 Data|Meta,
   USEID                   ""                                               cnt_useid                     UInt       0 Data,

   SUBSOURCE               ""                                               sub_source                    Ascii     10 Data|Meta,
   SUBEVENTID              ""                                               sub_eventid                   UBigInt    0 Data|Meta,
   UPDSP                   ""                                               all_updsp                     Int        0 Data,
   UPDFLG                  ""                                               cnt_updflg                    Ascii      1 Data|Meta,
   DELFLG                  ""                                               cnt_delflg                    Ascii      1 Data,
   FILEREF                 ""                                               cnt_fileref                   Ascii    100 Data,
   TABLEID                 ""                                               cnt_tableid                   Int        2 Data,
   VERSION                 ""                                               cnt_version                   Int        3 Data,
   TITLE                   ""                                               sub_title                     Ascii    200 Data,
   SHORTTEXT               ""                                               sub_shorttext                 Ascii    300 Data,
   COMPTITLE               ""                                               sub_comptitle                 Ascii    200 Data,
   COMPSHORTTEXT           ""                                               sub_compshorttext             Ascii    300 Data,
   GENRE                   ""                                               sub_genre                     Ascii    100 Data,
   COUNTRY                 ""                                               sub_country                   Ascii     50 Data,
   YEAR                    ""                                               sub_year                      Ascii     10 Data,
   STARTTIME               ""                                               cnt_starttime                 Int       10 Data,
   DURATION                ""                                               cnt_duration                  Int        5 Data,
   PARENTALRATING          ""                                               cnt_parentalrating            Int        2 Data,
   VPS                     ""                                               cnt_vps                       Int       10 Data,
   CONTENTS                "Genre code like table 28 of ETSI EN 300 468"    cnt_contents                  ASCII    100 Data,
   CATEGORY                ""                                               sub_category                  Ascii     50 Data,
   SHORTDESCRIPTION        ""                                               sub_shortdescription          MText   3000 Data,
   SHORTREVIEW             ""                                               sub_shortreview               Ascii    500 Data,
   TIPP                    ""                                               sub_tipp                      Ascii    250 Data,
   RATING                  ""                                               sub_rating                    Ascii    250 Data,
   NUMRATING               ""                                               sub_numrating                 Int        2 Data,
   TXTRATING               ""                                               sub_txtrating                 Ascii    100 Data,
   TOPIC                   ""                                               sub_topic                     Ascii   1000 Data,
   LONGDESCRIPTION         ""                                               sub_longdescription           MText  25000 Data,
   COMPLONGDESCRIPTION     ""                                               sub_complongdescription       MText  25000 Data,
   CNTLONGDESCRIPTION      ""                                               cnt_longdescription           MText  25000 Data,
   MODERATOR               ""                                               sub_moderator                 Ascii    250 Data,
   GUEST                   ""                                               sub_guest                     Text    1000 Data,
   ACTOR                   ""                                               sub_actor                     MText   5000 Data,
   PRODUCER                ""                                               sub_producer                  Text    1000 Data,
   OTHER                   ""                                               sub_other                     Text    2000 Data,
   DIRECTOR                ""                                               sub_director                  Text    1000 Data,
   COMMENTATOR            ""                                                sub_commentator               Ascii    200 Data,
   SCREENPLAY              ""                                               sub_screenplay                Ascii    500 Data,
   CAMERA                  ""                                               sub_camera                    Text    1000 Data,
   MUSIC                   ""                                               sub_music                     Ascii    250 Data,
   AUDIO                   ""                                               sub_audio                     Ascii     50 Data,
   FLAGS                   ""                                               sub_flags                     Ascii    100 Data,
   IMAGECOUNT              ""                                               sub_imagecount                Int        2 Data,

   SCRSERIESID             ""                                               sub_scrseriesid               Int        0 Data,
   SCRSERIESEPISODE        ""                                               sub_scrseriesepisode          Int        0 Data,
   SCRMOVIEID              ""                                               sub_scrmovieid                Int        0 Data,
   SCRSP                   ""                                               sub_scrsp                     Int        0 Data|Meta,

