path: root/eepg.c
diff options
authorDimitar Petrovski <>2011-09-14 18:37:55 +0200
committerDimitar Petrovski <>2011-09-14 18:37:55 +0200
commite6cc26ab4a3fb21510366ae25865be4aaca76e11 (patch)
treeeafbc641c5731f9fd3dbdc9af15453db1fb0bb1b /eepg.c
parent6ec148ba25e336e8d75a43cf2498fdcecd647b87 (diff)
moved premiere code to separate method
Diffstat (limited to 'eepg.c')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/eepg.c b/eepg.c
index 98b81f2..a3ec6e7 100644
--- a/eepg.c
+++ b/eepg.c
@@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ protected:
unsigned short int Version, char Rating = 0x00);
virtual void LoadIntoSchedule (void);
virtual void LoadEquivalentChannels (void);
+ void ProcessPremiere(const u_char *& Data);
cFilterEEPG (void);
virtual void SetStatus (bool On);
@@ -3547,273 +3549,10 @@ void cFilterEEPG::Process (u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char * Data, int Len
else if (Source ()) {
int Result;
switch (Tid) {
- case 0xA0:
+ case 0xA0: //TODO DPE test this missing break but it seems a bug
if ((Pid < 0x30) || (Pid > 0x37)) {
- SI::PremiereCIT cit (Data, false);
- if (cit.CheckCRCAndParse ()) {
- cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock (true, 10);
- cSchedules *Schedules = (cSchedules *) cSchedules::Schedules (SchedulesLock);
- if (Schedules) {
- int nCount = 0;
- int nRating = 0;
- SI::ExtendedEventDescriptors * ExtendedEventDescriptors = 0;
- SI::ShortEventDescriptor * ShortEventDescriptor = 0;
- char *order = 0, *rating = 0;
- {
- time_t firstTime = 0;
- SI::Descriptor * d;
- bool UseExtendedEventDescriptor = false;
- int LanguagePreferenceShort = -1;
- int LanguagePreferenceExt = -1;
- for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = cit.eventDescriptors.getNext (it));) {
- switch (d->getDescriptorTag ()) {
- case 0xF0: // order information
- if (SetupPE.OrderInfo) {
- static const char *text[] = {
- trNOOP ("Ordernumber"),
- trNOOP ("Price"),
- trNOOP ("Ordering"),
- trNOOP ("SMS"),
- trNOOP ("WWW")
- };
- char buff[512];
- int p = 0;
- const unsigned char *data = d->getData ().getData () + 2;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- int l = data[0];
- if (l > 0)
- p += snprintf (&buff[p], sizeof (buff) - p, "\n%s: %.*s", tr (text[i]), l, &data[1]);
- data += l + 1;
- }
- if (p > 0)
- order = strdup (buff);
- }
- break;
- case 0xF1: // parental rating
- if (SetupPE.RatingInfo) {
- char buff[512];
- int p = 0;
- const unsigned char *data = d->getData ().getData () + 2;
- nRating = data[0] + 3;
- p += snprintf (&buff[p], sizeof (buff) - p, "\n%s: %d %s", tr ("Rating"), nRating, tr ("years"));
- data += 7;
- int l = data[0];
- if (l > 0)
- p += snprintf (&buff[p], sizeof (buff) - p, " (%.*s)", l, &data[1]);
- if (p > 0)
- rating = strdup (buff);
- }
- break;
- case SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptorTag:
- if (nCount >= 0) {
- SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor * pct = (SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor *) d;
- nCount++;
- SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry sd;
- SI::Loop::Iterator it;
- if (pct->startDayLoop.getNext (sd, it)) {
- SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry::StartTimeEntry st;
- SI::Loop::Iterator it2;
- if (sd.startTimeLoop.getNext (st, it2)) {
- time_t StartTime = st.getStartTime (sd.getMJD ());
- if (nCount == 1)
- firstTime = StartTime;
- else if (firstTime < StartTime - 5 * 50 || firstTime > StartTime + 5 * 60)
- nCount = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case SI::ExtendedEventDescriptorTag: {
- SI::ExtendedEventDescriptor * eed = (SI::ExtendedEventDescriptor *) d;
- if (I18nIsPreferredLanguage (Setup.EPGLanguages, eed->languageCode, LanguagePreferenceExt)
