path: root/timerdone.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'timerdone.c')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/timerdone.c b/timerdone.c
index 0940225..7ad2151 100644
--- a/timerdone.c
+++ b/timerdone.c
@@ -31,183 +31,180 @@ cTimersDone TimersDone;
// -- cTimerDone -----------------------------------------------------------------
- start = stop = 0;
- searchID = -1;
+ start = stop = 0;
+ searchID = -1;
cTimerDone::cTimerDone(const time_t Start, const time_t Stop, const cEvent* pEvent, const int SearchID)
- start = Start;
- stop = Stop;
- if (pEvent)
- {
- channelID = pEvent->ChannelID();
- title = pEvent->Title()?pEvent->Title():"";
- shorttext = pEvent->ShortText()?pEvent->ShortText():"";
- }
- searchID = SearchID;
+ start = Start;
+ stop = Stop;
+ if (pEvent) {
+ channelID = pEvent->ChannelID();
+ title = pEvent->Title() ? pEvent->Title() : "";
+ shorttext = pEvent->ShortText() ? pEvent->ShortText() : "";
+ }
+ searchID = SearchID;
bool cTimerDone::operator== (const cTimerDone &arg) const
- if (start == arg.start && stop == arg.stop && channelID == arg.channelID)
- {
- if (title != arg.title) return false;
- if (shorttext != "" && arg.shorttext != "" && shorttext != arg.shorttext) return false;
- if (searchID > -1 && arg.searchID > -1)
- return searchID == arg.searchID;
- else
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
+ if (start == arg.start && stop == arg.stop && channelID == arg.channelID) {
+ if (title != arg.title) return false;
+ if (shorttext != "" && arg.shorttext != "" && shorttext != arg.shorttext) return false;
+ if (searchID > -1 && arg.searchID > -1)
+ return searchID == arg.searchID;
+ else
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
bool cTimerDone::Parse(const char *s)
- char *line;
- char *pos;
- char *pos_next;
- int parameter = 1;
- int valuelen;
+ char *line;
+ char *pos;
+ char *pos_next;
+ int parameter = 1;
+ int valuelen;
#define MAXVALUELEN (10 * MaxFileName)
- char value[MAXVALUELEN];
- pos = line = strdup(s);
- pos_next = pos + strlen(pos);
- if (*pos_next == '\n') *pos_next = 0;
- while (*pos) {
- while (*pos == ' ') pos++;
- if (*pos) {
- if (*pos != ':') {
- pos_next = strchr(pos, ':');
- if (!pos_next)
- pos_next = pos + strlen(pos);
- valuelen = pos_next - pos + 1;
- if (valuelen > MAXVALUELEN)
- {
- LogFile.eSysLog("entry '%s' is too long. Will be truncated!", pos);
- valuelen = MAXVALUELEN;
+ char value[MAXVALUELEN];
+ pos = line = strdup(s);
+ pos_next = pos + strlen(pos);
+ if (*pos_next == '\n') *pos_next = 0;
+ while (*pos) {
+ while (*pos == ' ') pos++;
+ if (*pos) {
+ if (*pos != ':') {
+ pos_next = strchr(pos, ':');
+ if (!pos_next)
+ pos_next = pos + strlen(pos);
+ valuelen = pos_next - pos + 1;
+ if (valuelen > MAXVALUELEN) {
+ LogFile.eSysLog("entry '%s' is too long. Will be truncated!", pos);
+ valuelen = MAXVALUELEN;
+ }
+ strn0cpy(value, pos, valuelen);
+ pos = pos_next;
+ switch (parameter) {
+ case 1:
+ channelID = tChannelID::FromString(value);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ start = atol(value);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ stop = atol(value);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ searchID = atol(value);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ title = value;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ shorttext = value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ } //switch
- strn0cpy(value, pos, valuelen);
- pos = pos_next;
- switch (parameter) {
- case 1: channelID = tChannelID::FromString(value);
- break;
- case 2: start = atol(value);
- break;
- case 3: stop = atol(value);
- break;
- case 4: searchID = atol(value);
- break;
- case 5: title = value;
- break;
- case 6: shorttext = value;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } //switch
- }
- parameter++;
- }
- if (*pos) pos++;
- } //while
- title = ReplaceAll(title, "|", ":");
- shorttext = ReplaceAll(shorttext, "|", ":");
- free(line);
- return (parameter >= 6) ? true : false;
+ parameter++;
+ }
+ if (*pos) pos++;
+ } //while
