/** * block.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * based on taste.c v 2006/02/26 14:11:02 by lordjaxom * * See the README file for copyright and contact information. * * version by Midas * */ #include #include #include "status.h" #include "setup.h" #include "control.h" #include using namespace std; static const char *VERSION = "0.1.1"; static const char *DESCRIPTION = trNOOP("Block unwanted shows by EPG title"); static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = trNOOP("(De)Block broadcast"); static int channelnumber=0; #ifdef LOGGING char *channel_groupsep_string=(char*)""; char *has_been_checked_string=(char*)""; bool temp_replaying_recording=false; #endif class cPluginBlock : public cPlugin { private: cStatusBlock *mStatus; public: cPluginBlock(void); virtual ~cPluginBlock(); virtual const char *Version(void) { return VERSION; } virtual const char *Description(void) { return tr(DESCRIPTION); } virtual bool Initialize(void); virtual bool Start(void); virtual const char *MainMenuEntry(void) { return SetupBlock.HideMenuEntry ? NULL : tr(MAINMENUENTRY); } virtual cOsdObject *MainMenuAction(void); virtual cMenuSetupPage *SetupMenu(void); virtual bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value); virtual void MainThreadHook(void); //virtual bool ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]); }; cPluginBlock::cPluginBlock(void): cPlugin(), mStatus(NULL) { cEventBlock::LastTitle=(char*)"vdr plugin block started"; } cPluginBlock::~cPluginBlock() { delete mStatus; } bool cPluginBlock::Initialize(void) { char* blacklist_path=NULL; int io_result=-1; asprintf(&blacklist_path,"%s/%s",cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(),"block"); io_result=mkdir (blacklist_path, S_IRWXU); if (errno==EEXIST) dsyslog("plugin-block: path '%s' seems to exist...ok.",blacklist_path); else if (errno==EPERM) dsyslog("plugin-block: ERROR: Permission denied accessing '%s'",blacklist_path); else if (io_result==0) dsyslog("plugin-block: path '%s' was created...ok.",blacklist_path); else dsyslog("plugin-block: ERROR: Accessing '%s'! Doesn't seem to exist though permissions seem to be ok.",blacklist_path); char* blacklist_file=NULL; asprintf(&blacklist_file,"%s/block.conf",blacklist_path); //block.conf in new place (config/block/block.conf) ? io_result=access(blacklist_file,F_OK); if (io_result==-1) //not there lets check the old places { dsyslog("plugin-block: '%s' doesn't exist. Checking old paths.",blacklist_file); char* source_file=NULL; asprintf(&source_file,"%s/block.conf",cPlugin::ConfigDirectory()); io_result=access(source_file,F_OK); if (io_result==-1) //also no file config/block.conf (old path) { dsyslog("plugin-block: '%s' doesn't exist. Looking for taste.conf.",source_file); source_file=NULL; asprintf(&source_file,"%s/taste.conf",cPlugin::ConfigDirectory()); io_result=access(source_file,F_OK); if (io_result==-1) // config/taste.conf also does not exist (very old path) { dsyslog("plugin-block: '%s' doesn't exist. Giving up.",source_file); dsyslog("plugin-block: WARNING: No block.conf or taste.conf found!"); source_file=NULL; } } if (source_file!=NULL) { dsyslog("plugin-block: source %s, dest %s",source_file,blacklist_file); ifstream infile(source_file); ofstream outfile(blacklist_file); outfile<Next()==NULL) break; const char* src=cEventBlock::duptolower(listptr->Pattern()); const char* cmp=cEventBlock::duptolower(((cEventBlock*)listptr->Next())->Pattern()); #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: Checking for duplicates (case insensitive): '%s' and '%s'",src,cmp); #endif if (strcmp(src,cmp)==0) { dsyslog("plugin-block: WARNING - import taste|block.conf: deleting duplicate entry %s",cmp); EventsBlock.Del(listptr->Next(),true); continue; } listptr=EventsBlock.Next(listptr); } cSetupBlock::LastcChannel=Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel()); return b; } bool cPluginBlock::Start(void) { #if VDRVERSNUM < 10507 RegisterI18n(Phrases); #endif mStatus = new cStatusBlock(); return true; } cOsdObject *cPluginBlock::MainMenuAction(void) { const cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel()); const char* current_title=NULL; if (channel != NULL && !channel->GroupSep()) { cSchedulesLock schedLock; const cSchedules *scheds = cSchedules::Schedules(schedLock); if (scheds != NULL) { const cSchedule *sched = scheds->GetSchedule(channel->GetChannelID()); if (sched != NULL) { const cEvent *present = sched->GetPresentEvent(); if (present != NULL) current_title=present->Title(); } } } if (current_title==NULL) current_title=""; bool acceptable=EventsBlock.Acceptable(current_title); if (!acceptable && cSetupBlock::ParentalGuidance)//TODO check if works { dsyslog("plugin-block: Parental Guidance: Attempt to deblock '%s' from main menu! Permission denied!",current_title); cSkinDisplayChannel* mOsd = Skins.Current()->DisplayChannel(true); mOsd->SetMessage(mtError, tr("Permission denied!")); mOsd->Flush(); return NULL; } cEventBlock* stringmatch=NULL; stringmatch=EventsBlock.hasStringMatch(current_title,true); if (stringmatch!=NULL) { bool case_insensitive_match=strcmp(stringmatch->Pattern(),current_title); if (case_insensitive_match) { stringmatch->setIgnoreCase(true); } stringmatch->setWhitelisted(!acceptable); EventsBlock.Save(); cEventBlock::LastTitle="force recheck from main menu"; } else //create a new enrty { cEventBlock *new_entry=new cEventBlock(current_title); new_entry->setWhitelisted(!acceptable); EventsBlock.Add(new_entry); EventsBlock.Sort(); EventsBlock.Save(); cEventBlock::LastTitle="force recheck from main menu"; } return NULL; } cMenuSetupPage *cPluginBlock::SetupMenu(void) { return new cMenuSetupBlock(); } bool cPluginBlock::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { return SetupBlock.Parse(Name, Value); } void cPluginBlock::MainThreadHook() { if (cSetupBlock::DetectionMethod!