# VDR plugin language source file.
# Copyright (C) 2007 Klaus Schmidinger <kls@tvdr.de>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR package.
# Jean-Claude Repetto <jc@repetto.org>, 2001
# Olivier Jacques <jacquesolivier@hotmail.com>, 2003
# Gregoire Favre <greg@magma.unil.ch>, 2003
# Nicolas Huillard <nhuillard@e-dition.fr>, 2005
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-dvdswitch-plugin 0.1.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-13 16:14+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-21 12:59+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nicolas Huillard <nhuillard@e-dition.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: <vdr@linuxtv.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "Commands"
msgstr "Commandes"

msgid "Directory Management"
msgstr "G�rer les dossiers"

msgid "DVD-Tray open"
msgstr "Ouvrir le tiroir du lecteur DVD"

msgid "DVD-Tray close"
msgstr "Fermer le tiroir du lecteur DVD"

msgid "Play"
msgstr "Regarder"

msgid "Image rename"
msgstr "Renommer l'image"

msgid "Image move"
msgstr "D�placer l'image"

msgid "Image delete"
msgstr "Effacer l'image"

msgid "Image burn"
msgstr "Gravrer l'image"

msgid "Image to create from DVD"
msgstr "Cr�er une image du DVD"

msgid "Select Directory"
msgstr "Choisir dossier"

msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"

msgid "Select"
msgstr "S�lectionner"

msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Renommer"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Effacer"

msgid "Move"
msgstr "D�placer"

msgid "Edit directories"
msgstr "Editer le dossier"

msgid "No rights to access this directory!"
msgstr "pas d'autorisation de cr�ation"

msgid "Really delete?"
msgstr "Vraiment effacer?"

msgid "Directory not empty! However delete?"
msgstr "Le dossier n'est pas vide. L'effacer quand m�me?"

msgid "Missing rights to create directory!"
msgstr "pas d'autorisation de cr�ation"

msgid "Directory exists"
msgstr "Le dossier existe d�j�"

msgid "Missing rights to rename!"
msgstr "pas d'autorisation d'�criture"

msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Introduire"

msgid "Specified Writescript not exist!"
msgstr "Le Writescript indiqu� n'existe pas!"

msgid "Can't execute Writescript!"
msgstr "Le Writescript ne peut pas �tre effectu�!"

msgid "Burn now?"
msgstr "Graver maintenant?"

msgid "Read DVD"
msgstr "Lire le DVD"

msgid "Specified Readscript not exist!"
msgstr "Le Readscript indiqu� n'existe pas!"

msgid "Can't execute Readscript!"
msgstr "Le Readscript ne peut pas �tre effectu�!"

msgid "Can't query name of volume!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"

msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Dossier"

msgid "Type of image"
msgstr "Type d'image"

msgid "Read in"
msgstr "Lire"

msgid "Invalid file name for DVD-Image"
msgstr "Le nom de fichier pour DVD-Image n'est pas valable"

msgid "No type of image selected"
msgstr "Aucun type d'image n'est s�lection�!"

msgid "No directory selected. Use Standard?"
msgstr "Aucun dossier n'est choisi. Utiliser le standard?"

msgid "Now read?"
msgstr "Lire maintenant?"

msgid "Allows playback of DVD images"
msgstr ""

msgid "Image Directory not readable or not exist"
msgstr "Dossier pour les images n'est pas acc�ssible ou est inexistant"

msgid "DVD-Plugin not found! Function deactivated!"
msgstr "Le DVD plugin n'est pas disponible! La fonction est d�activ�e!"

msgid "Directory with 'VIDEO_TS' Folder"
msgstr "Dossier avec dossier 'VIDEO_TS'"

msgid "File with '.iso' Extension"
msgstr "Fichier avec extension '.iso'"

msgid "Iso-Image"
msgstr "Image-Iso"

msgid "Image-File"
msgstr "Fichier image"

msgid "Image-Directory"
msgstr "Dossier image"

msgid "to change"
msgstr "Changer"

msgid "File exists in Directory"
msgstr "Le fichier existe d�j� dans le dossier"

msgid "without category"
msgstr "sans cat�gorie"

msgid "DVD-Drive"
msgstr "Lecteur de DVD"

msgid "Dir.Mgmt."
msgstr "G�rer dos."

msgid "Open"
msgstr ""

