path: root/FORMATS
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/FORMATS b/FORMATS
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index 63ae7e1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
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-Video Disk Recorder File Formats
-* channels.conf
- This file contains the channel setup.
- It consists of two types of lines: "group delimiters" and "channel
- definitions".
- A "group delimiter" is a line starting with a ':' as the very first
- character, followed by arbitrary text.
- Example: ":First group"
- A "channel definition" is a line with channel data, where the fields
- are separated by ':' characters:
- Example: "RTL:12188:h:1:27500:163:104:105:0:12003"
- The fields in a channel definition have the following meaning (from left
- to right):
- - Name: the channel's name (if the name originally contains a ':' character
- it has to be replaced by '|')
- - Frequency in MHz for DVB-S and DVB-C, kHz for DVB-T (as an integer)
- - Polarization (one of 'h', 'H', 'v', 'V') **
- - Diseqc number **
- - Symbol rate ***
- - Video PID (set to '0' for radio channels, '1' for encrypted radio channels)
- - Audio PID (either one number, or two, separated by a comma)
- If this channel also carries Dolby Digital sound, the Dolby PIDs follow
- the audio PIDs, separated by a semicolon, as in "...:101,102;103,104:..."
- - Teletext PID
- - Conditional Access (0 = Free To Air, 1..4 = explicitly requires the DVB card
- with the given number, >=100 = requires a specific decryption method defined
- in 'ca.conf').
- - Program Number
- Fields marked with ** are only meaningful for DVB-S receivers.
- DVB-C and DVB-T receivers simply ignore these.
- Fields marked with *** are only meaningful for DVB-S and DVB-C receivers.
- DVB-T receivers simply ignore these.
-* ca.conf
- This file contains the definitions of the various conditional access code
- numbers. Anything after (and including) a '#' character is comment.
- Value lines consist of an integer number, followed by a text describing
- this decryption method (typically the name of the pay tv service using this
- decryption method).
- The special value 0 means "Free To Air", i.e. can be used for channels that
- don't require additional decryption hardware.
- The values 1..4 can be used for channels that for some reason explicitly
- need a given DVB card (for backward compatibility).
- The values defined in this file are the ones used in the 'Ca' parameter of
- 'channels.conf'.
-* timers.conf
- This file contains the timer setup.
- The fields in a timer definition have the following meaning (from left
- to right):
- - Timer active (0 = inactive, 1 = active, 3 = instant recording)
- Values other than these can be used by external programs to mark active timers
- and recognize if the user has modified them. When a user modifes an active
- timer the 'active' field will be explicitly set to '1' (or '0', respectively,
- if the user deactivates the timer).
- Note: in order to allow future extensibility, external programs using the
- 'active' parameter should only use the upper 16 bit of this 32 bit parameter
- and leave the lower 16 bit untouched.
- - Program number of the channel to record
- - Day of recording (in case of a repeating timer), either one or more of
- M------ = Monday
- -T----- = Tuesday
- --W---- = Wednesday
- ---T--- = Thrusday
- ----F-- = Friday
- -----S- = Saturday
- ------S = Sunday
- (any combination is possible, for example MTWTF--, and the days may be
- indicated by any characters except '-', so for example ABC---- would set
- a timer that records on monday, tuesday and wednesday) or the "day of month"
- (1..31) in case of a single shot timer.
- The day definition of a repeating timer may be followed by the date when that
- timer shall hit for the first time. The format for this is @YYYY-MM-DD,
- so a complete definition could look like this: MTWTF--@2002-02-18. This
- "first day" feature can be used to disable a repeating timer for a couple
- of days, or for instance to define a new Mon...Fri timer on wednesday, which
- actually starts "monday next week". The "first day" date given need not be
- that of a day when the timer would actually hit.
- - Start time (first two digits for the hour, second two digits for the minutes)
- - End time (first two digits for the hour, second two digits for the minutes)
- - Priority (from 0 to 99, 0 = lowest prioity, 99 = highest priority)
- - Guaranteed lifetime of recording (in days); 0 means that this recording may
- be automatically deleted by a new recording with higher priority, 99 means
- that this recording will never be automatically deleted
- - Name of timer (will be used to name the recording); if the name contains
- any ':' characters, these have to be replaced with '|'. If the name shall
- contain subdirectories, these have to be delimited by '~' (since the '/'
- character may be part of a regular programme name).
