/* * update.c * * See the README file for copyright information * */ #include "epgd.h" //*************************************************************************** // Evaluate //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::evaluateEpisodes() { int ec = 0, pp = 0, plv = 0; // statistics long lStart = time(0); int updated = 0; if (!EpgdConfig.seriesEnabled) return done; tell(1, "Starting episode lookup ..."); // first read all events into list .. connection->startTransaction(); // loop over all episodes .. for (int f = selectDistCompname->find(); f && !doShutDown(); f = selectDistCompname->fetch()) { // const int maxTitleDist = (((double)strlen(episodeCompName)) / 100.0 * 20.0); char* episodeCompName = strdup(episodeDb->getStrValue("COMPNAME")); ec++; eventsDb->clear(); eventsDb->setValue("COMPTITLE", episodeCompName); // loop over all events matching this episode by COMPTITLE for (int f = selectByCompTitle->find(); f; f = selectByCompTitle->fetch()) { cSystemNotification::check(); if (strlen(eventsDb->getStrValue("COMPSHORTTEXT")) == 0) continue; const char* evtCompShortText = eventsDb->getStrValue("COMPSHORTTEXT"); eventsDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPNAME", episodeCompName); if (!episodeDb->getValue("COMPSHORTNAME")->isNull()) eventsDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME", episodeDb->getStrValue("COMPSHORTNAME")); episodeDb->clear(); episodeDb->setValue("COMPNAME", episodeCompName); episodeDb->setValue("COMPPARTNAME", evtCompShortText); // search episode part 1:1 if (selectByCompNames->find()) { pp++; if (!eventsDb->hasValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", evtCompShortText) || !eventsDb->hasValue("EPISODELANG", episodeDb->getStrValue("LANG"))) { // store reference eventsDb->setValue("UPDSP", time(0)); eventsDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", evtCompShortText); eventsDb->setValue("EPISODELANG", episodeDb->getStrValue("LANG")); updateEpisodeAtEvents->execute(); updated++; } } else // if not found try via lv { const int maxDist = (((double)strlen(evtCompShortText)) / 100.0 * 20.0); int d; int dMin = maxDist+1; int tmp; char* bestCompPart = 0; char* bestCompPartLang = 0; for (int f = selectByCompName->find(); f; f = selectByCompName->fetch()) { int lenA = strlen(evtCompShortText); int lenB = strlen(episodeDb->getStrValue("COMPPARTNAME")); if (::abs(lenA - lenB) >= dMin) continue; if ((d = lvDistance(evtCompShortText, episodeDb->getStrValue("COMPPARTNAME"), 20, tmp)) < dMin) { free(bestCompPart); free(bestCompPartLang); bestCompPart = strdup(episodeDb->getStrValue("COMPPARTNAME")); bestCompPartLang = strdup(episodeDb->getStrValue("LANG")); dMin = d; } } if (bestCompPart) { plv++; if (!eventsDb->hasValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", bestCompPart) || !eventsDb->hasValue("EPISODELANG", bestCompPartLang)) { // store reference eventsDb->setValue("UPDSP", time(0)); eventsDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", bestCompPart); eventsDb->setValue("EPISODELANG", bestCompPartLang); updateEpisodeAtEvents->execute(); updated++; } } free(bestCompPart); bestCompPart = 0; free(bestCompPartLang); bestCompPartLang = 0; selectByCompName->freeResult(); } selectByCompNames->freeResult(); } selectByCompTitle->freeResult(); free(episodeCompName); } selectDistCompname->freeResult(); connection->commit(); tell(1, "Lookup done for " "%d series, matched %d parts by compare and %d parts by lv in %ld seconds; Updated %d", ec, pp, plv, time(0)-lStart, updated); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Download Episodes and store to table (and filesystem if configured) //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::downloadEpisodes() { long int lastFullRun = 0; int full = fullupdate; if (!EpgdConfig.seriesEnabled) return