/* * series.h * * See the README file for copyright information * */ #ifndef __SERIES_H_ #define __SERIES_H_ #include <string> #include "lib/db.h" #include "svdrpclient.h" #define episodeFileExtension ".episodes" //*************************************************************************** // //*************************************************************************** enum SvdrRetrunCodes { codeCommunicationEnd = 0, codeFileContent = 216, codeTransferEnd = 217, codeFileInfo = 218, codeError = 500 /* # 214 Help message # 215 LIST or GET data # 216 GET data, multiple data sets # 217 End of multiple data sets # 218 Info line for 215, 216 # 219 Info data # 220 VDR service ready # 221 VDR service closing transmission channel # 225 Thank you # 250 Requested VDR action okay, completed # 354 Start sending lists data # 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing # 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized # 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments # 502 Command not implemented yet # 504 Command parameter not implemented # 550 Requested action not taken # 554 Transaction failed # 600 Authorize ok, access granted # 601 Authorize fails, access denied # 888 Compressed data of x bytes follow # 900 Default plugin reply code # 901..999 Plugin specific reply codes // constable specific # 602 Blocked */ }; //*************************************************************************** // Episode File //*************************************************************************** class cEpisodeFile : public cListObject { public: cEpisodeFile(std::string aName, std::string aLink, cList<cLine>* aLines = 0) { name = aName; link = aLink; lines = aLines; } ~cEpisodeFile() { if (lines) delete lines; } int isLink() { return link.length() > 0; } int storeToTable(cDbTable* episodeDb, const cList<cLine>* linkLines = 0); int storeToFile(const char* aPath) { struct stat fs; if (stat(aPath, &fs) != 0 || !S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode)) { tell(0, "Initially creating directory '%s'", aPath); if (mkdir(aPath, ACCESSPERMS) == -1) tell(0, "Can't create directory, error was %s", strerror(errno)); } if (isLink()) { std::string ln = std::string(aPath) + "/" + std::string(link) + episodeFileExtension; std::string file = std::string(name) + episodeFileExtension; unlink(ln.c_str()); if (symlink(file.c_str(), ln.c_str()) != 0) tell(0, "SERIES: Failed to create symlink '%s', error was '%s'", ln.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } else { std::string file = std::string(aPath) + "/" + std::string(name) + episodeFileExtension; FILE* fp; // open file for writing if (!(fp = fopen(file.c_str(), "w+"))) { tell(0, "SERIES: Store '%s' failed, '%s'", file.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return -1; } for (cLine* l = lines->First(); l; l = lines->Next(l)) { fwrite(l->Text(), l->Length(), 1, fp); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, fp); } fclose(fp); } return 0; } const cList<cLine>* getLines() { return lines; } const char* getName() { return name.c_str(); } const char* getLink() { return link.c_str(); } protected: std::string name; std::string link; cList<cLine>* lines; }; //*************************************************************************** // cEpisodeFiles //*************************************************************************** class cEpisodeFiles : public cList<cEpisodeFile> { public: cEpisodeFile* findByLink(const char* aName) { for (cEpisodeFile* f = First(); f; f = Next(f)) { if (!f->isLink() && strcmp(f->getName(), aName) == 0) return f; } return 0; } int storeToFile(const char* aPath) { for (cEpisodeFile* f = First(); f; f = Next(f)) f->storeToFile(aPath); return 0; } int storeToTable(cDbTable* episodeDb) { for (cEpisodeFile* f = First(); f; f = Next(f)) { if (f->isLink()) { if (cEpisodeFile* l = findByLink(f->getName())) f->storeToTable(episodeDb, l->getLines()); else tell(0, "Warning: Ignoring invalid link '%s' destination '%s' not found", f->getLink(), f->getName()); } else { f->storeToTable(episodeDb); } } return 0; } }; //*************************************************************************** #endif // __SERIES_H_