#include "dxr3osd_subpicture.h" // Enables some time measure debugging code // (taken from the osdteletext plugin, thanks folks) #ifdef timingdebug #include class cTime { // Debugging: Simple class to measure time timeb start; public: void Start() { ftime(&start); } void Stop(char *txt) { timeb t; ftime(&t); int s = t.time-start.time; int ms = t.millitm - start.millitm; if (ms<0) { s--; ms += 1000; } printf("%s: %i.%03i\n", txt, s, ms); } }; #endif #define MAXNUMWINDOWS 7 // OSD windows are counted 1...7 // ================================== //! constructor #if APIVERSNUM < 10509 cDxr3SubpictureOsd::cDxr3SubpictureOsd(int Left, int Top) : cOsd(Left, Top) #else cDxr3SubpictureOsd::cDxr3SubpictureOsd(int Left, int Top, uint Level) : cOsd(Left, Top, 0) #endif { shown = false; Palette = new cPalette(4); last = new cTimeMs(); last->Set(-cDxr3ConfigData::Instance().GetOsdFlushRate()); Spu = &cSPUEncoder::Instance(); #if APIVERSNUM < 10509 //Clears the OSD screen image Spu->Clear(); #endif } // ================================== cDxr3SubpictureOsd::~cDxr3SubpictureOsd() { #if APIVERSNUM < 10509 //Remove the OSD from the screen Spu->StopSpu(); #else SetActive(false); #endif delete Palette; delete last; } #if APIVERSNUM >= 10509 // ================================== void cDxr3SubpictureOsd::SetActive(bool On) { if (On != Active()) { // Clears the OSD screen image when it becomes active // removes it from screen when it becomes inactive cOsd::SetActive(On); if (On) { Spu->Clear(); } else { Spu->StopSpu(); } } } #endif // ================================== eOsdError cDxr3SubpictureOsd::CanHandleAreas(const tArea *Areas, int NumAreas) { eOsdError Result = cOsd::CanHandleAreas(Areas, NumAreas); if (Result == oeOk) { if (NumAreas > MAXNUMWINDOWS) { return oeTooManyAreas; } for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { if (Areas[i].bpp != 1 && Areas[i].bpp != 2 && Areas[i].bpp != 4 && Areas[i].bpp != 8) { return oeBppNotSupported; } if ((Areas[i].Width() & (8 / Areas[i].bpp - 1)) != 0) { return oeWrongAlignment; } } } return Result; } // ================================== void cDxr3SubpictureOsd::Flush() { #if APIVERSNUM >= 10509 if (!Active()) return; #endif if (last->Elapsed() < cDxr3ConfigData::Instance().GetOsdFlushRate()) return; last->Set(); #ifdef timingdebug cTime t; t.Start(); #endif cBitmap *Bitmap; int oldi; int newi; int i; int indexfree[16]; int firstfree = -1; int indexnoassigned[16]; int firstnoassigned = -1; bool colfree[16]; int NumNewColors; int NumOldColors; //determine the palette used by all bitmaps (without alpha channel) cPalette *newPalette = new cPalette(4); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) colfree[i]=true; for (i = 0; (Bitmap = GetBitmap(i)) != NULL; i++) { int nc; const tColor *col = Bitmap->Colors(nc); if (col) for (int kk = 0; kk < nc; kk++) newPalette->Index(col[kk] & 0x00FFFFFF); } const tColor *newColors = newPalette->Colors(NumNewColors); const tColor *oldColors = Palette->Colors(NumOldColors); // colors already assigned for (newi = 0; newi < NumNewColors; newi++) { for (oldi = 0; oldi < NumOldColors; oldi++) { if (newColors[newi] == oldColors[oldi]) { colfree[oldi] = false; break; } } if (oldi >= NumOldColors) { firstnoassigned++; indexnoassigned[firstnoassigned] = newi; } } // unused colors for (i = 0; i < NumOldColors; i++) { if (colfree[i]) { firstfree++; indexfree[firstfree] = i; } } // replace unused colors with unassigned ones for (i = 0; i <= firstnoassigned; i++) { newi = indexnoassigned[i]; if (firstfree >= 0) { Palette->SetColor(indexfree[firstfree], newColors[newi]); firstfree--; } else { Palette->Index(newColors[newi]); } } delete newPalette; // Shove the bitmaps to the OSD global bitmap for (int i = 0; (Bitmap = GetBitmap(i)) != NULL; i++) { int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; if (Bitmap->Dirty(x1, y1, x2, y2)) { /* TODO workaround: apparently the bitmap sent to the driver always has to be a multiple of 8 bits wide, and (dx * dy) also has to be a multiple of 8. Fix driver (should be able to handle any size bitmaps!) This isn't actually necessary with this plugin, but since other plugins rely on this behaviour to work correctly, I left it here. It doesn't hurt too much. */ // http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.vdr/21572 //#define optimize_bitmap_transfer #ifdef optimize_bitmap_transfer while ((x1 > 0 || x2 < Bitmap->Width() - 1) && ((x2 - x1) & 7) != 7) { if (x2 < Bitmap->Width() - 1) { x2++; } else if (x1 > 0) { x1--; } } //TODO "... / 2" <==> Bpp??? while ((y1 > 0 || y2 < Bitmap->Height() - 1) && (((x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1) / 2) & 7) != 0) { if (y2 < Bitmap->Height() - 1) { y2++; } else if (y1 > 0) { y1--; } } while ((x1 > 0 || x2 < Bitmap->Width() - 1) && (((x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1) / 2) & 7) != 0) { if (x2 < Bitmap->Width() - 1) { x2++; } else if (x1 > 0) { x1--; } } #else x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = Bitmap->Width() - 1; y2 = Bitmap->Height() - 1; #endif Spu->SetPalette(i + 1, Palette, Bitmap); int origx = Left() + Bitmap->X0(); int origy = Top() + Bitmap->Y0(); Spu->CopyBlockIntoOSD(i + 1, Bitmap->Width(), origx + x1, origy + y1, origx + x2, origy + y2, Bitmap->Data(x1, y1)); Bitmap->Clean(); } } Spu->Flush(Palette); shown = true; #ifdef timingdebug t.Stop("cDxr3SubpictureOsd::Flush"); #endif } // Local variables: // mode: c++ // c-file-style: "stroustrup" // c-file-offsets: ((inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: t // End: