path: root/scripts
diff options
authorChristian Wieninger <winni@debian.(none)>2007-11-11 15:40:28 +0100
committerChristian Wieninger <winni@debian.(none)>2007-11-11 15:40:28 +0100
commit8d4f8607dc1558ce73eb4c376bdbf78ddb65da83 (patch)
treed0c5dde81a36ab2e8a2edc7c1e6922556518b312 /scripts
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
17 files changed, 3236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cb24b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Convert VDRAdmin-AM autotimer ( into
+# epgsearch searchtimer (epgsearch.conf)
+# Version: 0.2beta 2006-08-06
+# Author: Mike Constabel (vejoun @ vdrportal)
+# Andreas Mair (amair @ vdrportal)
+# You need:
+# - VDRAdmin-AM >= 3.4.6
+# - Epgsearch >= 0.9.16
+use Socket;
+use Getopt::Std;
+$Usage = qq{
+Usage: $0 [options] -i filename -o filename -m 0|1
+ $0 [options] -i filename -o filename -s -m 0|1
+ $0 [options] -i filename -s -m 0|1
+Action: -i filename input file,
+ -o filename output file, (file will be overwritten!)
+ -s send to epgsearch via svdrp (needs running vdr with epgsearch plugin)
+ -m 0|1 which new searchmode for autotimers with active status: yes, once
+ 0 means the whole string must match
+ 1 means every word must match [default]
+ In epgsearch 0 is default, vdradmin only use 1
+Options: -r autotimers with regular expressions will be disabled while converting,
+ with this option you can enable the corresponding searchtimers.
+ You should not do this! Check the converted searchtimers and enable
+ them manually! Wrong searchtimers will flood your timers.
+ -d host Host for SVDRP import
+ -p port Port for SVDRP import
+ -h Show this help text
+die $Usage if (!getopts('i:o:srm:d:p:h') || !$opt_i || $opt_h || !($opt_o || $opt_s) || !($opt_m == 0 || $opt_m == 1));
+my $AT_FILENAME = $opt_i;
+my $SENDSVDRP = $opt_s ? 1 : 0;
+my $EnableRegex = $opt_r ? 1 : 0;
+my $Searchmode = defined $opt_m ? $opt_m : 1;
+my $Dest = $opt_d ? $opt_d : "localhost";
+my $Port = $opt_p ? $opt_p : 2001;
+my $Timeout = 30; # max. seconds to wait for svdrp response
+my $conf_str="%i:%s:%i:%s:%s:%i:%s:%i:%i:%i:%i:%i:0:::%i:%i:%s:%i:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:0:0:0::%i:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0::1";
+# [ID=0], pattern, time?, starttime, stopptime, channel? (0,1), channel, match case (0,1), search mode (0,4), title, subtitle, description, [duration=0], [min=""], [max=""], searchtimer? (0,1),
+# use week? (0,1), weekday "0", series? (0,1), dir, prio, lft, bstart, bstop, [VPS=0], [action=0], [use ext. epg=0], [ext. epg=""], done? (0,1), [repeats=0], [ctitle=1], [csubtitle=1], [cdescription=0],
+# [cext. epg=0], [reapeats within days=0], [delete after x days=0], [keep=0], [min before switch=1], [nach x rec pausieren=0], [blacklist=0], [blacklist-id=""], [fuzzy=0]
+sub AT_Read {
+ my (@at);
+ if (-s $AT_FILENAME) {
+ open(AT_FILE, $AT_FILENAME) || printf("Can't open %s", $AT_FILENAME);
+ while (<AT_FILE>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if ($_ eq "");
+ my ($active, $pattern, $section, $start, $stop, $episode, $prio, $lft, $channel, $directory, $done, $weekday, $buffers, $bstart, $bstop) = split(/\:/, $_);
+ $pattern =~ s/\|/\:/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\\:/\|/g;
+ $directory =~ s/\|/\:/g;
+ push(
+ @at,
+ { active => $active,
+ pattern => $pattern,
+ section => $section,
+ start => $start,
+ stop => $stop,
+ buffers => $buffers,
+ bstart => $bstart,
+ bstop => $bstop,
+ episode => $episode,
+ prio => $prio,
+ lft => $lft,
+ channel => $channel,
+ directory => $directory,
+ done => $done,
+ weekdays => $weekday
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ close(AT_FILE);
+ }
+ return (@at);
+sub CONF_Collect {
+ my @at = @_;
+ my @st;
+ my $weekday = $stitle = $ssubtitle = $sdescription = $id = $case = 0;
+ my $mode = $Searchmode;
+ my $pattern;
+ my $directory;
+ for my $at (@at) {
+ if ($at->{pattern} =~ /^\/(.*)\/(i?)$/) {
+ $mode = 4;
+ $case = 1 if ($2 eq "i");
+ $pattern = $1;
+ } else {
+ $pattern = $at->{pattern};
+ }
+ $directory = $at->{directory};
+ $pattern =~ s/\|/\!\^pipe\^\!/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\:/\|/g;
+ $directory =~ s/\|/\!\^pipe\^\!/g;
+ $directory =~ s/\:/\|/g;
+ $weekday = undef;
+ my $wd_bits = 0;
+ if ($at->{weekdays} =~ /^(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)$/) {
+ if ($7) { #Sunday
+ $weekday = 0;
+ $wd_bits |= 1;
+ }
+ if ($1) { #Monday
+ $weekday = 1;
+ $wd_bits |= 2;
+ }
+ if ($2) { #Tuesday
+ $weekday = 2;
+ $wd_bits |= 4;
+ }
+ if ($3) { #Wednesday
+ $weekday = 3;
+ $wd_bits |= 8;
+ }
+ if ($4) { #Thursday
+ $weekday = 4;
+ $wd_bits |= 16;
+ }
+ if ($5) { #Friday
+ $weekday = 5;
+ $wd_bits |= 32;
+ }
+ if ($6) { #Saturday
+ $weekday = 6;
+ $wd_bits |= 64;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($wd_bits !~ /^(1|2|4|8|16|32|64)$/) {
+ $weekday = -$wd_bits;
+ }
+ $stitle = $at->{section} & 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ $ssubtitle = $at->{section} & 2 ? 1 : 0;
+ $sdescription = $at->{section} & 4 ? 1 : 0;
+ $id += 1 if ($EPGSEARCH_FILENAME);
+ $data = sprintf $conf_str,
+ $id,
+ $pattern,
+ $at->{start} || $at->{stop} ? 1 : 0,
+ $at->{start} ? sprintf("%04i", $at->{start}) : "",
+ $at->{stop} ? sprintf("%04i", $at->{stop}) : "",
+ $at->{channel} ? 1 : 0,
+ $at->{channel} ? $at->{channel} : "",
+ $case,
+ $mode,
+ $stitle,
+ $ssubtitle,
+ $sdescription,
+ ($at->{active} && ($mode != 4 || $EnableRegex)) ? 1 : 0,
+ $weekday eq -127 || $wd_bits eq 0 ? 0 : 1,
+ $weekday,
+ $at->{episode} ? 1 : 0,
+ $directory,
+ $at->{prio} ? $at->{prio} : "",
+ $at->{lft} ? $at->{lft} : "",
+ $at->{buffers} ? $at->{bstart} : "",
+ $at->{buffers} ? $at->{bstop} : "",
+ $at->{done} ? 1 : 0; #avoid_repeats
+ push @st,$data;
+ }
+ return (@st)
+sub Error {
+ print STDERR "@_\n";
+ close(SOCK);
+ exit 0;
+sub SplitLine($) {
+ my ($line)=@_;
+ if ($line =~ /^([0-9]{3})([- ])(.*)$/) {
+ return ($1,$2,$3);
+ }
+ Error("Unidentified Line: $line");
+sub WriteSearchtimerSVDRP {
+ my @str = @_;
+ $SIG{ALRM} = sub { Error("timeout"); };
+ alarm($Timeout);
+ my $iaddr = inet_aton($Dest) || Error("no host: $Dest");
+ my $paddr = sockaddr_in($Port, $iaddr);
+ my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
+ socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || Error("socket: $!");
+ connect(SOCK, $paddr) || Error("connect: $!");
+ select(SOCK); $| = 1;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ while (<SOCK>) {
+ chomp;
+ print STDOUT "(1):$_\n";
+ my ($code,$sep,$data)=SplitLine($_);
+ last if ($code=220 && $sep eq ' ');
+ }
+ foreach my $line (@str) {
+ chomp $line;
+ printf SOCK "PLUG epgsearch NEWS %s\r\n", $line;
+ }
+ while (<SOCK>) {
+ chomp;
+ print STDOUT "(2):$_\n";
+ my ($code,$sep,$data)=SplitLine($_);
+ last if ($code==900 && $sep eq ' ');
+ }
+ print SOCK "quit\r\n";
+ while (<SOCK>) {
+ chomp;
+ print STDOUT "(3):$_\n";
+ my ($code,$sep,$data)=SplitLine($_);
+ last if ($code==221 && $sep eq ' ');
+ }
+ close(SOCK) || Error("close: $!");
+sub WriteSearchtimerFile {
+ my @str = @_;
+ open(STFILE, ">".$EPGSEARCH_FILENAME) || die("Cannot open file ${EPGSEARCH_FILENAME}!");
+ print STFILE "#version 2 - DONT TOUCH THIS!\n";
+ foreach my $line (@str) {
+ chomp $line;
+ printf STFILE "%s\n", $line;
+ }
+ close STFILE
+# main
+my @st;
+@st = CONF_Collect(AT_Read());
+if ( $SENDSVDRP ) {
+ WriteSearchtimerSVDRP(@st);
+ WriteSearchtimerFile(@st);
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a04c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Dieses Script konvertiert die für
+# epgsearch >= 0.9.14
+# Die neue funktioniert dann nicht mehr
+# für epgsearch < 0.9.14
+# Es werden die epgsearch-Daten aus der Summary in die
+# @-Zeile verlegt.
+# Dies ist nicht zwingend erforderlich. Wenn Du nicht sicher bist,
+# lass es ;)
+# Aufrufen:
+# /pfad/zur/
+# z.B. /etc/vdr/plugins/
+# " plug epgsearch updd" nicht vergesssen.
+# Backup erstellen?
