/* * epg2vdr.c: EPG2VDR plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #include #include #include "plgconfig.h" #include "update.h" #include "menu.h" #include "handler.h" #if !defined (APIVERSNUM) || (APIVERSNUM < 20200) # error VDR API versions < 2.2.0 are not supported ! #endif cUpdate* oUpdate = 0; const char* logPrefix = LOG_PREFIX; //*************************************************************************** // Static global handler Instance //*************************************************************************** cEpg2VdrEpgHandler* cEpg2VdrEpgHandler::singleton = cEpg2VdrEpgHandler::getSingleton(); //*************************************************************************** // Menu Edit List Item //*************************************************************************** class cMenuEditStrListItem : public cMenuEditIntItem { public: cMenuEditStrListItem(const char* Name, int* Value, cStringList* List); protected: virtual void Set(); cStringList* list; }; cMenuEditStrListItem::cMenuEditStrListItem(const char* Name, int* Value, cStringList* List) : cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 0, List->Size()-1) { list = List; Set(); } void cMenuEditStrListItem::Set() { char* v = (*list)[*value]; SetValue(v); } //*************************************************************************** // Plugin Main Menu //*************************************************************************** class cEpgPluginMenu : public cOsdMenu { public: cEpgPluginMenu(const char* title, cPluginEPG2VDR* aPlugin); virtual ~cEpgPluginMenu() { }; virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys key); protected: cPluginEPG2VDR* plugin; }; enum EpgMenuState { emsTimer = os_User, emsSearchtimer, emsDones, emsProgram, emsUpdate, emsReload }; cEpgPluginMenu::cEpgPluginMenu(const char* title, cPluginEPG2VDR* aPlugin) : cOsdMenu(title) { plugin = aPlugin; SetMenuCategory(mcMain); SetHasHotkeys(yes); Clear(); if (Epg2VdrConfig.shareInWeb) { cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Timer")), (eOSState)emsTimer)); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Search Timer")), (eOSState)emsSearchtimer)); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Timer Journal")), (eOSState)emsDones)); } cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Program")), (eOSState)emsProgram)); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Update")), (eOSState)emsUpdate)); cOsdMenu::Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Reload")), (eOSState)emsReload)); SetHelp(0, 0, 0, 0); Display(); } eOSState cEpgPluginMenu::ProcessKey(eKeys key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(key); switch (state) { case emsTimer: { state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuEpgTimers()); break; } case emsSearchtimer: { state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuEpgSearchTimers()); break; } case emsDones: { state = AddSubMenu(new cEpgMenuDones()); break; } case emsProgram: { state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuEpgWhatsOn()); break; } case emsUpdate: { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Update EPG")); oUpdate->triggerEpgUpdate(); return osEnd; } case emsReload: { Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Reload EPG")); oUpdate->triggerEpgUpdate(true); return osEnd; } default: ; } return state; } //*************************************************************************** // Plugin Setup Menu //*************************************************************************** class cMenuSetupEPG2VDR : public cMenuSetupPage { public: cMenuSetupEPG2VDR(); ~cMenuSetupEPG2VDR() ; protected: virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); virtual void Store(); virtual void Setup(); private: cEpg2VdrConfig data; cMenuDb* menuDb; long int webLoginEnabled; char** userList; int userCount; cStringList interfaceList; int interfaceIndex; }; cMenuSetupEPG2VDR::cMenuSetupEPG2VDR() { data = Epg2VdrConfig; menuDb = new cMenuDb; webLoginEnabled = no; userList = 0; userCount = 0; interfaceIndex = 0; Setup(); } cMenuSetupEPG2VDR::~cMenuSetupEPG2VDR() { if (userList) { for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) free(userList[i]); delete userList; } delete menuDb; } void cMenuSetupEPG2VDR::Setup() { int current = Current(); // // DVB Event update mode static const char* masterModes[4]; masterModes[0] = tr("auto"); masterModes[1] = tr("yes"); masterModes[2] = tr("no"); masterModes[3] = 