 * plugin.c
 * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.

#include <dlfcn.h>

#include "epgd.h"

// Class Plugin Loader

PluginLoader::PluginLoader(const char* name, Plugin* p)
   fileName = strdup(name);
   plugin = p;    // normally 0, set for testing only
   handle = 0;

  delete plugin;

  if (handle)


int PluginLoader::load()
   const char* error;

   tell(0, "Loading plugin: %s", fileName);

   if (handle) 
      tell(0, "Warning: Attempt to load plugin '%s' twice!", fileName);
      return fail;

   plugin = 0;
   handle = dlopen(fileName, RTLD_NOW);
   error = dlerror();

   if (!error) 
      void *(*creator)(void);

      *(void**)(&creator) = dlsym(handle, "EPGPluginCreator");

      error = dlerror();

      if (!error)
         plugin = (Plugin*)creator();

   if (error)
      tell(0, "Error: %s", error);
   return plugin ? success : fail;