+# my $backup=1; Auf 0 oder 1
+# Mike Constabel vejoun @ vdrportal
+# 2006-03-02
+use strict;
+my $backup=1;
+die("Kein Parameter, bitte Anleitung im Script lesen.") if ! $ARGV[0];
+my $Pfad=$ARGV[0];
+my $DateiAlt=$Pfad."/";
+my $DateiNeu=$Pfad."/";
+my $DateiBak=$Pfad."/";
+open(DATEI,"<".$DateiAlt) || die("Datei nicht gefunden: $DateiAlt");
+open(NEU,">".$DateiNeu) || die("Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden: $DateiAlt");
+my $Zeile = "";
+my $epgsearch = "";
+my $neuformat = 0;
+my $aux = "";
+printf ("Konvertiere %s\n",$DateiAlt);
+while(<DATEI>) {
+ $Zeile = $_;
+ $epgsearch="";
+ $aux="";
+ $neuformat = 0;
+ print NEU $Zeile if $Zeile =~ /^[RCTSr].*/;
+ $epgsearch = $1 if $Zeile =~ /^D .*(Kanal.+Suchtimer.+S-ID.+)$/;
+ if ( $Zeile =~ /^(D .+)\|Kanal.+Suchtimer.+S-ID.+$/ )
+ {
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$1);
+ } elsif ( $Zeile =~ /^(D .+)$/ )
+ {
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$1);
+ }
+ if ( $Zeile =~ /^(@ .+)$/ )
+ {
+ $neuformat=1;
+ $aux = $1;
+ }
+ if ( $neuformat == 1 && $aux !~ /epgsearch/ && $epgsearch ne "" )
+ {
+ $aux .= "<epgsearch>".$epgsearch."</epgsearch>";
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$aux);
+ } elsif ( $neuformat == 1 )
+ {
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$aux);
+ }
+ print NEU sprintf("@ <epgsearch>%s</epgsearch>\n",$epgsearch) if ( $neuformat == 0 && $epgsearch ne "" );
+rename $DateiAlt, $DateiBak if ( ! -e $DateiBak && $backup == 1 );
+rename $DateiNeu, $DateiAlt;
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..87a0524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Dieses Script konvertiert die info.vdrs in das Format, das
+# vdr >= 1.3.44 und epgsearch >= 0.9.14 verwenden.
+# Aufrufen:
+# find "/video" -path "*.rec" -exec "{}" \;
+# Bitte die beiden Variablen unter Einstellungen anpassen!
+# Mike Constabel vejoun @ vdrportal
+# 2006-03-01
+use strict;
+## <Einstellungen>
+my $backup=1; # Backup erstellen? 1=Ja (info.bak), 0=Nein
+my $keepdata=1; # Die epgsearch-Daten in summary behalten? 1=Ja, 0=Nein
+## </Einstellungen>
+die("Kein Parameter, bitte Anleitung im Script lesen.") if ! $ARGV[0];
+my $Pfad=$ARGV[0];
+my $DateiAlt=$Pfad."/info.vdr";
+my $DateiNeu=$Pfad."/info.neu";
+my $DateiBak=$Pfad."/info.bak";
+open(DATEI,"<".$DateiAlt) || die("Datei nicht gefunden: $DateiAlt");
+open(NEU,">".$DateiNeu) || die("Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden: $DateiAlt");
+my $Zeile = "";
+my $epgsearch = "";
+my $neuformat = 0;
+my $aux = "";
+printf ("Konvertiere %s\n",$DateiAlt);
+while(<DATEI>) {
+ $Zeile = $_;
+ print NEU $Zeile if $Zeile =~ /^[CETSX] .+/;
+ $epgsearch = $1 if $Zeile =~ /^D .*(Kanal.+Suchtimer.+S-ID.+)$/;
+ if ( $Zeile =~ /^(D .+)\|Kanal.+Suchtimer.+S-ID.+$/ && ! $keepdata ) {
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$1);
+ } elsif ( $Zeile =~ /^(D .+)$/ ) {
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$1);
+ }
+ if ( $Zeile =~ /^(@ .+)$/ ) {
+ $neuformat=1;
+ $aux = $1;
+ }
+if ( $neuformat == 1 && $aux !~ /epgsearch/ && $epgsearch ne "" ) {
+ $aux .= "<epgsearch>".$epgsearch."</epgsearch>";
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$aux);
+} elsif ( $neuformat == 1 ) {
+ print NEU sprintf("%s\n",$aux);
+print NEU sprintf("@ <epgsearch>%s</epgsearch>\n",$epgsearch) if ( $neuformat == 0 && $epgsearch ne "" );
+rename $DateiAlt, $DateiBak if ( ! -e $DateiBak && $backup == 1 );
+rename $DateiNeu, $DateiAlt;
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd07879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# - v.0.1
+# source: epgsearch-plugin
+# add this line to your epgsearchcmds.conf:
+# folgende zeile in die epgsearchcmds.conf eintragen:
+# epg2autotimer : /usr/local/bin/
+# default autotimer settings
+ STATUS=1 # 0 = inactive (by default) / 1 = active
+ SERIE=1 # Serienaufnahme
+ PRIO=0 # Priority / Priorität
+ LIFE_TIME=0 # Lifetime / Lebensdauer
+ TARGET_DIR= # Folder / Verzeichnis
+ SEARCH_WHERE=1 # Where to search / Wo soll gesucht werden? 1: Title 3: Title+Subtitle 7: All
+# add autotimer
+echo "${STATUS}:${1}:${SEARCH_WHERE}:::${SERIE}:${PRIO}:${LIFE_TIME}:${4}:${TARGET_DIR}" >> "${AUTOTIMER_FILE}"
+echo "Done..."
+# jump back
+at now <<EOF
+perl -l -e "printf \"\n/usr/local/bin/ HITK BACK\" x 2" | sh
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a1eef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# source: epgsearch-plugin, taken from
+# author: Christian Jacobsen / Viking (vdrportal)
+# add this line to your epgsearchcmds.conf:
+# folgende zeile in die epgsearchcmds.conf eintragen:
+# epg2master-timer : /path_to_this_script/
+# epg2master-timer (no subtitle) : /path_to_this_script/ -nosub
+ MASTERTIMER_FILE=/etc/master-timer/torecord
+if touch $MASTERTIMER_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ USESUB=yes
+ if [ "$1" = -nosub ] ; then
+ fi
+ # add timer
+ printf "\nAdding Master-Timer :\n"
+ printf "\n[$1]\nTitle = $1\n" | tee -a $MASTERTIMER_FILE
+ if [ "$6" != "" -a $USESUB = yes ] ; then
+ printf "Subtitle = $6\n" | tee -a $MASTERTIMER_FILE
+ fi
+ # with "^" and "$" so that the exact channel name is used.
+ printf "Channel = ^$5\$\n" | tee -a $MASTERTIMER_FILE
+ printf "\n\nLast 10 lines of torecord : \n\n"
+ echo "Error, cannot open file ($MASTERTIMER_FILE)..."
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a6f9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# - v.0.1
+# add this line to your epgsearchcmds.conf:
+# folgende zeile in die epgsearchcmds.conf eintragen:
+# epg2taste : /usr/local/bin/
+ TASTE_FILE="/etc/vdr/plugins/taste.conf"
+# default taste settings
+ REGULAR_EXPRESSION=0 # Regular Expression / Regulärer Ausdruck
+ IGNORE_CASE=0 # Ignore Case / Groß/Kleinschreibung ignorieren
+# add taste
+echo "Done..."
+# jump back
+at now <<EOF
+perl -l -e "printf \"\n/usr/local/bin/ HITK BACK\" x 2" | sh
diff --git a/scripts/epgsearchcmds-fin.conf b/scripts/epgsearchcmds-fin.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3f4ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/epgsearchcmds-fin.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This is a example of epgsearchcmds.conf with with usually using and sample entrys.
+# This file should placed on VDR configuration folder with setup.conf
+# .../setup.conf
+# .../plugins/epgsearchcmds.conf
+# Syntax is: <name>[?];<command>
+# <name> = descriptor displayed in VDR
+# [?] = confirmation request, before execute command (optionally)
+# <command> = command what execute
+# When a command is executed the following parameters are passed to it:
+# $1: the name of the epg entry
+# $2: the start time of the epg entry as time_t value (like in the shutdown script)
+# $3: the end time
+# $4: the channel of the epg entry
+# See also at man-pages vdr(5), it the same syntax as reccmds.conf
+Muistutus? : /usr/local/bin/ 0
+Muistutus vaihtaen? : /usr/local/bin/ 1
+epg2taste : /usr/local/bin/
+epg2autotimer : /usr/local/bin/
diff --git a/scripts/epgsearchcmds-french.conf b/scripts/epgsearchcmds-french.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc87a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/epgsearchcmds-french.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This is a example of epgsearchcmds.conf with with usually using and sample entrys.
+# This file should placed on VDR configuration folder with setup.conf
+# .../setup.conf
+# .../plugins/epgsearchcmds.conf
+# Syntax is: <name>[?];<command>
+# <name> = descriptor displayed in VDR
+# [?] = confirmation request, before execute command (optionally)
+# <command> = command what execute
+# When a command is executed the following parameters are passed to it:
+# $1: the name of the epg entry
+# $2: the start time of the epg entry as time_t value (like in the shutdown script)
+# $3: the end time
+# $4: the channel of the epg entry
+# See also at man-pages vdr(5), it the same syntax as reccmds.conf
+# ENG remember event? : /usr/local/bin/ 0
+# ENG remember event? (inc. switch) : /usr/local/bin/ 1
+# ENG epg2taste : /usr/local/bin/
+# ENG epg2autotimer : /usr/local/bin/
+# En Francais :
+Rappel de l'émission? : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/ 0
+Rappel de l'émission? (avec changement de chaînes) : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/ 1
+Programme interdit : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/
+Autoprogrammeur : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/
+Enregistrement repeter : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/
+Rappel repeter : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/
+# remember event? : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/ 0
+# remember event? (inc. switch) : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/ 1
+# epg2taste : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/
+# epg2autotimer : /usr/lib/vdr/epgsearch/
diff --git a/scripts/epgsearchcmds.conf b/scripts/epgsearchcmds.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..19c9131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/epgsearchcmds.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This is a example of epgsearchcmds.conf with with usually using and sample entrys.
+# This file should placed on VDR configuration folder with setup.conf
+# .../setup.conf
+# .../plugins/epgsearchcmds.conf
+# Syntax is: <name>[?];<command>
+# <name> = descriptor displayed in VDR
+# [?] = confirmation request, before execute command (optionally)
+# <command> = command what execute
+# When a command is executed the following parameters are passed to it:
+# $1: the name of the epg entry
+# $2: the start time of the epg entry as time_t value (like in the shutdown script)
+# $3: the end time
+# $4: the channel of the epg entry
+# See also at man-pages vdr(5), it the same syntax as reccmds.conf
+remember event? : /usr/local/bin/ 0
+remember event? (inc. switch) : /usr/local/bin/ 1
+epg2taste : /usr/local/bin/
+epg2autotimer : /usr/local/bin/
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..897dcd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Written by :
+# Viking /
+# cjac AT
+# Call with one of these parameters
+# a. Master-Timer Done-file
+# Parameter :
+# --sid X = use S-ID X instead of default (see below)
+# Should wo only test what is done ?
+# should the script ask for S-ID for each recording ?
+# The script shows a list of possible S-ID's at the beginning
+# What S-ID should be used if no other selected
+# adjust the following lines to your path to
+# Home of EPGsearch
+# do not edit below this line
+function ShowUsableSIDs()
+ printf "\n"
+ grep -v "^#" $EPGSEARCH_FILE | sort -t':' -k2 | awk -F':' '{ print $1"\t"$2 }'
+ printf "\n"
+function AddRecToDone()
+ Rec=$1
+ Title=$(echo $Rec|cut -f1 -d'|')
+ Subtitle=$(echo $Rec|cut -f2 -d'|')
+ [ "$Subtitle" = "NoSub" ] && Subtitle=""
+ if [ "$ASK_SID" = "yes" ]; then
+ if [ "$Title" != "$PrevTitle" ]; then
+ [ $Count -gt 10 ] && Count=1 || let Count++
+ [ $Count -eq 1 ] && ShowUsableSIDs
+ printf "Adding \"%s, %s\".\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ printf "Enter S-ID (s=skip, ENTER=$DEFAULT_SID): "
+ read NEW_SID </dev/tty
+ if [ "$NEW_SID" != "s" ]; then
+ printf "S-ID is set to $NEW_SID for \"$Title\"\n\n"
+ fi
+ else
+ let Count++
+ printf "Adding \"%s, %s\".\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ printf "Title matches, using same S-ID as before : $NEW_SID\n\n"
+ fi
+ PrevTitle=$Title
+ else
+ printf "Adding \"%s, %s\".\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ fi
+ if [ "$NEW_SID" != "s" ]; then
+ echo "T $Title" >> $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE
+ [ ! -z "$Subtitle" ] && echo "S $Subtitle" >> $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE
+ else
+ printf "SKIP \"%s, %s\"\n\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ fi
+if [ "$1" = "--sid" ]; then
+ shift
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ printf "\nS-ID as parameter expected\n\n"
+ else
+ shift
+ printf "\nFound parameter \"--sid\", Default S-ID is now set to $DEFAULT_SID\n\n"
+ fi
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ printf "\nERROR : Parameter 1 should be a Master-Timer done-file\n\n"
+ exit 1
+[ "$ASK_SID" = "yes" ] && ShowUsableSIDs
+printf "Default S-ID: $DEFAULT_SID\n\n"
+while read i; do AddRecToDone "$i" ; done <$1
+if [ "$TEST" = "yes" ]; then
+ printf "\n\nTEST run !!!!\nNow take a look at the File $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE to see if everything is OK.\n\n"
+ # Tell epgsearch that done-file was changed
+ echo "$SVDRPSEND PLUG epgsearch UPDD >/dev/null 2>&1" | at now >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca71aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Originally written by :
+# Viking /
+# cjac AT
+# Version 1.3
+# Mike Constabel <vejoun @ vdrportal>
+# 2007-03-29: Version 1.3
+# - fixes for use with epgsearch >= 0.9.21
+# 2006-09-01: Version 1.2
+# - fixed setsid calling
+# 2006-07-17: Version 1.1
+# - added setsid for calling UPDD
+# 2006-??-?? update for vdr >= 1.3.44 and epgsearch >= 0.9.13a
+# Call with one of these parameters
+# a. Recording Directory as parameter 1
+# b. --recursive "Start_Dir"
+# c. --recursive
+# If called with "--recursive" either "Start_Dir" or "VIDEO_ROOT"
+# from below is searched for recordings to put to the done-file
+# Should wo only test what is done ?
+# should we add recordings that have a S-ID in info.vdr ?
+# That is recordings already recorded with epgsearch-autotimer
+# and they are probably already in the done file!
+# yes = add recodrings with S-ID
+# no = don't add recordings with S-ID
+# should the script ask for S-ID for each recording ?
+# The script shows a list of possible S-ID's at the beginning
+# What S-ID should be used if no other selected
+# Use the recording-dir's ctime as recording time?
+# adjust the following lines to your path to
+# Home of EPGsearch
+# Video root
+# do not edit below this line
+function ShowUsableSIDs()
+ printf "\n"
+ grep -v "^#" $EPGSEARCH_FILE | sort -t':' -k2 | awk -F':' '{ print $1"\t"$2 }'
+ printf "\n"
+function AddRecToDone()
+ Rec=$1
+ if [ -e "$Rec/info.vdr" ]; then
+ # Get ctime from recordingdir
+ if [ "$CTIME_FROM_RECORDING" = "yes" ]; then
+ CTIME="$(echo "$Rec" | sed 's#......\.rec/##;s#.*/##')"
+ CTIME="$(date +%s -d"${CTIME:0:10} ${CTIME:11:2}:${CTIME:14:2}")"
+ fi
+ # Find S-ID in info.vdr
+ S_IDAlt=`grep -s "^D .*s-id:" $Rec/info.vdr | sed -re 's/^D .*s-id: ([0-9]*).*/\1/'`
+ S_IDNeu=`grep -s "^@ .*<epgsearch>.*<s-id>.*<\/s-id>.*<\/epgsearch>" $Rec/info.vdr | sed -re 's/^@ .*<epgsearch>.*<s-id>([0-9]*)<\/s-id>.*<\/epgsearch>.*/\1/'`
+ [ "$S_IDAlt" != "" ] && S_ID="$S_IDAlt"
+ [ "$S_IDNeu" != "" ] && S_ID="$S_IDNeu"
+ Title=$(grep "^T " $Rec/info.vdr| cut -f2- -d' '|head -1)
+ Subtitle=$(grep "^S " $Rec/info.vdr| cut -f2- -d' '|head -1)
+ if [ "$S_ID" = "" -o "$S_ID" != "" -a "$ADD_SID_RECORDINGS" = "yes" ]; then
+ [ $(grep "^T " $Rec/info.vdr| wc -l) -gt 1 ] && printf "\n\nERROR: DUAL T Line %s\n\n" "$Rec"
+ printf "Adding \"%s, %s\".\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ if [ "$ASK_SID" = "yes" -a "$S_ID" = "" ]; then
+ if [ "$Title" != "$PrevTitle" ]; then
+ printf "Enter S-ID (s=skip, ENTER=$DEFAULT_SID): "
+ read NEW_SID
+ if [ "$NEW_SID" != "s" ]; then
+ printf "S-ID is set to $NEW_SID for \"$Title\"\n\n"
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "Title matches, using same S-ID as before : $NEW_SID\n\n"
+ fi
+ PrevTitle=$Title
+ else
+ [ "$S_ID" = "" ] && NEW_SID=$DEFAULT_SID || NEW_SID=$S_ID
+ fi
+ if [ "$NEW_SID" != "s" ]; then
+ grep -v "^[EVX] " $Rec/info.vdr >> $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE
+ else
+ printf "SKIP \"%s, %s\"\n\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "SKIP \"%s, %s\" - it has S-ID: $S_ID\n\n" "$Title" "$Subtitle"
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "No Info.vdr found : %s\n" "$Rec"
+ fi
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ printf "\nERROR : Parameter 1 should be either \"--recursive\" with start directory or a recording directory.\n"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$1" = "--recursive" ]; then
+ shift
+ [ "$ASK_SID" = "yes" ] && ShowUsableSIDs
+ printf "Default S-ID: $DEFAULT_SID\n\n"
+ [ ! -z "$1" ] && START_DIR=$1 || START_DIR=$VIDEO_ROOT
+ for i in $(find $START_DIR/ -type d -name "*.rec" -print); do AddRecToDone $i ; done
+ AddRecToDone $1
+if [ "$TEST" = "yes" ]; then
+ printf "\n\nTEST run !!!!\nNow take a look at the File $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE to see if everything is OK.\n\n"
+ # Tell epgsearch that done-file was changed
+ if ! echo "$SVDRPSEND PLUG epgsearch UPDD >/dev/null 2>&1" | at now >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if ! setsid "$SVDRPSEND" PLUG epgsearch UPDD >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "ERROR calling $SVDRPSEND PLUG epgsearch UPDD"
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93fa50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# this script allows searching for a repeat of recording using epgsearch (>=0.9.3)
+# add the following lines to your reccmds.conf
+# Search for repeat : /path_to_this_script/ 0
+# Search for repeat with subtitle (same episode): /path_to_this_script/ 1
+# Author: Christian Wieninger (
+# adjust the following lines to your config
+# your video dir
+# your plugins config dir
+# path to
+# if you are using special subfolders for some recordings, please add them here
+# the key used to call epgsearch
+# do not edit below this line
+cat << EOM >/tmp/
+#cut a trailing /
+#cut leading video dir
+#cut leading /
+#cut leading special folders
+while [ "\$LASTWORD" != "\$FOLDERS" ];
+ i=\$i+1;
+#cut last subdir
+#cut trailing dummy subtitle created by epgsearch
+if [ "$1" -eq "0" ]; then
+#replace / with ~ as word delimiter
+#replace _ with blank
+echo Search=\$SEARCHTERM > \$RCFILE
+#search for this term as phrase
+echo SearchMode=0 >> \$RCFILE
+if [ "$1" -eq "0" ]; then
+ echo UseSubtitle=0 >> \$RCFILE;
+echo UseDescr=0 >> \$RCFILE
+echo ". /tmp/; rm /tmp/" | at now
+#cat /video/plugins/.epgsearchrc
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9babc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# source: vdr-plugin epgsearch
+# add this lines to your epgsearchcmds.conf:
+# folgende zeilen in die epgsearchcmds.conf eintragen:
+# remember event  : /usr/local/bin/ 0
+# remember event (inc. switch) : /usr/local/bin/ 1
+# show event list  : /usr/local/bin/ -ls
+# remove all events?  : /usr/local/bin/ -rm
+ ATD_SPOOL=/var/spool/atjobs
+# default settings
+ MINSBEFORE=1 # minutes before event for announcement
+ COLUMNS=17 # columns for the epg entry
+ FORMAT=MET # date format, eg.: UTC/MET
+case $1 in
+ -ls)
+ grep -s ^'#[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]#' $ATD_SPOOL/* | sort -t. +1 | cut -d'#' -f3
+ ;;
+ -rm)
+ find $ATD_SPOOL -exec grep -qs ^'#[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]#' \{} \; -exec rm -f \{} \;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ switch_time=`date -d "1970-01-01 $FORMAT $3 seconds" +"%a.%d %H:%M"`
+ entry="#${switch_time#* }#$(printf "%-10s%-0s\n" "${6:0:9}" "$switch_time ${2:0:$COLUMNS}")"
+ secs=$(($3-$MINSBEFORE*60))
+ secs_now=`date +%s`
+ if [ $secs -le $secs_now ]; then
+ echo " MESG '$2 already runs!' >/dev/null" | at now
+ else
+ if [ -z "$(find $ATD_SPOOL -exec grep -qs "^$entry$" \{} \; -exec rm -v \{} \;)" ]; then
+ at $(date -d "1970-01-01 $FORMAT $secs seconds" +"%H:%M %m/%d/%Y") <<EOT
+ MESG '${switch_time#* }: $2' >/dev/null
+ sleep $(($MINSBEFORE*60))s
+ if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
+ CHAN $5 >/dev/null
+ else
+ MESG '$2 starts!' >/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f2d143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## sendEmail
+## Written by: Brandon Zehm <>
+## License:
+## sendEmail (hereafter referred to as "program") is free software;
+## you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
+## Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+## 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## Note that when redistributing modified versions of this source code, you
+## must ensure that this disclaimer and the above coder's names are included
+## VERBATIM in the modified code.
+## Disclaimer:
+## This program is provided with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or
+## implied. It is the responsibility of the user (you) to fully research and
+## comprehend the usage of this program. As with any tool, it can be misused,
+## either intentionally (you're a vandal) or unintentionally (you're a moron).
+## or anything that happens because of your use (or misuse) of this program,
+## including but not limited to anything you, your lawyers, or anyone else
+## can dream up. And now, a relevant quote directly from the GPL:
+use strict;
+use IO::Socket;
+## Global Variables ##
+my %conf = (
+ ## General
+ "programName" => $0, ## The name of this program
+ "version" => '1.52', ## The version of this program
+ "authorName" => 'Brandon Zehm', ## Author's Name
+ "authorEmail" => '', ## Author's Email Address
+ "timezone" => '+0000 (GMT)', ## We always use +0000 for the time zone
+ "hostname" => 'localhost', ## Used in printmsg() for all output, and in SMTP EHLO.
