/* * main.c * * See the README file for copyright information * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include "epgd.h" const char* confDir = (char*)confDirDefault; const char* logPrefix = LOG_PREFIX; void showUsage() { printf("Usage: epgd [-n][-c <config-dir>][-l <log-level>][-t]\n"); printf(" -v show version and exit\n"); printf(" -n don't daemonize\n"); printf(" -t log to stdout\n"); printf(" -c <config-dir> use config in <config-dir>\n"); printf(" -p <plugin-dir> load plugins from <plugin-dir>\n"); printf(" -l <log-level> set log level\n"); // printf(" -u create/update database and exit (doesn't daemonize)\n"); printf(" -i <pidfile>\n"); } //*************************************************************************** // Validate Alter Database //*************************************************************************** int validateAlterDatabase() { int status = success; // initially create/alter tables and indices cDbConnection* connection = new cDbConnection(); tell(0, "Checking database connection ..."); if (connection->attachConnection() != success) { tell(0, "Fatal: Initial database connect failed, aborting"); return fail; } std::map<std::string, cDbTableDef*>::iterator t; tell(0, "Checking table structure and indices ..."); for (t = dbDict.getFirstTableIterator(); t != dbDict.getTableEndIterator(); t++) { cDbTable* table = new cDbTable(connection, t->first.c_str()); tell(1, "Checking table '%s'", t->first.c_str()); if (!table->exist()) { if ((status += table->createTable()) != success) continue; } else { status += table->validateStructure(); } status += table->createIndices(); delete table; } connection->detachConnection(); delete connection; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Main //*************************************************************************** int main(int argc, char** argv) { cEpgd* job; int doValidateAlterDatabase = no; int nofork = no; int pid; int logstdout = na; int loglevel = na; int logfacility = Syslog::toCode("user"); // Usage .. if (argc > 1 && (argv[1][0] == '?' || (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0))) { showUsage(); return 0; } // Parse command line for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++) { if (argv[i][0] != '-' || strlen(argv[i]) != 2) continue; switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'v': printf("epgd version %s from %s\n", VERSION, VERSION_DATE); return 0; case 't': logstdout = yes; break; case 'n': nofork = yes; break; case 'c': if (argv[i+1]) confDir = argv[++i]; break; case 'M': EpgdConfig.maintanance = yes; break; case 'u': doValidateAlterDatabase = yes; break; case 'i': { if (argv[i+1]) cSystemNotification::setPidFile(argv[++i]); break; } case 'p': { if (argv[i+1]) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.pluginPath, argv[++i], sizeof(EpgdConfig.pluginPath)); break; } case 'l': { if (argv[i+1]) // <loglevel>.<facility> { const char* l = argv[++i]; const char* f = strchr(l, '.'); if (f) { *(char*)f = 0; if ((logfacility = Syslog::toCode(++f)) == na) { printf("Unknown facility '%s' configured, aborting\n", f); return 1; } } loglevel = atoi(l); } break; } default: { showUsage(); return 0; } } } if (logstdout != na) EpgdConfig.logstdout = logstdout; if (loglevel != na) EpgdConfig.loglevel = loglevel; if (loglevel != na) EpgdConfig.argLoglevel = loglevel; EpgdConfig.logFacility = logfacility; EpgdConfig.logName = "epgd"; if (doValidateAlterDatabase) { EpgdConfig.logstdout = yes; if (validateAlterDatabase() != success) return 1; return 0; } // start ... job = new cEpgd(); if (job->init() != success) { delete job; return 1; } // fork daemon if (!nofork) { if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { printf("Can't fork daemon, %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (pid != 0) return 0; } // register SIGINT ::signal(SIGINT, cEpgd::downF); ::signal(SIGTERM, cEpgd::downF); ::signal(SIGHUP, cEpgd::triggerF); ::signal(SIGUSR1, cEpgd::triggerF); ::signal(SIGUSR2, cEpgd::triggerF); // do work ... job->loop(); // shutdown tell(0, "normal exit"); delete job; return 0; }