path: root/equivhandler.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'equivhandler.c')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/equivhandler.c b/equivhandler.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10c004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/equivhandler.c
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ * equivhandler.cpp
+ *
+ * Created on: 19.5.2012
+ * Author: d.petrovski
+ */
+#include "equivhandler.h"
+#include "setupeepg.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include <string>
+using namespace util;
+multimap<string, string> cEquivHandler::equiChanMap;
+long cEquivHandler::equiChanFileTime = 0;
+ loadEquivalentChannelMap();
+ // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
+void cEquivHandler::loadEquivalentChannelMap (void)
+ char Buffer[1024];
+ char *Line;
+ FILE *File;
+ string FileName = string(cSetupEEPG::getInstance()->getConfDir()) + "/" + EEPG_FILE_EQUIV;
+ multimap<string,string>::iterator it,it2;
+ pair<multimap<string,string>::iterator,multimap<string,string>::iterator> ret;
+ //Test if file is changed and reload
+ struct stat st;
+ if (stat(FileName.c_str(), &st)) {
+ LogE(0, prep("Error obtaining stats for '%s' "), FileName.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (equiChanMap.size() > 0 && equiChanFileTime == st.st_mtim.tv_nsec)
+ return;
+ else
+ equiChanMap.clear();
+ File = fopen (FileName.c_str(), "r");
+ if (File) {
+ memset (Buffer, 0, sizeof (Buffer));
+ char origChanID[256];
+ char equiChanID[256];
+ char source[256];
+ int nid = 0;
+ int tid = 0;
+ int sid = 0;
+ int rid = 0;
+ while ((Line = fgets (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), File)) != NULL) {
+ Line = compactspace (skipspace (stripspace (Line)));
+ if (!isempty (Line)) {
+ if (sscanf (Line, "%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^\n]\n", origChanID, equiChanID, source) == 3) {
+ if (origChanID[0] != '#' && origChanID[0] != ';') {
+ nid = 0;
+ tid = 0;
+ sid = 0;
+ rid = 0;
+ if (sscanf (origChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4)
+ if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4) {
+ if (sscanf (origChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid) != 5) {
+ rid = 0;
+ }
+ tChannelID OriginalChID = tChannelID (cSource::FromString (source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
+ bool found = false;
+ //int i = 0;
+ cChannel *OriginalChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID (OriginalChID, false);
+ if (!OriginalChannel) {
+ LogI(2, prep("Warning, not found epg channel \'%s\' in channels.conf. Equivalency is assumed to be valid, but perhaps you should check the entry in the equivalents file"), origChanID); //TODO: skip this ing?
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4) {
+ if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid)
+ != 5) {
+ rid = 0;
+ }
+ tChannelID EquivChID = tChannelID (cSource::FromString (source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
+ cChannel *EquivChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID (EquivChID, false); //TODO use valid function?
+ if (EquivChannel) {
+ ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*OriginalChID.ToString());
+ for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it)
+ if ((*it).second == *OriginalChID.ToString()) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ string origCh(*OriginalChID.ToString());
+ string equiCh(*EquivChID.ToString());
+ equiChanMap.insert(pair<string,string>(origCh.c_str(),equiCh.c_str()));
+ LogD(4, prep("Found %s equivalent to %s. origCh %s"), *EquivChID.ToString(), *OriginalChID.ToString(), origCh.c_str());
+ for ( it2=equiChanMap.begin() ; it2 != equiChanMap.end(); it2++ )
+ LogD(3, prep("Original ID %s <-> Equivalent ID %s"), (*it2).first.c_str(), it2->second.c_str());
+ }
+ } else
+ LogI(0, prep("Warning, not found equivalent channel \'%s\' in channels.conf"), equiChanID);
+ }
+ } //if scanf string1
+ } //if string1
+ } //if scanf
+ } //if isempty
+ } //while
+ fclose (File);
+ equiChanFileTime = st.st_mtim.tv_nsec;
+ LogD(2, prep("Loaded %i equivalents."), equiChanMap.size());
+ for ( it2=equiChanMap.begin() ; it2 != equiChanMap.end(); it2++ )
+ LogD(2, prep("Original ID %s <-> Equivalent ID %s"), (*it2).first.c_str(), it2->second.c_str());
+ } //if file
+void cEquivHandler::updateEquivalent(cSchedules * Schedules, tChannelID channelID, cEvent *pEvent){
+ multimap<string,string>::iterator it;
+ pair<multimap<string,string>::iterator,multimap<string,string>::iterator> ret;
+ LogD(2, prep("Start updateEquivalent %s"), *channelID.ToString());
+ ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*channelID.ToString());
+ for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
+ LogD(2, prep("equivalent channel exists"));
+ tChannelID equChannelID (tChannelID::FromString((*it).second.c_str()));
+ cChannel *equChannel = GetChannelByID (equChannelID, false);
+ if (equChannel) {
+ LogD(2, prep("found Equivalent channel %s"), *equChannelID.ToString());
+ cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (equChannel, true);
+ cEvent *pEqvEvent = (cEvent *) pSchedule->GetEvent (pEvent->EventID(), pEvent->StartTime());
+ if (pEqvEvent) {
+ LogD(3, prep("equivalent event exists"));
+ if (pEqvEvent == pEvent) {
+ LogD(3, prep("equal event exists"));
+ } else {
+ LogD(2, prep("remove equivalent"));
+ pSchedule->DelEvent(pEqvEvent);
+ cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
+ newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
+ newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
+ newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
+ newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
+// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
+ newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
+ newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
+ newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
+ newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
+ newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
+// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
+ newEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
+ pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent);
+ }
+ } else {
+ LogD(3, prep("equivalent event does not exist"));
+ cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
+ newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
+ newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
+ newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
+ newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
+// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
+ newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
+ newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
+ newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
+ newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
+ newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
+// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
+ newEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
+ pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void cEquivHandler::updateEquivalent(tChannelID channelID, cEvent *pEvent){
+ multimap<string,string>::iterator it;
+ pair<multimap<string,string>::iterator,multimap<string,string>::iterator> ret;
+ LogD(2, prep("Start updateEquivalent %s"), *channelID.ToString());
+ ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*channelID.ToString());
+ for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
+ LogD(2, prep("equivalent channel exists"));
+ tChannelID equChannelID (tChannelID::FromString((*it).second.c_str()));
+ cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
+ newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
+ newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
+ newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
+ newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
+// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
+ newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
+ newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
+ newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
+ newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
+ newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
+// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
+ AddEvent(newEvent, equChannelID);
+ }
+//cSchedule * findFisrtSchedule (cSchedule * Schedule) {
+// if (Schedule->Prev())
+// return findFisrtSchedule((cSchedule *)Schedule->Prev());
+// else
+// return Schedule;
+//cSchedule * findSchedule (cSchedule * Schedule, tChannelID channelID) {
+// if (Schedule->ChannelID() == channelID)
+// return Schedule;
+// if (Schedule->Next())
+// return findSchedule((cSchedule *)Schedule->Next(), channelID);
+// else
+// return NULL;
+//cSchedule * findEqvSchedule (cSchedule * Schedule, tChannelID channelID) {
+// cSchedule* foundSchedule = findSchedule(findFisrtSchedule(Schedule),channelID);
+// if (foundSchedule)
+// return foundSchedule;
+// cSchedule* sch = new cSchedule(channelID);
+// Schedule->Insert(sch);
+// return sch;
+void cEquivHandler::sortEquivalents(tChannelID channelID, cSchedules* Schedules)
+ multimap<string, string>::iterator it;
+ pair < multimap < string, string > ::iterator, multimap < string, string
+ > ::iterator > ret;
+ LogD(2, prep("sortEquivalents for channel %s count: %d"), *channelID.ToString(), cEquivHandler::getEquiChanMap().count(*channelID.ToString()));
+ ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*channelID.ToString());
+ for (it = ret.first; it != ret.second; ++it)
+ {
+ LogD(3, prep("equivalent channel exists"));
+ tChannelID equChannelID(tChannelID::FromString((*it).second.c_str()));
+ cChannel* pChannel = GetChannelByID(equChannelID, false);
+ if (pChannel)
+ {
+ LogD(2, prep("found Equivalent channel %s"), *equChannelID.ToString());
+ cSchedule* pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule(pChannel, true);
+ pSchedule->Sort();
+ Schedules->SetModified(pSchedule);
+ }
+ }