#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # For the TCP-Connection to VDR use Socket; # For converting the Timers, read from VDR, back to Unix-Timestamps use Time::Local; # Debugmode # You have to add the following numbers to build the debug-var # 1 : Dump the "torecord" # 2 : Dump all timers # 4 : Show when a timer will be deleted # 8 : Dump the "Done" REs # 16 : Verbose Config-Reading my $debug = 0; # The Supervariable Program # %Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{duration} # {subtitle} # {description} # The Supervariable Timer # %Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{duration} # {subtitle} # {prio} # {real_title} # {VDR} (Already programmed) # The Value of VDR is ">0" for the position in the Timer-List or "R" for a "Repeating" Timer. # A Value of >1.000.000 is a Master Timer-Timer which is already programmed into VDR # Variable-Definition my (%Program, @channels, %channels, %Timer); # Which Subtitles are Movies my ($subtitle_movie); # Blacklist my ($title_deepblack); # What is already recorded/Should not be recorded my ($title_done, $subtitle_done); # What to record my ($title_torecord, $subtitle_torecord, $description_torecord, @title_torecord, @subtitle_torecord, @description_torecord, @channel_torecord, @timeframe_torecord, @prio_torecord, @timer_title_torecord, $num_torecord, @marginstart_torecord, @marginstop_torecord, @machine_torecord); # Default Priority for Timers (Config: defaultprio) my $default_prio = 50; # How many DVB-S cards are there (Config: DVBCards) my $DVB_cards = 1; # How many seconds to substract from the time and to add to the duration my $marginstart = 60*10; # Config: Marginstart my $marginstop = 60*10; # Config: Marginstop # Shall Timers, on the same channel, be joined if they overlap my $jointimers = 0; # Hostname/IP of DVB-Computer and the Port of VDR my @Dest = ("localhost:2001"); # Config: Dest # Which VDR-Instance shall be used my $currentVDR = 1; # Working-Variables my ($title, $duration, $subtitle, $channel, $time, $description, $hit); my (@time, @date); sub sub_die { my ($error) = @_; &closesocket(); die "$error"; } if ($ARGV[0]) { $currentVDR = $ARGV[0]; } &init(); &dumpdone() if ($debug & 8); &dumptorecord() if ($debug & 1); &fetchVDRTimers(); &process_torecord(); print "Timers before joining\n" if ($debug & 2 && $jointimers); &dumptimers() if ($debug & 2); if ($jointimers) { &jointimers(); print "Timers after joining\n" if ($debug & 2); &dumptimers() if ($debug & 2); } &printtimers(); &transfertimers(); &closesocket(); # # Subfunctions # sub dumpdone() { print "Start Done-dump\n"; print "Titledone: \"$title_done\"\n"; print "Subtitledone \"$subtitle_done\"\n"; print "End Done-dump\n"; } sub dumptorecord() { print "Start Torecord-dump\n"; print "Regex-Title: $title_torecord\n"; print "Regex-Subtitle: $subtitle_torecord\n"; print "Regex-Description: $description_torecord\n"; foreach my $num (0 .. $num_torecord) { print "Timer Number $num: "; print "Title: \"$title_torecord[$num]\" " if ($title_torecord[$num]); print "Title: \"\" " unless ($title_torecord[$num]); print "Subtitle: \"$subtitle_torecord[$num]\" "if ($subtitle_torecord[$num]); print "Subtitle: \"\" " unless ($subtitle_torecord[$num]); print "Description: \"$description_torecord[$num]\" " if ($description_torecord[$num]); print "Description: \"\" " unless ($description_torecord[$num]); print "Timeframe: \"$timeframe_torecord[$num]\" " if ($timeframe_torecord[$num]); print "Timeframe: \"\" " unless ($timeframe_torecord[$num]); print "Channel: \"". join (";",@{$channel_torecord[$num]})."