EPG2VDR Levenshtein Distance for MySQL Supports UTF-8 insensitive calculation throught iconv. Copyright (C) 2013 Jörg Wendel Redistribute as you wish, but leave this information intact. The build process is integrated in epgd's makefile, to build epglv separately follow this steps: Compiling: ---------- Run make make install Installing UDFs in MySQL: ------------------------- Loading UDFs in MySQL, at the mysql prompt call: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS epglv; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS epglvr; CREATE FUNCTION epglv RETURNS INT SONAME 'mysqlepglv.so'; CREATE FUNCTION epglvr RETURNS INT SONAME 'mysqlepglv.so'; Check te installtion by: mysql> SELECT * FROM mysql.func; +-----------+-----+-------------------+----------+ | name | ret | dl | type | +-----------+-----+-------------------+----------+ | epglv | 2 | mysqlepglv.so | function | +-----------+-----+-------------------+----------+ Attention: ---------- Before changing the lib in MySQLs plugin dir DROP the function if it already exist. Otherwise you can get mysql in a undefined state and a mysql reinstall may necessary! Using epglv: ------------ mysql> select epglv(); ERROR: EPGLV() requires two arguments (string, string) First string is compared against second string. mysql> select epglv('€uro', 'Euro'); +----------------------------+ | epglv('€uro', 'Euro') | +----------------------------+ | 1 | +----------------------------+