/* * update.c * * See the README file for copyright information * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/curl.h" #include "lib/searchtimer.h" #include "lib/wol.h" #include "epgd.h" //*************************************************************************** // Class cEpgd //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::shutdown = no; int cEpgd::epgTrigger = no; int cEpgd::searchTimerTrigger = no; //*************************************************************************** // Signal Handler //*************************************************************************** void cEpgd::triggerF(int aSignal) { if (aSignal == SIGHUP) epgTrigger = yes; else if (aSignal == SIGUSR1) searchTimerTrigger = yes; } //*************************************************************************** // Class Update //*************************************************************************** cEpgd::cEpgd() { const char* lang; selectAllMap = 0; selectByCompTitle = 0; selectMaxUpdSp = 0; selectDistCompname = 0; selectByCompName = 0; selectByCompNames = 0; selectMaxMapOrd = 0; selectMapOrdOf = 0; updateEpisodeAtEvents = 0; updateScrReference = 0; selectNewRecordings = 0; countNewRecordings = 0; selectRecordingEvent = 0; selectRecOtherClient = 0; countDvbChanges = 0; selectActiveVdrs = 0; selectWebUsers = 0; cleanupTimerActions = 0; selectNotAssumedTimers = 0; procMergeEpg = 0; procUser = 0; connection = 0; vdrDb = 0; eventsDb = 0; useeventsDb = 0; fileDb = 0; imageRefDb = 0; imageDb = 0; episodeDb = 0; mapDb = 0; compDb = 0; parameterDb = 0; recordingListDb = 0; timerDb = 0; messageDb = 0; // thread / update control connection = 0; fullupdate = no; fullreload = no; nextUpdateAt = time(0) + 10; lastUpdateAt = 0; lastMergeAt = 0; // search timer search = new cSearchTimer((cFrame*)this); // .. xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; withutf8 = no; // scraper stuff tvdbManager = 0; movieDbManager = 0; // create global cCurl instance cCurl::create(); curl.init(EpgdConfig.proxy); curl.setSystemNotification(this); // registers all available EXSLT extensions (libexslt API) exsltRegisterAll(); // set a locale to "" means 'reset it to the environment' // as defined by the ISO-C standard the locales after start are C setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); lang = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); // 0 for query the setting if (lang) { tell(0, "Set locale to '%s'", lang); if ((strcasestr(lang, "UTF-8") != 0) || (strcasestr(lang, "UTF8") != 0)) { tell(2, "detected UTF-8"); withutf8 = yes; } } else { tell(0, "Info: Detecting locale setting for LC_CTYPE failed"); } } cEpgd::~cEpgd() { cSystemNotification::notify(evStopping); xsltCleanupGlobals(); xmlCleanupParser(); exitDb(); delete search; cDbConnection::exit(); vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) delete *it; plugins.clear(); // destroy global cCurl instance curl.exit(); cCurl::destroy(); } //*************************************************************************** // Init //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::init() { char* dictPath = 0; int status; // register at systems 'init' service cSystemNotification::notify(evReady); cSystemNotification::getWatchdogState(10); // first - prepare my uuid initUuid(); // initialize the dictionary asprintf(&dictPath, "%s/epg.dat", confDir); dbDict.setFilterFromNameFct(toFieldFilter); if (dbDict.in(dictPath, ffEpgd) != success) { tell(0, "Fatal: Dictionary not loaded, aborting!"); return 1; } tell(0, "Dictionary '%s' loaded", dictPath); free(dictPath); if (search->init(confDir) != success) return fail; // load plugins loadPlugins(); // read configuration .. if (readConfig() != success) return fail; tell(0, "Using syslog facility '%s' (%d), log level set to (%d)", Syslog::toName(EpgdConfig.logFacility), EpgdConfig.logFacility, EpgdConfig.loglevel); // init database ... cDbConnection::init(); cDbConnection::setEncoding(withutf8 ? "utf8": "latin1"); // mysql uses latin1 for ISO8851-1 cDbConnection::setHost(EpgdConfig.dbHost); cDbConnection::setPort(EpgdConfig.dbPort); cDbConnection::setName(EpgdConfig.dbName); cDbConnection::setUser(EpgdConfig.dbUser); cDbConnection::setPass(EpgdConfig.dbPass); cDbConnection::setConfPath(confDir); // cDbStatement::explain = EpgdConfig.loglevel >= 4; chkDir(EpgdConfig.cachePath); initPlugins(); // open tables .. if ((status = initDb()) != success) { exitDb(); // abort on fatal errors like configuration, dictionary, ... if (status == abrt) return status; } // sendTccTestMail(); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Init Uuid //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::initUuid() { MemoryStruct data; char* uuidFile; asprintf(&uuidFile, "%s/uuid", confDir); if (fileExists(uuidFile)) { if (loadFromFile(uuidFile, &data) == success) { memset(EpgdConfig.uuid, 0, sizeof(EpgdConfig.uuid)); memcpy(EpgdConfig.uuid, data.memory, min(data.size, sizeof(EpgdConfig.uuid))); tell(1, "Loading uuid from '%s' succeeded [%s]", uuidFile, EpgdConfig.uuid); } else { tell(0, "Error: Load of uuid from '%s' failed, using '' instead", uuidFile); sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.uuid, "", sizeof(EpgdConfig.uuid)); } } else { tell(1, "Initially creating uuid, storing to '%s'", uuidFile); sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.uuid, getUniqueId(), sizeof(EpgdConfig.uuid)); storeToFile(uuidFile, EpgdConfig.uuid, strlen(EpgdConfig.uuid)); } free(uuidFile); return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Configuration //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::atConfigItem(const char* Name, const char* Value) { char* par; char* plug = strdup(Name); // config for plugin ? if ((par = strchr(plug, '.'))) { vector::iterator it; *par++ = 0; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) { Plugin* p = (*it)->getPlugin(); if (p->hasSource(plug)) { int status = p->atConfigItem(par, Value); free(plug); return status; } } free(plug); return success; } free(plug); // Parse setup parameters and store values. if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbHost")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.dbHost, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.dbHost)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbPort")) EpgdConfig.dbPort = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbName")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.dbName, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.dbName)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbUser")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.dbUser, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.dbUser)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbPass")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.dbPass, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.dbPass)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EpgView")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.epgView, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.epgView)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EpgViewWeb")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.epgViewWeb, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.epgViewWeb)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "TheTvDBView")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.theTvDBView, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.theTvDBView)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CheckInitial")) EpgdConfig.checkInitial = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DaysInAdvance")) EpgdConfig.days = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DaysToUpdate")) EpgdConfig.upddays = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "UpdateTime")) EpgdConfig.updatetime = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "XmlStoreToFs")) EpgdConfig.storeXmlToFs = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "UpdateThreshold")) EpgdConfig.updateThreshold = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "GetEPGImages")) EpgdConfig.getepgimages = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MaxImagesPerEvent")) EpgdConfig.maximagesperevent = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EpgImageSize")) EpgdConfig.epgImageSize = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SeriesUrl") || !strcasecmp(Name, "SeriesHost")) { if (const char* p = strstr(Value, "://")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.seriesUrl, p+3, sizeof(EpgdConfig.seriesUrl)); else sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.seriesUrl, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.seriesUrl)); } else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SeriesMail")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.seriesMail, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.seriesMail)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SeriesEnabled")) EpgdConfig.seriesEnabled = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SeriesPort")) EpgdConfig.seriesPort = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SeriesStoreToFs")) EpgdConfig.storeSeriesToFs = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CachePath")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.cachePath, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.cachePath)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HTTPProxy")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.proxy, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.proxy)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "UserName")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.proxyuser, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.proxyuser)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Password")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.proxypwd, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.proxypwd)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ScrapEpg")) EpgdConfig.scrapEpg = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ScrapRecordings")) EpgdConfig.scrapRecordings = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ScrapMovieDbApiKey")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.scrapMovieDbApiKey, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.scrapMovieDbApiKey)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NetDevice")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.netDevice, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.netDevice)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HttpDevice")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.httpDevice, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.httpDevice)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HttpPort")) EpgdConfig.httpPort = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HttpTls")) EpgdConfig.httpUseTls = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HttpUser")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.httpUser, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.httpUser)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "HttpPass")) sstrcpy(EpgdConfig.httpPass, Value, sizeof(EpgdConfig.httpPass)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LogLevel")) EpgdConfig.loglevel = EpgdConfig.argLoglevel == na ? atoi(Value) : EpgdConfig.argLoglevel; else return fail; return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Init/Exit Database Connections //*************************************************************************** cDbFieldDef changeCountDef("CHG_COUNT", "count(1)", cDBS::ffUInt, 0, cDBS::ftData); int cEpgd::initDb() { int status = success; int count = 0; if (!connection) connection = new cDbConnection(); // ------------------------- static int initial = yes; if (initial) { // ------------------------------------------ // initially create/alter tables and indices // ------------------------------------------ tell(0, "Checking database connection ..."); if (connection->attachConnection() != success) { tell(0, "Fatal: Initial database connect failed, aborting"); return abrt; } std::map::iterator t; tell(0, "Checking table structure and indices ..."); for (t = dbDict.getFirstTableIterator(); t != dbDict.getTableEndIterator(); t++) { cDbTable* table = new cDbTable(connection, t->first.c_str()); tell(1, "Checking table '%s'", t->first.c_str()); if (!table->exist()) { if ((status += table->createTable()) != success) continue; } else { cSystemNotification::startNotifyThread(20*tmeSecondsPerMinute); status += table->validateStructure(); cSystemNotification::stopNotifyThread(); } status += table->createIndices(); delete table; } connection->detachConnection(); if (status != success) return abrt; tell(0, "Checking table structure and indices succeeded"); } // ------------------------ // create/open other tables // ------------------------ vdrDb = new cDbTable(connection, "vdrs"); if ((status = vdrDb->open()) != success) return status; if (initial) { if (registerMe() != success) return fail; initial = no; } mapDb = new cDbTable(connection, "channelmap"); if ((status = mapDb->open()) != success) return status; fileDb = new cDbTable(connection, "fileref"); if ((status = fileDb->open()) != success) return status; imageDb = new cDbTable(connection, "images"); if ((status = imageDb->open()) != success) return status; imageRefDb = new cDbTable(connection, "imagerefs"); if ((status = imageRefDb->open()) != success) return status; episodeDb = new cDbTable(connection, "episodes"); if ((status = episodeDb->open()) != success) return status; eventsDb = new cDbTable(connection, "events"); if ((status = eventsDb->open() != success)) return status; useeventsDb = new cDbTable(connection, "useevents"); if ((status = useeventsDb->open() != success)) return status; compDb = new cDbTable(connection, "components"); if ((status = compDb->open()) != success) return status; parameterDb = new cDbTable(connection, "parameters"); if ((status = parameterDb->open()) != success) return status; recordingListDb = new cDbTable(connection, "recordinglist"); if ((status = recordingListDb->open()) != success) return status; timerDb = new cDbTable(connection, "timers"); if ((status = timerDb->open() != success)) return status; messageDb = new cDbTable(connection, "messages"); if (messageDb->open() != success) return fail; if ((status = cParameters::initDb(connection)) != success) return status; // ------------------------------------ // check if epglv/epglvr are installed status += connection->query("%s", "select epglv('123', '123')"); connection->queryReset(); status += connection->query("%s", "select epglvr('123', '123')"); connection->queryReset(); if (status != success) { tell(0, "Error: Missing functions epglv/epglvr, please install first!"); return abrt; } // --------------------------- // prepare statements // --------------------------- // -------------------- // select max(ord) from channelmap selectMaxMapOrd = new cDbStatement(mapDb); selectMaxMapOrd->build("select "); selectMaxMapOrd->bind("ORDER", cDBS::bndOut, "max("); selectMaxMapOrd->build(") from %s", mapDb->TableName()); status += selectMaxMapOrd->prepare(); // -------------------- // select ord from channelmap where // channelid = ? selectMapOrdOf = new cDbStatement(mapDb); selectMapOrdOf->build("select "); selectMapOrdOf->bind("ORDER", cDBS::bndOut); selectMapOrdOf->bind("VISIBLE", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectMapOrdOf->build(" from %s where ", mapDb->TableName()); selectMapOrdOf->bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); status += selectMapOrdOf->prepare(); // ---------- // select extid, source, updflg // from channelmap selectAllMap = new cDbStatement(mapDb); selectAllMap->build("select "); selectAllMap->bind("EXTERNALID", cDBS::bndOut); selectAllMap->bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectAllMap->bind("SOURCE", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectAllMap->bind("UPDFLG", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectAllMap->build(" from %s", mapDb->TableName()); status += selectAllMap->prepare(); // ---------- // update useevents u, events e // set // u.sub_scrseriesid = e.scrseriesid, // u.sub_scrseriesepisode = e.scrseriesepisode, // u.sub_scrmovieid = e.scrmovieid, // u.sub_scrsp = e.scrsp // where // e.masterid = u.cnt_useid and // e.scrsp != ifnull(u.sub_scrsp, 0) and // e.scrsp >= ? updateScrReference = new cDbStatement(useeventsDb); updateScrReference->build("update %s u, %s e set ", useeventsDb->TableName(), eventsDb->TableName()); updateScrReference->build("u.%s = e.%s", useeventsDb->getField("SCRSERIESID")->getDbName(), eventsDb->getField("SCRSERIESID")->getDbName()); updateScrReference->build(", u.%s = e.%s", useeventsDb->getField("SCRSERIESEPISODE")->getDbName(), eventsDb->getField("SCRSERIESEPISODE")->getDbName()); updateScrReference->build(", u.%s = e.%s", useeventsDb->getField("SCRMOVIEID")->getDbName(), eventsDb->getField("SCRMOVIEID")->getDbName()); updateScrReference->build(", u.%s = e.%s", useeventsDb->getField("SCRSP")->getDbName(), eventsDb->getField("SCRSP")->getDbName()); updateScrReference->build(" where "); updateScrReference->build("e.%s = u.%s", eventsDb->getField("MASTERID")->getDbName(), useeventsDb->getField("USEID")->getDbName()); updateScrReference->build(" and e.%s != ifnull(u.