\" " if ($channel_torecord[$num]); print "Channel: \"\" " unless ($channel_torecord[$num]); print "Prio: \"$prio_torecord[$num]\" " if ($prio_torecord[$num]); print "Prio: \"\" " unless ($prio_torecord[$num]); print "Timertitle: \"$timer_title_torecord[$num]\" " if ($timer_title_torecord[$num]); print "Timertitle: \"\" " unless ($timer_title_torecord[$num]); print "Marginstart: \"$marginstart_torecord[$num]\" " if ($marginstart_torecord[$num]); print "Marginstart: \"\" " unless ($marginstart_torecord[$num]); print "Marginstop: \"$marginstop_torecord[$num]\" " if ($marginstop_torecord[$num]); print "Marginstop: \"\" " unless ($marginstop_torecord[$num]); print "Machine: \"$machine_torecord[$num]\" " if ($machine_torecord[$num]); print "Machine: \"\" " unless ($machine_torecord[$num]); print "\n"; } print "End Torecord-dump\n"; } sub dumptimers() { print "Start Timers-dump\n"; foreach $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %Timer) { foreach $channel (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time}}) { foreach $title (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time}->{$channel}}) { my ($prio, @time, @date, @time2); my ($realtitle); @time = &GetTime ($time); @date = &GetDay ($time); @time2 = &GetTime ($time + $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{duration}); $subtitle = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{subtitle}; $prio = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{prio}; $realtitle = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{real_title}; print "2:$channels{$channel}{number}:$date[1]:$time[0]$time[1]:$time2[0]$time2[1]:$prio:99:$title:Title: \"$realtitle\"||Subtitle: \"$subtitle\":$Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR}\n"; } } } print "End Timers-dump\n"; } sub printtimers() { foreach $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %Timer) { foreach $channel (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time}}) { foreach $title (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time}->{$channel}}) { my ($prio, @time, @date, @time2); if ($Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR} eq 0) { my ($realtitle); @time = &GetTime ($time); @date = &GetDay ($time); @time2 = &GetTime ($time + $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{duration}); $subtitle = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{subtitle}; $prio = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{prio}; $realtitle = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{real_title}; print "2:$channels{$channel}{number}:$date[1]:$time[0]$time[1]:$time2[0]$time2[1]:$prio:99:$title:Title: \"$realtitle\"||Subtitle: \"$subtitle\"\n"; } } } } } sub transfertimers() { foreach $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %Timer) { foreach $channel (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time}}) { foreach $title (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time}->{$channel}}) { my ($prio, @time, @date, @time2, $realtitle, $result); if ($Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR} eq 0) { @time = &GetTime ($time); @date = &GetDay ($time); @time2 = &GetTime ($time + $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{duration}); $subtitle = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{subtitle}; $prio = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{prio}; $realtitle = $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{real_title}; ($result) = GetSend ("newt 2:$channels{$channel}{number}:$date[1]:$time[0]$time[1]:$time2[0]$time2[1]:$prio:99:$title:Title: \"$realtitle\"||Subtitle: \"$subtitle\""); print "Timer: $result" if ($debug & 2); } } } } } # Convert the Unix-Time-Stamp into "month" and "Day of month" sub GetDay { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(shift); $mon++; $mon = sprintf ("%02i",$mon); $mday = sprintf ("%02i",$mday); return ($mon, $mday); } # Convert the Unix-Time-Stramp into "hour" and "minute" sub GetTime { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(shift); $hour = sprintf ("%02i",$hour); $min = sprintf ("%02i",$min); return ($hour, $min); } # Workaround some EPG-Bugs sub correct_epg_data { if ($subtitle) { # For Pro-7. Remove $title from $subtitle $subtitle =~ s/$title\s\/\s//; # For VOX & VIVA. The Format it '"<Subtitle>". <Description>' if ($subtitle =~ /^\"(.