/** * based on event.c,v 2006/02/26 14:11:02 lordjaxom * * version by Midas * */ #include #include #include "event.h" #include "setup.h" char* cEventBlock::duptolower(const char *s) { char *c = strdup(s); char *p = c; for (; *p; ++p) *p = tolower(*p); return c; } const char* cEventBlock::LastTitle="just initialized"; const bool* cEventBlock::ReplayingRecording=false; cEventsBlock EventsBlock; cEventBlock::cEventBlock(void): mRegularExp(false), mIgnoreCase(false), mCompiled(false), whitelisted(false) { strncpy(mPattern, tr("New Entry"), sizeof(mPattern)); } cEventBlock::cEventBlock(const char *Pattern): mRegularExp(false), mIgnoreCase(false), mCompiled(false), whitelisted(false) { strncpy(mPattern, Pattern, sizeof(mPattern)); } cEventBlock::cEventBlock(const cEventBlock &Src) { operator=(Src); } cEventBlock &cEventBlock::operator=(const cEventBlock &Src) { printf("copy construct\n"); strcpy(mPattern, Src.mPattern); mRegularExp = Src.mRegularExp; mIgnoreCase = Src.mIgnoreCase; whitelisted = Src.whitelisted; mCompiled = false; Compile(); return *this; } /* bool cEventBlock::operator==(const cEventBlock Src) //include whitelisting? { bool b1=(strcmp(duptolower(mPattern),duptolower(Src.mPattern))==0); bool b2=(mRegularExp==Src.mRegularExp); bool b3=(mIgnoreCase==Src.mIgnoreCase); return b1&&b2&&b3; } */ cEventBlock::~cEventBlock() { if (mRegularExp) regfree(&mExpression); } bool cEventBlock::doesMatch(const char *Event) const {//in fact here we only check if the current event has any match in the list //of course Event is examined according to the rules defined in the blacklist if (mRegularExp) return !(regexec(&mExpression, Event, 0, NULL, 0) != 0); if (strlen(mPattern)==0) //workaround for empty patterns { return (strlen(Event)==0); } if (mIgnoreCase) { char *ev = cEventBlock::duptolower(Event); char *pa = cEventBlock::duptolower(mPattern); printf("check for %s in %s\n", pa, ev); bool res = strstr(ev, pa) == NULL; free(ev); free(pa); return !res; } else return !(strstr(Event, mPattern) == NULL); } bool cEventBlock::Parse(char *s) { char *patternbuf=NULL; int fields=sscanf(s,"%d:%d:%a[^\n]", &mRegularExp, &mIgnoreCase, &patternbuf); if (fields==3) { strncpy(mPattern,patternbuf,sizeof(mPattern)); char c=NULL; int fields2=0; if (strcmp(patternbuf,"-:")==0)//workaround if pattern empty { fields2=2; c='-'; patternbuf=(char*)""; } else { if (strcmp(patternbuf,"+:")==0) { fields2=2; c='+'; patternbuf=(char*)""; } //end of workaround else { free(patternbuf); //normal entry handling fields2=sscanf(mPattern,"%1c:%a[^\n]",&c,&patternbuf); } } if (fields2==2) { if(c=='+') { whitelisted=true; } else whitelisted=false; strncpy(mPattern,skipspace(stripspace(patternbuf)),sizeof(mPattern)); } else { whitelisted=false; } } else { // old taste backward compatibility strncpy(mPattern, skipspace(stripspace(s)), sizeof(mPattern)); mRegularExp = false; mIgnoreCase = false; whitelisted = false; } return Compile(); } bool cEventBlock::Compile(void) { mCompiled = false; if (mRegularExp) { if (regcomp(&mExpression, mPattern, REG_EXTENDED | (mIgnoreCase ? REG_ICASE : 0)) != 0) { esyslog("ERROR: malformed regular expression: %s", mPattern); return false; } else mCompiled = true; } return true; } bool cEventBlock::Save(FILE *f) { char c='c'; if (whitelisted) c='+'; else c='-'; return fprintf(f, "%d:%d:%c:%s\n", mRegularExp, mIgnoreCase, c, mPattern) > 0; } bool cEventsBlock::Acceptable(const char *src) { cVector temp_vec (5); cEventBlock stringmatch=*(new cEventBlock("nostringmatch")); ListMatches(src,&temp_vec,stringmatch); if(strcmp(stringmatch.Pattern(),"nostringmatch")!=0) { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: exact string match found %s: ",stringmatch.Pattern()); #endif if (stringmatch.isWhitelisted()) { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: string match entry is whitelisted - returning acceptable"); #endif cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); return true; } #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: string match entry is not whitelisted - returning not acceptable"); #endif return false; } int vec_size=temp_vec.Size(); if (vec_size<1) { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: no matching pattern found at all - returning acceptable"); #endif cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); return true; } bool b=temp_vec.At(0)->isWhitelisted(); int count=1; for(;countisWhitelisted()!