path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cb24b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Convert VDRAdmin-AM autotimer ( into
+# epgsearch searchtimer (epgsearch.conf)
+# Version: 0.2beta 2006-08-06
+# Author: Mike Constabel (vejoun @ vdrportal)
+# Andreas Mair (amair @ vdrportal)
+# You need:
+# - VDRAdmin-AM >= 3.4.6
+# - Epgsearch >= 0.9.16
+use Socket;
+use Getopt::Std;
+$Usage = qq{
+Usage: $0 [options] -i filename -o filename -m 0|1
+ $0 [options] -i filename -o filename -s -m 0|1
+ $0 [options] -i filename -s -m 0|1
+Action: -i filename input file,
+ -o filename output file, (file will be overwritten!)
+ -s send to epgsearch via svdrp (needs running vdr with epgsearch plugin)
+ -m 0|1 which new searchmode for autotimers with active status: yes, once
+ 0 means the whole string must match
+ 1 means every word must match [default]
+ In epgsearch 0 is default, vdradmin only use 1
+Options: -r autotimers with regular expressions will be disabled while converting,
+ with this option you can enable the corresponding searchtimers.
+ You should not do this! Check the converted searchtimers and enable
+ them manually! Wrong searchtimers will flood your timers.
+ -d host Host for SVDRP import
+ -p port Port for SVDRP import
+ -h Show this help text
+die $Usage if (!getopts('i:o:srm:d:p:h') || !$opt_i || $opt_h || !($opt_o || $opt_s) || !($opt_m == 0 || $opt_m == 1));
+my $AT_FILENAME = $opt_i;
+my $SENDSVDRP = $opt_s ? 1 : 0;
+my $EnableRegex = $opt_r ? 1 : 0;
+my $Searchmode = defined $opt_m ? $opt_m : 1;
+my $Dest = $opt_d ? $opt_d : "localhost";
+my $Port = $opt_p ? $opt_p : 2001;
+my $Timeout = 30; # max. seconds to wait for svdrp response
+my $conf_str="%i:%s:%i:%s:%s:%i:%s:%i:%i:%i:%i:%i:0:::%i:%i:%s:%i:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:0:0:0::%i:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0::1";
+# [ID=0], pattern, time?, starttime, stopptime, channel? (0,1), channel, match case (0,1), search mode (0,4), title, subtitle, description, [duration=0], [min=""], [max=""], searchtimer? (0,1),
+# use week? (0,1), weekday "0", series? (0,1), dir, prio, lft, bstart, bstop, [VPS=0], [action=0], [use ext. epg=0], [ext. epg=""], done? (0,1), [repeats=0], [ctitle=1], [csubtitle=1], [cdescription=0],
+# [cext. epg=0], [reapeats within days=0], [delete after x days=0], [keep=0], [min before switch=1], [nach x rec pausieren=0], [blacklist=0], [blacklist-id=""], [fuzzy=0]
+sub AT_Read {
+ my (@at);
+ if (-s $AT_FILENAME) {
+ open(AT_FILE, $AT_FILENAME) || printf("Can't open %s", $AT_FILENAME);
+ while (<AT_FILE>) {
+ chomp;
+ next if ($_ eq "");
+ my ($active, $pattern, $section, $start, $stop, $episode, $prio, $lft, $channel, $directory, $done, $weekday, $buffers, $bstart, $bstop) = split(/\:/, $_);
+ $pattern =~ s/\|/\:/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\\:/\|/g;
+ $directory =~ s/\|/\:/g;
+ push(
+ @at,
+ { active => $active,
+ pattern => $pattern,
+ section => $section,
+ start => $start,
+ stop => $stop,
+ buffers => $buffers,
+ bstart => $bstart,
+ bstop => $bstop,
+ episode => $episode,
+ prio => $prio,
+ lft => $lft,
+ channel => $channel,
+ directory => $directory,
+ done => $done,
+ weekdays => $weekday
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ close(AT_FILE);
+ }
+ return (@at);
+sub CONF_Collect {
+ my @at = @_;
+ my @st;
+ my $weekday = $stitle = $ssubtitle = $sdescription = $id = $case = 0;
+ my $mode = $Searchmode;
+ my $pattern;
+ my $directory;
+ for my $at (@at) {