*?)\"\.\s(.*)/) { # Lets see if there are Channels that where the VOX/VIVA scheme matches, but also have a description if ($description) { sub_die ("Subtitle: \"$subtitle\"\nDescription\"$description\"\n"); } $subtitle = $1; $description = $2; } elsif ($channel eq "VIVA") { if ($subtitle =~ /^\s(.*)/) { $subtitle = ""; $description = $1; } } } # Workaround for the broken PRO-7/Kabel-1 EPG-Date. If Time is between 00.00 and 05.00 the time is shifted forward by a day if ($channel eq "Pro-7" || $channel eq "Kabel-1") { my (@time); @time = GetTime ($time); if ($time[0] >= 0 && ($time[0] <= 4 || ($time[0] == 5 && $time[1] == 0))) { $time += 24*60*60; } } } # Add a Recording into the "to record"-List sub addtimer { my ($hit, $title, $realtitle, $subtitle, $channel, $time, $duration, $prio, $VDR, $time2, $title2, $channel2, $marginstart, $marginstop); ($title, $realtitle, $subtitle, $channel, $time, $duration, $prio, $VDR, $marginstart, $marginstop) = @_; # print "Title: \"$title\" Realtitle: \"$realtitle\" Subtitle: \"$subtitle\" Channel: \"$channel\" Time: \"$time\" Duration: \"$duration\" Prio: \"$prio\" VDR: \"$VDR\"\n"; $hit = 1; foreach $time2 (sort keys %Timer) { foreach $title2 (sort keys %{%Timer->{$time2}->{$channel}}) { my ($ctime, $ctime2); $ctime = $time2; $ctime2 = $time2 + $Timer{$time2}{$channel}{$title2}{duration}; if (($time >= $ctime) && ($time <= $ctime2)) { undef $hit; } } } if ($hit) { $time -= $marginstart; $duration += $marginstart + $marginstop; $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{duration}=$duration; $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{subtitle}=$subtitle; $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{prio}=$prio; $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR}=$VDR; $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{real_title}=$realtitle; } } sub deltimer() { my ($time, $channel, $title, $delete_from_VDR); ($time, $channel, $title, $delete_from_VDR) = @_; # if ($delete_from_VDR) # { # if ($Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR}) # { # if ($Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR} =~ s/ ^R/) # { # print "Error: A Repeating-Timer can't be deleted from VDR: \"$title\"\n"; # } # elsif ($Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR} < 1000000) # { # print "A User-Programmed Timer has been deleted from VDR: \"$title\"\n"; # } # else # { # # } # } # } delete $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{duration}; delete $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{subtitle}; delete $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{prio}; delete $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{VDR}; delete $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}{real_title}; delete $Timer{$time}{$channel}{$title}; delete $Timer{$time}{$channel} if (keys %{ $Timer{$time}{$channel} } == 1); delete $Timer{$time} if (keys %{ $Timer{$time} } == 1); } sub jointimers { # # FIXME: 2 Timers on the same channel will always be joined. # It should be checked if there is another DVB-Card available. # # FIXME2: When one timer is already programmed in VDR, delete that timer in VDR. my ($running, $counter, @times, $channel, $title, $channel2, $title2); $running = 1; outer: while ($running) { $counter = 0; @times = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %Timer; # We only need to check till the second last timer. The last one can't have a overlapping one. while ($counter < $#times) { foreach $channel (sort keys %{%Timer->{$times[$counter]}}) { foreach $title (sort keys %{%Timer->{$times[$counter]}->{$channel}}) { if ($times[$counter + 1] < ($times[$counter] + $Timer{$times[$counter]}{$channel}{$title}{duration})) { foreach $channel2 (sort keys %{%Timer->{$times[$counter + 1]}}) { foreach $title2 (sort keys %{%Timer->{$times[$counter + 1]}->{$channel}}) { if ($channel eq $channel2) { my ($duration, $subtitle, $prio, $realtitle, $duration2, $subtitle2, $prio2, $realtitle2); # Values from Lower-Timer $duration = $Timer{$times[$counter]}{$channel}{$title}{duration}; $subtitle = $Timer{$times[$counter]}{$channel}{$title}{subtitle}; $prio = $Timer{$times[$counter]}{$channel}{$title}{prio}; $realtitle = $Timer{$times[$counter]}{$channel}{$title}{real_title}; # Values from Higher-Timer $duration2 = $Timer{$times[$counter + 1]}{$channel2}{$title2}{duration}; $subtitle2 = $Timer{$times[$counter + 1]}{$channel2}{$title2}{subtitle}; $prio2 = $Timer{$times[$counter + 1]}{$channel2}{$title2}{prio}; $realtitle2 = $Timer{$times[$counter + 1]}{$channel2}{$title2}{real_title}; # Use the Higher Priority for the new Timer $prio = ($prio > $prio2) ? $prio : $prio2; # Delete the two "Obsolet" Timers &deltimer ($times[$counter], $channel, $title); &deltimer ($times[$counter + 1], $channel2, $title2); # And set the new one &addtimer ("$title + $title2", "$realtitle\~$realtitle2", "$subtitle\~$subtitle2", $channel, $times[$counter], $duration2 + ($times[$counter + 1 ] - $times[$counter]),$prio,0,0,0); # Now a Value is "missing", so we will redo the whole thing. (This will do three-times JOIN correct) redo outer; } } } } } } $counter++; } undef $running; } } sub process_torecord { my ($first_hit, $prio, $timer_title); foreach $title (sort keys %Program) { foreach $channel (sort keys %{%Program->{$title}}) { foreach $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{%Program->{$title}->{$channel}}) { undef $hit; # First look if any of the Title/Subtitle/Description REs match if ($title =~ /$title_torecord/i) { $hit = 1; } elsif ($Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} && $Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} =~ /$subtitle_torecord/i) { $hit = 1; } elsif ($Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{description} && $Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{description} =~ /$description_torecord/i) { $hit = 1; } # Now look if we have a "exact" hit if ($hit) { my ($counter); undef $hit; foreach $counter (0 .. $num_torecord) { if ($title_torecord[$counter]) { if (!($title =~ /$title_torecord[$counter]/i)) { next; } } if ($subtitle_torecord[$counter]) { if (!($Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{subtitle} =~ /$subtitle_torecord[$counter]/i)) { next; } elsif (!$title_torecord[$counter] && !$description_torecord[$counter]) { next; } } if ($description_torecord[$counter]) { if ($Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{description}) { if (!($Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{description} =~ /$description_torecord[$counter]/i)) { next; } } elsif (!$title_torecord[$counter] && !$subtitle_torecord[$counter]) { next; } } if ($channel_torecord[$counter]) { my ($hit); # Blacklist-Mode if ($channel_torecord[$counter][0] =~ /^!/) { $hit = 1; foreach (0 .. $#{$channel_torecord[$counter]}) { # Strip a possibel "!" Charactar $channel_torecord[$counter][$_] =~ /^!?(.*)/; if ($channel =~ /^$1$/) { undef $hit; last; } } } # Whitelist-Mode else { undef $hit; foreach (0 .. $#{$channel_torecord[$counter]}) { # Strip a possibel "!" Charactar $channel_torecord[$counter][$_] =~ /^!?(.*)/; if ($channel =~ /^$1$/) { $hit = 1; last ; } } } if (!$hit) { next; } } if ($timeframe_torecord[$counter]) { my (@time, $time2, $ctime, $ctime2); @time = GetTime($time); $time2 = "$time[0]$time[1]"; ($ctime, $ctime2) = split (/\-/,$timeframe_torecord[$counter]); if (!$ctime) { $ctime = "0"; } if (!$ctime2) { $ctime2 = "2400"; } if ($ctime < $ctime2) { if (!($time2 >= $ctime && $time2 <= $ctime2)) { next; } } else { if (!(($time2 >= $ctime && $time2 <= "2400") || ($time2 >= "0" && $time2 <= $ctime2))) { next; } } } if ($prio_torecord[$counter]) { $prio = $prio_torecord[$counter]; } else { $prio = 50; } # What Title to use for the timer if ($timer_title_torecord[$counter]) { $timer_title = $timer_title_torecord[$counter] } elsif ($title_torecord[$counter]) { $timer_title = $title_torecord[$counter] } else { $timer_title = $title; } my ($subtitle); if ($Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{subtitle}) { $subtitle = $Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{subtitle}; } else { $subtitle = ""; } &addtimer ($timer_title,$title,$subtitle,$channel,$time,$Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{duration},$prio,0,$marginstart_torecord[$counter],$marginstop_torecord[$counter]); last; } } } } } } # Open the connection to VDR sub initsocket { my ($Dest, $Port) = split (/\:/,$Dest[$currentVDR - 1],2); my $iaddr = inet_aton($Dest); my $paddr = sockaddr_in($Port, $iaddr); socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); connect(SOCKET, $paddr) or sub_die ("Can't connect to VDR\n"); select(SOCKET); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); while (<SOCKET>) { last if substr($_, 3, 1) ne "-"; } } # Send a command to VDR and read back the result sub GetSend { my ($command, @retval); while ($command = shift) { print SOCKET "$command\r\n"; while (<SOCKET>) { (@retval) = (@retval, $_); last if substr($_, 3, 1) ne "-"; } } foreach my $retval (@retval) { $retval =~ s/\x0d//g; } return (@retval); } # Close the socket to VDR sub closesocket { print SOCKET "Quit\r\n"; close(SOCKET); } # Fetch the timers-List from VDR via SVDR and process it. sub fetchVDRTimers { my (@timers, $timer, $position, $active, $channel, $day, $start, $end, $prio, $ttl, $title, $subtitle, $minute, $duration); my ($utime, $utime2); # First fetch the timers-list from VDR @timers = GetSend ("lstt"); foreach $timer (@timers) { # $timer =~ s/\x0d//g; chomp $timer; # a Valid Timer-line beginns with "250" if ($timer =~ s/250-|250\s//) { # Extract the Position in front of the line ($position, $timer) = split (/\s/,$timer,2); # print "Position: \"$position\" Timer: \"$timer\"\n"; # Split the : seperated values ($active, $channel, $day, $start, $end, $prio, $ttl, $title, $subtitle) = split (/\:/,$timer,9); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); # If the string is exactly 7 char wide, then its a "repeating"-timer if ($active >= 1) { if ($day =~ /(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/) { my (@days); @days = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $start =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)/; $hour = $1; $minute = $2; $utime = timelocal 0, $minute, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year; $end =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)/; $hour = $1; $minute = $2; $utime2 = timelocal 0, $minute, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year; if ($end < $start) { $utime2 += 24*60*60; } $duration = $utime2 - $utime; # "Normalize" the timestamp to monday $utime = $utime - ($wday * 24 * 60 *60); foreach my $num (0 .. $#days) { if ($days[$num] ne "-") { my $utime3; # Todays before today will be shifted in the next week if (($num + 1) < $wday) { $utime3 = $utime + (($num + 7 + 1) * 24 * 60 * 60); } else { $utime3 = $utime + (($num + 1) * 24 * 60 * 60); } &addtimer ($title,$title,$subtitle,$channels[$channel],$utime3,$duration,$prio,"R$position",0,0); } } } # When the Day-Value is between 1 and 31, then its a "One time" Timer elsif (($day >= 1) && ($day <= 31)) { if ($active == "2") { $position += 1000000; } # When the Day is before the Current-Day, then the Timer is for the next month if ($day < $mday) { $mon++; if ($mon == 12) { $mon = 0; $year ++; } } $start =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)/; $hour = $1; $minute = $2; $utime = timelocal 0, $minute, $hour, $day, $mon, $year; $end =~ /(\d\d)(\d\d)/; $hour = $1; $minute = $2; $utime2 = timelocal 0, $minute, $hour, $day, $mon, $year; if ($end < $start) { $utime2 += 24*60*60; } $duration = $utime2 - $utime; &addtimer ($title,$title,$subtitle,$channels[$channel],$utime,$duration,$prio,$position,0,0); } } } } } # Parse file "epg.data" sub initepgdata { open (FI,"epg.data") or sub_die ("Can't open file \"epg.data\"\n"); while (<FI>) { # Begin Channel if (/^C\s(\d+)\s+(.