%s, 0)", eventsDb->getField("SCRSP")->getDbName(), useeventsDb->getField("SCRSP")->getDbName()); updateScrReference->setBindPrefix("e."); updateScrReference->bindCmp(0, eventsDb->getValue("SCRSP"), ">=", " and "); status += updateScrReference->prepare(); // ---------- // update events set episodecompname = ?, episodecompshortname = ?, episodecomppartname = ?, episodelang = ? // where eventid = ? and channelid = ? updateEpisodeAtEvents = new cDbStatement(eventsDb); updateEpisodeAtEvents->build("update %s set ", eventsDb->TableName()); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("UPDSP", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("EPISODECOMPNAME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, ", "); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, ", "); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, ", "); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("EPISODELANG", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, ", "); updateEpisodeAtEvents->build(", %s = null", eventsDb->getField("SCRSERIESEPISODE")->getDbName()); updateEpisodeAtEvents->build(", %s = null", eventsDb->getField("SCRSERIESID")->getDbName()); updateEpisodeAtEvents->build(", %s = null", eventsDb->getField("SCRSP")->getDbName()); updateEpisodeAtEvents->build(" where "); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("EVENTID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); updateEpisodeAtEvents->bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); status += updateEpisodeAtEvents->prepare(); // ---------- // select eventid, compshorttext, episodecomppart, episodelang // from events // where comptitle = ? selectByCompTitle = new cDbStatement(eventsDb); selectByCompTitle->build("select "); selectByCompTitle->bind("EVENTID", cDBS::bndOut); selectByCompTitle->bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompTitle->bind("COMPSHORTTEXT", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompTitle->bind("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompTitle->bind("EPISODELANG", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompTitle->build(" from %s where ", eventsDb->TableName()); selectByCompTitle->bind("COMPTITLE", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); status += selectByCompTitle->prepare(); //--------------------- // select count(1) from events // where source = ? // and updsp > ? changeCount.setField(&changeCountDef); countDvbChanges = new cDbStatement(eventsDb); countDvbChanges->build("select "); countDvbChanges->bind(&changeCount, cDBS::bndOut); countDvbChanges->build(" from %s where ", eventsDb->TableName()); countDvbChanges->bind("Source", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); countDvbChanges->bindCmp(0, "UpdSp", 0, ">", " and "); status += countDvbChanges->prepare(); // -------------------- // select max(updsp) from episodes selectMaxUpdSp = new cDbStatement(episodeDb); selectMaxUpdSp->build("select "); selectMaxUpdSp->bind("UPDSP", cDBS::bndOut, "max("); selectMaxUpdSp->build(") from %s", episodeDb->TableName()); status += selectMaxUpdSp->prepare(); // -------------------- // select distinct compname, compshortname from episodes selectDistCompname = new cDbStatement(episodeDb); selectDistCompname->build("select "); selectDistCompname->bind("COMPNAME", cDBS::bndOut, "distinct "); selectDistCompname->bind("COMPSHORTNAME", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectDistCompname->build(" from %s", episodeDb->TableName()); status += selectDistCompname->prepare(); // -------------------- // select comppartname, lang // from episodes // where compname = ? selectByCompName = new cDbStatement(episodeDb); selectByCompName->build("select "); selectByCompName->bind("COMPPARTNAME", cDBS::bndOut); selectByCompName->bind("LANG", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompName->build(" from %s where ", episodeDb->TableName()); selectByCompName->bind("COMPNAME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); status += selectByCompName->prepare(); // -------------------- // select episodename, partname, lang // from episodes // where compname = ? and comppartname = ? selectByCompNames = new cDbStatement(episodeDb); selectByCompNames->build("select "); selectByCompNames->bind("EPISODENAME", cDBS::bndOut); selectByCompNames->bind("PARTNAME", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompNames->bind("LANG", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectByCompNames->build(" from %s where ", episodeDb->TableName()); selectByCompNames->bind("COMPNAME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); selectByCompNames->bind("COMPPARTNAME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); status += selectByCompNames->prepare(); // -------------------- // select count(1) // from recordinglist // where scrnew = ? newRecCount.setField(&changeCountDef); countNewRecordings = new cDbStatement(recordingListDb); countNewRecordings->build("select "); countNewRecordings->bind(&newRecCount, cDBS::bndOut); countNewRecordings->build(" from %s where ", recordingListDb->TableName()); countNewRecordings->bind("SCRNEW", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); status += countNewRecordings->prepare(); // -------------------- // select * // from recordinglist // where scrnew = ? selectNewRecordings = new cDbStatement(recordingListDb); selectNewRecordings->build("select "); selectNewRecordings->bindAllOut(); selectNewRecordings->build(" from %s where ", recordingListDb->TableName()); selectNewRecordings->bind("SCRNEW", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); status += selectNewRecordings->prepare(); // -------------------- // select scrseriesid, scrseriesepisode, scrmovieid // from events // where useid = ? and channelid = ? and (series_id is not null or movie_id is not null); selectRecordingEvent = new cDbStatement(eventsDb); selectRecordingEvent->build("select "); selectRecordingEvent->bind("ScrSeriesId", cDBS::bndOut); selectRecordingEvent->bind("ScrSeriesEpisode", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectRecordingEvent->bind("ScrMovieId", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectRecordingEvent->build(" from %s where ", eventsDb->TableName()); selectRecordingEvent->bind("MasterId", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); selectRecordingEvent->bind("ChannelId", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); selectRecordingEvent->build(" and (%s is not null or %s is not null)", eventsDb->getField("ScrSeriesId")->getDbName(), eventsDb->getField("ScrMovieId")->getDbName()); status += selectRecordingEvent->prepare(); // // -------------------- // // select series_id, episode_id, movie_id // // from recordings // // where vdruuid != ? // // and rec_path like ? // // and rec_start = ? // // and (series_id > 0 or movie_id > 0); // selectRecOtherClient = new cDbStatement(recordingsDb); // selectRecOtherClient->build("select "); // selectRecOtherClient->bind("SeriesId", cDBS::bndOut); // selectRecOtherClient->bind("EpisodeId", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); // selectRecOtherClient->bind("MovieId", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); // selectRecOtherClient->build(" from %s where ", recordingsDb->TableName()); // selectRecOtherClient->bindCmp(0, "VDRUUID", 0, "!="); // selectRecOtherClient->bindCmp(0, "RecPath", 0, " like ", " and "); // selectRecOtherClient->bind("RecStart", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); // selectRecOtherClient->build(" and (%s > 0 or %s > 0)", recordingsDb->getField("SeriesId")->getDbName(), // recordingsDb->getField("MovieId")->getDbName()); // status += selectRecOtherClient->prepare(); // -------------------- // select scrseriesid, scrseriesepisode, scrmovieid // from recordinglist // where vdruuid != ? // and path like ? // and starttime = ? // and (scrseriesid > 0 or scrmovieid > 0); selectRecOtherClient = new cDbStatement(recordingListDb); selectRecOtherClient->build("select "); selectRecOtherClient->bind("SCRSERIESID", cDBS::bndOut); selectRecOtherClient->bind("SCRSERIESEPISODE", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectRecOtherClient->bind("SCRMOVIEID", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectRecOtherClient->build(" from %s where ", recordingListDb->TableName()); selectRecOtherClient->bindCmp(0, "VDRUUID", 0, "!="); selectRecOtherClient->bindCmp(0, "PATH", 0, " like ", " and "); selectRecOtherClient->bind("STARTTIME", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); selectRecOtherClient->build(" and (%s > 0 or %s > 0)", recordingListDb->getField("SCRSERIESID")->getDbName(), recordingListDb->getField("SCRMOVIEID")->getDbName()); status += selectRecOtherClient->prepare(); // ---------- // select ip, svdrp from vdrs // where state = 'attached' selectActiveVdrs = new cDbStatement(vdrDb); selectActiveVdrs->build("select "); selectActiveVdrs->bind("Ip", cDBS::bndOut); selectActiveVdrs->bind("Svdrp", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectActiveVdrs->build(" from %s where state = 'attached' and svdrp > 0", vdrDb->TableName()); status += selectActiveVdrs->prepare(); // ---------- // select distinct(owner) from parameters // where owner like '@%'; selectWebUsers = new cDbStatement(parameterDb); selectWebUsers->build("select distinct("); selectWebUsers->bind("OWNER", cDBS::bndOut); selectWebUsers->build(") from %s where %s like '@%%'", parameterDb->TableName(), parameterDb->getField("OWNER")->getDbName()); status += selectWebUsers->prepare(); // delete from timers where // action = ? // and updsp < ? cleanupTimerActions = new cDbStatement(timerDb); cleanupTimerActions->build("delete from %s where ", timerDb->TableName()); cleanupTimerActions->bind("ACTION", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); cleanupTimerActions->bindCmp(0, "UPDSP", 0, "<", " and "); status += cleanupTimerActions->prepare(); // select * from timers where // action in (....) selectNotAssumedTimers = new cDbStatement(timerDb); selectNotAssumedTimers->build("select "); selectNotAssumedTimers->bindAllOut(); selectNotAssumedTimers->build(" from %s where ", timerDb->TableName()); selectNotAssumedTimers->build("%s in ('%c', '%c')", timerDb->getField("ACTION")->getDbName(), taCreate, taModify); status += selectNotAssumedTimers->prepare(); // ---------- if (status != success) { tell(0, "Error: At least %d statements not prepared successfully", status*-1); return status; } // -------------------- // update Channel Map loadChannelmap(); applyChannelmapChanges(); initPluginDb(); // -------------------------- // procedures / views if (!status) { procMergeEpg = new cDbProcedure(connection, "mergeepg"); status += checkProcedure("mergeepg", cDbProcedure::ptProcedure, procMergeEpg); status += checkProcedure("reverseepg", cDbProcedure::ptProcedure); status += checkProcedure("getupdflg", cDbProcedure::ptFunction); status += checkProcedure("getcrosslvr", cDbProcedure::ptFunction); status += checkProcedure("getlvrmin", cDbProcedure::ptFunction); // optional create user procedure ... if (cDbProcedure::existOnFs(confDir, "userexit")) { procUser = new cDbProcedure(connection, "userexit"); status += checkProcedure("userexit", cDbProcedure::ptProcedure, procUser); } // ------------------ // views ... status += checkView("eventsview", EpgdConfig.epgView); status += checkView("eventsviewplain", EpgdConfig.epgViewWeb); status += checkView("thetvdbview", EpgdConfig.theTvDBView); } // search timer stuff if (!status) { if ((status = search->initDb()) != success) return status; } // scraper stuff if (EpgdConfig.scrapEpg || EpgdConfig.scrapRecordings) { int res = initScrapers(); // abort on fatal errors like configuration, dictionary, ... if (res == abrt) return res; status += res; } // force initial check on start with empty tables eventsDb->countWhere("source != 'vdr'", count); if (!count) { tell(0, "Info: No external events on database, force initial check!"); EpgdConfig.checkInitial = yes; } // wakeupVdr("920654A9-28C8-439B-97F2-F6F3A7A2C583"); // ---------------------------------------------------------- // init parameter 'mergeStart' (used by merge procedure) // reset it on empty useevents table useeventsDb->countWhere("", count); getParameter("epgd", "mergeStart"); // if not set -> init to default if (!count) setParameter("epgd", "mergeStart", 0L); // lookback getParameter("epgd", "lastMergeAt", lastMergeAt); // ----------------- // Maintanance Mode if (status == success && EpgdConfig.maintanance) { time_t start = time(0); int count = 0; cDbStatement sel(eventsDb); sel.build("select "); sel.bind("EVENTID", cDBS::bndOut); sel.bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); sel.bind("TITLE", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); sel.bind("SHORTTEXT", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); sel.build(" from events"); sel.prepare(); cDbStatement upd(eventsDb); upd.build("update events set "); upd.bind("COMPTITLE", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); upd.bind("COMPSHORTTEXT", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, ", "); upd.build(" where "); upd.bind("EVENTID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); upd.bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); upd.prepare(); connection->startTransaction(); for (int f = sel.find(); f; f = sel.fetch()) { string comp; tell(0, "Update comp of %ld in 'Maintanance Mode'", eventsDb->getBigintValue("EVENTID")); if (!eventsDb->isNull("TITLE")) { comp = eventsDb->getStrValue("Title"); prepareCompressed(comp); eventsDb->setValue("COMPTITLE", comp.c_str()); } if (!eventsDb->isNull("SHORTTEXT")) { comp = eventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"); prepareCompressed(comp); eventsDb->setValue("COMPSHORTTEXT", comp.c_str()); } upd.execute(); count++; } connection->commit(); tell(0, "Info: Updated %d events in %ld seconds", count, time(0) - start); upd.freeResult(); sel.freeResult(); exitDb(); exit(1); } return status; } int cEpgd::exitDb() { exitPluginDb(); exitScrapers(); search->exitDb(); cParameters::exitDb(); delete selectMaxMapOrd; selectMaxMapOrd = 0; delete selectMapOrdOf; selectMapOrdOf = 0; delete selectAllMap; selectAllMap = 0; delete selectByCompTitle; selectByCompTitle = 0; delete selectMaxUpdSp; selectMaxUpdSp = 0; delete selectDistCompname; selectDistCompname = 0; delete selectByCompName; selectByCompName = 0; delete selectByCompNames; selectByCompNames = 0; delete updateEpisodeAtEvents; updateEpisodeAtEvents = 0; delete updateScrReference; updateScrReference = 0; delete countDvbChanges; countDvbChanges = 0; delete selectNewRecordings; selectNewRecordings = 0; delete countNewRecordings; countNewRecordings = 0; delete selectRecordingEvent; selectRecordingEvent = 0; delete selectRecOtherClient; selectRecOtherClient = 0; delete selectActiveVdrs; selectActiveVdrs = 0; delete selectWebUsers; selectWebUsers = 0; delete cleanupTimerActions; cleanupTimerActions = 0; delete selectNotAssumedTimers; selectNotAssumedTimers = 0; delete procMergeEpg; procMergeEpg = 0; delete procUser; procUser = 0; delete eventsDb; eventsDb = 0; delete useeventsDb; useeventsDb = 0; delete fileDb; fileDb = 0; delete imageRefDb; imageRefDb = 0; delete imageDb; imageDb = 0; delete episodeDb; episodeDb = 0; delete mapDb; mapDb = 0; delete vdrDb; vdrDb = 0; delete compDb; compDb = 0; delete parameterDb; parameterDb = 0; delete recordingListDb; recordingListDb = 0; delete timerDb; timerDb = 0; delete messageDb; messageDb = 0; delete connection; connection = 0; return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Check Function //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::checkProcedure(const char* name, cDBS::ProcType type, cDbProcedure* fp) { char* file = 0; char* param = 0; int status = success; char md5[100+TB] = ""; md5Buf md5New = ""; cDbProcedure* p = 0; asprintf(&file, "%s.sql", name); if (createMd5OfFile(confDir, file, md5New) != success) { tell(0, "Error: Can't access procedure '%s/%s'", confDir, file); free(file); return fail; } asprintf(¶m, "%s.md5", name); p = fp ? fp : new cDbProcedure(connection, name, type); if (p->created()) { getParameter("epgd", param, md5); if (strcmp(md5, md5New) != 0) // drop if changed p->drop(); } if (!p->created()) { status = p->create(confDir); setParameter("epgd", param, md5New); } free(file); free(param); if (!fp) delete p; return status; } //*************************************************************************** // Check View //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::checkView(const char* name, const char* file) { int status = success; char md5[100+TB] = ""; md5Buf md5New = ""; char* param = 0; // create/check view cDbView view(connection, name); asprintf(¶m, "%s.md5", name); if (createMd5OfFile(confDir, file, md5New) != success) { tell(0, "Error: Can't access view '%s/%s'", confDir, file); status = fail; } if (status == success) { if (view.exist()) { getParameter("epgd", param, md5); if (strcmp(md5, md5New) != 0) // drop if changed view.drop(); } if (!view.exist()) { status += view.create(confDir, file); setParameter("epgd", param, md5New); } } free(param); return status; } //*************************************************************************** // Register Me //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::registerMe() { char* v = 0; if (!dbConnected()) return fail; // ------------------------------------------- // register me to the clients table asprintf(&v, "epgd %s (%s)", VERSION, VERSION_DATE); vdrDb->clear(); vdrDb->setValue("UUID", "epgd"); vdrDb->find(); if (!vdrDb->isNull("DBAPI") && vdrDb->getIntValue("DBAPI") != DB_API) { tell(0, "Fatal: Found dbapi %ld, expected %d, please alter the tables first! Aborting now.", vdrDb->getIntValue("DBAPI"), DB_API); free(v); return fail; } vdrDb->setValue("IP", getIpOf(EpgdConfig.netDevice)); vdrDb->setValue("NAME", getHostName()); vdrDb->setValue("DBAPI", DB_API); vdrDb->setValue("VERSION", v); vdrDb->setValue("MASTER", "-"); vdrDb->setValue("PID", getpid()); vdrDb->store(); setState(Es::esInit); free(v); return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Set State //*************************************************************************** void cEpgd::setState(Es::State state, time_t lastUpdate, int silent) { static Es::State actualState = Es::esUnknown; if (!dbConnected()) return; if (actualState != state) { if (!silent) tell(0, "State now '%s'", Es::toName(state)); vdrDb->clear(); vdrDb->setValue("UUID", "EPGD"); vdrDb->find(); vdrDb->setValue("STATE", Es::toName(state)); vdrDb->setValue("NextUpdate", nextUpdateAt); if (lastUpdate) vdrDb->setValue("LastUpdate", lastUpdate); if (actualState == Es::esBusyMatch && state == Es::esStandby) vdrDb->setValue("LastMerge", time(0)); vdrDb->store(); // inform clients about state change actualState = state; triggerVdrs("STATE", Es::toName(actualState)); if (actualState >= Es::esBusy && actualState <= Es::esBusyScraping) sleep(2); // wait until vdrs detecting the busy state } } //*************************************************************************** // Load Plugins //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::loadPlugins() { DIR* dir; dirent* dp; if (!