From dbf38b7c68911187b6a48688b738c31612d35984 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Klaus Schmidinger Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 18:00:00 +0200 Subject: =?UTF-8?q?Version=201.5.10=20-=20Implemented=20handling=20DVB=20s?= =?UTF-8?q?ubtitles=20(thanks=20to=20Marco=20Schl=C3=BC=C3=9Fler,=20and=20?= =?UTF-8?q?also=20to=20=20=20Pekka=20Virtanen=20for=20writing=20the=20subt?= =?UTF-8?q?itle=20plugin,=20which=20helped=20in=20implementing=20=20=20sub?= =?UTF-8?q?title=20handling=20in=20VDR).=20-=20The=20new=20remote=20contro?= =?UTF-8?q?l=20key=20"Subtitles"=20can=20be=20used=20to=20bring=20up=20the?= =?UTF-8?q?=20list=20=20=20of=20available=20subtitles.=20-=20The=20new=20s?= =?UTF-8?q?etup=20option=20"DVB/Subtitle=20languages"=20can=20be=20used=20?= =?UTF-8?q?to=20define=20the=20=20=20preferred=20languages=20for=20subtitl?= =?UTF-8?q?es.=20-=20Fixed=20selecting=20the=20audio=20track=20when=20pres?= =?UTF-8?q?sing=20Ok=20in=20the=20Audio=20menu=20(thanks=20=20=20to=20Marc?= =?UTF-8?q?o=20Schl=C3=BC=C3=9Fler).=20-=20Implemented=20display=20of=20DV?= =?UTF-8?q?B=20subtitles=20in=20live=20viewing=20mode.=20-=20Implemented?= =?UTF-8?q?=20subtitle=20track=20selection.=20-=20Implemented=20bitmap=20c?= =?UTF-8?q?olor=20reduction=20and=20shrinking=20to=20display=20subtitles?= =?UTF-8?q?=20even=20=20=20on=20devices=20that=20can't=20display=20the=20n?= =?UTF-8?q?ecessary=20number=20of=20colors.=20-=20Added=20compatibility=20?= =?UTF-8?q?mode=20for=20playback=20of=20recordings=20made=20with=20the=20s?= =?UTF-8?q?ubtitles=20=20=20plugin=20(with=20some=20help=20from=20Rolf=20A?= =?UTF-8?q?hrenberg).=20-=20The=20new=20setup=20option=20"DVB/Subtitle=20o?= =?UTF-8?q?ffset"=20can=20be=20used=20to=20shift=20the=20location=20=20=20?= =?UTF-8?q?of=20the=20subtitles=20in=20the=20vertical=20direction.=20-=20T?= =?UTF-8?q?he=20new=20setup=20options=20"DVB/Subtitle=20foreground/backgro?= =?UTF-8?q?und=20transparency"=20=20=20define=20an=20additional=20level=20?= =?UTF-8?q?of=20transparency=20for=20the=20foreground=20and=20background?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20=20color=20of=20subtitles.=20-=20Existing=20recordings=20?= =?UTF-8?q?made=20with=20the=20subtitle=20plugin=20can=20be=20given=20an?= =?UTF-8?q?=20'X'=20record=20=20=20in=20their=20info.vdr=20file,=20so=20th?= =?UTF-8?q?at=20subtitles=20can=20be=20automatically=20selected=20upon=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20replay,=20according=20to=20the=20preferred=20language=20s?= =?UTF-8?q?etup,=20as=20in=20=20=20X=203=2003=20ger=20deutsch=20=20=20(see?= =?UTF-8?q?=20vdr.5).=20Note=20that=20these=20entries=20need=20to=20be=20a?= =?UTF-8?q?dded=20in=20the=20proper=20sequence,=20=20=20so=20that=20they?= =?UTF-8?q?=20correspond=20with=20the=20actual=20track=20languages=20in=20?= =?UTF-8?q?the=20recording.=20-=20Now=20generating=20translation=20files?= =?UTF-8?q?=20without=20line=20numbers=20to=20avoid=20unnecessarily=20=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20large=20diffs.=20Plugin=20authors=20may=20want=20to=20replac?= =?UTF-8?q?e=20the=20-F=20option=20with=20=20=20--no-location=20in=20the?= =?UTF-8?q?=20xgettext=20and=20msgmerge=20calls=20in=20their=20Makefiles.?= =?UTF-8?q?=20-=20Updated=20the=20Finnish=20OSD=20texts=20(thanks=20to=20R?= =?UTF-8?q?olf=20Ahrenberg).=20-=20Added=20a=20missing=20Channels.SetModif?= =?UTF-8?q?ied(true)=20call=20when=20deleting=20or=20moving=20a=20=20=20ch?= =?UTF-8?q?annel=20in=20the=20Channels=20menu=20(reported=20by=20Halim=20S?= =?UTF-8?q?ahin).=20-=20Fixed=20a=20missing=20'-'=20at=20the=20next=20to?= =?UTF-8?q?=20last=20line=20of=20SVDRP=20help=20texts=20(reported=20by=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20Denis=20Knauf).=20-=20Added=20a=20missing=20SetVolumeDevi?= =?UTF-8?q?ce()=20call=20in=20cDevice::SetPrimaryDevice()=20(reported=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20by=20Reinhard=20Nissl).=20-=20Fixed=20a=20crash=20when=20?= =?UTF-8?q?pressing=20Left=20while=20at=20the=20first=20character=20of=20a?= =?UTF-8?q?=20cMenuEditStrItem=20=20=20(thanks=20to=20Christian=20Wieninge?= =?UTF-8?q?r).=20-=20Only=20creating=20a=20new=20cDvbOsdProvider=20in=20cD?= =?UTF-8?q?vbDevice::MakePrimaryDevice()=20if=20'On'=20=20=20is=20true=20(?= =?UTF-8?q?i.e.=20this=20device=20is=20being=20made=20the=20primary=20devi?= =?UTF-8?q?ce).=20-=20Updated=20the=20Italian=20OSD=20texts=20(thanks=20to?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Diego=20Pierotto).=20-=20Fixed=20handling=20reallocated=20me?= =?UTF-8?q?mory=20in=20cCharSetConv::Convert()=20(reported=20by=20Udo=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20Richter).=20-=20Fixed=20a=20new[]/delete=20mismatch=20in?= =?UTF-8?q?=20cMenuEditStrItem::LeaveEditMode()=20(thanks=20to=20=20=20Udo?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Richter).=20-=20Implemented=20sending=20all=20frames=20to=20?= =?UTF-8?q?devices=20that=20can=20handle=20them=20in=20fast=20forward=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20trick=20speeds=20(thanks=20to=20Timo=20Eskola).=20-=20Upd?= =?UTF-8?q?ated=20the=20Hungarian=20language=20texts=20(thanks=20to=20Thom?= =?UTF-8?q?as=20G=C3=BCnther).=20-=20Fixed=20description=20of=20DeviceSetA?= =?UTF-8?q?vailableTrack()=20and=20cReceiver(),=20and=20added=20an=20=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20example=20~cMyReceiver()=20in=20PLUGINS.html=20(thanks=20to?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Marco=20Schl=C3=BC=C3=9Fler).=20-=20Improved=20the=20descrip?= =?UTF-8?q?tion=20of=20where=20logging=20goes=20in=20the=20INSTALL=20file?= =?UTF-8?q?=20(thanks=20to=20=20=20Elias=20Luttinen).=20-=20Added=20a=20no?= =?UTF-8?q?te=20about=20how=20to=20initiate=20internationalization=20suppo?= =?UTF-8?q?rt=20to=20the=20=20=20README.i18n=20file.=20The=20Makefile=20ge?= =?UTF-8?q?nerated=20by=20the=20'newplugin'=20script=20now=20has=20the=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20'i18n'=20target=20automatically=20create=20an=20initial?= =?UTF-8?q?=20'po/pluginname.pot'=20file.=20=20=20Plugin=20authors=20may?= =?UTF-8?q?=20want=20to=20add=20the=20'$(I18Npot)'=20dependency=20to=20the?= =?UTF-8?q?=20'i18n'=20=20=20target=20in=20their=20Makefiles,=20as=20in=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=20=20i18n:=20$(I18Npot)=20$(I18Nmo)=20=20=20(based=20on=20a=20?= =?UTF-8?q?suggestion=20by=20Torsten=20Kunkel).=20-=20Removed=20a=20duplic?= =?UTF-8?q?ate=20','=20from=20the=20ca=5FES.po=20file=20(thanks=20to=20Tho?= =?UTF-8?q?mas=20G=C3=BCnther).=20-=20Added=20the=20'=C3=9F'=20character?= =?UTF-8?q?=20to=20the=20"allowed=20characters"=20in=20the=20de=5FDE.po=20?= =?UTF-8?q?file=20=20=20(suggested=20by=20Thomas=20G=C3=BCnther).=20-=20Ma?= =?UTF-8?q?de=20the=20default=20copy=20ctor=20of=20cRecording=20private=20?= =?UTF-8?q?(thanks=20to=20Markus=20Hahn).=20=20=20Same=20for=20the=20assig?= =?UTF-8?q?n=20operator.=20-=20Added=20cRecording::Undelete()=20(based=20o?= =?UTF-8?q?n=20a=20patch=20from=20Markus=20Hahn).=20-=20Added=20cDevice::C?= =?UTF-8?q?loseFilter()=20to=20allow=20a=20device=20to=20have=20complete?= =?UTF-8?q?=20control=20over=20=20=20both=20opening=20and=20closing=20sect?= =?UTF-8?q?ion=20filters=20(thanks=20to=20Rolf=20Ahrenberg).=20-=20Some=20?= =?UTF-8?q?fixes=20to=20PLUGINS.html=20(thanks=20to=20Rolf=20Ahrenberg).?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- CONTRIBUTORS | 41 ++ HISTORY | 71 +++ INSTALL | 5 +- MANUAL | 26 + Makefile | 8 +- PLUGINS.html | 54 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/Makefile | 8 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ca_ES.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/cs_CZ.po | 14 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/da_DK.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/de_DE.po | 14 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/el_GR.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/es_ES.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/et_EE.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fi_FI.po | 14 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hr_HR.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/it_IT.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nl_NL.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nn_NO.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pl_PL.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pt_PT.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ro_RO.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ru_RU.po | 14 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sv_SE.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/hello/po/tr_TR.po | 12 +- PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY | 4 + PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile | 8 +- PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/de_DE.po | 4 - PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/fi_FI.po | 4 - PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c | 6 +- README.i18n | 18 +- channels.c | 22 +- channels.h | 6 +- config.c | 17 +- config.h | 14 +- device.c | 188 ++++++- device.h | 46 +- dvbdevice.c | 9 +- dvbdevice.h | 3 +- dvbosd.c | 16 +- dvbplayer.c | 10 +- dvbsubtitle.c | 1029 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dvbsubtitle.h | 43 ++ eit.c | 6 +- | 4 +- keys.c | 3 +- keys.h | 3 +- menu.c | 164 +++++- menu.h | 20 +- menuitems.c | 12 +- newplugin | 8 +- osd.c | 106 +++- osd.h | 33 +- pat.c | 27 +- player.h | 3 +- po/ca_ES.po | 395 +++----------- po/cs_CZ.po | 393 ++----------- po/da_DK.po | 393 ++----------- po/de_DE.po | 395 +++----------- po/el_GR.po | 393 ++----------- po/es_ES.po | 393 ++----------- po/et_EE.po | 393 ++----------- po/fi_FI.po | 393 ++----------- po/fr_FR.po | 393 ++----------- po/hr_HR.po | 393 ++----------- po/hu_HU.po | 418 +++----------- po/it_IT.po | 544 +++++------------- po/nl_NL.po | 393 ++----------- po/nn_NO.po | 391 ++----------- po/pl_PL.po | 393 ++----------- po/pt_PT.po | 391 ++----------- po/ro_RO.po | 393 ++----------- po/ru_RU.po | 393 ++----------- po/sl_SI.po | 393 ++----------- po/sv_SE.po | 393 ++----------- po/tr_TR.po | 393 ++----------- recording.c | 39 +- recording.h | 8 +- remux.c | 30 +- remux.h | 4 +- sections.c | 4 +- svdrp.c | 4 +- tools.c | 4 +- vdr.5 | 6 +- vdr.c | 14 +- 88 files changed, 3423 insertions(+), 7428 deletions(-) create mode 100644 dvbsubtitle.c create mode 100644 dvbsubtitle.h diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS b/CONTRIBUTORS index bddbeed..34b4803 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTORS +++ b/CONTRIBUTORS @@ -1024,6 +1024,10 @@ Rolf Ahrenberg for improving cControl::Launch() to keep 'control' from pointing to uninitialized memory for adding internationalization to the "skincurses" plugin + for helping with adding compatibility mode for playback of recordings made with + the subtitles plugin + for implementing cDevice::CloseFilter() + for some fixes to PLUGINS.html Ralf Klueber for reporting a bug in cutting a recording if there is only a single editing mark @@ -1138,6 +1142,7 @@ Reinhard Nissl for fixing a busy loop in fast forward if the next video data file is missing for adding a debug error message to cReceiver::~cReceiver() in case it is still attached to a device + for reporting a missing SetVolumeDevice() call in cDevice::SetPrimaryDevice() Richard Robson for reporting freezing replay if a timer starts while in Transfer Mode from the @@ -1293,6 +1298,8 @@ Marcus M Pekka Virtanen for adding language code handling to the subtitling descriptor in 'libsi' for adding missing NULL checks when accessing sectionHandler in device.c + for writing the subtitle plugin, which helped in implementing subtitle handling + in VDR John Kennedy for publishing "A Fast Bresenham Algorithm For Drawing Ellipses" (found at @@ -1419,6 +1426,10 @@ Marco Schl for fixing a problem with characters >0x7F in the modified version of skipspace() for reporting a faulty comment in Make.config.template for fixing checking for ttDolbyLast in cDevice::SetCurrentAudioTrack() + for fixing selecting the audio track when pressing Ok in the Audio menu + for implementing handling DVB subtitles + for fixing the description of DeviceSetAvailableTrack() and cReceiver(), and adding + an example ~cMyReceiver() in PLUGINS.html (thanks to Marco Schlüßler). Jürgen Schmitz for reporting a bug in displaying the current channel when switching via the SVDRP @@ -1522,6 +1533,8 @@ Udo Richter for fixing handling single byte characters >0x7F in Utf8ToArray() for fixing clearing color buttons in the 'curses' skin for adding a missing error report to cCuttingThread::Action() + for reporting a problem in handling reallocated memory in cCharSetConv::Convert() + for fixing a new[]/delete mismatch in cMenuEditStrItem::LeaveEditMode() Sven Kreiensen for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.terr' up to date @@ -1772,6 +1785,9 @@ Thomas G show the current APIVERSION for fixing i18n characters for the Hungarian texts for implementing using nl_langinfo(CODESET) to determine the local codeset to use + for removing a duplicate ',' from the ca_ES.po file + for suggesting to add the 'ß' character to the "allowed characters" in the + de_DE.po file David Woodhouse for his help in replacing the get/put_unaligned() macros from asm/unaligned.h with @@ -1878,6 +1894,8 @@ Christian Wieninger for reporting a problem with the device selection in case of timer conflicts for a patch that fixed part of a crash in i18n character set conversion for reporting a bug in stripping the context in I18nTranslate() + for fixing a crash when pressing Left while at the first character of a + cMenuEditStrItem Thiemo Gehrke for suggesting to add a setup option to turn off the automatic timeout of the @@ -1949,6 +1967,8 @@ Markus Hahn for suggesting that the "Back" key should restore the original string when pressed while editing a string item for fixing detection of Premiere NVOD channel links + for making the default copy ctor of cRecording private + for a patch that was used to implement cRecording::Undelete() Jaroslaw Swierczynski for updating the Polish OSD texts and the fontosd-iso8859-2.c file @@ -2169,3 +2189,24 @@ Bruno Roussel Matthias Becker for suggesting to add a new i18n macro that can be used by plugins to mark texts they want to reuse from VDR's core translations + +Halim Sahin + for reporting that the channels.conf file was not written when stopping VDR after + deleting or moving a channel in the Channels menu + +Denis Knauf + for reporting a missing '-' at the next to last line of SVDRP help texts + +Diego Pierotto + for translating OSD texts to the Italian language + +Timo Eskola + for implementing sending all frames to devices that can handle them in fast forward + trick speeds + +Elias Luttinen + for improving the description of where logging goes in the INSTALL file + +Torsten Kunkel + for pointing out that it was not obvious how to initiate internationalization + support for a plugin diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY index c89b218..91d32fb 100644 --- a/HISTORY +++ b/HISTORY @@ -5416,3 +5416,74 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History function to hand through the Level. - Fixed checking for ttDolbyLast in cDevice::SetCurrentAudioTrack() (thanks to Marco Schlüßler). + +2007-10-14: Version 1.5.10 + +- Implemented handling DVB subtitles (thanks to Marco Schlüßler, and also to + Pekka Virtanen for writing the subtitle plugin, which helped in implementing + subtitle handling in VDR). +- The new remote control key "Subtitles" can be used to bring up the list + of available subtitles. +- The new setup option "DVB/Subtitle languages" can be used to define the + preferred languages for subtitles. +- Fixed selecting the audio track when pressing Ok in the Audio menu (thanks + to Marco Schlüßler). +- Implemented display of DVB subtitles in live viewing mode. +- Implemented subtitle track selection. +- Implemented bitmap color reduction and shrinking to display subtitles even + on devices that can't display the necessary number of colors. +- Added compatibility mode for playback of recordings made with the subtitles + plugin (with some help from Rolf Ahrenberg). +- The new setup option "DVB/Subtitle offset" can be used to shift the location + of the subtitles in the vertical direction. +- The new setup options "DVB/Subtitle foreground/background transparency" + define an additional level of transparency for the foreground and background + color of subtitles. +- Existing recordings made with the subtitle plugin can be given an 'X' record + in their info.vdr file, so that subtitles can be automatically selected upon + replay, according to the preferred language setup, as in + X 3 03 ger deutsch + (see vdr.5). Note that these entries need to be added in the proper sequence, + so that they correspond with the actual track languages in the recording. +- Now generating translation files without line numbers to avoid unnecessarily + large diffs. Plugin authors may want to replace the -F option with + --no-location in the xgettext and msgmerge calls in their Makefiles. +- Updated the Finnish OSD texts (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). +- Added a missing Channels.SetModified(true) call when deleting or moving a + channel in the Channels menu (reported by Halim Sahin). +- Fixed a missing '-' at the next to last line of SVDRP help texts (reported by + Denis Knauf). +- Added a missing SetVolumeDevice() call in cDevice::SetPrimaryDevice() (reported + by Reinhard Nissl). +- Fixed a crash when pressing Left while at the first character of a cMenuEditStrItem + (thanks to Christian Wieninger). +- Only creating a new cDvbOsdProvider in cDvbDevice::MakePrimaryDevice() if 'On' + is true (i.e. this device is being made the primary device). +- Updated the Italian OSD texts (thanks to Diego Pierotto). +- Fixed handling reallocated memory in cCharSetConv::Convert() (reported by Udo + Richter). +- Fixed a new[]/delete mismatch in cMenuEditStrItem::LeaveEditMode() (thanks to + Udo Richter). +- Implemented sending all frames to devices that can handle them in fast forward + trick speeds (thansk to Timo Eskola). +- Updated the Hungarian language texts (thanks to Thomas Günther). +- Fixed description of DeviceSetAvailableTrack() and cReceiver(), and added an + example ~cMyReceiver() in PLUGINS.html (thanks to Marco Schlüßler). +- Improved the description of where logging goes in the INSTALL file (thanks to + Elias Luttinen). +- Added a note about how to initiate internationalization support to the + README.i18n file. The Makefile generated by the 'newplugin' script now has the + 'i18n' target automatically create an initial 'po/pluginname.pot' file. + Plugin authors may want to add the '$(I18Npot)' dependency to the 'i18n' + target in their Makefiles, as in + i18n: $(I18Npot) $(I18Nmo) + (based on a suggestion by Torsten Kunkel). +- Removed a duplicate ',' from the ca_ES.po file (thanks to Thomas Günther). +- Added the 'ß' character to the "allowed charcaters" in the de_DE.po file + (suggested by Thomas Günther). +- Made the default copy ctor of cRecording private (thanks to Markus Hahn). + Same for the assign operator. +- Added cRecording::Undelete() (based on a patch from Markus Hahn). +- Added cDevice::CloseFilter() to allow a device to have complete control over + both opening and closing section filters (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). +- Some fixes to PLUGINS.html (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg). diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL index a26e43b..573c6c0 100644 --- a/INSTALL +++ b/INSTALL @@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ to the 'make' command. Alternatively, you can call VDR with the command line option '--vfat'. When running, the 'vdr' program writes status information into the -system log file (/var/log/messages). You may want to watch these -messages (tail -f /var/log/mesages) to see if there are any problems. +system log file, which is usually /var/log/messages (or /var/log/user.log, +depending on your syslog configuration). You may want to watch these +messages (tail -f /var/log/messages) to see if there are any problems. The program can be controlled via a network connection to its SVDRP port ("Simple Video Disk Recorder Protocol"). By default, it listens diff --git a/MANUAL b/MANUAL index 60c6a71..106533c 100644 --- a/MANUAL +++ b/MANUAL @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Version 1.4 Mute mute Audio select audio track + Subtitles select subtitles Schedule \ Channels | @@ -675,6 +676,31 @@ Version 1.4 many "Audio language" options which allow you to select the individual preferred languages. + Display subtitles = no If set to 'yes', the first available subtitles in the list + of preferred subtitle languages will be turned on when + switching to a channel that provides subtitles. + + Subtitle languages = 0 Some tv stations broadcast various subtitle tracks in different + languages. This option allows you to define which language(s) + you prefer in such cases. By default, or if none of the + preferred languages is broadcast, no subtitles will + be selected when switching to such a channel. If this option + is set to a non-zero value, the menu page will contain that + many "Subtitle language" options which allow you to select the + individual preferred languages. + + Subtitle offset = 0 Allows you to shift the location of the subtitles in the + vertical direction. The valid range is -50...50. This option + is only avialable if "Display subtitles" is set to 'yes'. + + Subtitle foreground transparency = 0 + Subtitle background transparency = 0 + These define an additional level of transparency for the + foreground and background color of subtitles. Valid ranges + are 0...9 for foreground transparency, and 0...10 for + background transparency. By default the values as broadcast + are used. + LNB: SLOF = 11700 The switching frequency (in MHz) between low and diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 294ca78..aea6995 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and # how to reach the author. # -# $Id: Makefile 1.106 2007/08/25 08:52:17 kls Exp $ +# $Id: Makefile 1.108 2007/10/13 09:26:40 kls Exp $ .DELETE_ON_ERROR: @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ DOXYFILE = Doxyfile SILIB = $(LSIDIR)/libsi.a OBJS = audio.o channels.o ci.o config.o cutter.o device.o diseqc.o dvbdevice.o dvbci.o dvbosd.o\ - dvbplayer.o dvbspu.o eit.o eitscan.o epg.o filter.o font.o i18n.o interface.o keys.o\ + dvbplayer.o dvbspu.o dvbsubtitle.o eit.o eitscan.o epg.o filter.o font.o i18n.o interface.o keys.o\ lirc.o menu.o menuitems.o nit.o osdbase.o osd.o pat.o player.o plugin.o rcu.o\ receiver.o recorder.o recording.o remote.o remux.o ringbuffer.o sdt.o sections.o shutdown.o\ skinclassic.o skins.o skinsttng.o sources.o spu.o status.o svdrp.o themes.o thread.o\ @@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ I18Npot = $(PODIR)/vdr.pot msgfmt -c -o $@ $< $(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.c) - xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap -F -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ $(wildcard *.c) + xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ $(wildcard *.c) $(I18Npo): $(I18Npot) - msgmerge -U --no-wrap -F --backup=none -q $@ $< + msgmerge -U --no-wrap --no-location --backup=none -q $@ $< i18n: $(I18Nmo) @mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR) diff --git a/PLUGINS.html b/PLUGINS.html index 0b0b495..e34ab0e 100644 --- a/PLUGINS.html +++ b/PLUGINS.html @@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ Copyright © 2006 Klaus Schmidinger

  -Important modifications introduced in version 1.5.1 are marked like this. -
  Important modifications introduced in version 1.5.3 are marked like this.
  Important modifications introduced in version 1.5.7 are marked like this.
  Important modifications introduced in version 1.5.8 are marked like this.
  +Important modifications introduced in version 1.5.10 are marked like this. +

VDR provides an easy to use plugin interface that allows additional functionality to be added to the program by implementing a dynamically loadable library file. @@ -64,9 +64,7 @@ structures and allows it to hook itself into specific areas to perform special a

  • Housekeeping
  • Main thread hook
  • Activity -
  • Wakeup -
  • Setup parameters
  • The Setup menu
  • Configuration files @@ -685,7 +683,6 @@ be queried, and further prompts may show up. If all prompts have been confirmed, the shutdown will take place. As soon as one prompt is not confirmed, no further plugins will be queried and no shutdown will be done. -


    Wake me up before you go-go

    @@ -718,7 +715,6 @@ After wakeup, the plugin shall continue to return the wakeup time and shall return a string when Active() is called at that time, otherwise VDR may shut down again instantly. If WakeupTime() returns a time that is not in the future, the time will be ignored. -

    Setup parameters

    @@ -910,7 +906,7 @@ const char *MyConfigDir = cPlugin::ConfigDirectory();
    Welcome to Babylon!

      If a plugin displays texts to the user, it should prepare for internationalization of these texts. All that is necessary for this is to mark every text that is presented to the user as translatable, as in @@ -921,7 +917,7 @@ const char *s = tr("Hello world!"); The text given here must be the English version, and the returned pointer is either a translated version (if available) or the original string. -
      Texts are searched for in the domain registered for this plugin. If a plugin wants to make use of texts defined by the core VDR code, it can use the special trVDR() macro to mark these texts without having them @@ -944,7 +940,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

      The system VDR is running on may use a character encoding where a single character (or symbol) consists of more than one byte (UTF-8, as opposed to, for instance, ISO8859-1, where every character is represented by a single byte in memory). @@ -1332,7 +1328,9 @@ A player that has special requirements about audio tracks should announce its available audio tracks by calling

    -bool DeviceSetAvailableTrack(eTrackType Type, int Index, uint16_t Id, const char *Language = NULL, uint32_t Flags = 0)
      +bool DeviceSetAvailableTrack(eTrackType Type, int Index, uint16_t Id, const char *Language = NULL, const char *Description = NULL) +

    See device.h for details about the parameters for track handling. @@ -1458,10 +1456,20 @@ public: }; cMyReceiver::cMyReceiver(int Pid) -:cReceiver(0, -1, Pid) +
      +:cReceiver(tChannelID(), -1, Pid) +
    { } +
    +  cReceiver::Detach();
    +  ...
    + void cMyReceiver::Activate(bool On) { // start your own thread for processing the received data @@ -1606,7 +1614,7 @@ with the full required resolution. Only if this fails shall it use alternate areas. Drawing areas are always rectangular and may not overlap (but do not need to be adjacent).

      Special consideration may have to be given to color usage if the OSD provides 8bpp (256 colors). In that case, fonts may be drawn using anti-aliasing, which requires several blended color values between the foreground and background @@ -1778,7 +1786,7 @@ selecting which channel it shall tune to:

     virtual bool ProvidesSource(int Source) const;
     virtual bool ProvidesTransponder(const cChannel *Channel) const;
    -virtual bool ProvidesChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority = -1, bool *NeedsDetachReceivers = NULL);
    +virtual bool ProvidesChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority = -1, bool *NeedsDetachReceivers = NULL) const;
     virtual bool SetChannelDevice(const cChannel *Channel, bool LiveView);

    @@ -1824,6 +1832,9 @@ virtual bool HasDecoder(void) const; virtual bool CanReplay(void) const; virtual bool SetPlayMode(ePlayMode PlayMode); virtual int64_t GetSTC(void); +
      +virtual bool HasIBPTrickSpeed(void); +
    virtual void TrickSpeed(int Speed); virtual void Clear(void); virtual void Play(void); @@ -1838,7 +1849,7 @@ In addition, the following functions may be implemented to provide further functionality:

    -virtual bool GrabImage(const char *FileName, bool Jpeg = true, int Quality = -1, int Si
    +virtual bool GrabImage(const char *FileName, bool Jpeg = true, int Quality = -1, int SizeX = -1, int SizeY = -1);
     virtual void SetVideoFormat(bool VideoFormat16_9);
     virtual void SetVolumeDevice(int Volume);

    @@ -1847,13 +1858,16 @@ virtual void SetVolumeDevice(int Volume); Section Filtering

    If your device provides section filtering capabilities it can implement -the function +the functions

     virtual int OpenFilter(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, u_char Mask);
      +virtual void CloseFilter(int Handle); +

    -which must open a file handle that delivers section data for the given +which must open and close a file handle that delivers section data for the given filter parameters.

