path: root/menu_searchresults.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'menu_searchresults.c')
1 files changed, 891 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/menu_searchresults.c b/menu_searchresults.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66fced4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/menu_searchresults.c
@@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
+Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Christian Wieninger
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+Or, point your browser to
+The author can be reached at
+The project's page is at
+#include <vector>
+#include "menu_searchresults.h"
+#include "blacklist.h"
+#include "epgsearchext.h"
+#include "menu_myedittimer.h"
+#include "menu_event.h"
+#include "menu_commands.h"
+#include "epgsearchcfg.h"
+#include "epgsearchtools.h"
+#include "changrp.h"
+#include "recdone.h"
+#include "epgsearchcats.h"
+#include <vdr/menu.h>
+#include "menu_conflictcheck.h"
+#include "uservars.h"
+#include "menu_deftimercheckmethod.h"
+#include "afuzzy.h"
+const char* ButtonBlue[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
+extern int gl_InfoConflict;
+static int CompareRecording(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+ return (int)((*(cRecording **)p1)->start - (*(cRecording **)p2)->start);
+// --- cMenuSearchResultsItem -------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuSearchResultsItem::cMenuSearchResultsItem(const cEvent *EventInfo, bool EpisodeOnly,
+ bool PreviewTimer, cMenuTemplate* MenuTemplate,
+ const cSearchExt* Search)
+ fileName = NULL;
+ event = EventInfo;
+ timerMatch = tmNone;
+ episodeOnly = EpisodeOnly;
+ previewTimer = PreviewTimer;
+ menuTemplate = MenuTemplate?MenuTemplate:cTemplFile::GetTemplateByName("MenuSearchResults");
+ search = Search;
+ Update(true);
+bool cMenuSearchResultsItem::Update(bool Force)
+ if (!menuTemplate)
+ return false;
+ bool result = false;
+ int OldTimerMatch = timerMatch;
+ bool hasMatch = false;
+ cTimer* timer = NULL;
+ if (event) timer = Timers.GetMatch(event, &timerMatch);
+ if (timer) hasMatch = true;
+ if (Force || timerMatch != OldTimerMatch)
+ {
+ char t[2]="",v[2]="",r[2]="";
+ char szStatus[4] = "";
+ if (EPGSearchConfig.WarEagle)
+ {
+ sprintf(t, "%c", event && hasMatch ? (timerMatch == tmFull) ? ((timer && timer->Recording())?249:253) : 't' : ' ');
+ sprintf(v, "%c", event && event->Vps() && (event->Vps() - event->StartTime()) ? 'V' : ' ');
+ sprintf(r, "%c", event && event->IsRunning() ? 251 : ' ');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf(t, "%c", event && hasMatch ? (timerMatch == tmFull) ? ((timer && timer->Recording())?'R':'T') : 't' : ' ');
+ sprintf(v, "%c", event && event->Vps() && (event->Vps() - event->StartTime()) ? 'V' : ' ');
+ sprintf(r, "%c", event && event->IsRunning() ? '*' : ' ');
+ }
+ if (t[0] != 'T' && previewTimer)
+ t[0] = 'P';
+ sprintf(szStatus, "%s%s%s", t,v,r);
+ char* buffer = strdup(menuTemplate->MenuTemplate());
+ char* tmp = strreplaceall(buffer, '|', "\t");
+ free(buffer);
+ buffer = tmp;
+ if (!strcasestr(buffer, "%subtitle%")) // make sure, there is a subtitle
+ buffer = strreplacei(buffer, "%title%", "%title% ~ %subtitle%");
+ if (episodeOnly)
+ buffer = strreplacei(buffer, "%title%", "");
+ // parse the epxression and evaluate it
+ cVarExpr varExpr(buffer);
+ tmp = strdup(varExpr.Evaluate(event).c_str());
+ free(buffer);
+ buffer = tmp;
+ buffer = strreplacei(buffer, "%status%", szStatus);
+ buffer = strreplacei(buffer, "%t_status%", t);
+ buffer = strreplacei(buffer, "%v_status%", v);
+ buffer = strreplacei(buffer, "%r_status%", r);
+ buffer = FixSeparators(buffer, '~');
+ buffer = FixSeparators(buffer, ':');
+ buffer = FixSeparators(buffer, '-');
+ SetText(buffer, false);