+)/) { $channel = $2; while (<FI>) { # End Channel if (/^c$/) { last; } # Begin Timer elsif (/^E\s(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) { # Undef this Variables because it is possibel that not every timer uses this values undef $duration; undef $subtitle; undef $description; $time=$2; $duration=$3; } # Title elsif (/^T\s(.*)/) { $title = $1; } # Subtitle elsif (/^S\s(.*)/) { $subtitle=$1; } # Description elsif (/^D\s(.*)/) { $description=$1; } # End Timer elsif (/^e$/) { # Only accept timers that are in the future if ($time < time) { next; } # Work around the diffrent Bugs in the data &correct_epg_data(); # Check if the title is in the DEEP-Blacklist if ($title =~ /$title_deepblack/i) { next; } # Check if the Title & Subtitle is in the Done-List if ($title =~ /$title_done/) { if ($subtitle) { if ($subtitle =~ /$subtitle_done/) { next; } } } $Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{duration}=$duration; if ($subtitle) { $Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{subtitle}=$subtitle; } if ($description) { $Program{$title}{$channel}{$time}{description}=$description; } } } } } close (FI); } # What is a Movie (When correctly stored into Subtitle) sub initmovie { my (@list,$list); open (FI,"$ENV{HOME}/.master-timer/subtitle-movie") or return; @list = <FI>; close(FI); foreach $list (@list) { chomp $list; } $subtitle_movie = join ('|',@list); } # What should be blacklistet sub initblacklist { my (@list,$list); if (open (FI,"$ENV{HOME}/.master-timer/deepblack")) { @list = <FI>; close(FI); foreach $list (@list) { chomp $list; } $title_deepblack = join ('|',@list); } else { $title_deepblack = "^\$"; } } # What is already recorded/Should not be recorded sub initdone { my (@list,$list, %title_done, %subtitle_done, $title_temp, $subtitle_temp); if (open (FI,"$ENV{HOME}/.master-timer/done")) { @list = <FI>; close (FI); foreach $list (@list) { chomp $list; ($title_temp,$subtitle_temp) = split (/\|/,$list); if ($title_temp) { $title_done{"^$title_temp\$"} = 1; } if ($subtitle_temp) { $subtitle_done{"^$subtitle_temp\$"} = 1; } } $title_done = join ('|',sort keys %title_done); $subtitle_done = join ('|',sort keys %subtitle_done); # Ein paar Zeichen Escapen $title_done =~ s/\?/\\\?/g; $title_done =~ s/\+/\\\+/g; $subtitle_done =~ s/\?/\\\?/g; $subtitle_done =~ s/\+/\\\+/g; # Now delete Timers in VDR that are already in the done-List my ($position, $timer, $active, $g, $title, $subtitle, $counter, @todel); $counter = 0; @list = GetSend ("LSTT"); foreach $timer (@list) { # $timer =~ s/0x0d//g; chomp $timer; if ($timer =~ s/250-|250\s//) { ($position, $timer) = split (/\s/,$timer,2); # Split the : seperated values ($active, $g, $g, $g, $g, $g, $g, $title, $subtitle) = split (/\:/,$timer,9); if ($active == 2) { # Title: "Shakespeare in Love"||Subtitle: "Romanze" my ($ctitle, $csubtitle); if ($subtitle && $subtitle =~ /^Title\:\s\"(.*)\"\|\|Subtitle\:\s\"(.*)\"/) { $title = $1; $subtitle = $2; if ($subtitle) { my (@titles, @subtitles, $num, $hit); undef $hit; @titles = split (/\~/,$title); @subtitles = split (/\~/,$subtitle); foreach $num (0 .. $#titles) { if ($titles[$num] =~ /$title_done/ && $subtitles[$num] =~ /$subtitle_done/) { $hit = 1; } else { undef $hit; last; } } if ($hit) { my ($result); print "Delete Timer: $title $subtitle\n" if ($debug & 4); $position -= $counter; ($result) = GetSend ("DELT $position"); print "Result: $result" if ($debug & 4); if ($result =~ /^250/) { $counter++; } } } } } } } } } # What should be recorded sub inittorecord { my (@list, $list, $title, $subtitle, $description, $channel, $timeframe, $prio, $timer_title, $margin, $machine, @title_list, @subtitle_list, @description_list); my $counter = 0; open (FI,"$ENV{HOME}/.master-timer/torecord") or sub_die ("Can't open file \"torecord\"\n"); @list = <FI>; close(FI); foreach $list (0 .. $#list) { chomp $list[$list]; if ($list[$list] && !