    In order to actually start section handling, the diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/Makefile b/PLUGINS/src/hello/Makefile index 80b6c8c..92e8af4 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/Makefile +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/Makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # # Makefile for a Video Disk Recorder plugin # -# $Id: Makefile 1.18 2007/08/19 14:18:59 kls Exp $ +# $Id: Makefile 1.20 2007/10/14 09:23:04 kls Exp $ # The official name of this plugin. # This name will be used in the '-P...' option of VDR to load the plugin. @@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ I18Npot = $(PODIR)/$(PLUGIN).pot msgfmt -c -o $@ $< $(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.c) - xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap -F -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ $(wildcard *.c) + xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ $(wildcard *.c) $(I18Npo): $(I18Npot) - msgmerge -U --no-wrap -F --backup=none -q $@ $< + msgmerge -U --no-wrap --no-location --backup=none -q $@ $< -i18n: $(I18Nmo) +i18n: $(I18Npot) $(I18Nmo) @mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR) for i in $(I18Ndirs); do\ mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR)/$$i/LC_MESSAGES;\ diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ca_ES.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ca_ES.po index fb23952..f1f2a58 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ca_ES.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ca_ES.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Jordi Vilà \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -17,26 +17,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/cs_CZ.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/cs_CZ.po index cc5c80a..756a3f0 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/cs_CZ.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/cs_CZ.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Vladimír Bárta \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "Pøátelskı pozdrav" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "Ahoj" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "Èas pozdravu (s)" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "Pou¾ít alternativní pozdrav" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" -msgstr "Ahoj svìte!" - -#: hello.c:129 msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "Nazdar vespolek!" + +msgid "Hello world!" +msgstr "Ahoj svìte!" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/da_DK.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/da_DK.po index 266a7a4..f3dc75b 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/da_DK.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/da_DK.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Mogens Elneff \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/de_DE.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/de_DE.po index cb2b9dd..5a3c127 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/de_DE.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/de_DE.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Klaus Schmidinger \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "Ein freundlicher Gruß" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "Hallo" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "Dauer des Grußes (s)" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "Alternativen Gruß verwenden" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" -msgstr "Hallo Welt!" - -#: hello.c:129 msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "Tach zusammen!" + +msgid "Hello world!" +msgstr "Hallo Welt!" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/el_GR.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/el_GR.po index 4682514..2862841 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/el_GR.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/el_GR.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Dimitrios Dimitrakos \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-7\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/es_ES.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/es_ES.po index c59a4b8..ee74cca 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/es_ES.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/es_ES.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Ruben Nunez Francisco \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/et_EE.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/et_EE.po index ca4eb5f..802465f 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/et_EE.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/et_EE.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Arthur Konovalov \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-13\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fi_FI.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fi_FI.po index 516634d..f67109b 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fi_FI.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fi_FI.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Rolf Ahrenberg \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -18,26 +18,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "Ystävällisin terveisin" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "Hei" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "Tervehdysaika (s)" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "Käytä vaihtoehtoista tervehdystä" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" -msgstr "Hei maailma!" - -#: hello.c:129 msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "Mitä kuuluu?" + +msgid "Hello world!" +msgstr "Hei maailma!" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po index e23815b..f505419 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/fr_FR.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Nicolas Huillard \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -18,26 +18,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hr_HR.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hr_HR.po index ca84dc7..ef14e62 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hr_HR.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hr_HR.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Drazen Dupor \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,26 +16,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.po index a6c470c..dc54346 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/hu_HU.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Istvan Koenigsberger , Guido Josten \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,26 +16,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/it_IT.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/it_IT.po index 4e7386b..f3f0509 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/it_IT.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/it_IT.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Sean Carlos \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -17,26 +17,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nl_NL.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nl_NL.po index ae81781..59e8f04 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nl_NL.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nl_NL.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Maarten Wisse \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -17,26 +17,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nn_NO.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nn_NO.po index 45d2cc9..e9d5f32 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nn_NO.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/nn_NO.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Truls Slevigen \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,26 +16,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pl_PL.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pl_PL.po index 5c3db87..9187318 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pl_PL.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pl_PL.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Michael Rakowski \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pt_PT.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pt_PT.po index f2cd23c..b76f1fd 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pt_PT.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/pt_PT.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Paulo Lopes \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ro_RO.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ro_RO.po index 43d97f1..f2db4ac 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ro_RO.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ro_RO.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Lucian Muresan \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,26 +16,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ru_RU.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ru_RU.po index eeacdca..0f429ac 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ru_RU.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/ru_RU.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Vyacheslav Dikonov \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-5\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "´àãÖÕáÚŞÕ ßàØÒÕâáâÒØÕ" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "¿àØÒÕâ!" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "¿àŞÔŞÛÖØâÕÛìİŞáâì ßàØÒÕâáâÒØï" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "°ÛìâÕàİĞâØÒİŞÕ ßàØÒÕâáâÒØÕ" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" -msgstr "·ÔàĞÒáâÒãÙ ÜØà!" - -#: hello.c:129 msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "ºĞÚ ßŞÖØÒĞÕâÕ?" + +msgid "Hello world!" +msgstr "·ÔàĞÒáâÒãÙ ÜØà!" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.po index 783528a..dcc35e3 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sl_SI.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Matjaz Thaler \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,26 +16,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sv_SE.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sv_SE.po index b897ce2..c7728cd 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sv_SE.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/sv_SE.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Tomas Prybil \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,26 +16,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/tr_TR.po b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/tr_TR.po index bcf7ceb..ce9edda 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/tr_TR.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/hello/po/tr_TR.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-11 14:35+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:52+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-11 12:34+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Oktay Yolgeçen \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,26 +15,20 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-9\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: hello.c:16 msgid "A friendly greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:17 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:60 msgid "Greeting time (s)" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:61 msgid "Use alternate greeting" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Hello world!" +msgid "Howdy folks!" msgstr "" -#: hello.c:129 -msgid "Howdy folks!" +msgid "Hello world!" msgstr "" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY index 02065a4..34efba9 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY +++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY @@ -57,3 +57,7 @@ VDR Plugin 'skincurses' Revision History - Moved the "all" target in the Makefile before the "Implicit rules", so that a plain "make" will compile everything. - Added internationalization. + +2007-08-26: Version 0.1.4 + +- Adapted to the new Level parameter of cOsd. diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile index 5199dd8..3eea4dd 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile +++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # # Makefile for a Video Disk Recorder plugin # -# $Id: Makefile 1.11 2007/08/19 14:19:07 kls Exp $ +# $Id: Makefile 1.13 2007/10/14 09:23:25 kls Exp $ # The official name of this plugin. # This name will be used in the '-P...' option of VDR to load the plugin. @@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ I18Npot = $(PODIR)/$(PLUGIN).pot msgfmt -c -o $@ $< $(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.c) - xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap -F -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ $(wildcard *.c) + xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o $@ $(wildcard *.c) $(I18Npo): $(I18Npot) - msgmerge -U --no-wrap -F --backup=none -q $@ $< + msgmerge -U --no-wrap --no-location --backup=none -q $@ $< -i18n: $(I18Nmo) +i18n: $(I18Npot) $(I18Nmo) @mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR) for i in $(I18Ndirs); do\ mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR)/$$i/LC_MESSAGES;\ diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/de_DE.po b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/de_DE.po index e80cdc6..98659df 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/de_DE.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/de_DE.po @@ -15,18 +15,14 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: skincurses.c:15 msgid "A text only skin" msgstr "Eine reine Text-Oberfläche" -#: skincurses.c:566 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Stumm" -#: skincurses.c:569 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Lautstärke" -#: skincurses.c:699 msgid "Text mode" msgstr "Text-Modus" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/fi_FI.po b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/fi_FI.po index d4a4742..1f527cd 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/fi_FI.po +++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/po/fi_FI.po @@ -15,18 +15,14 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: skincurses.c:15 msgid "A text only skin" msgstr "Tekstipohjainen ulkoasu" -#: skincurses.c:566 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Mykistys" -#: skincurses.c:569 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus " -#: skincurses.c:699 msgid "Text mode" msgstr "Teksti" diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c index 0553de9..b9a4fc0 100644 --- a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c +++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * - * $Id: skincurses.c 1.17 2007/08/15 14:01:54 kls Exp $ + * $Id: skincurses.c 1.18 2007/08/26 20:16:59 kls Exp $ */ #include @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ #include #include -static const char *VERSION = "0.1.3"; +static const char *VERSION = "0.1.4"; static const char *DESCRIPTION = trNOOP("A text only skin"); static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = NULL; @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public: }; cCursesOsd::cCursesOsd(int Left, int Top) -:cOsd(Left, Top) +:cOsd(Left, Top, 0) { savedRegion = NULL; diff --git a/README.i18n b/README.i18n index 2df5848..0c505b6 100644 --- a/README.i18n +++ b/README.i18n @@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ these texts. The instructions apply equally to VDR itself or any plugin. +How to initiate internationalization support +-------------------------------------------- + +Not every plugin necessarily has texts that are visible to the +user, therefore there is by default no 'po' directory. +If your plugin source contains texts marked for translation +with tr(), you need to + +- Change into the source directory. +- Enter the command 'mkdir po'. + +After that, continue with "How to translate to a new language". + How to translate to a new language ---------------------------------- @@ -18,15 +31,16 @@ How to translate to a new language will create a new *.po file for your language. - Edit the new *.po file and translate the texts. You can do this either with your favorite text editor, or - with a specialited tool like POEdit, GTranslator, KBabel + with a specialized tool like POEdit, GTranslator, KBabel or whatever you have. How to maintain an existing language file ----------------------------------------- +- Change into the source directory. - Do a 'make i18n' to have the *.po files brought up-to-date with the texts in the source code. -- Edit the new *.po file and translate the texts. +- Edit the modified *.po file(s) and translate the texts. If you are using a plain text editor, you should search for empty strings ("") to find new, untranslated texts. Also, look for the "fuzzy" keyword to find translations that have diff --git a/channels.c b/channels.c index d725ac7..b01bb93 100644 --- a/channels.c +++ b/channels.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: channels.c 1.54 2007/07/21 14:55:01 kls Exp $ + * $Id: channels.c 1.55 2007/10/12 14:40:53 kls Exp $ */ #include "channels.h" @@ -440,12 +440,12 @@ static int IntArrayToString(char *s, const int *a, int Base = 10, const char n[] return q - s; } -void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid) +void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Spids, char SLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid) { int mod = CHANNELMOD_NONE; if (vpid != Vpid || ppid != Ppid || tpid != Tpid) mod |= CHANNELMOD_PIDS; - int m = IntArraysDiffer(apids, Apids, alangs, ALangs) | IntArraysDiffer(dpids, Dpids, dlangs, DLangs); + int m = IntArraysDiffer(apids, Apids, alangs, ALangs) | IntArraysDiffer(dpids, Dpids, dlangs, DLangs) | IntArraysDiffer(spids, Spids, slangs, SLangs); if (m & STRDIFF) mod |= CHANNELMOD_LANGS; if (m & VALDIFF) @@ -468,7 +468,16 @@ void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE q += IntArrayToString(q, Dpids, 10, DLangs); } *q = 0; - dsyslog("changing pids of channel %d from %d+%d:%s:%d to %d+%d:%s:%d", Number(), vpid, ppid, OldApidsBuf, tpid, Vpid, Ppid, NewApidsBuf, Tpid); + const int SBufferSize = MAXSPIDS * (5 + 1 + MAXLANGCODE2) + 10; // 5 digits plus delimiting ',' or ';' plus optional '=cod', +10: paranoia + char OldSpidsBuf[SBufferSize]; + char NewSpidsBuf[SBufferSize]; + q = OldSpidsBuf; + q += IntArrayToString(q, spids, 10, slangs); + *q = 0; + q = NewSpidsBuf; + q += IntArrayToString(q, Spids, 10, SLangs); + *q = 0; + dsyslog("changing pids of channel %d from %d+%d:%s:%s:%d to %d+%d:%s:%s:%d", Number(), vpid, ppid, OldApidsBuf, OldSpidsBuf, tpid, Vpid, Ppid, NewApidsBuf, NewSpidsBuf, Tpid); vpid = Vpid; ppid = Ppid; for (int i = 0; i < MAXAPIDS; i++) { @@ -481,6 +490,11 @@ void cChannel::SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE strn0cpy(dlangs[i], DLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2); } dpids[MAXDPIDS] = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) { + spids[i] = Spids[i]; + strn0cpy(slangs[i], SLangs[i], MAXLANGCODE2); + } + spids[MAXSPIDS] = 0; tpid = Tpid; modification |= mod; Channels.SetModified(); diff --git a/channels.h b/channels.h index 6381a20..6eaa66f 100644 --- a/channels.h +++ b/channels.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: channels.h 1.44 2007/07/21 14:58:36 kls Exp $ + * $Id: channels.h 1.45 2007/09/02 10:23:11 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __CHANNELS_H @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ #define MAXAPIDS 32 // audio #define MAXDPIDS 16 // dolby (AC3 + DTS) -#define MAXSPIDS 8 // subtitles +#define MAXSPIDS 32 // subtitles #define MAXCAIDS 8 // conditional access #define MAXLANGCODE1 4 // a 3 letter language code, zero terminated @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public: void SetId(int Nid, int Tid, int Sid, int Rid = 0); void SetName(const char *Name, const char *ShortName, const char *Provider); void SetPortalName(const char *PortalName); - void SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid); + void SetPids(int Vpid, int Ppid, int *Apids, char ALangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Dpids, char DLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int *Spids, char SLangs[][MAXLANGCODE2], int Tpid); void SetCaIds(const int *CaIds); // list must be zero-terminated void SetCaDescriptors(int Level); void SetLinkChannels(cLinkChannels *LinkChannels); diff --git a/config.c b/config.c index aed0936..1305ffb 100644 --- a/config.c +++ b/config.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: config.c 1.156 2007/08/12 12:09:37 kls Exp $ + * $Id: config.c 1.157 2007/10/06 14:28:58 kls Exp $ */ #include "config.h" @@ -236,6 +236,11 @@ cSetup::cSetup(void) MarginStart = 2; MarginStop = 10; AudioLanguages[0] = -1; + DisplaySubtitles = 0; + SubtitleLanguages[0] = -1; + SubtitleOffset = 0; + SubtitleFgTransparency = 0; + SubtitleBgTransparency = 0; EPGLanguages[0] = -1; EPGScanTimeout = 5; EPGBugfixLevel = 3; @@ -406,6 +411,11 @@ bool cSetup::Parse(const char *Name, const char *Value) else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MarginStart")) MarginStart = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MarginStop")) MarginStop = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "AudioLanguages")) return ParseLanguages(Value, AudioLanguages); + else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DisplaySubtitles")) DisplaySubtitles = atoi(Value); + else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SubtitleLanguages")) return ParseLanguages(Value, SubtitleLanguages); + else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SubtitleOffset")) SubtitleOffset = atoi(Value); + else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SubtitleFgTransparency")) SubtitleFgTransparency = atoi(Value); + else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SubtitleBgTransparency")) SubtitleBgTransparency = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EPGLanguages")) return ParseLanguages(Value, EPGLanguages); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EPGScanTimeout")) EPGScanTimeout = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "EPGBugfixLevel")) EPGBugfixLevel = atoi(Value); @@ -483,6 +493,11 @@ bool cSetup::Save(void) Store("MarginStart", MarginStart); Store("MarginStop", MarginStop); StoreLanguages("AudioLanguages", AudioLanguages); + Store("DisplaySubtitles", DisplaySubtitles); + StoreLanguages("SubtitleLanguages", SubtitleLanguages); + Store("SubtitleOffset", SubtitleOffset); + Store("SubtitleFgTransparency", SubtitleFgTransparency); + Store("SubtitleBgTransparency", SubtitleBgTransparency); StoreLanguages("EPGLanguages", EPGLanguages); Store("EPGScanTimeout", EPGScanTimeout); Store("EPGBugfixLevel", EPGBugfixLevel); diff --git a/config.h b/config.h index a5efb9b..e51637f 100644 --- a/config.h +++ b/config.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: config.h 1.298 2007/08/19 16:02:50 kls Exp $ + * $Id: config.h 1.299 2007/10/06 14:27:18 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __CONFIG_H @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ // VDR's own version number: -#define VDRVERSION "1.5.9" -#define VDRVERSNUM 10509 // Version * 10000 + Major * 100 + Minor +#define VDRVERSION "1.5.10" +#define VDRVERSNUM 10510 // Version * 10000 + Major * 100 + Minor // The plugin API's version number: -#define APIVERSION "1.5.9" -#define APIVERSNUM 10509 // Version * 10000 + Major * 100 + Minor +#define APIVERSION "1.5.10" +#define APIVERSNUM 10510 // Version * 10000 + Major * 100 + Minor // When loading plugins, VDR searches them by their APIVERSION, which // may be smaller than VDRVERSION in case there have been no changes to @@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ public: int TimeTransponder; int MarginStart, MarginStop; int AudioLanguages[I18N_MAX_LANGUAGES + 1]; + int DisplaySubtitles; + int SubtitleLanguages[I18N_MAX_LANGUAGES + 1]; + int SubtitleOffset; + int SubtitleFgTransparency, SubtitleBgTransparency; int EPGLanguages[I18N_MAX_LANGUAGES + 1]; int EPGScanTimeout; int EPGBugfixLevel; diff --git a/device.c b/device.c index e23b74b..73decab 100644 --- a/device.c +++ b/device.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: device.c 1.142 2007/08/26 11:11:42 kls Exp $ + * $Id: device.c 1.145 2007/10/14 13:09:19 kls Exp $ */ #include "device.h" @@ -19,6 +19,75 @@ #include "status.h" #include "transfer.h" +// --- cLiveSubtitle --------------------------------------------------------- + +#define LIVESUBTITLEBUFSIZE KILOBYTE(100) + +class cLiveSubtitle : public cReceiver, public cThread { +private: + cRingBufferLinear *ringBuffer; + cRemux *remux; +protected: + virtual void Activate(bool On); + virtual void Receive(uchar *Data, int Length); + virtual void Action(void); +public: + cLiveSubtitle(int SPid); + virtual ~cLiveSubtitle(); + }; + +cLiveSubtitle::cLiveSubtitle(int SPid) +:cReceiver(tChannelID(), -1, SPid) +,cThread("live subtitle") +{ + ringBuffer = new cRingBufferLinear(LIVESUBTITLEBUFSIZE, TS_SIZE * 2, true, "Live Subtitle"); + int NoPids = 0; + int SPids[] = { SPid, 0 }; + remux = new cRemux(0, &NoPids, &NoPids, SPids); +} + +cLiveSubtitle::~cLiveSubtitle() +{ + cReceiver::Detach(); + delete remux; + delete ringBuffer; +} + +void cLiveSubtitle::Activate(bool On) +{ + if (On) + Start(); + else + Cancel(3); +} + +void cLiveSubtitle::Receive(uchar *Data, int Length) +{ + if (Running()) { + int p = ringBuffer->Put(Data, Length); + if (p != Length && Running()) + ringBuffer->ReportOverflow(Length - p); + } +} + +void cLiveSubtitle::Action(void) +{ + while (Running()) { + int Count; + uchar *b = ringBuffer->Get(Count); + if (b) { + Count = remux->Put(b, Count); + if (Count) + ringBuffer->Del(Count); + } + b = remux->Get(Count); + if (b) { + Count = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->PlaySubtitle(b, Count); + remux->Del(Count); + } + } +} + // --- cPesAssembler --------------------------------------------------------- class cPesAssembler { @@ -172,6 +241,10 @@ cDevice::cDevice(void) ClrAvailableTracks(); currentAudioTrack = ttNone; currentAudioTrackMissingCount = 0; + currentSubtitleTrack = ttNone; + liveSubtitle = NULL; + dvbSubtitleConverter = NULL; + autoSelectPreferredSubtitleLanguage = true; for (int i = 0; i < MAXRECEIVERS; i++) receiver[i] = NULL; @@ -186,6 +259,8 @@ cDevice::~cDevice() { Detach(player); DetachAllReceivers(); + delete liveSubtitle; + delete dvbSubtitleConverter; delete nitFilter; delete sdtFilter; delete patFilter; @@ -251,6 +326,7 @@ bool cDevice::SetPrimaryDevice(int n) primaryDevice = device[n]; primaryDevice->MakePrimaryDevice(true); primaryDevice->SetVideoFormat(Setup.VideoFormat); + primaryDevice->SetVolumeDevice(Setup.CurrentVolume); return true; } esyslog("ERROR: invalid primary device number: %d", n + 1); @@ -576,6 +652,11 @@ int cDevice::OpenFilter(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, u_char Mask) return -1; } +void cDevice::CloseFilter(int Handle) +{ + close(Handle); +} + void cDevice::AttachFilter(cFilter *Filter) { if (sectionHandler) @@ -674,8 +755,11 @@ bool cDevice::SwitchChannel(int Direction) eSetChannelResult cDevice::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, bool LiveView) { - if (LiveView) + if (LiveView) { StopReplay(); + DELETENULL(liveSubtitle); + DELETENULL(dvbSubtitleConverter); + } cDevice *Device = (LiveView && IsPrimaryDevice()) ? GetDevice(Channel, 0, LiveView) : this; @@ -735,8 +819,11 @@ eSetChannelResult cDevice::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, bool LiveView) for (int i = 0; i < MAXDPIDS; i++) SetAvailableTrack(ttDolby, i, Channel->Dpid(i), Channel->Dlang(i)); } + for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) + SetAvailableTrack(ttSubtitle, i, Channel->Spid(i), Channel->Slang(i)); if (!NeedsTransferMode) EnsureAudioTrack(true); + EnsureSubtitleTrack(); } cStatus::MsgChannelSwitch(this, Channel->Number()); // only report status if channel switch successfull } @@ -848,6 +935,7 @@ void cDevice::ClrAvailableTracks(bool DescriptionsOnly, bool IdsOnly) SetAudioChannel(0); // fall back to stereo currentAudioTrackMissingCount = 0; currentAudioTrack = ttNone; + currentSubtitleTrack = ttNone; } } @@ -855,18 +943,23 @@ bool cDevice::SetAvailableTrack(eTrackType Type, int Index, uint16_t Id, const c { eTrackType t = eTrackType(Type + Index); if (Type == ttAudio && IS_AUDIO_TRACK(t) || - Type == ttDolby && IS_DOLBY_TRACK(t)) { + Type == ttDolby && IS_DOLBY_TRACK(t) || + Type == ttSubtitle && IS_SUBTITLE_TRACK(t)) { if (Language) strn0cpy(availableTracks[t].language, Language, sizeof(availableTracks[t].language)); if (Description) Utf8Strn0Cpy(availableTracks[t].description, Description, sizeof(availableTracks[t].description)); if (Id) { availableTracks[t].id = Id; // setting 'id' last to avoid the need for extensive locking - int numAudioTracks = NumAudioTracks(); - if (!availableTracks[currentAudioTrack].id && numAudioTracks && currentAudioTrackMissingCount++ > numAudioTracks * 10) - EnsureAudioTrack(); - else if (t == currentAudioTrack) - currentAudioTrackMissingCount = 0; + if (Type == ttAudio || Type == ttDolby) { + int numAudioTracks = NumAudioTracks(); + if (!availableTracks[currentAudioTrack].id && numAudioTracks && currentAudioTrackMissingCount++ > numAudioTracks * 10) + EnsureAudioTrack(); + else if (t == currentAudioTrack) + currentAudioTrackMissingCount = 0; + } + else if (Type == ttSubtitle && autoSelectPreferredSubtitleLanguage) + EnsureSubtitleTrack(); } return true; } @@ -880,16 +973,26 @@ const tTrackId *cDevice::GetTrack(eTrackType Type) return (ttNone < Type && Type < ttMaxTrackTypes) ? &availableTracks[Type] : NULL; } -int cDevice::NumAudioTracks(void) const +int cDevice::NumTracks(eTrackType FirstTrack, eTrackType LastTrack) const { int n = 0; - for (int i = ttAudioFirst; i <= ttDolbyLast; i++) { + for (int i = FirstTrack; i <= LastTrack; i++) { if (availableTracks[i].id) n++; } return n; } +int cDevice::NumAudioTracks(void) const +{ + return NumTracks(ttAudioFirst, ttDolbyLast); +} + +int cDevice::NumSubtitleTracks(void) const +{ + return NumTracks(ttSubtitleFirst, ttSubtitleLast); +} + bool cDevice::SetCurrentAudioTrack(eTrackType Type) { if (ttNone < Type && Type <= ttDolbyLast) { @@ -908,6 +1011,30 @@ bool cDevice::SetCurrentAudioTrack(eTrackType Type) return false; } +bool cDevice::SetCurrentSubtitleTrack(eTrackType Type, bool Manual) +{ + if (Type == ttNone || IS_SUBTITLE_TRACK(Type)) { + currentSubtitleTrack = Type; + autoSelectPreferredSubtitleLanguage = !Manual; + if (dvbSubtitleConverter) + dvbSubtitleConverter->Reset(); + if (Type == ttNone && dvbSubtitleConverter) { + cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexCurrentSubtitleTrack); + DELETENULL(dvbSubtitleConverter); + } + DELETENULL(liveSubtitle); + if (currentSubtitleTrack != ttNone && !Replaying() && !Transferring()) { + const tTrackId *TrackId = GetTrack(currentSubtitleTrack); + if (TrackId && TrackId->id) { + liveSubtitle = new cLiveSubtitle(TrackId->id); + AttachReceiver(liveSubtitle); + } + } + return true; + } + return false; +} + void cDevice::EnsureAudioTrack(bool Force) { if (Force || !availableTracks[currentAudioTrack].id) { @@ -939,6 +1066,25 @@ void cDevice::EnsureAudioTrack(bool Force) } } +void cDevice::EnsureSubtitleTrack(void) +{ + if (Setup.DisplaySubtitles) { + eTrackType PreferredTrack = ttSubtitleFirst; + int LanguagePreference = -1; + for (int i = ttSubtitleFirst; i <= ttSubtitleLast; i++) { + const tTrackId *TrackId = GetTrack(eTrackType(i)); + if (TrackId && TrackId->id && I18nIsPreferredLanguage(Setup.SubtitleLanguages, TrackId->language, LanguagePreference)) + PreferredTrack = eTrackType(i); + } + // Make sure we're set to an available subtitle track: + const tTrackId *Track = GetTrack(GetCurrentSubtitleTrack()); + if (!Track || !Track->id || PreferredTrack != GetCurrentSubtitleTrack()) + SetCurrentSubtitleTrack(PreferredTrack); + } + else + SetCurrentSubtitleTrack(ttNone); +} + bool cDevice::CanReplay(void) const { return HasDecoder(); @@ -961,6 +1107,8 @@ void cDevice::TrickSpeed(int Speed) void cDevice::Clear(void) { Audios.ClearAudio(); + if (dvbSubtitleConverter) + dvbSubtitleConverter->Reset(); } void cDevice::Play(void) @@ -1016,6 +1164,9 @@ void cDevice::Detach(cPlayer *Player) player = NULL; // avoids recursive calls to Detach() p->Activate(false); p->device = NULL; + cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexCurrentSubtitleTrack); + delete dvbSubtitleConverter; + dvbSubtitleConverter = NULL; SetPlayMode(pmNone); SetVideoDisplayFormat(eVideoDisplayFormat(Setup.VideoDisplayFormat)); Audios.ClearAudio(); @@ -1051,6 +1202,13 @@ int cDevice::PlayAudio(const uchar *Data, int Length, uchar Id) return -1; } +int cDevice::PlaySubtitle(const uchar *Data, int Length) +{ + if (!dvbSubtitleConverter) + dvbSubtitleConverter = new cDvbSubtitleConverter; + return dvbSubtitleConverter->Convert(Data, Length); +} + int cDevice::PlayPesPacket(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutexCurrentAudioTrack); @@ -1076,6 +1234,11 @@ int cDevice::PlayPesPacket(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly) break; case 0xBD: { // private stream 1 int PayloadOffset = Data[8] + 9; + + // Compatibility mode for old subtitles plugin: + if ((Data[PayloadOffset - 3] & 0x81) == 1 && Data[PayloadOffset - 2] == 0x81) + PayloadOffset--; + uchar SubStreamId = Data[PayloadOffset]; uchar SubStreamType = SubStreamId & 0xF0; uchar SubStreamIndex = SubStreamId & 0x1F; @@ -1090,6 +1253,9 @@ pre_1_3_19_PrivateStreamDeteced: switch (SubStreamType) { case 0x20: // SPU case 0x30: // SPU + SetAvailableTrack(ttSubtitle, SubStreamIndex, SubStreamId); + if (!VideoOnly && currentSubtitleTrack != ttNone && SubStreamId == availableTracks[currentSubtitleTrack].id) + w = PlaySubtitle(Start, d); break; case 0x80: // AC3 & DTS if (Setup.UseDolbyDigital) { @@ -1139,6 +1305,8 @@ int cDevice::PlayPes(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly) { if (!Data) { pesAssembler->Reset(); + if (dvbSubtitleConverter) + dvbSubtitleConverter->Reset(); return 0; } int Result = 0; diff --git a/device.h b/device.h index e74c884..825aadf 100644 --- a/device.h +++ b/device.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: device.h 1.82 2007/07/22 11:20:13 kls Exp $ + * $Id: device.h 1.85 2007/10/14 13:09:12 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __DEVICE_H @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ #include "channels.h" #include "ci.h" +#include "dvbsubtitle.h" #include "eit.h" #include "filter.h" #include "nit.h" @@ -70,16 +71,15 @@ enum eTrackType { ttNone, ttDolby, ttDolbyFirst = ttDolby, ttDolbyLast = ttDolbyFirst + 15, // MAXDPIDS - 1 - /* future... ttSubtitle, ttSubtitleFirst = ttSubtitle, - ttSubtitleLast = ttSubtitleFirst + 7, // MAXSPIDS - 1 - */ + ttSubtitleLast = ttSubtitleFirst + 31, // MAXSPIDS - 1 ttMaxTrackTypes }; #define IS_AUDIO_TRACK(t) (ttAudioFirst <= (t) && (t) <= ttAudioLast) #define IS_DOLBY_TRACK(t) (ttDolbyFirst <= (t) && (t) <= ttDolbyLast) +#define IS_SUBTITLE_TRACK(t) (ttSubtitleFirst <= (t) && (t) <= ttSubtitleLast) struct tTrackId { uint16_t id; // The PES packet id or the PID. @@ -90,10 +90,12 @@ struct tTrackId { class cPlayer; class cReceiver; class cPesAssembler; +class cLiveSubtitle; /// The cDevice class is the base from which actual devices can be derived. class cDevice : public cThread { + friend class cLiveSubtitle; private: static int numDevices; static int useDevice; @@ -185,6 +187,9 @@ public: // SPU facilities +private: + cLiveSubtitle *liveSubtitle; + cDvbSubtitleConverter *dvbSubtitleConverter; public: virtual cSpuDecoder *GetSpuDecoder(void); ///< Returns a pointer to the device's SPU decoder (or NULL, if this @@ -303,6 +308,11 @@ public: ///< Opens a file handle for the given filter data. ///< A derived device that provides section data must ///< implement this function. + virtual void CloseFilter(int Handle); + ///< Closes a file handle that has previously been opened + ///< by OpenFilter(). If this is as simple as calling close(Handle), + ///< a derived class need not implement this function, because this + ///< is done by the default implementation. void AttachFilter(cFilter *Filter); ///< Attaches the given filter to this device. void Detach(cFilter *Filter); @@ -362,8 +372,11 @@ public: private: tTrackId availableTracks[ttMaxTrackTypes]; eTrackType currentAudioTrack; + eTrackType currentSubtitleTrack; cMutex mutexCurrentAudioTrack; + cMutex mutexCurrentSubtitleTrack; int currentAudioTrackMissingCount; + bool autoSelectPreferredSubtitleLanguage; bool pre_1_3_19_PrivateStream; protected: virtual void SetAudioTrackDevice(eTrackType Type); @@ -384,18 +397,33 @@ public: const tTrackId *GetTrack(eTrackType Type); ///< Returns a pointer to the given track id, or NULL if Type is not ///< less than ttMaxTrackTypes. + int NumTracks(eTrackType FirstTrack, eTrackType LastTrack) const; + ///< Returns the number of tracks in the given range that are currently + ///< available. int NumAudioTracks(void) const; ///< Returns the number of audio tracks that are currently available. ///< This is just for information, to quickly find out whether there ///< is more than one audio track. + int NumSubtitleTracks(void) const; + ///< Returns the number of subtitle tracks that are currently available. eTrackType GetCurrentAudioTrack(void) { return currentAudioTrack; } bool SetCurrentAudioTrack(eTrackType Type); ///< Sets the current audio track to the given Type. ///< \return Returns true if Type is a valid audio track, false otherwise. + eTrackType GetCurrentSubtitleTrack(void) { return currentSubtitleTrack; } + bool SetCurrentSubtitleTrack(eTrackType Type, bool Manual = false); + ///< Sets the current subtitle track to the given Type. + ///< IF Manual is true, no automatic preferred subtitle language selection + ///< will be done for the rest of the current replay session, or until + ///< the channel is changed. + ///< \return Returns true if Type is a valid subtitle track, false otherwise. void EnsureAudioTrack(bool Force = false); ///< Makes sure an audio track is selected that is actually available. ///< If Force is true, the language and Dolby Digital settings will ///< be verified even if the current audio track is available. + void EnsureSubtitleTrack(void); + ///< Makes sure one of the preferred language subtitle tracks is selected. + ///< Only has an effect if Setup.DisplaySubtitles is on. // Audio facilities @@ -454,6 +482,13 @@ protected: ///< Length) or not at all (returning 0 or -1 and setting 'errno' to EAGAIN). ///< \return Returns the number of bytes actually taken from Data, or -1 ///< in case of an error. + virtual int PlaySubtitle(const uchar *Data, int Length); + ///< Plays the given data block as a subtitle. + ///< Data points to exactly one complete PES packet of the given Length. + ///< PlaySubtitle() shall process the packet either as a whole (returning + ///< Length) or not at all (returning 0 or -1 and setting 'errno' to EAGAIN). + ///< \return Returns the number of bytes actually taken from Data, or -1 + ///< in case of an error. virtual int PlayPesPacket(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly = false); ///< Plays the single PES packet in Data with the given Length. ///< If VideoOnly is true, only the video will be displayed, @@ -464,6 +499,9 @@ public: ///< Gets the current System Time Counter, which can be used to ///< synchronize audio and video. If this device is unable to ///< provide the STC, -1 will be returned. + virtual bool HasIBPTrickSpeed(void) { return false; } + ///< Returns true if this device can handle all frames in 'fast forward' + ///< trick speeds. virtual void TrickSpeed(int Speed); ///< Sets the device into a mode where replay is done slower. ///< Every single frame shall then be displayed the given number of diff --git a/dvbdevice.c b/dvbdevice.c index 7d1a5c8..1a39606 100644 --- a/dvbdevice.c +++ b/dvbdevice.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: dvbdevice.c 1.165 2007/08/17 13:37:56 kls Exp $ + * $Id: dvbdevice.c 1.167 2007/10/14 12:56:03 kls Exp $ */ #include "dvbdevice.h" @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ bool cDvbDevice::Initialize(void) void cDvbDevice::MakePrimaryDevice(bool On) { - if (HasDecoder()) + if (On && HasDecoder()) new cDvbOsdProvider(fd_osd); } @@ -711,6 +711,11 @@ int cDvbDevice::OpenFilter(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, u_char Mask) return -1; } +void cDvbDevice::CloseFilter(int Handle) +{ + close(Handle); +} + void cDvbDevice::TurnOffLiveMode(bool LiveView) { if (LiveView) { diff --git a/dvbdevice.h b/dvbdevice.h index 63c38d1..7557276 100644 --- a/dvbdevice.h +++ b/dvbdevice.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: dvbdevice.h 1.44 2007/02/25 12:23:57 kls Exp $ + * $Id: dvbdevice.h 1.45 2007/10/14 13:01:25 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __DVBDEVICE_H @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ protected: protected: virtual int OpenFilter(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, u_char Mask); + virtual void CloseFilter(int Handle); // Common Interface facilities: diff --git a/dvbosd.c b/dvbosd.c index 87c8dec..e076a3c 100644 --- a/dvbosd.c +++ b/dvbosd.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: dvbosd.c 1.31 2007/08/26 09:39:20 kls Exp $ + * $Id: dvbosd.c 1.32 2007/09/16 08:55:54 kls Exp $ */ #include "dvbosd.h" @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public: cDvbOsd(int Left, int Top, int OsdDev, uint Level); virtual ~cDvbOsd(); virtual eOsdError CanHandleAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas); + virtual eOsdError SetAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas); virtual void Flush(void); }; @@ -106,6 +107,19 @@ eOsdError cDvbOsd::CanHandleAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) return Result; } +eOsdError cDvbOsd::SetAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) +{ + if (shown) { + cBitmap *Bitmap; + for (int i = 0; (Bitmap = GetBitmap(i)) != NULL; i++) { + Cmd(OSD_SetWindow, 0, i + 1); + Cmd(OSD_Close); + } + shown = false; + } + return cOsd::SetAreas(Areas, NumAreas); +} + void cDvbOsd::Cmd(OSD_Command cmd, int color, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const void *data) { if (osdDev >= 0) { diff --git a/dvbplayer.c b/dvbplayer.c index 99b3f5c..a072a44 100644 --- a/dvbplayer.c +++ b/dvbplayer.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: dvbplayer.c 1.46 2007/04/28 14:55:22 kls Exp $ + * $Id: dvbplayer.c 1.47 2007/10/13 12:20:58 kls Exp $ */ #include "dvbplayer.h" @@ -400,7 +400,13 @@ void cDvbPlayer::Action(void) uchar FileNumber; int FileOffset; bool TimeShiftMode = index->IsStillRecording(); - int Index = index->GetNextIFrame(readIndex, playDir == pdForward, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Length, TimeShiftMode); + int Index = -1; + if (DeviceHasIBPTrickSpeed() && playDir == pdForward) { + if (index->Get(readIndex + 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, NULL, &Length)) + Index = readIndex + 1; + } + else + Index = index->GetNextIFrame(readIndex, playDir == pdForward, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Length, TimeShiftMode); if (Index >= 0) { if (!NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset)) { readIndex = Index; diff --git a/dvbsubtitle.c b/dvbsubtitle.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f7e6b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dvbsubtitle.c @@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@ +/* + * dvbsubtitle.c: DVB subtitles + * + * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and + * how to reach the author. + * + * Original author: Marco Schlüßler + * With some input from the "subtitle plugin" by Pekka Virtanen + * + * $Id: dvbsubtitle.c 1.1 2007/10/14 14:02:35 kls Exp $ + */ + +#include "dvbsubtitle.h" +#include "device.h" + +#define PAGE_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT 0x10 +#define REGION_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT 0x11 +#define CLUT_DEFINITION_SEGMENT 0x12 +#define OBJECT_DATA_SEGMENT 0x13 +#define END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT 0x80 + +// Set these to 'true' for debug output: +static bool DebugConverter = false; +static bool DebugSegments = false; +static bool DebugPages = false; +static bool DebugRegions = false; +static bool DebugObjects = false; +static bool DebugCluts = false; + +#define dbgconverter(a...) if (DebugConverter) fprintf(stderr, a) +#define dbgsegments(a...) if (DebugSegments) fprintf(stderr, a) +#define dbgpages(a...) if (DebugPages) fprintf(stderr, a) +#define dbgregions(a...) if (DebugRegions) fprintf(stderr, a) +#define dbgobjects(a...) if (DebugObjects) fprintf(stderr, a) +#define dbgcluts(a...) if (DebugCluts) fprintf(stderr, a) + +// --- cSubtitleClut --------------------------------------------------------- + +class cSubtitleClut : public cListObject { +private: + int clutId; + int version; + cPalette palette2; + cPalette palette4; + cPalette palette8; +public: + cSubtitleClut(int ClutId); + int ClutId(void) { return clutId; } + int Version(void) { return version; } + void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } + void SetColor(int Bpp, int Index, tColor Color); + const cPalette *GetPalette(int Bpp); + }; + +cSubtitleClut::cSubtitleClut(int ClutId) +:palette2(2) +,palette4(4) +,palette8(8) +{ + clutId = ClutId; + version = -1; +} + +void cSubtitleClut::SetColor(int Bpp, int Index, tColor Color) +{ + switch (Bpp) { + case 2: palette2.SetColor(Index, Color); break; + case 4: palette4.SetColor(Index, Color); break; + case 8: palette8.SetColor(Index, Color); break; + default: esyslog("ERROR: wrong Bpp in cSubtitleClut::SetColor(%d, %d, %08X)", Bpp, Index, Color); + } +} + +const cPalette *cSubtitleClut::GetPalette(int Bpp) +{ + switch (Bpp) { + case 2: return &palette2; + case 4: return &palette4; + case 8: return &palette8; + default: esyslog("ERROR: wrong Bpp in cSubtitleClut::GetPalette(%d)", Bpp); + } + return &palette8; +} + +// --- cSubtitleObject ------------------------------------------------------- + +class cSubtitleObject : public cListObject { +private: + int objectId; + int version; + int codingMethod; + bool nonModifyingColorFlag; + int nibblePos; + uchar backgroundColor; + uchar foregroundColor; + int providerFlag; + int px; + int py; + cBitmap *bitmap; + void DrawLine(int x, int y, tIndex Index, int Length); + uchar Get2Bits(const uchar *Data, int &Index); + uchar Get4Bits(const uchar *Data, int &Index); + bool Decode2BppCodeString(const uchar *Data, int &Index, int&x, int y); + bool Decode4BppCodeString(const uchar *Data, int &Index, int&x, int y); + bool Decode8BppCodeString(const uchar *Data, int &Index, int&y, int y); +public: + cSubtitleObject(int ObjectId, cBitmap *Bitmap); + int ObjectId(void) { return objectId; } + int Version(void) { return version; } + int CodingMethod(void) { return codingMethod; } + bool NonModifyingColorFlag(void) { return nonModifyingColorFlag; } + void DecodeSubBlock(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool Even); + void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } + void SetBackgroundColor(uchar BackgroundColor) { backgroundColor = BackgroundColor; } + void SetForegroundColor(uchar ForegroundColor) { foregroundColor = ForegroundColor; } + void SetNonModifyingColorFlag(bool NonModifyingColorFlag) { nonModifyingColorFlag = NonModifyingColorFlag; } + void SetCodingMethod(int CodingMethod) { codingMethod = CodingMethod; } + void SetPosition(int x, int y) { px = x; py = y; } + void SetProviderFlag(int ProviderFlag) { providerFlag = ProviderFlag; } + }; + +cSubtitleObject::cSubtitleObject(int ObjectId, cBitmap *Bitmap) +{ + objectId = ObjectId; + version = -1; + codingMethod = -1; + nonModifyingColorFlag = false; + nibblePos = 0; + backgroundColor = 0; + foregroundColor = 0; + providerFlag = -1; + px = py = 0; + bitmap = Bitmap; +} + +void cSubtitleObject::DecodeSubBlock(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool Even) +{ + int x = 0; + int y = Even ? 0 : 1; + for (int index = 0; index < Length; ) { + switch (Data[index++]) { + case 0x10: { + nibblePos = 8; + while (Decode2BppCodeString(Data, index, x, y) && index < Length) + ; + if (!nibblePos) + index++; + break; + } + case 0x11: { + nibblePos = 4; + while (Decode4BppCodeString(Data, index, x, y) && index < Length) + ; + if (!nibblePos) + index++; + break; + } + case 0x12: + while (Decode8BppCodeString(Data, index, x, y) && index < Length) + ; + break; + case 0x20: //TODO + dbgobjects("sub block 2 to 4 map"); + index += 4; + break; + case 0x21: //TODO + dbgobjects("sub block 2 to 8 map"); + index += 4; + break; + case 0x22: //TODO + dbgobjects("sub block 4 to 8 map"); + index += 16; + break; + case 0xF0: + x = 0; + y += 2; + break; + } + } +} + +void cSubtitleObject::DrawLine(int x, int y, tIndex Index, int Length) +{ + if (nonModifyingColorFlag && Index == 1) + return; + x += px; + y += py; + for (int pos = x; pos < x + Length; pos++) + bitmap->SetIndex(pos, y, Index); +} + +uchar cSubtitleObject::Get2Bits(const uchar *Data, int &Index) +{ + uchar result = Data[Index]; + if (!nibblePos) { + Index++; + nibblePos = 8; + } + nibblePos -= 2; + return (result >> nibblePos) & 0x03; +} + +uchar cSubtitleObject::Get4Bits(const uchar *Data, int &Index) +{ + uchar result = Data[Index]; + if (!nibblePos) { + Index++; + nibblePos = 4; + } + else { + result >>= 4; + nibblePos -= 4; + } + return result & 0x0F; +} + +bool cSubtitleObject::Decode2BppCodeString(const uchar *Data, int &Index, int &x, int y) +{ + int rl = 0; + int color = 0; + uchar code = Get2Bits(Data, Index); + if (code) { + color = code; + rl = 1; + } + else { + code = Get2Bits(Data, Index); + if (code & 2) { // switch_1 + rl = ((code & 1) << 2) + Get2Bits(Data, Index) + 3; + color = Get2Bits(Data, Index); + } + else if (code & 1) + rl = 1; //color 0 + else { + code = Get2Bits(Data, Index); + switch (code & 0x3) { //switch_3 + case 0: + return false; + case 1: + rl = 2; //color 0 + break; + case 2: + rl = (Get2Bits(Data, Index) << 2) + Get2Bits(Data, Index) + 12; + color = Get2Bits(Data, Index); + break; + case 3: + rl = (Get2Bits(Data, Index) << 6) + (Get2Bits(Data, Index) << 4) + (Get2Bits(Data, Index) << 2) + Get2Bits(Data, Index) + 29; + color = Get2Bits(Data, Index); + break; + } + } + } + DrawLine(x, y, color, rl); + x += rl; + return true; +} + +bool cSubtitleObject::Decode4BppCodeString(const uchar *Data, int &Index, int &x, int y) +{ + int rl = 0; + int color = 0; + uchar code = Get4Bits(Data, Index); + if (code) { + color = code; + rl = 1; + } + else { + code = Get4Bits(Data, Index); + if (code & 8) { // switch_1 + if (code & 4) { //switch_2 + switch (code & 3) { //switch_3 + case 0: // color 0 + rl = 1; + break; + case 1: // color 0 + rl = 2; + break; + case 2: + rl = Get4Bits(Data, Index) + 9; + color = Get4Bits(Data, Index); + break; + case 3: + rl = (Get4Bits(Data, Index) << 4) + Get4Bits(Data, Index) + 25; + color = Get4Bits(Data, Index); + break; + } + } + else { + rl = (code & 3) + 4; + color = Get4Bits(Data, Index); + } + } + else { // color 0 + if (!code) + return false; + rl = code + 2; + } + } + DrawLine(x, y, color, rl); + x += rl; + return true; +} + +bool cSubtitleObject::Decode8BppCodeString(const uchar *Data, int &Index, int &x, int y) +{ + int rl = 0; + int color = 0; + uchar code = Data[Index++]; + if (code) { + color = code; + rl = 1; + } + else { + code = Data[Index++]; + rl = code & 0x63; + if (code & 0x80) + color = Data[Index++]; + else if (!rl) + return false; //else color 0 + } + DrawLine(x, y, color, rl); + x += rl; + return true; +} + +// --- cSubtitleRegion ------------------------------------------------------- + +class cSubtitleRegion : public cListObject, public cBitmap { +private: + int regionId; + int version; + int clutId; + int horizontalAddress; + int verticalAddress; + int level; + cList objects; +public: + cSubtitleRegion(int RegionId); + int RegionId(void) { return regionId; } + int Version(void) { return version; } + int ClutId(void) { return clutId; } + int Level(void) { return level; } + int Depth(void) { return Bpp(); } + void FillRegion(tIndex Index); + cSubtitleObject *GetObjectById(int ObjectId, bool New = false); + int HorizontalAddress(void) { return horizontalAddress; } + int VerticalAddress(void) { return verticalAddress; } + void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } + void SetClutId(int ClutId) { clutId = ClutId; } + void SetLevel(int Level); + void SetDepth(int Depth); + void SetHorizontalAddress(int HorizontalAddress) { horizontalAddress = HorizontalAddress; } + void SetVerticalAddress(int VerticalAddress) { verticalAddress = VerticalAddress; } + }; + +cSubtitleRegion::cSubtitleRegion(int RegionId) +:cBitmap(1, 1, 4) +{ + regionId = RegionId; + version = -1; + clutId = -1; + horizontalAddress = 0; + verticalAddress = 0; + level = 0; +} + +void cSubtitleRegion::FillRegion(tIndex Index) +{ + dbgregions("FillRegion %d\n", Index); + for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++) { + for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++) + SetIndex(x, y, Index); + } +} + +cSubtitleObject *cSubtitleRegion::GetObjectById(int ObjectId, bool New) +{ + cSubtitleObject *result = NULL; + for (cSubtitleObject *so = objects.First(); so; so = objects.Next(so)) { + if (so->ObjectId() == ObjectId) + result = so; + } + if (!result && New) { + result = new cSubtitleObject(ObjectId, this); + objects.Add(result); + } + return result; +} + +void cSubtitleRegion::SetLevel(int Level) +{ + if (Level > 0 && Level < 4) + level = 1 << Level; +} + +void cSubtitleRegion::SetDepth(int Depth) +{ + if (Depth > 0 && Depth < 4) + SetBpp(1 << Depth); +} + +// --- cDvbSubtitlePage ------------------------------------------------------ + +class cDvbSubtitlePage : public cListObject { +private: + int pageId; + int version; + int state; + int64_t pts; + int timeout; + cList cluts; +public: + cList regions; + cDvbSubtitlePage(int PageId); + virtual ~cDvbSubtitlePage(); + int PageId(void) { return pageId; } + int Version(void) { return version; } + int State(void) { return state; } + tArea *GetAreas(void); + cSubtitleClut *GetClutById(int ClutId, bool New = false); + cSubtitleObject *GetObjectById(int ObjectId); + cSubtitleRegion *GetRegionById(int RegionId, bool New = false); + int64_t Pts(void) const { return pts; } + int Timeout(void) { return timeout; } + void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } + void SetPts(int64_t Pts) { pts = Pts; } + void SetState(int State); + void SetTimeout(int Timeout) { timeout = Timeout; } + void UpdateRegionPalette(cSubtitleClut *Clut); + }; + +cDvbSubtitlePage::cDvbSubtitlePage(int PageId) +{ + pageId = PageId; + version = -1; + state = -1; + pts = 0; + timeout = 0; +} + +cDvbSubtitlePage::~cDvbSubtitlePage() +{ +} + +tArea *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetAreas(void) +{ + if (regions.Count() > 0) { + tArea *Areas = new tArea[regions.Count()]; + tArea *a = Areas; + for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr; sr = regions.Next(sr)) { + a->x1 = sr->HorizontalAddress(); + a->y1 = sr->VerticalAddress(); + a->x2 = sr->HorizontalAddress() + sr->Width() - 1; + a->y2 = sr->VerticalAddress() + sr->Height() - 1; + a->bpp = sr->Bpp(); + while ((a->Width() & 3) != 0) + a->x2++; // aligns width to a multiple of 4, so 2, 4 and 8 bpp will work + a++; + } + return Areas; + } + return NULL; +} + +cSubtitleClut *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetClutById(int ClutId, bool New) +{ + cSubtitleClut *result = NULL; + for (cSubtitleClut *sc = cluts.First(); sc; sc = cluts.Next(sc)) { + if (sc->ClutId() == ClutId) + result = sc; + } + if (!result && New) { + result = new cSubtitleClut(ClutId); + cluts.Add(result); + } + return result; +} + +cSubtitleRegion *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetRegionById(int RegionId, bool New) +{ + cSubtitleRegion *result = NULL; + for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr; sr = regions.Next(sr)) { + if (sr->RegionId() == RegionId) + result = sr; + } + if (!result && New) { + result = new cSubtitleRegion(RegionId); + regions.Add(result); + } + return result; +} + +cSubtitleObject *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetObjectById(int ObjectId) +{ + cSubtitleObject *result = NULL; + for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr && !result; sr = regions.Next(sr)) + result = sr->GetObjectById(ObjectId); + return result; +} + +void cDvbSubtitlePage::SetState(int State) +{ + state = State; + switch (state) { + case 0: // normal case - page update + dbgpages("page update\n"); + break; + case 1: // aquisition point - page refresh + dbgpages("page refresh\n"); + regions.Clear(); + break; + case 2: // mode change - new page + dbgpages("new Page\n"); + regions.Clear(); + cluts.Clear(); + break; + case 3: // reserved + break; + } +} + +void cDvbSubtitlePage::UpdateRegionPalette(cSubtitleClut *Clut) +{ + for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr; sr = regions.Next(sr)) { + if (sr->ClutId() == Clut->ClutId()) + sr->Replace(*Clut->GetPalette(sr->Bpp())); + } +} + +// --- cDvbSubtitleAssembler ------------------------------------------------- + +class cDvbSubtitleAssembler { +private: + uchar *data; + int length; + int pos; + int size; + bool Realloc(int Size); +public: + cDvbSubtitleAssembler(void); + virtual ~cDvbSubtitleAssembler(); + void Reset(void); + unsigned char *Get(int &Length); + void Put(const uchar *Data, int Length); + }; + +cDvbSubtitleAssembler::cDvbSubtitleAssembler(void) +{ + data = NULL; + size = 0; + Reset(); +} + +cDvbSubtitleAssembler::~cDvbSubtitleAssembler() +{ + free(data); +} + +void cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Reset(void) +{ + length = 0; + pos = 0; +} + +bool cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Realloc(int Size) +{ + if (Size > size) { + size = max(Size, 2048); + data = (uchar *)realloc(data, size); + if (!data) { + esyslog("ERROR: can't allocate memory for subtitle assembler"); + length = 0; + size = 0; + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +unsigned char *cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Get(int &Length) +{ + if (length > pos + 5) { + Length = (data[pos + 4] << 8) + data[pos + 5] + 6; + if (length >= pos + Length) { + unsigned char *result = data + pos; + pos += Length; + return result; + } + } + return NULL; +} + +void cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Put(const uchar *Data, int Length) +{ + if (Length && Realloc(length + Length)) { + memcpy(data + length, Data, Length); + length += Length; + } +} + +// --- cDvbSubtitleBitmaps --------------------------------------------------- + +class cDvbSubtitleBitmaps : public cListObject { +private: + int64_t pts; + int timeout; + tArea *areas; + int numAreas; + cVector bitmaps; +public: + cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(int64_t Pts, int Timeout, tArea *Areas, int NumAreas); + ~cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(); + int64_t Pts(void) { return pts; } + int Timeout(void) { return timeout; } + void AddBitmap(cBitmap *Bitmap); + void Draw(cOsd *Osd); + }; + +cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(int64_t Pts, int Timeout, tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) +{ + pts = Pts; + timeout = Timeout; + areas = Areas; + numAreas = NumAreas; +} + +cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::~cDvbSubtitleBitmaps() +{ + delete[] areas; + for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Size(); i++) + delete bitmaps[i]; +} + +void cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::AddBitmap(cBitmap *Bitmap) +{ + bitmaps.Append(Bitmap); +} + +void cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::Draw(cOsd *Osd) +{ + if (Osd->SetAreas(areas, numAreas) == oeOk) { + for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Size(); i++) + Osd->DrawBitmap(bitmaps[i]->X0(), bitmaps[i]->Y0(), *bitmaps[i]); + Osd->Flush(); + } +} + +// --- cDvbSubtitleConverter ------------------------------------------------- + +int cDvbSubtitleConverter::setupLevel = 0; + +cDvbSubtitleConverter::cDvbSubtitleConverter(void) +:cThread("subtitleConverter") +{ + dvbSubtitleAssembler = new cDvbSubtitleAssembler; + osd = NULL; + pages = new cList; + bitmaps = new cList; + Start(); +} + +cDvbSubtitleConverter::~cDvbSubtitleConverter() +{ + Cancel(3); + delete dvbSubtitleAssembler; + delete osd; + delete bitmaps; + delete pages; +} + +void cDvbSubtitleConverter::SetupChanged(void) +{ + setupLevel++; +} + +void cDvbSubtitleConverter::Reset(void) +{ + dbgconverter("Converter reset -----------------------\n"); + dvbSubtitleAssembler->Reset(); + Lock(); + pages->Clear(); + bitmaps->Clear(); + DELETENULL(osd); + Unlock(); +} + +int cDvbSubtitleConverter::Convert(const uchar *Data, int Length) +{ + if (Data && Length > 8) { + int PayloadOffset = Data[8] + 9; + int SubstreamHeaderLength = 4; + bool ResetSubtitleAssembler = Data[PayloadOffset + 3] == 0x00; + + // Compatibility mode for old subtitles plugin: + if ((Data[PayloadOffset - 3] & 0x81) == 1 && Data[PayloadOffset - 2] == 0x81) { + PayloadOffset--; + SubstreamHeaderLength = 1; + ResetSubtitleAssembler = Data[8] >= 5; + } + + if (Length > PayloadOffset + SubstreamHeaderLength) { + int64_t pts = 0; + if ((Data[7] & 0x80) && Data[8] >= 5) { + pts = (((int64_t)Data[ 9]) & 0x0E) << 29; + pts |= ( (int64_t)Data[10]) << 22; + pts |= (((int64_t)Data[11]) & 0xFE) << 14; + pts |= ( (int64_t)Data[12]) << 7; + pts |= (((int64_t)Data[13]) & 0xFE) >> 1; + dbgconverter("Converter PTS: %lld\n", pts); + } + const uchar *data = Data + PayloadOffset + SubstreamHeaderLength; // skip substream header + int length = Length - PayloadOffset - SubstreamHeaderLength; // skip substream header + if (ResetSubtitleAssembler) + dvbSubtitleAssembler->Reset(); + + if (length > 3) { + if (data[0] == 0x20 && data[1] == 0x00 && data[2] == 0x0F) + dvbSubtitleAssembler->Put(data + 2, length - 2); + else + dvbSubtitleAssembler->Put(data, length); + + int Count; + while (true) { + unsigned char *b = dvbSubtitleAssembler->Get(Count); + if (b && b[0] == 0x0F) { + if (ExtractSegment(b, Count, pts) == -1) + break; + } + else + break; + } + } + return Length; + } + } + return 0; +} + +#define LimitTo32Bit(n) (n & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL) +#define MAXDELTA 40000 // max. reasonable PTS/STC delta in ms + +void cDvbSubtitleConverter::Action(void) +{ + int LastSetupLevel = setupLevel; + cTimeMs Timeout; + while (Running()) { + if (osd) { + int NewSetupLevel = setupLevel; + if (Timeout.TimedOut() || LastSetupLevel != NewSetupLevel) { + DELETENULL(osd); + } + LastSetupLevel = NewSetupLevel; + } + int WaitMs = 100; + Lock(); + if (cDvbSubtitleBitmaps *sb = bitmaps->First()) { + int64_t STC = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetSTC(); + int64_t Delta = 0; + if (STC >= 0) { + Delta = LimitTo32Bit(sb->Pts()) - LimitTo32Bit(STC); // some devices only deliver 32 bits + if (Delta > (int64_t(1) << 31)) + Delta -= (int64_t(1) << 32); + else if (Delta < -((int64_t(1) << 31) - 1)) + Delta += (int64_t(1) << 32); + } + else { + //TODO sync on PTS? are there actually devices that don't deliver an STC? + } + Delta /= 90; // STC and PTS are in 1/90000s + if (abs(Delta) <= MAXDELTA) { + if (Delta <= 0) { + dbgconverter("Got %d bitmaps, showing #%d\n", bitmaps->Count(), sb->Index() + 1); + if (AssertOsd()) { + sb->Draw(osd); + Timeout.Set(sb->Timeout() * 1000); + dbgconverter("PTS: %lld STC: %lld (%lld) timeout: %d\n", sb->Pts(), cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetSTC(), Delta, sb->Timeout()); + } + bitmaps->Del(sb); + } + else + WaitMs = min(max(Delta, int64_t(0)), int64_t(1000)); + } + else + bitmaps->Del(sb); + } + Unlock(); + cCondWait::SleepMs(WaitMs); + } +} + +tColor cDvbSubtitleConverter::yuv2rgb(int Y, int Cb, int Cr) +{ + int Ey, Epb, Epr; + int Eg, Eb, Er; + + Ey = (Y - 16); + Epb = (Cb - 128); + Epr = (Cr - 128); + /* ITU-R 709 */ + Er = max(min(((298 * Ey + 460 * Epr) / 256), 255), 0); + Eg = max(min(((298 * Ey - 55 * Epb - 137 * Epr) / 256), 255), 0); + Eb = max(min(((298 * Ey + 543 * Epb ) / 256), 255), 0); + + return (Er << 16) | (Eg << 8) | Eb; +} + +bool cDvbSubtitleConverter::AssertOsd(void) +{ + return osd || (osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(0, Setup.SubtitleOffset, OSD_LEVEL_SUBTITLES)); +} + +int cDvbSubtitleConverter::ExtractSegment(const uchar *Data, int Length, int64_t Pts) +{ + if (Length > 5 && Data[0] == 0x0F) { + int segmentLength = (Data[4] << 8) + Data[5] + 6; + if (segmentLength > Length) + return -1; + int segmentType = Data[1]; + int pageId = (Data[2] << 8) + Data[3]; + cDvbSubtitlePage *page = NULL; + LOCK_THREAD; + for (cDvbSubtitlePage *sp = pages->First(); sp; sp = pages->Next(sp)) { + if (sp->PageId() == pageId) { + page = sp; + break; + } + } + if (!page) { + page = new cDvbSubtitlePage(pageId); + pages->Add(page); + dbgpages("Create SubtitlePage %d (total pages = %d)\n", pageId, pages->Count()); + } + switch (segmentType) { + case PAGE_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT: { + dbgsegments("PAGE_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT\n"); + int pageVersion = (Data[6 + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4; + if (pageVersion == page->Version()) + break; // no update + page->SetVersion(pageVersion); + if (Pts) + page->SetPts(Pts); + page->SetTimeout(Data[6]); + page->SetState((Data[6 + 1] & 0x0C) >> 2); + page->regions.Clear(); + dbgpages("Update page id %d version %d pts %lld timeout %d state %d\n", pageId, page->Version(), page->Pts(), page->Timeout(), page->State()); + for (int i = 6 + 2; i < segmentLength; i += 6) { + cSubtitleRegion *region = page->GetRegionById(Data[i], true); + region->SetHorizontalAddress((Data[i + 2] << 8) + Data[i + 3]); + region->SetVerticalAddress((Data[i + 4] << 8) + Data[i + 5]); + } + break; + } + case REGION_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT: { + dbgsegments("REGION_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT\n"); + cSubtitleRegion *region = page->GetRegionById(Data[6]); + if (!region) + break; + int regionVersion = (Data[6 + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4; + if (regionVersion == region->Version()) + break; // no update + region->SetVersion(regionVersion); + bool regionFillFlag = (Data[6 + 1] & 0x08) >> 3; + int regionWidth = (Data[6 + 2] << 8) | Data[6 + 3]; + int regionHeight = (Data[6 + 4] << 8) | Data[6 + 5]; + region->SetSize(regionWidth, regionHeight); + region->SetLevel((Data[6 + 6] & 0xE0) >> 5); + region->SetDepth((Data[6 + 6] & 0x1C) >> 2); + region->SetClutId(Data[6 + 7]); + dbgregions("Region pageId %d id %d version %d fill %d width %d height %d level %d depth %d clutId %d\n", pageId, region->RegionId(), region->Version(), regionFillFlag, regionWidth, regionHeight, region->Level(), region->Depth(), region->ClutId()); + if (regionFillFlag) { + switch (region->Bpp()) { + case 2: region->FillRegion((Data[6 + 9] & 0x0C) >> 2); break; + case 4: region->FillRegion((Data[6 + 9] & 0xF0) >> 4); break; + case 8: region->FillRegion(Data[6 + 8]); break; + } + } + for (int i = 6 + 10; i < segmentLength; i += 6) { + cSubtitleObject *object = region->GetObjectById((Data[i] << 8) | Data[i + 1], true); + int objectType = (Data[i + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6; + object->SetCodingMethod(objectType); + object->SetProviderFlag((Data[i + 2] & 0x30) >> 4); + int objectHorizontalPosition = ((Data[i + 2] & 0x0F) << 8) | Data[i + 3]; + int objectVerticalPosition = ((Data[i + 4] & 0x0F) << 8) | Data[i + 5]; + object->SetPosition(objectHorizontalPosition, objectVerticalPosition); + if (objectType == 0x01 || objectType == 0x02) { + object->SetForegroundColor(Data[i + 6]); + object->SetBackgroundColor(Data[i + 7]); + i += 2; + } + } + break; + } + case CLUT_DEFINITION_SEGMENT: { + dbgsegments("CLUT_DEFINITION_SEGMENT\n"); + cSubtitleClut *clut = page->GetClutById(Data[6], true); + int clutVersion = (Data[6 + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4; + if (clutVersion == clut->Version()) + break; // no update + clut->SetVersion(clutVersion); + dbgcluts("Clut pageId %d id %d version %d\n", pageId, clut->ClutId(), clut->Version()); + for (int i = 6 + 2; i < segmentLength; i += 2) { + uchar clutEntryId = Data[i]; + bool fullRangeFlag = Data[i + 1] & 1; + uchar yval; + uchar crval; + uchar cbval; + uchar tval; + if (fullRangeFlag) { + yval = Data[i + 2]; + crval = Data[i + 3]; + cbval = Data[i + 4]; + tval = Data[i + 5]; + } + else { + yval = Data[i + 2] & 0xFC; + crval = (Data[i + 2] & 0x03) << 6; + crval |= (Data[i + 3] & 0xC0) >> 2; + cbval = (Data[i + 3] & 0x3C) << 2; + tval = (Data[i + 3] & 0x03) << 6; + } + tColor value = 0; + if (yval) { + value = yuv2rgb(yval, cbval, crval); + value |= ((10 - (clutEntryId ? Setup.SubtitleFgTransparency : Setup.SubtitleBgTransparency)) * (255 - tval) / 10) << 24; + } + int EntryFlags = Data[i + 1]; + dbgcluts("%2d %d %d %d %08X\n", clutEntryId, (EntryFlags & 0x80) ? 2 : 0, (EntryFlags & 0x40) ? 4 : 0, (EntryFlags & 0x20) ? 8 : 0, value); + if ((EntryFlags & 0x80) != 0) + clut->SetColor(2, clutEntryId, value); + if ((EntryFlags & 0x40) != 0) + clut->SetColor(4, clutEntryId, value); + if ((EntryFlags & 0x20) != 0) + clut->SetColor(8, clutEntryId, value); + i += fullRangeFlag ? 4 : 2; + } + dbgcluts("\n"); + page->UpdateRegionPalette(clut); + break; + } + case OBJECT_DATA_SEGMENT: { + dbgsegments("OBJECT_DATA_SEGMENT\n"); + cSubtitleObject *object = page->GetObjectById((Data[6] << 8) | Data[6 + 1]); + if (!object) + break; + int objectVersion = (Data[6 + 2] & 0xF0) >> 4; + if (objectVersion == object->Version()) + break; // no update + object->SetVersion(objectVersion); + int codingMethod = (Data[6 + 2] & 0x0C) >> 2; + object->SetNonModifyingColorFlag(Data[6 + 2] & 0x01); + dbgobjects("Object pageId %d id %d version %d method %d modify %d\n", pageId, object->ObjectId(), object->Version(), object->CodingMethod(), object->NonModifyingColorFlag()); + if (codingMethod == 0) { // coding of pixels + int i = 6 + 3; + int topFieldLength = (Data[i] << 8) | Data[i + 1]; + int bottomFieldLength = (Data[i + 2] << 8) | Data[i + 3]; + object->DecodeSubBlock(Data + i + 4, topFieldLength, true); + if (bottomFieldLength) + object->DecodeSubBlock(Data + i + 4 + topFieldLength, bottomFieldLength, false); + else + object->DecodeSubBlock(Data + i + 4, topFieldLength, false); + } + else if (codingMethod == 1) { // coded as a string of characters + //TODO implement textual subtitles + } + break; + } + case END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT: { + dbgsegments("END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT\n"); + FinishPage(page); + } + default: + dbgsegments("*** unknown segment type: %02X\n", segmentType); + } + return segmentLength; + } + return -1; +} + +void cDvbSubtitleConverter::FinishPage(cDvbSubtitlePage *Page) +{ + if (!AssertOsd()) + return; + tArea *Areas = Page->GetAreas(); + int NumAreas = Page->regions.Count(); + int Bpp = 8; + bool Reduced = false; + while (osd->CanHandleAreas(Areas, NumAreas) != oeOk) { + int HalfBpp = Bpp / 2; + if (HalfBpp >= 2) { + for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { + if (Areas[i].bpp >= Bpp) { + Areas[i].bpp = HalfBpp; + Reduced = true; + } + } + Bpp = HalfBpp; + } + else + return; // unable to draw bitmaps + } + if (Reduced) { + for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { + cSubtitleRegion *sr = Page->regions.Get(i); + if (sr->Bpp() != Areas[i].bpp) { + if (sr->Level() <= Areas[i].bpp) { + //TODO this is untested - didn't have any such subtitle stream + cSubtitleClut *Clut = Page->GetClutById(sr->ClutId()); + if (Clut) { + dbgregions("reduce region %d bpp %d level %d area bpp %d\n", sr->RegionId(), sr->Bpp(), sr->Level(), Areas[i].bpp); + sr->ReduceBpp(*Clut->GetPalette(sr->Bpp())); + } + } + else { + dbgregions("condense region %d bpp %d level %d area bpp %d\n", sr->RegionId(), sr->Bpp(), sr->Level(), Areas[i].bpp); + sr->ShrinkBpp(Areas[i].bpp); + } + } + } + } + cDvbSubtitleBitmaps *Bitmaps = new cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(Page->Pts(), Page->Timeout(), Areas, NumAreas); + bitmaps->Add(Bitmaps); + for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = Page->regions.First(); sr; sr = Page->regions.Next(sr)) { + int posX = sr->HorizontalAddress(); + int posY = sr->VerticalAddress(); + cBitmap *bm = new cBitmap(sr->Width(), sr->Height(), sr->Bpp(), posX, posY); + bm->DrawBitmap(posX, posY, *sr); + Bitmaps->AddBitmap(bm); + } +} diff --git a/dvbsubtitle.h b/dvbsubtitle.