   EPISODECOMPNAME         ""                                               sub_episodecompname           Ascii    100 Data,
   EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME    ""                                               sub_episodecompshortname      Ascii    100 Data,
   EPISODECOMPPARTNAME     ""                                               sub_episodecomppartname       Ascii    200 Data,

   EPISODENAME             ""                                               epi_episodename               Ascii    100 Data,
   EPISODESHORTNAME        ""                                               epi_shortname                 Ascii    100 Data,
   EPISODEPARTNAME         ""                                               epi_partname                  Ascii    300 Data,
   EPISODELANG             ""                                               epi_lang                      Ascii     10 Data,
   EPISODEEXTRACOL1        ""                                               epi_extracol1                 Ascii    250 Data,
   EPISODEEXTRACOL2        ""                                               epi_extracol2                 Ascii    250 Data,
   EPISODEEXTRACOL3        ""                                               epi_extracol3                 Ascii    250 Data,
   EPISODESEASON           ""                                               epi_season                    Int        0 Data,
   EPISODEPART             ""                                               epi_part                      Int        0 Data,
   EPISODEPARTS            ""                                               epi_parts                     Int        0 Data,
   EPISODENUMBER           ""                                               epi_number                    Int        0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for UseEvents
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index useevents
   channelidstarttime       ""  CHANNELID STARTTIME,
   useid                    ""  USEID,
   channelidupdflgupdsp     ""  CHANNELID UPDFLG UPDSP,
   channelid                ""  CHANNELID,
   updflgstarttimeduration  ""  UPDSP STARTTIME DURATION,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Recording List
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table recordinglist
   MD5PATH              ""            md5path          Ascii       40 Primary,
   STARTTIME            ""            starttime        UInt         0 Primary,
   OWNER                "uuid of vdr" owner            Ascii       40 Primary,

   INSSP                ""            inssp            Int         10 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""            updsp            Int         10 Meta,
   LASTIFOUPD           ""            lastifoupd       Int         10 Meta,

   VDRUUID              ""            vdruuid          Ascii       40 Data,
   PATH                 ""            path             Ascii     1000 Data,
   NAME                 ""            name             Ascii     1000 Data,
   FOLDER               ""            folder           Ascii     1000 Data,
   TITLE                ""            title            Ascii      200 Data,
   SHORTTEXT            ""            shorttext        Ascii      300 Data,
   LONGDESCRIPTION      ""            longdescription  MText    25000 Data,
   DURATION             ""            duration         UInt         0 Data,
   FSK                  ""            fsk              UInt         1 Data,

   EVENTID              "useid"       eventid          UInt         0 Data,
   CHANNELID            ""            channelid        Ascii       50 Data,
   CHANNELNAME          "just a copy" channelname      Ascii      100 Data,

   STATE                ""            state            Ascii        1 Data,
   INUSE                ""            inuse            UInt         1 Data,
   JOB                  ""            job              Ascii        1 Data,

   // enriched by 'external' data of events

   ACTOR                ""            actor           MText     5000 Data,
   AUDIO                ""            audio           Ascii       50 Data,
   CATEGORY             ""            category        Ascii       50 Data,
   COUNTRY              ""            country         Ascii       50 Data,
   DIRECTOR             ""            director        Text      1000 Data,
   FLAGS                ""            flags           Ascii      100 Data,
   GENRE                ""            genre           Ascii      100 Data,
   MUSIC                ""            music           Ascii      250 Data,
   PRODUCER             ""            producer        Text      1000 Data,
   SCREENPLAY           ""            screenplay      Ascii      500 Data,
   SHORTREVIEW          ""            shortreview     Ascii      500 Data,
   TIPP                 ""            tipp            Ascii      250 Data,
   TOPIC                ""            topic           Ascii     1000 Data,
   YEAR                 ""            year            Ascii       10 Data,
   RATING               ""            rating          Ascii      250 Data,
   NUMRATING            ""            numrating       Int          2 Data,
   TXTRATING            ""            txtrating       Ascii      100 Data,
   MODERATOR            ""            moderator       Ascii      250 Data,
   OTHER                ""            other           Text      2000 Data,
   GUEST                ""            guest           Text      1000 Data,
   CAMERA               ""            camera          Text      1000 Data,