0; // // List of WEB users menuDb->initUserList(userList, userCount, webLoginEnabled); if (webLoginEnabled && userCount && !isEmpty(Epg2VdrConfig.user)) { // set userIndex to the configured user for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++) { if (strcmp(userList[i], data.user) == 0) { data.userIndex = i; break; } } } // // Network Interfaces int i = 0; char* interfaces; interfaces = strdup(getInterfaces()); interfaceList.Clear(); for (char* p = strtok(interfaces, " "); p; p = strtok(0, " ")) { interfaceList.Append(strdup(p)); if (!isEmpty(data.netDevice) && strncmp(p, data.netDevice, strlen(data.netDevice)) == 0) { tell(0, "Index of '%s' is %d", p, i); interfaceIndex = i; } i++; } free(interfaces); // ... Clear(); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("-------------------- %s ----------------------------------", tr("EPG Update")))); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); cOsdMenu::Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Update DVB EPG Database"), (int*)&data.masterMode, cUpdate::mmCount, masterModes)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Load Images"), &data.getepgimages)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Prohibit Shutdown On Busy 'epgd'"), &data.activeOnEpgd)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Schedule Boot For Update"), &data.scheduleBoot)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Blacklist not configured Channels"), &data.blacklist)); #if (defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20304)) || (WITH_AUX_PATCH) Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Store extended EPD Data to AUX (e.g. for Skins)"), &data.extendedEpgData2Aux)); #endif Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("--------------------- %s ---------------------------------", tr("Menu")))); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show In Main Menu"), &data.mainmenuVisible)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Replace Program Menu"), &data.replaceScheduleMenu)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Replace Timer Menu"), &data.replaceTimerMenu)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("XChange Key Ok/Blue"), &data.xchgOkBlue)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show Channels without EPG"), &data.showEmptyChannels)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Close Menu on Channel Switch (at blue key)"), &data.closeOnSwith)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Switch timer notification timer [s]"), &data.switchTimerNotifyTime, 0, 999)); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("--------------------- %s ---------------------------------", tr("Web")))); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Share in Web"), &data.shareInWeb)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Create Timer Local"), &data.createTimerLocal)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Have Common Recordings Folder (NAS)"), &data.useCommonRecFolder)); Add(new cMenuEditStrListItem(tr("SVDRP Interface"), &interfaceIndex, &interfaceList)); if (userCount && webLoginEnabled) Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("User"), (int*)&data.userIndex, userCount, userList)); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("--------------------- %s ---------------------------------", tr("MySQL")))); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("Host"), data.dbHost, sizeof(data.dbHost), tr(FileNameChars))); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Port"), &data.dbPort, 1, 99999)); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("Database Name"), data.dbName, sizeof(data.dbName), tr(FileNameChars))); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("User"), data.dbUser, sizeof(data.dbUser), tr(FileNameChars))); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("Password"), data.dbPass, sizeof(data.dbPass), tr(FileNameChars))); Add(new cOsdItem(cString::sprintf("--------------------- %s ---------------------------------", tr("Technical Stuff")))); cList::Last()->SetSelectable(false); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Log level"), &data.loglevel, 0, 4)); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); } eOSState cMenuSetupEPG2VDR::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(Key); switch (state) { case osContinue: { if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp || NORMALKEY(Key) == kDown) { cOsdItem* item = Get(Current()); if (item) item->ProcessKey(kNone); } break; } default: break; } return state; } void cMenuSetupEPG2VDR::Store() { int useCommonRecFolderOptionChanged = no; if (Epg2VdrConfig.useCommonRecFolder != data.useCommonRecFolder) useCommonRecFolderOptionChanged = yes; if (data.hasDbLoginChanged(&Epg2VdrConfig)) oUpdate->triggerDbReconnect(); Epg2VdrConfig = data; SetupStore("LogLevel", Epg2VdrConfig.loglevel); SetupStore("ShowInMainMenu", Epg2VdrConfig.mainmenuVisible); SetupStore("Blacklist", Epg2VdrConfig.blacklist); SetupStore("DbHost", Epg2VdrConfig.dbHost); SetupStore("DbPort", Epg2VdrConfig.dbPort); SetupStore("DbName", Epg2VdrConfig.dbName); SetupStore("DbUser", Epg2VdrConfig.dbUser); SetupStore("DbPass", Epg2VdrConfig.dbPass); SetupStore("MasterMode", Epg2VdrConfig.masterMode); SetupStore("LoadImages", Epg2VdrConfig.getepgimages); SetupStore("ActiveOnEpgd", Epg2VdrConfig.activeOnEpgd); SetupStore("ScheduleBoot", Epg2VdrConfig.scheduleBoot); SetupStore("ShareInWeb", Epg2VdrConfig.shareInWeb); SetupStore("CreateTimerLocal", Epg2VdrConfig.createTimerLocal); SetupStore("XChgKeyOkBlue", Epg2VdrConfig.xchgOkBlue); SetupStore("ShowEmptyChannels", Epg2VdrConfig.showEmptyChannels); SetupStore("CloseOnSwith", Epg2VdrConfig.closeOnSwith); SetupStore("UseCommonRecFolder", Epg2VdrConfig.useCommonRecFolder); SetupStore("ReplaceScheduleMenu", Epg2VdrConfig.replaceScheduleMenu); SetupStore("ReplaceTimerMenu", Epg2VdrConfig.replaceTimerMenu); SetupStore("ExtendedEpgData2Aux", Epg2VdrConfig.extendedEpgData2Aux); SetupStore("SwTimerNotifyTime", Epg2VdrConfig.switchTimerNotifyTime); if (userCount && Epg2VdrConfig.userIndex >= 0) { sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.user, userList[Epg2VdrConfig.userIndex], sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.user)); SetupStore("User", Epg2VdrConfig.user); } char* device = strdup(interfaceList[interfaceIndex]); char* ip = strchr(device, ':'); if (!isEmpty(ip)) { *(ip++) = 0; if (strcmp(Epg2VdrConfig.netDevice, device) != 0) { sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.netDevice, device, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.netDevice)); menuDb->vdrDb->clear(); menuDb->vdrDb->setValue("UUID", Epg2VdrConfig.uuid); menuDb->vdrDb->find(); menuDb->vdrDb->setValue("IP", ip); menuDb->vdrDb->store(); } } free(device); SetupStore("NetDevice", Epg2VdrConfig.netDevice); if (useCommonRecFolderOptionChanged) oUpdate->commonRecFolderOptionChanged(); } //*************************************************************************** // Plugin - EPG2VDR //*************************************************************************** cPluginEPG2VDR::cPluginEPG2VDR() { pluginInitialized = no; oUpdate = 0; connection = 0; timerDb = 0; vdrDb = 0; useeventsDb = 0; selectTimers = 0; selectTimerByEvent = 0; selectEventById = 0; recordingListDb = 0; } cPluginEPG2VDR::~cPluginEPG2VDR() { exitDb(); delete oUpdate; } int cPluginEPG2VDR::initDb() { int status = success; exitDb(); connection = new cDbConnection(); timerDb = new cDbTable(connection, "timers"); if (timerDb->open() != success) return fail; vdrDb = new cDbTable(connection, "vdrs"); if (vdrDb->open() != success) return fail; useeventsDb = new cDbTable(connection, "useevents"); if (useeventsDb->open() != success) return fail; recordingListDb = new cDbTable(connection, "recordinglist"); if (recordingListDb->open() != success) return fail; // ---------- // select // t.*, // v.name, v.state // from timers t, vdrs v // where // (t.state in ('P','R') or t.state is null) // and t.vdruuid = v.uuid // and t.type = 'R' // and t.vdruuid = v.uuid // order by _starttime selectTimers = new cDbStatement(timerDb); selectTimers->build("select "); selectTimers->setBindPrefix("t."); selectTimers->bindAllOut(); selectTimers->setBindPrefix("v."); selectTimers->bind(vdrDb, "NAME", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectTimers->bind(vdrDb, "UUID", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectTimers->bind(vdrDb, "STATE", cDBS::bndOut, ", "); selectTimers->clrBindPrefix(); selectTimers->build(" from %s t, %s v where t.%s and (t.%s in ('P','R') or t.%s is null)", timerDb->TableName(), vdrDb->TableName(), timerDb->getField("ACTIVE")->getDbName(), timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName(), timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName()); selectTimers->build(" and t.