path: root/po/zh_CN.po
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-01-06Version 1.7.11vdr-1.7.11Klaus Schmidinger
- Fixed resetting the file size when regenerating the index file. - The new function cDevice::PatPmtParser() can be used in derived devices to access the PAT/PMT of the currently replayed material. - Updated the Italian OSD texts (thanks to Diego Pierotto). - The PCR pid in generated PMTs is now set to 0x1FFF ("no PCR pid") in cPatPmtGenerator::GeneratePmt(), because VDR doesn't record the PCR pid. - Updated the Estonian OSD texts (thanks to Arthur Konovalov). - The 'sky' plugin is no longer part of the VDR source. - Improved SPU handling on devices with limited OSD capabilities (thanks to Matthieu Castet). - Several code modifications to avoid compiler warnings (thanks to Winfried Köhler). - Added stream type 11172 AUDIO to cPatPmtParser::ParsePmt() (thanks to Johann Friedrichs). - Removed debug output of '-' from cTransfer::Receive(). - Added defines for large files to the 'newplugin' script (reported by Udo Richter). - Removed the workaround for short channel names of "Kabel Deutschland", because apparently they now have their data according to the DVB standard (thanks to Johann Friedrichs). - Some fixes to dvbspu.[hc] (thanks to Johann Friedrichs). - Fixed a busy loop when moving editing marks (thanks to Johann Friedrichs). - Updated sources.conf (thanks to Derek Kelly). - Modified cCharSetConv so that it can be used to convert from "whatever VDR uses" to a given code (thanks to Joachim Wilke). - Channel names containing commas are now handled correctly in channels.conf. If a channel's short name contains a comma, it is replaced with a '.'. - cDevice now logs the device number when a new device is created. - Fixed handling STREAMTYPE_11172_AUDIO in cPatPmtParser::ParsePmt(). - cParsePatPmt now has functions to retrieve the audio, dolby and subtitle pids. - cPatFilter::Process() now only stores CA descriptors for video and audio pids (thanks to Francesco Saverio Schiavarelli for reporting a problem with channels that have some encrypted components that VDR doesn't use). - cDevice::AddPid() now stores the stream type of the given pid (thanks to Andreas Regel). - Added cFont::FontName() and cFont::Size() (thanks to Andreas Regel). - cPatPmtParser now also stores the audio stream types. - The support for full featured DVB cards of the TT/FuSi design has been moved into the new plugin 'dvbsddevice'. On systems that use such a card as their primary device, this plugin now needs to be loaded when running VDR in order to view live or recorded video. If the plugin is not loaded, the card will be treated like a budget DVB card, and there will be no OSD or viewing capability. - Fixed handling the "CA PMT" generation (revised a change not mentioned in version 1.7.9's changes, which caused a malfunction with Conax and Viaccess CAMs). - Fixed stopping subtitle display when switching the primary device (thanks to Anssi Hannula). IMPORTANT NOTE TO PLUGIN AUTHORS: a plugin that implements a derived cDevice class that can replay video must now call the MakePrimaryDevice() function of its base class. - Fixed compiler warnings "format not a string literal and no format arguments" in some syslog calls (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). - The new command line options --edit and --genindex can be used to edit a recording or generate its index without actually starting the entire VDR (based on a patch from Helmut Auer). - Improved the description of the transponder parameters in vdr.5 (thanks to Winfried Köhler). - Avoiding setting the video stream type to 2 if the vpid is 0 (problem reported by Arthur Konovalov). - Implemented handling the "Content Descriptor" (based on a patch from Rolf Ahrenberg). The 'classic', 'sttng' and 'curses' skins display the textual representation of the content descriptors as "genre". The file stores the genre using the tag character 'G'. - Implemented handling the "Parental Rating Descriptor" (based on a patch from Rolf Ahrenberg). The 'classic', 'sttng' and 'curses' skins display the parental rating (if given) in their event displays. The file stores the parental rating using the tag character 'R'. IMPORTANT NOTE: if VDR doesn't display a parental rating, this does not necessarily mean that the given programme is suitable for all audiences! - Rearranged cEvent members to minimize memory waste. - After a CLRE command, no further EPG processing is now done for 10 seconds, so that data sent with subsequent PUTE commands doesn't interfere with data from the broadcasters (suggested by Helmut Auer). - Added support for DVB cards with multiple fontends. Note that this only works for DVB cards where each frontend can be used independently of all the others on the same adapter. - Fixed plugin arguments corruption with glibc 2.11 on x86_64 (thanks to Anssi Hannula).
