path: root/Tools/master-timer/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/master-timer/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/master-timer/ b/Tools/master-timer/
deleted file mode 100755
index fb2a783..0000000
--- a/Tools/master-timer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-# The EPG-Entrys
-my (%Entry, %channel, $mode);
-# 0 = VDR -> DTV
-# 1 = DTV -> VDR
-$mode = 0;
-if ($mode) {
- &read_dtv();
- &read_epgdata();
-} else {
- &read_epgdata();
- &read_dtv();
-sub read_epgdata {
- my ($channel, $duration, $title, $subtitle, $description, $time);
- open (FI,"") or die ("Can't open file \"\"\n");
- while (<FI>) {
- # Begin Channel
- if (/^C\s(\d+)\s+(.+)/) {
- $channel=$2;
- while (<FI>) {
- # End Channel
- if (/^c$/) {
- last;
- }
- # Begin Timer
- elsif (/^E\s(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
- # Undef this Variables because it is possibel that not every timer uses this values
- undef $duration;
- undef $subtitle;
- undef $description;
- $time=$2;
- $duration=$3;
- }
- # Title
- elsif (/^T\s(.*)/) {
- $title=$1;
- }
- # Subtitle
- elsif (/^S\s(.*)/) {
- $subtitle=$1;
- }
- # Description
- elsif (/^D\s(.*)/) {
- $description=$1;
- }
- # End Timer
- elsif (/^e$/) {
- if ($mode) {
- # DTV -> VDR
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle}=$subtitle if ($subtitle);
- if ($description) {
- if ($Entry{$channel}{$time}{description}) {
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description} = "DTV: '$Entry{$channel}{$time}{description}' VDR: '$description'";
- } else {
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description} = "DTV: '' VDR: '$description'";
- }
- }
- } else {
- # VDR -> DTV
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{title}=$title;
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{duration}=$duration;
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle}=$subtitle if ($subtitle);
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description}=$description if ($description);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close (FI);
-sub read_dtv {
- my ($channel, $time, $duration, $title, $category, $subtitle, $description);
- open (FI,$ARGV[0]) or die "Can't open DTV-File";
- while (<FI>) {
- chomp;
- ($channel, $time, $duration, $title, $category, $subtitle, $description) = split (/\|/);
- if (!$channel{$channel}) {
- next;
- }
- $channel = $channel{$channel};
- if ($mode) {
- # DTV -> VDR
- if (!$subtitle && $description =~ /^\"(.*?)\"\:\s(.*)/) {
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} = $1;
- $description = $2;
- }
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{title} = $title;
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{duration} = $duration;
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} = $subtitle if ($subtitle);
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{category} = $category if ($category);
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description} = $description if ($description);
- } else {
- # VDR -> DTV
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{category} = $category if ($category);
- if ($description) {
- if (!$Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} && $description =~ /^\"(.*?)\"\:\s(.*)/) {
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} = $1;
- $description = $2;
- }
- if ($Entry{$channel}{$time}{description}) {
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description} = "DTV: '$description' VDR: '$Entry{$channel}{$time}{description}'";
- } else {
- $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description} = "DTV: '$description' VDR: ''";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close (FI);
-sub read_channel_list {
- my ($old, $new);
- open (FI,"$ENV{HOME}/.master-timer/convert-channel-list") or die ("Can't read channel-List");
- while (<FI>) {
- chomp;
- ($old, $new) = split (/\|/);
- $channel{$old} = $new;
- }
- close (FI);
-sub print_VDR() {
- my ($channel, $title, $time);
- foreach $channel (sort keys %Entry) {
- print "C 1 $channel\n";
- foreach $time (sort keys %{%Entry->{$channel}}) {
- if ($Entry{$channel}{$time}{duration}) {
- print "E 1 $time $Entry{$channel}{$time}{duration}\n";
- print "K $Entry{$channel}{$time}{category}\n" if ($Entry{$channel}{$time}{category});
- print "T $Entry{$channel}{$time}{title}\n";
- print "S $Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle}\n" if ($Entry{$channel}{$time}{subtitle});
- print "D $Entry{$channel}{$time}{description}\n" if ($Entry{$channel}{$time}{description});
- print "e\n";
- }
- }
- print "c\n";
- }