- || !ExtendedEventDescriptors) {
- delete ExtendedEventDescriptors;
- ExtendedEventDescriptors = new SI::ExtendedEventDescriptors;
- UseExtendedEventDescriptor = true;
- }
- if (UseExtendedEventDescriptor) {
- ExtendedEventDescriptors->Add (eed);
- d = NULL; // so that it is not deleted
- }
- if (eed->getDescriptorNumber () == eed->getLastDescriptorNumber ())
- UseExtendedEventDescriptor = false;
- }
- break;
- case SI::ShortEventDescriptorTag: {
- SI::ShortEventDescriptor * sed = (SI::ShortEventDescriptor *) d;
- if (I18nIsPreferredLanguage (Setup.EPGLanguages, sed->languageCode, LanguagePreferenceShort)
- || !ShortEventDescriptor) {
- delete ShortEventDescriptor;
- ShortEventDescriptor = sed;
- d = NULL; // so that it is not deleted
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- delete d;
- }
- }
- {
- bool Modified = false;
- int optCount = 0;
- unsigned int crc[3];
- crc[0] = cit.getContentId ();
- SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor * pct;
- for (SI::Loop::Iterator it;
- (pct =
- (SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor *) cit.eventDescriptors.getNext (it,
- SI::
- PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptorTag));) {
- int nid = pct->getOriginalNetworkId ();
- int tid = pct->getTransportStreamId ();
- int sid = pct->getServiceId ();
- if (SetupPE.FixEpg) {
- if (nid == 133) {
- if (tid == 0x03 && sid == 0xf0) {
- tid = 0x02;
- sid = 0xe0;
- } else if (tid == 0x03 && sid == 0xf1) {
- tid = 0x02;
- sid = 0xe1;
- } else if (tid == 0x03 && sid == 0xf5) {
- tid = 0x03;
- sid = 0xdc;
- } else if (tid == 0x04 && sid == 0xd2) {
- tid = 0x11;
- sid = 0xe2;
- } else if (tid == 0x11 && sid == 0xd3) {
- tid = 0x11;
- sid = 0xe3;
- }
- }
- }
- tChannelID channelID (Source (), nid, tid, sid);
- cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID (channelID, true);
-#ifdef USE_NOEPG
- // only use epg from channels not blocked by noEPG-patch
- if (!allowedEPG (channelID))
- continue;
-#endif /* NOEPG */
- if (!channel)
- continue;
- cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (channelID);
- if (!pSchedule) {
- pSchedule = new cSchedule (channelID);
- Schedules->Add (pSchedule);
- }
- optCount++;
- SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry sd;
- int index = 0;
- for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; pct->startDayLoop.getNext (sd, it);) {
- int mjd = sd.getMJD ();
- SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry::StartTimeEntry st;
- for (SI::Loop::Iterator it2; sd.startTimeLoop.getNext (st, it2);) {
- time_t StartTime = st.getStartTime (mjd);
- time_t EndTime = StartTime + cit.getDuration ();
- int runningStatus = (StartTime < now
- && now < EndTime) ? SI::RunningStatusRunning : ((StartTime - 30 < now
- && now <
- StartTime) ? SI::
- RunningStatusStartsInAFewSeconds
- : SI::RunningStatusNotRunning);
- bool isOpt = false;
- if (index++ == 0 && nCount > 1)
- isOpt = true;
- crc[1] = isOpt ? optCount : 0;
- crc[2] = StartTime / STARTTIME_BIAS;
- tEventID EventId = ((('P' << 8) | 'W') << 16) | crc16 (0, (unsigned char *) crc, sizeof (crc));
- LogI(2, "%s R%d %04x/%.4x %d %d/%d %s +%d ", *channelID.ToString (), runningStatus,
- EventId & 0xFFFF, cit.getContentId (), index, isOpt, optCount,
- stripspace (ctime (&StartTime)), (int) cit.getDuration () / 60);
- if (EndTime + Setup.EPGLinger * 60 < now) {
- LogI(2, "(old)\n");
- continue;
- }
- bool newEvent = false;
- cEvent *pEvent = (cEvent *) pSchedule->GetEvent (EventId, -1);
- if (!pEvent) {
- LogI(2, "(new)\n");
- pEvent = new cEvent (EventId);
- if (!pEvent)
- continue;
- newEvent = true;
- } else {
- LogI(2, "(upd)\n");
- pEvent->SetSeen ();