+ if (EPGSearchConfig.checkTimerConflAfterTimerProg && !Force && timer && timerMatch && timerMatch != OldTimerMatch)
+ {
+ cConflictCheck C;
+ C.Check();
+ if (C.TimerInConflict(timer))
+ gl_InfoConflict = 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return result;
+cMenuSearchResultsItem::cMenuSearchResultsItem(cRecording *Recording)
+ event = NULL;
+ search = NULL;
+ fileName = strdup(Recording->FileName());
+ SetText(Recording->Title('\t'));
+// --- cMenuSearchResults -------------------------------------------------------
+const cEvent *cMenuSearchResults::scheduleEventInfo = NULL;
+cMenuSearchResults::cMenuSearchResults(cMenuTemplate* MenuTemplate)
+ :cOsdMenu("", MenuTemplate->Tab(0), MenuTemplate->Tab(1), MenuTemplate->Tab(2), MenuTemplate->Tab(3), MenuTemplate->Tab(4))
+ helpKeys = -1;
+ menuTemplate = MenuTemplate;
+ modeYellow = showTitleEpisode;
+ ignoreRunning = false;
+int cMenuSearchResults::GetTab(int Tab)
+ if (!menuTemplate)
+ menuTemplate = cTemplFile::GetTemplateByName("MenuSearchResults");
+ return menuTemplate->Tab(Tab-1);
+bool cMenuSearchResults::Update(void)
+ bool result = false;
+ for (cOsdItem *item = First(); item; item = Next(item)) {
+ if (((cMenuSearchResultsItem *)item)->Update())
+ result = true;
+ }
+ return result;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::Record(void)
+ UpdateCurrent();
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current());
+ if (item) {
+ if (item->timerMatch == tmFull)
+ {
+ int tm = tmNone;
+ cTimer *timer = Timers.GetMatch(item->event, &tm);
+ if (timer)
+ if (EPGSearchConfig.useVDRTimerEditMenu)
+ return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer));
+ else
+ return AddSubMenu(new cMenuMyEditTimer(timer, false, item->event));
+ }
+ cTimer *timer = new cTimer(item->event);
+ PrepareTimerFile(item->event, timer);
+ cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer);
+ if (EPGSearchConfig.onePressTimerCreation == 0 || t || !item->event || (!t && item->event && item->event->StartTime() - (Setup.MarginStart+2) * 60 < time(NULL)))
+ {
+ if (t)
+ {
+ delete timer;
+ timer = t;
+ }
+ if (EPGSearchConfig.useVDRTimerEditMenu)
+ return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer, !t));
+ else
+ return AddSubMenu(new cMenuMyEditTimer(timer, !t, item->event));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string fullaux = "";
+ string aux = "";
+ if (item->event)
+ {
+ const cEvent* event = item->event;
+ int bstart = event->StartTime() - timer->StartTime();
+ int bstop = timer->StopTime() - event->EndTime();
+ int checkmode = DefTimerCheckModes.GetMode(timer->Channel());
+ aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "channel", NumToString(timer->Channel()->Number()) + " - " + CHANNELNAME(timer->Channel()));
+ aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "update", checkmode);
+ aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "eventid", event->EventID());
+ aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "bstart", bstart);
+ aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "bstop", bstop);
+ fullaux = UpdateAuxValue(fullaux, "epgsearch", aux);
+ }
+ aux = "";
+ aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "protected", timer->FskProtection() ? "yes" : "no");
+ fullaux = UpdateAuxValue(fullaux, "pin-plugin", aux);
+ SetAux(timer, fullaux);
+ Timers.Add(timer);
+ timer->Matches();
+ Timers.SetModified();
+ LogFile.iSysLog("timer %s added (active)", *timer->ToDescr());
+ if (HasSubMenu())
+ CloseSubMenu();
+ if (Update())
+ Display();
+ SetHelpKeys();
+ }
+ }
+ return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::Switch(void)
+ UpdateCurrent();
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current());
+ if (item) {
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(item->event->ChannelID(), true, true);
