path: root/Tools/statdvb2vdr
diff options
authorKlaus Schmidinger <kls (at) cadsoft (dot) de>2001-04-01 18:00:00 +0200
committerKlaus Schmidinger <kls (at) cadsoft (dot) de>2001-04-01 18:00:00 +0200
commit610c5600df98b35226536ffe92b1fd231128c7d4 (patch)
treef0df8ce83dd3e4829be7def61126871f425e2f23 /Tools/statdvb2vdr
parentf2937af95ceaf3a52c327e96571367ef5475b3a1 (diff)
Version 0.72vdr-0.72
- Fixed SVDRP commands LSTC and LSTT to make them return an error message if no channels or timers are defined. - Enhanced 'channels.conf.cable' (thanks to Hans-Peter Raschke). - Fixed switching to another channel via the EPG while a recording is being replayed. - Fixed a memory leak in the EIT processor that happened when the system time was set. - Removed some redundant code from the cListBase destructor. - Fixed internationalization of some Main menu texts. - Updated 'channels.conf' after the recent changes of Premiere World (thanks to Axel Gruber). - Redesigned the ring buffer to make it work with two separate threads for input and output (also prepared for using a remultiplexer). - Fixed setting system time from transponders. - Fixed a segfault in the Schedule menu in case there is no EPG information. - The 'runvdr' script now kills any leftover vdr threads before restarting it. - Fixed a problem with Daylight Saving Time when displaying the times of recordings. - Added Dutch language texts (thanks to Arnold Niessen). - The new command line option -t can be used to set the controlling terminal (thanks to J�rgen Sauer). This is especially useful when starting VDR through an entry in /etc/inittab (see INSTALL). - Since the CAM module only works if it is installed in the "highest" DVB card, recordings now search for a free DVB card from lowest to highest index (as opposed to the previous "highest to lowest" search) in order to not use the CAM card for FTA recordings unless necessary. This is only important for systems with three or more DVB cards. - Added the "statdvb2vdr" tool from Hans-Peter Raschke. - Fixed a segfault that sometimes happened when killing VDR. - VDR now returns an exit status of '2' in case of an error at startup, instead of terminating with 'abort()' (which caused a core dump). - SVDRP now also works with clients that don't do line buffering (like the Windows 'telnet'). - Empty lines in config files no longer cause error messages. - New SVDRP command LSTE to list the EPG data. - The SVDRP HELP command now prints the topics in several columns.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/statdvb2vdr')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/statdvb2vdr/ b/Tools/statdvb2vdr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e918d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/statdvb2vdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Reads the file statdvb.dat produced by the Siemens windows
+# software (1.50), which contains the scanned channels of an
+# DVB-C (-S). The file ist located in the windows directory.
+# Output is suitable for VDR (channels.conf). Only tested for
+# the cable version. Should work with slight modifications for
+# the sat version.
+# 8. M�rz 2001 - Hans-Peter Raschke
+# file structure derived from "DvbGlobalDef.h" of the Siemens
+# DVB kit.
+# typedef int TABLETYPE;
+# enum TunStandard
+# {
+# PAL_BG, //B/G stereo or mono
+# PAL_I, //I mono (with Nicam stereo)
+# PAL_DK, //D/K mono
+# SECAM_L, //L mono (with Nicam stereo)
+# SECAM_LI, //Secam L� (with Nicam stereo)
+# NTSC_M,
+# DVB_C,
+# DVB_S,
+# DVB_T
+# };
+# typedef struct TunProgDataTag //xx bytes+1string
+# {
+# int nNumber; //logical number of the program
+# DWORD dwFrequency; //frequency in khz
+# CString csName; //name of the program
+# TunStandard eStandard; //standard of the program
+# DWORD dwExtraInfo; //specific info, like teletext,reserved data
+# //0x8 == external input 1-CVBS
+# //0x10 == external input 2-Y/C
+# //0x20 == scrambled Program stream
+# //0x40 == ASTRA Sattable
+# //0x80 == Eutelsat Sattable
+# //0xC0 == Sattable from File
+# //0x100 == Pulsed switch to other satellite dish
+# //0x1000-0xF000 = Other Satellite Nr(if Sattable from File)
+# //Digital only params beginning from here
+# WORD ProgNr; //DVB Nr for the prog (PAS related)
+# WORD wTS_ID; //Transport-Stream ID orig.
+# WORD wNW_ID; //Network ID orig.
+# WORD wService_ID; //Service /Programm Id
+# BYTE nModulation; //Modulation-Type QAM,QPSK,other
+# BYTE nFEC_outerinner; //outer(high nibble) and inner(low n.)
+# DWORD dwSymbolrate; //in symbol/s
+# BOOL b22kHz; //east or west(TRUE) position in Sat
+# BOOL bVertical_pos; //horizontal or vertical(TRUE) position in SAT
+# BYTE nProgtype; //type of service (e.g. tv, radio)
+# WORD wVideo_PID; //video-pid of the channel
+# WORD wAudio_PID; //audio-pid of the channel
+# WORD wPMT_PID; //PID of the associated PMT
+# WORD wTxt_PID; //teletext PID for the program
+# WORD wSubtitling_PID; //subtitling PID for the program
+# WORD wData_PID; //PID for data broadcast
+# BYTE nIPFilter; //filter for different ip's
+# DWORD dwReserved1; //Shows some extended Information LOWORD=DataBroadcast_Id,
+# //MSB showing Databroadcast, (HIWORD & 0xFF)=ComponentTag from the stream ident desc
+# DWORD dwReserved2; //reserved dword
+# }DVBTunProgData;
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+# for a full dump
+my @varNames = ("nNumber", # logical number of the program
+ "dwFrequency", # frequency in khz
+ "csName", # name of the program
+ "eStandard", # standard of the program
+ "dwExtraInfo", # specific info, like teletext,reserved data
+ # 0x8 == external input 1-CVBS
+ # 0x10 == external input 2-Y/C
+ # 0x20 == scrambled Program stream
+ # 0x40 == ASTRA Sattable
+ # 0x80 == Eutelsat Sattable
+ # 0xC0 == Sattable from File
+ # 0x100 == Pulsed switch to other satellite dish
+ # 0x1000-0xF000 = Other Satellite Nr(if Sattable from File)
+ "ProgNr", # DVB Nr for the prog (PAS related)
+ "wTS_ID", # Transport-Stream ID orig.
+ "wNW_ID", # Network ID orig.
+ "wService_ID", # Service /Programm Id
+ "nModulation", # Modulation-Type QAM,QPSK,other
+ "nFEC_outerinner", # outer(high nibble) and inner(low n.)
+ "dwSymbolrate", # in symbol/s
+ "b22kHz", # east or west(TRUE) position in Sat
+ "bVertical_pos", # horizontal or vertical(TRUE) position in SAT
+ "nProgtype", # type of service (e.g. tv, radio)
+ "wVideo_PID", # video-pid of the channel
+ "wAudio_PID", # audio-pid of the channel
+ "wPMT_PID", # PID of the associated PMT
+ "wTxt_PID", # teletext PID for the program
+ "wSubtitling_PID", # subtitling PID for the program
+ "wData_PID"); # PID for data broadcast
+my @outVar = ("csName",
+ "dwFrequency",
+ "bVertical_pos",
+ "b22kHz",
+ "dwSymbolrate",
+ "wVideo_PID",
+ "wAudio_PID",
+ "wTxt_PID",
+ "dwExtraInfo",
+ "ProgNr");
+# channels that need a valid smartcard
+my @addCrypted = ("Extreme Sport",
+ "Bloomberg",
+ "Fashion TV",
+ "Einstein",
+ "Single TV");
+my @chNames = (); # list of scanned channels
+my $camNo = 1; # number of CI/CAM to use
+my %chData; # all channel data
+my $buff; # input buffer
