# [<Anytext>]
#   This marks the beginning of a deepblack-entry
# Title = <text>
#   This matches a title
# Subtitle = <text>
#   This matches a subtitle
# Description = <text>
#   This matches a description
# Category = <left>/<right>
#   This matches a DTV-Category
# Channel = <Channel>
#   Restricts a deepblack-entry to a specific channel.
#   A single "!" at start of channel list negates the selection.
# Timeframe = <begin>-<end>
#   Restricts a deepblack-entry to a specific timeframe.
#   No timers with start time in the timeframe will be programmed.
# minlength = <Number>
#   Restricts a deepblack-entry to a specific minimum length
#   (postfix "m" for minutes, "h" for hours.)
# maxlength = <Number>
#   Restricts a deepblack-entry to a specific maximum length
#   (postfix "m" for minutes, "h" for hours.)
# weekday = MTWTFSS
#   Restricts a deepblack-entry to a specific weekday
# instance = <Number>
#   Only apply this deepblack-entry for a specific Instance
#   "s" is a special value used for "-s"-Mode
# The "Title", "Subtitle", "Description", "Channel"-Lines can be
# supplied any number of times for a specific entry
# To deepblack something at least one of the "Title", "Subtitle" or
# "Description" (If you don't have anything "better" use "Title = ."
# for this matches everything) fields has to be provided.
# These three fields are "include" and the rest are "exclude" fields.

[Blacklist all Talkshows]
Title = .
Category = Talk

[Blacklist all Lifestyles]
Title = .
Category = /Lifestyles

[Blacklist Sport/Tennis]
Title = .
Category = Sport/Tennis

[Record only ZDF and Pro7]
Title = .
Channel = !ZDF
Channel = ProSieben

[Blacklist a timeframe]
Title = .
Timeframe = 1000-1400

[Blacklist everything with less than 5 minutes duration]
Title = .
maxlength = 5m

[Sinnlose Serien]
Title = F�r alle F�lle Stefanie
Title = Chicago Hope - Endstation Hoffnung
Title = Chicago Hope
Title = Doppelter Einsatz
Title = Dr. Stefan Frank - Der Arzt, dem die Frauen vertrauen
Title = Ehekriege
Title = Ein Bayer auf R�gen
Title = Emergency Room
Title = Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
Title = Hallo, Onkel Doc!
Title = Hercules
Title = Hinter  Gittern - Der Frauenknast
Title = OP ruft Dr. Bruckner
Title = Wolffs Revier
Title = alphateam
Title = SK K�lsch
Title = ^Becker$
Title = Kommissar Rex
Title = Nur die Liebe z�hlt
Title = Unsere kleine Farm
Title = Die Waltons
Title = ^Die Zwei$

Title = Die Quiz Show
Title = Gl�cksrad
Title = Jeder gegen Jeden
Title = Kochduell

[Infotainment und Boulevardzeug]
Title = 'MAX' - Das ganze Leben!
Title = ^BIZZ$
Title = Big Brother
Title = Call TV
Title = EXTRA
Title = Explosiv - Das Magazin
Title = K1 Das Magazin
Title = Fit For Fun TV
Title = peep!
Title = s.a.m.
Title = taff.
Title = ^blitz$
Title = Die Harald Schmidt Show
Title = Spiegel TV-Reportage

Title = 10 vor 11
Title = 17:30 live
Title = 18:30
Title = 24 Stunden
Title = Punkt 12
Title = Punkt 6
Title = Punkt 9
Title = RTL II News
Title = RTL aktuell
Title = RTL-Nachtjournal
Title = K1 Nachrichten
Title = Nachrichten

Title = Andreas T�rck
Title = Arabella
Title = Britt - Der Talk um Eins
Title = B�rbel Sch�fer
Title = Die Oliver Geissen Show
Title = Peter Imhof
Title = Vera am Mittag
Title = Hans Meiser
Title = Nicole - Entscheidung am Nachmittag
Title = Franklin

[So richtig Sinnloses]
Title = Dauerwerbesendungen
Title = Infomercials
Title = Kickers
Title = RTL SHOP
Title = Zapping

[PREMIERE WORLD - Das Programm]
Title = PREMIERE WORLD - Das Programm
Title = Programm ab
Title = Programm von

Title = fussball
Title = fu�ball
Title = UEFA Champions

Title = ^Sieben$

[Starportr�t Kevin Spacey]
Title = Starportr�t Kevin Spacey

[All Movies for -s]
Subtitle = MOVIE
Instance = s
[All >= 65m for -s]
Title = .
minlength = 65m
Instance = s