2009-11-22Version 1.7.10vdr-1.7.10Klaus Schmidinger
- Updated the Italian OSD texts (thanks to Diego Pierotto). - Fixed wrong bracketing in cChannel::SubtitlingType() etc. (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). - Fixed not logging changes for channels that have no number (reported by Timothy D. Lenz). - Changed the project's URLs and email to - Added Lithuanian language translations (thanks to Valdemaras Pipiras). - Updated Chinese language texts (thanks to Nan Feng). - Only checking DVB_API_VERSION to be >=5 in order to stay compileable in case the DVB API version number is increased (the API claims to always be backward compatible). - Fixed saving terminal settings when running in background (thanks to Manuel Reimer). - Fixed cFrameDetector::Analyze() to handle video streams where the frame type is not detectable from the first TS packet of a frame. - Fixed writing the PCR pid into the PMT in cPatPmtGenerator::GeneratePmt() (reported by Rene van den Braken). - Added Slovakian language texts (thanks to Milan Hrala). - Fixed EntriesOnSameFileSystem() to avoid using f_fsid, which may be 0 (thanks to Frank Schmirler). - Fixed starting a recording at an I-frame. - Fixed generating the index for recordings from channels that put a whole GOP into one payload unit. - The index file for TS recordings is now regenerated on-the-fly if a recording is replayed that has no index. This can also be used to re-create a broken index file by manually deleting the index file and then replaying the recording (at least until the index file has been generated). - The cRingBufferLinear::Read() function now returns -1 and sets errno to EAGAIN if the buffer is already full. - Fixed handling DVB subtitles for PES recordings (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). - Added the audio id to the call of PlayAudio() in cDevice::PlayTsAudio() (thanks to Andreas Schaefers). - Fixed references to old *.vdr file names in MANUAL (reported by Arthur Konovalov). - Reverted "Removed limitation to PAL resolution from SPU handling" because it cause nothing but trouble. Besides, the core VDR doesn't use this, anyway. - Fixed the default value for "Pause key handling" in the MANUAL (reported by Diego Pierotto).
2009-06-14Version 1.7.8vdr-1.7.8Klaus Schmidinger
- The name of the function cDevice::GetVideoSize() wasn't very well chosen for its purpose of defining the optimum size of the OSD for the current output device. Therefore a new function named cDevice::GetOsdSize() has been introduced (suggested by Rolf Ahrenberg). Plugin authors should implement this function in classes derived from cDevice, if they are able to replay video. cDevice::GetVideoSize() still exists and should return the actual size of the video material that is currently replayed. Note that because of the many possible aspect ratios for video material, the type of the Aspect parameter of GetVideoSize() has been changed to 'double', and the Aspect parameter in both functions is named differently, because it returns different values (suggested by Reinhard Nissl). Thanks to Oliver Endriss for his input on calculating the Aspect factor in GetOsdSize(). - Fixed the way the OSD size is determined on full featured DVB cards (thanks to Oliver Endriss). - Increased MAXOSDHEIGHT to 1200 (suggested by Nicolas Huillard). - Removed limitation to PAL resolution from SPU handling. - Checking fd_video in cDvbDevice::GetVideoSize() to avoid error messages on systems with no real primary replay device (reported by Martin Neuditschko). - Added a note to cTsToPes::GetPes() about having to call it repeatedly, once it has returned a non-NULL value. - Added MPEG 1 handling to remux.c (thanks to Ales Jurik). - Fixed use of time_t in cEIT::cEIT() (thanks to Tobias Bratfisch). - Added missing update of lastOsdSizeUpdate. - EIT events are now only processed if a plausible system time is available, to avoid wrong handling of PDC descriptors (thanks to Tobias Bratfisch). - Removed unused 'synced' member from cTsToPes (reported by Christoph Haubrich). - Added a note to cTsToPes about all TS packets having to belong to the same PID, and that for video data GetPes() may only be called if the next TS packet that will be given to PutTs() has the "payload start" flag set (suggested by Christoph Haubrich). - Added a note about the meaning of PERCENTAGEDELTA in cRingBuffer::UpdatePercentage() (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). - The new setup option "Recording/Pause key handling" can be used to define what