- The special keywords TITLE and EPISODE, if present, will be replaced
- with the title and episode information from the EPG data at the time of
- recording (if that data is available). If at the time of recording either
- of these cannot be determined, TITLE will default to the channel name, and
- EPISODE will default to a blank.
- - Summary (any newline characters in the summary have to be replaced with '|';
- the summary may contain ':' characters)
-* setup.conf
- This file contains the basic configuration options for VDR.
- Each line contains one option in the format "Name = Value".
- See the MANUAL file for a description of the available options.
-* commands.conf
- This file contains the definitions of commands that can be executed from
- the "VDR" menu's "Commands" option.
- Each line contains one command definition in the following format:
- title : command
- where 'title' is the string the will be displayed in the "Commands" menu,
- and 'command' is the actual command string that will be executed when this
- option is selected. The delimiting ':' may be surrounded by any number of
- white space characters.
- In order to avoid error messages to stderr, every command should have
- stderr redirected to stdout. Everything the command prints to stdout will
- be displayed in a result window, with 'title' as its title.
- Examples:
- Check for new mail: /usr/local/bin/checkmail 2>&1
- CPU status : /usr/local/bin/cpustatus 2>&1
- Disk space : df -h | grep '/video' | awk '{ print 100 - $5 "% free"; }'
-* svdrphosts.conf
- This file contains the IP numbers of all hosts that are allowed to access the
- SVDRP port.
- Each line contains one IP number in the format
- IP-Address[/Netmask]
- where 'IP-Address' is the address of a host or a network in the usual dot
- separated notation (as in If the optional 'Netmask' is given
- only the given number of bits of 'IP-Address' are taken into account. This
- allows you to grant SVDRP access to all hosts of an entire network. 'Netmask'
- can be any integer from 1 to 32. The special value of 0 is only accepted if
- the 'IP-Address' is, because this will give access to any host (USE
- Everything following (and including) a '#' character is considered to be
- comment.
-* marks.vdr
- This file (if present in a recording directory) contains the editing marks
- defined for this recording.
- Each line contains the definition of one mark in the following format:
- hh:mm:ss.ff comment
- where 'hh:mm:ss.ff' is a frame position within the recording, given as "hours,
- minutes, seconds and (optional) frame number". 'comment' can be any string
- and may be used to describe this mark. If present, 'comment' must be separated
- from the frame position by at least one blank.
- The lines in this file need not necessarily appear in the correct temporal
- sequence, they will be automatically sorted by time index.
- - the 'comment' is currently not used by VDR
- - marks must have a frame number, and that frame MUST be an I-frame (this
- means that only marks generated by VDR itself can be used, since they
- will always be guaranteed to mark I-frames).
-* 001.vdr ... 255.vdr
- These are the actual recorded MPEG data files. In order to keep the size of
- an individual file below a given limit, a recording is split into several
- files. The contents of these files is "Packetized Elementary Stream" (PES)
- and contains ES packets with ids 0xE0 for video, 0xC0 for audio 1 and 0xC1
- for audio 2 (if available). Dolby Digital data is stored in packets with
- ids 0xBD.
- This file contains the EPG data in an easily parsable format. The first
- character of each line defines what kind of data this line contains.
- The following tag characters are defined:
- C <service id> <channel name>
- E <event id> <start time> <duration> <table id>
- T <title>
- S <subtitle>
- D <description>
- e
- c
- Lowercase characters mark the end of a sequence that was started by the
- corresponding uppercase character. The outer frame consists of a sequence
- of one or more 'C'...'c' (Channel) entries. Inside these any number of
- 'E'...'e' (Event) entries are allowed. The 'T', 'S' and 'D' entries are
- optional (although every event should at least have a 'T' entry).
- <service id> is the "program number" as defined in 'channels.conf'
- <channel name> is the "name" as in 'channels.conf' (for information only)
- <start time> is the time (as a time_t integer) in UTC when this event starts
- <duration> is the time (in seconds) that this event will take
- <table id> is a hex number that indicates the table this event is contained
- in (if this is left empty or 0 this event will not be overwritten
- or modified by data that comes from the DVB stream)
- <title> is the title of the event
- <subtitle> is the subtitle (typically the name of the episode etc.)
- <description> is the description of the event
- This file will be read at program startup in order to restore the results of
- previous EPG scans.