(dir = opendir(EpgdConfig.pluginPath))) { tell(0, "Error: Opening plugin directory '%s' failed, %s", EpgdConfig.pluginPath, strerror(errno)); return fail; } while ((dp = readdir(dir))) { if (strncmp(dp->d_name, "libepgd-", 8) == 0 && strstr(dp->d_name, ".so")) { char* path; asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", EpgdConfig.pluginPath, dp->d_name); PluginLoader* pl = new PluginLoader(path); free(path); if (pl->load() != success) { delete pl; continue; } plugins.push_back(pl); } } closedir(dir); return success; } int cEpgd::initPlugins() { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) (*it)->getPlugin()->init(this, withutf8); return done; } int cEpgd::initPluginDb() { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) (*it)->getPlugin()->initDb(); return done; } int cEpgd::exitPluginDb() { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) (*it)->getPlugin()->exitDb(); return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Schedule Auto Update //*************************************************************************** void cEpgd::scheduleAutoUpdate(int wait) { if (wait) nextUpdateAt = time(0) + wait; else nextUpdateAt = time(0) + EpgdConfig.updatetime * 60 * 60; if ((nextUpdateAt-time(0))/60 < 1) tell(0, "Scheduled next update in %ld second(s)", nextUpdateAt-time(0)); else if ((nextUpdateAt-time(0))/60/60 < 1) tell(0, "Scheduled next update in %ld minute(s)", (nextUpdateAt-time(0))/60); else tell(0, "Scheduled next update in %ld hour(s)", (nextUpdateAt-time(0))/60/60); } //*************************************************************************** // Loop //*************************************************************************** void cEpgd::loop() { time_t lastCheckAt = 0; time_t lastUpdCheckAt = 0; time_t lastRecCheckAt = 0; time_t lastTccCheckAt = 0; shutdown = no; // first run 10 seconds after start (if configured) scheduleAutoUpdate(EpgdConfig.checkInitial ? 10 : 0); // scrapNewEvents(); // # to debug scarper at Start while (!doShutDown()) { setState(Es::esStandby); // wait for update and perform meanwhile actions while (!epgTrigger && !doShutDown() && nextUpdateAt > time(0)) { sleep(1); cSystemNotification::check(); if (lastCheckAt < time(0) - 60) { // check active vdrs every 60 seconds // and reset if they are silent over 5 minutes lastCheckAt = time(0); if (checkConnection() != success) continue; connection->query("%s", "update vdrs set" " state = 'crashed', master = 'n'" " where state = 'attached'" " and from_unixtime(updsp) < (now() - interval 5 minute);"); } if (!dbConnected()) continue; // all 15 minutes perform timer conflict check if (!doShutDown() && lastTccCheckAt < time(0) - 15*tmeSecondsPerMinute) { string mailBody; lastTccCheckAt = time(0); if (search->checkTimerConflicts(mailBody) > 0) sendTccMail(mailBody); } // -------- // check all 30 seconds if new 'recordings' are in db if (!doShutDown() && lastRecCheckAt < time(0) - 30 && nextUpdateAt > time(0) + 30 && EpgdConfig.scrapRecordings) { lastRecCheckAt = time(0); // check if we need a recording scrap recordingListDb->clear(); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRNEW", 1); countNewRecordings->execute(); // if more than x new recordings pending ... if (newRecCount.getIntValue() >= 1) { setState(Es::esBusyScraping, 0, no); if (!doShutDown()) scrapNewRecordings(newRecCount.getIntValue()); setState(Es::esStandby, 0, no); } countNewRecordings->freeResult(); } // check all 30 seconds if we need a mergeepg call if (!doShutDown() && lastUpdCheckAt < time(0) - 30 && nextUpdateAt > time(0) + 30) { lastUpdCheckAt = time(0); // check if we need a merge eventsDb->clear(); eventsDb->setValue("SOURCE", "vdr"); eventsDb->setValue("UPDSP", lastMergeAt); countDvbChanges->execute(); // if more than x DVB updates pending call mergeepg if (changeCount.getIntValue() > EpgdConfig.updateThreshold) { setState(Es::esBusyMatch, 0, no); if (!doShutDown()) { uint64_t start = cMyTimeMs::Now(); connection->startTransaction(); cSystemNotification::startNotifyThread(5*tmeSecondsPerMinute); procMergeEpg->call(2); cSystemNotification::stopNotifyThread(); connection->commit(); tell(1, "%ld DVB pending, mergeepg done after %s", changeCount.getIntValue(), ms2Dur(cMyTimeMs::Now()-start).c_str()); lastMergeAt = time(0); setParameter("epgd", "lastMergeAt", lastMergeAt); // check searchtimer due to events have changed! updateSearchTimers(yes, "events changed"); } setState(Es::esStandby, 0, no); } countDvbChanges->freeResult(); } // check searchtimer if searchtimer-table modified if (search->modified() || searchTimerTrigger) updateSearchTimers(searchTimerTrigger, searchTimerTrigger ? "triggered by user" : "search timer changed"); // print sql statistic for statement debugging if (EpgdConfig.loglevel > 2) connection->showStat("merge/rec-scrap"); } epgTrigger = no; // reset SIGHUB trigger if (doShutDown()) break; // database connection established ? if (checkConnection() != success) { nextUpdateAt = time(0) + 10; continue; } // the real work ... setState(Es::esBusyEvents); if (!doShutDown()) if (cleanupEvents() != success) // cleanup event and fileref table continue; if (!doShutDown()) if (cleanupBefore() != success) // cleanup plugins continue; if (!doShutDown()) if (update() != success) // update epg data continue; if (!doShutDown()) downloadEpisodes(); // download and store optionally on local fs if (!doShutDown() && procUser) // call user procedure if defined procUser->call(); if (!doShutDown()) evaluateEpisodes(); // try series match if (!doShutDown()) { cSystemNotification::startNotifyThread(5*tmeSecondsPerMinute); procMergeEpg->call(); cSystemNotification::stopNotifyThread(); } lastUpdateAt = time(0); setState(Es::esBusyImages, lastUpdateAt); if (!dbConnected()) continue; if (!doShutDown()) if (cleanupPictures() != success) // cleanup pictures continue; if (!doShutDown()) if (getPictures() != success) // get pictures continue; if (!doShutDown()) if (cleanupAfter() != success) // cleanup plugins continue; if (!doShutDown()) if (updateSearchTimers(yes, "external epg update") != success) // process searchtimer after epg update continue; if (!doShutDown() && EpgdConfig.scrapEpg) { setState(Es::esBusyScraping); if (!doShutDown()) if (scrapNewEvents() != success) // scrap new events continue; } if (!doShutDown() && (EpgdConfig.scrapEpg || EpgdConfig.scrapRecordings)) if (cleanupSeriesAndMovies() != success) // cleanup scraped movies and series continue; if (dbConnected()) scheduleAutoUpdate(); setState(Es::esStandby, time(0)); if (EpgdConfig.loglevel > 2) connection->showStat("main loop"); } setState(Es::esStopped); } //*************************************************************************** // Check Connection //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::checkConnection() { static int retry = 0; // check connection if (!dbConnected()) { // try to connect tell(0, "Trying to re-connect to database!"); retry++; if (initDb() != success) { tell(0, "Retry #%d failed, retrying in 60 seconds!", retry); exitDb(); return fail; } retry = 0; tell(0, "Connection established successfull!"); } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Download File //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::downloadFile(const char* url, int& size, MemoryStruct* data, int timeout, const char* userAgent) { cSystemNotification::check(); return curl.downloadFile(url, size, data, timeout, userAgent); } //*************************************************************************** // Update Search Timers //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::updateSearchTimers(int force, const char* reason) { int hits = 0; // check existing, pending timers against updated epg hits += search->checkTimers(); // update searchtimers hits += search->updateSearchTimers(force, reason); searchTimerTrigger = no; if (hits) triggerVdrs("TIMERJOB"); // check 'not assumed' timers and wakeup VDR if necessary timerDb->clear(); for (int f = selectNotAssumedTimers->find(); f; f = selectNotAssumedTimers->fetch()) { // timer should start in the next if (timerDb->getIntValue("_STARTTIME") < time(0) + 2*tmeSecondsPerDay) { if (!timerDb->hasValue("VDRUUID", "any")) { tell(1, "Info: Timer (%ld) for '%s' start in the next 48 hours, " "try to wakeup VDR to permit takeover", timerDb->getIntValue("ID"), timerDb->getStrValue("FILE")); wakeupVdr(timerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID")); } } } selectNotAssumedTimers->freeResult(); return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Update //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::update() { Statistic stat; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(Statistic)); cSystemNotification::notify(evStatus, "STATUS=%s %s", "Busy, started", fullupdate ? "Full-Update" : fullreload ? "Reload" : "Update"); tell(0, "EPG %s started", fullupdate ? "Full-Update" : fullreload ? "Reload" : "Update"); // loop from today over configured range .. for (int day = 0; day < EpgdConfig.days && !doShutDown(); day++) { processDay(day, fullupdate, &stat); if (!dbConnected()) return fail; } fullupdate = no; double mb = (double)stat.bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0; tell(0, "EPG Update finished, loaded %d files (%.3f %cB), %d non-updates " "skipped, %d rejected due to format error.", stat.files, mb > 2 ? mb : (double)stat.bytes/1024.0, mb > 2 ? 'M' : 'K', stat.nonUpdates, stat.rejected); // store max event time to parameters setParameter("epgd", "maxEventTime", time(0) + EpgdConfig.days * tmeSecondsPerDay); cSystemNotification::notify(evStatus, "STATUS=Ready"); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Transform Xml //*************************************************************************** xmlDocPtr cEpgd::transformXml(const char* buffer, int size, xsltStylesheetPtr stylesheet, const char* fileRef) { xmlDocPtr doc, transformedDoc = 0; int readOptions = 0; #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20900 readOptions |= XML_PARSE_HUGE; #endif if ((doc = xmlReadMemory(buffer, size, "tmp.xml.gz", 0, readOptions))) { if ((transformedDoc = xsltApplyStylesheet(stylesheet, doc, 0)) == 0) tell(1, "Error applying XSLT stylesheet"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); } else { tell(1, "Error parsing XML File '%s'", fileRef); } return transformedDoc; } //*************************************************************************** // Parse XML Event //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::parseEvent(cDbRow* event, xmlNode* node) { const char* name; char* content; char* images = 0; char* imagetype = 0; int imgCnt = 0; string comp; cSystemNotification::check(); for (xmlNodePtr n = node->xmlChildrenNode; n; n = n->next) { if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; name = (const char*)n->name; content = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(n); if (strcmp(name, "images") == 0) images = strdup(content); else if (strcmp(name, "imagetype") == 0) imagetype = strdup(content); else if (cDbFieldDef* f = eventsDb->getField(name)) { if (strcmp(name, "starttime") == 0 && atoi(content) == 0) tell(0, "Warning: Invalid event, starttime is null!"); if (f->getFormat() == cDbService::ffAscii || f->getFormat() == cDbService::ffText || f->getFormat() == cDbService::ffMText) event->setValue(f, content); else event->setValue(f, (long)atoi(content)); } else tell(1, "Ignoring unexpected element <%s>\n", name); xmlFree(content); } // compressed if (!eventsDb->isNull("TITLE")) { comp = eventsDb->getStrValue("TITLE"); prepareCompressed(comp); eventsDb->setValue("COMPTITLE", comp.c_str()); } if (!eventsDb->isNull("SHORTTEXT")) { comp = eventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"); prepareCompressed(comp); eventsDb->setValue("COMPSHORTTEXT", comp.c_str()); } if (!eventsDb->isNull("LONGDESCRIPTION")) { comp = eventsDb->getStrValue("LONGDESCRIPTION"); prepareCompressed(comp); eventsDb->setValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION", comp.c_str()); } // image references if (images && imagetype) imgCnt = storeImageRefs(event->getBigintValue("EVENTID"), event->getStrValue("SOURCE"), images, imagetype, event->getStrValue("FILEREF")); else tell(4, "no images for event %ld in %s", event->getBigintValue("EVENTID"), event->getStrValue("FILEREF")); event->setValue("IMAGECOUNT", min(imgCnt, EpgdConfig.maximagesperevent)); free(images); free(imagetype); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Store Images //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::storeImageRefs(tEventId evtId, const char* source, const char* images, const char* ext, const char* fileRef) { char* next; char* image; int lfn = 0; char* imagesCsv = strdup(images); int count = 0; // #TODO limit here to EpgdConfig.maximagesperevent for (char* p = imagesCsv; p && *p; p = next, lfn++) { if ((next = strchr(p, ','))) { *next = 0; // terminate next++; } asprintf(&image, "%s.%s", p, ext); imageRefDb->clear(); imageRefDb->setBigintValue("EVENTID", evtId); imageRefDb->setValue("LFN", lfn); imageRefDb->setValue("IMGNAME", image); imageRefDb->setValue("SOURCE", source); imageRefDb->setValue("FILEREF", fileRef); imageRefDb->store(); count++; free(image); } free(imagesCsv); tell(3, "There are %d images for event %lld", count, evtId); return count; } //*************************************************************************** // Get Pictures //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::getPictures() { time_t start = time(0); int count = 0; int notFound = 0; int total = 0; unsigned int bytes = 0; MemoryStruct data; int rows = -1; if (!EpgdConfig.getepgimages) return done; // fetch all images tell(0, "Start download of new images"); char* where; asprintf(&where, "lfn < %d", EpgdConfig.maximagesperevent); imageRefDb->countWhere(where, rows, "count(distinct imagename)"); free(where); cDbStatement* stmt = new cDbStatement(imageRefDb); stmt->build("select "); stmt->bind("IMGNAME", cDBS::bndOut); stmt->bind("SOURCE", cDBS::bndOut,", "); stmt->bind("FILEREF", cDBS::bndOut, ", max("); stmt->build(") from %s where ", imageRefDb->TableName()); stmt->bindCmp(0, "LFN", 0, "<"); stmt->build(" group by %s, %s", imageRefDb->getField("IMGNAME")->getDbName(), imageRefDb->getField("SOURCE")->getDbName()); if (stmt->prepare() != success) { delete stmt; return fail; } imageRefDb->clear(); imageRefDb->setValue("LFN", EpgdConfig.maximagesperevent); // limit to config connection->startTransaction(); for (int f = stmt->find(); f && !doShutDown(); f = stmt->fetch()) { const char* imagename = imageRefDb->getStrValue("IMGNAME"); cSystemNotification::check(); if (!(++total % 500)) { connection->commit(); double mb = (double)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0; tell(0, "Still updating images, now %d of %d checked and %d loaded (%.3f %cB)", total, rows, count, mb > 2 ? mb : (double)bytes/1024.0, mb > 2 ? 'M' : 'K'); connection->startTransaction(); } // get image if missing imageDb->clear(); imageDb->setValue("IMGNAME", imagename); int found = imageDb->find(); if (!found || imageDb->isNull("IMAGE")) { int fileSize = getPicture(imageRefDb->getStrValue("SOURCE"), imagename, imageRefDb->getStrValue("FILEREF"), &data); if (fileSize > 0) { int maxSize = imageDb->getField("IMAGE")->getSize(); bytes += fileSize; count++; tell(2, "Downloaded image '%s' with (%d) bytes", imagename, fileSize); if (fileSize < maxSize) { imageDb->setValue("Image", data.memory, data.size); imageDb->store(); } else { tell(0, "Warning, skipping storage of image due to size " "limit of %d byte, got image with %d bytes", maxSize, fileSize); } data.clear(); } else { notFound++; } } imageDb->reset(); } stmt->freeResult(); delete stmt; connection->commit(); double mb = (double)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0; tell(0, "Loaded %d images (%.3f %cB), checked %d; %d failed to load in %ld seconds", count, mb > 2 ? mb : (double)bytes/1024.0, mb > 2 ? 'M' : 'K', total, notFound, time(0)-start); return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Remove Old Files //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::cleanupEvents() { char* where; struct tm tm; time_t historyFrom; tell(1, "Starting cleanup of events"); // detete all fileref entrys older than 24 hours (works only for epgdata events) historyFrom = time(0) - tmeSecondsPerDay; localtime_r(&historyFrom, &tm); asprintf(&where, "substr(name,1,8) <= '%4d%02d%02d' and source = 'epgdata'", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday); tell(1, "Delete fileref [%s]", where); fileDb->deleteWhere("%s", where); free(where); // NOTE: // -> events with missing fileref entries will deleted by the plugins of epgd! // delete events and useevents ended (starttime+duration) before 6 hours time_t minEventTime = time(0) - 6 * tmeSecondsPerHour; asprintf(&where, "starttime+duration < %ld", minEventTime); tell(1, "Delete events [%s]", where); eventsDb->deleteWhere("%s", where); free(where); asprintf(&where, "cnt_starttime+cnt_duration < %ld", minEventTime); tell(1, "Delete useevents [%s]", where); useeventsDb->deleteWhere("%s", where); free(where); // store min event time to parameters setParameter("epgd", "minEventTime", minEventTime); // cleanup components compDb->deleteWhere("eventid not in (select eventid from events where source = 'vdr');"); tell(1, "Cleanup of events finished"); long int hist = 3; getParameter("epgd", "timerJobFailedHistory", hist); tell(1, "Starting cleanup of failed timer actions, older than %ld days", hist); timerDb->clear(); timerDb->setCharValue("ACTION", taFailed); timerDb->setValue("UPDSP", time(0) - hist * tmeSecondsPerDay); cleanupTimerActions->execute(); cleanupTimerActions->freeResult(); tell(1, "Cleanup of timer actions finished"); return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Remove Pictures //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::cleanupPictures() { if (EpgdConfig.getepgimages) { // remove unused images cSystemNotification::check(); tell(1, "Starting cleanup of imagerefs"); imageRefDb->deleteWhere("eventid not in (select eventid from events)"); cSystemNotification::check(yes); tell(1, "Starting cleanup of images"); imageDb->deleteWhere("imagename not in (select imagename from imagerefs)"); tell(1, "Image cleanup finished"); } return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Store to FS //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::storeToFs(MemoryStruct* data, const char* filename, const char* subPath) { char* path = 0; char* outfile = 0; asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", EpgdConfig.cachePath, subPath); chkDir(path); asprintf(&outfile, "%s/%s", path, filename); free(path); storeToFile(outfile, data->memory, data->size); free(outfile); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Load from FS //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::loadFromFs(MemoryStruct* data, const char* filename, const char* subPath) { char* path = 0; char* infile = 0; cSystemNotification::check(); asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", EpgdConfig.cachePath, subPath); chkDir(path); asprintf(&infile, "%s/%s", path, filename); free(path); loadFromFile(infile, data); free(infile); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Plugin Interface //*************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************** // Cleanup Before //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::cleanupBefore() { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) { Plugin* p = (*it)->getPlugin(); cSystemNotification::check(); if (p->ready()) p->cleanupBefore(); } return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Cleanup After //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::cleanupAfter() { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) { Plugin* p = (*it)->getPlugin(); cSystemNotification::check(); if (p->ready()) p->cleanupAfter(); } return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Get Picture //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::getPicture(const char* source, const char* imagename, const char* fileRef, MemoryStruct* data) { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) { Plugin* p = (*it)->getPlugin(); cSystemNotification::check(); if (p->ready() && p->hasSource(source)) return p->getPicture(imagename, fileRef, data); } return 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Process Day //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::processDay(int day, int fullupdate, Statistic* stat) { vector::iterator it; for (it = plugins.begin(); it < plugins.end(); it++) { Plugin* p = (*it)->getPlugin(); cSystemNotification::check(); if (p->ready()) { tell(1, "Updating '%s' day today+%d now", p->getSource(), day); p->processDay(day, fullupdate, stat); } } return dbConnected() ? success : fail; } //*************************************************************************** // Init Scrapers //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::initScrapers() { int status; tvdbManager = new cTVDBManager(); if (!tvdbManager->ConnectScraper()) { tell(0, "Error while connecting tvdb scraper"); return fail; } if ((status = tvdbManager->ConnectDatabase(connection)) != success) { tell(0, "Error while connecting to series database"); return status; } tell(0, "TVDB scraper connected"); movieDbManager = new cMovieDBManager(); if (!movieDbManager->ConnectScraper()) { tell(0, "Error while connecting movieDb scraper"); return fail; } if ((status = movieDbManager->ConnectDatabase(connection)) != success) { tell(0, "Error while connecting to movies database"); return status; } tell(0, "MOVIEDB scraper connected"); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Exit Scrapers //*************************************************************************** void cEpgd::exitScrapers() { delete tvdbManager; tvdbManager = 0; delete movieDbManager; movieDbManager = 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Scrap New Events //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::scrapNewEvents() { if (!tvdbManager || !movieDbManager) return done; // ------------------------------ // update existing series with new data from thetvdb.com time_t start = time(0); tell(0, "Scraping new series and episodes"); tvdbManager->SetServerTime(); tvdbManager->ResetBytesDownloaded(); tvdbManager->UpdateSeries(); int bytes = tvdbManager->GetBytesDownloaded(); double mb = (double)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0; tell(0, "Update of series and episodes done in %ld s, downloaded %.3f %cB", time(0) - start, mb > 2 ? mb : (double)bytes/1024.0, mb > 2 ? 'M' : 'K'); // ------------------------------ // scrap new series in EPG vector seriesToScrap; if (!tvdbManager->GetSeriesWithEpisodesFromEPG(&seriesToScrap)) return fail; start = time(0); tvdbManager->ResetBytesDownloaded(); int seriesTotal = seriesToScrap.size(); int seriesCur = 0; tell(0, "%d new series events to scrap in db", seriesTotal); for (vector::iterator it = seriesToScrap.begin(); it != seriesToScrap.end(); ++it) { seriesCur++; cSystemNotification::check(); if (seriesCur % 10 == 0) tell(0, "series episode %d / %d scraped...continuing scraping", seriesCur, seriesTotal); if (seriesCur % 50 == 0) sleep(1); tvdbManager->ProcessSeries(*it); if (doShutDown()) break; if (!dbConnected()) return fail; } bytes = tvdbManager->GetBytesDownloaded(); mb = (double)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0; tell(0, "%d of %d series episodes scraped in %ld s, downloaded %.3f %cB", seriesCur, seriesTotal, time(0) - start, mb > 2 ? mb : (double)bytes/1024.0, mb > 2 ? 'M' : 'K'); // ------------------------------ // scrap movies if (doShutDown()) return success; start = time(0); vector moviesToScrap; tell(0, "Scraping new movies"); movieDbManager->ResetBytesDownloaded(); if (!movieDbManager->GetMoviesFromEPG(&moviesToScrap)) return fail; int moviesTotal = moviesToScrap.size(); int movieCur = 0; tell(0, "%d new movies to scrap in db", moviesTotal); for (vector::iterator it = moviesToScrap.begin(); it != moviesToScrap.end(); ++it) { movieCur++; if (movieCur % 10 == 0) tell(0, "movie %d / %d scraped...continuing scraping", movieCur, moviesTotal); if (movieCur % 50 == 0) sleep(1); movieDbManager->ProcessMovie(*it); if (doShutDown()) break; if (!dbConnected()) return fail; } bytes = movieDbManager->GetBytesDownloaded(); mb = (double)bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0; tell(0, "%d of %d movies scraped in %ld s, downloaded %.3f %cB", movieCur, moviesTotal, time(0) - start, mb > 2 ? mb : (double)bytes/1024.0, mb > 2 ? 'M' : 'K'); // ------------------------------ // copy changed scraper refereces from event to useevents if (dbConnected()) { time_t lastScrRefUpdate = 0; getParameter("epgd", "lastScrRefUpdate", lastScrRefUpdate); eventsDb->clear(); useeventsDb->clear(); eventsDb->setValue("SCRSP", lastScrRefUpdate-5); updateScrReference->execute(); setParameter("epgd", "lastScrRefUpdate", lastScrRefUpdate); } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Cleanup Series and Movies //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::cleanupSeriesAndMovies() { if (tvdbManager) { cSystemNotification::check(); tell(0, "cleaning up series..."); int numDeleted = tvdbManager->CleanupSeries(); tell(0, "%d outdated series deleted", numDeleted); } if (movieDbManager) { cSystemNotification::check(); tell(0, "cleaning up movies..."); int numDeleted = movieDbManager->CleanupMovies(); tell(0, "%d outdated movies deleted", numDeleted); } return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Check new Recordings //*************************************************************************** void cEpgd::scrapNewRecordings(int count) { if (!tvdbManager || !movieDbManager) return ; recordingListDb->clear(); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRNEW", yes); tell(0, "SCRAP: Scraping new recordings, %d pending", count); connection->startTransaction(); for (int res = selectNewRecordings->find(); res; res = selectNewRecordings->fetch()) { int seriesId = 0; int episodeId = 0; int movieId = 0; int found = no; string recPath = recordingListDb->getStrValue("PATH"); long starttime = recordingListDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME"); string recTitle = recordingListDb->getStrValue("TITLE"); string recSubtitle = recordingListDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"); string category = recordingListDb->getStrValue("CATEGORY"); int eventId = recordingListDb->getIntValue("EVENTID"); string channelId = recordingListDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"); int scrapInfoMovieId = recordingListDb->getIntValue("SCRINFOMOVIEID"); int scrapInfoSeriesId = recordingListDb->getIntValue("SCRINFOSERIESID"); int scrapInfoEpisodeId = recordingListDb->getIntValue("SCRINFOEPISODEID"); int isSeries = category == "Serie" ? yes : no; cSystemNotification::check(); tell(1, "-------------------------------------------------------"); tell(1, "Found new recording '%s'/'%s'", recTitle.c_str(), recSubtitle.c_str()); // -------------------------------------------- // first - scrap by scrapInfo if available // -> info is set by user therefore prefer it if (isSeries && scrapInfoSeriesId > 0) { found = tvdbManager->CheckScrapInfoDB(scrapInfoSeriesId, scrapInfoEpisodeId); if (!found) found = tvdbManager->CheckScrapInfoOnline(scrapInfoSeriesId, scrapInfoEpisodeId); } else if (!isSeries && scrapInfoMovieId > 0) { found = movieDbManager->CheckScrapInfoDB(scrapInfoMovieId); if (!found) found = movieDbManager->CheckScrapInfoOnline(scrapInfoMovieId); } if (found) { tell(1, "SCRAP: Scrap for recording '%s' successfully done by user defined scrapinfo", recTitle.c_str()); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRNEW", no); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSERIESID", scrapInfoSeriesId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSERIESEPISODE", scrapInfoEpisodeId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRMOVIEID", scrapInfoMovieId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSP", time(0)); recordingListDb->update(); continue; } // -------------------------------------------- // second - for 'actual' recordings check if event with scrap info is available // don't use lookup later sine the event ids can reused in between! if (starttime > time(0) - 3*tmeSecondsPerHour) { if (eventId > 0 && channelId.size() > 0) found = checkEventsForRecording(eventId, channelId, seriesId, episodeId, movieId); if (found) { tell(1, "SCRAP: Found active event for recording '%s'", recTitle.c_str()); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSERIESID", seriesId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSERIESEPISODE", episodeId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRMOVIEID", movieId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRNEW", no); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSP", time(0)); recordingListDb->update(); continue; } } /* // -------------- // maybe