This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR). The block plugin is a fork of the orphaned taste plugin 0.0.2d which was originally coded by LordJaxom aka Sascha Volkenandt. Please do not install both plugins (taste AND block)! Apart from that this probably won't work it simply does not make any sense at all ;). Contact information (block plugin): Developer/Maintainer: Michael Schneider Project homepage: Wiki-page: Contact information (taste plugin): Written by: Sascha Volkenandt Project homepage: See the file COPYING for license information. ************** *DESCRIPTION:* ************** This plugin prevents you from being bothered by unwanted broadcasts. Instead of those the screen will stay black, the sound muted, an info message appears in the OSD and after a configurable pause the vdr switches to another channel. Unwanted shows are identified by their EPG title in a predefined blacklist. You can add the current title to the block plugin blacklist by choosing 'Block Broadcast' from the main VDR menu or by editing the blacklist in the setup of the plugin. In the latter case make sure you close the submenus as well as the setup menu by 'ok' to properly save your changes. This would also be the right place to remove entries from the blacklist. Every time the VDR switches to another channel the block plugin checks if the EPG title of the current show matches with a blacklist entry and if so the show won't be displayed and after a configurable pause (default 2s) the VDR switches to another channel automatically. Usually this will be the next possible lower channel number if you were coming from a higher one or vice-versa. If this is not possible, the vdr switches to the last channel displayed. Of course you can zap to another channel yourself as well. In case you unexpectedly want to watch a blacklisted show you can override the block rule by pressing 'Ok' while the message is displayed. For VDR versions <= 1.3.16 you will have to apply the included patch to the VDR source in order to have multiple channels being blocked in a row. Otherwise the block plugin will only skip the first channel. The patch originates from the taste plugin and was written by Sascha Volkenandt. ************* *** USAGE *** ************* Block current show: ------------------- Choose 'Block Broadcast' from the main vdr menu. Edit, delete or manually add new entries: ----------------------------------------- Go to the plugins setup in the vdr menu, where you will find the blacklist. Use the color keys as shown in the osd. Editing additionally allows you to ignore case, or to use regular expressions. Setup Options: -------------- Hide main menu entry: Shows/doesn't show the block plugin main menu entry. Timeout: Defines how long the block osd message is displayed, before the plugin switches to another channel. Method: In version 0.0.2 there was a new detection method added. You can choose between 'On Switch' which is the old method that only scans at zap events. The other method is 'Channel EPG' which scans the current epg title permanentely. If you are setting up a parental guidance config you want to use the latter one (see below). Ok deblocks temporarily: If set to yes this allows a blocked show to be watched by pressing ok as long as the block osd message is displayed. It does not permanentely deblock a show. If you are setting up a parental guidance config you want to set this to 'no' (see below). Parental Guidance Setup (Experimental as of version 0.0.2+dev): --------------------------------------- First of all: I can't guarantee a perfectly failsafe childprotection. Feel free to test the Parental Guidance Config at your own risk but don't forget, that it is you not me who takes care of your children. Nevertheless the method used by the plugin should work quite good, as long as the stations are updating their epg signal in sync with the current show. How to: Several prerequisites have to be configured in the plugins setup. For your convenience these are set by manually adding block.ParentalGuidance=1 to vdrs setup.conf. vdr has to be stopped before you edit the file, otherwise it will be overwritten the next time vdr stops and your changes will be lost. Setting ParentalGuidance to 1 overrides two other setup options: Detection Method is set to 'Channel EPG' and Ok deblocks temporarily is set to 'No', as obviously other settings would undermine Parental Guidance mode. Furthermore the color keys (Edit, New, Delete) are deactivated in the plugins setup. Finally improvements may depend on your feeback, so please drop me a line if you experience any kind of potential misbehaviour of the plugin, if you have suggestions how to make the block plugin better etc. or if you just want to say thank you ;) !