done; cSvdrpClient cl(EpgdConfig.seriesUrl, EpgdConfig.seriesPort); string fileName; string linkName; int isLink = 0; cEpisodeFiles files; int code; int abort = 0; char command[200]; int minutes = na; if (selectMaxUpdSp->find() && episodeDb->getIntValue("UpdSp") > 0) minutes = (time(0) - episodeDb->getIntValue("UpdSp")) / 60; selectMaxUpdSp->freeResult(); full = full || minutes == na; tell(1, "Starting '%s' episode download ...", full ? "fullupdate" : "update"); if (!minutes && !full) { tell(1, "Nothing to be done, all episodes are up-to-date"); return done; } getParameter("epgd", "lastEpisodeFullRun", lastFullRun); if (full && lastFullRun > time(0) - 6 * tmeSecondsPerHour) { tell(1, "Info: Skipping fullupdate of episodes, last run less than 6 hours ago!"); return done; } // open tcp connection if (cl.open() != 0) { tell(1, "Open connection to '%s' failed, aborting transfer!", EpgdConfig.seriesUrl); return fail; } // select characterset if (!cl.send(withutf8 ? "CHARSET utf-8": "CHARSET iso-8859-1")) { tell(0, "Error: Send '%s' failed, aborting transfer!", command); cl.close(); return fail; } // check for characterset confirmation cList<cLine> csconf; if (cl.receive(&csconf) != 225) { tell(0, "Error: SVDRPCL: did not receive charset confirmation. Closing..."); cl.abort(); return fail; } if (csconf.First() && csconf.First()->Text()) tell(1, "Got '%s'", csconf.First()->Text()); // identify myself sprintf(command, "HELLO %s v%s (%s), ID=%s MAIL=%s", TARGET, VERSION, VERSION_DATE, EpgdConfig.uuid, notNull(EpgdConfig.seriesMail)); cl.send(command); cl.receive(); // build GET command for the files *command = 0; if (full) { tell(1, "Requesting all episodes due to '%s'", minutes != na ? "fullupdate" : "empty table"); sprintf(command, "GET all"); // truncate table! episodeDb->truncate(); } else if (minutes > 0) { minutes += 5; // request 5 minutes more to compensate time diffs to constabel.net minutes += 90; // request 90 minutes more to compensate TZ etc. :o tell(1, "Requesting episode changes of last %d minutes", minutes); sprintf(command, "TGET newer than %d minutes", minutes); } if (!cl.send(command)) { tell(0, "Error: Send '%s' failed, aborting transfer!", command); cl.close(); return fail; } cList<cLine>* result = new cList<cLine>; while (!abort && (code = cl.receive(result)) != codeCommunicationEnd) { cSystemNotification::check(); switch (code) { case codeFileInfo: { if (result->Count() < 2) { tell(1, "Protocol violation, aborting!"); abort = 1; } else { linkName = ""; fileName = result->Next(result->First())->Text(); isLink = fileName != "not a link"; if (!isLink) fileName = result->First()->Text(); else linkName = result->First()->Text(); } break; } case codeFileContent: { if (isLink) { files.Add(new cEpisodeFile(fileName, linkName)); } else { for (cLine* l = result->First(); l; l = result->Next(l)) { if (strcmp(l->Text(), "End of data") == 0) { result->Del(l); break; } tell(3, "Got line '%s'", l->Text()); } if (result->Count()) { // create episode file and adopt the result files.Add(new cEpisodeFile(fileName, "", result)); // create new result object since cEpisodeFile adopted the current result = new cList<cLine>; } } break; } case codeTransferEnd: { abort = 1; break; } } result->Clear(); } cl.close(); setParameter("epgd", "lastEpisodeRun", time(0)); if (full) setParameter("epgd", "lastEpisodeFullRun", time(0)); tell(1, "Received %d episode files", files.Count()); // insert / update series into database ... episodeDb->getConnection()->startTransaction(); files.storeToTable(episodeDb); episodeDb->getConnection()->commit(); // optional store to filesystem ... if (EpgdConfig.storeSeriesToFs) { char* path = 0; asprintf(&path, "%s/eplist", EpgdConfig.cachePath); chkDir(path); files.storeToFile(path); free(path); } delete result; return 0; }