CREATE VIEW eventsview as select cnt_useid useid, cnt_eventid eventid, cnt_channelid channelid, cnt_source source, all_updsp updsp, cnt_updflg updflg, cnt_delflg delflg, cnt_fileref fileref, cnt_tableid tableid, cnt_version version, sub_title title,
case when sub_shorttext is null then
  case when length(ifnull(sub_genre,'')) > 0 then sub_genre else '' end,
  case when length(ifnull(sub_genre,'')) > 0 and length(ifnull(sub_country,'')) + length(ifnull(sub_year,'')) > 0 then ' (' else '' end,
  case when length(ifnull(sub_country,'')) > 0 then sub_country else '' end,
  case when length(ifnull(sub_country,'')) > 0 and length(ifnull(sub_year,'')) > 0 then ' ' else '' end,
  case when length(ifnull(sub_year,'')) > 0 then sub_year else '' end,
  case when length(ifnull(sub_genre,'')) > 0 and length(ifnull(sub_country,'')) + length(ifnull(sub_year,'')) > 0 then ')' else '' end
end shorttext,
case when sub_longdescription is Null then
end longdescription,
case when cnt_source <> sub_source then
end mergesource,
cnt_starttime starttime, cnt_duration duration, cnt_parentalrating parentalrating, cnt_vps vps, cnt_contents contents, replace(
    case when sub_genre is Null then '' else concat('|','Genre: ',sub_genre) end,
    case when sub_category is Null then '' else concat('|','Kategorie: ',sub_category) end,
    case when sub_country is Null then '' else concat('|','Land: ',sub_country) end,
    case when sub_year is Null then '' else concat('|','Jahr: ',substring(sub_year,1,4)) end
    case when sub_shortdescription is Null then '' else concat('||',sub_shortdescription) end,
    case when sub_txtrating is Null and sub_shortreview is null then '' else '||' end,
    case when sub_txtrating is null then '' else sub_txtrating end,
    case when sub_txtrating is Null or sub_shortreview is null then '' else ', ' end,
    case when sub_shortreview is Null then '' else sub_shortreview end,
    case when sub_tipp is Null and sub_rating is Null then '' else '||' end,
    case when sub_tipp is Null then '' else concat('|[',sub_tipp,']') end,
    case when sub_rating is Null then '' else concat('|',sub_rating) end,
    case when sub_topic is Null then '' else concat('||','Thema: ',sub_topic) end,
    case when sub_longdescription is Null then '' else concat('||',sub_longdescription) end,
    case when sub_moderator is Null then '' else concat('||','Moderator: ',sub_moderator) end,
    case when sub_commentator is Null then '' else concat('||','Kommentar: ',sub_commentator) end,
    case when sub_guest is Null then '' else concat('|','Gäste: ',sub_guest) end,
    case when cnt_parentalrating is Null or cnt_parentalrating = 0 then '' else concat('||','Altersempfehlung: ab ',cnt_parentalrating) end,
    case when sub_actor is Null and sub_producer is Null and sub_other is Null then '' else '|' end,
    case when sub_actor is Null then '' else concat('|','Darsteller: ',sub_actor) end,
    case when sub_producer is Null then '' else concat('|','Produzent: ',sub_producer) end,
    case when sub_other is Null then '' else concat('|','Sonstige: ',sub_other) end,
    case when sub_director is Null and sub_screenplay is Null  and sub_camera is Null and sub_music is Null and sub_audio is Null and sub_flags is Null then '' else '|' end,
    case when sub_director is Null then '' else concat('|','Regie: ',sub_director) end,
    case when sub_screenplay is Null then '' else concat('|','Drehbuch: ',sub_screenplay) end,
    case when sub_camera is Null then '' else concat('|','Kamera: ',sub_camera) end,
    case when sub_music is Null then '' else concat('|','Musik: ',sub_music) end,
    case when sub_audio is Null then '' else concat('|','Audio: ',sub_audio) end,
    case when sub_flags is Null then '' else concat('|','Flags: ',sub_flags) end,
    case when epi_episodename is Null then '' else concat('||','Serie: ',epi_episodename) end,
    case when epi_shortname is Null then '' else concat('|','Kurzname: ',epi_shortname) end,
    case when epi_partname is Null then '' else concat('|','Episode: ',epi_partname) end,
    case when epi_extracol1 is Null then '' else concat('|',epi_extracol1) end,
    case when epi_extracol2 is Null then '' else concat('|',epi_extracol2) end,
    case when epi_extracol3 is Null then '' else concat('|',epi_extracol3) end,
    case when epi_season is Null then '' else concat('|','Staffel: ',cast(epi_season as char)) end,
    case when epi_part is Null then '' else concat('|','Staffelfolge: ',cast(epi_part as char)) end,
    case when epi_parts is Null then '' else concat('|','Staffelfolgen: ',cast(epi_parts as char)) end,
    case when epi_number is Null then '' else concat('|','Folge: ',cast(epi_number as char)) end,
    case when cnt_source = sub_source or (sub_category in('Serie','Spielfilm') and length(cnt_longdescription) / length(sub_longdescription) <= 5) or cnt_longdescription is Null then '' else concat('||','DVB EPG:|',cnt_longdescription) end,
    case when cnt_source <> sub_source then concat('||','Quelle: ',upper(replace(cnt_source,'vdr','dvb')),'/',upper(sub_source)) else concat('||','Quelle: ',upper(replace(cnt_source,'vdr','dvb'))) end
,'|', '
') as description