($list[$list] =~ /^\#/)) { ($title, $subtitle, $description, $channel, $timeframe, $prio, $timer_title, $margin, $machine) = split (/\|/,$list[$list]); # Accept torecord only if it is for the current machine if ((!$machine && $currentVDR == 1) || $machine == $currentVDR) { if ($title) { $title_torecord[$counter] = $title; $title_list[$#title_list + 1] = $title; } if ($subtitle) { $subtitle_torecord[$counter] = $subtitle; $subtitle_list[$#subtitle_list + 1] = $subtitle; } if ($description) { $description_torecord[$counter] = $description; $description_list[$#description_list + 1] = $description; } if ($channel) { my (@temp); @temp = split (/\;/,$channel); foreach (0 .. $#temp) { $channel_torecord[$counter][$_] = $temp[$_]; } } if ($timeframe) { $timeframe_torecord[$counter] = $timeframe; } if ($prio) { $prio_torecord[$counter] = $prio; } else { $prio_torecord[$counter] = $default_prio; } if ($timer_title) { $timer_title_torecord[$counter] = $timer_title; } if ($margin) { my ($start, $stop); ($start, $stop) = split (/;/,$margin, 2); $marginstart_torecord[$counter] = $start if ($start); $marginstop_torecord[$counter] = $stop if ($stop); } # Set Default-Margins if not margins defined $marginstart_torecord[$counter] = $marginstart if (!$marginstart_torecord[$counter]); $marginstop_torecord[$counter] = $marginstop if (!$marginstop_torecord[$counter]); $counter++; } } } $num_torecord = $counter - 1; $title_torecord = join ('|',@title_list); $subtitle_torecord = join ('|',@subtitle_list); $description_torecord = join ('|',@description_list); if (!$title_torecord) { $title_torecord = "^Dieseshierwirdgarantiertnieundnimmeraufirgendetwassinnvollesmatchen\$"; } if (!$subtitle_torecord) { $subtitle_torecord = "^Dieseshierwirdgarantiertnieundnimmeraufirgendetwassinnvollesmatchen\$"; } if (!$description_torecord) { $description_torecord = "^Dieseshierwirdgarantiertnieundnimmeraufirgendetwassinnvollesmatchen\$"; } } # Parse the "channels.conf" of VDR sub initchannellist { my ($counter, $chan, $garbage, $card, @temp_channels, $temp, $i); @temp_channels = GetSend ("LSTC"); foreach $i (0 .. $#temp_channels) { $temp = $temp_channels[$i]; # $temp =~ s/\x0d//g; chomp $temp; if ($temp =~ s/250-|250\s//) { ($counter, $temp) = split (/\s/,$temp,2); ($chan, $garbage,$garbage, $garbage, $garbage, $garbage, $garbage, $card, $garbage) = split (/\:/,$temp); $channels[$counter] = $chan; $channels{$chan}{number} = $counter; $channels{$chan}{card} = $card; $counter++; } } } sub initconfigfile { open (FI,"$ENV{HOME}/.master-timer/config") or return; while (<FI>) { s/\#.*//; chomp; if ($_) { my ($key, $value); ($key, $value) = split (/\s+=\s+/); if ($key =~ /^debug$/i) { $debug = $value; print "Debug-Level = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); } elsif ($key =~ /^marginstart$/i) { print "Marginstart = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); $marginstart = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^marginstop$/i) { print "Marginstop = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); $marginstop = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^DVBCards$/i) { print "DVB_Cards = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); $DVB_cards = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^defaultprio$/i) { print "Default Priority = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); $default_prio = $value; } elsif ($key =~ /^Dest$/i) { print "Destination Host/IP:Port = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); @Dest = split (/\s+/,$value); } elsif ($key =~ /^jointimers$/i) { print "Join Timers = $value\n" if ($debug & 16); $jointimers = $value; } else { print "Unkown Key: \"$key\" with Value: \"$value\"\n"; } } } print "End Config\n" if ($debug & 16); } sub init { &initconfigfile(); &initsocket(); &initmovie(); &initblacklist(); &initdone(); &initchannellist(); &initepgdata(); &inittorecord(); }