   // episode reference

   EPISODECOMPNAME      ""            episodecompname      Ascii      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME ""            episodecompshortname Ascii      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODECOMPPARTNAME  ""            episodecomppartname  Ascii      200 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODELANG          ""            episodelang          Ascii       10 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,

   // scraper fields
   // IDs found while scraping (reference to scraper tables), managed by epgd

   SCRSERIESID          ""            scrseriesid       UInt         0 Data,
   SCRSERIESEPISODE     ""            scrseriesepisode  UInt         0 Data,
   SCRMOVIEID           ""            scrmovieid        UInt         0 Data,

   // this fields are written by the scraper plugin,
   //    the id fields hold the user hint for scraping

   SCRINFOMOVIEID       ""            scrinfomovieid    UInt         0 Data,
   SCRINFOSERIESID      ""            scrinfoseriesid   UInt         0 Data,
   SCRINFOEPISODEID     ""            scrinfoepisodeid  UInt         0 Data,

   SCRNEW               ""            scrnew            UInt         0 Data,
   SCRSP                ""            scrsp             Int          0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table RecordingDirs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table recordingdirs
   VDRUUID              ""  vdruuid              Ascii       40 Primary,
   DIRECTORY            ""  directory            Ascii      255 Primary,

   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Timers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table timers
   ID                   ""                                       id                   UInt         0 Primary|Autoinc,
   VDRUUID              ""                                       vdruuid              Ascii       40 Primary,

   INSSP                ""                                       inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                                       updsp                Int          0 Meta,

   EVENTID              "useid"                                  eventid              UInt         0 Data,
   CHANNELID            ""                                       channelid            Ascii       50 Data,
   _STARTTIME           "pre filled start timer for trigger"     _starttime           Int         10 Data,

   SOURCE               "like  osd, webif, epgd"                 source               Ascii       40 Data,
   TYPE                 "'R'ecord, 'V'iew (umschalt)"            type                 Ascii        1 Data,
   STATE                "'D'eleted, 'R'unning, 'F'inished"       state                Ascii        1 Data default u,
   INFO                 "error reason if state is failed"        info                 Ascii      255 Data,
   ACTION               ""                                       action               Ascii        1 Data default a,
   TCCMAILCNT           ""                                       tccmailcnt           UInt         0 Data,
   WRNCOUNT             ""                                       wrncount             UInt         0 Data,
   RETRYS               ""                                       retrys               UInt         0 Data,

   NAMINGMODE           ""                                       namingmode           Int          0 Data,
   TEMPLATE             ""                                       template             Ascii      100 Data,
   ACTIVE               ""                                       active               UInt         0 Data,
   DAY                  ""                                       day                  Int         10 Data,
   WEEKDAYS             ""                                       weekdays             Int         10 Data,
   STARTTIME            ""                                       starttime            Int         10 Data,
   ENDTIME              ""                                       endtime              Int         10 Data,
   FILE                 ""                                       file                 Ascii      512 Data,
   DIRECTORY            ""                                       directory            Ascii      512 Data,

   PRIORITY             ""                                       priority             Int          0 Data,
   LIFETIME             ""                                       lifetime             Int          0 Data,
   VPS                  ""                                       vps                  Int          0 Data,
   CHILDLOCK            ""                                       childlock            Int          0 Data,
   AUX                  ""                                       aux                  Ascii     1000 Data,

   AUTOTIMERNAME        "Bezeichung des Suchtimers"              autotimername        Ascii      100 Data,
   AUTOTIMERID          "id of autotimer"                        autotimerid          UInt         0 Data,
   AUTOTIMERINSSP       ""                                       autotimerinssp       Int          0 Data,

   // just to update the done state by the plugin !!

   DONEID               "id of done entry"                       doneid               UInt         0 Data,
   EXPRESSION           ""                                       expression           Ascii      200 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Timers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index timers
   eventidchannelidvdruuid   "" EVENTID CHANNELID VDRUUID,
   vdruuidstate              "" VDRUUID STATE

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table searchtimers
   ID                   ""                                                     id                   UInt         0 Primary|Autoinc,

   INSSP                ""                                                     inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                                                     updsp                Int          0 Meta,

   CHANNELIDS           "comma separated list of channleids or empty"          channelids           Ascii      500 Data,
   CHEXCLUDE            ""                                                     chexclude            UInt         0 Data,
   CHFORMAT             "HD,SD"                                                chformat             Ascii       50 Data,

   NAME                 "Bezeichung des Suchtimers"                            name                 Ascii      100 Data,
   EXPRESSION           ""                                                     expression           Ascii      200 Data,
   EXPRESSION1          ""                                                     expression1          Ascii      200 Data,
   SEARCHMODE           "1 exact, 2 regexp, 3 like, 4 enthalten, .."           searchmode           UInt         0 Data,
   SEARCHFIELDS         "Bitmaske: 1 title, 2 shorttext, 4 - desc, .."         searchfields         UInt         0 Data,
   SEARCHFIELDS1        "Bitmaske: 0 off, 1 title, 2 shorttext, 4 - desc, .."  searchfields1        UInt         0 Data,

   CASESENSITIV         "0,1"                                                  casesensitiv         UInt         0 Data,

   REPEATFIELDS         "Bitmaske: 1 title, 2 shorttext, 4 - desc, .."         repeatfields         UInt         0 Data,

   // optional EPG Detail options

   EPISODENAME          ""                                                     episodename          Ascii      100 Data,
   SEASON               "e.g. '1-7'"                                           season               Ascii       10 Data,
   SEASONPART           "e.g. '20-'"                                           seasonpart           Ascii       10 Data,
   CATEGORY             "e.g. 'Spielfilm','Serie'"                             category             Ascii      150 Data,
   GENRE                "e.g. 'Krimi','Action'"                                genre                Ascii      150 Data,
   YEAR                 "e.g. '2010-2015'"                                     year                 Ascii       10 Data,
   TIPP                 ""                                                     tipp                 Ascii      250 Data,
   NOEPGMATCH           ""                                                     noepgmatch           Int          0 Data,

   // steering

   TYPE                 "'R'ecord, 'V'iew, 'S'earch"                           type                 Ascii        1 Data,
   STATE                "D - Deleted"                                          state                Ascii        1 Data,
   NAMINGMODE           ""                                                     namingmode           Int          0 Data,
   TEMPLATE             ""                                                     template             Ascii      100 Data,

   ACTIVE               "0,1"                                                  active               UInt         0 Data,
   SOURCE               "webif ,osd, ..."                                      source               Ascii       40 Data,
   HITS                 "stastic counter, just for info"                       hits                 UInt         0 Data,
   MODSP                "last user modification time"                          modsp                Int          0 Data,
   LASTRUN              "last execution of search timer"                       lastrun              Int          0 Data,
   VDRUUID              "empty or uuid of vdr"                                 vdruuid              Ascii       40 Data,

   // timer details

   WEEKDAYS             "bitmask like timers, 0 foy all"                       weekdays             Int          0 Data,
   NEXTDAYS             ""                                                     nextdays             UInt         0 Data,
   STARTTIME            "null for unlimited search"                            starttime            Int          0 Data,
   ENDTIME              "null for unlimited search"                            endtime              Int          0 Data,
   DIRECTORY            ""                                                     directory            Ascii      512 Data,
   PRIORITY             ""                                                     priority             Int          0 Data,
   LIFETIME             ""                                                     lifetime             Int          0 Data,
   VPS                  ""                                                     vps                  Int          0 Data,
   CHILDLOCK            ""                                                     childlock            Int          0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table TimersDone
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table timersdone
   ID                   ""                                    id                   UInt         0 Primary|Autoinc,

   INSSP                ""                                    inssp                Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                                    updsp                Int          0 Meta,