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7dec19 --- /dev/null +++ b/dvbsubtitle.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* + * dvbsubtitle.h: DVB subtitles + * + * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and + * how to reach the author. + * + * Original author: Marco Schlüßler + * + * $Id: dvbsubtitle.h 1.1 2007/10/14 14:02:46 kls Exp $ + */ + +#ifndef __DVBSUBTITLE_H +#define __DVBSUBTITLE_H + +#include "osd.h" +#include "thread.h" +#include "tools.h" + +class cDvbSubtitlePage; +class cDvbSubtitleAssembler; +class cDvbSubtitleBitmaps; + +class cDvbSubtitleConverter : public cThread { +private: + static int setupLevel; + cDvbSubtitleAssembler *dvbSubtitleAssembler; + cOsd *osd; + cList *pages; + cList *bitmaps; + tColor yuv2rgb(int Y, int Cb, int Cr); + bool AssertOsd(void); + int ExtractSegment(const uchar *Data, int Length, int64_t Pts); + void FinishPage(cDvbSubtitlePage *Page); +public: + cDvbSubtitleConverter(void); + virtual ~cDvbSubtitleConverter(); + void Action(void); + void Reset(void); + int Convert(const uchar *Data, int Length); + static void SetupChanged(void); + }; + +#endif //__DVBSUBTITLE_H diff --git a/eit.c b/eit.c index dcac116..5ed25d1 100644 --- a/eit.c +++ b/eit.c @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ * Robert Schneider and Rolf Hakenes . * Adapted to 'libsi' for VDR 1.3.0 by Marcel Wiesweg . * - * $Id: eit.c 1.125 2007/07/28 13:16:43 kls Exp $ + * $Id: eit.c 1.126 2007/08/26 10:56:33 kls Exp $ */ #include "eit.h" @@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ cEIT::cEIT(cSchedules *Schedules, int Source, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, bo SI::ComponentDescriptor *cd = (SI::ComponentDescriptor *)d; uchar Stream = cd->getStreamContent(); uchar Type = cd->getComponentType(); - if (1 <= Stream && Stream <= 2 && Type != 0) { + if (1 <= Stream && Stream <= 3 && Type != 0) { // 1=video, 2=audio, 3=subtitles if (!Components) Components = new cComponents; char buffer[Utf8BufSize(256)]; - Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), cd->getStreamContent(), cd->getComponentType(), I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(cd->languageCode), cd->description.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer))); + Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), Stream, Type, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(cd->languageCode), cd->description.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer))); } } break; diff --git a/ b/ index e46c644..1be38fa 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and # how to reach the author. # -# $Id: 1.4 2007/08/24 13:19:34 kls Exp $ +# $Id: 1.5 2007/10/14 14:14:22 kls Exp $ # How to convert an actual plugin: # @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ $(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.c) $(I18Npo): $(I18Npot) msgmerge -U --no-wrap -F --backup=none -q $@ $< -i18n: $(I18Nmo) +i18n: $(I18Npot) $(I18Nmo) @mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR) for i in $(I18Ndirs); do\ mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR)/$$i/LC_MESSAGES;\ diff --git a/keys.c b/keys.c index 58ae1fa..615b6f8 100644 --- a/keys.c +++ b/keys.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: keys.c 1.15 2007/08/11 11:30:18 kls Exp $ + * $Id: keys.c 1.16 2007/08/26 12:35:21 kls Exp $ */ #include "keys.h" @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ static tKey keyTable[] = { // "Up" and "Down" must be the first two keys! { kVolDn, trNOOP("Key$Volume-") }, { kMute, trNOOP("Key$Mute") }, { kAudio, trNOOP("Key$Audio") }, + { kSubtitles, trNOOP("Key$Subtitles") }, { kSchedule, trNOOP("Key$Schedule") }, { kChannels, trNOOP("Key$Channels") }, { kTimers, trNOOP("Key$Timers") }, diff --git a/keys.h b/keys.h index 2adcad8..cb2b2eb 100644 --- a/keys.h +++ b/keys.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: keys.h 1.13 2007/08/24 13:15:48 kls Exp $ + * $Id: keys.h 1.14 2007/08/26 12:34:50 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __KEYS_H @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ enum eKeys { // "Up" and "Down" must be the first two keys! kVolDn, kMute, kAudio, + kSubtitles, kSchedule, kChannels, kTimers, diff --git a/menu.c b/menu.c index 444fd75..853d1e7 100644 --- a/menu.c +++ b/menu.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: menu.c 1.461 2007/08/24 13:15:48 kls Exp $ + * $Id: menu.c 1.463 2007/10/13 10:10:20 kls Exp $ */ #include "menu.h" @@ -260,6 +260,8 @@ void cMenuEditChannel::Setup(void) Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Apid2"), &data.apids[1], 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Dpid1"), &data.dpids[0], 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Dpid2"), &data.dpids[1], 0, 0x1FFF)); + Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Spid1"), &data.spids[0], 0, 0x1FFF)); + Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Spid2"), &data.spids[1], 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Tpid"), &data.tpid, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditCaItem( tr("CA"), &data.caids[0])); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Sid"), &data.sid, 1, 0xFFFF)); @@ -523,6 +525,7 @@ eOSState cMenuChannels::Delete(void) Channels.Del(channel); cOsdMenu::Del(Index); Propagate(); + Channels.SetModified(true); isyslog("channel %d deleted", DeletedChannel); if (CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->Number() != CurrentChannelNr) { if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Transferring()) @@ -547,6 +550,7 @@ void cMenuChannels::Move(int From, int To) Channels.Move(FromChannel, ToChannel); cOsdMenu::Move(From, To); Propagate(); + Channels.SetModified(true); isyslog("channel %d moved to %d", FromNumber, ToNumber); if (CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->Number() != CurrentChannelNr) { if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Transferring()) @@ -2400,6 +2404,8 @@ class cMenuSetupDVB : public cMenuSetupBase { private: int originalNumAudioLanguages; int numAudioLanguages; + int originalNumSubtitleLanguages; + int numSubtitleLanguages; void Setup(void); const char *videoDisplayFormatTexts[3]; const char *updateChannelsTexts[6]; @@ -2412,7 +2418,10 @@ cMenuSetupDVB::cMenuSetupDVB(void) { for (numAudioLanguages = 0; numAudioLanguages < I18nLanguages()->Size() && data.AudioLanguages[numAudioLanguages] >= 0; numAudioLanguages++) ; + for (numSubtitleLanguages = 0; numSubtitleLanguages < I18nLanguages()->Size() && data.SubtitleLanguages[numSubtitleLanguages] >= 0; numSubtitleLanguages++) + ; originalNumAudioLanguages = numAudioLanguages; + originalNumSubtitleLanguages = numSubtitleLanguages; videoDisplayFormatTexts[0] = tr("pan&scan"); videoDisplayFormatTexts[1] = tr("letterbox"); videoDisplayFormatTexts[2] = tr("center cut out"); @@ -2442,6 +2451,15 @@ void cMenuSetupDVB::Setup(void) Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Audio languages"), &numAudioLanguages, 0, I18nLanguages()->Size())); for (int i = 0; i < numAudioLanguages; i++) Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Audio language"), &data.AudioLanguages[i], I18nLanguages()->Size(), &I18nLanguages()->At(0))); + Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Display subtitles"), &data.DisplaySubtitles)); + if (data.DisplaySubtitles) { + Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages"), &numSubtitleLanguages, 0, I18nLanguages()->Size())); + for (int i = 0; i < numSubtitleLanguages; i++) + Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Setup.DVB$Subtitle language"), &data.SubtitleLanguages[i], I18nLanguages()->Size(), &I18nLanguages()->At(0))); + Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset"), &data.SubtitleOffset, -50, 50)); + Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency"), &data.SubtitleFgTransparency, 0, 9)); + Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency"), &data.SubtitleBgTransparency, 0, 10)); + } SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); @@ -2453,11 +2471,15 @@ eOSState cMenuSetupDVB::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) int oldVideoDisplayFormat = ::Setup.VideoDisplayFormat; bool oldVideoFormat = ::Setup.VideoFormat; bool newVideoFormat = data.VideoFormat; + bool oldDisplaySubtitles = ::Setup.DisplaySubtitles; + bool newDisplaySubtitles = data.DisplaySubtitles; int oldnumAudioLanguages = numAudioLanguages; + int oldnumSubtitleLanguages = numSubtitleLanguages; eOSState state = cMenuSetupBase::ProcessKey(Key); if (Key != kNone) { bool DoSetup = data.VideoFormat != newVideoFormat; + DoSetup |= data.DisplaySubtitles != newDisplaySubtitles; if (numAudioLanguages != oldnumAudioLanguages) { for (int i = oldnumAudioLanguages; i < numAudioLanguages; i++) { data.AudioLanguages[i] = 0; @@ -2476,6 +2498,24 @@ eOSState cMenuSetupDVB::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) data.AudioLanguages[numAudioLanguages] = -1; DoSetup = true; } + if (numSubtitleLanguages != oldnumSubtitleLanguages) { + for (int i = oldnumSubtitleLanguages; i < numSubtitleLanguages; i++) { + data.SubtitleLanguages[i] = 0; + for (int l = 0; l < I18nLanguages()->Size(); l++) { + int k; + for (k = 0; k < oldnumSubtitleLanguages; k++) { + if (data.SubtitleLanguages[k] == l) + break; + } + if (k >= oldnumSubtitleLanguages) { + data.SubtitleLanguages[i] = l; + break; + } + } + } + data.SubtitleLanguages[numSubtitleLanguages] = -1; + DoSetup = true; + } if (DoSetup) Setup(); } @@ -2486,6 +2526,9 @@ eOSState cMenuSetupDVB::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVideoDisplayFormat(eVideoDisplayFormat(::Setup.VideoDisplayFormat)); if (::Setup.VideoFormat != oldVideoFormat) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVideoFormat(::Setup.VideoFormat); + if (::Setup.DisplaySubtitles != oldDisplaySubtitles) + cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->EnsureSubtitleTrack(); + cDvbSubtitleConverter::SetupChanged(); } return state; } @@ -3128,14 +3171,18 @@ static void SetTrackDescriptions(int LiveChannel) if (Components) { int indexAudio = 0; int indexDolby = 0; + int indexSubtitle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Components->NumComponents(); i++) { const tComponent *p = Components->Component(i); - if (p->stream == 2) { - if (p->type == 0x05) - cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttDolby, indexDolby++, 0, LiveChannel ? NULL : p->language, p->description); - else - cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttAudio, indexAudio++, 0, LiveChannel ? NULL : p->language, p->description); - } + switch (p->stream) { + case 2: if (p->type == 0x05) + cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttDolby, indexDolby++, 0, LiveChannel ? NULL : p->language, p->description); + else + cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttAudio, indexAudio++, 0, LiveChannel ? NULL : p->language, p->description); + break; + case 3: cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttSubtitle, indexSubtitle++, 0, LiveChannel ? NULL : p->language, p->description); + break; + } } } } @@ -3491,7 +3538,7 @@ cDisplayTracks::cDisplayTracks(void) numTracks++; } } - descriptions[numTracks] = 0; + descriptions[numTracks] = NULL; timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT); displayTracks = Skins.Current()->DisplayTracks(tr("Button$Audio"), numTracks, descriptions); Show(); @@ -3569,7 +3616,7 @@ eOSState cDisplayTracks::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT); break; case kOk: - if (track != cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetCurrentAudioTrack()) + if (types[track] != cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetCurrentAudioTrack()) oldTrack = -1; // make sure we explicitly switch to that track timeout.Set(); break; @@ -3588,6 +3635,105 @@ eOSState cDisplayTracks::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) return timeout.TimedOut() ? osEnd : osContinue; } +// --- cDisplaySubtitleTracks ------------------------------------------------ + +cDisplaySubtitleTracks *cDisplaySubtitleTracks::currentDisplayTracks = NULL; + +cDisplaySubtitleTracks::cDisplaySubtitleTracks(void) +:cOsdObject(true) +{ + SetTrackDescriptions(!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Transferring() ? cDevice::CurrentChannel() : 0); + currentDisplayTracks = this; + numTracks = track = 0; + types[numTracks] = ttNone; + descriptions[numTracks] = strdup(tr("No subtitles")); + numTracks++; + eTrackType CurrentSubtitleTrack = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetCurrentSubtitleTrack(); + for (int i = ttSubtitleFirst; i <= ttSubtitleLast; i++) { + const tTrackId *TrackId = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetTrack(eTrackType(i)); + if (TrackId && TrackId->id) { + types[numTracks] = eTrackType(i); + descriptions[numTracks] = strdup(*TrackId->description ? TrackId->description : *TrackId->language ? TrackId->language : *itoa(i)); + if (i == CurrentSubtitleTrack) + track = numTracks; + numTracks++; + } + } + descriptions[numTracks] = NULL; + timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT); + displayTracks = Skins.Current()->DisplayTracks(tr("Button$Subtitles"), numTracks, descriptions); + Show(); +} + +cDisplaySubtitleTracks::~cDisplaySubtitleTracks() +{ + delete displayTracks; + currentDisplayTracks = NULL; + for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) + free(descriptions[i]); + cStatus::MsgOsdClear(); +} + +void cDisplaySubtitleTracks::Show(void) +{ + displayTracks->SetTrack(track, descriptions); + displayTracks->Flush(); + //cStatus::MsgSetSubtitleTrack(track, descriptions); //TODO better make a more general cStatus::MsgSetTrack(tr("Subtitles"), track, descriptions) +} + +cDisplaySubtitleTracks *cDisplaySubtitleTracks::Create(void) +{ + if (cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->NumSubtitleTracks() > 0) { + if (!currentDisplayTracks) + new cDisplaySubtitleTracks; + return currentDisplayTracks; + } + Skins.Message(mtWarning, tr("No subtitles available!")); + return NULL; +} + +void cDisplaySubtitleTracks::Process(eKeys Key) +{ + if (currentDisplayTracks) + currentDisplayTracks->ProcessKey(Key); +} + +eOSState cDisplaySubtitleTracks::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) +{ + int oldTrack = track; + switch (Key) { + case kUp|k_Repeat: + case kUp: + case kDown|k_Repeat: + case kDown: + if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp && track > 0) + track--; + else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kDown && track < numTracks - 1) + track++; + timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT); + break; + case kSubtitles|k_Repeat: + case kSubtitles: + if (++track >= numTracks) + track = 0; + timeout.Set(TRACKTIMEOUT); + break; + case kOk: + if (types[track] != cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetCurrentSubtitleTrack()) + oldTrack = -1; // make sure we explicitly switch to that track + timeout.Set(); + break; + case kNone: break; + default: if ((Key & k_Release) == 0) + return osEnd; + } + if (track != oldTrack) { + Show(); + cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetCurrentSubtitleTrack(types[track], true); + } + return timeout.TimedOut() ? osEnd : osContinue; +} + // --- cRecordControl -------------------------------------------------------- cRecordControl::cRecordControl(cDevice *Device, cTimer *Timer, bool Pause) diff --git a/menu.h b/menu.h index 1613aa4..1bca920 100644 --- a/menu.h +++ b/menu.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: menu.h 1.88 2007/08/12 10:35:42 kls Exp $ + * $Id: menu.h 1.89 2007/08/26 14:35:57 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __MENU_H @@ -128,6 +128,24 @@ public: eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; +class cDisplaySubtitleTracks : public cOsdObject { +private: + cSkinDisplayTracks *displayTracks; + cTimeMs timeout; + eTrackType types[ttMaxTrackTypes]; + char *descriptions[ttMaxTrackTypes + 1]; // list is NULL terminated + int numTracks, track; + static cDisplaySubtitleTracks *currentDisplayTracks; + virtual void Show(void); + cDisplaySubtitleTracks(void); +public: + virtual ~cDisplaySubtitleTracks(); + static bool IsOpen(void) { return currentDisplayTracks != NULL; } + static cDisplaySubtitleTracks *Create(void); + static void Process(eKeys Key); + eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); + }; + cOsdObject *CamControl(void); class cMenuRecordingItem; diff --git a/menuitems.c b/menuitems.c index a900e4a..732aea2 100644 --- a/menuitems.c +++ b/menuitems.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: menuitems.c 1.51 2007/08/17 13:48:07 kls Exp $ + * $Id: menuitems.c 1.53 2007/10/13 12:05:37 kls Exp $ */ #include "menuitems.h" @@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ void cMenuEditStrItem::LeaveEditMode(bool SaveValue) stripspace(value); } lengthUtf8 = 0; - delete valueUtf8; + delete[] valueUtf8; valueUtf8 = NULL; - delete allowedUtf8; + delete[] allowedUtf8; allowedUtf8 = NULL; - delete charMapUtf8; + delete[] charMapUtf8; charMapUtf8 = NULL; pos = -1; offset = 0; @@ -499,9 +499,9 @@ eOSState cMenuEditStrItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) if (!insert || newchar) pos--; newchar = true; + if (!insert && Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos])) + uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]); } - if (!insert && Utf8is(alpha, valueUtf8[pos])) - uppercase = Utf8is(upper, valueUtf8[pos]); break; case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: if (InEditMode()) diff --git a/newplugin b/newplugin index 368007b..57d814e 100755 --- a/newplugin +++ b/newplugin @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and # how to reach the author. # -# $Id: newplugin 1.36 2007/08/19 14:19:49 kls Exp $ +# $Id: newplugin 1.38 2007/10/14 09:13:17 kls Exp $ $PLUGIN_NAME = $ARGV[0] || die "Usage: newplugin \n"; @@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ I18Npot = \$(PODIR)/\$(PLUGIN).pot msgfmt -c -o \$\@ \$< \$(I18Npot): \$(wildcard *.c) - xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap -F -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o \$\@ \$(wildcard *.c) + xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='' -o \$\@ \$(wildcard *.c) \$(I18Npo): \$(I18Npot) - msgmerge -U --no-wrap -F --backup=none -q \$\@ \$< + msgmerge -U --no-wrap --no-location --backup=none -q \$\@ \$< -i18n: \$(I18Nmo) +i18n: \$(I18Npot) \$(I18Nmo) \@mkdir -p \$(LOCALEDIR) for i in \$(I18Ndirs); do\\ mkdir -p \$(LOCALEDIR)/\$\$i/LC_MESSAGES;\\ diff --git a/osd.c b/osd.c index 1c91184..47a11b2 100644 --- a/osd.c +++ b/osd.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: osd.c 1.74 2007/08/26 09:44:50 kls Exp $ + * $Id: osd.c 1.75 2007/10/12 12:38:36 kls Exp $ */ #include "osd.h" @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void cPalette::SetColor(int Index, tColor Color) } } -const tColor *cPalette::Colors(int &NumColors) +const tColor *cPalette::Colors(int &NumColors) const { NumColors = numColors; return numColors ? color : NULL; @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void cPalette::Replace(const cPalette &Palette) antiAliasGranularity = Palette.antiAliasGranularity; } -tColor cPalette::Blend(tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, uint8_t Level) +tColor cPalette::Blend(tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, uint8_t Level) const { if (antiAliasGranularity > 0) Level = uint8_t(int(Level / antiAliasGranularity + 0.5) * antiAliasGranularity); @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ tColor cPalette::Blend(tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, uint8_t Level) return (A << 24) | (R << 16) | (G << 8) | B; } -int cPalette::ClosestColor(tColor Color, int MaxDiff) +int cPalette::ClosestColor(tColor Color, int MaxDiff) const { int n = 0; int d = INT_MAX; @@ -640,6 +640,79 @@ const tIndex *cBitmap::Data(int x, int y) return &bitmap[y * width + x]; } +void cBitmap::ReduceBpp(const cPalette &Palette) +{ + int NewBpp = Palette.Bpp(); + if (Bpp() == 4 && NewBpp == 2) { + for (int i = width * height; i--; ) { + tIndex p = bitmap[i]; + bitmap[i] = (p >> 2) | ((p & 0x03) != 0); + } + } + else if (Bpp() == 8) { + if (NewBpp == 2) { + for (int i = width * height; i--; ) { + tIndex p = bitmap[i]; + bitmap[i] = (p >> 6) | ((p & 0x30) != 0); + } + } + else if (NewBpp == 4) { + for (int i = width * height; i--; ) { + tIndex p = bitmap[i]; + bitmap[i] = p >> 4; + } + } + else + return; + } + else + return; + SetBpp(NewBpp); + Replace(Palette); +} + +void cBitmap::ShrinkBpp(int NewBpp) +{ + int NumOldColors; + const tColor *Colors = this->Colors(NumOldColors); + if (Colors) { + // Find the most frequently used colors and create a map table: + int Used[MAXNUMCOLORS] = { 0 }; + int Map[MAXNUMCOLORS] = { 0 }; + for (int i = width * height; i--; ) + Used[bitmap[i]]++; + int MaxNewColors = (NewBpp == 4) ? 16 : 4; + cPalette NewPalette(NewBpp); + for (int i = 0; i < MaxNewColors; i++) { + int Max = 0; + int Index = -1; + for (int n = 0; n < NumOldColors; n++) { + if (Used[n] > Max) { + Max = Used[n]; + Index = n; + } + } + if (Index >= 0) { + Used[Index] = 0; + Map[Index] = i; + NewPalette.SetColor(i, Colors[Index]); + } + else + break; + } + // Complete the map table for all other colors (will be set to closest match): + for (int n = 0; n < NumOldColors; n++) { + if (Used[n]) + Map[n] = NewPalette.Index(Colors[n]); + } + // Do the actual index mapping: + for (int i = width * height; i--; ) + bitmap[i] = Map[bitmap[i]]; + SetBpp(NewBpp); + Replace(NewPalette); + } +} + // --- cOsd ------------------------------------------------------------------ int cOsd::osdLeft = 0; @@ -720,19 +793,18 @@ eOsdError cOsd::CanHandleAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) eOsdError cOsd::SetAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) { - eOsdError Result = oeUnknown; - if (numBitmaps == 0) { - Result = CanHandleAreas(Areas, NumAreas); - if (Result == oeOk) { - width = height = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { - bitmaps[numBitmaps++] = new cBitmap(Areas[i].Width(), Areas[i].Height(), Areas[i].bpp, Areas[i].x1, Areas[i].y1); - width = max(width, Areas[i].x2 + 1); - height = max(height, Areas[i].y2 + 1); - } - } + eOsdError Result = CanHandleAreas(Areas, NumAreas); + if (Result == oeOk) { + while (numBitmaps) + delete bitmaps[--numBitmaps]; + width = height = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { + bitmaps[numBitmaps++] = new cBitmap(Areas[i].Width(), Areas[i].Height(), Areas[i].bpp, Areas[i].x1, Areas[i].y1); + width = max(width, Areas[i].x2 + 1); + height = max(height, Areas[i].y2 + 1); + } } - if (Result != oeOk) + else esyslog("ERROR: cOsd::SetAreas returned %d", Result); return Result; } @@ -818,7 +890,7 @@ cOsdProvider::~cOsdProvider() cOsd *cOsdProvider::NewOsd(int Left, int Top, uint Level) { - if (Level == 0 && cOsd::IsOpen()) + if (Level == OSD_LEVEL_DEFAULT && cOsd::IsOpen()) esyslog("ERROR: attempt to open OSD while it is already open - using dummy OSD!"); else if (osdProvider) { cOsd *ActiveOsd = cOsd::Osds.Size() ? cOsd::Osds[0] : NULL; diff --git a/osd.h b/osd.h index 604b2d2..42ebc1a 100644 --- a/osd.h +++ b/osd.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: osd.h 1.57 2007/08/26 09:45:38 kls Exp $ + * $Id: osd.h 1.58 2007/10/12 14:28:44 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __OSD_H @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ #include "font.h" #include "tools.h" +#define OSD_LEVEL_DEFAULT 0 +#define OSD_LEVEL_SUBTITLES 10 + #define MAXNUMCOLORS 256 enum { @@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ public: ///< a single color combination, and may not be able to serve all ///< requested colors. By default the palette assumes there will be ///< 10 fixed colors and 10 color combinations. - int Bpp(void) { return bpp; } + int Bpp(void) const { return bpp; } void Reset(void); ///< Resets the palette, making it contain no colors. int Index(tColor Color); @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ public: ///< If Color is not yet contained in this palette, it will be added if ///< there is a free slot. If the color can't be added to this palette, ///< the closest existing color will be returned. - tColor Color(int Index) { return Index < maxColors ? color[Index] : 0; } + tColor Color(int Index) const { return Index < maxColors ? color[Index] : 0; } ///< Returns the color at the given Index. If Index is outside the valid ///< range, 0 will be returned. void SetBpp(int Bpp); @@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ public: ///< Sets the palette entry at Index to Color. If Index is larger than ///< the number of currently used entries in this palette, the entries ///< in between will have undefined values. - const tColor *Colors(int &NumColors); + const tColor *Colors(int &NumColors) const; ///< Returns a pointer to the complete color table and stores the ///< number of valid entries in NumColors. If no colors have been ///< stored yet, NumColors will be set to 0 and the function will @@ -102,14 +105,14 @@ public: void Replace(const cPalette &Palette); ///< Replaces the colors of this palette with the colors from the given ///< palette. - tColor Blend(tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, uint8_t Level); + tColor Blend(tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, uint8_t Level) const; ///< Determines a color that consists of a linear blend between ColorFg ///< and ColorBg. If Level is 0, the result is ColorBg, if it is 255, ///< the result is ColorFg. If SetAntiAliasGranularity() has been called previously, ///< Level will be mapped to a limited range of levels that allow to make best ///< use of the palette entries. - int ClosestColor(tColor Color, int MaxDiff = INT_MAX); - ///< Returns the index of a color in this paltte that is closest to the given + int ClosestColor(tColor Color, int MaxDiff = INT_MAX) const; + ///< Returns the index of a color in this palette that is closest to the given ///< Color. MaxDiff can be used to control the maximum allowed color difference. ///< If no color with a maximum difference of MaxDiff can be found, -1 will ///< be returned. With the default value of INT_MAX, there will always be @@ -232,6 +235,17 @@ public: ///< Returns the address of the index byte at the given coordinates. tColor GetColor(int x, int y) { return Color(*Data(x, y)); } ///< Returns the color at the given coordinates. + void ReduceBpp(const cPalette &Palette); + ///< Reduces the color depth of the bitmap to that of the given Palette. + ///< If Palette's color depth is not smaller than the bitmap's current + ///< color depth, or if it is not one of 4bpp or 2bpp, nothing happens. After + ///< reducing the color depth the current palette is replaced with + ///< the given one. + void ShrinkBpp(int NewBpp); + ///< Shrinks the color depth of the bitmap to NewBpp by keeping only + ///< the 2^NewBpp most frequently used colors as defined in the current palette. + ///< If NewBpp is not smaller than the bitmap's current color depth, + ///< or if it is not one of 4bpp or 2bpp, nothing happens. }; struct tArea { @@ -292,7 +306,7 @@ public: ///< This may be useful for plugins that determine the scaling of the ///< video image and need to scale the OSD accordingly to fit on the ///< screen. - static int IsOpen(void) { return Osds.Size() && Osds[0]->level == 0; } + static int IsOpen(void) { return Osds.Size() && Osds[0]->level == OSD_LEVEL_DEFAULT; } ///< Returns true if there is currently a level 0 OSD open. int Left(void) { return left; } int Top(void) { return top; } @@ -327,6 +341,7 @@ public: ///< If the OSD has been divided into several sub-areas, all areas that ///< are part of the rectangle that surrounds a given drawing operation ///< will be drawn into, with the proper offsets. + ///< A new call overwrites any previous settings virtual void SaveRegion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); ///< Saves the region defined by the given coordinates for later restoration ///< through RestoreRegion(). Only one saved region can be active at any @@ -398,7 +413,7 @@ public: cOsdProvider(void); //XXX maybe parameter to make this one "sticky"??? (frame-buffer etc.) virtual ~cOsdProvider(); - static cOsd *NewOsd(int Left, int Top, uint Level = 0); + static cOsd *NewOsd(int Left, int Top, uint Level = OSD_LEVEL_DEFAULT); ///< Returns a pointer to a newly created cOsd object, which will be located ///< at the given coordinates. When the cOsd object is no longer needed, the ///< caller must delete it. If the OSD is already in use, or there is no OSD diff --git a/pat.c b/pat.c index 559111d..a71f2d5 100644 --- a/pat.c +++ b/pat.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: pat.c 1.17 2007/01/05 10:41:55 kls Exp $ + * $Id: pat.c 1.18 2007/09/02 10:44:19 kls Exp $ */ #include "pat.h" @@ -331,11 +331,14 @@ void cPatFilter::Process(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, int Length int Ppid = pmt.getPCRPid(); int Apids[MAXAPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; // these lists are zero-terminated int Dpids[MAXDPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; + int Spids[MAXSPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; char ALangs[MAXAPIDS][MAXLANGCODE2] = { "" }; char DLangs[MAXDPIDS][MAXLANGCODE2] = { "" }; + char SLangs[MAXSPIDS][MAXLANGCODE2] = { "" }; int Tpid = 0; int NumApids = 0; int NumDpids = 0; + int NumSpids = 0; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; pmt.streamLoop.getNext(stream, it); ) { switch (stream.getStreamType()) { case 1: // STREAMTYPE_11172_VIDEO @@ -387,6 +390,26 @@ void cPatFilter::Process(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, int Length case SI::AC3DescriptorTag: dpid = stream.getPid(); break; + case SI::SubtitlingDescriptorTag: + if (NumSpids < MAXSPIDS) { + Spids[NumSpids] = stream.getPid(); + SI::SubtitlingDescriptor *sd = (SI::SubtitlingDescriptor *)d; + SI::SubtitlingDescriptor::Subtitling sub; + char *s = SLangs[NumSpids]; + int n = 0; + for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; sd->subtitlingLoop.getNext(sub, it); ) { + if (sub.languageCode[0]) { + if (n > 0) + *s++ = '+'; + strn0cpy(s, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(sub.languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); + s += strlen(s); + if (n++ > 1) + break; + } + } + NumSpids++; + } + break; case SI::TeletextDescriptorTag: Tpid = stream.getPid(); break; @@ -416,7 +439,7 @@ void cPatFilter::Process(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, int Length } } if (Setup.UpdateChannels >= 2) { - Channel->SetPids(Vpid, Vpid ? Ppid : 0, Apids, ALangs, Dpids, DLangs, Tpid); + Channel->SetPids(Vpid, Vpid ? Ppid : 0, Apids, ALangs, Dpids, DLangs, Spids, SLangs, Tpid); Channel->SetCaIds(CaDescriptors->CaIds()); } Channel->SetCaDescriptors(CaDescriptorHandler.AddCaDescriptors(CaDescriptors)); diff --git a/player.h b/player.h index 11d1656..87957e9 100644 --- a/player.h +++ b/player.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: player.h 1.19 2006/01/06 11:29:27 kls Exp $ + * $Id: player.h 1.20 2007/10/13 12:18:10 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __PLAYER_H @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ protected: bool DeviceSetCurrentAudioTrack(eTrackType Type) { return device ? device->SetCurrentAudioTrack(Type) : false; } bool DevicePoll(cPoller &Poller, int TimeoutMs = 0) { return device ? device->Poll(Poller, TimeoutMs) : false; } bool DeviceFlush(int TimeoutMs = 0) { return device ? device->Flush(TimeoutMs) : true; } + bool DeviceHasIBPTrickSpeed(void) { return device ? device->HasIBPTrickSpeed() : false; } void DeviceTrickSpeed(int Speed) { if (device) device->TrickSpeed(Speed); } void DeviceClear(void) { if (device) device->Clear(); } void DevicePlay(void) { if (device) device->Play(); } diff --git a/po/ca_ES.po b/po/ca_ES.po index 72093c1..afef808 100644 --- a/po/ca_ES.po +++ b/po/ca_ES.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Jordi Vilà \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -17,1256 +17,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Canal incorrecte ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Canal no disponible!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "No puc iniciar el mode de transferència!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Català" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "cat" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: Detectant el tipus de receptor" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Premeu qualsevol tecla del comandament" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Codi detectat!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "No premeu cap tecla..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: Aprenentantge de les funcions" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Premeu una tecla per '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Premeu 'Amunt' per confirmar" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Premeu 'Avall' per continuar" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Premeu 'Amunt' per retornar)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Premeu 'Avall' per finalitzar l'aprenentatge)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "Premeu 'Menú' per obviar aquesta tecla" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Aprenent les tecles del comandament a distància" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: Guardant els codis de les tecles" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Premeu 'Amunt' per guardar, 'Avall' per anul·lar" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Amunt" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Avall" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menú" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "D'acord" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Retornar" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Esquerra" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Dreta" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Vermell" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Verd" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Groc" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blau" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Reproduir" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Aturar" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Gravar" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Endavant ràpidament" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Enrera ràpidament" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Aturar" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Canal +" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Canal -" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volum +" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volum -" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "En silenci" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Guia de Programació" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Canals" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Temporitzadors" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Veure programes gravats" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Configuració" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Ordres" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Editar canal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Origen" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Freqüència" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "PID Vídeo" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "PID Àudio (1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "PID Àudio (2)" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "PID AC3 (1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "PID AC3 (2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "PID Teletext" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Accés Condicional" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarització" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversió" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "off" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "cap" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulació" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Amplada de banda" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmissió" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Protegir" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Jerarquia" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Propietats del canal duplicades!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Canals" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Esborrar" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Editar" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marcar" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nou" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Esborrar" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marcar" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Canal en ús per un temporitzador!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Esborrar el canal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Editar temporitzador" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Actiu" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Canal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dia" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Inici" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Fi" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritat" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Durada" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Arxiu" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Primer dia" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Temporitzadors" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "On/Off" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Esborrar el temporitzador?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Temporitzador activat - Esborrar de totes maneres?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Esdeveniment" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Gravar" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Canviar" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Què fan ara?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Què fan després?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Què fan ara?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Següent" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Ara" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programar" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "No puc canviar de canal!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Guia de Programació - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Reproduir" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Enrera" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Veure programes gravats" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Obrir" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Ordres" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Error a l'accedir a la gravació!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Esborrar gravació?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Error a l'esborrar la gravació!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Ordres de gravació" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "Informació en pantalla" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Idioma" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Amplada" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Alçada" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Durada dels missatges (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Posició de la informació del canal" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "a baix" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "a dalt" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Informació del canvi de canal" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Desplaçar pàgina sencera" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Gravacions en subcarpetes" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Guia de Programes" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Màxim d'Hores a cercar per la Guia" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivell de correcció de la Guia" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Ajustar l'hora del sistema" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Usar el temps del múltiplex" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "no" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "Tarja DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Tarja DVB primària" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Format del vídeo" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "Configuració de l'LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Utilitzar DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Freqüència LNB baixa (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Freqüència LNB alta (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CI Accés condicional" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menú" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reiniciar" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "No puc obrir el menú de la CAM!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "No puc reiniciar la CAM!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Opcions de Gravació" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Marge d'inici de gravació (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Marge de fi de gravació (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Límit primari" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Prioritat per defecte" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Durada predefinida" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Prioritat de la pausa" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Durada de la pausa (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Utilitzar el nom de l'episodi" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Marcar gravació instantània" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Anomenar gravacions instantànies" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Temps de gravació instantània (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Mida màxima de l'arxiu (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Separar arxius" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Opcions de Reproducció" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Mode de multivelocitat" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Mostrar mode de reproducció" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID de Continuar" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Miscel·lània" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Temps mínim en pausa (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Temps mínim d'inactivitat (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP Timeout (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Aquest plugin no admet configuració!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Configuració" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Reiniciar" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Segur que voleu reiniciar?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Aturar la gravació " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Guia de Programació" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disc" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disc" + msgid "free" msgstr "lliure" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Aturar la reproducció" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Continuar" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Aturar" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Continuar" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Cancel·lar l'edició " -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Aturar la gravació?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Cancel·lar l'edició?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "No hi ha cap dispositiu DVB lliure per gravar!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pausa d'emissió en directe..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Salta a:" -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "No hi ha marques d'edició definides" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "No puc iniciar el procés d'edició!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Procés d'edició iniciat" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Procés d'edició iniciat anteriorment!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -msgstr " aàbcçdeéèfghiíjklmnoòpqrstuúvwxyz0123456789-.,#~,/_@·" +msgstr " aàbcçdeéèfghiíjklmnoòpqrstuúvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@·" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "sí" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Inserir" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Sobrescriure" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Inserir" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Amunt/Avall per una nova localització - OK per moure" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Canal bloquejat (gravant)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Disc gairebé ple!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "No puc apagar, falta la opció -s !" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Gravant - Apagar de totes maneres?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Hi ha una gravació en %ld minuts - Apagar de totes maneres?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "Apagar de totes maneres?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Gravant - Reiniciar de totes maneres?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "Reiniciar de totes maneres?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volum " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "LMCJVSG" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "Dl Dm Dc Dj Dv Ds Dg " -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Dilluns" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dimarts" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Dimecres" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Dijous" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Divendres" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Dissabte" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Diumenge" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Prem qualsevol tecla per cancel·lar l'aturada" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Canviant a la interfície DVB primària..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Procés d'edició fallit!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Procés d'edició finalitzat" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/cs_CZ.po b/po/cs_CZ.po index 07439ab..e734719 100644 --- a/po/cs_CZ.po +++ b/po/cs_CZ.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Vladimír Bárta \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Neplatnı kanál ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanál není dostupnı!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Nelze zaèít s pøenosem" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Zaèíná prohledávání EPG" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Bez názvu" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Èesky" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "cze" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fáze 1: Detekce typu kódu" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Stisknìte libovolnou klávesu ovládání" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Kód byl detekován!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Nemaèkejte ¾ádné klávesy..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fáze 2: Uèení konkrétního kódu kláves" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Stisknìte klávesu pro '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Stisknìte 'Nahoru' pro potvrzení" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Stisknìte 'Dolù' pro pokraèování" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(stisknìte 'Nahoru' pro zpìt)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(stisknìte 'Dolù' pro ukonèení)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(stisknìte 'Menu' pro pøeskoèení definice klávesy)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Uèení kódù dálkového ovládání" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fáze 3: Ulo¾ení kódù" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Stisknìte 'Nahoru' pro ulo¾ení, 'Dolù' pro zru¹ení" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Nahoru" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Dolù" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Zpìt" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Vlevo" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Vpravo" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Èervenı" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Zelenı" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "®lutı" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Modrı" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Pøehrát" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pøeru¹it" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Zastavit" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Nahrát" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Dopøedu" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Dozadu" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Dále" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Zpìt" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Vypínaè" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanál+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanál-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Pøedcházející kanál" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Hlasitost+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Hlasitost-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Ticho" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Zvuk" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program (EPG)" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanály" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Èasovaèe" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Nahrávky" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Nastavení" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Pøíkazy" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "volnı" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "kódovanı" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Editace kanálu" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Název" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Zdroj" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvence" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarizace" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "vyp." -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "¾ádnı" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulace" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "©íøka pásma" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Pøenos" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Nastavení kanálù nejsou unikátní!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanály" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Smazat" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Editace" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Oznaèit" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Novı" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Smazat" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Oznaèit" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanál je dr¾enı èasovaèem nahrávek!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Smazat kanál?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Editace èasovaèe" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktivní" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanál" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Den" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Zaèátek" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Konec" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Priorita" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "®ivotnost" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Soubor" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "První den" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Èasovaèe" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Zap./Vyp." -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Smazat èasovaè?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Probíhá nahrávání - opravdu smazat?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Událost" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Èasovaè" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Nahrát" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Pøepnout" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Èasovaè" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Aktuální program" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Následující program" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Aktuální program" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Dal¹í" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nyní" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kanál nelze pøepnout!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Tato událost - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Tato událost - v¹echny kanály" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "V¹echny událost - v¹echny kanály" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Prosím vlo¾te %d znakù!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Detail nahrávky" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Pøehrát" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Na zaèátek" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Nahrávky" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Otevøít" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Pøíkazy" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Chyba pøi pøístupu k nahrávkám!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Smazat nahrávku?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Chyba pøi mazání nahrávky!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Pøíkazy nahrávání" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nikdy" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "podle vzhledu" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "v¾dy" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Jazyk" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Vzhled" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Téma" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Vlevo" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Nahoøe" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "©íøka" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Vı¹ka" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Èas zobrazení zpávy (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Pou¾ívat malé písmo" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Pozice informace o kanálu" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "dole" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "hahoøe" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Èas zobr. informace o kanálu (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Informace pøi zmìnì kanálu" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Èasovı limit informace o kanálu" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Rolovat strany" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Z konce na zaèátek" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Klávesa Menu zavírá" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Seznam nahrávek" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Snímat" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Èasovı limit pro snímání EPG (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "EPG úroveò chyb" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Ukazovat star¹í EPG data (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Nastavit systémovı èas" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Pou¾ít èas z kanálu" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Preferované jazyky" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Preferovanı jazyk" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "dostøedu oøíznout" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "ne" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "jen názvy" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "jen PIDs" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "názvy a PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "pøidat nové kanály" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "pøidat nové transpondéry" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primární DVB interface" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Formát videa" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Formát zobrazení videa" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Pou¾ívat zvuk v Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Aktualizace kanálù" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Jazyky zvuku" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Jazyk zvuku" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Pou¾ívat DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Dolní frekvence LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Horní frekvence LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reset" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Otevírá se menu CAM..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Menu CAM není dostupné" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "CAM modul nelze restartovat!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Nahrávání" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Nahrávat pøed zaèátkem (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Nahrávat po konci (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primární limit" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Vıchozí priorita" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Vıchozí ¾ivotnost" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Priorita pøeru¹ení" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "®ivotnost pøeru¹ení (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Pou¾ívat název epizody" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Pou¾ívat VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Èasová rezerva pro VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Oznaèit okam¾ité nahrávky" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Pojmenovat okam¾ité nahrávky" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Délka okam¾itého nahrávání (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maximální velikost nahrávky (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Dìlit editované soubory" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Pøehrávání" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Vícerychlostní mód" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Zobrazit re¾im pøehrávání" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID obnovení" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Rùzné" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Min. pauza mezi událostmi (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Èasovı limit neaktivnosti (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Èasovı limit SVDRP (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Èasovı limit Zap (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Kanál po spu¹tìní" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "jako naposledy" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Hlasitost po spu¹tìní" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Moduly" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Modul nemá konfiguraèní parametry!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Nastavení" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Restart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Opravdu restartovat?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Zastavit nahrávání " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program (EPG)" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "volno" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Zastavit pøehrávání" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Zvuk" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Zastavit" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Pokraèovat" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Ukonèit" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Pokraèovat" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Zru¹it editaci" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Ukonèit nahrávání?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Zru¹it editaci?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Zvuk není dostupnı!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Nedostatek volného místa k zapoèetí nahrávání!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "®ádná DVB karta není volná pro nahrávání" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pøeru¹uje se bì¾ící program ..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Skok: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Nejsou definovány editaèní znaèky!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Nelze zaèít editaèní proces!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Editaèní proces zaèal" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Editaèní proces je ji¾ aktivní!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " aábcèdïeéìfghiíjklmnòoópqrøs¹t»uúùvwxyız¾0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ano" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcáè2\tdefïéì3\tghií4\tjkl5\tmnoòó6\tpqrsø¹7\ttuv»úù8\twxyzı¾9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Vlo¾it" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Pøepsat" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Vlo¾it" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Modul" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Nahoru/Dolu pro novou pozici - Ok pøesune" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanál je blokovanı (nahrává se)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Disk bude brzy zaplnìn!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Vypnutí není mo¾né - chbí volba '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Systém je zaneprázdnìn - pøesto vypnout?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Nahrávání zaène za %ld minut - pøesto vypnout?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "pøesto vypnout?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Systém je zaneprázdnìn - pøesto restartovat?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "pøesto restartovat?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Hlasitost " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klasické VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG konzola" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "PUSÈPSN" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "Po Út St Èt Pá So Ne " -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Pondìlí" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Úterı" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Støeda" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Ètvrtek" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Pátek" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sobota" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Nedìle" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "Brzo zaène nahrávání VPS!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Zaèalo nahrávání" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Jakákoliv klávesa zru¹í vypnutí" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Pøepnout primární DVB..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Editaèní proces selhal!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Editaèní proces skonèil" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/da_DK.po b/po/da_DK.po index 61ff642..a5e38fa 100644 --- a/po/da_DK.po +++ b/po/da_DK.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Mogens Elneff \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Ugyldig kanal! ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanal er ikke tilgængelig!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Kan ikke starte Transfer Mode!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Starter EPG skanning" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Ingen titel" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Dansk" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "dan" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: Detekterer fjernbetjenings-kodetype" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Tryk vilkårlig tast på fjernbetjeningen" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Fjernbetjenings-kodetype fundet!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Tryk ikke på nogen tast..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: Lær individuelle tast koder" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Tryk tasten for '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Tryk 'Op' for at bekræfte" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Tryk 'Ned' for at fortsætte" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(tryk 'Op' for at gå tilbage)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(tryk 'Ned' for at afslutte indlæringen)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(tryk 'Menu' for at springe denne tast over)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Lærer fjernbetjeningstaster" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: Gemmer tast koder" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Tryk 'Op' for at gemme, 'Ned' for at annullere" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Op" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Ned" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Tilbage" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Venstre" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Højre" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rød" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Grøn" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Gul" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blå" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Afspil" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Optag" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Spol fremad" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Spol tilbage" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Fremad" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Tilbage" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Sluk" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Foregående kanal" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Lydstyrke+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Lydstyrke-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Sluk lyd" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Programoversigt" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanaler" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timere" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Optagelser" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Indstillinger" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Kommandoer" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "Free To Air" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "kodet" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "automatisk" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Rediger kanal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Navn" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Kilde" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvens" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisation" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "fra" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "ingen" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Båndbredde" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarki" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanalindstillinger er ikke entydige!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanaler" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Slet" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Rediger" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Markér" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Ny" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Slet" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Markér" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanal anvendes af en timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Slet kanal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Rediger timer" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiv" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dag" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Start" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritet" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Levetid" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Fil" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Første dag" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timere" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Til/Fra" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Slet timer?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timerstyret optagelse i gang - slet alligevel?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Udsendelse" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Timer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Optag" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Skift" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Timer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Hvad vises nu?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Hvad vises som det næste?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Hvad vises nu?