+ if (channel && cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(channel, true))
+ return osEnd;
+ }
+ Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Can't switch channel!"));
+ return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::Commands(eKeys Key, cSearchExt* SearchExt)
+ if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0)
+ return osContinue;
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *mi = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current());
+ if (mi && mi->event) {
+ cMenuSearchCommands *menu;
+ eOSState state = AddSubMenu(menu = new cMenuSearchCommands(tr("EPG Commands"), mi->event, true, SearchExt));
+ if (Key != kNone)
+ state = menu->ProcessKey(Key);
+ return state;
+ }
+ return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::ShowSummary()
+ if (Count())
+ {
+ const cEvent *ei = ((cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current()))->event;
+ if (ei)
+ {
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(ei->ChannelID(), true, true);
+ if (channel)
+ return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEventSearch(ei, eventObjects));
+ }
+ }
+ return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::OnRed(cSearchExt* searchExt)
+ eOSState state = osUnknown;
+ if(HasSubMenu())
+ return Record();
+ if (Count())
+ {
+ if (EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==toggleKeys)
+ state = Record();
+ else
+ {
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem* mi = (cMenuSearchResultsItem*)Get(Current());
+ if (mi) {
+ if (mi->event) {
+ state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuSearchCommands(tr("EPG Commands"),mi->event, false, searchExt));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::OnGreen()
+ eOSState state = osUnknown;
+ if(!HasSubMenu())
+ {
+ m_bSort=!m_bSort;
+ BuildList();
+ state = osContinue;
+ }
+ return state;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::OnYellow()
+ eOSState state = osUnknown;
+ if(!HasSubMenu())
+ {
+ modeYellow = (modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?showEpisode:showTitleEpisode);
+ BuildList();
+ state = osContinue;
+ }
+ return state;
+void cMenuSearchResults::UpdateCurrent()
+ cEventObj* cureventObj = eventObjects.GetCurrent();
+ if (cureventObj && cureventObj->Event())
+ for (cMenuSearchResultsItem* item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem*)First(); item; item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem*)Next(item))
+ if (item->event == cureventObj->Event())
+ {
+ cureventObj->Select(false);
+ SetCurrent(item);
+ Display();
+ break;
+ }
+eOSState cMenuSearchResults::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+ bool HadSubMenu = HasSubMenu();
+ eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (!HasSubMenu() && HadSubMenu) // navigation in summary could have changed current item, so update it
+ UpdateCurrent();
+ if (state == osUnknown) {
+ switch (Key) {
+ case k0:
+ if(!HasSubMenu())
+ {
+ toggleKeys = 1 - toggleKeys;
+ SetHelpKeys(true);
+ }
+ state = osContinue;
+ break;
+ case kGreen:
+ state = OnGreen();
+ break;
+ case kYellow:
+ state = OnYellow();
+ break;
+ case kOk:
+ if(HasSubMenu())
+ {
+ state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Count())
+ state = ShowSummary();
+ else
+ state = osBack;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!HasSubMenu())
+ {
+ if ((HadSubMenu || gl_TimerProgged) && Update())
+ {
+ if (gl_TimerProgged) // when using epgsearch's timer edit menu, update is delayed because of SVDRP
+ {
+ gl_TimerProgged = 0;
+ SetHelpKeys();
+ }
+ Display();
+ }
+ if (Key != kNone)
+ SetHelpKeys();
+ if (gl_InfoConflict)
+ {
+ gl_InfoConflict = 0;
+ if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Timer conflict! Show?")))