   SOURCE               ""                                    source               Ascii       40 Data,
   STATE                "Q requested, C created, R recorded, F Failed" state       Ascii        1 Data,

   TIMERID              "not filled completely in all cases yet"       timerid     UInt         0 Data,
   AUTOTIMERID          ""                                    autotimerid          UInt         0 Data,
   AUTOTIMERNAME        "Bezeichung des Suchtimers"           autotimername        Ascii      100 Data,

   // to compare

   TITLE                ""                                    title                Ascii      200 Data,
   COMPTITLE            ""                                    comptitle            Ascii      200 Data,
   SHORTTEXT            ""                                    shorttext            Ascii      300 Data,
   COMPSHORTTEXT        ""                                    compshorttext        Ascii      300 Data,
   LONGDESCRIPTION      ""                                    longdescription      MText    25000 Data,
   COMPLONGDESCRIPTION  ""                                    complongdescription  MText    25000 Data,

   EPISODECOMPNAME      ""                                    episodecompname      Ascii      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME ""                                    episodecompshortname Ascii      100 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODECOMPPARTNAME  ""                                    episodecomppartname  Ascii      200 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODELANG          ""                                    episodelang          Ascii       10 Data filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   EPISODESEASON        ""                                    episodeseason        Int          0 Data,
   EPISODEPART          ""                                    episodepart          Int          0 Data,

   // just for info

   CHANNELID            ""                                    channelid            Ascii       50 Data,
   CHANNELNAME          ""                                    channelname          Ascii      100 Data;
   EXPRESSION           "expression of autotimer"             expression           Ascii      200 Data,
   STARTTIME            ""                                    starttime            Int         10 Data,
   DURATION             ""                                    duration             Int          5 Data,
   AUX                  ""                                    aux                  Ascii      512 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for TimersDone
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index TimersDone
   checkdoubles         ""  COMPTITLE, COMPSHORTTEXT

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Messages / Notifications
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table messages
   ID                   ""                                    id            UInt         0 Primary|Autoinc,

   INSSP                ""                                    inssp         Int          0 Meta,
   UPDSP                ""                                    updsp         Int          0 Meta,

   TYPE                 "Warning, Info, Error, Fatal"         type          Ascii        1 Data,
   TITLE                ""                                    title         Ascii      200 Data,
   STATE                "Read, New, Deleted"                  state         Ascii        1 Data,
   TEXT                 ""                                    text          MText    20000 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// SCRAPER stuff
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Series
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table series
   SERIESID             ""  series_id            UInt         0 Primary,
   SERIESNAME           ""  series_name          Ascii      200 Data,
   SERIESLASTSCRAPED    ""  series_last_scraped  UInt         0 Data,
   SERIESLASTUPDATED    ""  series_last_updated  UInt         0 Data,
   SERIESOVERVIEW       ""  series_overview      Text     10000 Data,
   SERIESFIRSTAIRED     ""  series_firstaired    Ascii       50 Data,
   SERIESNETWORK        ""  series_network       Ascii      100 Data,
   SERIESIMDBID         ""  series_imdb_id       Ascii       20 Data,
   SERIESGENRE          ""  series_genre         Ascii      100 Data,
   SERIESRATING         ""  series_rating        Float       31 Data,
   SERIESSTATUS         ""  series_status        Ascii       50 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Series
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index series
   seriesname           ""  SERIESNAME,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table SeriesEpisode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table series_episode
   EPISODEID            ""  episode_id           UInt         0 Primary,
   EPISODENUMBER        ""  episode_number       UInt         0 Data,
   SEASONNUMBER         ""  season_number        UInt         0 Data,
   EPISODENAME          ""  episode_name         Ascii      300 Data,
   EPISODEOVERVIEW      ""  episode_overview     Text     10000 Data,
   EPISODEFIRSTAIRED    ""  episode_firstaired   Ascii       20 Data,
   EPISODEGUESTSTARS    ""  episode_gueststars   Ascii     1000 Data,
   EPISODERATING        ""  episode_rating       Float       31 Data,
   EPISODELASTUPDATED   ""  episode_last_updated UInt         0 Data,
   SERIESID             ""  series_id            UInt         0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for SeriesEpisode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index series_episode
   series_id            ""  SERIESID,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table SeriesMedia
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table series_media
   SERIESID             ""  series_id            UInt         0 Primary,
   SEASONNUMBER         ""  season_number        UInt         0 Primary,
   EPISODEID            ""  episode_id           UInt         0 Primary,
   ACTORID              ""  actor_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   MEDIATYPE            ""  media_type           UInt         0 Primary,

