path: root/dynamicdevice.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'dynamicdevice.c')
1 files changed, 743 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dynamicdevice.c b/dynamicdevice.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f918b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dynamicdevice.c
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+#include "dynamicdevice.h"
+#include <glob.h>
+#include <vdr/transfer.h>
+int cDynamicDevice::defaultGetTSTimeout = 0;
+cDvbDeviceProbe *cDynamicDevice::dvbprobe = NULL;
+int cDynamicDevice::numDynamicDevices = 0;
+cMutex cDynamicDevice::arrayMutex;
+cDynamicDevice *cDynamicDevice::dynamicdevice[MAXDEVICES] = { NULL };
+int cDynamicDevice::IndexOf(const char *DevPath, int &NextFreeIndex)
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ NextFreeIndex = -1;
+ int index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; ((index < 0) || (NextFreeIndex < 0)) && (i < numDynamicDevices); i++) {
+ if (dynamicdevice[i]->devpath == NULL) {
+ if (NextFreeIndex < 0)
+ NextFreeIndex = i;
+ }
+ else if (index < 0) {
+ if (strcmp(DevPath, **dynamicdevice[i]->devpath) == 0)
+ index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+bool cDynamicDevice::ProcessQueuedCommands(void)
+ for (cDynamicDeviceProbe::cDynamicDeviceProbeItem *dev = cDynamicDeviceProbe::commandQueue.First(); dev; dev = cDynamicDeviceProbe::commandQueue.Next(dev)) {
+ switch (dev->cmd) {
+ case ddpcAttach:
+ {
+ AttachDevice(*dev->devpath);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ddpcDetach:
+ {
+ DetachDevice(*dev->devpath);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cDynamicDeviceProbe::commandQueue.Clear();
+ return true;
+void cDynamicDevice::DetachAllDevices(void)
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDynamicDevices; i++)
+ dynamicdevice[i]->DeleteSubDevice();
+cString cDynamicDevice::ListAllDevices(int &ReplyCode)
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ cString devices;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDynamicDevices; i++) {
+ if ((dynamicdevice[i]->devpath != NULL) && (dynamicdevice[i]->subDevice != NULL)) {
+ count++;
+ devices = cString::sprintf("%s%d%s %s\n", (count == 1) ? "" : *devices
+ , i + 1
+ , ((PrimaryDevice() == dynamicdevice[i]) || !dynamicdevice[i]->isDetachable) ? "*" : ""
+ , **dynamicdevice[i]->devpath);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count == 0) {
+ ReplyCode = 901;
+ return cString::sprintf("there are no attached devices");
+ }
+ return devices;
+cString cDynamicDevice::AttachDevicePattern(const char *Pattern)
+ if (!Pattern)
+ return "invalid pattern";
+ cString reply;
+ glob_t result;
+ if (glob(Pattern, GLOB_MARK, 0, &result) == 0) {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < result.gl_pathc; i++) {
+ cDynamicDeviceProbe::QueueDynamicDeviceCommand(ddpcAttach, result.gl_pathv[i]);
+ reply = cString::sprintf("%squeued %s for attaching\n", (i == 0) ? "" : *reply, result.gl_pathv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ globfree(&result);
+ return reply;
+eDynamicDeviceReturnCode cDynamicDevice::AttachDevice(const char *DevPath)
+ if (!DevPath)
+ return ddrcNotSupported;
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ int freeIndex = -1;
+ int index = IndexOf(DevPath, freeIndex);
+ int adapter = -1;
+ int frontend = -1;
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ esyslog("dynamite: %s is already attached", DevPath);
+ return ddrcAlreadyAttached;
+ }
+ if (freeIndex < 0) {
+ esyslog("dynamite: no more free slots for %s", DevPath);
+ return ddrcNoFreeDynDev;
+ }
+ cDevice::nextParentDevice = dynamicdevice[freeIndex];
+ for (cDynamicDeviceProbe *ddp = DynamicDeviceProbes.First(); ddp; ddp = DynamicDeviceProbes.Next(ddp)) {
+ if (ddp->Attach(dynamicdevice[freeIndex], DevPath))
+ goto attach; // a plugin has created the actual device
+ }