+ "debug" => 0, ## Default debug level
+ "error" => '', ## Error messages will often be stored here
+ ## Logging
+ "debug" => 0,
+ "stdout" => 1,
+ "logging" => 0, ## If this is true the printmsg function prints to the log file
+ "logFile" => '', ## If this is specified (form the command line via -l) this file will be used for logging.
+ ## Network
+ "server" => 'localhost', ## Default SMTP server
+ "port" => 25, ## Default port
+ "alarm" => '', ## Default timeout for connects and reads, this gets set from $opt{'timeout'}
+ ## Email
+ "delimiter" => "----MIME delimiter for sendEmail-" ## MIME Delimiter
+ . rand(1000000), ## Add some randomness to the delimiter
+ "Message-ID" => rand(1000000) . "-sendEmail", ## Message-ID for email header
+ "authUsername" => '', ## Username used in SMTP Auth
+ "authPassword" => '', ## Password used in SMTP Auth
+## This hash stores the options passed on the command line via the -o option.
+my %opt = (
+ ## Addressing
+ "reply-to" => '', ## Reply-To field
+ ## Message
+ "message-file" => '', ## File to read message body from
+ "message-header" => '', ## Additional email header line
+ "message-format" => 'normal', ## If "raw" is specified the message is sent unmodified
+ "message-charset" => 'iso-8859-1', ## Message character-set
+ ## Network
+ "timeout" => 60, ## Default timeout for connects and reads, this is copied to $conf{'alarm'} later.
+## More variables used later in the program
+my $CRLF = "\015\012";
+my $subject = '';
+my $message = '';
+my $from = '';
+my @to = ();
+my @cc = ();
+my @bcc = ();
+my @attachments = ();
+my @attachments_names = ();
+## For printing colors to the console
+my ${colorRed} = "\033[31;1m";
+my ${colorGreen} = "\033[32;1m";
+my ${colorCyan} = "\033[36;1m";
+my ${colorWhite} = "\033[37;1m";
+my ${colorNormal} = "\033[m";
+my ${colorBold} = "\033[1m";
+my ${colorNoBold} = "\033[0m";
+## Don't use shell escape codes on Windows systems
+if ($^O =~ /win/i) {
+ ${colorRed} = "";
+ ${colorGreen} = "";
+ ${colorCyan} = "";
+ ${colorWhite} = "";
+ ${colorNormal} = "";
+ ${colorBold} = "";
+ ${colorNoBold} = "";
+## Initialize
+## Process Command Line
+$conf{'alarm'} = $opt{'timeout'};
+## Abort program after $conf{'alarm'} seconds to avoid infinite hangs
+alarm($conf{'alarm'}) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32
+## Read $message from STDIN if -m was not used ##
+if (!($message)) {
+ ## Read message body from a file specified with -o message-file=
+ if ($opt{'message-file'}) {
+ if (! -e $opt{'message-file'}) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Message body file specified [$opt{'message-file'}] does not exist!", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => 1) check spelling of your file; 2) fully qualify the path; 3) doubble quote it", 1);
+ quit("", 1);
+ }
+ if (! -r $opt{'message-file'}) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Message body file specified can not be read due to restricted permissions!", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => Check permissions on file specified to ensure it can be read", 1);
+ quit("", 1);
+ }
+ if (!open(MFILE, "< " . $opt{'message-file'})) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Error opening message body file [$opt{'message-file'}]: $!", 0);
+ quit("", 1);
+ }
+ while (<MFILE>) {
+ $message .= $_;
+ }
+ close(MFILE);
+ }
+ ## Read message body from STDIN
+ else {
+ alarm($conf{'alarm'}) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32
+ if ($conf{'stdout'}) {
+ print "Reading message body from STDIN because the '-m' option was not used.\n";
+ print "If you are manually typing in a message:\n";
+ print " - First line must be received within $conf{'alarm'} seconds.\n" if ($^O !~ /win/i);
+ print " - End manual input with a CTRL-D on its own line.\n\n" if ($^O !~ /win/i);
+ print " - End manual input with a CTRL-Z on its own line.\n\n" if ($^O =~ /win/i);
+ }
+ while (<STDIN>) { ## Read STDIN into $message
+ $message .= $_;
+ alarm(0) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## Disable the alarm since at least one line was received
+ }
+ printmsg("Message input complete.", 0);
+ }
+## Replace bare LF's with CRLF's (\012 should always have \015 with it)
+$message =~ s/(\015)?(\012|$)/\015\012/g;
+## Replace bare CR's with CRLF's (\015 should always have \012 with it)
+$message =~ s/(\015)(\012|$)?/\015\012/g;
+## Check message for bare periods and encode them
+$message =~ s/(^|$CRLF)(\.{1})($CRLF|$)/$1.$2$3/g;
+## Get the current date for the email header
+my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$day) = gmtime();
+$year += 1900; $mon = return_month($mon); $day = return_day($day);
+my $date = sprintf("%s, %s %s %d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s",$day, $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $conf{'timezone'});
+## Connect to the SMTP server ##
+printmsg("DEBUG => Connecting to $conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'}", 1);
+$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Timeout while connecting to $conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'} There was no response after $conf{'alarm'} seconds.", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => Try specifying a different mail relay with the -s option.", 1);
+ quit("", 1);
+alarm($conf{'alarm'}) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32;
+my $SERVER = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $conf{'server'},
+ PeerPort => $conf{'port'},
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ Autoflush => 1,
+ timeout => $conf{'alarm'},
+alarm(0) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32;
+## Make sure we got connected
+if ( (!$SERVER) or (!$SERVER->opened()) ) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Connection attempt to $conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'} failed: $@", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => Try specifying a different mail relay with the -s option.", 1);
+ quit("", 1);
+## Do the SMTP Dance ##
+## Read initial greeting to make sure we're talking to a live SMTP server
+if (SMTPchat()) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+## EHLO
+if (SMTPchat('EHLO ' . $conf{'hostname'})) {
+ printmsg($conf{'error'}, 0);
+ printmsg("NOTICE => EHLO command failed, attempting HELO instead");
+ if (SMTPchat('HELO ' . $conf{'hostname'})) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+ if ( $conf{'authUsername'} and $conf{'authPassword'} ) {
+ printmsg("WARNING => The mail server does not support ESMTP or SMTP AUTH!");
+ }
+else {
+ ## Do SMTP Auth if required
+ if ( $conf{'authUsername'} and $conf{'authPassword'} ) {
+ if (SMTPchat('AUTH LOGIN')) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+ if (SMTPchat($conf{'authUsername'})) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+ if (SMTPchat($conf{'authPassword'})) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+ }
+if (SMTPchat('MAIL FROM:<' .(returnAddressParts($from))[1]. '>')) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+my $oneRcptAccepted = 0;
+foreach my $rcpt (@to, @cc, @bcc) {
+ my ($name, $address) = returnAddressParts($rcpt);
+ if (SMTPchat('RCPT TO:<' . $address . '>')) {
+ printmsg("WARNING => The recipient <$address> was rejected by the mail server, error follows:", 0);
+ $conf{'error'} =~ s/^ERROR/WARNING/o;
+ printmsg($conf{'error'}, 0);
+ }
+ elsif ($oneRcptAccepted == 0) {
+ $oneRcptAccepted = 1;
+ }
+## If no recipients were accepted we need to exit with an error.
+if ($oneRcptAccepted == 0) {
+ quit("ERROR => Exiting. No recipients were accepted for delivery by the mail server.", 1);
+## DATA
+if (SMTPchat('DATA')) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+## Build and send the body ##
+printmsg("INFO => Sending message body",1);
+## If the message-format is raw just send the message as-is.
+if ($opt{'message-format'} =~ /^raw$/i) {
+ print $SERVER $message;
+## If the message-format isn't raw, then build and send the message,
+else {
+ ## Message-ID: <MessageID>
+ print $SERVER 'Message-ID: <' . $conf{'Message-ID'} . '@' . $conf{'hostname'} . '>' . $CRLF;
+ ## From: "Name" <> (the pointless test below is just to keep scoping correct)
+ if ($from) {
+ my ($name, $address) = returnAddressParts($from);
+ print $SERVER 'From: "' . $name . '" <' . $address . '>' . $CRLF;
+ }
+ ## Reply-To:
+ if ($opt{'reply-to'}) {
+ my ($name, $address) = returnAddressParts($opt{'reply-to'});
+ print $SERVER 'Reply-To: "' . $name . '" <' . $address . '>' . $CRLF;
+ }
+ ## To: "Name" <>
+ if (scalar(@to) > 0) {
+ print $SERVER "To:";
+ for (my $a = 0; $a < scalar(@to); $a++) {
+ my $msg = "";
+ my ($name, $address) = returnAddressParts($to[$a]);
+ $msg = " \"$name\" <$address>";
+ ## If we're not on the last address add a comma to the end of the line.
+ if (($a + 1) != scalar(@to)) {
+ $msg .= ",";
+ }
+ print $SERVER $msg . $CRLF;
+ }
+ }
+ ## We always want a To: line so if the only recipients were bcc'd they don't see who it was sent to
+ else {
+ print $SERVER "To: \"Undisclosed Recipients\" <>$CRLF";
+ }
+ if (scalar(@cc) > 0) {
+ print $SERVER "Cc:";
+ for (my $a = 0; $a < scalar(@cc); $a++) {
+ my $msg = "";
+ my ($name, $address) = returnAddressParts($cc[$a]);
+ $msg = " \"$name\" <$address>";
+ ## If we're not on the last address add a comma to the end of the line.
+ if (($a + 1) != scalar(@cc)) {
+ $msg .= ",";
+ }
+ print $SERVER $msg . $CRLF;
+ }
+ }
+ print $SERVER 'Subject: ' . $subject . $CRLF; ## Subject
+ print $SERVER 'Date: ' . $date . $CRLF; ## Date
+ print $SERVER 'X-Mailer: sendEmail-'.$conf{'version'}.$CRLF; ## X-Mailer
+ ## Send an additional message header line if specified
+ if ($opt{'message-header'}) {
+ print $SERVER $opt{'message-header'} . $CRLF;
+ }
+ ## Encode all messages with MIME.
+ print $SERVER "MIME-Version: 1.0$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$conf{'delimiter'}\"$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER "$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER "This is a multi-part message in MIME format. To properly display this message you need a MIME-Version 1.0 compliant Email program.$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER "$CRLF";
+ ## Send message body
+ print $SERVER "--$conf{'delimiter'}$CRLF";
+ ## If the message contains HTML change the Content-Type
+ if ($message =~ /^\s*<html>/i) {
+ printmsg("Message is in HTML format", 1);
+ print $SERVER "Content-Type: text/html;$CRLF";
+ }
+ ## Otherwise it's a normal text email
+ else {
+ print $SERVER "Content-Type: text/plain;$CRLF";
+ }
+ print $SERVER " charset=\"" . $opt{'message-charset'} . "\"$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER $CRLF;
+ print $SERVER $message;
+ ## Send Attachemnts
+ if ($attachments[0]) {
+ ## Disable the alarm so people on modems can send big attachments
+ alarm(0) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32
+ ## Send the attachments
+ foreach my $filename (@attachments) {
+ ## This is check 2, we already checked this above, but just in case...
