CREATE PROCEDURE mergeepg () BEGIN /* * declare variables */ DECLARE startrun INT; DECLARE lastrun INT; /* * configure merge */ set @epi ='a'; set @img ='b'; set @sht =''; /* * fix useid = 0 */ update events set useid = masterid where useid = 0; /* * cleanup deleted Links */ update events e set e.useid = e.masterid, e.updsp = unix_timestamp() where e.source = 'vdr' and e.updflg in ('D','R') and e.useid != e.masterid and e.starttime + e.duration >= unix_timestamp(); /* * cleanup broken Links */ update events t inner join ( select v.masterid, e.starttime, e.comptitle, e.compshorttext, e.updflg from events v left join events e on e.masterid = v.useid and v.masterid != e.masterid and e.updflg in ('T','C') and ifnull(e.delflg,'N') = 'N' where v.updflg in('L') and v.starttime + v.duration >= unix_timestamp() ) s on t.masterid=s.masterid set t.useid = t.masterid, t.updflg = case when t.delflg = 'Y' then 'D' else 'A' end, t.updsp = unix_timestamp() where s.updflg is Null or abs(s.starttime - t.starttime) > 21600 or (abs(s.starttime - t.starttime) > 3600 and getlvrmin(0,0,0,0, getcrosslvr(s.comptitle,t.comptitle), getcrosslvr(s.comptitle,t.compshorttext), getcrosslvr(s.compshorttext,t.comptitle), getcrosslvr(s.compshorttext,t.compshorttext)) >= 60); /* * cleanup broken Targets */ update events t inner join ( select e.masterid, v.updflg from events e left join events v on e.masterid = v.useid and v.masterid != e.masterid and v.updflg = 'L' where e.updflg in('C','T') and e.starttime + e.duration >= unix_timestamp() ) s on t.masterid=s.masterid set t.useid = t.masterid, t.updflg = case when t.delflg = 'Y' then 'D' else 'R' end, t.updsp = unix_timestamp() where s.updflg is Null; /* * reset tables */ truncate snapshot; truncate analyse; /* * prepare snapshot */ insert into snapshot select distinct ev.channelid, ev.source, masterid, ev.eventid, useid, starttime, duration, title, comptitle, shorttext, compshorttext, ev.updsp, case when episodecompname is Null then Null else 'X' end episodecompname, case when ev.source = 'vdr' then Null else cm.merge end merge, case when ev.imagecount >0 then 'X' else Null end images from events ev inner join channelmap cm on ( ev.channelid = cm.channelid ) where ( ev.source = cm.source or ev.source = 'vdr' ) AND ev.updflg in ('I','A','R','S') AND ev.starttime between unix_timestamp() - ev.duration and unix_timestamp() + 259200 AND cm.merge in(1,2); /* * do the magic */ set @pk1 =''; set @rn1 =10000; set @lvmin =''; insert ignore into analyse SELECT channelid, vdr_masterid, vdr_eventid, vdr_starttime, vdr_duration, vdr_title, vdr_shorttext, ext_masterid, ext_eventid, ext_starttime, ext_duration, ext_title, ext_shorttext, ext_episodecompname, ext_merge, ext_images, lvmin, epi+img+sht + ranklv as rank FROM ( SELECT channelid, vdr_masterid, vdr_eventid, vdr_starttime, vdr_duration, vdr_title, vdr_shorttext, ext_masterid, ext_eventid, ext_starttime, ext_duration, ext_title, ext_shorttext, ext_episodecompname, ext_merge, ext_images, lvmin, case when ext_episodecompname is not Null then 0 else (case @epi when 'a' then 1000 when 'b' then 100 when 'c' then 10 else 0 end) end epi, case when ext_images is not Null then 0 else (case @img when 'a' then 1000 when 'b' then 100 when 'c' then 10 else 0 end) end img, case when ext_shorttext is not Null then 0 else (case @sht when 'a' then 1000 when 'b' then 100 when 'c' then 10 else 0 end) end sht, @rn1 := if(@pk1=concat(channelid,vdr_eventid,ext_source), if(@lv=lvmin, @rn1, @rn1+10000),10000+ext_merge) as ranklv, @pk1 := concat(channelid,vdr_eventid,ext_source), @lv := lvmin FROM ( select vdr.channelid, vdr.masterid vdr_masterid, vdr.eventid vdr_eventid, vdr.starttime vdr_starttime, vdr.duration vdr_duration, vdr.title vdr_title, vdr.shorttext vdr_shorttext, ext.masterid