+ // if it's a dvbdevice try the DvbDeviceProbes as a fallback for unpatched plugins
+ if (sscanf(DevPath, "/dev/dvb/adapter%d/frontend%d", &adapter, &frontend) == 2) {
+ for (cDvbDeviceProbe *dp = DvbDeviceProbes.First(); dp; dp = DvbDeviceProbes.Next(dp)) {
+ if (dp != dvbprobe) {
+ if (dp->Probe(adapter, frontend))
+ goto attach;
+ }
+ }
+ new cDvbDevice(adapter, frontend, dynamicdevice[freeIndex]);
+ goto attach;
+ }
+ esyslog("dynamite: can't attach %s", DevPath);
+ return ddrcNotSupported;
+ while (!dynamicdevice[freeIndex]->Ready())
+ cCondWait::SleepMs(2);
+ dynamicdevice[freeIndex]->devpath = new cString(DevPath);
+ isyslog("dynamite: attached device %s to dynamic device slot %d", DevPath, freeIndex + 1);
+ return ddrcSuccess;
+eDynamicDeviceReturnCode cDynamicDevice::DetachDevice(const char *DevPath)
+ if (!DevPath)
+ return ddrcNotSupported;
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ int freeIndex = -1;
+ int index = -1;
+ if (isnumber(DevPath))
+ index = strtol(DevPath, NULL, 10) - 1;
+ else
+ index = IndexOf(DevPath, freeIndex);
+ if ((index < 0) || (index >= numDynamicDevices)) {
+ esyslog("dynamite: device %s not found", DevPath);
+ return ddrcNotFound;
+ }
+ if (!dynamicdevice[index]->isDetachable) {
+ esyslog("dynamite: detaching of device %s is not allowed", DevPath);
+ return ddrcNotAllowed;
+ }
+ if (dynamicdevice[index] == PrimaryDevice()) {
+ esyslog("dynamite: detaching of primary device %s is not supported", DevPath);
+ return ddrcIsPrimaryDevice;
+ }
+ if (dynamicdevice[index]->Receiving(false)) {
+ esyslog("dynamite: can't detach device %s, it's receiving something important", DevPath);
+ return ddrcIsReceiving;
+ }
+ dynamicdevice[index]->DeleteSubDevice();
+ isyslog("dynamite: detached device %s", DevPath);
+ return ddrcSuccess;
+eDynamicDeviceReturnCode cDynamicDevice::SetLockDevice(const char *DevPath, bool Lock)
+ if (!DevPath)
+ return ddrcNotSupported;
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ int freeIndex = -1;
+ int index = -1;
+ if (isnumber(DevPath))
+ index = strtol(DevPath, NULL, 10) - 1;
+ else
+ index = IndexOf(DevPath, freeIndex);
+ if ((index < 0) || (index >= numDynamicDevices))
+ return ddrcNotFound;
+ dynamicdevice[index]->isDetachable = !Lock;
+ isyslog("dynamite: %slocked device %s", Lock ? "" : "un", DevPath);
+ return ddrcSuccess;
+eDynamicDeviceReturnCode cDynamicDevice::SetGetTSTimeout(const char *DevPath, int Seconds)
+ if (!DevPath || (Seconds < 0))
+ return ddrcNotSupported;
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ int freeIndex = -1;
+ int index = -1;
+ if (isnumber(DevPath))
+ index = strtol(DevPath, NULL, 10) - 1;
+ else
+ index = IndexOf(DevPath, freeIndex);
+ if ((index < 0) || (index >= numDynamicDevices))
+ return ddrcNotFound;
+ dynamicdevice[index]->getTSTimeout = Seconds;
+ if (Seconds == 0)
+ isyslog("dynamite: disable GetTSTimeout on device %s", DevPath);
+ else
+ isyslog("dynamite: set GetTSTimeout on device %s to %d seconds", DevPath, Seconds);
+ return ddrcSuccess;
+void cDynamicDevice::SetDefaultGetTSTimeout(int Seconds)
+ if (Seconds >= 0) {
+ defaultGetTSTimeout = Seconds;
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDynamicDevices; i++)
+ dynamicdevice[i]->getTSTimeout = Seconds;
+ isyslog("dynamite: set default GetTSTimeout on all devices to %d seconds", Seconds);
+ }
+bool cDynamicDevice::IsAttached(const char *DevPath)
+ cMutexLock lock(&arrayMutex);
+ int freeIndex = -1;
+ int index = IndexOf(DevPath, freeIndex);
+ return ((index >= 0) && (index >= numDynamicDevices));
+ index = numDynamicDevices;
+ if (numDynamicDevices < MAXDEVICES) {
+ dynamicdevice[index] = this;
+ numDynamicDevices++;
+ }
+ else
+ esyslog("dynamite: ERROR: too many dynamic devices!");
+ DeleteSubDevice();
+void cDynamicDevice::DeleteSubDevice()
+ if (subDevice) {
+ Cancel(3);
+ if (cTransferControl::ReceiverDevice() == this)
+ cControl::Shutdown();
+ subDevice->Detach(player);