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Næste" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nu" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kan ikke skifte kanal!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Denne udsendelse - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Denne udsendelse - alle kanaler" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Alle udsendelser - alle kanaler" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Indtast venligst %d cifre!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Optagelses info" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Afspil" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Forfra" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Optagelser" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Åbn" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Kommandoer" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Fejl ved læsning af optagelse!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Slet optagelse?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Fejl ved sletning af optagelse!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Optage kommandoer" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "aldrig" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "skin afhængig" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "altid" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Sprog" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skin" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Venstre" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Top" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Bredde" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Højde" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Tid beskeder skal vises (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Anvend lille skrift" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Placering af kanalinfo" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "bund" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "top" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Tid kanalinfo skal vises (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Info ved kanalskift" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Timeout ved anmodet kanal info" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Scroll sidevis" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Scroll rundt" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Menu taste lukker" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Optagelser i foldere" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Skan" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Tid før EPG skanning (t)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Niveau for EPG fejlrettelse" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Vise gammel EPG info (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Indstil system tid" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Anvend tid fra transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Foretrukne sprog" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Foretrukket sprog" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nej" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "kun navne" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "kun PIDs" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "navne og PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "tilf. ny kanaler" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "tilf. ny transp." -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primær DVB enhed" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Video format" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Video display format" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Anvend Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Opdatér kanaler" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio sprog (ant.)" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio sprog" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Anvend DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Nedre LNB frekvens (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Øvre LNB frekvens (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Nulstille" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Åbner CAM menu..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Kan ikke åbne CAM menuen!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Kan ikke nulstille CAM!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Optagelse" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Margin ved start (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Margin ved stop (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primær grænse" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Standard prioritet" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Standard levetid (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Pause prioritet" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Pause levetid (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Anvend udsendelsesnavn" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Anvend VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "VPS margin (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Markér direkte optagelse" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Navngiv direkte optagelse" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Længde af direkte optagelse (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Max. video filstørrelse (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Opdel redigerede filer" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Afspilning" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Multi hastighedsmodus" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Vis afspilningsmodus" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Genoptagelses ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Diverse" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Mindste hændelsespause (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Min. bruger inaktivitet (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP timeout (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Zap timeout (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Kanal ved opstart" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "som før" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Lydstyrke ved opstart" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Denne plugin har ingen parametre" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Indstillinger" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Genstart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Vil du virkelig genstarte?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Stop optagelse " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Programoversigt" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "fri" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Stop afspilning" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Fortsæt" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stop" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Fortsæt" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Afbryd redigering" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Stop optagelse?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Afbryd redigering?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Ingen lyd tilgængelig!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "For lidt harddisk plads til optagelse!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Ingen fri DVB enhed til optagelse!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pausere live udsendelse..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Hop: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Der er ikke sat nogen redigeringsmærker!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Kan ikke starte redigeringsprocessen!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Redigeringsproces startet" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Redigeringsproces er allerede aktiv!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ja" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcæå2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmnoø6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Indsæt" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Overskriv" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Indsæt" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Op/Ned for ny placering - OK for at flytte" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanal blokeret (optagelse i gang)" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Kun lidt diskplads tilbage!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Kan ikke slukke - parameter '-s' ikke angivet!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Optagelse igang - sluk alligevel?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Optagelse om %ld minutter - sluk alligevel?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "sluk alligevel?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Optagelse igang - genstart alligevel?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "genstart alligevel?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Lydstyrke " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klassisk VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG konsol" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "MTOTFLS" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "ManTirOnsTorFreLørSøn" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Mandag" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tirsdag" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Onsdag" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torsdag" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Fredag" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lørdag" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Søndag" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS optagelse starter snart!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Optagelse startet" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Tryk vilkårlig tast for at annullere sluk" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Skifter primær DVB enhed..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Redigeringsproces fejlede!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Redigeringsproces afsluttet" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/de_DE.po b/po/de_DE.po index 0da285c..cb5d78d 100644 --- a/po/de_DE.po +++ b/po/de_DE.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Klaus Schmidinger \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Ungültiger Kanal ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanal nicht verfügbar!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Transfer-Mode kann nicht gestartet werden!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Aktualisiere EPG-Daten" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Kein Titel" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Deutsch" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "deu" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Phase 1: System der Fernbedienung ermitteln" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Eine Taste auf der Fernbedienung drücken" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "System der Fernbedienung erkannt!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Keine Taste drücken..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Phase 2: Tastenbelegung anlernen" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Taste für '%s' drücken" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "'Auf' drücken zum Bestätigen" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "'Ab' drücken zum Weitermachen" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "('Auf' drücken, um zurückzugehen)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "('Ab' drücken zum Beenden)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "('Menü' drücken zum Überspringen)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Fernbedienung anlernen" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Phase 3: Tastenbelegung abspeichern" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "'Auf' speichert, 'Ab' bricht ab" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Auf" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Ab" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menü" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Zurück" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Links" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Rechts" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rot" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Grün" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Gelb" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blau" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Wiedergabe" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stopp" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Aufnehmen" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Vorlauf" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Rücklauf" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Vorwärts" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Zurück" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Ausschalten" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Vorheriger Kanal" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Lautstärke+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Lautstärke-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Stumm" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "Untertitel" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Programm" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanäle" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timer" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Aufzeichnungen" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Einstellungen" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Befehle" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "Benutzer1" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "Benutzer2" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "Benutzer3" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "Benutzer4" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "Benutzer5" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "Benutzer6" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "Benutzer7" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "Benutzer8" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "Benutzer9" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "frei empfangbar" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "verschlüsselt" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Kanal editieren" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Quelle" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frequenz" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "Spid1" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "Spid2" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisation" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "aus" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "keine" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandbreite" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchie" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanaleinstellungen sind nicht eindeutig!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanäle" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Löschen" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Editieren" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Markieren" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Neu" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Löschen" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Markieren" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanal wird von einem Timer benutzt!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Kanal löschen?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Timer editieren" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiv" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Tag" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Anfang" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Ende" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Priorität" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Lebensdauer" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Datei" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Erster Tag" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timer" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Ein/Aus" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Timer löschen?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timer zeichnet auf - trotzdem löschen?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Sendung" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Timer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Aufnehmen" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Umschalten" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Timer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Was läuft jetzt?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Was läuft als nächstes?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Was läuft jetzt?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Nächste" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Jetzt" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programm" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kanal kann nicht umgeschaltet werden!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Programm - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Diese Sendung - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Diese Sendung - alle Kanäle" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Alle Sendungen - alle Kanäle" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Bitte geben Sie %d Ziffern ein!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "CAM antwortet nicht!" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Aufzeichnung" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Wiedergabe" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Anfang" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Aufzeichnungen" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Öffnen" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Befehle" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Fehler beim Ansprechen der Aufzeichnung!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Aufzeichnung löschen?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen der Aufzeichnung!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Befehle für Aufzeichnungen" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nie" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "je nach Oberfläche" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "immer" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Sprache" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Oberfläche" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Thema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Links" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Oben" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Breite" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Höhe" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Anzeigedauer für Nachrichten (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Kleine Schrift benutzen" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "Kantenglättung" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "Standard-Schriftart" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "Kleine Schriftart" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "Festbreiten-Schriftart" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "Standard-Schriftgröße (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "Kleine Schriftgröße (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "Festbreiten-Schriftgröße (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Kanalinfo-Position" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "unten" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "oben" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Anzeigedauer für Kanalinfo (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Info beim Kanalwechsel" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Angeforderte Kanalinfo schließen" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Seitenweise scrollen" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Rundum scrollen" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Menu-Taste schließt" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Aufnahmeverzeichnisse" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Scan" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Zeit bis zur EPG-Aktualisierung (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "EPG-Fehlerbereinigung" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Alte EPG-Daten anzeigen (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Systemzeit stellen" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Transponder für Systemzeit" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Bevorzugte Sprachen" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Bevorzugte Sprache" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "Letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "Center-cut-out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nein" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "nur Namen" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "nur PIDs" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "Namen und PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "neue Kanäle hinzufügen" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "neue Transponder hinzufügen" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primäres DVB-Interface" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Videoformat" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Video-Anzeigeformat" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Dolby-Digital-Ton benutzen" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Kanäle aktualisieren" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio-Sprachen" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio-Sprache" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "Untertitel anzeigen" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "Untertitel-Sprachen" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "Untertitel-Sprache" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "Untertitel-Offset" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "Untertitel-Transparenz Vordergrund" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "Untertitel-Transparenz Hintergrund" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "DiSEqC benutzen" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Untere LNB-Frequenz (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Obere LNB-Frequenz (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "CAM zurückgesetzt" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "CAM vorhanden" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "CAM bereit" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menü" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Rücksetzen" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "CAM-Menü wird geöffnet..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "CAM-Menü kann nicht geöffnet werden!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "CAM wird benutzt - wirklich zurücksetzen?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Zurücksetzen des CAM fehlgeschlagen!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Aufnahme" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Vorlauf zum Timer-Beginn (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Nachlauf am Timer-Ende (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primär-Limit" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Default-Priorität" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Default-Lebensdauer (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Pause-Priorität" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Pause-Lebensdauer (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Episodenname verwenden" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "VPS benutzen" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Zeitvorlauf bei VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Direktaufzeichnung markieren" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Direktaufzeichnung benennen" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Dauer der Direktaufzeichnung (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Max. Videodateigröße (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Editierte Dateien aufteilen" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Wiedergabe" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Mehrstufiger Vor-/Rücklauf" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Wiedergabestatus anzeigen" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Wiedergabe-ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Sonstiges" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Brückenzeit zwischen Timern (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "VDR ausschalten bei Inaktivität (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP trennen bei Inaktivität (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Mindestzeit für Kanalhistorie (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "Zeitlimit für Kanaleingabe (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Kanal beim Einschalten" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "wie vorher" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Lautstärke beim Einschalten" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Dieses Plugin hat keine Parameter!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Einstellungen" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Neustart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Wirklich neu starten?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Aufzeichnung beenden " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Programm" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "frei" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Wiedergabe beenden" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Weiter" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Beenden" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Weiter" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Schneiden abbrechen" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Aufzeichnung beenden?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Schneiden abbrechen?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Kein Audio verfügbar!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "Keine Untertitel" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "Untertitel" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "Keine Untertitel verfügbar!" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Nicht genügend Plattenplatz für Aufnahme!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Keine freie DVB-Karte zum Aufnehmen!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Live-Signal wird angehalten..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Springen: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Keine Schnittmarken gesetzt!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Schnitt kann nicht gestartet werden!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Schnitt gestartet" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Schnitt bereits aktiv!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -msgstr " aäbcdefghijklmnoöpqrstuüvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" +msgstr " aäbcdefghijklmnoöpqrsßtuüvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ja" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcä2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmnoö6\tpqrs7\ttuvü8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Einfügen" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Überschreiben" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Einfügen" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Auf/Ab für neue Position - dann OK" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanal blockiert (zeichnet auf)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Platte beinahe voll!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Ausschalten unmöglich - Option '-s' fehlt!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Schnitt läuft - trotzdem ausschalten?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Aufnahme läuft - trotzdem ausschalten?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Aufnahme in %ld Minuten - trotzdem ausschalten?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "trotzdem ausschalten?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "Plugin %s wacht in %ld Min auf, weiter?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "Schnitt läuft - trotzdem neu starten?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Aufnahme läuft - trotzdem neu starten?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "trotzdem neu starten?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Lautstärke " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klassischer VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG-Konsolen" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "MDMDFSS" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "MonDieMitDonFreSamSon" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Montag" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dienstag" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mittwoch" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Donnerstag" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Freitag" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samstag" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sonntag" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS-Aufnahme beginnt in Kürze!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Aufzeichnung gestartet" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "VDR schaltet später aus - Power zum erzwingen" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Taste drücken, um Ausschalten abzubrechen" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Primäres Interface wird umgeschaltet..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Schnitt gescheitert!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Schnitt beendet" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "Taste drücken, um Neustart abzubrechen" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "VDR wird in %s Minuten ausschalten" diff --git a/po/el_GR.po b/po/el_GR.po index 363246d..f204815 100644 --- a/po/el_GR.po +++ b/po/el_GR.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Dimitrios Dimitrakos \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-7\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Áêõñï êáíÜëç ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Ôï êáíÜëç äİí åßíáé äéáèİóéìï!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Áäõíáìßá åêêßíçóçò êáôÜóôáóçò ìåôáöïñÜò!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Áñ÷Ş óÜñùóç EPG" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "×ùñßò Ôßôëï" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "ÅëëçíéêÜ" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "ell" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "ÖÜóç 1: Áíß÷íåõóç êşäéêá RC" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Ğßåóå İíá ğëŞêôñï óôï ôçëå÷åéñéóôŞñéï" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Âñİèçêå êşäéêáò RC!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "ÌŞí ğáôÜò ğëŞêôñá..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Öáóç 2: ÅêìÜèçóç ìåìïíïìİíùí ğëŞêôñùí" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Ğßåóå ôï ğëŞêôñï ãéÜ '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Ğßåóå 'ğÜíù' ãéÜ áğïäï÷Ş" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Ğßåóå 'êÜôù' ãéÜ óõíİ÷åéá" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Ğßåóå 'ğÜíù' ãéÜ åğéóôñïöŞ" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Ğßåóå 'êÜôù' ãéÜ ôåñìáôéóìü äçëşóåùí ğëŞêôñùí)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "Ğßåóå 'ìåíïı' ãéá ğñïóğİñáóç áõôïı ôïı ğëŞêôñïõ" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "ÅêìÜèçóç ğëŞêôñùí ôçëå÷åéñéóìïı" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Öáóç 3: ÁğïèŞêåõóç êùäéêşí" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Ğßåóå 'ĞÜíù' ãéá áğïèŞêåõóç, 'ÊÜôù' ãéá áêıñùóç" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "ĞÜíù" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "ÊÜôù" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Ìåíïı" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ïê" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Ğßóù" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "ÁñéóôåñÜ" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "ÄåîéÜ" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Êüêêéíï" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "ĞñÜóéíï" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Êßôñéíï" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Ìğëİ" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Ğëçñïöïñßåò" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "ÁíáğáñáãùãŞ" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Ğáıóç" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Tİñìá" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "EããñáöŞ" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Ğñïşèçóç åìğñüò" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Ğñïşèçóç ğßóù" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Këåßóéìï" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "ÊáíÜëé+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "ÊáíÜëé-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "¸íôáóç+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "¸íôáóç-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Óéùğçëü" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "¹÷ïò" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Ğñüãñáììá" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "ÊáíÜëéá" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "×ñïíïğñïãñáììáôéóìïß" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Åããñáöİò" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Ñõèìéóåéò" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Åíôïëİò" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "áõôüìáôï" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Ôñïğïğïßçóç Êáíáëéïı" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "¼íïìá" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "ĞçãŞ" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Óõ÷íüôçôá" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Bßíôåï PID" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Ğüëùóç" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "ÁíôéóôñïöŞ" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "êëåéóôü" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "Ñõèìüò Êşäéêá H" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "êáíİíá" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "Ñõèìüò Êşäéêá L" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Äéáìüñöùóç" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Åıñïò Óõ÷íïôŞôùí" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "ÌåôÜäïóç" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Ğñïóôáóßá" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Éåñáñ÷åßá" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Ïé ñéèìıóåéò ôïí êáíáëéşí áëëõëïóõìğßğôïõí!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "ÊáíÜëéá" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "ÄéáãñáöŞ" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "ĞñïóáñìïãŞ" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "ÅğéëïãŞ" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nİï" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "ÄéáãñáöŞ" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "ÅğéëïãŞ" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Ôï êáíÜëç ÷ñéóéìïğïéåßôáé áğü ÷ñïíïğñïãñáììáôéóìü!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "ÄéáãñáöŞ êáíáëéïı?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Ôñïğïğïßçóç ÷ñïíïğñïãñáììáôéóìïı" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Åíåñãü" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "ÊáíÜëé" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Çìİñá" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Áñ÷Ş" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Ôİëïò" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Ğñïôåñáéüôçôá" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Äéİñêåéá ĞáñáìïíŞò" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Áñ÷åßï" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Ğñşôç ìİñá" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "×ñïíïğñïãñáììáôéóìïß" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Ğëçñïöïñßåò" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Aíïé÷/Këåéóôü" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Ğëçñïöïñßåò" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "ÄéáãñáöŞ ÷ñïíïğñïãñáììáôéóìïı;?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "×ñïíïğñïãñáììáôéóìüò óİ åîİëéîç - ÄéáãñáöŞ óßãïõñá?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "ÅêğïìğŞ" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "ÅããñáöŞ" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "AëëáãŞ" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Ôñİ÷ïí ğñüãñáììá" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Åğüìåíï ğñüãñáììá" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Ôñİ÷ïí ğñüãñáììá" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Åğüìåíï" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Ôşñá" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Ğñüãñáììá" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "ÁëëáãŞ êáíáëéïı áäıíáôç!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Ğñüãñáììá - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Ğëçñïöïñßåò EããñáöŞò" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "ÁíáğáñáãùãŞ" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "ÌåôáöïñÜ óôçí Áñ÷Ş" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Åããñáöİò" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Áíïéãìá" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Åíôïëİò" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Ğñüâëçìá óôŞí ğñïóğİëáóç åããñáöŞò!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "ÄéáãñáöŞ åããñáöŞò?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "ËÜèïò êáôÜ ôŞí äéáãñáöŞ ôïõ áñ÷åßïõ!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Åíôïëİò ãéÜ åããñáöİò" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "Ğïôİ" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "ÅîáñôÜôå áğü ôŞí åğéöÜíåéá" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "ğÜíôá" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Ãëşóóá" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "ÅğéöÜíåéá" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Èİìá" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "ÁñéóôåñÜ" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "ÅğÜíù" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "ÌÜêñïò" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "¾øïò" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "×ñüíïò İíäåéîçò ìõíçìÜôùí (ä)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "×ñéóçìïğïßçóç ìéêñüí ãñáììáôïóåéñşí" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Èİóç ğëçñïöïñßáò êáíáëéşí" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "êÜôù" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "ğÜíù" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "÷ñüíïò İíäåéêóçò ğëçñïöïñßùí êáíáëéïı óå (ä)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Ğëçñïöïñßåò óôŞí áëëáãŞ êáíáëéïı" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Êıëéóç óåëßäáò" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Êıëéóç ãıñù-ãıñù" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "ÖÜêåëïé åããñáöşí" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Çëåêôñïíéêüò ïäçãüò ğñïãñÜììáôïò" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "ÓÜñùóç" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "×ñüíïò äéÜñêåéáò åîİôáóçò EPG óå şñåò" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Âáèìüò äéüñèùóçò ïäçãïı EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "¸íäåéîç îåğåñáóìİíùí ğëçñïöïñéşí (ëåğôÜ)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Óõíôïíéóìüò şñáò õğïëïãéóôŞ" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Áíáìåôáäüôçò óõíôïíéóìïı şñáò" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Ğñïôåéíüìåíåò ãëşóóåò" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Ğñïôåéíüìåíç ãëşóóá" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "ü÷é" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "ìüíï ïíüìáôá" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "Ïíüìáôá êáß PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "ğñïóèŞêç íİùí êáíáëéşí" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "ğñïóèŞêç íİïõ áíáìåôáäüôç" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Êıñéá DVB êÜñôá" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "ÌïñöŞ ïèüíçò" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "ÌïñöŞ áğåéêüíéóçò Âßíôåï" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "×ñŞóç Ş÷ïõ Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Åíçìİñùóç êáíáëéşí" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Ãëşóóåò Ş÷ïõ" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Ãëşóóá Ş÷ïõ" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Åíåñãïğïßçóç DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "ÊÜôù LNB-Óõ÷íüôçôá (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "¢íù LNB-Óõ÷íüôçôá (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Måíïı" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "ÅğáíáöïñÜ" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Áäıíáôç ç ğñüóâáóç óôü CAM ìåíïı!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Áäıíáôç ç åğáíáöïñÜ óôü CAM" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "ÅããñáöŞ" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Ğñüóèåôïò ÷ñüíïò óôçí áñ÷Ş (ëåğôÜ)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Ğñüóèåôïò ÷ñüíïò óôü ôİëïò (ëåğôÜ)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Ğñïôåıïí üñéï" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Ğñïêáèïñéóìİíç ğñïôåñáéüôçôá" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Ğñïêáèïñéóìİíç äéÜñêåéá ğáñáìïíŞò (Çìİñåò)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Ğñïôåñáéüôçôá äéáëåßììáôïò" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "ÄéÜñêåéá äéáëåßìáôïò" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "×ñŞóç ïíüìáôïò åğåéóïäßïõ" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "×ñŞóç VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Ğåñéèşñéï VPS (ä)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "ÅğéëïãŞ ôñİ÷ïõóáò åããñáöŞò" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Ïíïìáóßá ôñİ÷ïõóáò åããñáöŞò" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "ÄéÜñêåéá óôãìéáßáò åããñáöŞò (ëåğôÜ)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Ìİãéóôï ìİãåèïò áñ÷åßïõ (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Äéáìİëéóìüò åğåîåñãáóìİíùí áñ÷åßùí" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "ÁíáğáñáãùãŞ" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Ìåèïäïò ğïëëáğëŞò ôá÷ıôçôáò" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "¸íäåéîç êáôÜóôáóçò áíáìåôÜäïóçò" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID áíáìåôÜäïóçò" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "ÄéÜöïñá" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "ÅëÜ÷éóôïò ÷ñÜíïò ğáñåìâïëŞò (ëåğôÜ)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "ÅëÜ÷éóôïò ÷ñüíïò áíáìïíŞò (ëåğôÜ)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP äéáêïğŞ (ä)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "ÆÜğéíãê äéáêïğŞ (ä)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "ÅğåêôÜóåéò" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "ÁõôŞ ç åğİêôáóç äåí İ÷åé ğáñÜìåôñïõò!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Ñõèìéóåéò" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Åğáíåêêßíçóç" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Ná ãßíåé óßãïõñá åğáíåêêßíçóç?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Ôİëïò åããáöŞò " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Ğñüãñáììá" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Äßóêïò" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Äßóêïò" + msgid "free" msgstr "Åëåıèåñïò" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Ôİëïò áíáğáñáãùãŞò" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "¹÷ïò" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Ğáıóç" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "ÅğáíáöïñÜ" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Ôİñìá" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "ÅğáíáöïñÜ" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Áêıñùóç åğåîåñãáóßáò" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Áêıñùóç åããñáöŞò?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Aêıñùóç åğåîåñãáóßáò?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Ìç äéáèİóéìïò Ş÷ïò" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "ÁíåğÜñêåéá DVB ÊÜñôáò ãéÜ åããñáöŞ!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "ĞÜãùìá æùíôáíïı óŞìáôïò" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Ôïğïèİôçóç: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Äİí İ÷ïõí ïñéóôåß óçìåßá åğåîåñãáóßáò" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Áäõíáìßá åêêßíçóçò ôçò åğåîåñãáóßáò!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Áñ÷éóå ç åğåîåñãáóßá" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Åğåîåñãáóßá âñßóêåôáé óİ åîİëéîç!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " áÜâãäåİæçŞèéßêëìíîïüğñóòôõıö÷øùş0123456789-.#~,/_@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "íáß" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABÃ/áâã" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "ÅéóáãùãŞ" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "ÁíôéêáôÜóôáóç" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "ÅéóáãùãŞ" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Åğİêôáóç" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "ĞÜíù/ÊÜôù ãéÜ íİá èİóç. ÌåôÜ ÏÊ" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Ôï êáíÜëé åßíáé áğïó÷ïëéìİíï (Ãßíåôå åããñáöŞ)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Ï óêëçñüò êïíôåıåé íÜ ãåìßóåé!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Áäıíáôïí íá ãßíåé ôåñìáôéóìüò. Áíığáñêôç ç ğáñÜìåôñïò '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Ãßíåôáé åããñáöŞ - ÔåëéêÜ íá ãßíåé ôåñìáôéóìüò?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Áíáìİíåôáé åããñáöŞ óİ %ld ëåğôÜ - ÔåëéêÜ íá ôåñìáôéóôåß?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "ÔåëéêÜ íá ãßíåé ôåñìáôéóìüò?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Ãßíåôáé åããñáöŞ - ÔåëéêÜ íá ãßíåé åğáíåêêßíçóç?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "ÔåëéêÜ íá ãßíåé åğáíåêêßíçóç?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "¸íôáóç " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Êëáóéêü VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "Ìïñöİò ST:TNG" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "ÄÔÔĞĞÓÊ" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "ÄåõÔñßÔåôĞİìĞáñÓÜâKõñ" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Äåõôİñá" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Ôñßôç" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "ÔåôÜñôç" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Ğİìğôç" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "ĞáñáóêåõŞ" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "ÓÜââáôï" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "ÊõñéáêŞ" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Ğßåóå İíá ğëŞêôñï ãéÜ áêıñùäç ôåñìáôéóìïı" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Ç êıñéá DVB êÜñôá áëëÜæåé..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Ç åğåîåñãáóßá áğİôõ÷å!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Ç åğåîåñãáóßá ôåëåßùóå" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/es_ES.po b/po/es_ES.po index bab0dfa..82cc030 100644 --- a/po/es_ES.po +++ b/po/es_ES.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Ruben Nunez Francisco \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Canal no válido ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "!Canal no disponible!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "¡No se puede iniciar el modo de transferencia!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Iniciando la exploración de EPG" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Sin título" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Español" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "esl" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: Detectando tipo de mando" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Pulse cualquier tecla en el mando" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "¡Código RC detectado!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "No pulse ninguna tecla..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: Aprendiendo códigos específicos" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Pulse la tecla para '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Pulse 'Arriba' para confirmar" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Pulse 'Abajo' para continuar" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Pulse 'Arriba' para retornar)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Pulse 'Abajo' para terminar el aprendizaje)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "Pulse 'Menú' para omitir esta tecla" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Aprendiendo teclas del mando" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: Guardando los códigos de teclas" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Pulse 'Arriba' para guardar, 'Abajo' para anular" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Arriba" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Abajo" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menú" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Retornar" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Izquierda" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Derecha" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rojo" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Verde" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Amarillo" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Azul" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Reproducir" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Parar" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Grabar" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Avance rápido" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Retroceso rápido" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Apagar" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Canal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Canal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volumen+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volumen-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Mudo" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Guía de Programación" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Canales" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Programar grabaciones" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Grabaciones" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Configuración" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Órdenes" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "en abierto" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "cifrado" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Modificar canal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nombre" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Fuente" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frecuencia" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Acceso condicional (CA)" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarización" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "T.símbolos" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "off" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "ninguno" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulación" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Ancho de banda" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmisión" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Int.Guarda" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Jerarquía" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "!Propiedades de canal duplicadas!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Canales" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Borrar" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Modificar" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marcar" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nuevo" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Borrar" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marcar" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "¡Hay una grabación programada para este canal!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "¿Eliminar canal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Modificar programación" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Activo" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Canal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Día" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Comienzo" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Fin" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioridad" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Duración" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Fichero" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Primer día" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Programar grabaciones" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "On/Off" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "¿Eliminar programación?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Todavía está grabando - ¿eliminar realmente?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evento" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Programa" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Grabar" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Cambiar" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Programa" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "¿Qué hay ahora?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "¿Qué hay después?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "¿Qué hay ahora?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Después" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Ahora" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Guía" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "¡No se puede cambiar de canal!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Guía de programación - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Este evento - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Este evento - todos los canales" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Todos los eventos - todos los canales" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "¡Escriba %d dígitos!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Información de grabación" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Play" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Rebobinar" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Grabaciones" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Abrir" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Órdenes" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "¡Error al acceder a la grabación!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "¿Eliminar grabacion?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "¡Error al borrar la grabación!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Órdenes de grabación" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nunca" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "según skin" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "siempre" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "Menús en pantalla" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Idioma" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skin" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Izquierda" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Arriba" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Anchura" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Altura" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Duración de los mensajes (sg)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Usar letra pequeña" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Posición para información de canal" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "abajo" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "arriba" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Tiempo de información de canal (sg)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Mostrar info al cambiar de canal" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Auto-cerrar al solicitar info de canal" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Deslizar páginas enteras" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Rotar arriba/abajo al deslizar" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Cerrar al pulsar botón de menú" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Mostrar directorios de grabaciones" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Guía de Programación" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Escanear" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Tiempo de exploración de EPG (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivel de corrección de EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Mostrar datos antiguos de EPG (m)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Ajustar reloj de sistema" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Transponder del que tomar la hora" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Idiomas preferidos" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Idioma preferido" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "no" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "sólo nombres" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nombres y PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "añadir canales" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "añadir transponders" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Interfaz DVB primario" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Formato de vídeo" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Formato de visualización" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Usar Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Actualizar canales" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Idiomas de audio" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Idioma de audio" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Utilizar DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Frecuencia inferior del LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Frecuencia superior del LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menú" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reiniciar" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Abriendo el menú CAM..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "¡No se puede abrir el menú CAM!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "¡No se puede reiniciar CAM!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Opciones de grabación" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Comenzar grabación antes (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Acabar grabación después (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Límite primario" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Prioridad por defecto" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Duración por defecto (días)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Prioridad en modo pausa" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Duración en modo pausa (días)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Utilizar nombre de episodo" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Usar servicio VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Margen VPS (sg)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Marcar grabaciones inmediatas" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Nombrar grabaciones inmediatas" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Tiempo de grabación inmediata (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Tamaño máximo de fichero (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Partir ficheros editados" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Opciones de reproducción" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Modo multi-velocidad" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Mostrar modo de reproducción" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID de continuación" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Varios" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Tiempo mín. antes de un evento (m)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Tiempo mín. de inactividad (m)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Tiempo de espera de SVDRP (sg)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Considerar canal como visto (sg)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Este plugin no admite configuración" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Configuración" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Reiniciar" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "¿Reiniciar realmente?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Parar grabación " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Guía de Programación" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disco" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disco" + msgid "free" msgstr "libre" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Parar reprodución" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Continuar" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Parar" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Continuar" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Anular edición" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "¿Parar grabación?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "¿Cancelar edición?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "¡No hay audio disponible!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "¡Ningún dispositivo DVB disponible para grabar!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pausa de la emisión en directo..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Saltar: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "¡No se definieron marcas de edición!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "¡No se puede iniciar el proceso de edición!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Proceso de edición iniciado" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "¡El proceso de edición ya está activo!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " aábcçdeéfghiíjklmnñoópqrstuúvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "sí" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcáç2\tdefé3\tghií4\tjkl5\tmnoñó6\tpqrs7\ttuvú8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Insertar" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Sobreescribir" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Insertar" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Arriba/Abajo para mover - OK para confirmar" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "¡Canal bloqueado (grabando)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "¡Poco espacio en disco!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "¡No se puede apagar - falta el parámetro '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Grabación en curso - ¿apagar igualmente?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Grabación dentro de %ld minutos, ¿apagar realmente?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "¿apagar igualmente?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Grabación en curso - ¿reiniciar igualmente?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "¿reiniciar igualmente?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volumen " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "VDR clásico" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "Paneles ST:TNG" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "LMXJVSD" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "LunMarMieJueVieSabDom" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lunes" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Martes" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Miércoles" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jueves" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Viernes" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sábado" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Domingo" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Iniciando grabación" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Pulse una tecla para interrumpir apagar" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Cambiando el interfaz DVB primario..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "¡Proceso de edición fallido!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Proceso de edición terminado" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/et_EE.po b/po/et_EE.po index 56b8382..fd63f1e 100644 --- a/po/et_EE.po +++ b/po/et_EE.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Arthur Konovalov \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-13\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Vigane kanal ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanal ei ole kättesaadav!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Siirdemooduse start ebaõnnestus!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "EPG skaneerimine käivitatud" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Pealkiri puudub" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "eesti" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "est" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Samm 1: Kodeerimissüsteemi tuvastamine" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Vajuta puldil suvalist klahvi" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Kodeerimissüsteem tuvastatud!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Ära vajuta puldil ühtki klahvi..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Samm 2: Klahvide õpetamine" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Vajuta klahvile '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Kinnitamiseks vajuta 'Üles'" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Jätkamiseks vajuta 'Alla'" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(tagasiminekuks vajuta 'Üles')" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(lõpetamiseks vajuta 'Alla')" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(selle klahvi vahelejätmiseks vajuta 'Menüü')" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Kaugjuhtimispuldi õpetamine" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Samm 3: Klavhikoodide salvestamine" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Salvestamiseks vajuta 'Üles' ja katkestamiseks 'Alla'" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Üles" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Alla" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menüü" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Tagasi" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Vasakule" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Paremale" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Punane" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Roheline" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Kollane" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Sinine" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Start" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Paus" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stopp" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Salvestamine" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Edasikerimine" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Tagasikerimine" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Järgmine" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Eelmine" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Toide" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Eelmine kanal" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Helitugevus+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Helitugevus-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Hääletu" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Kava" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanalid" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Taimer" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Salvestused" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Sätted" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Käsud" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "FTA" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "krüptitud" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "automaatne" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Kanali muutmine" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nimi" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Allikas" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Sagedus" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisatsioon" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversioon" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "väljas" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "tühi" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulatsioon" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Ribalaius" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmissioon" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarhia" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanaliseaded ei ole unikaalsed!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanalid" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Kustuta" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Muuda" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Siirda" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Uus" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Kustuta" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Siirda" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanal on taimeri kasutuses!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Kustutada kanal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Taimeri muutmine" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiivne" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Päev" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Start" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stopp" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioriteet" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Eluiga" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Fail" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Esimene päev" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Taimer" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "On/Off" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Kustutada taimer?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Salvestus aktiivne - kustutada?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Saade" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Taimer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Salvesta" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Vali" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Taimer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Hetkel eetris" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Järgmisena eetris" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Hetkel eetris" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Tulekul" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nüüd" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Ajakava" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kanali vahetus ei ole võimalik!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Ajakava - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Sama saade - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Sama saade - kõik kanalid" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Kõik saated - kõik kanalid" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Palun sisesta %d numbrit!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "CAM ei vasta" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Salvestuse info" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Start" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Algusesse" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Salvestused" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Ava" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Käsud" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Salvestuse taasesitus ebaõnnestus!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Kustutada salvestus?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Salvestuse kustutamine ebaõnnestus!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Salvestuse käsud" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "mitte kunagi" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "kestast sõltuv" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "alati" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "Ekraanimenüü" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Keel" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Kest" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Teema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Vasakule" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Ülesse" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Laius" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Kõrgus" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Teate esitusaeg (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Väikese fondi kasutamine" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "Fondi silumine" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "Vaikefont" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "Väike font" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "Fikseeritud font" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "Vaikefondi suurus (px)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "Väikese fondi suurus (px)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "Fiks. fondi suurus (px)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Kanaliinfo asukoht" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "all" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "üleval" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Kanaliinfo esitusaeg (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Kanaliinfo näitamine" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Kanaliinfo kuvamise ajapiirang" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Lehekülje kerimine" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Ridade kerimine" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Sulgemine Menüü klahviga" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Kausta nime salvestamine" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Uuenda" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "EPG skaneerimise viide (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "EPG veaparanduse tase" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Vana EPG viide (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Kella sünkroniseerimine" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Kella sünkroniseerimise transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Eelistatuid keeli" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Eelistatud keel" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "ei" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "ainult nimed" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "ainult PID-id" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nimi ja PID-id" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "uute kanalite lisamine" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "uute transponderite lisamine" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Esmane DVB seade" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "TV külgsuhe" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Video kuvamise formaat" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Dolby Digital kasutamine" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Kanalite uuendamine" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio keeli" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio keel" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "DiSEqC kasutamine" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "LO LNB sagedus (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "HI LNB sagedus (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "CAM taaskäivitamine" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "CAM esitletud" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "CAM töövalmis" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menüü" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Nullimine" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "CAM-menüü avamine..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Ei saa avada CAM menüüd!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "CAM on kasutuses - taaskäivitada?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "CAM mooduli taaskäivitus ebaõnnestus!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Salvestamine" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Salvestamise algusvaru (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Salvestamise lõpuvaru (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Esmane prioriteet" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Vaikimisi prioriteet" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Salvestuse eluiga (päevi)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Pausi prioriteet" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Pausi eluiga (päevi)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Episoodi nime kasutamine" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "VPS-i kasutamine" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "VPS-i algusvaru (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Otsesalvestuse märgistamine" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Otsesalvestuse nimi" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Otsesalvestuse kestus (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maksimaalne failisuurus (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Failide tükeldamine" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Taasesitus" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Multi-kiiruse moodus" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Korduse moodus" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Jätkamise ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Muud sätted" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Min. sündmuse kestus (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Min. kasutaja tegevusetus (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP ooteaeg (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Kanalivahetuse ooteaeg (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "Kanali sisestamise ajalimiit (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Kanal käivitamisel" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "nagu enne" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Helitugevus käivitamisel" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Laiendusmoodulid" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Sellel laienudusmoodulil ei ole seadeid!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Sätted" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Restart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Restart?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Lõpetada salvestamine " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Kava" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Ketas" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Ketas" + msgid "free" msgstr "vaba" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Lõpetada taasesitamine" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Paus" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Jätka" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stopp" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Jätka" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Katkestada redigeerimine" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Lõpetada salvestamine?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Tühistada muudatus?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Audio kättesaamatu!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Ebapiisavalt kettaruumi salvestamise alustamiseks!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Puudub vaba DVB seade salvestamiseks!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Saate edastamise peatamine..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Hüpe: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Redigeerimise markerid puuduvad!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Redigeerimise start ebaõnnestus!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Redigeerimine algas" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Redigeerimine juba aktiivne!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcdefghijklmnopqrsğzştuvwõäöüxy0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "jah" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcä2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmnoõö6\tpqrsğ7\ttuvü8\twxyzş9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Lisa (INS)" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Asenda (OVR)" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Lisa (INS)" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Laiendusmoodul" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "'Üles/Alla' uus asukoht - 'OK' kinnitus" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanal lukus (salvestamine aktiivne)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Kõvaketas täis!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Väljalülitamine ebaõnnestus - '-s' parameeter puudub!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Redigeerimine aktiive - lülitan välja?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Salvestamine aktiivne - lülitada välja?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Salvestamine algab %ld minuti pärast - lülitada välja?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "lülitada välja?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "Laiendusmoodul %s ärkab %ld minuti pärast, jätkata?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "Redigeerimine aktiivne - taaskäivitada?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Salvestamine aktiivne - restart?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "restart?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Helitugevus " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klassikaline VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG konsool" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "ETKNRLP" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr " E T K N R L P " -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Esmaspäev" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Teisipäev" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Kolmapäev" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Neljapäev" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Reede" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Laupäev" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Pühapäev" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS salvestamine tulekul!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Salvestamine algas" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "VDR lülitub välja hiljem - vajuta Power kiirendamiseks" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Vajuta suvalist klahvi väljalülitamise tühistamiseks" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Esmase DVB seadme ümberlülitus..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Redigeerimine ebaõnnestus" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Redigeerimine lõpetatud" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "Restardi katkestamiseks vajuta suvalist klahvi" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "VDR lülitub välja %s minuti pärast" diff --git a/po/fi_FI.po b/po/fi_FI.po index 09b83b4..da676d0 100644 --- a/po/fi_FI.po +++ b/po/fi_FI.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-15 15:52+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Rolf Ahrenberg \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -18,1256 +18,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Virheellinen kanavavalinta ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanava ei ole käytettävissä!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Siirtotilan aloitus epäonnistui!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Ohjelmaoppaan päivitys aloitettu" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Ei esitystä" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "suomi" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "fin" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Vaihe 1: Koodauksen tunnistaminen" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Paina mitä tahansa kaukosäätimen näppäintä" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Näppäinpainallus vastaanotettu!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Älä paina kaukosäätimen näppäimiä..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Vaihe 2: Näppäinkoodien opettelu" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Paina näppäintä toiminnolle '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Hyväksy painamalla 'Ylös'" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Jatka painamalla 'Alas'" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(palaa takaisin painamalla 'Ylös')" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(lopeta opettaminen painamalla 'Alas')" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "näppäimen puuttuessa paina 'Valikko'" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Kaukosäätimen opettaminen" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Vaihe 3: Näppäinkoodien tallentaminen" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Paina 'Ylös' tallentaaksesi ja 'Alas' peruuttaaksesi" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Ylös" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Alas" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Valikko" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Takaisin" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Vasemmalle" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Oikealle" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Punainen" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Vihreä" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Keltainen" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Sininen" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Tiedot" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Toista" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Tauko" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Lopeta" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Tallenna" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Pikakelaus >>" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Pikakelaus <<" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Seuraava" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Edellinen" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Virta" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanava +" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanava -" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Edellinen kanava" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus +" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus -" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Mykistys" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Ääni" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "Tekstitys" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Ohjelmisto" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanavat" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Ajastimet" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Tallenteet" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Asetukset" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Komennot" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 1" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 2" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 3" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 4" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 5" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 6" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 7" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 8" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "Lisänäppäin 9" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "vapaa" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "salattu" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Muokkaa kanavaa" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nimi" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Lähde" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Taajuus" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Kuva-PID" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "PCR-PID" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Ääni-PID (1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Ääni-PID (2)" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dolby-PID (1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dolby-PID (2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "Tekstitys-PID (1)" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "Tekstitys-PID (2)" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Teksti-TV-PID" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Salaus (CA)" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Palvelu-ID" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisaatio" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Symbolinopeus" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversio" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "pois" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "Suojaustaso (HP)" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "tyhjä" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "Suojaustaso (LP)" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulaatio" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Kaistanleveys" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmissio" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Suojaväli" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarkia" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanava-asetukset eivät ole yksilölliset!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanavat" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Poista" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Muokkaa" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Siirrä" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Uusi" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Poista" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Siirrä" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanava on ajastimen käytössä!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Poistetaanko kanava?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Muokkaa ajastinta" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiivinen" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanava" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Päivä" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Aloitus" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Lopetus" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioriteetti" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Elinikä" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Tiedosto" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "1. päivä" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Ajastimet" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Tiedot" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Päällä/Pois" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Tiedot" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Poistetaanko ajastin?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Ajastettu tallennus käynnissä - poistetaanko silti?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Tapahtuma" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Ajastin" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Tallenna" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Valitse" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Ajastin" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Menossa nyt" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Tulossa seuraavaksi" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Menossa nyt" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Seuraavaksi" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nyt" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Ohjelmisto" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kanavan vaihtaminen ei mahdollista!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Ohjelmisto - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Tämä tapahtuma - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Tämä tapahtuma - kaikki kanavat" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Kaikki tapahtumat - kaikki kanavat" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Syötä %d numeroa!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "CA-moduuli ei vastaa!" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Tallenteen tiedot" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Toista" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Alkuun" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Tallenteet" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Avaa" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Komennot" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Tallenteen toistaminen epäonnistui!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Poistetaanko tallenne?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Tallenteen poistaminen epäonnistui!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Tallennekomennot" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "ei koskaan" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "ulkoasun mukaan" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "aina" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "Kuvaruutunäyttö" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Kieli" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Ulkoasu" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Teema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Vaakakeskitys" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Pystykeskitys" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Leveys" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Korkeus" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Viestien esitysaika (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Käytä pieniä kirjasimia" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "Käytä reunan pehmennystä" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "Oletuskirjasintyyppi" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "Pieni kirjasintyyppi" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "Tasavälinen kirjasintyyppi" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "Oletuskirjasintyypin koko (px)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "Pienen kirjasintyypin koko (px)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "Tasavälisen kirjasintyypin koko (px)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Kanavatiedon sijainti" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "alareuna" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "yläreuna" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Kanavatiedon esitysaika (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Näytä kanavatieto vaihdettaessa" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Sulje erikseen avattu kanavatieto" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Valikoiden vieritys sivuttain" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Valikoiden vieritys ympäri" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Sulje valikkonäppäimellä" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Näytä tallennehakemistot" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Ohjelmaopas" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Päivitä" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Ohjelmaoppaan taustapäivitys (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Ohjelmaoppaan korjaustaso" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Vanha tieto näkyy (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Tahdista kellonaika" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Vastaanota kellonaika transponderilta" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Suosikkikielet" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Suosikkikieli" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "ei" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "vain nimet" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "vain PID:it" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nimet ja PID:it" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "uudet kanavat" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "uudet transponderit" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Ensisijainen DVB-sovitin" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Kuvasuhde" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Näyttömuoto" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Käytä Dolby Digital -ääntä" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Päivitä kanavat" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Äänen kielet" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Äänen kieli" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "Näytä tekstitys" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "Tekstityskielet" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "Tekstityskieli" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "Tekstityksen tasaus" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "Tekstityksen läpinäkyvyys" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "Tekstityksen taustan läpinäkyvyys" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Käytä DiSEqC-kytkintä" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "LNB-rajataajuus (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "LNB-alataajuus (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "LNB-ylätaajuus (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "CAM nollaus" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "CAM havaittu" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "CAM valmis" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Valikko" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Nollaa" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Avataan CA-moduulin valikkoa..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "CA-moduulin valikko ei saatavilla" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "CA-moduuli käytössä - nollataanko?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "CA-moduulin nollaus epäonnistui!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Tallennus" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Aloitusmarginaali (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Lopetusmarginaali (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Ensisijaisen sovittimen prioriteettiraja" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Tallenteen oletusprioriteetti" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Tallenteen oletuselinikä (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Taukotallenteen prioriteetti" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Taukotallenteen elinikä (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Käytä jakson nimeä" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Käytä VPS-toimintoa" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "VPS-toiminnon aloitusmarginaali (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Merkitse pikatallenne" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Nimeä pikatallenne" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Pikatallennuksen kesto (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Suurin tiedostokoko (Mt)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Jaottele muokatut tallenteet" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Toisto" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Käytä toiston moninopeustilaa" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Näytä toiston tila" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Tallenteen paluutunniste" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Sekalaiset" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Tapahtuman odotusaika (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Käyttäjätoiminnon odotusaika (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP-komennon odotusaika (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Kanavavalinnan odotusaika (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "Kanavasyötteen odotusaika (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Kanava käynnistettäessä" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "edellinen" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus käynnistettäessä" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Laajennokset" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Tällä laajennoksella ei ole asetuksia!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Asetukset" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Käynnistä uudelleen" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Käynnistetäänkö uudelleen?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Lopeta tallennus " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Ohjelmisto" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Levy" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Levy" + msgid "free" msgstr "vapaana" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Lopeta toisto" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Ääni" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Tauko" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Jatka" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Lopeta" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Jatka" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Peru muokkaus" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Lopetetaanko tallennus?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Perutaanko muokkaus?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Äänen kieli ei ole valittavissa!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "Ei tekstitystä" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "Tekstitys" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "Tekstitys ei ole valittavissa!" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Tallennustilan puute estää tallennuksen!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Ei vapaata DVB-viritintä tallennukselle!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pysäytetään lähetys..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Siirry: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Muokkausmerkinnät puuttuvat!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Muokkauksen aloitus epäonnistui!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Muokkaus aloitettu" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Muokkaus on jo käynnissä!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "kyllä" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcäå2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmnoö6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Lisää" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Korvaa" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Lisää" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Laajennos" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "'Ylös/Alas' uusi paikka - 'OK' hyväksy" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanava lukittu (tallennus käynnissä)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Tallennustila loppumassa!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Sammutus ei onnistu - '-s' parametri puuttuu!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Muokkaus kesken - sammutetaanko?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Tallennus kesken - sammutetaanko?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Tallennus alkaa %ld min kuluttua - sammutetaanko?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "sammutetaanko?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "Laajennos %s herää %ld minuutin kuluttua - sammutetaanko?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "Muokkaus kesken - käynnistetäänkö uudelleen?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Tallennus kesken - käynnistetäänkö uudelleen?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "käynnistetäänkö uudelleen?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klassinen VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG konsoli" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "MTKTPLS" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "Ma Ti Ke To Pe La Su " -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Maanantai" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tiistai" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Keskiviikko" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torstai" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Perjantai" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lauantai" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sunnuntai" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS-tallennus on alkamassa!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Tallennus aloitettu" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "VDR sammuu myöhemmin - pakota virtanäppäimellä" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Peru sammutus painamalla mitä tahansa näppäintä" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Vaihdetaan ensisijaista DVB-sovitinta..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Muokkaus epäonnistui!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Muokkaus valmis" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "Peru uudelleenkäynnistys painamalla mitä tahansa näppäintä" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "VDR sammuu %s minuutin kuluttua" diff --git a/po/fr_FR.po b/po/fr_FR.po index 4e5551c..d19d627 100644 --- a/po/fr_FR.po +++ b/po/fr_FR.po @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-17 13:45+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Bruno Roussel \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -20,1256 +20,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Chaîne invalide ! ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Chaîne non disponible !" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser le mode transfert !" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Mise à jour du guide des programmes" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Sans titre" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Français" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "fra" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Phase 1: Détection du type de code" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Appuyer sur une touche de la télécommande" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Code de la télécommande détecté !" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "N'appuyer sur aucune touche ..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Phase 2: Apprentissage des codes des touches" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Appuyer sur la touche '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Appuyer sur 'Haut' pour confirmer" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Appuyer sur 'Bas' pour continuer" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Appuyer sur 'Haut' pour revenir en arrière)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Appuyer sur 'Bas' pour terminer)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "('Menu' pour passer cette touche)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Apprentissage des codes de télécommande" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Phase 3: Sauvegarde des codes des touches" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Appuyer sur 'Haut' pour sauvegarder, 'Bas' pour annuler" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Haut" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Bas" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Retour" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Gauche" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Droite" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rouge" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Vert" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Jaune" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Bleu" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Lecture" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Enregistrement" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Avance rapide" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Retour rapide" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Suivant" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Précédent" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Arrêt" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Chaîne+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Chaîne-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Chaîne précédente" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volume+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volume-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Coupure du son" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Programmes" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Chaînes" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Programmation" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Enregistrements" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Configuration" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Commandes" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "Utilisateur1" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "Utilisateur2" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "Utilisateur3" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "Utilisateur4" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "Utilisateur5" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "Utilisateur6" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "Utilisateur7" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "Utilisateur8" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "Utilisateur9" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "Aucun cryptage" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "Crypté" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Modifier une chaîne" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Source" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Fréquence" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "PID Vidéo" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "PID Audio (1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "PID Audio (2)" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "PID AC3 (1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "PID AC3 (2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "PID Télétexte" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Cryptage" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisation" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Fréq. Symbole" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "off" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "aucun" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bande passante" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hiérarchie" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Caractéristiques des chaînes non uniques" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Chaînes" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Supprimer" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Modifier" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marquer" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nouveau" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Supprimer" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marquer" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Cette chaîne est en cours d'utilisation !" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Supprimer la chaîne ?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Changer la programmation" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Actif" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Chaîne" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Jour" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Début" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Fin" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Priorité" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Durée de vie" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Fichier" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Premier jour" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Programmation" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Marche/Arr" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Supprimer la programmation ?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Enregistrement en cours - suppression confirmée ?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evénement" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Programmation" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Enregistre" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Regarder" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Programmation" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Programmes en cours" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Prochains programmes" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Programmes en cours" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Aprés" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Maintenant" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programme" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Impossible de changer de chaîne !" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Programmes - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Cet événement -%s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Cet événement - toutes les chaînes" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Tous les événements - toutes les chaînes" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Veuillez entrer %d chiffres !" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "Pas de réponse de la CAM" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Infos sur l'enregistrement" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Lire" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Retour" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Enregistrements" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Ouvrir" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Commandes" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Impossible d'accéder à l'enregistrement" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Supprimer l'enregistrement ?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Erreur de suppression de l'enregistrement !" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Commandes d'enregistrement" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "jamais" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "dépend du skin" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "toujours" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "Affichage des menus" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Langue" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skin" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Thème" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Gauche" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Haut" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Largeur" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Hauteur" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Durée affichage message (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Utiliser les petites polices" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "Anti-aliasing" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "Police par défaut" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "Petite police" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "Police taille fixe" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "Taille police par défaut (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "Taille petite police par défaut (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "Taille police fixe par défaut (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Position infos chaînes" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "bas" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "haut" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Durée affichage infos chaînes (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Affichage progr. en cours" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Demande d'infos de chaîne terminée" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Défilement par pages" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Défilement rotatif" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Menu bouton fermé" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Dossiers d'enregistrements" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Guide des programmes" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Scan" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Inactivité avant rech. EPG (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Niveau de correction EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Montrer l'EPG périmé (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Ajuster l'heure du système" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Utiliser l'heure de la chaîne" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Langues préférées" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Langue préférée" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "non" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "noms uniquement" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "PIDs uniquement" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "noms et PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "ajouter chaînes" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "ajouter transpondeurs" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "Cartes DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Carte DVB primaire" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Format vidéo" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Format d'affichage" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Utiliser le Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Mettre à jour les chaînes" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Langues audio" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Langue audio" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Utiliser le DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "Limite de bandes LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Fréquence basse LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Fréquence haute LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "CAM remise à zéro" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "CAM présente" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "CAM prête" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "Accés conditionnel" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Réinitialisation" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Ouverture du menu CAM" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le menu CAM !" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "CAM en cours d'utilisation - Remettre à zéro ?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Impossible de réinitialiser la CAM !" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Enregistrement" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Marge antérieure (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Marge postérieure (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Limite primaire" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Priorité par défaut" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Durée de vie par défaut (j)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Priorité des pauses" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Durée de vie des pauses (j)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Utiliser le nom de l'épisode" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Utiliser le VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Marge VPS" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Marquage enregistr. immédiats" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Noms enregistr. immédiats" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Durée enregistr. immédiat (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Taille maxi des fichiers (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Séparer les séquences éditées" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Lecture" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Mode multi-vitesses" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Affichage mode de lecture" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID de reprise" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Divers" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "MinEventTimeout (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Durée minimale d'inact. (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Temps maxi SVDRP (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Prise en compte chaîne (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "Entrée chaîne timeout (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Chaîne initiale" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "comme avant" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Volume initial" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Ce plugin n'a pas de paramètres!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Configuration" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Redémarrer" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Vraiment redémarrer ?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Arrêter l'enregistrement " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Programmes" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disque" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disque" + msgid "free" msgstr "restant" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Arrêter la lecture" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Reprendre" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Arrêt" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Reprendre" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Annuler le montage" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Arrêter l'enregistrement ?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Annuler les modifications ?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Pas d'audio disponible !" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Espace disque insuffisant pour démarrer l'enregistrement !" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Pas de carte DVB disponible pour l'enregistrement !" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pause de l'émission en direct..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Accès direct : " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Pas de marques d'édition définies !" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Impossible de commencer le montage !" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Opération de montage lancée" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Montage déjà en cours !" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " aàbcçdeéèêfghiîjklmnoôpqrstuùûvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "oui" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcàâç2\tdeféèê3\tghiîï4\tjkl5\tmnoô6\tpqrs7\ttuvù8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Insérer" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Ecraser" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Insérer" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Haut/Bas -> nouvelle place - OK -> déplacer" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Chaîne verrouillée (enregistrement en cours) !" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Disque presque plein !" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Arrêt impossible - option '-s' absente !" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Edition en cours - confirmez l'arrêt ?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Enregistrement en cours - confirmez l'arrêt ?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Enregistrement dans %ld minutes - confirmez l'arrêt" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "confirmez l'arrêt" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "Le plugin %s démarre dans %ld min, continuer ?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "Edition en cours - redémarrer ?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Enregistrement en cours - redémarrer ?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "redémarrer ?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volume " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "VDR Classique" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "Consoles ST:TNG" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "LMMJVSD" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "LunMarMerJeuVenSamDim" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lundi" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Mardi" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mercredi" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jeudi" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vendredi" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samedi" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Dimanche" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "Enregistrement VPS commence prochaînement" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Enregistrement a commencé" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "VDR doit s'arrêter plus tard - Appuyer sur Power pour forcer" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Appuyez sur une touche pour annuler l'arrêt" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Changement de carte DVB primaire..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Echec du montage !" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Montage terminé" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "Appuyer sur une touche pour annuler le redémarrage" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "VDR s'arrêtera dans %s minutes" diff --git a/po/hr_HR.po b/po/hr_HR.po index 1798657..572cbd4 100644 --- a/po/hr_HR.po +++ b/po/hr_HR.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Drazen Dupor \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,1256 +16,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Neispravan program ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Program nije dostupan!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Ne mogu zapoèeti 'prijenosni' naèin!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Poèinjem EPG-scan" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Bez titla" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Hrvatski" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "hrv" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Faza 1: detektiranje kôda daljinskog upravljaèa." -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Pritisnite tipku na daljinskom upravljaèu" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Kôd daljinskog upravljaèa je prepoznat!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Ne pritiskajte tipku..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Faza 2: Uèenje posebnih kôdova" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Pritisnite tipku za '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Pritisnite 'Gore' za potvrdu" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Pritisnite 'Dolje' za nastavak" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(pritisnite 'Gore' za nazad)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(pritisnite 'Dolje' za kraj)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "pritisnite 'Izbor' da preskoèite ovu tipku" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Uèenje kôda daljinskog upravljaèa" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Faza 3: Spremanje kôdova tipki" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "'Gore' za potvrdu, 'Dolje' za prekid" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Gore" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Dolje" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Izbor" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Nazad" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Lijevo" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Desno" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Crveno" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Zeleno" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "®uto" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Plavo" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Start" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pauza" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Snimaj" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Naprijed" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Nazad" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Iskljuèi" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Program +" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Program -" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Glasnije" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Ti¹e" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Bez zvuka" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Raspored" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Programi" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Termini" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Snimke" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Konfiguracija" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Naredbe" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "automatski" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Ureğivanje programa" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Naziv" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Izvor" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvencija" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Kodiranje (CA)" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarizacija" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inverzija" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "ugasi" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "nijedan" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulacija" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Prijenos" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Za¹tita" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hijerarhija" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Parametri programa nisu jednoznaèni!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Programi" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Obri¹i" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Promijeni" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Oznaèi" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Novi" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Obri¹i" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Oznaèi" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Program je trenutno zauzet terminom za snimanje" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Obrisati program?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Ureğivanje termina" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktivan" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dan" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Poèetak" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Kraj" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritet" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Trajanje" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Datoteka" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Prvi dan" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Termini" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "De-/Aktiviraj" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Obrisati termin?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Jo¹ snimam - zaista obrisati?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Emisija" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Snimi" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Prebaci" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "©to je trenutno na programu?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "©to slijedi?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "©to je trenutno na programu?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Slijedi" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Trenutno" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Raspored" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Ne mogu prebaciti program!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Raspored - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Start" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Na poèetak" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Snimke" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Otvori" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Naredbe" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Gre¹ka pri pristupanju snimke!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Obrisati snimku?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Gre¹ka pri brisanju snimke!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Naredbe za snimanje" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nikada" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "ovisno o povr¹ini" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "uvijek" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Jezik" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Povr¹ina" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Lijevo" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Gore" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "©irina" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Visina" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Vrijeme prikaza poruka (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Koristi mala slova" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Pozicija informacije o programu" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "dolje" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "gore" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Vrijeme prikaza informacije o programu (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Informacije kod promjene kanala" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Listaj po stranicama" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "S kraja skoèi na poèetak" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Imenik za snimke" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Pregled emisija (EPG)" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Pretra¾i" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Vrijeme do EPG pregleda (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivo popravka EPG gre¹aka" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Prika¾i stare EPG podatke (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Podesi vrijeme sistema" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Transponder za pode¹avanje sata" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Preferirani jezici" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Preferirani jezik" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "ne" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "samo imena" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "imena i identifikatore (PIDs)" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "dodaj nove programe" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "dodaj nove transpondere" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primarni DVB ureğaj" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Video format" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Format video prikaza" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Koristi Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Aktualiziraj programe" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio jezici" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio jezik" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Koristi DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "Frekv. preklopa SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Donja LNB frekv. (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Gornja LNB frekv. (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Izbor" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reset" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti CAM izbor!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Ne mogu resetirati CAM" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Snimanje" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Rezerva na poèetku snimanja (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Rezerva na kraju (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Standardno ogranièenje" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Standardni prioritet" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Standardno trajanje (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Prioritet pauze" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Trajanje pauze (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Koristi ime epizode" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Koristi VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Vremenska rezerva kod VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Oznaèi direktno snimanje" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Imenuj direktno snimanje" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Trajanje direktnog snimanja (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maksimalna velièina datoteke (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Podijeli ureğene datoteke" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Reprodukcija" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "MultiSpeed naèin" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Prika¾i naèin prikazivanja" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID nastavka" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Ostalo" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Minimalno vrijeme pauze" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Minimalno vrijeme neaktivnosti (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP vrijeme neaktivnosti" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Dodaci (Plugins)" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Ovaj dodatak (Plugin) nema parametara!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Konfiguracija" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Restart sistema" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Zaista ponovo pokrenuti?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Prekini snimanje " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Raspored" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "slobodno" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Prekini reprodukciju" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pauza" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Nastavi" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stop" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Nastavi" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Prekini ureğivanje" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Zaustaviti snimanje?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Otkazati ureğivanje?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Audio nedostupan" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Nema slobodnog DVB ureğaja za snimanje!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Zaustavljanje ¾ivog signala..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Skoèi: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Nijedna prekidna toèka nije postavljena!