+ if ( ! -f $filename ) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => The file [$filename] doesn't exist! Email will be sent, but without that attachment.", 0);
+ }
+ elsif ( ! -r $filename ) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Couldn't open the file [$filename] for reading: $! Email will be sent, but without that attachment.", 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ printmsg("DEBUG => Sending the attachment [$filename]", 1);
+ send_attachment($filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## End the mime encoded message
+ print $SERVER "$CRLF--$conf{'delimiter'}--$CRLF";
+## Tell the server we are done sending the email
+print $SERVER "$CRLF.$CRLF";
+if (SMTPchat()) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+# We are done!!! #
+## Disconnect from the server
+if (SMTPchat('QUIT')) { quit($conf{'error'}, 1); }
+close $SERVER;
+## Generate exit message/log entry ##
+if ($conf{'debug'} or $conf{'logging'}) {
+ printmsg("Generating a detailed exit message", 3);
+ ## Put the message together
+ my $output = "Email was sent successfully! From: <" . (returnAddressParts($from))[1] . "> ";
+ if (scalar(@to) > 0) {
+ $output .= "To: ";
+ for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@to); $a++) {
+ $output .= "<" . (returnAddressParts($to[$a]))[1] . "> ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(@cc) > 0) {
+ $output .= "Cc: ";
+ for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@cc); $a++) {
+ $output .= "<" . (returnAddressParts($cc[$a]))[1] . "> ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(@bcc) > 0) {
+ $output .= "Bcc: ";
+ for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@bcc); $a++) {
+ $output .= "<" . (returnAddressParts($bcc[$a]))[1] . "> ";
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= "Subject: [$subject] " if ($subject);
+ if (scalar(@attachments_names) > 0) {
+ $output .= "Attachment(s): ";
+ foreach(@attachments_names) {
+ $output .= "[$_] ";
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= "Server: [$conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'}]";
+# Exit the program #
+ ## Print / Log the detailed message
+ quit($output, 0);
+else {
+ ## Or the standard message
+ quit("Email was sent successfully!", 0);
+## Function: initialize ()
+## Does all the script startup jibberish.
+sub initialize {
+ ## Set STDOUT to flush immediatly after each print
+ $| = 1;
+ ## Intercept signals
+ $SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { quit("EXITING: Received SIG$_[0]", 1); };
+ $SIG{'INT'} = sub { quit("EXITING: Received SIG$_[0]", 1); };
+ $SIG{'KILL'} = sub { quit("EXITING: Received SIG$_[0]", 1); };
+ $SIG{'TERM'} = sub { quit("EXITING: Received SIG$_[0]", 1); };
+ ## ALARM and HUP signals are not supported in Win32
+ unless ($^O =~ /win/i) {
+ $SIG{'HUP'} = sub { quit("EXITING: Received SIG$_[0]", 1); };
+ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { quit("EXITING: Received SIG$_[0]", 1); };
+ }
+ ## Fixup $conf{'programName'}
+ $conf{'programName'} =~ s/(.)*[\/,\\]//;
+ $0 = $conf{'programName'} . " " . join(" ", @ARGV);
+ ## Fixup $conf{'hostname'}
+ if ($conf{'hostname'} eq 'localhost') {
+ $conf{'hostname'} = "";
+ if ($ENV{'HOSTNAME'}) {
+ $conf{'hostname'} = lc($ENV{'HOSTNAME'});
+ }
+ elsif ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'}) {
+ $conf{'hostname'} = lc($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'});
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Try the hostname module
+ use Sys::Hostname;
+ $conf{'hostname'} = lc(hostname());
+ }
+ ## Assign a name of "localhost" if it can't find anything else.
+ if (!$conf{'hostname'}) {
+ $conf{'hostname'} = 'localhost';
+ }
+ $conf{'hostname'} =~ s/\..*$//; ## Remove domain name if it's present
+ }
+ return(1);
+## Function: processCommandLine ()
+## Processes command line storing important data in global vars (usually %conf)
+sub processCommandLine {
+ ############################
+ ## Process command line ##
+ ############################
+ my @ARGS = @ARGV; ## This is so later we can re-parse the command line args later if we need to
+ my $numargv = @ARGS;
+ help() unless ($numargv);
+ my $counter = 0;
+ for ($counter = 0; $counter < $numargv; $counter++) {
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-h$/i) { ## Help ##
+ help();
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] eq "") { ## Ignore null arguments
+ ## Do nothing
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^--help/) { ## Topical Help ##
+ $counter++;
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ helpTopic($ARGS[$counter]);
+ }
+ else {
+ help();
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-o$/i) { ## Options specified with -o ##
+ $counter++;
+ ## Loop through each option passed after the -o
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] !~ /(\S+)=(\S.*)/) {
+ printmsg("WARNING => Name/Value pair [$ARGS[$counter]] is not properly formatted", 0);
+ printmsg("WARNING => Arguments proceeding -o should be in the form of \"name=value\"", 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (exists($opt{$1})) {
+ $opt{$1} = $2;
+ printmsg("DEBUG => Assigned \$opt{} key/value: $1 => $2", 3);
+ }
+ else {
+ printmsg("WARNING => Name/Value pair [$ARGS[$counter]] will be ignored: unknown key [$1]", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => Try the --help option to find valid command line arguments", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-f$/) { ## From ##
+ $counter++;
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) { $from = $ARGS[$counter]; }
+ else { printmsg("WARNING => The argument after -f was not an email address!", 0); $counter--; }
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-t$/) { ## To ##
+ $counter++;
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && ($ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/)) {
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /[;,]/) {
+ push (@to, split(/[;,]/, $ARGS[$counter]));
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@to,$ARGS[$counter]);
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-cc$/) { ## Cc ##
+ $counter++;
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && ($ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/)) {
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /[;,]/) {
+ push (@cc, split(/[;,]/, $ARGS[$counter]));
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@cc,$ARGS[$counter]);
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-bcc$/) { ## Bcc ##
+ $counter++;
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && ($ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/)) {
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /[;,]/) {
+ push (@bcc, split(/[;,]/, $ARGS[$counter]));
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@bcc,$ARGS[$counter]);
+ }
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-m$/) { ## Message ##
+ $counter++;
+ $message = "";
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ if ($message) { $message .= " "; }
+ $message .= $ARGS[$counter];
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ ## Replace '\n' with $CRLF.
+ ## This allows newlines with messages sent on the command line
+ $message =~ s/\\n/$CRLF/g;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-u$/) { ## Subject ##
+ $counter++;
+ $subject = "";
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ if ($subject) { $subject .= " "; }
+ $subject .= $ARGS[$counter];
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-s$/) { ## Server ##
+ $counter++;
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ $conf{'server'} = $ARGS[$counter];
+ if ($conf{'server'} =~ /:/) { ## Port ##
+ ($conf{'server'},$conf{'port'}) = split(":",$conf{'server'});
+ }
+ }
+ else { printmsg("WARNING - The argument after -s was not the server!", 0); $counter--; }
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-a$/) { ## Attachments ##
+ $counter++;
+ while ($ARGS[$counter] && ($ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/)) {
+ push (@attachments,$ARGS[$counter]);
+ $counter++;
+ } $counter--;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-xu$/) { ## AuthSMTP Username ##
+ $counter++;
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ $conf{'authUsername'} = $ARGS[$counter];
+ my $tmp = substr(pack('u', $conf{'authUsername'}), 1); ## Convert the string to uuencoded text
+ chop($tmp);
+ $tmp =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; ## Translate from uuencode to base64
+ $conf{'authUsername'} = $tmp;
+ }
+ else {
+ printmsg("WARNING => The argument after -xu was not valid username!", 0);
+ $counter--;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-xp$/) { ## AuthSMTP Password ##
+ $counter++;
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) {
+ $conf{'authPassword'} = $ARGS[$counter];
+ my $tmp = substr(pack('u', $conf{'authPassword'}), 1); ## Convert the binary to uuencoded text
+ chop($tmp);
+ $tmp =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; ## Translate from uuencode to base64
+ $conf{'authPassword'} = $tmp;
+ }
+ else {
+ printmsg("WARNING => The argument after -xp was not valid password!", 0);
+ $counter--;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-l$/) { ## Logging ##
+ $counter++;
+ $conf{'logging'} = 1;
+ if ($ARGS[$counter] && $ARGS[$counter] !~ /^-/) { $conf{'logFile'} = $ARGS[$counter]; }
+ else { printmsg("WARNING - The argument after -l was not the log file!", 0); $counter--; }
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ s/^-v+//i) { ## Verbosity ##
+ my $tmp = (length($&) - 1);
+ $conf{'debug'} += $tmp;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGS[$counter] =~ /^-q$/) { ## Quiet ##
+ $conf{'stdout'} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ printmsg("Error: \"$ARGS[$counter]\" is not a recognized option!", 0);
+ help();
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################################
+ ## Verify required variables are set correctly ##
+ ###################################################
+ if (!$conf{'server'}) {
+ $conf{'server'} = 'localhost';
+ }
+ if (!$conf{'port'}) {
+ $conf{'port'} = 25;
+ }
+ if (!$from) {
+ quit("ERROR => You must specify a 'from' field! Try --help.", 1);
+ }
+ if ( ((scalar(@to)) + (scalar(@cc)) + (scalar(@bcc))) <= 0) {
+ quit("ERROR => You must specify at least one recipient via -t, -cc, or -bcc", 1);
+ }
+ ## Make sure email addresses look OK.
+ foreach my $addr (@to, @cc, @bcc, $from, $opt{'reply-to'}) {
+ if ($addr) {
+ if (!returnAddressParts($addr)) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Can't use improperly formatted email address: $addr", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => Try viewing the extended help on addressing with \"--help addressing\"", 1);
+ quit("", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Make sure all attachments exist.
+ foreach my $file (@attachments) {
+ if ( (! -f $file) or (! -r $file) ) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => The attachment [$file] doesn't exist!", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => Try specifying the full path to the file or reading extended help with \"--help message\"", 1);
+ quit("", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($conf{'logging'} and (!$conf{'logFile'})) {
+ quit("ERROR => You used -l to enable logging but didn't specify a log file!", 1);
+ }
+ if ( $conf{'authUsername'} ) {
+ if (!$conf{'authPassword'}) {
+ quit ("ERROR => You must supply both a username and a password to use SMTP auth.",1);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Return 0 errors
+ return(0);
+## getline($socketRef)
+sub getline {
+ my ($socketRef) = @_;
+ local ($/) = "\r\n";
+ return $$socketRef->getline;
+## Receive a (multiline?) SMTP response from ($socketRef)
+sub getResponse {
+ my ($socketRef) = @_;
+ my ($tmp, $reply);
+ local ($/) = "\r\n";
+ return undef unless defined($tmp = getline($socketRef));
+ return("getResponse() socket is not open") unless ($$socketRef->opened);
+ ## Keep reading lines if it's a multi-line response
+ while ($tmp =~ /^\d{3}-/o) {
+ $reply .= $tmp;
+ return undef unless defined($tmp = getline($socketRef));
+ }
+ $reply .= $tmp;
+ $reply =~ s/\r?\n$//o;
+ return $reply;
+## Function: SMTPchat ( [string $command] )
+## Description: Sends $command to the SMTP server (on SERVER) and awaits a successfull
+## reply form the server. If the server returns an error, or does not reply
+## within $conf{'alarm'} seconds an error is generated.
+## NOTE: $command is optional, if no command is specified then nothing will
+## be sent to the server, but a valid response is still required from the server.