+ subDevice->DetachAllReceivers();
+ subDevice->StopSectionHandler();
+ delete subDevice;
+ subDevice = NULL;
+ }
+ if (devpath) {
+ delete devpath;
+ devpath = NULL;
+ }
+ isDetachable = true;
+ getTSTimeout = defaultGetTSTimeout;
+void cDynamicDevice::MakePrimaryDevice(bool On)
+ if (subDevice)
+ subDevice->MakePrimaryDevice(On);
+ cDevice::MakePrimaryDevice(On);
+bool cDynamicDevice::HasDecoder(void) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->HasDecoder();
+ return cDevice::HasDecoder();
+cSpuDecoder *cDynamicDevice::GetSpuDecoder(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetSpuDecoder();
+ return cDevice::GetSpuDecoder();
+bool cDynamicDevice::HasCi(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->HasCi();
+ return cDevice::HasCi();
+uchar *cDynamicDevice::GrabImage(int &Size, bool Jpeg, int Quality, int SizeX, int SizeY)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GrabImage(Size, Jpeg, Quality, SizeX, SizeY);
+ return cDevice::GrabImage(Size, Jpeg, Quality, SizeX, SizeY);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetVideoDisplayFormat(eVideoDisplayFormat VideoDisplayFormat)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetVideoDisplayFormat(VideoDisplayFormat);
+ cDevice::SetVideoDisplayFormat(VideoDisplayFormat);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetVideoFormat(bool VideoFormat16_9)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetVideoFormat(VideoFormat16_9);
+ cDevice::SetVideoFormat(VideoFormat16_9);
+eVideoSystem cDynamicDevice::GetVideoSystem(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetVideoSystem();
+ return cDevice::GetVideoSystem();
+void cDynamicDevice::GetVideoSize(int &Width, int &Height, double &VideoAspect)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetVideoSize(Width, Height, VideoAspect);
+ cDevice::GetVideoSize(Width, Height, VideoAspect);
+void cDynamicDevice::GetOsdSize(int &Width, int &Height, double &PixelAspect)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetOsdSize(Width, Height, PixelAspect);
+ cDevice::GetOsdSize(Width, Height, PixelAspect);
+bool cDynamicDevice::SetPid(cPidHandle *Handle, int Type, bool On)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetPid(Handle, Type, On);
+ return cDevice::SetPid(Handle, Type, On);
+int cDynamicDevice::OpenFilter(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, u_char Mask)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->OpenFilter(Pid, Tid, Mask);
+ return cDevice::OpenFilter(Pid, Tid, Mask);
+void cDynamicDevice::CloseFilter(int Handle)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->CloseFilter(Handle);
+ cDevice::CloseFilter(Handle);
+bool cDynamicDevice::ProvidesSource(int Source) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->ProvidesSource(Source);
+ return cDevice::ProvidesSource(Source);
+bool cDynamicDevice::ProvidesTransponder(const cChannel *Channel) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->ProvidesTransponder(Channel);
+ return cDevice::ProvidesTransponder(Channel);
+bool cDynamicDevice::ProvidesTransponderExclusively(const cChannel *Channel) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->ProvidesTransponderExclusively(Channel);
+ return cDevice::ProvidesTransponderExclusively(Channel);
+bool cDynamicDevice::ProvidesChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Priority, bool *NeedsDetachReceivers) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->ProvidesChannel(Channel, Priority, NeedsDetachReceivers);
+ return cDevice::ProvidesChannel(Channel, Priority, NeedsDetachReceivers);
+int cDynamicDevice::NumProvidedSystems(void) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->NumProvidedSystems();
+ return cDevice::NumProvidedSystems();
+const cChannel *cDynamicDevice::GetCurrentlyTunedTransponder(void) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetCurrentlyTunedTransponder();
+ return cDevice::GetCurrentlyTunedTransponder();
+bool cDynamicDevice::IsTunedToTransponder(const cChannel *Channel)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->IsTunedToTransponder(Channel);
+ return cDevice::IsTunedToTransponder(Channel);
+bool cDynamicDevice::MaySwitchTransponder(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->MaySwitchTransponder();
+ return cDevice::MaySwitchTransponder();
+bool cDynamicDevice::SetChannelDevice(const cChannel *Channel, bool LiveView)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetChannelDevice(Channel, LiveView);
+ return cDevice::SetChannelDevice(Channel, LiveView);
+bool cDynamicDevice::HasLock(int TimeoutMs)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->HasLock(TimeoutMs);
+ return cDevice::HasLock(TimeoutMs);
+bool cDynamicDevice::HasProgramme(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->HasProgramme();
+ return cDevice::HasProgramme();
+int cDynamicDevice::GetAudioChannelDevice(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetAudioChannelDevice();
+ return GetAudioChannelDevice();
+void cDynamicDevice::SetAudioChannelDevice(int AudioChannel)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetAudioChannelDevice(AudioChannel);
+ cDevice::SetAudioChannelDevice(AudioChannel);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetVolumeDevice(int Volume)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetVolumeDevice(Volume);
+ cDevice::SetVolumeDevice(Volume);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetDigitalAudioDevice(bool On)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetDigitalAudioDevice(On);
+ cDevice::SetDigitalAudioDevice(On);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetAudioTrackDevice(eTrackType Type)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetAudioTrackDevice(Type);
+ cDevice::SetAudioTrackDevice(Type);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetSubtitleTrackDevice(eTrackType Type)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetSubtitleTrackDevice(Type);
+ cDevice::SetSubtitleTrackDevice(Type);
+bool cDynamicDevice::CanReplay(void) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->CanReplay();
+ return cDevice::CanReplay();
+bool cDynamicDevice::SetPlayMode(ePlayMode PlayMode)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetPlayMode(PlayMode);
+ return cDevice::SetPlayMode(PlayMode);
+int64_t cDynamicDevice::GetSTC(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->GetSTC();
+ return cDevice::GetSTC();
+bool cDynamicDevice::IsPlayingVideo(void) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->IsPlayingVideo();
+ return cDevice::IsPlayingVideo();
+bool cDynamicDevice::HasIBPTrickSpeed(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->HasIBPTrickSpeed();
+ return cDevice::HasIBPTrickSpeed();
+void cDynamicDevice::TrickSpeed(int Speed)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->TrickSpeed(Speed);
+ cDevice::TrickSpeed(Speed);
+void cDynamicDevice::Clear(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Clear();
+ cDevice::Clear();
+void cDynamicDevice::Play(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Play();
+ cDevice::Play();
+void cDynamicDevice::Freeze(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Freeze();
+ cDevice::Freeze();
+void cDynamicDevice::Mute(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Mute();
+ cDevice::Mute();
+void cDynamicDevice::StillPicture(const uchar *Data, int Length)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->StillPicture(Data, Length);
+ cDevice::StillPicture(Data, Length);
+bool cDynamicDevice::Poll(cPoller &Poller, int TimeoutMs)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Poll(Poller, TimeoutMs);
+ return cDevice::Poll(Poller, TimeoutMs);
+bool cDynamicDevice::Flush(int TimeoutMs)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Flush(TimeoutMs);
