# Master-Timer config file. Values shown here are defaults.

# How many seconds "too early" should the timer begin
marginstart	= 600

# How many seconds "too long" should the timer end
marginstop	= 600

# When the Prio isn't provided in the config file use this value
defaultprio	= 50

# How many DVB cards are installed in the computer (not used yet)
DVBCards	= 1

# IP/Hostname:Port of the destination (space is used for delimiter)
Dest	 	= localhost:2001

# Should timers on the same channels be joined when they overlap (0 = off)
jointimers	= 0

# Should the description be transfered to VDR?
description     = 0

# Debug level
#    1     : Dump "torecord"
#    2     : Dump all timers
#    4     : Show when a timer will be deleted
#    8     : Dump the "Done" REs
#    16    : Verbose config reading
#    32    : Dump program variables
#    64    : Excessive deepblack/torecord debuging
debug		= 0