+## Input: [$command] A (optional) valid SMTP command (ex. "HELO")
+## Output: Returns zero on success, or non-zero on error.
+## Error messages will be stored in $conf{'error'}
+## Example: SMTPchat ("HELO");
+sub SMTPchat {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ printmsg("INFO => Sending: \t$command", 1) if ($command);
+ ## Send our command
+ print $SERVER "$command$CRLF" if ($command);
+ ## Read a response from the server
+ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { $conf{'error'} = "alarm"; $SERVER->close(); };
+ alarm($conf{'alarm'}) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32;
+ my $result = getResponse(\$SERVER);
+ alarm(0) if ($^O !~ /win/i); ## alarm() doesn't work in win32;
+ ## Generate an alert if we timed out
+ if ($conf{'error'} eq "alarm") {
+ $conf{'error'} = "ERROR => Timeout while reading from $conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'} There was no response after $conf{'alarm'} seconds.";
+ return(1);
+ }
+ ## Make sure the server actually responded
+ if (!$result) {
+ $conf{'error'} = "ERROR => $conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'} returned a zero byte response to our query.";
+ return(2);
+ }
+ ## Validate the response
+ if (evalSMTPresponse($result)) {
+ ## conf{'error'} will already be set here
+ return(2);
+ }
+ ## Print the success messsage
+ printmsg($conf{'error'}, 1);
+ ## Return Success
+ return(0);
+## Function: evalSMTPresponse (string $message )
+## Description: Searches $message for either an SMTP success or error code, and returns
+## 0 on success, and the actual error code on error.
+## Input: $message Data received from a SMTP server (ex. "220
+## Output: Returns zero on success, or non-zero on error.
+## Error messages will be stored in $conf{'error'}
+## Example: SMTPchat ("HELO");
+sub evalSMTPresponse {
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ ## Validate input
+ if (!$message) {
+ $conf{'error'} = "ERROR => No message was passed to evalSMTPresponse(). What happened?";
+ return(1)
+ }
+ printmsg("DEBUG => evalSMTPresponse() - Checking for SMTP success or error status in the message: $message ", 3);
+ ## Look for a SMTP success code
+ if ($message =~ /^([23]\d\d)/) {
+ printmsg("DEBUG => evalSMTPresponse() - Found SMTP success code: $1", 2);
+ $conf{'error'} = "SUCCESS => Received: \t$message";
+ return(0);
+ }
+ ## Look for a SMTP error code
+ if ($message =~ /^([45]\d\d)/) {
+ printmsg("DEBUG => evalSMTPresponse() - Found SMTP error code: $1", 2);
+ $conf{'error'} = "ERROR => Received: \t$message";
+ return($1);
+ }
+ ## If no SMTP codes were found return an error of 1
+ $conf{'error'} = "ERROR => Received a message with no success or error code. The message received was: $message";
+ return(2);
+# SUB: &return_month(0,1,etc)
+# returns the name of the month that corrosponds
+# with the number. returns 0 on error.
+sub return_month {
+ my $x = $_[0];
+ if ($x == 0) { return 'Jan'; }
+ if ($x == 1) { return 'Feb'; }
+ if ($x == 2) { return 'Mar'; }
+ if ($x == 3) { return 'Apr'; }
+ if ($x == 4) { return 'May'; }
+ if ($x == 5) { return 'Jun'; }
+ if ($x == 6) { return 'Jul'; }
+ if ($x == 7) { return 'Aug'; }
+ if ($x == 8) { return 'Sep'; }
+ if ($x == 9) { return 'Oct'; }
+ if ($x == 10) { return 'Nov'; }
+ if ($x == 11) { return 'Dec'; }
+ return (0);
+# SUB: &return_day(0,1,etc)
+# returns the name of the day that corrosponds
+# with the number. returns 0 on error.
+sub return_day {
+ my $x = $_[0];
+ if ($x == 0) { return 'Sun'; }
+ if ($x == 1) { return 'Mon'; }
+ if ($x == 2) { return 'Tue'; }
+ if ($x == 3) { return 'Wed'; }
+ if ($x == 4) { return 'Thu'; }
+ if ($x == 5) { return 'Fri'; }
+ if ($x == 6) { return 'Sat'; }
+ return (0);
+## Function: returnAddressParts(string $address)
+## Description: Returns a two element array containing the "Name" and "Address" parts of
+## an email address.
+## Example: "Brandon Zehm <>"
+## would return: ("Brandon Zehm", "");
+## ""
+## would return: ("", "")
+sub returnAddressParts {
+ my $input = $_[0];
+ my $name = "";
+ my $address = "";
+ ## Make sure to fail if it looks totally invalid
+ if ($input !~ /(\S+\@\S+)/) {
+ $conf{'error'} = "ERROR => The address [$input] doesn't look like a valid email address, ignoring it";
+ return(undef());
+ }
+ ## Check 1, should find addresses like: "Brandon Zehm <>"
+ elsif ($input =~ /^\s*(\S(.*\S)?)\s*<(\S+\@\S+)>/o) {
+ ($name, $address) = ($1, $3);
+ }
+ ## Otherwise if that failed, just get the address: <>
+ elsif ($input =~ /<(\S+\@\S+)>/o) {
+ $name = $address = $1;
+ }
+ ## Or maybe it was formatted this way:
+ elsif ($input =~ /(\S+\@\S+)/o) {
+ $name = $address = $1;
+ }
+ ## Something stupid happened, just return an error.
+ unless ($name and $address) {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Couldn't parse the address: $input", 0);
+ printmsg("HINT => If you think this should work, consider reporting this as a bug to $conf{'authorEmail'}", 1);
+ return(undef());
+ }
+ ## Make sure there aren't invalid characters in the address, and return it.
+ my $ctrl = '\000-\037';
+ my $nonASCII = '\x80-\xff';
+ if ($address =~ /[<> ,;:"'\[\]\\$ctrl$nonASCII]/) {
+ printmsg("WARNING => The address [$address] seems to contain invalid characters: continuing anyway", 0);
+ }
+ return($name, $address);
+# SUB: send_attachment("/path/filename")
+# Sends the mime headers and base64 encoded file
+# to the email server.
+sub send_attachment {
+ my ($filename) = @_; ## Get filename passed
+ my (@fields, $y, $filename_name, $encoding, ## Local variables
+ @attachlines, $content_type);
+ my $bin = 1;
+ @fields = split(/\/|\\/, $filename); ## Get the actual filename without the path
+ $filename_name = pop(@fields);
+ push @attachments_names, $filename_name; ## FIXME: This is only used later for putting in the log file
+ ##########################
+ ## Autodetect Mime Type ##
+ ##########################
+ @fields = split(/\./, $filename_name);
+ $encoding = $fields[$#fields];
+ if ($encoding =~ /txt|text|log|conf|^c$|cpp|^h$|inc|m3u/i) { $content_type = 'text/plain'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /html|htm|shtml|shtm|asp|php|cfm/i) { $content_type = 'text/html'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /sh$/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-sh'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /tcl/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-tcl'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /pl$/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-perl'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /js$/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-javascript'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /man/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-troff-man'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /gif/i) { $content_type = 'image/gif'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|pjpeg|pjp/i) { $content_type = 'image/jpeg'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /tif|tiff/i) { $content_type = 'image/tiff'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /xpm/i) { $content_type = 'image/x-xpixmap'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /bmp/i) { $content_type = 'image/x-MS-bmp'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /pcd/i) { $content_type = 'image/x-photo-cd'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /png/i) { $content_type = 'image/png'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /aif|aiff/i) { $content_type = 'audio/x-aiff'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /wav/i) { $content_type = 'audio/x-wav'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /mp2|mp3|mpa/i) { $content_type = 'audio/x-mpeg'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /ra$|ram/i) { $content_type = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /mpeg|mpg/i) { $content_type = 'video/mpeg'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /mov|qt$/i) { $content_type = 'video/quicktime'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /avi/i) { $content_type = 'video/x-msvideo'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /zip/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-zip-compressed'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /tar/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-tar'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /jar/i) { $content_type = 'application/java-archive'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /exe|bin/i) { $content_type = 'application/octet-stream'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /ppt|pot|ppa|pps|pwz/i) { $content_type = 'application/'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /mdb|mda|mde/i) { $content_type = 'application/'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /xls|xlt|xlm|xld|xla|xlc|xlw|xll/i) { $content_type = 'application/'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /doc|dot/i) { $content_type = 'application/msword'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /rtf/i) { $content_type = 'application/rtf'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /pdf/i) { $content_type = 'application/pdf'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /tex/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-tex'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /latex/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-latex'; }
+ elsif ($encoding =~ /vcf/i) { $content_type = 'application/x-vcard'; }
+ else { $content_type = 'application/octet-stream'; }
+ ############################
+ ## Process the attachment ##
+ ############################
+ #####################################
+ ## Generate and print MIME headers ##
+ #####################################
+ $y = "$CRLF--$conf{'delimiter'}$CRLF";
+ $y .= "Content-Type: $content_type;$CRLF";
+ $y .= " name=\"$filename_name\"$CRLF";
+ $y .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64$CRLF";
+ $y .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename_name\"$CRLF";
+ $y .= "$CRLF";
+ print $SERVER $y;
+ ###########################################################
+ ## Convert the file to base64 and print it to the server ##
+ ###########################################################
+ open (FILETOATTACH, $filename) || do {
+ printmsg("ERROR => Opening the file [$filename] for attachment failed with the error: $!", 0);
+ return(1);
+ };
+ binmode(FILETOATTACH); ## Hack to make Win32 work
+ my $res = "";
+ my $tmp = "";
+ my $base64 = "";
+ while (<FILETOATTACH>) { ## Read a line from the (binary) file
+ $res .= $_;
+ ###################################
+ ## Convert binary data to base64 ##
+ ###################################
+ while ($res =~ s/(.{45})//s) { ## Get 45 bytes from the binary string
+ $tmp = substr(pack('u', $&), 1); ## Convert the binary to uuencoded text
+ chop($tmp);
+ $tmp =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; ## Translate from uuencode to base64
+ $base64 .= $tmp;
+ }
+ ################################
+ ## Print chunks to the server ##
+ ################################
+ while ($base64 =~ s/(.{76})//s) {
+ print $SERVER "$1$CRLF";
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################
+ ## Encode and send the leftovers ##
+ ###################################
+ my $padding = "";
+ if ( ($res) and (length($res) >= 1) ) {
+ $padding = (3 - length($res) % 3) % 3; ## Set flag if binary data isn't divisible by 3
+ $res = substr(pack('u', $res), 1); ## Convert the binary to uuencoded text
+ chop($res);
+ $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; ## Translate from uuencode to base64
+ }
+ ############################
+ ## Fix padding at the end ##
+ ############################
+ $res = $base64 . $res; ## Get left overs from above
+ $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding; ## Fix the end padding if flag (from above) is set
+ if ($res) {
+ while ($res =~ s/(.{1,76})//s) { ## Send it to the email server.
+ print $SERVER "$1$CRLF";
+ }
+ }
+ close (FILETOATTACH) || do {
+ printmsg("ERROR - Closing the filehandle for file [$filename] failed with the error: $!", 0);
+ return(2);
+ };
+ ## Return 0 errors
+ return(0);
+## Function: printmsg (string $message, int $level)
+## Description: Handles all messages - printing them to the screen only if the messages
+## $level is >= the global debug level. If $conf{'logFile'} is defined it
+## will also log the message to that file.
