 * json.c
 * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.

#include "json.h"

#ifdef USEJSON

const char* charset = "utf-8";  // #TODO, move to configuration?

// Copy JSON Object to Data Buffer

int json2Data(json_t* obj, MemoryStruct* data, const char* encoding)
   int status = success;

   // will be freed by data's dtor

   data->memory = json_dumps(obj, JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER);
   data->size = strlen(data->memory);
   sprintf(data->contentType, "application/json; charset=%s", charset);

   // gzip content if supported by browser ...

   if (data->size && encoding && strstr(encoding, "gzip"))
      status = data->toGzip();

   return status;

// Add field to json object

int addFieldToJson(json_t* obj, cDbValue* value, int ignoreEmpty, const char* extName)
   char* name;

   if (!value || !value->getField())
      return fail;

   name = strdup(extName ? extName : value->getField()->getName());
   toCase(cLower, name);   // use always lower case names in json

   switch (value->getField()->getFormat())
      case cDBS::ffAscii:
      case cDBS::ffText:
      case cDBS::ffMText:
         if (!ignoreEmpty || !isEmpty(value->getStrValue()))
            json_object_set_new(obj, name, json_string(value->getStrValue()));

      case cDBS::ffInt:
      case cDBS::ffUInt:
         json_object_set_new(obj, name, json_integer(value->getIntValue()));

      case cDBS::ffFloat:
         json_object_set_new(obj, name, json_real(value->getFloatValue()));



   return success;

// Add field to json object

int addFieldToJson(json_t* obj, cDbTable* table, const char* fname,
                   int ignoreEmpty, const char* extName)
   return addFieldToJson(obj, table->getValue(fname), ignoreEmpty, extName);

// Get Field From Json
//   - if a default is required put it into the row
//     before calling this function

int getFieldFromJson(json_t* obj, cDbRow* row, const char* fname, const char* extName)
   cDbValue* value = row->getValue(fname);
   char* jname;

   if (!value)
      return fail;

   jname = strdup(!isEmpty(extName) ? extName : value->getField()->getName());
   toCase(cLower, jname);   // use always lower case names in json

   switch (value->getField()->getFormat())
      case cDBS::ffAscii:
      case cDBS::ffText:
      case cDBS::ffMText:
         const char* v = getStringFromJson(obj, jname, "");
         if (!isEmpty(v) || !value->isEmpty())

      case cDBS::ffInt:
      case cDBS::ffUInt:
         int v = getIntFromJson(obj, jname, na);
         const char* s = getStringFromJson(obj, jname, "");

         if (s && strcmp(s, "null") == 0)
         else if (v != na || !value->isEmpty())

//    case cDBS::ffFloat:    #TODO to be implemented
//    {
//       double v = getFloatFromJson(obj, jname, na);
//       if (v != na) value->setValue(v);
//       break;
//    }


   return success;

// Get Elements

const char* getStringFromJson(json_t* obj, const char* name, const char* def)
   json_t* o = json_object_get(obj, name);

   if (!o)
      return def;

   return json_string_value(o);

int getIntFromJson(json_t* obj, const char* name, int def)
   json_t* o = json_object_get(obj, name);

   if (!o)
      return def;

   return json_integer_value(o);

#endif // USEJSON