- if (pEvent->TableID () == 0x00 || pEvent->Version () == cit.getVersionNumber ()) {
- if (pEvent->RunningStatus () != runningStatus)
- pSchedule->SetRunningStatus (pEvent, runningStatus, channel);
- continue;
- }
- }
- pEvent->SetEventID (EventId);
- pEvent->SetTableID (Tid);
- pEvent->SetVersion (cit.getVersionNumber ());
- pEvent->SetStartTime (StartTime);
- pEvent->SetDuration (cit.getDuration ());
- if (ShortEventDescriptor) {
- char buffer[256];
- ShortEventDescriptor->name.getText (buffer, sizeof (buffer));
- if (isOpt) {
- char buffer2[sizeof (buffer) + 32];
- snprintf (buffer2, sizeof (buffer2), optPats[SetupPE.OptPat], buffer, optCount);
- pEvent->SetTitle (buffer2);
- } else
- pEvent->SetTitle (buffer);
- LogI(2, "title: %s\n", pEvent->Title ());
- pEvent->SetShortText (ShortEventDescriptor->text.getText (buffer, sizeof (buffer)));
- }
- if (ExtendedEventDescriptors) {
- char buffer[ExtendedEventDescriptors->getMaximumTextLength (": ") + 1];
- pEvent->SetDescription (ExtendedEventDescriptors->getText (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ": "));
- }
- if (order || rating) {
- int len = (pEvent->Description ()? strlen (pEvent->Description ()) : 0) +
- (order ? strlen (order) : 0) + (rating ? strlen (rating) : 0);
- char buffer[len + 32];
- buffer[0] = 0;
- if (pEvent->Description ())
- strcat (buffer, pEvent->Description ());
- if (rating) {
- strcat (buffer, rating);
- pEvent->SetParentalRating(nRating);
- }
- if (order)
- strcat (buffer, order);
- pEvent->SetDescription (buffer);
- }
- if (newEvent)
- pSchedule->AddEvent (pEvent);
- pEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
- if (pEvent->RunningStatus () != runningStatus)
- pSchedule->SetRunningStatus (pEvent, runningStatus, channel);
- pSchedule->DropOutdated (StartTime, EndTime, Tid, cit.getVersionNumber ());
- Modified = true;
- }
- }
- if (Modified) {
- pSchedule->Sort ();
- Schedules->SetModified (pSchedule);
- }
- delete pct;
- }
- }
- delete ExtendedEventDescriptors;
- delete ShortEventDescriptor;
- free (order);
- free (rating);
- }
- } //if checkcrcandpars
+ ProcessPremiere(Data);
} //if citpid == 0xb11 Premiere
case 0xa1:
@@ -4056,6 +3795,282 @@ void cFilterEEPG::Process (u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char * Data, int Len
// --- cPluginEEPG ------------------------------------------------------
+void cFilterEEPG::ProcessPremiere(const u_char *& Data)
+ SI::PremiereCIT cit(Data, false);
+ if (cit.CheckCRCAndParse ()) {
+ cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock (true, 10);
+ cSchedules *Schedules = (cSchedules *) cSchedules::Schedules (SchedulesLock);
+ if (Schedules) {
+ int now = time (0);
+ int nCount = 0;
+ int nRating = 0;
+ unsigned char Tid = 0xa0; // TODO maybe default TableID
+ SI::ExtendedEventDescriptors * ExtendedEventDescriptors = 0;
+ SI::ShortEventDescriptor * ShortEventDescriptor = 0;
+ char *order = 0, *rating = 0;
+ {
+ time_t firstTime = 0;
+ SI::Descriptor * d;
+ bool UseExtendedEventDescriptor = false;
+ int LanguagePreferenceShort = -1;
+ int LanguagePreferenceExt = -1;
+ for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = cit.eventDescriptors.getNext (it));) {
+ switch (d->getDescriptorTag ()) {
+ case 0xF0: // order information
+ if (SetupPE.OrderInfo) {
+ static const char *text[] = {
+ trNOOP ("Ordernumber"),
+ trNOOP ("Price"),
+ trNOOP ("Ordering"),
+ trNOOP ("SMS"),
+ trNOOP ("WWW")
+ };
+ char buff[512];
+ int p = 0;
+ const unsigned char *data = d->getData ().getData () + 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ int l = data[0];
+ if (l > 0)
+ p += snprintf (&buff[p], sizeof (buff) - p, "\n%s: %.*s", tr (text[i]), l, &data[1]);
+ data += l + 1;
+ }
+ if (p > 0)