+ if ($at->{pattern} =~ /^\/(.*)\/(i?)$/) {
+ $mode = 4;
+ $case = 1 if ($2 eq "i");
+ $pattern = $1;
+ } else {
+ $pattern = $at->{pattern};
+ }
+ $directory = $at->{directory};
+ $pattern =~ s/\|/\!\^pipe\^\!/g;
+ $pattern =~ s/\:/\|/g;
+ $directory =~ s/\|/\!\^pipe\^\!/g;
+ $directory =~ s/\:/\|/g;
+ $weekday = undef;
+ my $wd_bits = 0;
+ if ($at->{weekdays} =~ /^(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)$/) {
+ if ($7) { #Sunday
+ $weekday = 0;
+ $wd_bits |= 1;
+ }
+ if ($1) { #Monday
+ $weekday = 1;
+ $wd_bits |= 2;
+ }
+ if ($2) { #Tuesday
+ $weekday = 2;
+ $wd_bits |= 4;
+ }
+ if ($3) { #Wednesday
+ $weekday = 3;
+ $wd_bits |= 8;
+ }
+ if ($4) { #Thursday
+ $weekday = 4;
+ $wd_bits |= 16;
+ }
+ if ($5) { #Friday
+ $weekday = 5;
+ $wd_bits |= 32;
+ }
+ if ($6) { #Saturday
+ $weekday = 6;
+ $wd_bits |= 64;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($wd_bits !~ /^(1|2|4|8|16|32|64)$/) {
+ $weekday = -$wd_bits;
+ }
+ $stitle = $at->{section} & 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ $ssubtitle = $at->{section} & 2 ? 1 : 0;
+ $sdescription = $at->{section} & 4 ? 1 : 0;
+ $id += 1 if ($EPGSEARCH_FILENAME);
+ $data = sprintf $conf_str,
+ $id,
+ $pattern,
+ $at->{start} || $at->{stop} ? 1 : 0,
+ $at->{start} ? sprintf("%04i", $at->{start}) : "",
+ $at->{stop} ? sprintf("%04i", $at->{stop}) : "",
+ $at->{channel} ? 1 : 0,
+ $at->{channel} ? $at->{channel} : "",
+ $case,
+ $mode,
+ $stitle,
+ $ssubtitle,
+ $sdescription,
+ ($at->{active} && ($mode != 4 || $EnableRegex)) ? 1 : 0,
+ $weekday eq -127 || $wd_bits eq 0 ? 0 : 1,
+ $weekday,
+ $at->{episode} ? 1 : 0,
+ $directory,
+ $at->{prio} ? $at->{prio} : "",
+ $at->{lft} ? $at->{lft} : "",
+ $at->{buffers} ? $at->{bstart} : "",
+ $at->{buffers} ? $at->{bstop} : "",
+ $at->{done} ? 1 : 0; #avoid_repeats
+ push @st,$data;
+ }
+ return (@st)
+sub Error {
+ print STDERR "@_\n";
+ close(SOCK);
+ exit 0;
+sub SplitLine($) {
+ my ($line)=@_;
+ if ($line =~ /^([0-9]{3})([- ])(.*)$/) {
+ return ($1,$2,$3);
+ }
+ Error("Unidentified Line: $line");
+sub WriteSearchtimerSVDRP {
+ my @str = @_;
+ $SIG{ALRM} = sub { Error("timeout"); };
+ alarm($Timeout);
+ my $iaddr = inet_aton($Dest) || Error("no host: $Dest");
+ my $paddr = sockaddr_in($Port, $iaddr);
+ my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
+ socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || Error("socket: $!");
+ connect(SOCK, $paddr) || Error("connect: $!");
+ select(SOCK); $| = 1;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ while (<SOCK>) {
+ chomp;
+ print STDOUT "(1):$_\n";
+ my ($code,$sep,$data)=SplitLine($_);
+ last if ($code=220 && $sep eq ' ');
+ }
+ foreach my $line (@str) {
+ chomp $line;
+ printf SOCK "PLUG epgsearch NEWS %s\r\n", $line;
+ }
+ while (<SOCK>) {
+ chomp;
+ print STDOUT "(2):$_\n";
+ my ($code,$sep,$data)=SplitLine($_);
+ last if ($code==900 && $sep eq ' ');
+ }
+ print SOCK "quit\r\n";
+ while (<SOCK>) {
+ chomp;
+ print STDOUT "(3):$_\n";
+ my ($code,$sep,$data)=SplitLine($_);
+ last if ($code==221 && $sep eq ' ');
+ }
+ close(SOCK) || Error("close: $!");
+sub WriteSearchtimerFile {
+ my @str = @_;
+ open(STFILE, ">".$EPGSEARCH_FILENAME) || die("Cannot open file ${EPGSEARCH_FILENAME}!");
+ print STFILE "#version 2 - DONT TOUCH THIS!\n";
+ foreach my $line (@str) {
+ chomp $line;
+ printf STFILE "%s\n", $line;
+ }
+ close STFILE
+# main
+my @st;
+@st = CONF_Collect(AT_Read());
+if ( $SENDSVDRP ) {
+ WriteSearchtimerSVDRP(@st);
+ WriteSearchtimerFile(@st);