=b) { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: Contradictory rules detected - returning fuzzy fallback: %d",cSetupBlock::FuzzyFallback); #endif b=cSetupBlock::FuzzyFallback; if (b) cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); return b; } } #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: Acceptable returning: %d",b); #endif if (b) cSetupBlock::LastAcceptableChannel=cDevice::CurrentChannel(); return b; } cEventsBlock &cEventsBlock::operator=(const cEventsBlock &Source) { cList::Clear(); const cEventBlock *event = Source.First(); while (event != NULL) { printf("transferring %p\n", event); Add(new cEventBlock(*event)); event = Source.Next(event); } return *this; } void cEventsBlock::ListMatches(const char *title, cVector *match_vec, cEventBlock &stringmatch) { cEventBlock *event = First(); char* temp_title=strdup(title); char* temp_pattern=NULL; while (event != NULL) { if (event->doesMatch(title)) //doesMatch examines if there is a match according to all properties of the blacklist entry { #ifdef LOGGING char *condition=(char*)(event->isWhitelisted() ? "positive" : "negative"); dsyslog("plugin-block: Matching rule detected - Pattern: '%s' (%s)",event->Pattern(),condition); #endif match_vec->Append(event); //put match in the vector; of course there could be more than one match //lets say you would block everything containing the word 'Judge' //but 'Judge Dredd' also has an explicit entry //in case Judge Dredd is the current show then both entries would match //therefore it is necessary to do further analysis of the type of the matches //or the according rules and priorities respectively if (event->IgnoreCase())//now we check if there the current match is also a stringmatching entry //first check if ignore case is set //if so replace the strings to be compared by their lower case pendants //so next we only have to do one comparison { temp_title=cEventBlock::duptolower(temp_title); temp_pattern=cEventBlock::duptolower(event->Pattern()); } else { temp_pattern=(char*)event->Pattern(); } if (strcmp(temp_title,temp_pattern)==0) //check for stringmatch { #ifdef LOGGING dsyslog("plugin-block: ListMatches: stringmatch found '%s'",event->Pattern()); #endif stringmatch=*event; } } event = Next(event); } } void cEventsBlock::ListMatches(const char *title, cVector *match_vec) { cEventBlock *event = First(); while (event != NULL) { if (event->doesMatch(title)) { match_vec->Append(event); } event = Next(event); } } cEventBlock* cEventsBlock::hasStringMatch(const char* src, bool ignorecase) { //TODO check if there is a better way to check for matches and stringmatches //which avoids redundant walks through the blacklist cEventBlock *event_ptr=First(); char *low_src=cEventBlock::duptolower(src); while (event_ptr!=NULL) { if (event_ptr->IgnoreCase() || ignorecase) { char *low_pattern=cEventBlock::duptolower(event_ptr->Pattern()); if (strcmp(low_src,low_pattern)==0) { return event_ptr; } } else { if (strcmp(src,event_ptr->Pattern())==0) { return event_ptr; } } event_ptr=Next(event_ptr); } return NULL; } int cEventsBlock::getIndexOf(cEventBlock *src) { //TODO make this a recursive method taking a list pointer and lets begin search in the middle of the list //(middle->Previous() and middle->Next()) //find out if the first char of Pattern is less or higher than src.char etc //once the first char of src matches begin search there straight forward //this might speedup setting cursor to the right position (New entry) in the OSD //NO: it turned out that the Get method of cListBase will have a serious impact on this solution //maybe a major rewrite and/or use of STL implementations of lists or vectors etc would be a better alternative cEventBlock* listptr=First(); int list_count=0; const char* src_pattern=src->Pattern(); while(listptr!=NULL) { if (strcmp(src_pattern,listptr->Pattern())==0) { return list_count; } list_count+=1; listptr=Next(listptr); } return -1; }