+my $fh = new FileHandle("$ARGV[0]") or die "Datei $ARGV[0] nicht gefunden!";
+binmode($fh); # could be run on windows
+$fh->seek(4, 0); # skip id
+my $chCnt = 0;
+while (!$fh->eof()) {
+ $chCnt++;
+ last if ($fh->read($buff, 7) != 7);
+ my ($nNumber,
+ $dwFrequency,
+ $sLen
+ ) = unpack("SLC", $buff);
+ last if ($fh->read($buff, $sLen) != $sLen);
+ my ($csName) = unpack("A$sLen", $buff);
+ $csName =~ s/:/./g;
+ $csName =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $csName =~ s/\s+$//;
+ last if ($fh->read($buff, 54) != 54);
+ my ($eStandard,
+ $dwExtraInfo,
+ $ProgNr,
+ $wTS_ID,
+ $wNW_ID,
+ $wService_ID,
+ $nModulation,
+ $nFEC_outerinner,
+ $dwSymbolrate,
+ $b22kHz,
+ $bVertical_pos,
+ $nProgtype,
+ $wVideo_PID,
+ $wAudio_PID,
+ $wPMT_PID,
+ $wTxt_PID,
+ $wSubtitling_PID,
+ $wData_PID
+ ) = unpack("LLSSSSCCLLLCSSSSSS", $buff);
+ # some modifications for VDR
+ $dwFrequency /= 1000;
+ $bVertical_pos = $bVertical_pos ? "v" : "h";
+ $dwSymbolrate /= 1000;
+ $dwExtraInfo = ($dwExtraInfo == 32 || grep(($_ cmp $csName) == 0, @addCrypted)) ? $camNo : 0;
+ my $x = 1;
+ my $orgName = $csName;
+ while (exists($chData{$csName})) {
+ $csName = "$orgName" . "_$x";
+ $x++;
+ }
+ push(@chNames, $csName);
+ my %tmp = ("nNumber" => $nNumber,
+ "dwFrequency" => $dwFrequency,
+ "csName" => $orgName,
+ "eStandard" => $eStandard,
+ "dwExtraInfo" => $dwExtraInfo,
+ "ProgNr" => $ProgNr,
+ "wTS_ID" => $wTS_ID,
+ "wNW_ID" => $wNW_ID,
+ "wService_ID" => $wService_ID,
+ "nModulation" => $nModulation,
+ "nFEC_outerinner" => $nFEC_outerinner,
+ "dwSymbolrate" => $dwSymbolrate,
+ "b22kHz" => $b22kHz,
+ "bVertical_pos" => $bVertical_pos,
+ "nProgtype" => $nProgtype,
+ "wVideo_PID" => $wVideo_PID,
+ "wAudio_PID" => $wAudio_PID,
+ "wPMT_PID" => $wPMT_PID,
+ "wTxt_PID" => $wTxt_PID,
+ "wSubtitling_PID" => $wSubtitling_PID,
+ "wData_PID" => $wData_PID);
+ $chData{$csName} = {%tmp};
+print STDERR "$chCnt channels found!\n";
+# now we print the channels.conf
+# crypted TV
+print ":verschl�sselte Fernsehprogramme\n";
+for my $n (@chNames) {
+ my %tmp = %{$chData{$n}};
+ printChannel($chData{$n}) if ($tmp{"nProgtype"} == 1 && $tmp{"dwExtraInfo"});
+# TV
+print ":Fernsehprogramme\n";
+for my $n (@chNames) {
+ my %tmp = %{$chData{$n}};
+ printChannel($chData{$n}) if ($tmp{"nProgtype"} == 1 && !$tmp{"dwExtraInfo"});
+# crypted radio
+print ":verschl�sselte Radioprogramme\n";
+for my $n (@chNames) {
+ my %tmp = %{$chData{$n}};
+ printChannel($chData{$n}) if ($tmp{"nProgtype"} == 2 && $tmp{"dwExtraInfo"});
+# radio
+print ":Radioprogramme\n";
+for my $n (@chNames) {
+ my %tmp = %{$chData{$n}};
+ printChannel($chData{$n}) if ($tmp{"nProgtype"} == 2 && !$tmp{"dwExtraInfo"});
+sub printChannel {
+ my $p = shift;
+ my @tmp = ();
+ for my $n (@outVar) {
+ push(@tmp, ${$p}{$n});
+ }
+ print join(":", @tmp), "\n";