+ state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuConflictCheck());
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+// --- cMenuSearchResultsForSearch -------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuSearchResultsForSearch::cMenuSearchResultsForSearch(cSearchExt* SearchExt, cMenuTemplate* MenuTemplate)
+ :cMenuSearchResults(MenuTemplate)
+ ButtonBlue[0] = tr("Button$all channels");
+ ButtonBlue[1] = tr("Button$only FTA");
+ ButtonBlue[2] = tr("Button$Timer preview");
+ searchExt = SearchExt;
+ m_bSort = true;
+ if (searchExt)
+ {
+ modeBlue = searchExt->useChannel==3?showNoPayTV:(EPGSearchConfig.ignorePayTV?showNoPayTV:showAll);
+ BuildList();
+ }
+bool cMenuSearchResultsForSearch::BuildList()
+ bool hasResults = false;
+ int current = Current();
+ Clear();
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ cSearchResults* pSearchResults = searchExt->Run(modeBlue == showNoPayTV?1:0, false, 0, NULL, modeBlue != showTimerPreview);
+ Clear();
+ eventObjects.Clear();
+ if (pSearchResults)
+ {
+ pSearchResults->SortBy(m_bSort? CompareEventTime: CompareEventChannel);
+ for (cSearchResult* pResultObj = pSearchResults->First();
+ pResultObj;
+ pResultObj = pSearchResults->Next(pResultObj))
+ {
+ if (ignoreRunning && now > pResultObj->event->StartTime())
+ continue;
+ if (!(searchExt->useAsSearchTimer && searchExt->avoidRepeats && modeBlue == showTimerPreview))
+ pResultObj->needsTimer = false;
+ hasResults = true;
+ Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pResultObj->event, modeYellow == showEpisode, pResultObj->needsTimer, menuTemplate));
+ eventObjects.Add(pResultObj->event);
+ }
+ delete pSearchResults;
+ }
+ if (Count())
+ SetCurrent(Get(0));
+ SetHelpKeys(true);
+ char* szTitle = NULL;
+ asprintf(&szTitle, "%d %s - %s", Count(), tr("Search results"), searchExt->search);
+ SetTitle(szTitle);
+ free(szTitle);
+ SetCurrent(Get(current));
+ Display();
+ return hasResults;
+void cMenuSearchResultsForSearch::SetHelpKeys(bool Force)
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current());
+ int NewHelpKeys = 0;
+ if (item) {
+ if (item->Selectable() && item->timerMatch == tmFull)
+ NewHelpKeys = 2;
+ else
+ NewHelpKeys = 1;
+ }
+ bool hasTimer = (NewHelpKeys == 2);
+ if (NewHelpKeys != helpKeys || Force)
+ {
+ ModeBlueSR nextModeBlue = (ModeBlueSR)(((int)modeBlue+1)%3);
+ if (nextModeBlue == showTimerPreview &&
+ (searchExt->useAsSearchTimer == 0 || searchExt->avoidRepeats == 0))
+ nextModeBlue = (ModeBlueSR)(((int)nextModeBlue+1)%3);
+ if (toggleKeys==0)
+ SetHelp((EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==0?(hasTimer?trVDR("Button$Timer"):trVDR("Button$Record")):tr("Button$Commands")), m_bSort? tr("Button$by channel"):tr("Button$by time"), modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?tr("Button$Episode"):tr("Button$Title"), ButtonBlue[(int)nextModeBlue]);
+ else
+ SetHelp((EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==1?(hasTimer?trVDR("Button$Timer"):trVDR("Button$Record")):tr("Button$Commands")), m_bSort? tr("Button$by channel"):tr("Button$by time"), modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?tr("Button$Episode"):tr("Button$Title"), ButtonBlue[(int)nextModeBlue]);
+ helpKeys = NewHelpKeys;
+ }
+eOSState cMenuSearchResultsForSearch::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+ eOSState state = cMenuSearchResults::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (state == osUnknown) {
+ switch (Key) {
+ case kRecord:
+ case kRed:
+ state = OnRed(searchExt);
