Thanks go to the following people for patches and contributions: Carsten Koch for adding LIRC support for making the 'Recordings' menu be listed alphabetically for implementing the 'Summary' feature for adding the 'epg2timers' tool (see Tools/epg2timers) for his idea of using multiple disks (and for testing this feature) for implementing the 'new recording' indicator Plamen Ganev for fixing the frequency offset for Hotbird channels for adding the 'xtvrc2vdr' tool (see Tools/xtvrc2vdr) for adding the 'dvbrc2vdr' tool (see Tools/dvbrc2vdr) for implementing "channel grouping" Heino Goldenstein for modifying scrolling through lists to make it page up and down Guido Fiala for implementing slow forward/back for implementing the SVDRP command 'HITK' for implementing image grabbing for implementing overlay capabilities (see his 'kvdr' tool at Robert Schneider for implementing EIT support for displaying the current/next info Niels de Carpentier for adding a workaround for a driver timing problem in cDvbApi::Cmd() Martin Hammerschmid for suggesting to display the direct channel select input on the OSD Bastian Guse for writing the FORMATS entry for timers.conf