%s = '%c'", timerDb->getField("TYPE")->getDbName(), ttRecord); selectTimers->build(" and t.%s = v.%s order by t.%s", timerDb->getField("VDRUUID")->getDbName(), vdrDb->getField("UUID")->getDbName(), timerDb->getField("_STARTTIME")->getDbName()); status += selectTimers->prepare(); // select id, eventid, channelid, starttime, state, endtime // from timers where // eventid = ? and channelid = ? and vdruuid = ? selectTimerByEvent = new cDbStatement(timerDb); selectTimerByEvent->build("select "); selectTimerByEvent->bindAllOut(); selectTimerByEvent->build(" from %s where %s and (%s in ('P','R') or %s is null)", timerDb->TableName(), timerDb->getField("ACTIVE")->getDbName(), timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName(), timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName()); selectTimerByEvent->bind("EVENTID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and "); status += selectTimerByEvent->prepare(); // select event by useid // select * from eventsview // where useid = ? // and updflg in (.....) selectEventById = new cDbStatement(useeventsDb); selectEventById->build("select "); selectEventById->bindAllOut(); selectEventById->build(" from %s where ", useeventsDb->TableName()); selectEventById->bind("USEID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet); selectEventById->build(" and %s in (%s)", useeventsDb->getField("UPDFLG")->getDbName(), Us::getNeeded()); status += selectEventById->prepare(); return status; } int cPluginEPG2VDR::exitDb() { if (connection) { delete selectEventById; selectEventById = 0; delete selectTimers; selectTimers = 0; delete selectTimerByEvent; selectTimerByEvent = 0; delete useeventsDb; useeventsDb = 0; delete timerDb; timerDb = 0; delete vdrDb; vdrDb = 0; delete recordingListDb; recordingListDb = 0; delete connection; connection = 0; } return done; } void cPluginEPG2VDR::DisplayMessage(const char *s) { tell(0, "%s", s); Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr(s)); sleep(Setup.OSDMessageTime); } const char *cPluginEPG2VDR::CommandLineHelp() { return 0; } const char **cPluginEPG2VDR::SVDRPHelpPages() { static const char *HelpPages[] = { "UPDATE\n" " Load new/changed events database.", "RELOAD\n" " Reload all events from database to EPG", "STATE \n" " For internal usage", "TIMERJOB\n" " Check timer jobs", "UPDREC\n" " Trigger update of recordings", "STOREIFO\n" " Trigger store of recordin info files", 0 }; return HelpPages; } cString cPluginEPG2VDR::SVDRPCommand(const char* cmd, const char* Option, int &ReplyCode) { // ------------------------------------ // update epg from database if (strcasecmp(cmd, "UPDATE") == 0) { oUpdate->triggerEpgUpdate(); return "EPG2VDR update started."; } // ------------------------------------ // reload epg from database else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "RELOAD") == 0) { oUpdate->triggerEpgUpdate(true); return "EPG2VDR full reload of events from database."; } // ------------------------------------ // update recording table else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "UPDREC") == 0) { oUpdate->triggerRecUpdate(); return "EPG2VDR update of recordings triggert."; } // ------------------------------------ // store recording info files else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "STOREIFO") == 0) { oUpdate->triggerStoreInfoFiles(); return "EPG2VDR store of info files triggert."; } // ------------------------------------ // inform about epgd's state change else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "STATE") == 0) { if (isEmpty(Option)) { ReplyCode = 901; return "Error: Missing option"; } oUpdate->epgdStateChange(Option); return "EPG2VDR epgd state change accepted"; } // ------------------------------------ // trigger processing timer job else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "TIMERJOB") == 0) { oUpdate->triggerTimerJobs(); return "EPG2VDR check of timer jobs triggered"; } // ------------------------------------ // delete recording else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "DELREC") == 0) { if (isEmpty(Option)) { ReplyCode = 901; return "Error: Missing option"; } #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) LOCK_RECORDINGS_WRITE; cRecordings* recordings = Recordings; #else cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; #endif if (cRecording* rec = recordings->GetByName(Option)) { if (rec->IsInUse()) { ReplyCode = 554; tell(0, "Can't