+ break;
+ case k1...k9:
+ state = HasSubMenu()?osContinue:Commands(Key, searchExt);
+ break;
+ case kBlue:
+ if (HasSubMenu())
+ state = Switch();
+ else
+ {
+ modeBlue = (ModeBlueSR)(((int)modeBlue+1)%3);
+ if (modeBlue == showTimerPreview &&
+ (!searchExt || (searchExt && (searchExt->useAsSearchTimer == 0 || searchExt->avoidRepeats == 0))))
+ modeBlue = (ModeBlueSR)(((int)modeBlue+1)%3);
+ if (modeBlue == showTimerPreview)
+ m_bSort = true; // show always sorted by channel
+ BuildList();
+ state = osContinue;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+// --- cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist -------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist::cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist(cBlacklist* Blacklist)
+ :cMenuSearchResults(cTemplFile::GetTemplateByName("MenuSearchResults"))
+ ButtonBlue[0] = tr("Button$all channels");
+ ButtonBlue[1] = tr("Button$only FTA");
+ ButtonBlue[2] = tr("Button$Timer preview");
+ blacklist = Blacklist;
+ m_bSort = true;
+ modeBlue = blacklist->useChannel==3?showNoPayTV:(EPGSearchConfig.ignorePayTV?showNoPayTV:showAll);
+ BuildList();
+bool cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist::BuildList()
+ int current = Current();
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ cSearchResults* pSearchResults = blacklist->Run();
+ Clear();
+ eventObjects.Clear();
+ if (pSearchResults)
+ {
+ pSearchResults->SortBy(m_bSort? CompareEventTime: CompareEventChannel);
+ for (cSearchResult* pResultObj = pSearchResults->First();
+ pResultObj;
+ pResultObj = pSearchResults->Next(pResultObj))
+ {
+ if (ignoreRunning && now > pResultObj->event->StartTime())
+ continue;
+ Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pResultObj->event, modeYellow == showEpisode, false));
+ eventObjects.Add(pResultObj->event);
+ }
+ delete pSearchResults;
+ }
+ if (Count())
+ SetCurrent(Get(0));
+ SetHelpKeys();
+ char* szTitle = NULL;
+ asprintf(&szTitle, "%d %s - %s", Count(), tr("Blacklist results"), blacklist->search);
+ SetTitle(szTitle);
+ free(szTitle);
+ SetCurrent(Get(current));
+ Display();
+ return true;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+ eOSState state = cMenuSearchResults::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (state == osUnknown) {
+ switch (Key) {
+ case k1...k9:
+ state = HasSubMenu()?osContinue:Commands(Key);
+ break;
+ case kRecord:
+ case kRed:
+ state = OnRed();
+ break;
+ case kBlue:
+ if (HasSubMenu())
+ state = Switch();
+ else
+ state = osContinue;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+void cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist::SetHelpKeys(bool Force)
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current());
+ int NewHelpKeys = 0;
+ if (item) {
+ if (item->Selectable() && item->timerMatch == tmFull)
+ NewHelpKeys = 2;
+ else
+ NewHelpKeys = 1;
+ }
+ bool hasTimer = (NewHelpKeys == 2);
+ if (NewHelpKeys != helpKeys || Force)
+ {
+ ModeBlueSR nextModeBlue = (ModeBlueSR)(((int)modeBlue+1)%3);
+ if (nextModeBlue == showTimerPreview)
+ nextModeBlue = (ModeBlueSR)(((int)nextModeBlue+1)%3);
+ if (toggleKeys==0)
+ SetHelp((EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==0?(hasTimer?trVDR("Button$Timer"):trVDR("Button$Record")):tr("Button$Commands")), m_bSort? tr("Button$by channel"):tr("Button$by time"), modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?tr("Button$Episode"):tr("Button$Title"), NULL);
+ else