+ return cDevice::Flush(TimeoutMs);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayVideo(const uchar *Data, int Length)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayVideo(Data, Length);
+ return cDevice::PlayVideo(Data, Length);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayAudio(const uchar *Data, int Length, uchar Id)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayAudio(Data, Length, Id);
+ return cDevice::PlayAudio(Data, Length, Id);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlaySubtitle(const uchar *Data, int Length)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlaySubtitle(Data, Length);
+ return cDevice::PlaySubtitle(Data, Length);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayPesPacket(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayPesPacket(Data, Length, VideoOnly);
+ return cDevice::PlayPesPacket(Data, Length, VideoOnly);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayPes(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayPes(Data, Length, VideoOnly);
+ return cDevice::PlayPes(Data, Length, VideoOnly);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayTsVideo(const uchar *Data, int Length)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayTsVideo(Data, Length);
+ return cDevice::PlayTsVideo(Data, Length);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayTsAudio(const uchar *Data, int Length)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayTsAudio(Data, Length);
+ return cDevice::PlayTsAudio(Data, Length);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayTsSubtitle(const uchar *Data, int Length)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayTsSubtitle(Data, Length);
+ return cDevice::PlayTsSubtitle(Data, Length);
+int cDynamicDevice::PlayTs(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool VideoOnly)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->PlayTs(Data, Length, VideoOnly);
+ return cDevice::PlayTs(Data, Length, VideoOnly);
+bool cDynamicDevice::Ready(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->Ready();
+ return cDevice::Ready();
+bool cDynamicDevice::OpenDvr(void)
+ if (subDevice) {
+ getTSWatchdog = 0;
+ return subDevice->OpenDvr();
+ }
+ return cDevice::OpenDvr();
+void cDynamicDevice::CloseDvr(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->CloseDvr();
+ cDevice::CloseDvr();
+bool cDynamicDevice::GetTSPacket(uchar *&Data)
+ if (subDevice) {
+ bool r = subDevice->GetTSPacket(Data);
+ if (getTSTimeout > 0) {
+ if (Data == NULL) {
+ if (getTSWatchdog == 0)
+ getTSWatchdog = time(NULL);
+ else if ((time(NULL) - getTSWatchdog) > getTSTimeout) {
+ const char *d = NULL;
+ if (devpath)
+ d = **devpath;
+ esyslog("dynamite: device %s hasn't delivered any data for %d seconds, it will be detached", d, getTSTimeout);
+ cDynamicDeviceProbe::QueueDynamicDeviceCommand(ddpcDetach, *devpath);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ getTSWatchdog = 0;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ return cDevice::GetTSPacket(Data);
+bool cDynamicDevice::HasInternalCam(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->HasInternalCam();
+ return cDevice::HasInternalCam();
+bool cDynamicDevice::SendDiseqcCmd(dvb_diseqc_master_cmd cmd)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SendDiseqcCmd(cmd);
+ return cDevice::SendDiseqcCmd(cmd);
+void cDynamicDevice::SetLnbNrFromSetup(void)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->SetLnbNrFromSetup();
+ cDevice::SetLnbNrFromSetup();
+int cDynamicDevice::LnbNr(void) const
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->LnbNr();
+ return cDevice::LnbNr();
+bool cDynamicDevice::IsShareLnb(const cDevice *Device)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->IsShareLnb(Device);
+ return cDevice::IsShareLnb(Device);
+bool cDynamicDevice::IsLnbConflict(const cChannel *Channel)
+ if (subDevice)
+ return subDevice->IsLnbConflict(Channel);
+ return cDevice::IsLnbConflict(Channel);