another client got the recording earlier .. found = checkRecOtherClients(uuid, recPath, recStart); if (found) { tell(1, "SCRAP: Found same recording from other client for recording '%s'", recTitle.c_str()); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRNEW", no); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSP", time(0)); recordingListDb->update(); continue; } */ // ------------------------------------ // third - try scrap by title and subtitle seriesId = 0; episodeId = 0; movieId = 0; if (isSeries) { // series ... tell(1, "SCRAP: Searching '%s' as series in database", recTitle.c_str()); found = tvdbManager->SearchRecordingDB(recTitle, recSubtitle, seriesId, episodeId); if (found) tell(1, "SCRAP: Found '%s'/'%s' in database", recTitle.c_str(), recSubtitle.c_str()); if (!found) { tell(1, "SCRAP: Nothing found in db, searching '%s' as series online", recTitle.c_str()); found = tvdbManager->SearchRecordingOnline(recTitle, recSubtitle, seriesId, episodeId); if (found) tell(1, "SCRAP: Found '%s'/'%s' as series online, seriesId %d, episodeId %d", recTitle.c_str(), recSubtitle.c_str(), seriesId, episodeId); } } else { // movie ... tell(1, "SCRAP: Searching '%s' as movie in database", recTitle.c_str()); found = movieDbManager->SearchRecordingDB(recTitle, movieId); if (found) tell(1, "SCRAP: Found '%s' in database", recTitle.c_str()); if (!found) { tell(1, "SCRAP: Nothing found in db, searching '%s' as movie online", recTitle.c_str()); found = movieDbManager->SearchRecordingOnline(recTitle, movieId); if (found) tell(1, "SCRAP: Found '%s' as movie online, movieId %d", recTitle.c_str(), movieId); } } tell(1, "SCRAP: Recording %s scraped '%s'", found ? "successfully" : "NOT successfully", recTitle.c_str()); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRNEW", no); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSERIESID", seriesId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSERIESEPISODE", episodeId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRMOVIEID", movieId); recordingListDb->setValue("SCRSP", time(0)); recordingListDb->update(); } connection->commit(); tell(0, "SCRAP: Scraping new recordings done"); } //*************************************************************************** // Check Events For Recording //*************************************************************************** bool cEpgd::checkEventsForRecording(int eventId, string channelId, int& seriesId, int& episodeId, int& movieId) { eventsDb->clear(); eventsDb->setValue("MASTERID", eventId); eventsDb->setValue("CHANNELID", channelId.c_str()); if (!selectRecordingEvent->find()) return false; seriesId = eventsDb->getIntValue("SCRSERIESID"); episodeId = eventsDb->getIntValue("SCRSERIESEPISODE"); movieId = eventsDb->getIntValue("SCRMOVIEID"); if (seriesId > 0 || movieId > 0) return true; return false; } //*************************************************************************** // Check Recording at Other Clients //*************************************************************************** bool cEpgd::checkRecOtherClients(string uuid, string recPath, int recStart) { int res = true; // // take only last two directorys from path for comparison // size_t firstSlash = recPath.find_last_of('/'); // if (firstSlash == string::npos) // return false; // size_t secondSlash = recPath.find_last_of('/', firstSlash-1); // if (secondSlash == string::npos) // return false; // string compPath = recPath.substr(secondSlash); // compPath = '%' + compPath; // recordingListDb->setValue("PATH", compPath.c_str()); // recordingListDb->setValue("VDRUUID", uuid.c_str()); // recordingListDb->setValue("STARTTIME", recStart); // if (selectRecOtherClient->find()) // { // if (recordingListDb->getIntValue("SERIESID") > 0 // || recordingListDb->getIntValue("MOVIEID") > 0) // res = false; // } // // primary key was changed through function call // recordingListDb->setValue("VDRUUID", uuid.c_str()); // recordingListDb->setValue("PATH", recPath.c_str()); // recordingListDb->setValue("STARTTIME", recStart); return res; } //*************************************************************************** // Trigger VDRs //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::triggerVdrs(const char* trg, const char* options) { const char* plgs[] = { "epg2vdr", 0 }; if (!selectActiveVdrs) // wait for dbInit ;) return done; vdrDb->clear(); for (int f = selectActiveVdrs->find(); f; f = selectActiveVdrs->fetch()) { const char* ip = vdrDb->getStrValue("Ip"); unsigned int port = vdrDb->getIntValue("Svdrp"); cSvdrpClient cl(ip, port); // open tcp connection if (cl.open() == success) { for (int i = 0; plgs[i]; i++) { char* command = 0; cList result; asprintf(&command, "PLUG %s %s %s", plgs[i], trg, !isEmpty(options) ? options : ""); tell(1, "Send '%s' to '%s' at '%s:%d'", command, plgs[i], ip, port); if (!cl.send(command)) tell(0, "Error: Send '%s' to '%s' at '%s:%d' failed!", command, plgs[i], ip, port); else cl.receive(&result, 2); free(command); } cl.close(no); } } selectActiveVdrs->freeResult(); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Wakekup VDR //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::wakeupVdr(const char* uuid) { int status = fail; vdrDb->clear(); vdrDb->setValue("UUID", uuid); if (vdrDb->find()) { const char* mac = vdrDb->getStrValue("MAC"); if (!isEmpty(mac)) status = sendWol(mac, EpgdConfig.netDevice); } vdrDb->reset(); return status; } //*************************************************************************** // Send TCC TEST Mail //*************************************************************************** struct cTccTimerData { long id; int begin; int end; std::string channel; std::string file; }; struct cTccTransponder { int count; std::list timers; }; int cEpgd::sendTccTestMail() { int conflicts = 0; std::string mailBody; for (int tt = 1; tt < 3; tt++) { cTccTimerData timer; std::string mailPart; conflicts++; mailBody += "" "" " conflict #" + num2Str(conflicts) + " on VDR '" + "vdrfoobar" + "' at " + l2pDate(time(0)) + "" ""; std::map transponders; std::map::iterator it; for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++) { std::string transponder = "TRA01"; std::string tspTxt; transponders[transponder].count++; timer.id = 8154711; timer.channel = "SAT 77 HD"; timer.file = "krime/foobar.rec"; timer.begin = 1215; timer.end = 1702; transponders[transponder].timers.push_back(timer); } for (it = transponders.begin(); it != transponders.end(); it++) { char buf[1024+TB]; std::list::iterator li; for (li = it->second.timers.begin(); li != it->second.timers.end(); ++li) { tell(3, "TCC: found (%ld) '%s'", (*li).id, (*li).file.c_str()); sprintf(buf, "" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "", it->first.c_str(), (*li).channel.c_str(), (*li).id, (*li).file.c_str(), hhmm2pTime((*li).begin).c_str(), hhmm2pTime((*li).end).c_str()); mailPart += buf; } } mailBody += mailPart; mailBody += ""; } sendTccMail(mailBody); return done; } //*************************************************************************** // Send TCC Mail //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::sendTccMail(string& mailBody) { static time_t lastMailAt = 0; const char* htmlHead = "" "Conflicting Timers" "" ""; // string subject = "EPGD: Timer conflicts"; // string receivers; char* html = 0; // max one mail per hour if (lastMailAt > time(0) - tmeSecondsPerHour) return done; if (!mailBody.length()) return fail; // build mail body .. asprintf(&html, "" "" "%s" "" "
" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
 " "

Conflicting Timers

" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "%s" "
" "
" "Timer List" "
" "" "" "", htmlHead, mailBody.c_str(), !isEmpty(EpgdConfig.httpDevice) ? getIpOf(EpgdConfig.httpDevice) : getIpOf(EpgdConfig.netDevice), EpgdConfig.httpPort ); // printf("%s\n", html); // #DEBUG message(3, 'E', "EPGD: Timer conflicts", "%s", html); lastMailAt = time(0); free(html); return success; } //*************************************************************************** // Message //*************************************************************************** int cEpgd::message(int level, char type, const char* title, const char* format, ...) { va_list ap; char* message; string receivers; const char* mimeType = "text/plain"; va_start(ap, format); vasprintf(&message, format, ap); va_end(ap); messageDb->setCharValue("TYPE", type); messageDb->setValue("TITLE", title); messageDb->setValue("STATE", "N"); messageDb->setValue("TEXT", message); messageDb->insert(); tell(level, "(%s) %s", title, message); // loop over web users parameterDb->clear(); for (int found = selectWebUsers->find(); found; found = selectWebUsers->fetch()) { char receiver[255+TB] = ""; char typesToMail[10+TB] = ""; const char* owner = parameterDb->getStrValue("OWNER"); getParameter(owner, "messageMailTypes", typesToMail); if (!strchr(typesToMail, type)) continue; getParameter(owner, "mailReceiver", receiver); if (isEmpty(receiver)) tell(2, "Info: No mail receiver for user '%s', can't send mail", owner+1); else receivers += receiver + string(","); } if (strstr(message, "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC")) mimeType = "text/html"; sendMail(mimeType, receivers.c_str(), title, message); free(message); return done; }