+ title = ReplaceAll(title, "|", ":");
+ shorttext = ReplaceAll(shorttext, "|", ":");
+ free(line);
+ return (parameter >= 6) ? true : false;
cString cTimerDone::ToText(void) const
- const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(channelID, true, true);
- string info = string(DAYDATETIME(start)) + " - " + string(channel?channel->Name():"");
- cString buffer = cString::sprintf("%s:%ld:%ld:%d:%s:%s:%s",
- *channelID.ToString(),
- start,
- stop,
- searchID,
- ReplaceAll(title, ":", "|").c_str(),
- ReplaceAll(shorttext, ":", "|").c_str(),
- ReplaceAll(info, ":", "|").c_str());
- return buffer;
+ const cChannel *channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(channelID, true, true);
+ string info = string(DAYDATETIME(start)) + " - " + string(channel ? channel->Name() : "");
+ cString buffer = cString::sprintf("%s:%ld:%ld:%d:%s:%s:%s",
+ *channelID.ToString(),
+ start,
+ stop,
+ searchID,
+ ReplaceAll(title, ":", "|").c_str(),
+ ReplaceAll(shorttext, ":", "|").c_str(),
+ ReplaceAll(info, ":", "|").c_str());
+ return buffer;
bool cTimerDone::Save(FILE *f)
- return fprintf(f, "%s\n", *ToText()) > 0;
+ return fprintf(f, "%s\n", *ToText()) > 0;
const cEvent* cTimerDone::GetEvent() const
- if (!Schedules) return NULL;
- const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(channelID);
- if (!Schedule) return NULL;
- const cEvent* Event = Schedule->GetEventAround(start + (stop - start)/2);
- return Event;
+ if (!Schedules) return NULL;
+ const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(channelID);
+ if (!Schedule) return NULL;
+ const cEvent* Event = Schedule->GetEventAround(start + (stop - start) / 2);
+ return Event;
// -- cTimerDones -----------------------------------------------------------------
cTimerDone* cTimersDone::InList(const time_t Start, const time_t Stop, const cEvent* pEvent, const int SearchID)
- cTimerDone td(Start, Stop, pEvent, SearchID);
- cTimerDone* timerdone = First();
- while (timerdone)
- {
- if (*timerdone == td)
- return timerdone;
- timerdone = Next(timerdone);
- }
- return NULL;
+ cTimerDone td(Start, Stop, pEvent, SearchID);
+ cTimerDone* timerdone = First();
+ while (timerdone) {
+ if (*timerdone == td)
+ return timerdone;
+ timerdone = Next(timerdone);
+ }
+ return NULL;
void cTimersDone::ClearOutdated(void)
- // remove outdated items
- cTimerDone* timerdone = First();
- while (timerdone)
- {
- cTimerDone* timerdoneNext = Next(timerdone);
- if (timerdone->stop < time(NULL))
- Del(timerdone);
- timerdone = timerdoneNext;
- }
+ // remove outdated items
+ cTimerDone* timerdone = First();
+ while (timerdone) {
+ cTimerDone* timerdoneNext = Next(timerdone);
+ if (timerdone->stop < time(NULL))
+ Del(timerdone);
+ timerdone = timerdoneNext;
+ }
void cTimersDone::Update(const time_t Start, const time_t Stop, const cEvent* pEvent, const int SearchID, cTimerDone* Timerdone)
- cTimerDone* timerdone = InList(Start, Stop, pEvent, SearchID);
- if(timerdone)
- {
- timerdone->start = Timerdone->start;
- timerdone->stop = Timerdone->stop;
- timerdone->channelID = Timerdone->channelID;
- timerdone->searchID = Timerdone->searchID;
- timerdone->title = Timerdone->title;
- timerdone->shorttext = Timerdone->shorttext;
- delete Timerdone;
- }
- else
- Add(Timerdone);
+ cTimerDone* timerdone = InList(Start, Stop, pEvent, SearchID);
+ if (timerdone) {
+ timerdone->start = Timerdone->start;
+ timerdone->stop = Timerdone->stop;
+ timerdone->channelID = Timerdone->channelID;
+ timerdone->searchID = Timerdone->searchID;
+ timerdone->title = Timerdone->title;
+ timerdone->shorttext = Timerdone->shorttext;
+ delete Timerdone;
+ } else
+ Add(Timerdone);
void cTimersDone::RemoveEntriesOfSearch(const int SearchID)
- cTimerDone* timerdone = First();
- while (timerdone)
- {
- cTimerDone* timerdoneNext = Next(timerdone);
- if (timerdone->searchID == SearchID)
- Del(timerdone);
- timerdone = timerdoneNext;
- }
+ cTimerDone* timerdone = First();
+ while (timerdone) {
+ cTimerDone* timerdoneNext = Next(timerdone);
+ if (timerdone->searchID == SearchID)
+ Del(timerdone);
+ timerdone = timerdoneNext;
+ }