+## Input: $message A message to be printed, logged, etc.
+## $level The debug level of the message. If
+## not defined 0 will be assumed. 0 is
+## considered a normal message, 1 and
+## higher is considered a debug message.
+## Output: Prints to STDOUT
+## Assumptions: $conf{'hostname'} should be the name of the computer we're running on.
+## $conf{'stdout'} should be set to 1 if you want to print to stdout
+## $conf{'logFile'} should be a full path to a log file if you want that
+## $conf{'syslog'} should be 1 if you want to syslog, the syslog() function
+## written by Brandon Zehm should be present.
+## $conf{'debug'} should be an integer between 0 and 10.
+## Example: printmsg("WARNING: We believe in generic error messages... NOT!", 0);
+sub printmsg {
+ ## Assign incoming parameters to variables
+ my ( $message, $level ) = @_;
+ ## Make sure input is sane
+ $level = 0 if (!defined($level));
+ $message =~ s/\s+$//sgo;
+ $message =~ s/\r?\n/, /sgo;
+ ## Continue only if the debug level of the program is >= message debug level.
+ if ($conf{'debug'} >= $level) {
+ ## Get the date in the format: Dec 3 11:14:04
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon) = localtime();
+ $mon = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')[$mon];
+ my $date = sprintf("%s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+ ## Print to STDOUT always if debugging is enabled, or if conf{stdout} is true.
+ if ( ($conf{'debug'} >= 1) or ($conf{'stdout'} == 1) ) {
+ print "$date $conf{'hostname'} $conf{'programName'}\[$$\]: $message\n";
+ }
+ ## Print to the log file if $conf{'logging'} is true
+ if ($conf{'logFile'}) {
+ if (openLogFile($conf{'logFile'})) { $conf{'logFile'} = ""; printmsg("ERROR => Opening the file [$conf{'logFile'}] for appending returned the error: $!", 1); }
+ print LOGFILE "$date $conf{'hostname'} $conf{'programName'}\[$$\]: $message\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ## Return 0 errors
+ return(0);
+## openLogFile ( $filename )
+## Opens the file $filename and attaches it to the filehandle "LOGFILE". Returns 0 on success
+## and non-zero on failure. Error codes are listed below, and the error message gets set in
+## global variable $!.
+## Example:
+## openFile ("/var/log/sendEmail.log");
+sub openLogFile {
+ ## Get the incoming filename
+ my $filename = $_[0];
+ ## Make sure our file exists, and if the file doesn't exist then create it
+ if ( ! -f $filename ) {
+ print STDERR "NOTICE: The log file [$filename] does not exist. Creating it now with mode [0600].\n" if ($conf{'stdout'});
+ open (LOGFILE, ">>$filename");
+ close LOGFILE;
+ chmod (0600, $filename);
+ }
+ ## Now open the file and attach it to a filehandle
+ open (LOGFILE,">>$filename") or return (1);
+ ## Put the file into non-buffering mode
+ select LOGFILE;
+ $| = 1;
+ select STDOUT;
+ ## Return success
+ return(0);
+## Function: quit (string $message, int $errorLevel)
+## Description: Exits the program, optionally printing $message. It
+## returns an exit error level of $errorLevel to the
+## system (0 means no errors, and is assumed if empty.)
+## Example: quit("Exiting program normally", 0);
+sub quit {
+ my %incoming = ();
+ (
+ $incoming{'message'},
+ $incoming{'errorLevel'}
+ ) = @_;
+ $incoming{'errorLevel'} = 0 if (!defined($incoming{'errorLevel'}));
+ ## Print exit message
+ if ($incoming{'message'}) {
+ printmsg($incoming{'message'}, 0);
+ }
+ ## Exit
+ exit($incoming{'errorLevel'});
+## Function: help ()
+## Description: For all those newbies ;)
+## Prints a help message and exits the program.
+sub help {
+exit(1) if (!$conf{'stdout'});
+print <<EOM;
+${colorBold}$conf{'programName'}-$conf{'version'} by $conf{'authorName'} <$conf{'authorEmail'}>${colorNoBold}
+Synopsis: $conf{'programName'} -f ADDRESS [options]
+ ${colorRed}Required:${colorNormal}
+ -f ADDRESS from (sender) email address
+ * At least one recipient required via -t, -cc, or -bcc
+ * Message body required via -m, STDIN, or -o message-file=FILE
+ ${colorGreen}Common:${colorNormal}
+ -t ADDRESS [ADDR ...] to email address(es)
+ -u SUBJECT message subject
+ -m MESSAGE message body
+ -s SERVER[:PORT] smtp mail relay, default is $conf{'server'}:$conf{'port'}
+ ${colorGreen}Optional:${colorNormal}
+ -a FILE [FILE ...] file attachment(s)
+ -cc ADDRESS [ADDR ...] cc email address(es)
+ -bcc ADDRESS [ADDR ...] bcc email address(es)
+ ${colorGreen}Paranormal:${colorNormal}
+ -xu USERNAME authentication user (for SMTP authentication)
+ -xp PASSWORD authentication password (for SMTP authentication)
+ -l LOGFILE log to the specified file
+ -v verbosity, use multiple times for greater effect
+ -q be quiet (no stdout output)
+ -o NAME=VALUE see extended help topic "misc" for details
+ ${colorGreen}Help:${colorNormal}
+ --help TOPIC The following extended help topics are available:
+ addressing explain addressing and related options
+ message explain message body input and related options
+ misc explain -xu, -xp, and others
+ networking explain -s, etc
+ output explain logging and other output options
+## Function: helpTopic ($topic)
+## Description: For all those newbies ;)
+## Prints a help message and exits the program.
+sub helpTopic {
+ exit(1) if (!$conf{'stdout'});
+ my ($topic) = @_;
+ CASE: {
+ ($topic eq 'addressing') && do {
+ print <<EOM;
+${colorBold}ADDRESSING DOCUMENTATION${colorNormal}
+${colorGreen}Addressing Options${colorNormal}
+Options related to addressing:
+ -bcc ADDRESS [ADDRESS ...]
+ -o reply-to=ADDRESS
+ This required option specifies who the email is from, I.E. the sender's
+ email address.
+ This option specifies the primary recipient(s). At least one recipient
+ address must be specified via the -t, -cc. or -bcc options.
+ This option specifies the "carbon copy" recipient(s). At least one
+ recipient address must be specified via the -t, -cc. or -bcc options.
+ This option specifies the "blind carbon copy" recipient(s). At least
+ one recipient address must be specified via the -t, -cc. or -bcc options.
+-o reply-to=ADDRESS
+ This option specifies that an optional "Reply-To" address should be
+ written in the email's headers.
+${colorGreen}Email Address Syntax${colorNormal}
+Email addresses may be specified in one of two ways:
+ Full Name: "John Doe <john.doe\>"
+ Just Address: "john.doe\"
+The "Full Name" method is useful if you want a name, rather than a plain
+email address, to be displayed in the recipient's From, To, or Cc fields
+when they view the message.
+${colorGreen}Multiple Recipients${colorNormal}
+The -t, -cc, and -bcc options each accept multiple addresses. They may be
+specified by separating them by either a white space, comma, or semi-colon
+separated list. You may also specify the -t, -cc, and -bcc options multiple
+times, each occurance will append the new recipients to the respective list.
+(I used "-t" in these examples, but it can be "-cc" or "-bcc" as well)
+ * Space separated list:
+ -t jane.doe\ "John Doe <john.doe\>"
+ * Semi-colon separated list:
+ -t "jane.doe\; John Doe <john.doe\>"
+ * Comma separated list:
+ -t "jane.doe\, John Doe <john.doe\>"
+ * Multiple -t, -cc, or -bcc options:
+ -t "jane.doe\" -t "John Doe <john.doe\>"
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ ($topic eq 'message') && do {
+ print <<EOM;
+${colorBold}MESSAGE DOCUMENTATION${colorNormal}
+${colorGreen}Message Options${colorNormal}
+Options related to the message:
+ -o message-file=FILE
+ -o message-header=EMAIL HEADER
+ -o message-format=raw
+ -o message-charset=CHARSET
+ This option allows you to specify the subject for your email message.
+ It is not required (anymore) that the subject be quoted, although it
+ is recommended. The subject will be read until an argument starting
+ with a hyphen (-) is found.
+ Examples:
+ -u "Contact information while on vacation"
+ -u New Microsoft vulnerability discovered
+ This option is one of three methods that allow you to specify the message
+ body for your email. The message may be specified on the command line
+ with this -m option, read from a file with the -o message-file=FILE
+ option, or read from STDIN if neither of these options are present.
+ It is not required (anymore) that the message be quoted, although it is
+ recommended. The message will be read until an argument starting with a
+ hyphen (-) is found.
+ Examples:
+ -m "See you in South Beach, Hawaii. -Todd"
+ -m Please ensure that you upgrade your systems right away
+ Multi-line message bodies may be specified with the -m option by putting
+ a "\\n" into the message. Example:
+ -m "This is line 1.\\nAnd this is line 2."
+ HTML messages are supported, simply begin your message with "<html>" and
+ sendEmail will properly label the mime header so MUAs properly render
+ the message.
+-o message-file=FILE
+ This option is one of three methods that allow you to specify the message
+ body for your email. To use this option simply specify a text file
+ containing the body of your email message. Examples:
+ -o message-file=/root/message.txt
+ -o message-file="C:\\Program Files\\output.txt"
+-o message-header=EMAIL HEADER
+ This option allows you to specify an additional single line to insert
+ into the email headers. Do not use this unless you know what you are
+ doing!
+ Example: To scare a Microsoft Outlook user you may want to try this:
+ -o message-header="X-Message-Flag: This message contains illegal content"
+-o message-format=raw
+ This option instructs sendEmail to assume the message is already a
+ complete email message. SendEmail will not generate any headers and will
+ transmit the message as-is to the remote SMTP server. Due to the nature
+ of this option the following command line options will be ignored when this
+ one is used:
+ -o message-header=EMAIL HEADER
+ -o message-charset=CHARSET
+-o message-charset=CHARSET
+ This option allows you to specify the character-set for the message body.
+ The default is iso-8859-1.
+${colorGreen}The Message Body${colorNormal}
+The message body may be specified in one of three ways:
+ 1) Via the -m MESSAGE command line option.
+ Example:
+ -m "This is the message body"
+ 2) By putting the message body in a file and using the -o message-file=FILE
+ command line option.
+ Example:
+ -o message-file=/root/message.txt
+ 3) By piping the message body to sendEmail when nither of the above command
+ line options were specified.
+ Example:
+ grep "ERROR" /var/log/messages | sendEmail -t you\ ...
+If the message body begins with "<html>" then the message will be treated as
+an HTML message and the MIME headers will be written so that a HTML capable
+email client will display the message in it's HTML form.
+Any of the above methods may be used with the -o message-format=raw option
+to deliver an already complete email message.
+ last CASE;
+ };
+## MISC
+ ($topic eq 'misc') && do {
+ print <<EOM;
+${colorBold}MISC DOCUMENTATION${colorNormal}
+${colorGreen}Misc Options${colorNormal}
+Options that don't fit anywhere else:
+ -o timeout=SECONDS
+ This option, in conjunction with the -xp option, allows you to specify
+ a username and password to be used with SMTP servers requiring
+ authentication (via SMTP AUTH.)