+ order = strdup (buff);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0xF1: // parental rating
+ if (SetupPE.RatingInfo) {
+ char buff[512];
+ int p = 0;
+ const unsigned char *data = d->getData ().getData () + 2;
+ nRating = data[0] + 3;
+ p += snprintf (&buff[p], sizeof (buff) - p, "\n%s: %d %s", tr ("Rating"), nRating, tr ("years"));
+ data += 7;
+ int l = data[0];
+ if (l > 0)
+ p += snprintf (&buff[p], sizeof (buff) - p, " (%.*s)", l, &data[1]);
+ if (p > 0)
+ rating = strdup (buff);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptorTag:
+ if (nCount >= 0) {
+ SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor * pct = (SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor *) d;
+ nCount++;
+ SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry sd;
+ SI::Loop::Iterator it;
+ if (pct->startDayLoop.getNext (sd, it)) {
+ SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry::StartTimeEntry st;
+ SI::Loop::Iterator it2;
+ if (sd.startTimeLoop.getNext (st, it2)) {
+ time_t StartTime = st.getStartTime (sd.getMJD ());
+ if (nCount == 1)
+ firstTime = StartTime;
+ else if (firstTime < StartTime - 5 * 50 || firstTime > StartTime + 5 * 60)
+ nCount = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SI::ExtendedEventDescriptorTag: {
+ SI::ExtendedEventDescriptor * eed = (SI::ExtendedEventDescriptor *) d;
+ if (I18nIsPreferredLanguage (Setup.EPGLanguages, eed->languageCode, LanguagePreferenceExt)
+ || !ExtendedEventDescriptors) {
+ delete ExtendedEventDescriptors;
+ ExtendedEventDescriptors = new SI::ExtendedEventDescriptors;
+ UseExtendedEventDescriptor = true;
+ }
+ if (UseExtendedEventDescriptor) {
+ ExtendedEventDescriptors->Add (eed);
+ d = NULL; // so that it is not deleted
+ }
+ if (eed->getDescriptorNumber () == eed->getLastDescriptorNumber ())
+ UseExtendedEventDescriptor = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SI::ShortEventDescriptorTag: {
+ SI::ShortEventDescriptor * sed = (SI::ShortEventDescriptor *) d;
+ if (I18nIsPreferredLanguage (Setup.EPGLanguages, sed->languageCode, LanguagePreferenceShort)
+ || !ShortEventDescriptor) {
+ delete ShortEventDescriptor;
+ ShortEventDescriptor = sed;
+ d = NULL; // so that it is not deleted
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ delete d;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ bool Modified = false;
+ int optCount = 0;
+ unsigned int crc[3];
+ crc[0] = cit.getContentId ();
+ SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor * pct;
+ for (SI::Loop::Iterator it;
+ (pct =
+ (SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor *) cit.eventDescriptors.getNext (it,
+ SI::
+ PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptorTag));) {
+ int nid = pct->getOriginalNetworkId ();
+ int tid = pct->getTransportStreamId ();
+ int sid = pct->getServiceId ();
+ if (SetupPE.FixEpg) {
+ if (nid == 133) {
+ if (tid == 0x03 && sid == 0xf0) {
+ tid = 0x02;
+ sid = 0xe0;
+ } else if (tid == 0x03 && sid == 0xf1) {
+ tid = 0x02;
+ sid = 0xe1;
+ } else if (tid == 0x03 && sid == 0xf5) {
+ tid = 0x03;
+ sid = 0xdc;
+ } else if (tid == 0x04 && sid == 0xd2) {
+ tid = 0x11;
+ sid = 0xe2;
+ } else if (tid == 0x11 && sid == 0xd3) {
+ tid = 0x11;
+ sid = 0xe3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tChannelID channelID (Source (), nid, tid, sid);
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID (channelID, true);
+#ifdef USE_NOEPG
+ // only use epg from channels not blocked by noEPG-patch
+ if (!allowedEPG (channelID))
+ continue;
+#endif /* NOEPG */
+ if (!channel)
+ continue;
+ cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (channelID);
+ if (!pSchedule) {
+ pSchedule = new cSchedule (channelID);
+ Schedules->Add (pSchedule);