modify, recoring is in use"); return "Can't delete, recoring is in use"; } if (!rec->Delete()) { ReplyCode = 554; tell(0, "Error: Delete of recording '%s' failed", Option); return "Error: Delete of recording failed"; } recordings->DelByName(rec->FileName()); #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) recordings->SetModified(); #endif } else { ReplyCode = 550; tell(0, "Error: Delete failed, can't find recording '%s'", Option); return "Error: Delete failed, can't find recording"; } oUpdate->triggerRecUpdate(); tell(0, "Deleted recording '%s'", Option); return "Deleted recording"; } // ------------------------------------ // play recording else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "PLAYREC") == 0) { if (isEmpty(Option)) { ReplyCode = 901; return "Error: Missing option"; } char* opt = strdup(Option); char* name = skipspace(opt); char* position = skipspace(opt); while (*position && !isspace(*position)) position++; if (*position) { *position = 0; position++; } #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) LOCK_RECORDINGS_READ; const cRecording* recording = Recordings->GetByName(name); #else const cRecording* recording = Recordings.GetByName(name); #endif if (!recording) { free(opt); ReplyCode = 901; return "Recording not found"; } cReplayControl::SetRecording(0); cControl::Shutdown(); if (!isEmpty(position)) { int pos = 0; if (strcasecmp(position, "BEGIN") != 0) pos = HMSFToIndex(position, recording->FramesPerSecond()); cResumeFile Resume(recording->FileName(), recording->IsPesRecording()); if (pos <= 0) Resume.Delete(); else Resume.Save(pos); } cReplayControl::SetRecording(recording->FileName()); cControl::Launch(new cReplayControl); cControl::Attach(); free(opt); tell(0, "Playing recording '%s'", name); return "Playing recording"; } // ------------------------------------ // rename recording else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "RENREC") == 0) { char* alt = 0; char* neu = 0; char* p; if (!isEmpty(Option)) { alt = strdup(Option); p = alt; if ((p = strchr(p, ' '))) { *p = 0; neu = p+1; } } if (isEmpty(neu) || isEmpty(alt)) { free(alt); ReplyCode = 901; return "Error: Missing option"; } #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) LOCK_RECORDINGS_WRITE; cRecordings* recordings = Recordings; recordings->SetExplicitModify(); #else cRecordings* recordings = &Recordings; #endif if (cRecording* rec = recordings->GetByName(alt)) { if (rec->IsInUse()) { ReplyCode = 554; tell(0, "Can't modify, recoring is in use"); return "Can't modify, recoring is in use"; } if (!rec->ChangeName(neu)) { ReplyCode = 554; tell(0, "Error: Modify of recordings '%s' failed", alt); free(alt); return "Error: Modify of recording failed"; } #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) recordings->SetModified(); #endif recordings->TouchUpdate(); } else { ReplyCode = 550; tell(0, "Error: Modify failed, can't find recording '%s'", alt); free(alt); return "Error: Modify failed, can't find recording"; } oUpdate->triggerRecUpdate(); tell(0, "Modified recording '%s' to '%s'", alt, neu); free(alt); return "Modified recording"; } return 0; } //*************************************************************************** // Service //*************************************************************************** bool cPluginEPG2VDR::Service(const char* id, void* data) { if (!data) return false; tell(3, "Service called with '%s', %d/%d", id, Epg2VdrConfig.replaceScheduleMenu, Epg2VdrConfig.replaceTimerMenu); if (strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_UUID_SERVICE) == 0) { Epg2vdr_UUID_v1_0* req = (Epg2vdr_UUID_v1_0*)data; req->uuid = Epg2VdrConfig.uuid; return true; } else if (strcmp(id, MYSQL_INIT_EXIT) == 0) { Mysql_Init_Exit_v1_0* ref = (Mysql_Init_Exit_v1_0*)data; if (ref->action == mieaInit) cDbConnection::init(); else if (ref->action == mieaExit) cDbConnection::exit(); else tell(0, "Warning: Got unexpected action %d in '%s' call", ref->action, MYSQL_INIT_EXIT); return true; } if (!pluginInitialized) { tell(2, "Service called but plugin not ready, retry later"); return false; } if (strcmp(id, "MainMenuHooksPatch-v1.0::osSchedule") == 0 && Epg2VdrConfig.replaceScheduleMenu) { cOsdMenu** menu = (cOsdMenu**)data; if (menu) *menu = new cMenuEpgWhatsOn(); return true; } else if (strcmp(id, "MainMenuHooksPatch-v1.0::osTimers") == 0 && Epg2VdrConfig.replaceTimerMenu && Epg2VdrConfig.shareInWeb) { cOsdMenu** menu = (cOsdMenu**)data; if (menu) *menu = new cMenuEpgTimers(); return true; } if (strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_TIMER_SERVICE) == 0 || strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_REC_DETAIL_SERVICE) == 0 || strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_TIMER_DETAIL_SERVICE) == 0) { // Services with direct db access cMutexLock lock(&mutexServiceWithDb); if (initDb() == success) { if (strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_TIMER_SERVICE) == 0) { cEpgTimer_Service_V1* ts = (cEpgTimer_Service_V1*)data; if (ts) return timerService(ts); } if (strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_TIMER_DETAIL_SERVICE) == 0) { cTimer_Detail_V1* d = (cTimer_Detail_V1*)data; if (d) return hasTimerService(d); } else if (strcmp(id, EPG2VDR_REC_DETAIL_SERVICE) == 0) { cEpgRecording_Details_Service_V1* rd = (cEpgRecording_Details_Service_V1*)data; if (rd) return recordingDetails(rd); } exitDb(); } } return false; } //*************************************************************************** // Has Timer Service //*************************************************************************** int cPluginEPG2VDR::hasTimerService(cTimer_Detail_V1* d) { cMutexLock lock(&mutexTimerService); d->hastimer = no; d->local = yes; d->type = ttRecord; timerDb->clear(); timerDb->setValue("EVENTID", d->eventid); if (selectTimerByEvent->find()) { d->hastimer = yes; d->local = timerDb->hasValue("VDRUUID", Epg2VdrConfig.uuid); d->type = timerDb->getValue("TYPE")->getCharValue(); tell(3, "timer service found '%s' timer (%ld) for event (%ld) type '%c'", d->local ? "local" : "remote", timerDb->getIntValue("ID"), d->eventid, d->type); } selectTimerByEvent->freeResult(); return true; } //*************************************************************************** // Timer Service //*************************************************************************** int cPluginEPG2VDR::timerService(cEpgTimer_Service_V1* ts) { cMutexLock lock(&mutexTimerService); uint64_t start = cTimeMs::Now(); timerDb->clear(); vdrDb->clear(); ts->epgTimers.clear(); for (int f = selectTimers->find(); f && connection->check() == success; f = selectTimers->fetch()) { cEpgTimer* epgTimer = newTimerObjectFromRow(timerDb->getRow(), vdrDb->getRow()); if (Epg2VdrConfig.shareInWeb || epgTimer->isLocal()) ts->epgTimers.push_back(epgTimer); else delete epgTimer; } selectTimers->freeResult(); tell(1, "Answer '%s' call with %zd timers, duration was (%s)", EPG2VDR_TIMER_SERVICE, ts->epgTimers.size(), ms2Dur(cTimeMs::Now()-start).c_str()); return true; } //*************************************************************************** // Recording Details //*************************************************************************** #include int cPluginEPG2VDR::recordingDetails(cEpgRecording_Details_Service_V1* rd) { int found = false; #if defined (APIVERSNUM) && (APIVERSNUM >= 20301) const char* videoBasePath = cVideoDirectory::Name(); md5Buf md5path; const cRecording* recording; int pathOffset = 0; LOCK_RECORDINGS_READ; const cRecordings* recordings = Recordings; if (!(recording = recordings->GetById(rd->id))) return false; if (strncmp(recording->FileName(), videoBasePath, strlen(videoBasePath)) == 0) { pathOffset = strlen(videoBasePath); if (*(recording->FileName()+pathOffset) == '/') pathOffset++; } createMd5(recording->FileName()+pathOffset, md5path); recordingListDb->clear(); recordingListDb->setValue("MD5PATH", md5path); recordingListDb->setValue("STARTTIME", recording->Start()); recordingListDb->setValue("OWNER", Epg2VdrConfig.useCommonRecFolder ? "" : Epg2VdrConfig.uuid); cXml xml; found = recordingListDb->find(); xml.create("epg2vdr"); if (found) cEventDetails::row2Xml(recordingListDb->getRow(), &xml); rd->details = xml.toText(); recordingListDb->reset(); #endif return found; } //*************************************************************************** // Initialize //*************************************************************************** bool cPluginEPG2VDR::Initialize() { return true; } //*************************************************************************** // Start //*************************************************************************** bool cPluginEPG2VDR::Start() { Mysql_Init_Exit_v1_0 req; req.action = mieaInit; Service(MYSQL_INIT_EXIT, &req); oUpdate = new cUpdate(this); if (oUpdate->init() == success) { oUpdate->Start(); // start plugin thread