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Ne mogu zapoèeti ureğivanje!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Rezanje je zapoèeto" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Ureğivanje je veæ aktivirano!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcèædğefghijklmnopqrs¹tuvwxyz¾0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "da" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Umetni" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Prepi¹i" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Umetni" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Gore/Dolje na novu poziciju - zatim OK" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Program blokiran (snimanje)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Nedovoljno prostora na disku" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Ga¹enje nemoguæe - nedostaje opcija '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Snimanje traje - svejedno iskljuèiti?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Snimanje za %ld minuta - svejedno iskljuèiti?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "svejedno iskljuèiti?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Snimanje traje - svejedno restart sistema?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "svejedno restart sistema?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Glasnoæa " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klasièni VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG Konzole" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "PUSÈPSN" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "PonUtoSriÈetPetSubNed" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Ponedjeljak" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Utorak" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Srijeda" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Èetvrtak" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Petak" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Subota" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Nedjelja" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Pritisnite tipku ako ne ¾elite ugasiti sistem" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Preklapanje primarnog DVB ureğaja..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Rezanje neuspje¹no!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Rezanje zavr¹eno" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/hu_HU.po b/po/hu_HU.po index 495aa40..a42dee0 100644 --- a/po/hu_HU.po +++ b/po/hu_HU.po @@ -3,1269 +3,997 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR package. # Istvan Koenigsberger , 2002 # Guido Josten , 2002 +# Thomas Günther , 2007 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Istvan Koenigsberger , Guido Josten \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-13 14:32+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Thomas Günther \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Érvénytelen csatorna ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Az adó nem elérhetõ" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Transfer-Mode nem indítható!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "EPG adatok aktualizálása" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "név nélkül" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Magyar" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "hun" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Elsõ lépés: távirányító kódjának meghatározása" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Nyomjon meg egy gombot a távirányítón" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Távirányító kódja felismerve!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Ne nyomjon meg gombot..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Második lépés: az egyes gombok betanítása" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "'%s' gomb megnyomása" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "'Fel' megnyomása az elfogadáshoz" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "'Le' megnyomása a folytatáshoz" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" -msgstr "(´Fel' megnyomása a visszatéréshez)" +msgstr "('Fel' megnyomása a visszatéréshez)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "('Le' megnyomása a befejezéshez)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "A Menü gombot nyomni ennek a gombnak a kihagyásához" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Távirányító betanítása" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Harmadik lépés: kód mentése" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" -msgstr "'Fel' mentés, 'Le´ mégse" +msgstr "'Fel' mentés, 'Le' mégse" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Fel" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Le" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menü" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Vissza" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Balra" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Jobbra" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Piros" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Zöld" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Sárga" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Kék" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Információ" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Lejátszás" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Szünet" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Felvenni" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Elõre pörgetni" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Vissza pörgetni" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Elõre" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Vissza" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Kikapcsolni" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Csatorna+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Csatorna-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Az elõzõ adás" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Hangerõ+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Hangerõ-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Csend" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Hang" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Csatornák" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Idõzítõ" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Felvett adások" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Beállítások" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Parancsok" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "Kódolatlan" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "Kódolt" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Csatornák beállítása" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Név" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Forrás" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvencia" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarizáció" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "ki" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "semmi" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Az adóbeállítások nem egyértelmûek" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Csatornák" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Törölni" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Beállítani" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Megjelölni" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Új" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Törölni" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Megjelölni" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Az adót az idõzítõ használja!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Csatorna törlése?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Idõzítõ megváltoztatása" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiv" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Csatorna" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Nap" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Kezdet" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Vége" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritás" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Élettartam" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "File" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Elsõ nap" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Idõzítõ" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Információ" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Be/Ki" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Információ" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Idõzítõ törlése?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Felvétel folyamatban van - mégis törölni?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Adás" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Idõzítõ" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Felvenni" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Átkapcsolni" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Idõzítõ" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Mi megy most?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Mi következik?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Mi megy most?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Következõ" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Most" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Az adót nem lehet elkapcsolni" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Ez az adás - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Ez az adás - összes adó" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Az összes adás - az összes adó" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Üssön be %d számot!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Felvétel" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Lejátszani" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Vissza az elejére" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Felvett adások" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Kinyitni" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Parancsok" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Hiba a felvétel hozzáférésénél" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Felvétel törlése?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Hiba a felvétel törlésénél!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Parancsok a felvett filmekhez" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "soha" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "Menü nézetétõl függõen" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "mindig" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Nyelv" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Menü nézet" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Téma" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Balra" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Fent" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Szélesség" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Magasság" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Információ feltûntetésének idõtartama" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Kisbetût használni" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Adásinformáció poziciója" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "lent" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "Fent" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Adásinformáció feltûntetésének idõtartama (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Információ az adó váltásánál" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "A lekérdezett adásinformáció bezárása" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Oldalanként léptetmi" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Korlátlan léptetés" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "A menü gomb zár" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Felvételek listája" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Adáskeresés" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Fennmaradt idõ az EPG-újításig (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "EPG hibaelhárítás" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Régi EPG adatok megmutatása (perc)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Az idõ beállítása" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Idõhöz tartozó Transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Kedvenc nyelvek" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Kedvenc nyelv" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nem" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "kizárólag nevek" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "kizárólag PID-k" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nevek és PID-k" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "új adók hozzáadása" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "új transponder hozzáadása" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Elsõ DVB interface" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Video formátum" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" -msgstr "Képerny¿formátum" +msgstr "Képernyõformátum" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Dolby-Digital hangot használni" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Adók aktualizálása" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio-nyelvek" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio-nyelv" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "DiSEqC használata" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Alsó LNB-frekvencia (MHZ)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Felsõ LNB-frekvencia (MHZ)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menü" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reset" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "A CAM-menü nyitás alatt..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "A CAM-Menü nem nyitható" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "A CAM-Reset nem sikerült" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Felvétel" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Idõeltolódás a kezdésnél (perc)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Idõeltolódás a befejezésnél (perc)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primér-határ" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Default priority" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Default élettartam" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Szünet prioritás" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Szünet élettartama" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Epizódnév felhasználása" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "VPS-t használni" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Idõeltolódás VPS-nél (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Direktfelvétel megjelölése" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Direktfelvétel megnevezése" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Felvétel idõtartama (perc)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Max. video File-terjedelem (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Feldolgozott File-k felosztása" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Lejátszás" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "MultiSpeed funkció" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Lejátszás feltüntetése" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Lejátszás ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Egyéb" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Idõzitések közötti idõtartam (perc)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "VDR leáll használat nélkül (perc)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP szétkapcsol használat nélkül(s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Adásváltás ideje (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Adás a bekapcsolásnál" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "ahogy az elõbb" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Hangerõ a bekapcsolásnál" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Ennek a plugin-nak nincs setup-parametere!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Beállítások" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Ùjraindítás" +msgstr "Újraindítás" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Tényleg újraindítani?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " -msgstr " Felvételt befejezni" +msgstr " Felvételt befejezni " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Lemez" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Lemez" + msgid "free" msgstr "szabad" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Lejátszást befejzni" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Hang" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Szünet" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Tovább" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stop" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Tovább" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Vágást megszakítani" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Felvétel befejezni?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Vágást befejezni?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Hang nem lehetséges!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Nincs elegendõ hely a felvételre" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Nincs szabad DVB kártya a felvételhez!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Az élõ adás megállítva..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " -msgstr "Ugrás:" +msgstr "Ugrás: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "A vágópont nincs kijelölve" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "A vágás nem indítható!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Vágás elindítva" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "A vágás már aktivált!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -msgstr " aábcdeéfghiíjklmnoóöõpqrstuúüûvwxyz0123456789-.,#~,/_@" +msgstr " aábcdeéfghiíjklmnoóöõpqrstuúüûvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "igen" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\taábc2\tdeéf3\tghií4\tjkl5\tmnoóöõ6\tpqrs7\ttuúüûv8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Beilleszteni" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Átírni" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Beilleszteni" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" -msgstr "Fel/Le egy uj opcióért - aztán OK" +msgstr "Fel/Le egy új opcióért - aztán OK" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Az adó blokkolva (felvétel)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "A merev lemez majdnem tele!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "A leállítás nem lehetséges - Opció '-s' hiányzik!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Felvétel folyamatban van - mégis kikapcsolni?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Felvétel %ld perc mulva kezdõdik - mégis kikapcsolni?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "mégis kikapcsolni?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Felvétel folyamatban van - mégis újraindítani?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "mégis újraindítani?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " -msgstr "Hangerõ" +msgstr "Hangerõ " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klasszikus VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG Konzol" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "HKSCPSV" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "HétKedSzeCsüPénSzoVas" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Hétfõ" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Kedd" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Szerda" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Csütörtök" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Péntek" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Szombat" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Vasárnap" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS-felvétel rögtön kezdõdik!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" -msgstr "A felvétel elinditva Nd" +msgstr "A felvétel elindítva" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Nyomj egy gombot a leállás megállításához" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Primér Interface átkapcsolva..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Vágás sikertelen!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Vágás befejezve" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/it_IT.po b/po/it_IT.po index e87b05f..2a2ed95 100644 --- a/po/it_IT.po +++ b/po/it_IT.po @@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ # Alberto Carraro , 2001 # Antonio Ospite , 2003 # Sean Carlos , 2005 +# Diego Pierotto , 2007 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Sean Carlos \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -17,1256 +18,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Canale NON valido ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Canale non disponibile!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" -msgstr "Impossibile iniziare la modalita' di trasferimento!" +msgstr "Impossibile iniziare la modalità di trasferimento!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Inizio scansione EPG" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Senza titolo" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Italiano" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "ita" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: tipo ricevitore RC" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" -msgstr "Premere un tasto dell'unita' RC" +msgstr "Premi un tasto dell'unità RC" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Codice RC rilevato!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Non premere alcun tasto..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: Codici specifici dei tasti" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" -msgstr "Premere il tasto per '%s'" +msgstr "Premi il tasto per '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" -msgstr "Premere 'Su' per confermare" +msgstr "Premi 'Su' per confermare" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" -msgstr "Premere 'Giu' per continuare" +msgstr "Premi 'Giù' per continuare" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" -msgstr "(premere 'Su' per tornare indietro)" +msgstr "(premi 'Su' per tornare indietro)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" -msgstr "('Giu' per finire la definizione tasti)" +msgstr "(premi 'Giù' per concludere la definizione tasti)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" -msgstr "(premere 'Menu' per saltare questo tasto)" +msgstr "(premi 'Menu' per saltare questo tasto)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" -msgstr "Apprendimento tasti unita' remota" +msgstr "Apprendimento tasti unità remota" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: Salvataggio codici tasti" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" -msgstr "'Su' per salvare, 'Giu' per annullare" +msgstr "'Premi 'Su' per salvare, 'Giù' per annullare" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Su" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" -msgstr "Giu" +msgstr "Giù" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Indietro" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Sinistra" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Destra" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rosso" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Verde" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Giallo" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blu" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Informazioni" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Riproduzione" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" -msgstr "Stop" +msgstr "Ferma" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Registrazione" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" -msgstr "Avanti Veloce" +msgstr "Avanti veloce" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" -msgstr "Indietro Veloce" +msgstr "Indietro veloce" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Prossimo" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Precedente" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Power" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Canale +" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Canale -" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Canale Prec." -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volume +" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volume -" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Muto" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Programmi" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Canali" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timer" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Registrazioni" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Opzioni" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Comandi" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente1" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente2" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente3" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente4" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente5" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente6" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente7" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente8" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utente9" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "in chiaro" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "criptato" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "automatico" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Modifica canale" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nome" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Sorgente" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frequenza" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "PID Video" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "PID Pcr" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "PID Audio (1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "PID Audio (2)" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "PID AC3 (1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "PID AC3 (2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "PID Teletext" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarizzazione" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "SymbolRate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "off" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "nessuno" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Banda passante" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Parametri canale non univoci!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Canali" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Cancella" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Modifica" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marca" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nuovo" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Cancella" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marca" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Canale occupato da un timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Cancellare il canale?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Modifica timer" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Attivo" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Canale" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Giorno" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Inizio" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Fine" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" -msgstr "Priorita'" +msgstr "Priorità" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Durata" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Nome" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Primo giorno" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timer" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Informazioni" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "On/Off" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Informazioni" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Cancellare il timer?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timer in registrazione - cancellare?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Eventi" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Timer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Registra" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Cambia" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Timer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "In programmazione adesso" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Prossimi programmi" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "In programmazione adesso" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Prossimo" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Adesso" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programma" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Impossibile cambiare canale!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Programma - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Questo evento - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Questo evento - tutti i canali" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Tutti gli eventi - tutti i canali" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" -msgstr "Inserire %d cifre!" +msgstr "Inserisci %d cifre!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La CAM non risponde!" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Informazioni registrazione" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Riproduci" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Riavvolgi" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Registrazioni" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Apri" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Comandi" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Errore nell'accedere alla registrazione!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Cancellare la registrazione?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Errore nel cancellare la registrazione!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Comandi di registrazione" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "mai" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "in base allo stile" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "sempre" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Lingua" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Stile interfaccia" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema colori" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Sinistra" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "In alto" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Larghezza OSD" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Altezza OSD" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Tempo del messaggio (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Utilizzare caratteri piccoli" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Anti-alias" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Caratteri predefiniti" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Caratteri piccoli" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Caratteri fissi" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dimensione caratteri predefiniti (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dimensione caratteri piccoli (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dimensione caratteri fissi (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Posizione informazioni canale" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "in basso" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "in alto" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Durata informazioni canale (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" -msgstr "Mostrare informazioni al cambio canale" +msgstr "Mostra informazioni al cambio canale" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Scadenza informazioni canale richieste" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" -msgstr "Scorrere per pagine" +msgstr "Scorri per pagine" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" -msgstr "Scorrere riavvolgendo" +msgstr "Scorri riavvolgendo" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" -msgstr "Usare il bottone Menu per chiudere" +msgstr "Utilizza il pulsante Menu per chiudere" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Directory di registrazione" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Guida programmi EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Scansione" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Timeout scansione aggiorn. EPG (ore)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Livello correzione EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Visualizzazione dati vecchi (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" -msgstr "Settare orario automatico" +msgstr "Imposta orario automatico" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" -msgstr "Utilizzare orario da transponder" +msgstr "Utilizza orario da transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Lingue preferite" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Lingua preferita" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "no" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "solo nomi" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "solo PID" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nomi e PID" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "nuovi canali" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "nuovi transponder" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "Scheda DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Scheda DVB primaria" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Formato video" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Formato di visualizz. video" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" -msgstr "Aggiornare i canali" +msgstr "Aggiorna i canali" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" -msgstr "Lingue per l'Audio" +msgstr "Lingue per l'audio" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" -msgstr "Lingua per l'Audio" +msgstr "Lingua per l'audio" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Utilizza DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Freq LO LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Freq HI LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reimposta la CAM" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La CAM è presente" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La CAM è pronta" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "Accesso condizionato CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" -msgstr "Resetta" +msgstr "Reimposta" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Apertura menu CAM..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Impossibile aprire il menu CAM!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "La CAM è in uso - vuoi reimpostarla?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Impossibile reimpostare il modulo CAM!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Registrazione" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Margine iniziale (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Margine finale (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Limite primario" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" -msgstr "Priorita' predefinita" +msgstr "Priorità predefinita" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Durata predefinita (gg)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" -msgstr "Priorita' di pausa" +msgstr "Priorità di pausa" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Durata pausa (gg)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" -msgstr "Usare nome episodio" +msgstr "Utilizza nome episodio" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" -msgstr "Usare VPS" +msgstr "Utilizza VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Margine VPS" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" -msgstr "Marcare registrazione immediata" +msgstr "Marca registrazione immediata" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Nome registrazione immediata" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Tempo registrazione immediata (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Dimensione massima file video (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Dividi i file modificati" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Riproduzione" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" -msgstr "Modalita' multispeed" +msgstr "Modalità multispeed" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" -msgstr "Mostrare modalita' riproduzione" +msgstr "Mostra modalità riproduzione" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID di rispristino" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Generici" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Scadenza minima evento (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" -msgstr "Periodo minimo di inattivita' (min)" +msgstr "Periodo minimo di inattività (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Scadenza SVDRP (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Scadenza Zapping (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Scadenza voce canale (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Canale iniziale" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "come prima" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Volume iniziale" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Questo plugin non ha parametri di configurazione!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Opzioni" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Riavvio" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Eseguire un riavvio?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " -msgstr " Stop registrazione " +msgstr " Ferma registrazione " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Programmi" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disco" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disco" + msgid "free" msgstr "liberi" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" -msgstr " Stop riproduzione" +msgstr " Ferma riproduzione" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Stop" +msgstr "Ferma" + msgid "Button$Resume" msgstr "Riprendi" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" -msgstr " Annullare modifiche" +msgstr " Annulla modifiche" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Fermare la registrazione?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Annullare la modifica?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Nessun audio disponibile!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Spazio su disco insufficiente per registrare!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Nessuna periferica DVB disponibile per registrare!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pausa del canale in visione..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Vai a: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Nessun marcatore di modifica definito!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" -msgstr "Impossibile iniziare processo di modifica!" +msgstr "Impossibile iniziare il processo di modifica!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Processo di modifica iniziato" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" -msgstr "Processo di modifica gia' attivo!" +msgstr "Processo di modifica già attivo!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " aáàbcdeéèfghiìîjklmnoòpqrstuùvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" -msgstr "si" +msgstr "sì" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\taàbc2\tdeèf3\tghiì4\tjkl5\tmnoò6\tpqrs7\ttuùv8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Inserisci" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Sovrascrivi" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Inserisci" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" -msgstr "Su/Giu per nuova posizione - OK per muovere" +msgstr "Su/Giù per nuova posizione - OK per muovere" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Canale bloccato (in registrazione)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Poco spazio su disco!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" -msgstr "Impossibile spegnere - parametro '-s' non passato!" +msgstr "Impossibile spegnere - parametro '-s' non assegnato!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modifica in corso - spegnere comunque?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" -msgstr "In registrazione - spegnere comunque?" +msgstr "Registrazione in corso - spegnere comunque?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Registrazione fra %ld minuti - spegnere comunque?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "spegnere comunque?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Il plugin %s si ripristina tra %ld min, continuare?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Modifica in corso - riavviare comunque?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" -msgstr "In registrazione - riavviare comunque?" +msgstr "Registrazione in corso - riavviare comunque?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "riavviare comunque?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volume " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "VDR Classico" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "Consolle ST:TNG" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "LMMGVSD" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "LunMarMerGioVenSabDom" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lunedì" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Martedì" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "mercoledì" +msgstr "Mercoledì" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Giovedì" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Venerdì" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sabato" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Domenica" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "Registrazione VPS imminente!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Registrazione avviata" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VDR si spegnerà più tardi - premi Power per forzare" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" -msgstr "Premere un tasto per annullare lo spegnimento" +msgstr "Premi un tasto per annullare lo spegnimento" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." -msgstr "Cambio su card DVB primaria..." +msgstr "Cambio della scheda DVB primaria..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Processo di modifica fallito!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Processo di modifica terminato" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Premi un tasto per annullare il riavvio" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VDR si spegnerà tra %s minuti" diff --git a/po/nl_NL.po b/po/nl_NL.po index f06f56f..449a848 100644 --- a/po/nl_NL.po +++ b/po/nl_NL.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Maarten Wisse \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -17,1256 +17,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Ongeldig kanaal ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanaal niet beschikbaar" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Kan Transfer-Mode niet starten" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Bezig met starten EPG scan" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Geen titel" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Nederlands" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "dut" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: detecteren type afstandsbediening" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Druk op een willekeurige knop" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Afstandsbediening code herkend!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Druk niet op een knop..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: Leren specifieke toets-codes" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Druk knop voor '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Druk 'Omhoog' om te bevestigen" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Druk 'Omlaag' om verder te gaan" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(druk 'Omhoog' om terug te gaan)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Druk 'Omlaag' om te beeindigen)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "Druk 'Menu' om deze toets over te slaan" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Leren toetsen afstandsbediening" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: Opslaan toets codes" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "'Omhoog' te bewaren, 'Omlaag' voor annuleren" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Omhoog" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Omlaag" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Terug" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Links" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Rechts" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rood" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Groen" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Geel" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blauw" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Weergeven" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pauze" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Opnemen" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Vooruitspoelen" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Terugspoelen" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Uitschakelen" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanaal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanaal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volume+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volume-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Geluid onderbreken" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Gids" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanalen" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timers" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Opnames" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Instellingen" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Commando's" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Kanaal aanpassen" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Naam" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Bron" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frequentie" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisatie" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "uit" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "geen" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanaalinstellingen zijn niet uniek!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanalen" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Verwijder" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Verander" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Verplaats" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nieuw" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Verwijder" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Verplaats" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanaal wordt gebruikt door een timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Kanaal verwijderen?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Timer veranderen" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Actief" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanaal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dag" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Begin" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Einde" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioriteit" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Bewaarduur" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Filenaam" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Eerste dag" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timers" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Aan/Uit" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Timer verwijderen?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timer neemt nog op - toch verwijderen?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Uitzending" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Opnemen" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Selecteer" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Wat is er nu?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Wat komt er hierna?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Wat is er nu?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Hierna" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nu" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programma" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kan geen kanaal wisselen!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Programma - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Vul %d cijfers in!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Opname info" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Afspelen" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Naar begin" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Opnames" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Openen" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Commando's" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Fout bij lezen opname!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Opname verwijderen?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Fout bij verwijderen opname!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Opname commando's" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nooit" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "skin afhankelijk" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "altijd" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Taal" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skin" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Thema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Links" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Boven" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Breedte" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Hoogte" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Weergave duur van berichten (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Klein lettertype gebruiken" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Kanaal info positie" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "onder" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "boven" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Duur tonen kanaal-informatie (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Kanaal info tonen" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Scrollen per pagina" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Rondom scrollen" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Opname directories" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Scan" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "EPG-scan Timeout (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "EPG foutcorrectieniveau" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Oude EPG data tonen (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Systeem klok instellen" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Gebruik transponder tijd voor systeem" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Voorkeurstalen" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Voorkeurstaal" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nee" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "alleen namen" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "namen en PIDs" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "nieuwe kanalen toevoegen" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "nieuwe transponders toevoegen" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Eerste DVB kaart" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Videoformaat" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Video display formaat" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Dolby Digital gebruiken" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Kanalen actualiseren" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio talen" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio taal" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "DiSEqC gebruiken" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Laagste LNB frequentie (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Hoogste LNB frequentie (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Herstart" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "CAM-menu wordt geopend..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Kan CAM-menu niet openen!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Kan CAM niet herstarten!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Opname" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Tijd marge begin (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Tijd marge eind (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Eerste grens" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Standaard prioriteit" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Standaard levensduur (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Pauze prioriteit" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Pauze levensduur (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Gebruik episode naam" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "VPS gebruiken" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Marge VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Direkte opnamen markeren" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Naam direkt-opname" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Duur van de directe opname (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maximale omvang video file (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Bewerkte files opdelen" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Afspelen" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Multi-speed mode" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Weergave mode aangeven" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Hervattings ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Overig" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Minimale event time-out (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Minimum gebruikers inactiviteit (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP Timeout (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Zap timeout (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Deze plugin heeft geen instelparameters" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Instellingen" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Herstart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Werkelijk opnieuw starten?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Stop opnemen " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Gids" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "vrij" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Stop afspelen" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pauze" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Verder" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Eindigen" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Verder" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Bewerken afbreken" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Opname stoppen?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Bewerken afbreken?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Geen audio beschikbaar!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Geen vrije DVB kaart om op te nemen!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pauzeren live uitzending..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Springen: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Geen bewerkingsmarkeringen gedefinieerd!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Kan niet beginnen met bewerken!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Bewerken is gestart" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Bewerken is al actief!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@áäàïóöòúüù" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ja" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Invoegen" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Overschrijven" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Invoegen" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Gebruik Omhoog/Omlaag - daarna Ok" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanaal geblokkeerd (neemt op)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Disk bijna vol!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Shutdown onmogelijk - Optie '-s' ontbreekt!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Opname loopt - toch uitschakelen?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Opname in %ld minuten - toch uitschakelen?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "toch uitschakelen?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Opname loopt - toch opnieuw starten?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "toch opnieuw starten?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volume " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "VDR Klassiek" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG Consoles" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "MDWDVZZ" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "MaaDinWoeDonVryZatZon" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "maandag" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dinsdag" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "woensdag" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Donderdag" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vrijdag" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Zaterdag" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Zondag" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Druk een toets om shutdown af te breken" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Eerste DVB-kaart wordt omgeschakeld..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Bewerken is mislukt!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Bewerken is klaar" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/nn_NO.po b/po/nn_NO.po index 62e3a59..50d75b2 100644 --- a/po/nn_NO.po +++ b/po/nn_NO.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Truls Slevigen \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,1256 +16,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Ugyldig Kanal! ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Kan ikke starte transfer modus!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Norsk" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "nor" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: Finne fjernkontroll-kodetype" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Trykk en av tastene på fjernkontrollen" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Fjernkontroll-kodetype funnet!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Ikke trykk på noen av tastene..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: Lære spesifikke tastekoder" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Trykk tasten for '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Trykk 'Opp' for å bekrefte" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Trykk Ned' for å fortsette" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(trykk 'Opp' for å gå tilbake)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(trykk 'Ned' for å avslutte innlæring)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Lære fjernkontrolltaster" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: Lagre tastekoder" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Trykk 'Opp' for å lagre, 'Ned' for å avbryte" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Opp" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Ned" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Meny" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Tilbake" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Venstre" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Høyre" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rød" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Grønn" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Gul" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blå" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Power" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volum+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volum-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Lyd av" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Programmer" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanaler" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timere" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Opptak" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Konfigurasjon" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Kommandoer" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Editer kanal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Navn" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvens" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "AC3pid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "AC3pid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tekst-TV pid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Kortleser" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisasjon" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanaler" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Slett" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Editer" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Ny" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Slett" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marker" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanalen er i bruk av en timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Slette kanal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Editer timer" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiv" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dag" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Start" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Slutt" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritet" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Levetid" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Filnavn" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Første dag" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timere" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Av/På" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Slette timer?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timer gjør opptak - vil du slette likevel?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Hendelse" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Ta opp" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Skift til" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Hvilket program sendes nå?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Hvilket program er neste?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Hvilket program sendes nå?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Neste" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nå" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programmer" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Ikke mulig å skifte kanal!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program Guide - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Spill av" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Spol tilbake" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Opptak" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Åpne" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Kommandoer" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Feil under lesing av opptak!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Slette opptak?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Feil under sletting av opptak!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Språk" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Bredde" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Høyde" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Tid meldinger skal vises (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Posisjon på kanalinformasjon" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "nedre" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "øvre" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Info ved kanalskifte" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Rask rulling i menyer" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Kataloger til opptak" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Programoversikt" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Ledig tid før EPG-søk (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivå for EPG-feilretting" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Juster system-klokken" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Bruk klokke fra transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nei" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB-enheter" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Hoved DVB-enhet" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "TV-Format" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Bruk DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "LO-grensefrekvens (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "LO-frekvens i lavbåndet (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "LO-frekvens i høybåndet (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Meny" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Opptak" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Opptaksmargin start (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Opptaksmargin slutt (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Prioritetsgrense HovedDVB" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Normal prioritet (Timer)" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Normal levetid timer (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Bruk episodenavn" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Markere direkteopptak" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Navngi direkteopptak" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maksimal størrelse på videofiler (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Splitt redigerte filer" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Spill av" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Multispeed modus" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Vis avspillingsmodus" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Resume ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Forskjellig" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Minste hendelsespause (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Minimumstid med inaktivitet (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Ubrukt SVDRP-levetid (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Konfigurasjon" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Start på nytt" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Vil du virkelig starte på nytt?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Stopp opptak fra " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Programmer" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "ledig" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Stopp avspilling" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Fortsett" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stopp" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Fortsett" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Avbryt redigering" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Stoppe opptak?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Avbryte redigering?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Pas d'audio disponible!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Ingen ledige DVB enheter for opptak!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Hopp: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Kan ikke starte redigeringsprosessen!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Redigeringsprosess startet" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Redigeringsprosessen er allerede aktiv!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ja" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" +msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Overwrite" +msgid "Button$Insert" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:971 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Opp/Ned for ny plass - OK for å flytte" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanalen er låst (opptak)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Lite ledig diskplass!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Kan ikke slå av - startet uten parameteret '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Gjør opptak - slå av likevel?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Skal gjøre opptak om %ld minutter - slå av likevel?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "slå av likevel?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Gjør opptak - starte på nytt likevel?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "starte på nytt likevel?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volum " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "MTOTFLS" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "ManTirOnsTorFreLørSøn" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Manday" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tirsday" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Onsday" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torsdag" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Fredag" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lørdag" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Søndag" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Trykk en tast for ikke å slå av" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Bytter første DVB-enhet..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Feil under redigering!