+ }
+ optCount++;
+ SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry sd;
+ int index = 0;
+ for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; pct->startDayLoop.getNext (sd, it);) {
+ int mjd = sd.getMJD ();
+ SI::PremiereContentTransmissionDescriptor::StartDayEntry::StartTimeEntry st;
+ for (SI::Loop::Iterator it2; sd.startTimeLoop.getNext (st, it2);) {
+ time_t StartTime = st.getStartTime (mjd);
+ time_t EndTime = StartTime + cit.getDuration ();
+ int runningStatus = (StartTime < now
+ && now < EndTime) ? SI::RunningStatusRunning : ((StartTime - 30 < now
+ && now <
+ StartTime) ? SI::
+ RunningStatusStartsInAFewSeconds
+ : SI::RunningStatusNotRunning);
+ bool isOpt = false;
+ if (index++ == 0 && nCount > 1)
+ isOpt = true;
+ crc[1] = isOpt ? optCount : 0;
+ crc[2] = StartTime / STARTTIME_BIAS;
+ tEventID EventId = ((('P' << 8) | 'W') << 16) | crc16 (0, (unsigned char *) crc, sizeof (crc));
+ LogI(2, "%s R%d %04x/%.4x %d %d/%d %s +%d ", *channelID.ToString (), runningStatus,
+ EventId & 0xFFFF, cit.getContentId (), index, isOpt, optCount,
+ stripspace (ctime (&StartTime)), (int) cit.getDuration () / 60);
+ if (EndTime + Setup.EPGLinger * 60 < now) {
+ LogI(2, "(old)\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool newEvent = false;
+ cEvent *pEvent = (cEvent *) pSchedule->GetEvent (EventId, -1);
+ if (!pEvent) {
+ LogI(2, "(new)\n");
+ pEvent = new cEvent (EventId);
+ if (!pEvent)
+ continue;
+ newEvent = true;
+ } else {
+ LogI(2, "(upd)\n");
+ pEvent->SetSeen ();
+ if (pEvent->TableID () == 0x00 || pEvent->Version () == cit.getVersionNumber ()) {
+ if (pEvent->RunningStatus () != runningStatus)
+ pSchedule->SetRunningStatus (pEvent, runningStatus, channel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ pEvent->SetEventID (EventId);
+ pEvent->SetTableID (Tid);
+ pEvent->SetVersion (cit.getVersionNumber ());
+ pEvent->SetStartTime (StartTime);
+ pEvent->SetDuration (cit.getDuration ());
+ if (ShortEventDescriptor) {
+ char buffer[256];
+ ShortEventDescriptor->name.getText (buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ if (isOpt) {
+ char buffer2[sizeof (buffer) + 32];
+ snprintf (buffer2, sizeof (buffer2), optPats[SetupPE.OptPat], buffer, optCount);
+ pEvent->SetTitle (buffer2);
+ } else
+ pEvent->SetTitle (buffer);
+ LogI(2, "title: %s\n", pEvent->Title ());
+ pEvent->SetShortText (ShortEventDescriptor->text.getText (buffer, sizeof (buffer)));
+ }
+ if (ExtendedEventDescriptors) {
+ char buffer[ExtendedEventDescriptors->getMaximumTextLength (": ") + 1];
+ pEvent->SetDescription (ExtendedEventDescriptors->getText (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ": "));
+ }
+ if (order || rating) {
+ int len = (pEvent->Description ()? strlen (pEvent->Description ()) : 0) +
+ (order ? strlen (order) : 0) + (rating ? strlen (rating) : 0);
+ char buffer[len + 32];
+ buffer[0] = 0;
+ if (pEvent->Description ())
+ strcat (buffer, pEvent->Description ());
+ if (rating) {
+ strcat (buffer, rating);
+ pEvent->SetParentalRating(nRating);
+ }
+ if (order)
+ strcat (buffer, order);
+ pEvent->SetDescription (buffer);
+ }
+ if (newEvent)
+ pSchedule->AddEvent (pEvent);
+ pEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
+ if (pEvent->RunningStatus () != runningStatus)
+ pSchedule->SetRunningStatus (pEvent, runningStatus, channel);
+ pSchedule->DropOutdated (StartTime, EndTime, Tid, cit.getVersionNumber ());
+ Modified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Modified) {
+ pSchedule->Sort ();
+ Schedules->SetModified (pSchedule);
+ }
+ delete pct;
+ }
+ }
+ delete ExtendedEventDescriptors;
+ delete ShortEventDescriptor;
+ free (order);
+ free (rating);
+ }
+ }
class cPluginEEPG:public cPlugin