pluginInitialized = yes; } else tell(0, "Initialization failed, start of plugin aborted!"); return true; } cString cPluginEPG2VDR::Active() { if (Epg2VdrConfig.activeOnEpgd && oUpdate->isEpgdBusy()) return tr("EPG2VDR Waiting on epgd"); // time_t timeoutAt = time(0) + 10; // while (oUpdate->isUpdateActive()) // { // tell(0, "EPG2VDR EPG update running, wating up to 10 seconds .."); // if (time(0) > timeoutAt) // { // tell(0, "EPG2VDR EPG update running, shutdown timed out, aborting"); // return 0; // } // usleep(500000); // } return 0; } time_t cPluginEPG2VDR::WakeupTime() { // return custom wakeup time for shutdown script if (Epg2VdrConfig.scheduleBoot && oUpdate->getNextEpgdUpdateAt()) return oUpdate->getNextEpgdUpdateAt(); return 0; } cOsdObject* cPluginEPG2VDR::MainMenuAction() { return new cEpgPluginMenu(MAINMENUENTRY, this); } cMenuSetupPage* cPluginEPG2VDR::SetupMenu() { return new cMenuSetupEPG2VDR; } bool cPluginEPG2VDR::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) { // Parse your own setup parameters and store their values. if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LogLevel")) Epg2VdrConfig.loglevel = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ShowInMainMenu")) Epg2VdrConfig.mainmenuVisible = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Blacklist")) Epg2VdrConfig.blacklist = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbHost")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.dbHost, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.dbHost)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbPort")) Epg2VdrConfig.dbPort = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbName")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.dbName, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.dbName)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbUser")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.dbUser, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.dbUser)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "DbPass")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.dbPass, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.dbPass)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "MasterMode")) Epg2VdrConfig.masterMode = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "LoadImages")) Epg2VdrConfig.getepgimages = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ActiveOnEpgd")) Epg2VdrConfig.activeOnEpgd = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ScheduleBoot")) Epg2VdrConfig.scheduleBoot = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "UseCommonRecFolder")) Epg2VdrConfig.useCommonRecFolder = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ShareInWeb")) Epg2VdrConfig.shareInWeb = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CreateTimerLocal")) Epg2VdrConfig.createTimerLocal = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "XChgKeyOkBlue")) Epg2VdrConfig.xchgOkBlue = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ShowEmptyChannels")) Epg2VdrConfig.showEmptyChannels = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "CloseOnSwith")) Epg2VdrConfig.closeOnSwith = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "Uuid")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.uuid, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.uuid)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NetDevice")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.netDevice, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.netDevice)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ReplaceScheduleMenu")) Epg2VdrConfig.replaceScheduleMenu = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ReplaceTimerMenu")) Epg2VdrConfig.replaceTimerMenu = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "User")) sstrcpy(Epg2VdrConfig.user, Value, sizeof(Epg2VdrConfig.user)); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "ExtendedEpgData2Aux")) Epg2VdrConfig.extendedEpgData2Aux = atoi(Value); else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "SwTimerNotifyTime")) Epg2VdrConfig.switchTimerNotifyTime = atoi(Value); else return false; return true; } void cPluginEPG2VDR::Stop() { oUpdate->Stop(); Mysql_Init_Exit_v1_0 req; req.action = mieaExit; Service(MYSQL_INIT_EXIT, &req); pluginInitialized = no; } //*************************************************************************** VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginEPG2VDR)