+ This option, in conjunction with the -xu option, allows you to specify
+ a username and password to be used with SMTP servers requiring
+ authentication (via SMTP AUTH.)
+ This option allows you to attach any number of files to your email
+ message.
+-o timeout=SECONDS
+ This option sets the timeout value in seconds used for all network reads,
+ writes, and a few other things.
+${colorGreen}The Complete -o Parameter List${colorNormal}
+ -o message-file=FILE
+ -o message-header=EMAIL HEADER
+ -o message-format=raw
+ -o message-charset=CHARSET
+ -o reply-to=ADDRESS
+ -o timeout=SECONDS
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ ($topic eq 'networking') && do {
+ print <<EOM;
+${colorBold}NETWORKING DOCUMENTATION${colorNormal}
+${colorGreen}Networking Options${colorNormal}
+Options related to networking:
+ -o timeout=SECONDS
+ This option allows you to specify the SMTP server sendEmail should
+ connect to to deliver your email message to. If this option is not
+ specified sendEmail will try to connect to localhost:25 to deliver
+ FAIL unless you have a email server (commonly known as an MTA) running
+ on your computer!
+ Typically you will need to specify your company or ISP's email server.
+ For example, if you use CableOne you will need to specify:
+ -s
+ If you have your own email server running on port 300 you would
+ probably use an option like this:
+ -s
+-o timeout=SECONDS
+ This option sets the timeout value in seconds used for all network reads,
+ writes, and a few other things.
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ ($topic eq 'output') && do {
+ print <<EOM;
+${colorBold}OUTPUT DOCUMENTATION${colorNormal}
+${colorGreen}Output Options${colorNormal}
+Options related to output:
+ -v
+ -q
+ This option allows you to specify a log file to append to. Every message
+ that is displayed to STDOUT is also written to the log file. This may be
+ used in conjunction with -q and -v.
+ This option tells sendEmail to disable printing to STDOUT. In other
+ words nothing will be printed to the console. This does not affect the
+ behavior of the -l or -v options.
+ This option allows you to increase the debug level of sendEmail. You may
+ either use this option more than once, or specify more than one v at a
+ time to obtain a debug level higher than one. Examples:
+ Specifies a debug level of 1: -v
+ Specifies a debug level of 2: -vv
+ Specifies a debug level of 2: -v -v
+ A debug level of one is recommended when doing any sort of debugging.
+ At that level you will see the entire SMTP transaction (except the
+ body of the email message), and hints will be displayed for most
+ warnings and errors. The highest debug level is three.
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ ## Unknown option selected!
+ quit("ERROR => The help topic specified is not valid!", 1);
+ };
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a89a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Displays the AUX-Info from timers
+# Use it as command in timercmds.conf
+# Example:
+# Display AUX info : /usr/local/bin/
+# 2006-04-24 vejoun @ vdrportal
+# Version 0.4
+# Your timers.conf
+TIME="$(awk 'BEGIN{print strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H%M",'$START')}')" || exit $?
+AUX="$(egrep -m 1 "$SEARCH" "$TIMERS" | cut -d":" -f9-)"
+if [ -n "$TITLE" ]; then
+ echo -e "TITLE:\n$TITLE\n"
+ echo -e "TITLE:\nTimer off, no title available\n"
+if [ -n "$SUBTITLE" ]; then
+ echo -e "SUBTITLE:\n$SUBTITLE\n"
+ if [ -n "$TITLE" ]; then
+ echo -e "SUBTITLE:\nNo subtitle available\n"
+ else
+ echo -e "SUBTITLE:\nTimer off, no subtitle available\n"
+ fi
+if [ -n "$DIR" ]; then
+ echo -e "PATH:\n$DIR\n"
+if [ -z "$AUX" ]; then
+ echo -e "AUX:\nNo AUX data found\n"
+ echo -e "AUX:\n${AUX//></>\\n<}\n"
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ab9bae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# this script allows searching for a repeat of timer using epgsearch (>=0.9.3).
+# it requires the timercmd patch from Gerhard Steiner, that extends the timers
+# menu of VDR with commands like in recordings menu
+# add the following lines to your timercmds.conf
+# Search for repeat : /path_of_this_script/ 0
+# Search for repeat (with subtitle): /path_of_this_script/ 1
+# Author: Christian Wieninger (
+# adjust the following lines to your config
+# your plugins config dir
+# path to
+# if you are using special subfolders for some recordings, please add them here
+# the key used to call epgsearch
+# do not edit below this line
+cat << EOM >/tmp/
+#event info not yet present? then extract it from the file name
+if test "\$SEARCHTERM" == "~"; then
+#cut leading special folders
+while [ "\$LASTWORD" != "\$FOLDERS" ];
+ i=\$i+1;
+#cut trailing dummy subtitle created by epgsearch
+if [ "$1" -eq "0" ]; then
+echo Search=\$SEARCHTERM > \$RCFILE;
+echo SearchMode=0 >> \$RCFILE;
+echo UseDescr=0 >> \$RCFILE;
+echo ". /tmp/; rm /tmp/" | at now
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..425384d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Created 2007 by Viking / vdr-portal
+# This script does an undone of recrdings done with EPGsearch
+# It compares Title and Subtitle with the entry in the done file.
+# If there is no Subtitle, then the Title and Description is compared.
+# Options :
+# --TitleOnly Only match title, Subtitle and Description are ignored
+# This can be dangerous ! With series you remove ALL entries !
+# --CheckDone Only tell if recording is done, not undone
+# --CheckOnly Only tell if recording is done, not undone
+# The options can also be combined.
+# Add this to your reccmds.conf :
+# Remove from EPGsearch done : /usr/local/bin/
+# Remove from EPGsearch done - TitleOnly : /usr/local/bin/ --TitleOnly
+# Is Recording done : /usr/local/bin/ --CheckDone
+# default recordingdone settings
+# Backup before changing it (only once a day)
+# For some debugging infos, set to yes
+# DEBUG=yes
+# do not edit below this line
+[ "$1" = "" ] && printf "\nERROR Parameter 1 is not set !\n" && exit 1
+Today=$(date +%Y%m%d)
+# Get "--" options
+while [ "${1:0:2}" = "--" ]; do
+ eval ${1:2}=yes
+ shift
+[ "$CheckOnly" = "yes" ] && CheckDone=$CheckOnly
+if [ ! -e "$Rec/info.vdr" ]; then
+ printf "\nNo Info file found in recording\n"
+ exit 0
+# Find Tite, Subtitle and Description
+Title=$(grep "^T " $Rec/info.vdr| cut -f2- -d' ')
+Subtitle=$(grep "^S " $Rec/info.vdr| cut -f2- -d' ')
+Description=$(grep "^D " $Rec/info.vdr | sed -e 's/\[/\./g' | sed -e 's/\]/\./g' | sed -e 's/\*/\./g')
+if [ "$TitleOnly" = "yes" ]; then
+ Description=""
+ Subtitle=""
+if [ -z "$Title" -a -z "$Subtitle" ]; then
+ printf "Title and Subtitle not found, doing nothing\n"
+ exit 0
+ printf "Title: $Title\n"
+ if [ "$TitleOnly" = "yes" ]; then
+ echo "- Only using title"
+ else
+ [ ! -z "$Subtitle" ] && printf "Subtitle: $Subtitle\n" || printf "Subtitle: No Subtitle, using Description\n"
+ fi
+ # How many times does title match
+ TitleCnt=$(grep -c "^T $Title$" $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE)
+ printf "\nFound $TitleCnt matching title lines\n"
+ if [ "$CheckDone" = "yes" ]; then
+ printf "\nDone matching all criterias ?\n\n"
+ if [ -z "$Subtitle" ]; then
+ grep -A1 "^T $Title$" $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE | grep -q "$Description"
+ else
+ grep -A1 "^T $Title$" $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE | grep -q -B1 "^S $Subtitle$"
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "YES, DONE\n"
+ else
+ printf "NO, NOT done\n"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if [ $TitleCnt -gt 0 ]; then
+ # Backup done file, but only one backup per day
+ # Create Workfile
+ else
+ printf "\nNo matching entry found in done-list.\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Try one match after each other
+ let Try=1
+ let Match=1
+ while [ $Try -le $TitleCnt ]; do
+ printf "\nDoes $Try. entry match all criterias : "
+ [ $DEBUG = yes ] && printf "\nMatch=$Match\n"
+ [ $Match -eq 1 ] && grep -m$Match -A4 "^T $Title$" $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK >$TempFile || grep -m$Match -A4 "^T $Title$" $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK | grep -A5 "^--$" >$TempFile
+ if [ -z "$Subtitle" ]; then
+ grep -q "$Description" $TempFile
+ else
+ grep -q -B1 "^S $Subtitle$" $TempFile
+ fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "YES, "
+ let MatchLine=$(grep -m$Match -n "^T $Title$" $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK |tail -n 1| cut -f1 -d ':')
+ [ $DEBUG = yes ] && printf "\n\nMatching line : $MatchLine\n"
+ if [ $MatchLine -gt 3 ]; then
+ let FirstLine=MatchLine-3
+ [ $DEBUG = yes ] && printf "First line of Recording : $FirstLine\n"
+ # First line OK ?
+ nice -n 19 head -n $FirstLine $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK | tail -n 1 | grep -q "^r"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "\nERROR: something went wrong finding the First line of recording, quitting\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ let MatchRLine=$(grep -m$Match -n "^r$" $TempFile |tail -n 1| cut -f1 -d ':')
+ let LastMatchLine=MatchLine+MatchRLine
+ [ $DEBUG = yes ] && printf "Last Matching line : $LastMatchLine\n"
+ nice -n 19 head -n $LastMatchLine $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK | tail -n 1 | grep -q "^R "
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf "\nERROR: something went wrong finding the Last line of recording, quitting\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ let TailLines=$(wc -l $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK | cut -f1 -d' ')
+ let TailLines=TailLines-LastMatchLine+1
+ [ $DEBUG = yes ] && printf "TailLines = $TailLines\n"
+ # Sanity check
+ if [ $LastMatchLine -gt $FirstLine ]; then
+ nice -n 19 head -n $FirstLine $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK >$EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK.undone
+ nice -n 19 tail -n $TailLines $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK >>$EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK.undone
+ if [ $STATUS -eq 0 -a $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ Undone=true
+ printf "Undone\n"
+ fi
+ rm -f $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK.undone
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "NO, not undone\n"
+ let Match++
+ fi
+ let Try++
+ done
+ if [ "$Undone" = "true" ]; then
+ let WorkLines=$(wc -l $EPGSEARCHDONE_WORK | cut -f1 -d' ')
+ let EpgsLines=$(wc -l $EPGSEARCHDONE_FILE | cut -f1 -d' ')
+ [ $DEBUG = yes ] && printf "\nOld number of lines $EpgsLines, new $WorkLines\n"
+ if [ $EpgsLines -gt $WorkLines ]; then
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && printf "\nUndone successfull\n" || printf "\nSomething went wrong with undone\n"
+ # Reload done-file
+ echo "$SVDRPSEND PLUG epgsearch UPDD" | at now 2>/dev/null
+ else
+ printf "\nSomething went wrong with undone\n"
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -e $TempFile ] && rm -f $TempFile