AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-10-26ABORTED status (timeout as example)lado
2011-10-25description text size 16diplado
2011-10-24wigth folderroot
2011-10-24wrong folderroot
2011-10-24UnMapSpecialChars for unescape special chars + handling : in timer title and ↵lado
2011-10-24some new strings, reformat ...lado
2011-10-20Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2011-10-20add support for delivering audi tracklado
2011-10-20share also channel infolado
2011-10-20bug fix with share in list viewslado
2011-10-20add support for deleting recordingslado
2011-10-20share functionlado
2011-10-20map special characters in Utilslado
2011-10-20added timerstate backlado
2011-10-20added timer state for epg details and share functionlado
2011-10-20Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2011-10-20added support for deleting a recordinglado
2011-10-20added support for deleting a recordinglado
2011-10-20Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2011-10-20better handling of timer commands, now with own C D M commands. Old impl had ↵lado
bug with -0
2011-10-20base activity for timer eidtor list viewslado
2011-10-20timer support, recording support + epg details for all of themlado
2011-10-20protocol changeslado
2011-10-20now all timer operations via TimerTaskslado
2011-10-20hierarchie changes in event classeslado
2011-10-20be more genericlado
2011-10-20some new valueslado
2011-10-20minor size changeslado
2011-10-20timer is now edited on alertdialoglado
2011-10-20header in list views gets it's own layoutlado
2011-10-20refactor imageslado
2011-10-19 use toLower rather the toUpper on search in epg. Added epg info to timerlado
2011-10-15password attribute for vdr passwordlado
2011-10-15implemented search (not yet 100% clean) and time search not know iflado
works, not yet tested. Added imdb support
2011-10-15imdb icon for epg detailslado
2011-10-15event better app iconlado
2011-10-15larger iconslado
2011-10-15separate index fo search resultslado
2011-10-15hi res iconslado
2011-10-12Version 0.2-prelado
2011-10-12recorindg info implementedlado
2011-10-12TODO for locking the querieslado
2011-10-12swipe left and right to switcg to the next or previois entry in thelado
dropdown list
2011-10-12search manager added, data provider added, no reload on orientationlado
2011-10-12intregreate with search managerlado