happens if the Pause key on the remote control is pressed during live tv (thanks to Timo Eskola). - Added a note about cFont::GetFont() not being thread-safe. - Fixed generating PAT/PMT version numbers in case the PIDs change during recording (reported by Reinhard Nissl). - Updated the Ukrainian OSD texts (thanks to Yarema Aka Knedlyk). - Fixed a memory leak when reaching the end of a recording during replay (reported by Reinhard Nissl). - Fixed calling close(-1) in cUnbufferedFile::Close() (reported by Reinhard Nissl). - Added a workaround for the broken linux-dvb driver header files (based on a patch from Tobias Grimm). - Fixed handling the length of DiSEqC command sequences (reported by Reinhard Nissl). - Fixed cOsdMenu::Display() in case the menu size has changed (thanks to Reinhard Nissl). - Added some missing 'const' keywords to avoid compilation errors with gcc 4.4 (thanks to Ville Skyttä and Ludwig Nussel). - Modified cSVDRP::CmdGRAB() to avoid writing into const data (reported by Ludwig Nussel). - Fixed calculating menu colum widths in case the font has a size other than the default size (reported by Reinhard Nissl). - Added a plausibility check for the OSD percentage parameters to avoid problems in case the values are stored in the setup.conf file in a wrong way. - Fixed variable types in cIndexFile (reported by Udo Richter).
2009-05-03Version 1.7.7vdr-1.7.7Klaus Schmidinger
- The new function cDevice::GetVideoSize() returns the size and aspect ratio of the video material currently displayed. This function is used to determine the proper size of the OSD. Plugin authors should implement this function in classes derived from cDevice, if they are able to replay video. - The OSD and font sizes are now defined in percent of the actual video display size. The maximum OSD size has been raised to 1920x1080, to allow full screen OSD on HD systems. - The OSD size is now automatically adjusted to the actual video display (provided the output device implements the GetVideoSize() function). - cFrameDetector::Analyze() now syncs on the TS packet sync bytes (thanks to Oliver Endriss for reporting broken index generation after a buffer overflow).
2008-12-14Version 1.7.2vdr-1.7.2Klaus Schmidinger
- Added a note about 'Id' being obsolete to the description of cDevice::PlayAudio(). - Switched to the new S2API driver API, which was decided to become the official DVB API in the kernel (based on patches from Igor M. Liplianin, Niels Wagenaar and Edgar Hucek). VDR now uses the S2API driver from In order to correctly detect DVB-S2 capable devices, you need to apply the patch from to the driver source, because the S2API doesn't provide a way of telling whether a device can handle DVB-S2 transponders. - The cDvbTuner::IsTunedTo() function now also checks the symbol rate in case of DVB-S and DVB-C. - Improved handling PES video packets with zero length when converting from TS to PES. For good replay in Transfer Mode on full featured DVB cards you may want to apply the patch from to the driver (thanks to Oliver Endriss).
2008-04-13Version 1.7.0vdr-1.7.0Klaus Schmidinger
- Re-implemented handling of DVB-S2, which first appeared in version 1.5.14, but was revoked in version 1.5.15 in favor of making a stable version 1.6.0. VDR now requires the "multiproto" DVB driver, e.g. from Note that the channels.conf file now supports additional parameters, so you may want to make sure you have a backup of this file in case you need to go back to the previous version of VDR! - Fixed displaying transponder data when it is modified (thanks to Reinhard Nissl). - Fixed handling the counter in detection of pre 1.3.19 PS data (thanks to Reinhard Nissl). - Improved logging system time changes to avoid problems on slow systems under heavy load (suggested by Helmut Auer). - Now setting the thread name, so that it can be seen in 'top -H' (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). - Fixed initializing the timer's flags in the cTimer copy constructor (thanks to Andreas Mair). - Fixed setting the OSD level in the 'osddemo' example (thanks to Wolfgang Rohdewald). - Increased the time between checking the CAM status to 500ms to avoid problems with some CAMs (reported by Arthur Konovalov).
2008-03-23Version 1.6.0vdr-1.6.0Klaus Schmidinger
- Updated the Croatian language texts (thanks to Adrian Caval). - Added Chinese language texts (thanks to Nan Feng). - Updated the Portuguese language texts. - Added a note about VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE to the INSTALL file.