+ SetHelp((EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==1?(hasTimer?trVDR("Button$Timer"):trVDR("Button$Record")):tr("Button$Commands")), m_bSort? tr("Button$by channel"):tr("Button$by time"), modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?tr("Button$Episode"):tr("Button$Title"), NULL);
+ helpKeys = NewHelpKeys;
+ }
+// --- cMenuSearchResultsForQuery -------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuSearchResultsForQuery::cMenuSearchResultsForQuery(const char *query, bool IgnoreRunning)
+ :cMenuSearchResultsForSearch(NULL, cTemplFile::GetTemplateByName("MenuSearchResults"))
+ modeBlue = EPGSearchConfig.ignorePayTV?showNoPayTV:showAll;
+ ignoreRunning = IgnoreRunning;
+ // create a dummy search
+ if (query)
+ {
+ searchExt = new cSearchExt;
+ strcpy(searchExt->search, query);
+ searchExt->mode = 0; // substring
+ searchExt->useTitle = 1;
+ searchExt->useSubtitle = 0;
+ searchExt->useDescription = 0;
+ BuildList();
+ }
+ delete searchExt;
+bool cMenuSearchResultsForQuery::BuildList()
+ bool bRes = cMenuSearchResultsForSearch::BuildList();
+/* if (!bRes)
+ {
+ char* szMessage = NULL;
+ asprintf(&szMessage, tr("No results! Try again with tolerance %d?"), searchExt->mode == 5?searchExt->fuzzyTolerance+1:1);
+ string sMessage = szMessage;
+ free(szMessage);
+ if (Interface->Confirm(sMessage.c_str()))
+ {
+ if (searchExt->mode == 5) // fuzzy
+ searchExt->fuzzyTolerance++;
+ searchExt->mode = 5;
+ return BuildList();
+ }
+ }
+*/ return bRes;
+// --- cMenuSearchResultsForRecs -------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuSearchResultsForRecs::cMenuSearchResultsForRecs(const char *query)
+ :cMenuSearchResultsForQuery(NULL)
+ SetTitle(tr("found recordings"));
+ if (query)
+ {
+ searchExt = new cSearchExt;
+ strcpy(searchExt->search, query);
+ searchExt->mode = 0; // substring
+ searchExt->useTitle = 1;
+ searchExt->useSubtitle = 0;
+ searchExt->useDescription = 0;
+ BuildList();
+ }
+bool cMenuSearchResultsForRecs::BuildList()
+ cRecording **pArray = NULL;
+ int num = 0;
+ int current = Current();
+ Clear();
+ for (cRecording *recording = Recordings.First(); recording; recording = Recordings.Next(recording)) {
+ const cRecordingInfo *recInfo = recording->Info();
+ string s1 = (recInfo && recInfo->Title())?recInfo->Title():"";
+ string s2 = searchExt->search;
+ // tolerance for fuzzy searching: 90% of the shorter text lenght, but atleast 1
+ int tolerance = std::max(1, (int)std::min(s1.size(), s2.size()) / 10);
+ bool match = FindIgnoreCase(s1, s2) >= 0 ||
+ FindIgnoreCase(s2, s1) >= 0;
+ if (!match)
+ {
+ if (s1.size() > 32) s1 = s1.substr(0, 32);
+ afuzzy_init(s1.c_str(), tolerance, 0, &af);
+ /* Checking substring */
+ int res = afuzzy_checkSUB(s2.c_str(), &af);
+ afuzzy_free(&af);
+ match = (res > 0);
+ }
+ if (!match)
+ {
+ if (s2.size() > 32) s2 = s2.substr(0, 32);
+ afuzzy_init(s2.c_str(), tolerance, 0, &af);
+ /* Checking substring */
+ int res = afuzzy_checkSUB(s1.c_str(), &af);
+ afuzzy_free(&af);
+ match = (res > 0);
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ pArray = (cRecording **)realloc(pArray, (num + 1) * sizeof(cRecording *));
+ pArray[num++] = recording;
+ }
+ }
+ qsort(pArray, num, sizeof(cRecording *), CompareRecording);
+ for (int a = 0; a < num; a++)
+ Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pArray[a]));
+ delete pArray;
+ SetHelp(NULL);
+ SetCurrent(Get(current));
+ Display();
+ return true;
+cRecording *cMenuSearchResultsForRecs::GetRecording(cMenuSearchResultsItem *Item)
+ cRecording *recording = Recordings.GetByName(Item->FileName());
+ if (!recording)
+ Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Error while accessing recording!"));
+ return recording;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResultsForRecs::Play(void)
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *ri = (cMenuSearchResultsItem*)Get(Current());
+ if (ri)
+ {
+ cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri);
+ if (recording) {
+ cReplayControl::SetRecording(recording->FileName(), recording->Title());
+ return osReplay;
+ }
+ }
+ return osContinue;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResultsForRecs::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+ eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (state == osUnknown)
+ {
+ if (Key == kOk)
+ {
+ if (Count() > 0)
+ state = Play();
+ else
+ state = osBack;
+ }
+ else
+ state = osContinue;
+ }
+ return state;
+// --- cMenuSearchResultsForList -------------------------------------------------------
+cMenuSearchResultsForList::cMenuSearchResultsForList(cSearchResults& SearchResults, const char* Title, bool IgnoreRunning)
+ :cMenuSearchResults(cTemplFile::GetTemplateByName("MenuSearchResults"))
+ ButtonBlue[0] = tr("Button$Setup");
+ searchResults = &SearchResults;
+ m_bSort = true;
+ ignoreRunning = IgnoreRunning;
+ BuildList();
+ char* szTitle = NULL;
+ asprintf(&szTitle, Title, Count());
+ SetTitle(szTitle);
+ free(szTitle);
+void cMenuSearchResultsForList::SetHelpKeys(bool Force)
+ cMenuSearchResultsItem *item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current());
+ int NewHelpKeys = 0;
+ if (item) {
+ if (item->Selectable() && item->timerMatch == tmFull)
+ NewHelpKeys = 2;
+ else
+ NewHelpKeys = 1;
+ }
+ bool hasTimer = (NewHelpKeys == 2);
+ if (NewHelpKeys != helpKeys || Force)
+ {
+ if (toggleKeys==0)
+ SetHelp((EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==0?(hasTimer?trVDR("Button$Timer"):trVDR("Button$Record")):tr("Button$Commands")), m_bSort? tr("Button$by channel"):tr("Button$by time"), modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?tr("Button$Episode"):tr("Button$Title"), ButtonBlue[0]);
+ else
+ SetHelp((EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==1?(hasTimer?trVDR("Button$Timer"):trVDR("Button$Record")):tr("Button$Commands")), m_bSort? tr("Button$by channel"):tr("Button$by time"), modeYellow==showTitleEpisode?tr("Button$Episode"):tr("Button$Title"), ButtonBlue[0]);
+ helpKeys = NewHelpKeys;
+ }
+bool cMenuSearchResultsForList::BuildList()
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ int current = Current();
+ Clear();
+ eventObjects.Clear();
+ searchResults->SortBy(m_bSort? CompareEventTime: CompareEventChannel);
+ for (cSearchResult* pResultObj = searchResults->First();
+ pResultObj;
+ pResultObj = searchResults->Next(pResultObj))
+ {
+ if (ignoreRunning && now > pResultObj->event->StartTime())
+ continue;
+ Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pResultObj->event, modeYellow == showEpisode, false, menuTemplate, pResultObj->search));
+ eventObjects.Add(pResultObj->event);
+ }
+ if (Count())
+ SetCurrent(Get(0));
+ SetHelpKeys();
+ SetCurrent(Get(current));
+ Display();
+ return true;
+eOSState cMenuSearchResultsForList::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
+ eOSState state = cMenuSearchResults::ProcessKey(Key);
+ if (state == osUnknown) {
+ switch (Key) {
+ case k1...k9:
+ state = HasSubMenu()?osContinue:Commands(Key);
+ break;
+ case kRecord:
+ case kRed:
+ state = OnRed();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return state;