=1) { // // commented out cause spams the syslog: // // #ifdef LOGGING // dsyslog("plugin-block: MainThreadHook returned because other detection method active in setup"); // #endif return;//other detection method active in setup } if (cEventBlock::ReplayingRecording) //no block events on the underlying channel processed - user watches recording { #ifdef LOGGING if (!temp_replaying_recording) { temp_replaying_recording=true; #endif if (cSetupBlock::ParentalGuidance==1) { while (cSetupBlock::ReplayingName==NULL); if (!EventsBlock.Acceptable(cSetupBlock::ReplayingName)) { dsyslog("plugin-block: Parental Guidance detected attempt to replay recording with blocked title '%s'! Permission denied!",cSetupBlock::ReplayingName); int destination=cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel; if (destination==0) destination=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(Channels.GetByNumber(destination),true); Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Permission denied!")); cEventBlock::LastTitle=(char*)"parental guidance event"; return; } } #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: doing nothing because user watches recording"); } #endif return; } #ifdef LOGGING else { if (temp_replaying_recording) { temp_replaying_recording=false; dsyslog("plugin-block: replay of recording ended. Resuming detection mode."); } } #endif channelnumber=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); if (channelnumber==0) //TODO last check revealed this possibly would never be true because ChannelSwitch handles it? { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: Channel number is 0 => Channel switch on primary device"); #endif return; //switch in progress } const cChannel *channel=Channels.GetByNumber(channelnumber); if (cSetupBlock::LastcChannel!=channel)//necessary cause otherwise switching from one channel to another with both having //the same blocked EPG title would result in the second channel not being //blocked (more precise: until a different EPG title is analysed) { cEventBlock::LastTitle=(char*)"assuming Channelswitch"; #ifdef LOGGING if (cSetupBlock::LastcChannel!=NULL && channel!=NULL) dsyslog("plugin-block: current channel changed (%i->%i)- switching? using dummy for LastTitle: %s",cSetupBlock::LastcChannel->Number(), channel->Number(),cEventBlock::LastTitle); #endif } const char* title=NULL; const cEvent *present=NULL; const cEvent *follow=NULL; if (channel != NULL && !channel->GroupSep()) { /*//only for debugging purposes: #ifdef LOGGING char *temp_string; asprintf(&temp_string,"channel: %d channel->GroupSep(): %d", channel->Number(), channel->GroupSep()); if (strcmp(temp_string,channel_groupsep_string)!=0) { dsyslog("plugin-block: %s",temp_string); channel_groupsep_string=temp_string; } #endif */ cSchedulesLock schedLock; const cSchedules *scheds = cSchedules::Schedules(schedLock); if (scheds != NULL) { const cSchedule *sched = scheds->GetSchedule(channel->GetChannelID()); if (sched != NULL) { present = sched->GetPresentEvent(); follow = sched->GetFollowingEvent(); if (present!=NULL) title=present->Title(); } } } if (title==NULL) title=""; if (strcmp(title,cEventBlock::LastTitle)==0) { #ifdef LOGGING char *temp_string; asprintf(&temp_string, "'%s' has already been checked",title); if (strcmp(temp_string,has_been_checked_string)!=0) { dsyslog("plugin-block: %s",temp_string); //outputs: 'bla' has already been checked has_been_checked_string=temp_string; //TODO a bool may increase performance } #endif return; //current show has already been checked } cSetupBlock::LastcChannel=(cChannel*)channel; #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: new EPG title detected: '%s' - comparing with '%s'",title, cEventBlock::LastTitle); #endif cEventBlock::LastTitle=(char*)title; if (!EventsBlock.Acceptable(title)) { dsyslog("plugin-block: channel %i blocked", channelnumber); if (cOsd::IsOpen() && !cDisplayChannel::IsOpen()) { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: OSD is open (%i)",channelnumber); #endif int lastchannel=cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel; int direction = cDevice::CurrentChannel() - lastchannel; if (direction == 0) direction = 1; int switch_result=cDevice::SwitchChannel(direction); if (switch_result) { cEventBlock::LastTitle="force recheck from OSD workaround"; //in case the EPG title changes while the block message is displayed //AND the the former and the current title are equal //(AND maybe other conditions like the plugin is already coming from a //blocked channel etc.) this code block is reached and only in this //case we have to force a recheck! Maybe this is an ugly workaround //but it seems to work... } else { if (lastchannel != 0) { dsyslog("plugin-block: main thread switching to last channel %i (fallback)",lastchannel); Channels.SwitchTo(lastchannel); } } } else { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: launching cControl for %i",channelnumber); #endif cControl::Launch(new cControlBlock(channel, present, follow)); } } else { cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); cSetupBlock::user_direction=0; cSetupBlock::LastcChannel=Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel()); } } /* bool cPluginBlock::ProcessArgs (int argc, char *argv[]) { static const char short_options[] = "p:"; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "ParentalGuidance", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, {NULL} }; int c; for (c=0;c