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"

msgid "Burn"
msgstr "Graver"

msgid "Create"
msgstr "Cr�er"

msgid "Generic settings"
msgstr "Configuration g�n�rale"

msgid "\tHide mainmenu entry"
msgstr "\tCache le menu"

msgid "\t  Name"
msgstr "\t  Nom"

msgid "\tImage Dir."
msgstr "\tDossier image"

msgid "\tType of images"
msgstr "\tType d'images"

msgid "\tView free disk space"
msgstr "\tAffiche l'espace disponible"

msgid "Display settings"
msgstr "Configuration de l'affichage"

msgid "All Images"
msgstr "Toutes les images"

msgid "All with Cat."
msgstr "Toutes avec cat."

msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Dossiers"

msgid "Image type"
msgstr "Type d'image"

msgid "File type"
msgstr "Type de fichier"

msgid "none"
msgstr "sans"

msgid "ascending"
msgstr "Montant"

msgid "descending"
msgstr "Descendant"

msgid "\tDisplay mode"
msgstr "\tMode d'affichage"

msgid "\t  Category Type"
msgstr "\t Type de cat�gorie"

msgid "\t  invisible empty Dir's/Cat."
msgstr "\t  Fait dispara�tre dossier/cat. vide"

msgid "\tAlphabetic Sort"
msgstr "\tClassement alphab�tique"

msgid "\tvisible DVD-Drive"
msgstr "\tDVD-LW visible"

msgid "Special display settings"
msgstr "Configuration des d�tails d'affichage"

msgid "\tvisible Image-Type Col"
msgstr "\tAfficher la colonne type d'image"

msgid "\t  Width for Image-Col"
msgstr "\t  Largeur pour la colone image"

msgid "\tvisible Image-Size Col"
msgstr "\tAfficher la colonne taille des images"

msgid "\tchange Character"
msgstr "\tChanger de signe"

msgid "\tchar for Cat.Line"
msgstr "\tSigne pour cat.ligne"

msgid "\t  Count before Cat.Name"
msgstr "\t  Nombre devant cat.nom"

msgid "\tSpaces before/after Cat.Name"
msgstr "\tSigne vide avant/apr�s nom.cat."

msgid "\tSeparator for Subcat"
msgstr "\tTexte de s�paration des sous-cat."

msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation"

msgid "\tCat.Jump by Left/Right"
msgstr "\tSaut de cat. avec gauche/droite"

msgid "Key allocation"
msgstr "Disposition du clavier"

msgid "None function"
msgstr "Pas de fonction"

msgid "Dir. Management"
msgstr "G�rer les dossiers"

msgid "Tray open"
msgstr "Ouvrir le tiroir du lecteur DVD"

msgid "Tray close"
msgstr "Fermer le tiroir du lecteur DVD"

msgid "Image create"
msgstr "Cr�er une image"

msgid "\tKey 1"
msgstr "\tTouche 1"

msgid "\tKey 2"
msgstr "\tTouche 2"

msgid "\tKey 3"
msgstr "\tTouche 3"

msgid "\tKey 4"
msgstr "\tTouche 4"

msgid "\tKey 5"
msgstr "\tTouche 5"

msgid "\tKey 6"
msgstr "\tTouche 6"

msgid "\tKey 7"
msgstr "\tTouch 7"

msgid "\tKey 8"
msgstr "\tTouch 8"

msgid "\tKey 9"
msgstr "\tTouch 9"

msgid "\tKey 0"
msgstr "\tTouche 0"

msgid "\tKey Red"
msgstr "\tTouche rouge"

msgid "\tKey Green"
msgstr "\tTouche verte"

msgid "\tKey Yellow"
msgstr "\tTouche jaune"

msgid "\tKey Blue"
msgstr "\tTouche bleu"

msgid "\tKey OK"
msgstr "\tTouche OK"

msgid "to adjust"
msgstr "Configuration"

msgid "Type of images"
msgstr "Type d'images"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

msgid "Really delete entry?"
msgstr "Vraiment effacer les entr�es?"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"

msgid "Type title"
msgstr "Type de Titre"

msgid "Directory contains"
msgstr "Dossier contient"

msgid "File extension"
msgstr "Extension de fichier"

msgid "Hide extension"
msgstr "Extension non visible"

msgid "'Description' must not empty!"
msgstr "La d�scription ne peut pas �tre vide!"

msgid "'Type title' must not empty!"
msgstr "'Type titre' ne peut pas �tre vide!"

msgid "'Directory contains' must not empty!"
msgstr "Le dossier 'contient' ne peut pas �tre vide!"

msgid "'File extension' must not empty!"
msgstr "'Le suffix de ficher' ne doit pas �tre vide!"

msgid "No rights to delete image"
msgstr "pas d'autorisation de cr�ation"

msgid "Operation failed"
msgstr ""

msgid "No rights to move image"
msgstr "pas d'autorisation de cr�ation"