   INSSP                ""  inssp                Int          0 Meta filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,
   UPDSP                ""  updsp                Int          0 Meta filter epgd|httpd|epg2vdr,

   MEDIAURL             ""  media_url            Ascii      100 Data,
   MEDIAWIDTH           ""  media_width          UInt         0 Data,
   MEDIAHEIGHT          ""  media_height         UInt         0 Data,
   MEDIARATING          ""  media_rating         Float       31 Data,
   MEDIACONTENT         ""  media_content        Mlob   1000000 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for SeriesMedia
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index series_media
   series_id            ""  SERIESID,
   season_number        ""  SEASONNUMBER,
   episode_id           ""  EPISODEID,
   actor_id             ""  ACTORID,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table SeriesActor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table series_actor
   ACTORID              ""  actor_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   ACTORNAME            ""  actor_name           Ascii      100 Data,
   ACTORROLE            ""  actor_role           Ascii      500 Data,
   SORTORDER            ""  actor_sortorder      UInt         0 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for SeriesActor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index series_actor

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table Movie
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table movie
   MOVIEID              ""  movie_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   TITLE                ""  movie_title          Ascii      300 Data,
   ORIGINALTITLE        ""  movie_original_title Ascii      300 Data,
   TAGLINE              ""  movie_tagline        Ascii     1000 Data,
   OVERVIEW             ""  movie_overview       Text      5000 Data,
   ISADULT              ""  movie_adult          UInt         0 Data,
   COLLECTIONID         ""  movie_collection_id  UInt         0 Data,
   COLLECTIONNAME       ""  movie_collection_name Ascii     300 Data,
   BUDGET               ""  movie_budget         UInt         0 Data,
   REVENUE              ""  movie_revenue        UInt         0 Data,
   GENRES               ""  movie_genres         Ascii      500 Data,
   HOMEPAGE             ""  movie_homepage       Ascii      300 Data,
   RELEAASEDATE         ""  movie_release_date   Ascii       20 Data,
   RUNTIME              ""  movie_runtime        UInt         0 Data,
   POPULARITY           ""  movie_popularity     Float       31 Data,
   VOTEAVERAGE          ""  movie_vote_average   Float       31 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for Movies
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index movie
   movie_id             ""  MOVIEID,
   movietitle           ""  TITLE,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table MovieActor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table movie_actor
   ACTORID              ""  actor_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   ACTORNAME            ""  actor_name           Ascii      300 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for MovieActor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index movie_actor
   actor_id             ""  ACTORID,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table MovieActors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table movie_actors
   MOVIEID              ""  movie_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   ACTORID              ""  actor_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   ROLE                 ""  actor_role           Ascii      300 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for MovieActors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index movie_actors
   movie_id             ""  MOVIEID,
   actor_id             ""  ACTORID,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Table MovieMedia
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Table movie_media
   MOVIEID              ""  movie_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   ACTORID              ""  actor_id             UInt         0 Primary,
   MEDIATYPE            ""  media_type           UInt         0 Primary,
   MEDIAURL             ""  media_url            Ascii      100 Data,
   MEDIAWIDTH           ""  media_width          UInt         0 Data,
   MEDIAHEIGHT          ""  media_height         UInt         0 Data,
   MEDIACONTENT         ""  media_content        Mlob   1000000 Data,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Indices for MovieMedia
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

Index movie_media
   movie_id             ""  MOVIEID,
   actor_id             ""  ACTORID,