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Redigeringsprosess avsluttet" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/pl_PL.po b/po/pl_PL.po index 60b93ac..426ea37 100644 --- a/po/pl_PL.po +++ b/po/pl_PL.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Michael Rakowski \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Niepoprawny kana³ ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kana³ nie jest dostêpny!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Nie mo¿na uruchomiæ trybu transferu!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Rozpoczynam skanowanie EPG" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Bez tytu³u" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Polski" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "pol" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Etap 1: Wykrywanie rodzaju kodu pilota" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Naci¶nij dowolny klawisz na pilocie" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Wykryto kod pilota!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Nie naciskaj teraz ¿adnego klawisza..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Etap 2: Nauka konkretnych kodów klawiszy" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Naci¶nij klawisz dla '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Naci¶nij 'Do góry' aby potwierdziæ" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Naci¶nij 'Na dó³' aby kontynuowaæ" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(naci¶nij 'Do góry' aby siê cofn±æ)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(naci¶nij 'Na dó³' aby zakoñczyæ definiowanie)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(naci¶nij 'Menu' aby pomin±æ ten klawisz)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Nauka klawiszy pilota" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Etap 3: Zapisywanie kodów klawiszy" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Naci¶nij 'Do góry' aby zapisaæ, 'Na dó³' - aby anulowaæ" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Do góry" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Na dó³" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Wstecz" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "W lewo" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "W prawo" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Czerwony" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Zielony" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "¯ó³ty" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Niebieski" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Odtwórz" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pauza" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Nagrywaj" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Do przodu" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Do ty³u" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Dalej" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Wstecz" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Wy³±cz" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kana³+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kana³-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Poprzedni kana³" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "G³o¶niej" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Ciszej" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Wycisz" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "D¼wiêk" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kana³y" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timery" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Nagrania" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Ustawienia" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Polecenia" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "nieszyfrowany" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "szyfrowany" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "auto" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Edycja kana³u" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nazwa" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "¬ród³o" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Czêstotliwo¶æ" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polaryzacja" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inwersja" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "wy³±cz" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "brak" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulacja" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Pasmo" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmisja" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchia" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Ustawienia kana³u nie s± unikalne!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kana³y" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Usuñ" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Edytuj" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Zaznacz" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nowy" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Usuñ" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Zaznacz" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kana³ jest u¿ywany przez timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Usun±æ kana³?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Edycja timera" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktywny" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kana³" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dzieñ" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Pocz±tek" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Koniec" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Priorytet" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Czas ¿ycia" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Plik" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Pierwszy dzieñ" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timery" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "W³/Wy³" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Usun±æ timer?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Trwa nagrywanie - na pewno usun±æ?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Audycja" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Timer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Nagraj" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Prze³±cz" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Timer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Program bie¿±cy" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Nastêpne audycje" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Program bie¿±cy" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Nastêpnie" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Teraz" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Nie mo¿na prze³±czyæ kana³u!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Ta audycja - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Ta audycja - wszystkie kana³y" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Wszystkie audycje - wszystkie kana³y" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Proszê podaæ %d cyfr!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Informacje o nagraniu" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Odtwórz" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Pocz±tek" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Nagrania" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Otwórz" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Polecenia" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Bl±d podczas dostêpu do nagrania!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Usun±æ nagranie?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Bl±d podczas usuwania nagrania!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Polecenia nagrañ" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nigdy" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "zal. od skórki" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "zawsze" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Jêzyk" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skórka" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Motyw" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Od lewej" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Od góry" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Szeroko¶æ" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Wysoko¶æ" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Czas trwania wiadomo¶ci (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "U¿ywaj ma³ej czcionki" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Pozycja informacji o kanale" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "dó³" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "góra" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Czas trwania informacji o kanale (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Informacja przy zmianie kana³u" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Czas oczekiwania na informacje" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Przesuwaj stronami" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Skrajne pozycje s±siaduj±" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Przycisk Menu zamyka" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Katalogi nagrañ" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Skanuj" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Czas skanowania EPG (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Stopieñ poprawek b³êdów EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Czas przechowywania EPG (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Ustawiaj czas systemowy" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "U¿yj czasu z transpondera" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Preferowanych jêzyków" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Preferowany jêzyk" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nie" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "tylko nazwy" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "tylko PID-y" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nazwy i PID-y" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "dodawaj nowe kana³y" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "dodawaj nowe transpondery" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Pierwszy interfejs DVB" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Format obrazu" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Format wy¶wietlania obrazu" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "U¿ywaj Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Aktualizuj kana³y" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Jêzyków d¼wiêku" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Jêzyk d¼wiêku" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "U¿ywaj DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Dolna czêstotliwo¶æ LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Górna czêstotliwo¶æ LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reset" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Otwieram menu CAM..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ menu CAM!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Nie mo¿na zresetowaæ CAM!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Nagranie" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Margines na pocz±tku (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Margines na koñcu (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Podstawowy limit" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Domy¶lny priorytet" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Domy¶lny czas ¿ycia (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Priorytet pauzy" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Czas ¿ycia pauzy (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "U¿ywaj nazwy epizodu" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "U¿ywaj VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Margines VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Zaznaczaj natychm. nagrywanie" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Nazywaj natychm. nagrywanie" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Czas natychm. nagrywania (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maksymalny rozmiar pliku (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Dziel edytowane pliki" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Odtwarzanie" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Tryb wieloprêdko¶ciowy" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Pokazuj tryb odtwarzania" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID wznowienia" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Ró¿ne" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Minimalny czas audycji (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Minimalny czas nieaktywno¶ci (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Czas oczekiwania na SVDRP (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Czas oczekiwania na zap (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Pocz±tkowy kana³" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "jak ostatnio" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Pocz±tkowa g³o¶no¶æ" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Wtyczki" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Ta wtyczka nie ma ¿adnych ustawieñ!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Ustawienia" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Restart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Na pewno zrestartowaæ?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Zatrzymaj nagrywanie " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Dysk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Dysk" + msgid "free" msgstr "wolnego" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "D¼wiêk" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pauza" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Wznów" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Zatrzymaj" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Wznów" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Anuluj edycjê" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Zatrzymaæ nagrywanie?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Anulowaæ monta¿?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "D¼wiêk nie jest dostêpny!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Brak miejsca na dysku do nagrywania!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Brak wolnej karty DVB do nagrywania!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pauzujê program na ¿ywo..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Skok: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Nie zdefiniowano znaczników monta¿u!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Nie mo¿na uruchomiæ procesu edycji!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Proces edycji rozpoczêty" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Proces edycji jest ju¿ aktywny!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " a±bcædeêfghijkl³mnñoópqrs¶tuvwxyz¼¿0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "tak" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2±æ\tdef3ê\tghi4\tjkl5³\tmno6ñó\tpqrs7¶\ttuv8\twxyz9¼¿" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Wstaw" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Nadpisz" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Wstaw" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Wtyczka" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Do góry/Na dó³ na now± pozycjê - Ok zatwierdza" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kana³ zablokowany (trwa nagrywanie)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Ma³o miejsca na dysku!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Nie mo¿na wy³±czyæ - nie podano opcji '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Trwa nagrywanie - wy³±czyæ mimo to?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Nagrywanie za %ld minut - wy³±czyæ mimo to?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "wy³±czyæ mimo to?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Trwa nagrywanie - zrestartowaæ mimo to?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "zrestartowaæ mimo to?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "G³o¶no¶æ " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klasyczny VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "Panel ST:TNG" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "PW¦CPSN" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "PonWto¦roCzwPi±SobNie" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "poniedzia³ek" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Wtorek" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "¶roda" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Czwartek" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Pi±tek" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sobota" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Niedziela" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "Wkrótce nagranie VPS!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Rozpoczêto nagrywanie" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Naci¶nij dowolny klawisz aby nie wy³±czaæ" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Przê³±czam na pierwszy interfejs DVB..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Proces edycji nie powiód³ siê!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Proces edycji zakoñczony" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/pt_PT.po b/po/pt_PT.po index ff15f57..650f873 100644 --- a/po/pt_PT.po +++ b/po/pt_PT.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Paulo Lopes \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Canal Inválido! ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Impossível iniciar modo de transferência!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Português" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "por" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Fase 1: detectar tipo de receptor" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Pressione qualquer tecla do telecomando" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Código do telecomando detectado!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Não pressione nada..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fase 2: A aprender códigos especificos" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Pressione tecla para '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Pressione 'Cima' para confirmar" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Pressione 'Baixo' para continuar" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Pressione 'Cima' para voltar)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Pressione 'Baixo' para terminar a definição)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Aprender as teclas do telecomando" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fase 3: A salvar os códigos das teclas" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "'Cima' para Salvar, 'Baixo' para Cancelar" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Cima" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Baixo" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Voltar" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Esquerda" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Direita" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Vermelho" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Verde" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Amarelo" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Azul" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Ligar" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volume+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volume-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Sem som" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Programação" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Canais" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timers" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Gravações" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Configurar" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Comandos" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Modificar canal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nome" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frequência" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "PID de Vídeo" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "PID Áudio (1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "PID AC3 (1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "PID AC3 (2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "PID Teletexto" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Encriptação" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarização" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "off" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandwidth" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Canais" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Apagar" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Modificar" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marcar" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Novo" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Apagar" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marcar" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Canal a ser utilizador por um timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Apagar o canal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Modificar timer" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Activo" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Canal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dia" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Inicio" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Fim" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioridade" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Duração" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Ficheiro" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Primeiro dia" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timers" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "On/Off" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Apagar o timer?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timer activo - têm a certeza que quer apagar?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evento" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Gravar" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Seleccionar" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Programa actual?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Próximo Programa?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Programa actual?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Proximo" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Agora" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Programação" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Não pode mudar de canal!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Programa - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Play" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Rebobinar" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Gravações" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Abrir" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Comandos" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Erro ao aceder à gravação" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Apagar a gravação?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Erro enquanto apagava uma gravação!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Linguagem" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Largura" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Altura" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Mostrar contador (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Posição de info dos canais" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "fundo" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "topo" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Mostrar info ao mudar de Canal" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Scroll da página no menu" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Directorias de gravação" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Expirou o EPG (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nível de correctção EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Ajustar relógio do sistema" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Usar relógio do transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "não" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Interface DVB primário" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Formato vídeo" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Utilizar DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "Limite de bandas LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Frequência base LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Frequência alta LNB (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "A gravar" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Margem inicial (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Margem final (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Limite Primário" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Prioridade por defeito" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Validade por defeito (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Utilizar o nome do episódio" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Marca de gravação rápida" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Nome de gravação rápida" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Tamanho máximo dos ficheiros (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Quebrar ficheiros" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Replay" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Modo de multi-speed" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Mostrar modo de replay" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Resume ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Outros" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Período mínimo de pausa (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Período mínimo de inactividade (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Timeout SVDRP (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Configurar" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Reiniciar" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Tem a certeza que quer reiniciar?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Parar gravação " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Programação" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "livre" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Parar reprodução" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Continuar" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Parar" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Continuar" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Anular modificação" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Parar Gravação?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Cancelar Modificações?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Nenhuma placa DVB disponivel para gravar!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Saltar: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Não pode iniciar a modificação!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Processo de modificação iniciado" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Processo de modificação já activo!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "sim" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" +msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Overwrite" +msgid "Button$Insert" msgstr "" -#: menuitems.c:971 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Cima/Baixo para nova localização - Ok para mover" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Canal bloqueado (a gravar)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Espaço em disco reduzido!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Impossível desligar - falta a opção '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Em gravação - quer mesmo desligar?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Em gravação dentro de %ld minutos - quer mesmo desligar?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "quer mesmo desligar?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Em gravação - quer mesmo reiniciar?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "quer mesmo reiniciar?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volume " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "STQQSSD" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "SegTerQuaQuiSexSabDom" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Segunda" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Terça" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Quarta" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Quinta" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Sexta" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sábado" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Domingo" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Pressione qualquer tecla para cancelar" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "A mudar interface DVB primário..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Falha no processo de modificação" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Processo de modificação terminado" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/ro_RO.po b/po/ro_RO.po index 933389e..207c73c 100644 --- a/po/ro_RO.po +++ b/po/ro_RO.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Lucian Muresan \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,1256 +16,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Canal invalid ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Canal indisponibil" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Nu pot porni modul de transfer!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Pornesc achizişia EPG" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Fãrã titlu" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Românã" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "rom" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Faza 1: Detecşia tipului telecomenzii" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Apãsaşi o tastã pe telecomandã" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "S-a detectat tipul telecomenzii!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Nu apãsaşi nici o tastã..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Faza 2: Învãşarea codurilor anumitor taste" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Apãsaşi tasta pentru '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Apãsaşi 'Sus' pentru confirmare" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Apãsaşi 'Jos' pentru continuare" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Apãsaşi 'Sus' pentru revenire)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Apãsaşi 'Jos' pentru terminare)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "Apãsaşi 'Meniu' pentru a sãri peste aceastã tastã" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Învãşare taste telecomandã" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Faza 3: Salvarea codurilor de taste" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Apãsaşi 'Sus' pentru salvare, 'Jos' pentru anulare" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Sus" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Jos" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Meniu" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "OK" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Înapoi" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Stânga" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Dreapta" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Roºu" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Verde" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Galben" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Albastru" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Redare" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pauzã" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stop" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Înregistrare" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Derulare înainte" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Derulare înapoi" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Urmãtor" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Anterior" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Închidere" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Canal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Canal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Canal anterior" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volum+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volum-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Fãrã sunet" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Sunet" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program (EPG)" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Canale" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timer-e" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Înregistrãri" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Configuraşie" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Comenzi" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "FTA (necriptat)" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "criptat" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "automat" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Modificare canal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nume" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Sursã" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frecvenşã" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "PID Video" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "PID Audio (1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "PID Audio (2)" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "PID AC3 (1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "PID AC3 (2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "PID Teletext" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA (Acces Condişional)" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarizare" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Ratã simboluri" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversiune" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "inactiv" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "niciuna(ul)" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulaşie" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Lãrgime de bandã" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmisie" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Ierarhie" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Parametrii canalului nu sunt univoci!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Canale" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "ªterge" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Modificã" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Marcheazã" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Nou" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "ªterge" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Marcheazã" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Canalul este utilizat de un timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "ªterg canalul?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Modificare timer" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Activ" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Canal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Ziua" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Început" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Sfârºit" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritate" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Timp de pãstrare" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Fiºier" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Prima zi" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timer-e" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Act./Inact." -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "ªterg timer-ul?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timer-ul tocmai înregistreazã - ºterg, totuºi?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Emisiune" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Timer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Înregistr." -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Comutã" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Timer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Ce emisiuni sunt acum?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Ce emisiuni urmeazã?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Ce emisiuni sunt acum?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Urmãtor" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Acum" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Nu pot comuta canalul!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Programul canalului %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Aceastã emisiune - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Aceastã emisiune - toate canalele" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Toate emisiunile - toate canalele" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Vã rog introduceşi %d cifre!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Detaliile înregistrãrii" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Redare" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Înapoi" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Înregistrãri" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Deschide" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Comenzi" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Eroare la accesarea înregistrãrii" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "ªterg înregistrarea?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Eroare la ºtergerea înregistrãrii!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Comenzi pentru înregistrãri" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "niciodatã" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "dep. de skin" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "întotdeauna" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Limba OSD" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skin" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Temã" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Stânga" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Sus" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Lãşime OSD" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Înãlşime OSD" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Timp afiºare mesaje (sec)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Utilizare fonturi mici" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Pozişia informaşiilor despre canal" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "jos" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "sus" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Durata afiºãrii info-canal (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Informaşii la comutarea canalului" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Durata afiºãrii informaşii canal" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Deruleazã pagini" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Derulare circularã" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Tasta 'Meniu' închide" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Directoare înregistrãri" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Cãutare canale" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Interval achizişie EPG (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivel corecşie EPG" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Date EPG expirate cel mult (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Potriveºte ceasul sistem" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Preia ora din transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Limbi preferate" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Limba preferatã" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nu" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "doar numele" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "Numai PID-uri" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "nume si PID-uri" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "adãugare canale noi" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "adãugare transpondere noi" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "Dispozitiv DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Dispozitiv DVB primar" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Format video" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Formatul redãrii video" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Sunet Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Actualizare canale" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Limbi sunet" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Limba sunetului" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Utilizare DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "Frecvenşã comutare bandã, SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Frecvnşã LNB inferioarã (Mhz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Frecvnşã LNB superioarã (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Meniu" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Resetare" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Deschid meniul CAM..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Nu pot deschide meniul CAM" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Nu pot reseta CAM" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Înregistrare" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Marjã la pornire (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Marjã la oprire (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Limitã primarã" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Prioritate implicitã" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Timp de pãstrare predefinit (zile)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Prioritate pauzã" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Pãstrarea emisiunilor 'pauzate' (zile)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Utilizeazã numele episodului" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Utilizeazã VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Marjã de timp la utilizare VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Marcheazã înregistrare imediatã" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Nume înregistrare imediatã" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Timpul de înregistare imediatã (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Dimensiune maximã a fiºierului video (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Separare fiºiere montate" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Redare" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Mod multi-vitezã" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Afiºeazã redarea" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Identificator continuare" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Diverse" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Duratã minimã emisiuni (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Durata minimã de inactivitate (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "Timeout SVDRP (sec)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Interval zapping (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Canalul de pornire" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "ca mai înainte" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Volumul la pornire" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugin-uri" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Acest plugin nu se configureazã!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Configuraşie" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Repornire" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Sigur repornesc?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Opreºte înregistrarea " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program (EPG)" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disc" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disc" + msgid "free" msgstr "liber" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Opreºte redarea" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Sunet" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pauzã" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Continuare" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stop" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Continuare" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Opreºte montajul înregistrãrii" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Opresc înregistrarea?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Opresc montajul înregistrãrii?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Lipseºte sunetul!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Insuficient spaşiul pe disc pentru înregistrare!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Nu mai sunt dispozitive DVB disponibile pentru înregistrare!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Trec în pauzã emisiunea transmisã..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Salt la: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Nu s-au pus marcaje de montaj pentru aceastã înregistrare" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Nu pot porni montajul înregistrãrii!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Montajul înregistrãrii a început" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Montajul înregistrãrii este deja activ!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " aãâbcdefghiîjklmnopqrsºtşuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "da" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\taãâbc2\tdef3\tghiî4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrsº7\ttşuv8\twxyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Insereazã" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Suprascrie" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Insereazã" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin (modul adişional)" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Sus/Jos pentru noua locaşie - OK pentru a muta" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Canal blocat (înregistrare)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Spaşiul pe disc e foarte scãzut!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Nu pot închide - vezi opşiunea '-s'" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Tocmai se înregistreazã - închid, totuºi?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Înregistrez peste %ld minute - închid, totuºi?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "închid, totuºi?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Tocmai se înregistreazã - repornesc, totuºi?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "repornesc, totuºi?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volum " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "VDR clasic" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "Cons. ST:TNG" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "LMMJVSD" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "LunMarMieJoiVinSâmDum" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Luni" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Marşi" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Miercuri" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Joi" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vineri" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sâmbãtã" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Duminicã" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "Urmeazã o înregistrare VPS!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "A început înregistrarea" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Apasã orice tastã pentru a anula închiderea" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Comut dispozitiv DVB primar..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Montajul înregistrãrii a eºuat" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Montajul înregistrãrii s-a terminat" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/ru_RU.po b/po/ru_RU.po index ec18474..f1a0f88 100644 --- a/po/ru_RU.po +++ b/po/ru_RU.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Vyacheslav Dikonov \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-5\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** ½ÕßàĞÒØÛìİëÙ ÚĞİĞÛ ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ İÕÔŞáâãßÕİ!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "½ÕÒŞ×ÜŞÖİŞ ÒÚÛîçØâì àÕÖØÜ ßàŞßãáÚĞ!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "½ĞçØİĞî EPG-áÚĞİØàŞÒĞİØÕ" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "±Õ× İĞ×ÒĞİØï" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "ÀãááÚØÙ" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "rus" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "ÈĞÓ 1: ¾ßàÕÔÕÛÕİØÕ âØßĞ ÚŞÔĞ ßãÛìâĞ" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ ÛîÑãî ÚİŞßÚã İĞ ßãÛìâÕ" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "¾ÑİĞàãÖÕİ ÚŞÔ ßãÛìâĞ!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "½Õ İĞÖØÜĞÙâÕ ÚİŞßÚØ..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "ÈĞÓ 2: ·ĞÔĞİØÕ ÚŞÔŞÒ ŞâÔÕÛìİëå ÚİŞßŞÚ" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ ÚİŞßÚã '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ '²ÒÕàå' çâŞÑë ߪÔâÒÕàÔØâì" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ '²İØ×' çâŞÑë ßàŞÔŞÛÖØâì" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(½ĞÖÜØâÕ '²ÒÕàå' çâŞÑë ÒÕàİãâìáï)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(½ĞÖÜØâÕ '²İØ×' çâŞÑë ×ĞÚŞİçØâì İĞáâàŞÙÚã ßãÛìâĞ)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(½ĞÖÜØâÕ '¼Õİî' çâŞÑë ßàŞßãáâØâì ÚİŞßÚã)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "¾ÑãçÕİØÕ ßãÛìâĞ" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "ÈĞÓ 3: ·ĞߪÜØİĞİØÕ ÚŞÔŞÒ ÚİŞßŞÚ" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ '²ÒÕàå' çâŞÑë ×ĞߪÜİØâì, '²İØ×' çâŞÑë ŞâÚĞ×Ğâìáï" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "²ÒÕàå" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "²İØ×" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "¼Õİî" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "½Ğ×ĞÔ" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "½ĞÛÕÒŞ" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "½ĞßàĞÒŞ" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "ºàĞáİëÙ" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "·ÕÛñİëÙ" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "¶ñÛâëÙ" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "ÁØİØÙ" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "¸İäŞ" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "²ŞáßàŞØ×ÒÕÔÕİØÕ" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "¿Ğã×Ğ" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "ÁâŞß" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "·ĞßØáì" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "¿àŞÚàãâÚĞ ÒßÕàñÔ" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "¿àŞÚàãâÚĞ İĞ×ĞÔ" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "²ßÕàÕÔ" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "½Ğ×ĞÔ" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "²ëÚÛîçØâì" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ +" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ -" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "¿àÕÔëÔãéØÙ ÚĞİĞÛ" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "³àŞÜÚŞáâì +" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "³àŞÜÚŞáâì -" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "²ëÚÛîçØâì ×ÒãÚ" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Ï×ëÚ" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "ÂÕÛÕÓØÔ" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛë" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "ÂĞÙÜÕàë" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "·ĞßØáØ" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "½ĞáâàŞÙÚĞ" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "ºŞÜĞİÔë" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "FTA (İÕ×ĞÚŞÔØàŞÒĞİŞ)" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "×ĞÚŞÔØàŞÒĞİŞ" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "ĞÒâŞ" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "ÀÕÔĞÚâØàŞÒĞİØÕ ÚĞİĞÛĞ" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "½Ğ×ÒĞİØÕ" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "¸áâŞçİØÚ" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "ÇĞáâŞâĞ" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid (ÒØÔÕŞ)" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1 (ĞãÔØŞ 1)" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2 (ĞãÔØŞ 2)" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1 (AC3 1)" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2 (AC3 2)" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid (âÕÛÕâÕÚáâ)" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA (ÔÕÚŞÔÕà)" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "¿ŞÛïàØ×ĞæØï" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "ÁØÜÒ. áÚŞàŞáâì" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "¸İÒÕàáØï" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "ÒëÚÛ" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "İØçÕÓŞ" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "¼ŞÔãÛïæØï" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "´ØĞßĞתİ" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "¿ÕàÕÔĞçĞ" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "·ĞéØâĞ" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "¸ÕàĞàåØï" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "½ĞáâàŞÙÚØ ÚĞİĞÛĞ İÕ ãİØÚĞÛìİë!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛë" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "ÃÔĞÛØâì" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "ÀÕÔĞÚâØàŞÒĞâì" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "¿ÕàÕÜÕáâØâì" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "´ŞÑĞÒØâì" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "ÃÔĞÛØâì" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "¿ÕàÕÜÕáâØâì" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ ×Ğİïâ âĞÙÜÕàŞÜ!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "ÃÔĞÛØâì ÚĞİĞÛ?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "ÃáâĞİŞÒÚĞ âĞÙÜÕàĞ" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "°ÚâØÒØàŞÒĞİ" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "´Õİì" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "½ĞçĞÛŞ" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "ºŞİÕæ" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS ߪßàĞÒÚĞ" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "¿àØŞàØâÕâ" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "ÁàŞÚ åàĞİÕİØï" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "ÄĞÙÛ" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "¿ÕàÒëÙ ÔÕİì" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "ÂĞÙÜÕàë" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "¸İäŞ" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "²ÚÛ/²ëÚÛ" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "¸İäŞ" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "ÃÔĞÛØâì âĞÙÜÕà?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "¸Ôñâ ×ĞßØáì ߪ âĞÙÜÕàã - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ãÔĞÛØâì?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "¿ÕàÕÔĞçĞ" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "ÂĞÙÜÕà" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "·ĞßØáì" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "¿ÕàÕÚÛîçØâì" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "ÂĞÙÜÕà" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "ÁÕÙçĞá Ò íäØàÕ:" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "´ĞÛÕÕ Ò ßàŞÓàĞÜÜÕ:" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "ÁÕÙçĞá Ò íäØàÕ:" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "´ĞÛÕÕ" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "ÁÕÙçĞá" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "¿àŞÓàĞÜÜĞ" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "½ÕÒŞ×ÜŞÖİŞ ßÕàÕÚÛîçØâì ÚĞİĞÛ!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "¿àŞÓàĞÜÜĞ - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "ÍâĞ ßÕàÕÔĞçĞ - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "ÍâĞ ßÕàÕÔĞçĞ - ÒáÕ ÚĞİĞÛë" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "²áÕ ßÕàÕÔĞçØ - ÒáÕ ÚĞİĞÛë" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ %d æØäàë" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "CAM İÕ ŞâÒÕçĞÕâ" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "¸İäŞ Ş ×ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "²ŞáßàŞØ×ÒÕáâØ" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "½Ğ×ĞÔ" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "·ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "¾âÚàëâì" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "ºŞÜĞİÔë" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "¾èØÑÚĞ ÔŞáâãßĞ Ú ×ĞßØáØ!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "ÁâÕàÕâì ×ĞßØáì?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "¾èØÑÚĞ ãÔĞÛÕİØï ×ĞßØáØ!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "ºŞÜĞİÔë ×ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "İØÚŞÓÔĞ" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "áŞÓÛĞáİŞ áâØÛï" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "ÒáÕÓÔĞ" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "¼Õİî" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Ï×ëÚ" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "ÁâØÛì" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "ÂÕÜĞ" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "¾âáâãß áÛÕÒĞ" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "¾âáâãß áÒÕàåã" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "ÈØàØİĞ" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "²ëáŞâĞ" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "´ÛØâÕÛìİŞáâì ߪÚĞ×Ğ áŞŞÑéÕİØÙ (áÕÚ)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "¸áߪÛìתÒĞâì ÜÕÛÚØÙ èàØäâ" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "ÁÓÛĞÖØÒĞİØÕ èàØäâŞÒ" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "ÁâĞİÔĞàâİëÙ äŞİâ" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "¼ÕÛÚØÙ äŞİâ" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "ÄØÚáØàŞÒĞİİëÙ äŞİâ" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "ÀĞ×ÜÕà äŞİâĞ ÔÛï ÜÕİî (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "ÀĞ×ÜÕà ÜÕÛÚŞÓŞ äŞİâĞ (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "ÀĞ×ÜÕà äØÚáØàŞÒĞİİŞÓŞ äŞİâĞ (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "¿ŞÛŞÖÕİØÕ ŞÚİĞ ØİäŞàÜĞæØØ Ş ÚĞİĞÛÕ" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "áİØ×ã" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "áÒÕàåã" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "¿ŞÚĞ× ØİäŞàÜĞæØØ Ş ÚĞİĞÛÕ (áÕÚ)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "¿ŞÚĞ×ëÒĞâì ØİäŞàÜĞæØî Ş ÚĞİĞÛÕ" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "¸İäŞàÜĞæØî Ş ÚĞİĞÛÕ ×ĞÚàëâì" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "¿àŞÚàãâÚĞ áâàĞİØæ ÜÕİî" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "ÆØÚÛØçÕáÚĞï ßàŞÚàãâÚĞ" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "ºİŞßÚã ¼Õİî ×ĞÚàëâì" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "ºĞâĞÛŞÓØ åàĞİÕİØï ×ĞßØáÕÙ" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "ÂÕÛÕÓØÔ" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "ÁÚĞİØàŞÒĞâì" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "·ĞÔÕàÖÚĞ áÚĞİØàŞÒĞİØï âÕÛÕÓØÔĞ (ç)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "ÃàŞÒÕİì ÚŞààÕÚæØØ ŞèØÑŞÚ" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "ÅàĞİÕİØÕ ãáâĞàÕÒèØå ÔĞİİëå (ÜØİ)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "ÃáâĞİŞÒØâì áØáâÕÜİŞÕ ÒàÕÜï" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "¸áߪÛìתÒĞâì ÒàÕÜï âàĞİáߪİÔÕàĞ" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "¿àÕÔߪçØâĞÕÜëÕ ï×ëÚØ (âÕÛÕÓØÔ)" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "²ëÑàĞİ" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "ßĞİŞàĞÜØàŞÒĞâì" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "ãÜÕİìèĞâì" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "ŞÑàÕ×Ğâì áÑŞÚã" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "İÕâ" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "âŞÛìÚŞ İĞ×ÒĞİØï" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "ÂŞÛìÚŞ PIDë" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "İĞ×ÒĞİØï Ø PIDë" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "İŞÒëÕ ÚĞİĞÛë" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "İŞÒ. âàĞİáߪİÔÕàë" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "¾áİŞÒİŞÕ DVB-ãáâàŞÙáâÒŞ" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "ÄŞàÜĞâ ÒØÔÕŞ" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "ÈØàŞÚŞíÚàĞİİŞÕ ØתÑàĞÖÕİØÕ" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "²ÚÛîçØâì Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "¾ÑİŞÒÛïâì İĞáâàŞÙÚØ ÚĞİĞÛŞÒ" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "¿àÕÔߪçØâĞÕÜëÕ ï×ëÚØ (×ÒãÚ)" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "²ëÑàĞİ" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "ºŞİÒÕàâÕà" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "¸áߪÛìתÒĞâì DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "ÇĞáâŞâĞ ßÕàÕÚÛîçÕİØï (SLOF) (¼³æ)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "½ØÖİïï çĞáâŞâĞ ÚŞİÒÕàâÕàĞ (¼³æ)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "²Õàåİïï çĞáâŞâĞ ÚŞİÒÕàâÕàĞ (¼³æ)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "CAM ßÕàÕÓàãÖÕİ" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "CAM ßàØáãâáâÒãÕâ" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "CAM ÓŞâŞÒ" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "ÃáÛŞÒİëÙ ÔŞáâãß" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "¼Õİî" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "ÁÑàŞá" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "¾âÚàëÒĞî ÜÕİî ÜŞÔãÛï ãáÛŞÒİŞÓŞ ÔŞáâãßĞ (CAM)" -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "¼Õİî CAM-ÜŞÔãÛï İÕÔŞáâãßİŞ!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "CAM ØáߪÛì×ãÕâáï - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ßÕàÕÓàã×Øâì?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "¾èØÑÚĞ ßÕàÕ×ĞßãáÚĞ CAM-ÜŞÔãÛï!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "·ĞßØáì" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "¾ßÕàÕÖÕİØÕ İĞçĞÛĞ ×ĞßØáØ (ÜØİ)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "·ĞßĞ×ÔëÒĞİØÕ ŞáâĞİŞÒÚØ ×ĞßØáØ (ÜØİ)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "¼Øİ. ßàØŞàØâÕâ ×ĞåÒĞâĞ Şáİ. ãáâàŞÙáâÒĞ" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "¿àØŞàØâÕâ âĞÙÜÕàĞ ßŞ ãÜŞÛçĞİØî" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "ÁàŞÚ åàĞİÕİØï ×ĞßØáØ ßŞ ãÜŞÛçĞİØî (Ô)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "¿àØŞàØâÕâ ŞâÛŞÖÕİİŞÓŞ ßàŞáÜŞâàĞ" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "ÅàĞİÕİØÕ ŞâÛŞÖÕİİŞÓŞ ßàŞáÜŞâàĞ (Ô)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "³àãßßØàŞÒĞâì äĞÙÛë ߪ íßØתÔĞÜ" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "¸áߪÛìתÒĞâì áØÓİĞÛë VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "±ãäÕàİŞÕ ÒàÕÜï VPS (áÕÚ)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "¾âÜÕçĞâì áÔÕÛĞİİëÕ Òàãçİãî ×ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "ÁåÕÜĞ ØÜÕİŞÒĞİØï àãçİëå ×ĞßØáÕÙ" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "´ÛØâÕÛìİŞáâì àãçİŞÙ ×ĞßØáØ (ÜØİ)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "¼ĞÚá. àĞ×ÜÕà ÒØÔÕŞäĞÙÛĞ (¼Ñ)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "´ÕÛØâì ŞâàÕÔĞÚâØàŞÒĞİİëÕ äĞÙÛë" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "²ŞáßàŞØ×ÒÕÔÕİØÕ" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "¼İŞÓŞáÚŞàŞáâİŞÙ àÕÖØÜ" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "¾âŞÑàĞÖĞâì àÕÖØÜ ÒŞáßàŞØ×ÒÕÔÕİØï" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID ÒŞáßàŞØ×ÒÕÔÕİØï" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "¿àŞçÕÕ" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "¼Øİ. ÒàÕÜï ŞÖØÔĞİØï áŞÑëâØï (ÜØİ)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "¼Øİ. ÒàÕÜï ŞÖØÔĞİØï ÒÒŞÔĞ (ÜØİ)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "·ĞÔÕàÖÚĞ ŞÑàëÒĞ áŞÕÔ. SVDRP (áÕÚ)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "·ĞÔÕàÖÚĞ ßÕàÕÚÛîçÕİØï ÚĞİĞÛĞ (áÕÚ)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "¿àÕÔÕÛ ÒàÕÜÕİØ ÔÛï ÒÒŞÔĞ ÚĞİĞÛĞ (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ ßàØ ÒÚÛîçÕİØØ" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "ÚĞÚ àĞİìèÕ" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "³àŞÜÚŞáâì ßàØ ÒÚÛîçÕİØØ" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "¼ŞÔãÛØ àĞáèØàÕİØï" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "¼ŞÔãÛì İÕ ØÜÕÕâ ßĞàĞÜÕâàŞÒ İĞáâàŞÙÚØ!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "½ĞáâàŞÙÚĞ" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "¿ÕàÕ×ĞßãáâØâì" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "´ÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ßÕàÕ×ĞßãáâØâì?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " ¿àÕÚàĞâØâì ×ĞßØáì " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "ÂÕÛÕÓØÔ" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "´ØáÚ" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "´ØáÚ" + msgid "free" msgstr "áÒŞÑŞÔİŞ" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " ¿àÕÚàĞâØâì ÒŞáßàŞØ×ÒÕÔÕİØÕ" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Ï×ëÚ" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "¿Ğã×Ğ" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "¿àŞÔŞÛÖØâì" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "ÁâŞß" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "¿àŞÔŞÛÖØâì" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " ¿àÕàÒĞâì ÜŞİâĞÖ ×ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "¿àÕÚàĞâØâì ×ĞßØáì?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "¿àÕàÒĞâì àÕÔĞÚâØàŞÒĞİØÕ?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "¾âáãâáâÒãÕâ ×ÒãÚ!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "½ÕÔŞáâĞâŞçİŞ ÜÕáâĞ İĞ ÔØáÚÕ ÔÛï İĞçĞÛĞ ×ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "½Õâ áÒŞÑŞÔİŞÓŞ DVB-ãáâàŞÙáâÒĞ ÔÛï ×ĞßØáØ!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "ÀÕÖØÜ ŞâÛŞÖÕİİŞÓŞ ßàŞáÜŞâàĞ..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "¿ÕàÕÙâØ: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "½Õ ×ĞÔĞİë ÜÕâÚØ ÔÛï ÜŞİâĞÖĞ!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "½ÕÒŞ×ÜŞÖİŞ İĞçĞâì ÜŞİâĞÖ ×ĞßØáØ!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "½ĞçĞâ ÜŞİâĞÖ ×ĞßØáØ" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "¿àŞæÕáá ÒØÔÕŞÜŞİâĞÖĞ ãÖÕ ×ĞßãéÕİ!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzĞÑÒÓÔÕñÖ×ØÙÚÛÜİŞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìîï0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ÔĞ" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcĞÑÒÓ2\tdefÔÕñÖ×3\tghiØÙÚÛ4\tjklÜİŞ5\tmnoßàá6\tpqrsâãäå7\ttuvæçèéê8\twxyzëìíîï9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "°±²/ĞÑÒ" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "²áâĞÒÚĞ" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "·ĞÜÕİĞ" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "²áâĞÒÚĞ" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "¼ŞÔãÛì" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "½ĞÖØÜĞÙâÕ \"²ÒÕàå\"/\"²İØ×\" ÔÛï ÒëÑŞàĞ ßŞ×ØæØØ, Ğ ×ĞâÕÜ \"OK\"" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "ºĞİĞÛ ×ĞÑÛŞÚØàŞÒĞİ (ØÔñâ ×ĞßØáì)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "½ÕÔŞáâĞâŞçİŞ ÜÕáâĞ İĞ ÔØáÚÕ!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "²ëÚÛîçÕİØÕ İÕÒŞ×ÜŞÖİŞ - İÕ ×ĞÔĞİ ßĞàĞÜÕâà '-s'!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "¸ÔÕâ ÜŞİâĞÖ - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ÒëÚÛîçØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "¸Ôñâ ×ĞßØáì - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ÒëÚÛîçØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "ÇÕàÕ× %ld ÜØİãâ İĞçİñâáï ×ĞßØáì - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ÒëÚÛîçØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ÒëÚÛîçØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "Plugin %s ßàŞáİÕâáï çÕàÕ× %ld ÜØİãâ - ßàŞÔŞÛÖØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "¿àŞæÕáá ÜŞİâĞÖĞ - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ßÕàÕ×ĞßãáâØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "¸Ôñâ ×ĞßØáì - ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ßÕàÕ×ĞßãáâØâì?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "ÔÕÙáâÒØâÕÛìİŞ ßÕàÕ×ĞßãáâØâì?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "³àŞÜÚŞáâì " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "ºÛĞááØçÕáÚØÙ" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG ßĞİÕÛØ" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "¿²ÁÇ¿Á²" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "¿Şİ²âàÁàÔÇâÒ¿âİÁãѲáÚ" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "¿ŞİÕÔÕÛìİØÚ" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "²âŞàİØÚ" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "ÁàÕÔĞ" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "ÇÕâÒÕàÓ" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "¿ïâİØæĞ" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "ÁãÑÑŞâĞ" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "²ŞáÚàÕáÕİìÕ" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS-·ĞßØáì áÚŞàŞ İĞçİÕâáï" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "·ĞßØáì İĞçĞâĞ" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "VDR ÒëÚÛîçØâáï ߪ×ÖÕ - İĞÖÜØâÕ Power ÔÛï ãáÚŞàÕİØï" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ ÛîÑãî ÚİŞßÚã çâŞÑë ŞâÜÕİØâì ÒëÚÛîçÕİØÕ." -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "ÁÜÕİĞ ŞáİŞÒİŞÓŞ DVB-ãáâàŞÙáâÒĞ..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "¾èØÑÚĞ ÒŞ ÒàÕÜï ÜŞİâĞÖĞ ×ĞßØáØ!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "¼ŞİâĞÖ ŞÚŞİçÕİ" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "½ĞÖÜØâÕ ÛîÑãî ÚİŞßÚã ÔÛï ŞâÜÕİë ßÕàÕ×ĞÓàã×ÚØ" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "VDR ÒëÚÛîçØâáï çÕàÕ× %s ÜØİãâ" diff --git a/po/sl_SI.po b/po/sl_SI.po index c62b272..e45c6d9 100644 --- a/po/sl_SI.po +++ b/po/sl_SI.