ext_masterid, ext.eventid ext_eventid, ext.starttime ext_starttime, ext.duration ext_duration, ext.title ext_title, ext.shorttext ext_shorttext, ext.source ext_source,ext.episode ext_episodecompname, ext.merge ext_merge, ext.images ext_images, getlvrmin(vdr.starttime,ext.starttime,vdr.duration,ext.duration, getcrosslvr(vdr.comptitle,ext.comptitle), getcrosslvr(vdr.comptitle,ext.compshorttext), getcrosslvr(vdr.compshorttext,ext.comptitle), getcrosslvr(vdr.compshorttext,ext.compshorttext) ) lvmin from snapshot vdr inner join snapshot ext on vdr.channelid = ext.channelid and vdr.starttime - ext.starttime between -1200 and +1200 and (vdr.duration+1) / (ext.duration+1) * 100 between 50 and 200 where vdr.source = 'vdr' AND vdr.source <> ext.source ORDER BY channelid,vdr_eventid,ext_merge desc,lvmin ) A where lvmin <= 60 ) B order by channelid,vdr_eventid,rank; /* * update mergesp */ update channelmap cm, (select channelid,max(vdr_starttime) merge_sp from analyse group by channelid) an set cm.mergesp = an.merge_sp where an.channelid = cm.channelid and an.merge_sp > cm.mergesp; /* * update useid on vdr events */ update events ev, analyse an set ev.useid = an.ext_masterid where ev.masterid = vdr_masterid and ev.channelid = an.channelid; /* * update useid on ext events */ update events ext, events vdr set ext.useid = case when ext.updflg in('I','R') then vdr.masterid else ext.useid end, ext.updflg = case when ext.updflg in('I','R') then 'C' else 'T' end, ext.updsp = case when ext.updflg in('I','R') then unix_timestamp() else ext.updsp end where ext.masterid = vdr.useid and ext.channelid = vdr.channelid and ext.updflg in('I','A','R','S') and ext.source <> vdr.source and vdr.source = 'vdr'; /* * update all other relevant updflg and updsp */ update events ev, (select distinct channelid,mergesp from channelmap where source != 'vdr') cm set ev.updflg = case when ev.source = 'vdr' and ev.masterid != ev.useid then 'L' when ev.source = 'vdr' and ev.masterid = ev.useid then 'A' when ev.source != 'vdr' and ev.updflg = 'S' then 'I' when ev.source != 'vdr' then 'R' end, ev.updsp = case when source = 'vdr' and ev.masterid = ev.useid and ev.updflg = 'A' then ev.updsp else unix_timestamp() end where ev.channelid = cm.channelid and ev.starttime < cm.mergesp + ev.duration/10 and ( ev.source = 'vdr' and ev.updflg in ('I','A') or ev.source != 'vdr' and ev.updflg in ('A','S') ); /* * reinitialize prior removed dvb events */ update events ev, (select distinct channelid,mergesp from channelmap where source != 'vdr') cm set ev.updflg = 'A', ev.useid = ev.masterid, ev.updsp = unix_timestamp() where ev.channelid = cm.channelid and ev.starttime < cm.mergesp + ev.duration/10 and ev.source = 'vdr' and ev.updflg in ('R'); /* * get startrun / lastrun */ SET startrun = (select unix_timestamp()); SET lastrun = (select value from parameters where owner = 'epgd' and name = 'mergeStart'); /* * truncate useevents if needed */ IF lastrun = 0 then truncate table useevents; END IF; /* * update useevents */ insert into useevents( cnt_source, cnt_channelid, cnt_eventid, cnt_masterid, cnt_useid, sub_source, sub_eventid, all_updsp, cnt_updflg, cnt_delflg, cnt_fileref, cnt_tableid, cnt_version, sub_title, sub_shorttext, sub_comptitle, sub_compshorttext, sub_genre, sub_country, sub_year, cnt_starttime, cnt_duration, cnt_parentalrating, cnt_vps, cnt_contents, sub_category, sub_shortdescription, sub_shortreview, sub_tipp, sub_rating, sub_numrating, sub_txtrating, sub_topic, sub_longdescription, sub_complongdescription, cnt_longdescription, sub_moderator, sub_guest, sub_actor, sub_producer, sub_other, sub_director, sub_commentator, sub_screenplay, sub_camera, sub_music, sub_audio, sub_flags, sub_imagecount, sub_scrseriesid, sub_scrseriesepisode, sub_scrmovieid, sub_scrsp, sub_episodecompname, sub_episodecompshortname, sub_episodecomppartname, epi_episodename, epi_shortname, epi_partname, epi_lang, epi_extracol1, epi_extracol2, epi_extracol3, epi_season, epi_part, epi_parts, epi_number ) select cnt.source, cnt.channelid, cnt.eventid, cnt.masterid, cnt.useid, sub.source, sub.eventid, GREATEST(cnt.updsp,sub.updsp,IFNULL(epi.updsp,0)), cnt.updflg, cnt.delflg, cnt.fileref, cnt.tableid, cnt.version, sub.title, sub.shorttext, sub.comptitle, sub.compshorttext, sub.genre,, sub.year, cnt.starttime, cnt.duration, cnt.parentalrating, cnt.vps, cnt.contents, sub.category, sub.shortdescription, sub.shortreview, sub.tipp, sub.rating, sub.numrating, sub.txtrating, sub.topic, sub.longdescription, sub.complongdescription, cnt.longdescription, sub.moderator, sub.guest,, sub.producer, sub.other, sub.director, sub.commentator, sub.screenplay,,,, sub.flags, sub.imagecount, sub.scrseriesid, sub.scrseriesepisode, sub.scrmovieid, sub.scrsp, sub.episodecompname, sub.episodecompshortname, sub.episodecomppartname, epi.episodename, epi.shortname, epi.partname, epi.lang, epi.extracol1, epi.extracol2, epi.extracol3, epi.season, epi.part,, epi.number from events cnt inner join events sub on (case when cnt.useid = 0 then cnt.masterid else cnt.useid end = sub.masterid) left outer join episodes epi on (sub.episodecompname = epi.compname and sub.episodecomppartname = epi.comppartname and sub.episodelang = epi.lang) where cnt.updflg in('A','L','P','C','R','D','X') and GREATEST(cnt.updsp,sub.updsp,IFNULL(epi.updsp,0)) >= lastrun - 5 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cnt_masterid = cnt.masterid, cnt_useid = cnt.useid, sub_source = sub.source, sub_eventid = sub.eventid, all_updsp = GREATEST(cnt.updsp,sub.updsp,IFNULL(epi.updsp,0)), cnt_updflg = cnt.updflg, cnt_delflg = cnt.delflg, cnt_fileref = cnt.fileref, cnt_tableid = cnt.tableid, cnt_version = cnt.version, sub_title = sub.title, sub_shorttext = sub.shorttext, sub_comptitle = sub.comptitle, sub_compshorttext = sub.compshorttext, sub_genre = sub.genre, sub_country =, sub_year = sub.year, cnt_starttime = cnt.starttime, cnt_duration = cnt.duration, cnt_parentalrating = cnt.parentalrating, cnt_vps = cnt.vps, cnt_contents = cnt.contents, sub_category = sub.category, sub_shortdescription = sub.shortdescription, sub_shortreview = sub.shortreview, sub_tipp = sub.tipp, sub_rating = sub.rating, sub_numrating = sub.numrating, sub_txtrating = sub.txtrating, sub_topic = sub.topic, sub_longdescription = sub.longdescription, sub_complongdescription = sub.complongdescription, cnt_longdescription = cnt.longdescription, sub_moderator = sub.moderator, sub_guest = sub.guest, sub_actor =, sub_producer = sub.producer, sub_other = sub.other, sub_director = sub.director, sub_commentator = sub.commentator, sub_screenplay = sub.screenplay, sub_camera =, sub_music =, sub_audio =, sub_flags = sub.flags, sub_imagecount = sub.imagecount, sub_scrseriesid = sub.scrseriesid, sub_scrseriesepisode = sub.scrseriesepisode, sub_scrmovieid = sub.scrmovieid, sub_scrsp = sub.scrsp, sub_episodecompname = sub.episodecompname, sub_episodecompshortname = sub.episodecompshortname, sub_episodecomppartname = sub.episodecomppartname, epi_episodename = epi.episodename, epi_shortname = epi.shortname, epi_partname = epi.partname, epi_lang = epi.lang, epi_extracol1 = epi.extracol1, epi_extracol2 = epi.extracol2, epi_extracol3 = epi.extracol3, epi_season = epi.season, epi_part = epi.part, epi_parts =, epi_number = epi.number; /* * remove hidden events */ delete from useevents where (cnt_source,cnt_channelid,cnt_eventid) in( select source,channelid,eventid from events where updflg in ('T','S','I') ); /* * update lastrun */ update parameters set updsp = unix_timestamp(), value = startrun where owner = 'epgd' and name = 'mergeStart'; END