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Matjaz Thaler \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,1256 +16,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Neznan kanal ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanal ni razpolo¾ljiv!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Ne morem zaèeti s prenosnim naèinom!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Prièenjam EPG-scan" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "Brez naziva" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Slovenski" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "slv" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Faza 1: Sprejemanje IR kode" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Pritisnite tipko na upravljalcu" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "IR koda sprejeta!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Ne pritiskajte tipk..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Faza 2: Uèenje posebnih kod" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Pritisnite tipko za '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Pritisnite tipko 'Gor' za potrditev" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Pritisnite tipko 'Dol' za nadaljevanje" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(pritisnite 'Gor' za nazaj)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(pritisnite 'Dol' za konec)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "pritisnite 'Meni' za preskok te tipke" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Uèenje kod upravljalca" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Faza 3: Shranjevanje kod tipk" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "'Gor' za potrditev, 'Dol' za prekinitev" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Gor" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Dol" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Meni" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Nazaj" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Levo" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Desno" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Rdeèa" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Zelena" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Rumena" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Modra" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Predvajaj" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pavza" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Ustavi" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Snemaj" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Hitro naprej" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Hitro nazaj" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Naprej" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Nazaj" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Izklop" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Program+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Program-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Prej¹nji kanal" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Glasnost+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Glasnost-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Izklop zvoka" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Zvok" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanali" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Termini" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Posnetki" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Nastavitve" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Ukazi" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "nekodiran" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "kodiran" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "avtomatsko" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Uredi kanal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Ime" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Pozicija" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvenca" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarizacija" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inverzija" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "izklop" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "nobeden" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulacija" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Pasovna ¹irina" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Prenos" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Za¹èita" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarhija" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Nastavitve kanala niso edinstvene!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanali" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Izbri¹i" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Uredi" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Oznaèi" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Novo" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Izbri¹i" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Oznaèi" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanal je zavzet s terminom za snemanje!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Izbri¹i kanal?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Uredi termin" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktivno" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dan" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Zaèetek" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Konec" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioriteta" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Veljavnost" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Datoteka" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Prvi dan" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Termini" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Vklop/Izklop" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Izbri¹i termin?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Snemanje po terminu - zares izbri¹i?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Oddaja" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Termini" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Posnemi" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Preklopi" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Termini" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Kaj je na sporedu?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Kaj sledi?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Kaj je na sporedu?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Sledi" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Sedaj" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Ne morem preklopiti kanala!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Ta oddaja - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Ta oddaja - vsi kanali" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Vse oddaje - vsi kanali" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Prosim vnesite %d ¹tevilk!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Podatki o snemanju" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Predvajaj" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Na zaèetek" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Posnetki" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Odpri" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Ukazi" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Napaka pri dostopu do posnetka!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Izbri¹i posnetek?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Napaka pri brisanju posnetka!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Ukazi za snemanje" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "nikoli" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "odvisno od preobleke" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "vedno" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Jezik" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Preobleka" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Levo" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Zgoraj" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "©irina" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Vi¹ina" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Èas prikaza sporoèila (s)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Uporabi male èrke" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Pozicija informacije o kanalu" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "spodaj" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "zgoraj" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Èas prikaza podatka o kanalu (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Poka¾i naziv kanala" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Èas prikaza informacije o kanalu" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Drsni meni" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Iz konca skoèi na zaèetek" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Meni gumb zapre meni" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Direktoriji za posnetke" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "Programski vodnik" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "I¹èi" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "Èas do EPG pregleda (h)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivo za popravilo EPG napak" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Prika¾i stare EPG podatke (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Nastavi sistemski èas" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Transponder za nastavitev èasa" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Prednostni jeziki" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Prednostni jezik" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "ne" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "samo imena" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "samo PIDe" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "imena in PIDe" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "dodaj nove programe" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "dodaj nove oddajnike" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primarna naprava" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Video format" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Format video prikaza" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Uporabljaj Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Posodobi kanale" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Jeziki za zvok" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Jezik za zvok" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Uporabi DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "Frekvenca preklopa (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Spodnja LNB-frek. (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Zgornja LNB-frek. (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Meni" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Reset" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Odpiram CAM meni..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Ne morem odpreti CAM menija!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Ne morem resetirati CAM-a!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Snemanje" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Premik zaèetka snemanja (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Zamik konca snemanja (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primarna meja" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Privzeta prioriteta" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Privzeti ¾ivljenski èas (d)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Prioriteta pavze" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Èas pavze (d)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Uporabi ime epizode" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Uporabi VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "Èasovna rezerva pri VPS (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Oznaèi direktno snemanje" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Ime za direktno snemanje" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Èas direktnega snemanja (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Najveèja velikost datoteke (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Razdeli urejene datoteke" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Predvajanje" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Re¾im z veè hitrostmi" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Prika¾i re¾im predvajanja" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "ID za predvajanje" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Ostalo" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Najmanj¹i èas dogodka (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Najmanj¹i èas neaktivnosti (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP èas neaktivnosti (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Èas ugla¹evanja (s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Privzeti kanal" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "kot prej" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Privzeta glasnost" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Vstavki" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Ta vstavek nima nastavitvenih parametrov!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Nastavitve" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Ponoven zagon" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Zares ponoven zagon?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Prekini snemanje " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "prosto" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Prekini predvajanje" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Zvok" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pavza" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Nadaljuj" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Ustavi" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Nadaljuj" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Prekini urejanje" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Prekini snemanje?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "®elite prekiniti urejanje?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Zvok ni dosegljiv!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Premalo prostora na disku za snemanje!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Ni proste DVB naprave za snemanje!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Ustavljanje predvajanja v ¾ivo..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Skoèi: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Nobena prekinitvena toèka ni definirana!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Ne morem zaèeti urejanja!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Urejanje se je zaèelo" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Urejanje je ¾e aktivno!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcèdefghijklmnopqrs¹tuvwxyz¾0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "da" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcè2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs¹7\ttuv8\twxyz¾9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Vstavi" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Prepi¹i" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Vstavi" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Vstavek" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Gor/Dol za novo poz. - Ok za premik" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Zaklenjen kanal (snemanje)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Premalo prostora na disku!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Zaustavitev ni izvedljiva - opcija '-s' ni podana!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Snemanje - zares izklopi?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Snemanje èez %ld minut, zares izklopi?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "zares izklopi?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Snemanje - zares ponoven zagon?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "zares ponoven zagon?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Glasnost " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klasièni VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG Konsola" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "PTSCPSN" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "PonTorSreCetPetSobNed" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "ponedeljek" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Torek" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "sreda" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "èetrtek" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Petek" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sobota" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Nedelja" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "Sledi VPS snemanje!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Snemanje se je prièelo" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Pritisnite katerikoli gumb za preklic izklopa" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Preklapljanje primarne DVB naprave..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Napaka pri procesu urejanja!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Proces urejanja je konèan" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/sv_SE.po b/po/sv_SE.po index bf84d16..bc879a1 100644 --- a/po/sv_SE.po +++ b/po/sv_SE.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-12 14:17+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Tomas Prybil \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -16,1256 +16,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Felaktig kanal ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanalen är inte tillgänglig!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Kan inte starta Transfer Mode!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "Påbörjar EPG skanning" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "ingen titel" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Svenska" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "sve" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Steg1: identifiering av kod" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Tryck valfri tangent på fjärrkontrollen" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Koden detekterad!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Tryck inte på någon knapp..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Fas 2: Inlärning av specifika knapp-koder" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "Tryck på knappen för '%s'" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Tryck 'Upp' för att bekräfta" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Tryck 'Ner' för att bekräfta" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Tryck 'Upp' för att backa)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Tryck 'Ner' för att avsluta inlärningen)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(Tryck 'Meny' för att hoppa över knappen.)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Inlärning av fjärrkontrollsknappar" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Fas 3: Spara knappkoder" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Tryck 'Upp' för att spara eller 'Ner' för att avsluta." -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Upp" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Ner" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Meny" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Ok" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Tillbaka" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Vänster" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Höger" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Röd" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Grön" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Gul" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Blå" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Info" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Spela upp" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Stoppa" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Spela in" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "Snabbspolning framåt" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Snabbspolning bakåt" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Nästa" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Bakåt" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "På/Av" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Förra kanalen" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volym+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volym-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Ljud Av" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Ljud" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanaler" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Timers" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Inspelningar" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Inställningar" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Kommandon" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "Okodad" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "krypterad" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "automatisk" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Ändra kanal" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "Namn" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Källa" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekvens" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "VPID" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "APID1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "APID2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "DPID1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "DPID2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "TPID" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "Kortläsare" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Polarisation" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "Inversion" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "av" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "ingen" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modulation" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bandbredd" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Transmission" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Guard" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hierarchy" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanalinställningarna är ej unika!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanaler" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Ta bort" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Ändra" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "Märk" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Ny" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Ta bort" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "Märk" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanalen används av en timer!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Ta bort kanalen?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Ändra timer" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktiv" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Dag" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Börjar" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Slutar" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Prioritet" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Livstid" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Filnamn" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "Första dag" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Timers" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Info" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "På/Av" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Info" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Ta bort timern?" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Timerstyrd inspelning pågår - Avbryta ändå?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Sändning" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Timer" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Inspelning" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Byt" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Timer" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Vad sänds nu?" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Vilket är nästa program?" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Vad sänds nu?" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Nästa" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Nu" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Omöjligt att byta kanal!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Den här sändningen - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Den här sändningen - alla kanaler" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Alla tillfällen - alla kanaler" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Mata in %d siffror!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Inspelning" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Spela upp" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Återspolning" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Inspelningar" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Öppna" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Kommandon" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Inspelningen går inte att läsa!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Ta bort inspelningen?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Inspelningen går inte att ta bort!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Inspelningskommandon" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "aldrig" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "skin beroende" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "alltid" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Språk" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Skin" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Vänster" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Övre" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Bredd" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Höjd" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Tid för meddelanden (sek)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Använd liten font" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Placering av kanalinformation" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "undre" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "övre" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Kanal information (s)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Information vid kanalbyte" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Timeout för kanalinformation" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Bläddra sidor" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Rulla texten" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Menyknappen stänger" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Kataloger för inspelningar" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Skanna" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "EPG sökning timeout" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "Nivå för EPG bugfix" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Visa gammal information (min)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Ställ in systemtid" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Använd klockan från transponder" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Önskade språk" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Önskat språk" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "nej" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "bara namn" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "bara PIDs" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "namn och PID" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "lägg till nya kanaler" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "lägg till nya transponders" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primär DVB enhet" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Video format" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Format för video display" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Använd Dolby Digital" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Uppdatera kanaler" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Antal ljudspråk" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Ljudspråk" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "Använd DiSEqC" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Undre LNB frekvens (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Övre LNB frekvens (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Meny" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Återställ" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "Öppnar CAM menyn..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "Det går inte att öppna CAM menyn!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "Kan inte återställa CAM!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Inspelning" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Marginal för start (min)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Marginal för stopp (min)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primär gräns" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Normal prioritet" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Normal livstid (dagar)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Prioritet för direktinspelning" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Livstid för direktinspelning (dagar)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Använd episodnamn" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "Använd VPS" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "VPS marginal (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Märk direktinspelning" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Namnge direktinspelning" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Direktinspelning längd (min)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maximal filstorlek för inspelning (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Dela upp redigerade filer" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Uppspelning" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Multispeed mode" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Visa uppspelningsläge" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Återuppta ID" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Diverse" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Minsta händelse-pause (min)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Minsta användar-inaktivitet (min)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP Timeout (s)" -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Zap timeout(s)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Kanal vid uppstart" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "som förut" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Ljudstyrka vid uppstart" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Moduler" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Den här modulen har inga parametrar" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Inställningar" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Omstart" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Vill du verkligen starta om?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Avsluta inspelning " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "ledigt" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Avsluta uppspelning" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Ljud" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Fortsätt" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Stopp" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Fortsätt" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Avbryt redigering" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Stanna inspelning?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Avbryta redigeringen?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Ljud saknas!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Otillräcklingt diskutrymme för inspelning!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Det finns ingen ledig DVB enhet för inspelning!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Pausar direktinspelningen" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Hopp: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Det finns inga redigeringsmärken" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Kan inte starta redigering!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Redigeringen startar" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Redigeringen är redan aktiv!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "ja" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcåä2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmnoö6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Infoga" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Skriv över" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Infoga" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Modul" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "Upp/Ner för nya platsen - därefter OK för att flytta" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanalen är låst (inspelning pågår)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Lågt diskutrymme!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Kan inte avsluta, måste använda parameter '-s'" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Inspelning pågår, vill du ändå avbryta?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Inspelning startar om %ld minuter, vill du avsluta?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "vill du ändå avbryta?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Inspelning pågår, vill du ändå starta om?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "vill du ändå starta om?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volym " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klassisk VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG konsol" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "MTOTFLS" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "MånTisOnsTorFreLörSön" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Måndag" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tisdag" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Onsdag" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torsdag" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Fredag" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lördag" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Söndag" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "strax VPS inspelning..." -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Inspelningen har startat" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Tryck valfri knapp för att återkalla avstängningen" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Byter primär DVB enhet..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Redigeringsprocessen misslyckades" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Redigering avslutad" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "" diff --git a/po/tr_TR.po b/po/tr_TR.po index 487c426..3036d13 100644 --- a/po/tr_TR.po +++ b/po/tr_TR.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.5.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-19 13:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-10-13 11:29+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-24 14:37+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Oktay Yolgeçen \n" "Language-Team: \n" @@ -15,1256 +15,983 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-9\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: channels.c:1077 menu.c:707 msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***" msgstr "*** Geçersiz kanal ***" -#: device.c:634 device.c:670 msgid "Channel not available!" msgstr "Kanal kullanılamıyor!" -#: device.c:636 msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!" msgstr "Transfer modu başlatılamıyor!" -#: eitscan.c:159 msgid "Starting EPG scan" msgstr "EPG tarama başlıyor" -#: epg.c:346 epg.c:441 msgid "No title" msgstr "İsim yok" #. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively -#: i18n.c:30 msgid "LanguageName$English" msgstr "Türkçe" #. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language -#: i18n.c:32 msgid "LanguageCode$eng" msgstr "tur" -#: interface.c:75 msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type" msgstr "Faz 1: Kumandanın kodu aranıyor" -#: interface.c:76 msgid "Press any key on the RC unit" msgstr "Kumandada herhangi bir tuşa bas" -#: interface.c:79 msgid "RC code detected!" msgstr "Kumandanın kodu bulundu!" -#: interface.c:80 msgid "Do not press any key..." msgstr "Tuşlara basma..." -#: interface.c:86 msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes" msgstr "Faz 2: Belirli tuş kodu eğitiliyor" -#: interface.c:90 #, c-format msgid "Press key for '%s'" msgstr "'%s' için tuş seç" -#: interface.c:106 msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm" msgstr "Onaylamak için 'Yukarı' bas" -#: interface.c:107 msgid "Press 'Down' to continue" msgstr "Devam etmek için 'Aşağı' bas" -#: interface.c:138 msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)" msgstr "(Geri dönmek için 'Yukarı' bas)" -#: interface.c:142 msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)" msgstr "(Bitirmek için 'Aşağı' bas)" -#: interface.c:146 msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)" msgstr "(Tuşu atlamak için 'Menü' bas)" -#: interface.c:167 msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys" msgstr "Uzaktan kumandanın tuşları eğitiliyor" -#: interface.c:180 msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes" msgstr "Faz 3: Tuş ayarlarını kesinleştir" -#: interface.c:181 msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel" msgstr "Kesinleştirmek için 'Yukarı', Iptal etmek için 'Aşağı' bas" -#: keys.c:14 msgid "Key$Up" msgstr "Yukarı" -#: keys.c:15 msgid "Key$Down" msgstr "Aşağı" -#: keys.c:16 msgid "Key$Menu" msgstr "Menü" -#: keys.c:17 msgid "Key$Ok" msgstr "Tamam" -#: keys.c:18 msgid "Key$Back" msgstr "Geri" -#: keys.c:19 msgid "Key$Left" msgstr "Sol" -#: keys.c:20 msgid "Key$Right" msgstr "Sağ" -#: keys.c:21 msgid "Key$Red" msgstr "Kırmızı" -#: keys.c:22 msgid "Key$Green" msgstr "Yeşil" -#: keys.c:23 msgid "Key$Yellow" msgstr "Sarı" -#: keys.c:24 msgid "Key$Blue" msgstr "Mavi" -#: keys.c:35 msgid "Key$Info" msgstr "Bilgi" -#: keys.c:36 msgid "Key$Play" msgstr "Göster" -#: keys.c:37 msgid "Key$Pause" msgstr "Durakla" -#: keys.c:38 msgid "Key$Stop" msgstr "Durdur" -#: keys.c:39 msgid "Key$Record" msgstr "Kayıt et" -#: keys.c:40 msgid "Key$FastFwd" msgstr "İleri sar" -#: keys.c:41 msgid "Key$FastRew" msgstr "Geri sar" -#: keys.c:42 msgid "Key$Next" msgstr "Sonraki" -#: keys.c:43 msgid "Key$Prev" msgstr "Önceki" -#: keys.c:44 msgid "Key$Power" msgstr "Kapat" -#: keys.c:45 msgid "Key$Channel+" msgstr "Kanal+" -#: keys.c:46 msgid "Key$Channel-" msgstr "Kanal-" -#: keys.c:47 msgid "Key$PrevChannel" msgstr "Önceki kanal" -#: keys.c:48 msgid "Key$Volume+" msgstr "Volüm+" -#: keys.c:49 msgid "Key$Volume-" msgstr "Volüm-" -#: keys.c:50 skinclassic.c:549 msgid "Key$Mute" msgstr "Sessiz" -#: keys.c:51 msgid "Key$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: keys.c:52 +msgid "Key$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + msgid "Key$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: keys.c:53 msgid "Key$Channels" msgstr "Kanallar" -#: keys.c:54 msgid "Key$Timers" msgstr "Zamanlayıcı" -#: keys.c:55 msgid "Key$Recordings" msgstr "Kayıtlar" -#: keys.c:56 msgid "Key$Setup" msgstr "Ayarlar" -#: keys.c:57 msgid "Key$Commands" msgstr "Komutlar" -#: keys.c:58 msgid "Key$User1" msgstr "Kullanıcı1" -#: keys.c:59 msgid "Key$User2" msgstr "Kullanıcı2" -#: keys.c:60 msgid "Key$User3" msgstr "Kullanıcı3" -#: keys.c:61 msgid "Key$User4" msgstr "Kullanıcı4" -#: keys.c:62 msgid "Key$User5" msgstr "Kullanıcı5" -#: keys.c:63 msgid "Key$User6" msgstr "Kullanıcı6" -#: keys.c:64 msgid "Key$User7" msgstr "Kullanıcı7" -#: keys.c:65 msgid "Key$User8" msgstr "Kullanıcı8" -#: keys.c:66 msgid "Key$User9" msgstr "Kullanıcı9" -#: menu.c:69 msgid "Free To Air" msgstr "Şifresiz" -#: menu.c:71 msgid "encrypted" msgstr "Şifreli" -#: menu.c:177 msgid "auto" msgstr "otomatik" -#: menu.c:229 msgid "Edit channel" msgstr "Kanal ayarlarını değiştir" -#: menu.c:254 msgid "Name" msgstr "İsim" -#: menu.c:255 msgid "Source" msgstr "Kaynak" -#: menu.c:256 msgid "Frequency" msgstr "Frekans" -#: menu.c:257 msgid "Vpid" msgstr "Vpid" -#: menu.c:258 msgid "Ppid" msgstr "Ppid" -#: menu.c:259 msgid "Apid1" msgstr "Apid1" -#: menu.c:260 msgid "Apid2" msgstr "Apid2" -#: menu.c:261 msgid "Dpid1" msgstr "Dpid1" -#: menu.c:262 msgid "Dpid2" msgstr "Dpid2" -#: menu.c:263 +msgid "Spid1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spid2" +msgstr "" + msgid "Tpid" msgstr "Tpid" -#: menu.c:264 msgid "CA" msgstr "CA" -#: menu.c:265 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" -#: menu.c:272 msgid "Polarization" msgstr "Kutuplaşma" -#: menu.c:273 msgid "Srate" msgstr "Srate" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "Inversion" msgstr "İnversiyon" -#: menu.c:274 msgid "off" msgstr "kapalı" -#: menu.c:275 msgid "CoderateH" msgstr "CoderateH" -#: menu.c:275 menu.c:276 menu.c:281 msgid "none" msgstr "hiç" -#: menu.c:276 msgid "CoderateL" msgstr "CoderateL" -#: menu.c:277 msgid "Modulation" msgstr "Modülasyon" -#: menu.c:278 msgid "Bandwidth" msgstr "Bant genişliği" -#: menu.c:279 msgid "Transmission" msgstr "İletim" -#: menu.c:280 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Koruma" -#: menu.c:281 msgid "Hierarchy" msgstr "Hiyerarşi" -#: menu.c:312 msgid "Channel settings are not unique!" msgstr "Kanal ayarları belli değıl!" -#: menu.c:402 menu.c:2923 msgid "Channels" msgstr "Kanallar" -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Delete" -msgstr "Sil" - -#: menu.c:432 msgid "Button$Edit" msgstr "Değiştir" -#: menu.c:432 -msgid "Button$Mark" -msgstr "İşaretle" - -#: menu.c:432 menu.c:847 msgid "Button$New" msgstr "Yeni" -#: menu.c:512 +msgid "Button$Delete" +msgstr "Sil" + +msgid "Button$Mark" +msgstr "İşaretle" + msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!" msgstr "Kanal zamanlayıcıdan kullanılıyor!" -#: menu.c:515 msgid "Delete channel?" msgstr "Kanalı sil?" -#: menu.c:652 msgid "Edit timer" msgstr "Zamanlayıcıyı ayarla" -#: menu.c:662 msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif" -#: menu.c:663 msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" -#: menu.c:664 msgid "Day" msgstr "Gün" -#: menu.c:665 msgid "Start" msgstr "Başlangıç" -#: menu.c:666 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Bitiş" -#: menu.c:667 msgid "VPS" msgstr "VPS" -#: menu.c:668 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Öncelik" -#: menu.c:669 msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "Ömrü" -#: menu.c:670 msgid "File" msgstr "Kütük" -#: menu.c:686 msgid "First day" msgstr "İlk gün" -#: menu.c:811 menu.c:2924 msgid "Timers" msgstr "Zamanlayıcı" -#: menu.c:847 menu.c:1920 -msgid "Button$Info" -msgstr "Bilgi" - -#: menu.c:847 msgid "Button$On/Off" msgstr "Aç/Kapat" -#: menu.c:890 +msgid "Button$Info" +msgstr "Bilgi" + msgid "Delete timer?" msgstr "Zamanlayıcıyı sil" -#: menu.c:892 menu.c:2031 msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?" msgstr "Zamanlayıcı kayıt ediyor - buna rağmen sil?" -#: menu.c:948 msgid "Event" msgstr "Yayın" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 menu.c:1501 menu.c:2984 +msgid "Button$Timer" +msgstr "Zamanlayıcı" + msgid "Button$Record" msgstr "Kayıt et" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1138 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Switch" msgstr "Değiştir" -#: menu.c:958 menu.c:1137 menu.c:1380 -msgid "Button$Timer" -msgstr "Zamanlayıcı" +msgid "What's on now?" +msgstr "Şimdiki yayınlar" -#: menu.c:1093 msgid "What's on next?" msgstr "Gelecek yayınlar" -#: menu.c:1093 -msgid "What's on now?" -msgstr "Şimdiki yayınlar" - -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Next" msgstr "Sonra" -#: menu.c:1138 menu.c:1381 menu.c:1501 msgid "Button$Now" msgstr "Şimdi" -#: menu.c:1138 msgid "Button$Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:1158 menu.c:1450 msgid "Can't switch channel!" msgstr "Kanala değiştirelemiyor!" -#: menu.c:1283 #, c-format msgid "Schedule - %s" msgstr "Program - %s" -#: menu.c:1304 #, c-format msgid "This event - %s" msgstr "Bu yayın - %s" -#: menu.c:1323 msgid "This event - all channels" msgstr "Bu yayın - tüm kanallar" -#: menu.c:1342 msgid "All events - all channels" msgstr "Tüm yayınlar - tüm kanallar" -#: menu.c:1712 #, c-format msgid "Please enter %d digits!" msgstr "Lütfen %d rakam veriniz!" -#: menu.c:1754 msgid "CAM not responding!" msgstr "CAM yanıt vermiyor!" -#: menu.c:1784 msgid "Recording info" msgstr "Kayıt bilgisi" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Play" msgstr "Göster" -#: menu.c:1789 menu.c:1920 msgid "Button$Rewind" msgstr "Baslangıç" -#: menu.c:1879 menu.c:2925 msgid "Recordings" msgstr "Kayıtlar" -#: menu.c:1918 msgid "Button$Open" msgstr "Aç" -#: menu.c:1920 menu.c:2902 menu.c:2944 menu.c:3037 msgid "Commands" msgstr "Komutlar" -#: menu.c:1970 msgid "Error while accessing recording!" msgstr "Kayıt okuma hatası!" -#: menu.c:2028 msgid "Delete recording?" msgstr "Kayıtı sil?" -#: menu.c:2058 msgid "Error while deleting recording!" msgstr "Kayıt silme hatası!" -#: menu.c:2089 msgid "Recording commands" msgstr "Kayıt komutları" -#: menu.c:2203 msgid "never" msgstr "hiç" -#: menu.c:2204 msgid "skin dependent" msgstr "yüzeye bağimli" -#: menu.c:2205 msgid "always" msgstr "hep" -#: menu.c:2207 menu.c:2811 msgid "OSD" msgstr "OSD" -#: menu.c:2208 msgid "Setup.OSD$Language" msgstr "Dil" -#: menu.c:2209 msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin" msgstr "Yüzey" -#: menu.c:2211 msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme" msgstr "Tema" -#: menu.c:2212 msgid "Setup.OSD$Left" msgstr "Sol" -#: menu.c:2213 msgid "Setup.OSD$Top" msgstr "Üst" -#: menu.c:2214 msgid "Setup.OSD$Width" msgstr "Genişlik" -#: menu.c:2215 msgid "Setup.OSD$Height" msgstr "Yükseklik" -#: menu.c:2216 msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)" msgstr "Mesaj gösterme zamanı (sn)" -#: menu.c:2217 msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font" msgstr "Küçük font kullan" -#: menu.c:2218 msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias" msgstr "Anti-alias" -#: menu.c:2219 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font" msgstr "Olağan font" -#: menu.c:2220 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font" msgstr "Küçük font" -#: menu.c:2221 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font" msgstr "Çakılı font" -#: menu.c:2222 msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (pixel)" msgstr "Olağan font boyutu (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2223 msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (pixel)" msgstr "Küçük font boyutu (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2224 msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (pixel)" msgstr "Çakılı font boyutu (pixel)" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position" msgstr "Kanal bilgi pozisyonu" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "bottom" msgstr "alt" -#: menu.c:2225 msgid "top" msgstr "üst" -#: menu.c:2226 msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)" msgstr "Kanal bilgi gösterme zamanı (sn)" -#: menu.c:2227 msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch" msgstr "Kanal değiştirme bilgisi" -#: menu.c:2228 msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info" msgstr "Kanal bilginin zaman aşımı" -#: menu.c:2229 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages" msgstr "Sayfa kaydırma" -#: menu.c:2230 msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps" msgstr "Sarım kaydırma" -#: menu.c:2231 msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes" msgstr "Menü düğmesi kapatıyor" -#: menu.c:2232 msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories" msgstr "Kayıt dizinleri" -#: menu.c:2323 menu.c:2812 msgid "EPG" msgstr "EPG" -#: menu.c:2324 msgid "Button$Scan" msgstr "Tara" -#: menu.c:2334 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)" msgstr "EPG tarama zaman aşımı (sa)" -#: menu.c:2335 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level" msgstr "EPG hata çözümleme ölçüsü" -#: menu.c:2336 msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)" msgstr "Eski EPG göster (dak)" -#: menu.c:2337 msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time" msgstr "Bilgisayar saatini ayarla" -#: menu.c:2339 msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder" msgstr "Bilgisayar saati için uydu alıcı-verici" #. TRANSLATORS: note the plural! -#: menu.c:2341 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages" msgstr "Dil tercihleri" #. TRANSLATORS: note the singular! -#: menu.c:2344 msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language" msgstr "Dil tercihi" -#: menu.c:2416 msgid "pan&scan" msgstr "pan&scan" -#: menu.c:2417 msgid "letterbox" msgstr "letterbox" -#: menu.c:2418 msgid "center cut out" msgstr "center cut out" -#: menu.c:2419 menuitems.c:121 msgid "no" msgstr "hayır" -#: menu.c:2420 msgid "names only" msgstr "sırf isimler" -#: menu.c:2421 msgid "PIDs only" msgstr "sırf PID'ler" -#: menu.c:2422 msgid "names and PIDs" msgstr "İsimler ve PID'ler" -#: menu.c:2423 msgid "add new channels" msgstr "yeni kanallar ekle" -#: menu.c:2424 msgid "add new transponders" msgstr "yeni uydu alıcı-verici ekle" -#: menu.c:2426 menu.c:2813 msgid "DVB" msgstr "DVB" -#: menu.c:2436 msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface" msgstr "Primer DVB arayüzü" -#: menu.c:2437 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format" msgstr "Video formatı" -#: menu.c:2439 msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format" msgstr "Video görüntü biçimi" -#: menu.c:2440 msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital" msgstr "Dolby Dijital ses kullan" -#: menu.c:2441 msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels" msgstr "Kanalları yenile" -#: menu.c:2442 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages" msgstr "Audio dilleri" -#: menu.c:2444 msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language" msgstr "Audio dili" -#: menu.c:2505 menu.c:2814 +msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency" +msgstr "" + msgid "LNB" msgstr "LNB" -#: menu.c:2515 msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC" msgstr "DiSEqC kullan" -#: menu.c:2517 msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)" msgstr "SLOF (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2518 msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Alt LNB frekansı (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2519 msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)" msgstr "Üst LNB frekansı (MHz)" -#: menu.c:2560 msgid "CAM reset" msgstr "CAM sıfırlandı" -#: menu.c:2561 msgid "CAM present" msgstr "CAM mevcut" -#: menu.c:2562 msgid "CAM ready" msgstr "CAM hazır" -#: menu.c:2585 menu.c:2815 msgid "CAM" msgstr "CAM" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Menu" msgstr "Menü" -#: menu.c:2590 msgid "Button$Reset" msgstr "Sıfırla" -#: menu.c:2598 msgid "Opening CAM menu..." msgstr "CAM menüsü açılıyor..." -#: menu.c:2615 msgid "Can't open CAM menu!" msgstr "CAM menüsü açılamıyor!" -#: menu.c:2624 msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?" msgstr "CAM kullanılıyor - gerçekden sıfırla?" -#: menu.c:2626 msgid "Can't reset CAM!" msgstr "CAM sıfırlanamadı!" -#: menu.c:2660 menu.c:2816 msgid "Recording" msgstr "Kayıt" -#: menu.c:2661 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)" msgstr "Başında tolerans (dak)" -#: menu.c:2662 msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)" msgstr "Sonunda tolerans (dak)" -#: menu.c:2663 msgid "Setup.Recording$Primary limit" msgstr "Primer limit" -#: menu.c:2664 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority" msgstr "Olağan priorite" -#: menu.c:2665 msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)" msgstr "Olağan çekim ömrü (gün)" -#: menu.c:2666 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority" msgstr "Duraklama prioritesi" -#: menu.c:2667 msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)" msgstr "Duraklama ömrü (gün)" -#: menu.c:2668 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name" msgstr "Episod ismini kullan" -#: menu.c:2669 msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS" msgstr "VPS kullan" -#: menu.c:2670 msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)" msgstr "VPS tolerans (s)" -#: menu.c:2671 msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording" msgstr "Derhal çekimi işaretle" -#: menu.c:2672 msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording" msgstr "Derhal çekimi isimlendir" -#: menu.c:2673 msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)" msgstr "Derhal çekim süresi (dak)" -#: menu.c:2674 msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)" msgstr "Maksimum Video kütük büyüklügü (MB)" -#: menu.c:2675 msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files" msgstr "Düzenlenmiş kütükleri ayır" -#: menu.c:2689 menu.c:2817 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Tekrar" -#: menu.c:2690 msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode" msgstr "Katlı hız sarma" -#: menu.c:2691 msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode" msgstr "Gösteriş bilgisi" -#: menu.c:2692 msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID" msgstr "Gösteriş ID'si" -#: menu.c:2711 menu.c:2818 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Diğerler" -#: menu.c:2712 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)" msgstr "Minimum olay zaman aşımı (dak)" -#: menu.c:2713 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)" msgstr "Minimum kullanıcı hareketsizliği (dak)" -#: menu.c:2714 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)" msgstr "SVDRP zaman aşımı (sn) " -#: menu.c:2715 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)" msgstr "Zaping zaman aşımı (sn)" -#: menu.c:2716 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)" msgstr "Kanal giriş zaman aşımı (ms)" -#: menu.c:2717 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel" msgstr "Açılışdaki kanal" -#: menu.c:2717 menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before" msgstr "önceki gibi" -#: menu.c:2718 msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume" msgstr "Açılışdaki ses" -#: menu.c:2747 menu.c:2820 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Eklentiler" -#: menu.c:2777 msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!" msgstr "Bu eklentinin düzenek parametresi yok!" -#: menu.c:2808 menu.c:2942 menuitems.c:950 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Ayarlar" -#: menu.c:2821 msgid "Restart" msgstr "Yeniden başlat" -#: menu.c:2826 msgid "Really restart?" msgstr "Gerçekten yeniden başlat?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks! -#: menu.c:2878 msgid " Stop recording " msgstr " Çekimi bitir " -#: menu.c:2922 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Program" -#: menu.c:2966 -msgid "Disk" -msgstr "Disk" - -#: menu.c:2966 msgid "VDR" msgstr "VDR" -#: menu.c:2966 +msgid "Disk" +msgstr "Disk" + msgid "free" msgstr "boş" #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2978 msgid " Stop replaying" msgstr " Gösterişi bitir" -#: menu.c:2984 menu.c:3496 msgid "Button$Audio" msgstr "Audio" -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Pause" msgstr "Durakla" -#: menu.c:2984 -msgid "Button$Resume" -msgstr "Sürdür" - -#: menu.c:2984 msgid "Button$Stop" msgstr "Durdur" +msgid "Button$Resume" +msgstr "Sürdür" + #. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank! -#: menu.c:2992 msgid " Cancel editing" msgstr " Kesimi iptal et" -#: menu.c:3038 msgid "Stop recording?" msgstr "Kayıtı durdur?" -#: menu.c:3046 msgid "Cancel editing?" msgstr "Kesimi iptal et?" -#: menu.c:3526 msgid "No audio available!" msgstr "Audio yok!" -#: menu.c:3736 +msgid "No subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Button$Subtitles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No subtitles available!" +msgstr "" + msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!" msgstr "Kayıt için yeterince kapasite yok!" -#: menu.c:3767 vdr.c:1017 vdr.c:1077 msgid "No free DVB device to record!" msgstr "Kullanılmayan DVB kartı bulunmadı!" -#: menu.c:3797 msgid "Pausing live video..." msgstr "Naklen yayın duraklatılıyor..." #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: menu.c:4040 msgid "Jump: " msgstr "Atla: " -#: menu.c:4184 msgid "No editing marks defined!" msgstr "Kesim işaretleri belirtilmemiş!" -#: menu.c:4186 msgid "Can't start editing process!" msgstr "Kesim başlatılamıyor!" -#: menu.c:4188 msgid "Editing process started" msgstr "Kesim başlandı" -#: menu.c:4191 msgid "Editing process already active!" msgstr "Kesim henüz aktif!" -#: menuitems.c:21 msgid " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" msgstr " abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz0123456789-.#~,/_@" -#: menuitems.c:122 msgid "yes" msgstr "evet" -#: menuitems.c:288 msgid " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9" msgstr " 0\t-.#~,/_@1\tabcç2\tdef3\tgğhıi4\tjkl5\tmnoö6\tprsş7\ttuüv8\tyz9" -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$ABC/abc" msgstr "ABC/abc" -#: menuitems.c:320 -msgid "Button$Insert" -msgstr "Ekle" - -#: menuitems.c:320 msgid "Button$Overwrite" msgstr "Üstüne yaz" -#: menuitems.c:971 +msgid "Button$Insert" +msgstr "Ekle" + msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Eklenti" -#: osdbase.c:446 msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move" msgstr "'Yukarı/Aşağı' yeni posizyon seç - 'Tamam' taşı" -#: player.c:84 msgid "Channel locked (recording)!" msgstr "Kanal geçersiz (kayıt ediliyor)!" -#: recording.c:189 msgid "Low disk space!" msgstr "Kayıt kapasitesi az!" -#: shutdown.c:148 msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!" msgstr "Kapatılamıyor - '-s' seçeneği verilmemiş!" -#: shutdown.c:152 msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Kesim aktif - buna rağmen kapat?" -#: shutdown.c:162 msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?" msgstr "Kayıt ediliyor - buna rağmen kapat?" -#: shutdown.c:169 #, c-format msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?" msgstr "Kayıt %ld dakikada başlıyor - buna rağmen kapat?" -#: shutdown.c:174 msgid "shut down anyway?" msgstr "buna rağmen kapat?" -#: shutdown.c:184 #, c-format msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?" msgstr "Eklenti %s %ld dakikada açılıyor, devam et?" -#: shutdown.c:195 msgid "Editing - restart anyway?" msgstr "Kesim aktif - buna rağmen yeniden başlat?" -#: shutdown.c:205 msgid "Recording - restart anyway?" msgstr "Kayıt ediliyor - buna rağmen yeniden başlat?" -#: shutdown.c:209 msgid "restart anyway?" msgstr "buna rağmen yeniden başlat?" #. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank! -#: skinclassic.c:553 msgid "Volume " msgstr "Volüm " -#: skinclassic.c:702 msgid "Classic VDR" msgstr "Klasik VDR" -#: skinsttng.c:1136 msgid "ST:TNG Panels" msgstr "ST:TNG paneli" #. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday -#: timers.c:222 msgid "MTWTFSS" msgstr "PSÇPCCP" #. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!) -#: tools.c:856 msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun" msgstr "PztSalÇarPerCumCmtPaz" -#: tools.c:875 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Pazartesi" -#: tools.c:876 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Salı" -#: tools.c:877 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Çarşamba" -#: tools.c:878 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Perşembe" -#: tools.c:879 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Cuma" -#: tools.c:880 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Cumartesi" -#: tools.c:881 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Pazar" -#: vdr.c:863 msgid "Upcoming VPS recording!" msgstr "VPS çekim yakında başlıyor!" -#: vdr.c:1025 vdr.c:1081 msgid "Recording started" msgstr "Kayıt başlandı" -#: vdr.c:1034 msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force" msgstr "VDR daha sonra kapanacak - zorlamak için Kapat'a bas" -#: vdr.c:1046 msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown" msgstr "Kapatmayı iptal etmek için herhangi bir tuşa bas" -#: vdr.c:1099 msgid "Switching primary DVB..." msgstr "Primer DVB arayüzü değiştiriliyor..." -#: vdr.c:1167 msgid "Editing process failed!" msgstr "Kesim başarısız!" -#: vdr.c:1169 msgid "Editing process finished" msgstr "Kesim bitti" -#: vdr.c:1175 msgid "Press any key to cancel restart" msgstr "Yeniden başlatmayı iptal etmek için herhangi bir tuşa bas" -#: vdr.c:1195 #, c-format msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes" msgstr "VDR %s dakikada kapanacak" diff --git a/recording.c b/recording.c index 22bb955..5184611 100644 --- a/recording.c +++ b/recording.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: recording.c 1.154 2007/06/17 13:10:12 kls Exp $ + * $Id: recording.c 1.156 2007/10/14 10:21:54 kls Exp $ */ #include "recording.h" @@ -296,6 +296,17 @@ cRecordingInfo::cRecordingInfo(const cChannel *Channel, const cEvent *Event) strn0cpy(Component->language, s, sizeof(Component->language)); } } + // The same applies to subtitles: + for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) { + const char *s = Channel->Slang(i); + if (*s) { + tComponent *Component = Components->GetComponent(i, 3, 3); + if (!Component) + Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), 3, 3, s, NULL); + else if (strlen(s) > strlen(Component->language)) + strn0cpy(Component->language, s, sizeof(Component->language)); + } + } if (Components != event->Components()) ((cEvent *)event)->SetComponents(Components); } @@ -818,6 +829,32 @@ bool cRecording::Remove(void) return RemoveVideoFile(FileName()); } +bool cRecording::Undelete(void) +{ + bool result = true; + char *NewName = strdup(FileName()); + char *ext = strrchr(NewName, '.'); + if (ext && strcmp(ext, DELEXT) == 0) { + strncpy(ext, RECEXT, strlen(ext)); + if (access(NewName, F_OK) == 0) { + // the new name already exists, so let's not remove that one: + esyslog("ERROR: attempt to undelete '%s', while recording '%s' exists", FileName(), NewName); + result = false; + } + else { + isyslog("undeleting recording '%s'", FileName()); + if (access(FileName(), F_OK) == 0) + result = RenameVideoFile(FileName(), NewName); + else { + isyslog("deleted recording '%s' vanished", FileName()); + result = false; + } + } + } + free(NewName); + return result; +} + void cRecording::ResetResume(void) const { resume = RESUME_NOT_INITIALIZED; diff --git a/recording.h b/recording.h index 045bb24..4bdcd1b 100644 --- a/recording.h +++ b/recording.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: recording.h 1.57 2007/06/17 12:53:05 kls Exp $ + * $Id: recording.h 1.59 2007/10/14 10:11:34 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __RECORDING_H @@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ private: mutable char *name; mutable int fileSizeMB; cRecordingInfo *info; + cRecording(const cRecording&); // can't copy cRecording + cRecording &operator=(const cRecording &); // can't assign cRecording static char *StripEpisodeName(char *s); char *SortName(void) const; int GetResume(void) const; @@ -100,6 +102,10 @@ public: bool Remove(void); // Actually removes the file from the disk // Returns false in case of error + bool Undelete(void); + // Changes the file name so that it will be visible in the "Recordings" menu again and + // not processed by cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread. + // Returns false in case of error }; class cRecordings : public cList, public cThread { diff --git a/remux.c b/remux.c index ccc5b00..aed3829 100644 --- a/remux.c +++ b/remux.c @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ * The cRepacker family's code was originally written by Reinhard Nissl , * and adapted to the VDR coding style by * - * $Id: remux.c 1.58 2007/02/24 16:36:10 kls Exp $ + * $Id: remux.c 1.59 2007/09/22 12:08:22 kls Exp $ */ #include "remux.h" @@ -1555,6 +1555,13 @@ void cTS2PES::send_ipack(void) buf[7] = 0x00; buf[8] = 0x00; count = 9; + if (!repacker && subStreamId) { + buf[9] = subStreamId; + buf[10] = 1; + buf[11] = 0; + buf[12] = 1; + count = 13; + } break; case 1: buf[6] = 0x0F; @@ -1766,6 +1773,19 @@ void cTS2PES::instant_repack(const uint8_t *Buf, int Count) return; } + if (!repacker && subStreamId) { + while (c < Count && found < (hlength + 9) && found < plength + 6) { + write_ipack(Buf + c, 1); + c++; + found++; + } + if (found == (hlength + 9)) { + uchar sbuf[] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00 }; + write_ipack(&subStreamId, 1); + write_ipack(sbuf, 3); + } + } + while (c < Count && found < plength + 6) { int l = Count - c; if (l + found > plength + 6) @@ -1856,7 +1876,7 @@ void cTS2PES::ts_to_pes(const uint8_t *Buf) // don't need count (=188) cRemux::cRemux(int VPid, const int *APids, const int *DPids, const int *SPids, bool ExitOnFailure) { exitOnFailure = ExitOnFailure; - isRadio = VPid == 0 || VPid == 1 || VPid == 0x1FFF; + noVideo = VPid == 0 || VPid == 1 || VPid == 0x1FFF; numUPTerrors = 0; synced = false; skipped = 0; @@ -1888,13 +1908,11 @@ cRemux::cRemux(int VPid, const int *APids, const int *DPids, const int *SPids, b while (*DPids && numTracks < MAXTRACKS && n < MAXDPIDS) ts2pes[numTracks++] = new cTS2PES(*DPids++, resultBuffer, IPACKS, 0x00, 0x80 + n++, new cDolbyRepacker); } - /* future... if (SPids) { int n = 0; while (*SPids && numTracks < MAXTRACKS && n < MAXSPIDS) - ts2pes[numTracks++] = new cTS2PES(*SPids++, resultBuffer, IPACKS, 0x00, 0x28 + n++); + ts2pes[numTracks++] = new cTS2PES(*SPids++, resultBuffer, IPACKS, 0x00, 0x20 + n++); } - */ } cRemux::~cRemux() @@ -2080,7 +2098,7 @@ uchar *cRemux::Get(int &Count, uchar *PictureType) l = GetPacketLength(data, resultCount, i); if (l < 0) return resultData; - if (isRadio) { + if (noVideo) { if (!synced) { if (PictureType) *PictureType = I_FRAME; diff --git a/remux.h b/remux.h index 2f11756..1b7727e 100644 --- a/remux.h +++ b/remux.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: remux.h 1.16 2006/03/25 12:27:30 kls Exp $ + * $Id: remux.h 1.17 2007/09/02 10:19:06 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __REMUX_H @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class cTS2PES; class cRemux { private: bool exitOnFailure; - bool isRadio; + bool noVideo; int numUPTerrors; bool synced; int skipped; diff --git a/sections.c b/sections.c index 4df6c25..afb4f0b 100644 --- a/sections.c +++ b/sections.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: sections.c 1.14 2005/09/18 11:30:29 kls Exp $ + * $Id: sections.c 1.15 2007/10/14 12:52:07 kls Exp $ */ #include "sections.h" @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void cSectionHandler::Del(const cFilterData *FilterData) for (fh = filterHandles.First(); fh; fh = filterHandles.Next(fh)) { if (fh->filterData.Is(FilterData->pid, FilterData->tid, FilterData->mask)) { if (--fh->used <= 0) { - close(fh->handle); + device->CloseFilter(fh->handle); filterHandles.Del(fh); break; } diff --git a/svdrp.c b/svdrp.c index 933375f..c8cd5be 100644 --- a/svdrp.c +++ b/svdrp.c @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ * and interact with the Video Disk Recorder - or write a full featured * graphical interface that sits on top of an SVDRP connection. * - * $Id: svdrp.c 1.103 2007/08/25 09:28:26 kls Exp $ + * $Id: svdrp.c 1.104 2007/10/13 10:17:48 kls Exp $ */ #include "svdrp.h" @@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ void cSVDRP::CmdHELP(const char *Option) if (*Option) { const char *hp = GetHelpPage(Option, HelpPages); if (hp) - Reply(214, "%s", hp); + Reply(-214, "%s", hp); else { Reply(504, "HELP topic \"%s\" unknown", Option); return; diff --git a/tools.c b/tools.c index 642704c..bbbcf82 100644 --- a/tools.c +++ b/tools.c @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * - * $Id: tools.c 1.135 2007/08/05 12:18:15 kls Exp $ + * $Id: tools.c 1.136 2007/10/13 12:00:21 kls Exp $ */ #include "tools.h" @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ const char *cCharSetConv::Convert(const char *From, char *To, size_t ToLength) size_t d = ToPtr - result; size_t r = length / 2; length += r; - result = (char *)realloc(result, length); + Converted = result = (char *)realloc(result, length); ToLength += r; ToPtr = result + d; } diff --git a/vdr.5 b/vdr.5 index 6ea1e49..e01b277 100644 --- a/vdr.5 +++ b/vdr.5 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ .\" License as specified in the file COPYING that comes with the .\" vdr distribution. .\" -.\" $Id: vdr.5 1.63 2007/08/05 12:58:35 kls Exp $ +.\" $Id: vdr.5 1.64 2007/08/26 10:57:08 kls Exp $ .\" .TH vdr 5 "07 Jan 2007" "1.4.5" "Video Disk Recorder Files" .SH NAME @@ -557,6 +557,8 @@ a recording is split into several files. The contents of these files is 0xC0...0xDF for audio 1...32 (up to 32 audio tracks may occur). Dolby Digital data is stored in packets with ids 0xBD ("Private Stream 1") and substream ids 0x80...0x87. +DVB subtitle data is stored in packets with ids 0xBD ("Private Stream 1") +and substream ids 0x20...0x27. .SS INDEX The file \fIindex.vdr\fR (if present in a recording directory) contains the (binary) index data into each of the the recording files @@ -646,7 +648,7 @@ l l. @is the title of the event <short text> @is the short text of the event (typically the name of the episode etc.) <description> @is the description of the event (any '|' characters will be interpreted as newlines) -<stream> @is the stream content (1 = video, 2 = audio) +<stream> @is the stream content (1 = video, 2 = audio, 3 = subtitles) <type> @is the stream type according to ETSI EN 300 468 <language> @is the three letter language code (optionally two codes, separated by '+') <descr> @is the description of this stream component diff --git a/vdr.c b/vdr.c index 81ae6ec..b22dec3 100644 --- a/vdr.c +++ b/vdr.c @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * * The project's page is at * - * $Id: vdr.c 1.299 2007/08/25 08:51:13 kls Exp $ + * $Id: vdr.c 1.300 2007/08/26 14:36:48 kls Exp $ */ #include <getopt.h> @@ -1009,6 +1009,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) cDisplayTracks::Process(key); key = kNone; break; + // Subtitle track control: + case kSubtitles: + if (cControl::Control()) + cControl::Control()->Hide(); + if (!cDisplaySubtitleTracks::IsOpen()) { + DELETE_MENU; + Menu = cDisplaySubtitleTracks::Create(); + } + else + cDisplaySubtitleTracks::Process(key); + key = kNone; + break; // Pausing live video: case kPause: if (!cControl::Control()) { -- cgit v1.2.3