path: root/contrib/reclist
diff options
authorAndreas Mair <>2010-08-26 07:50:59 +0200
committerAndreas Mair <>2010-08-26 07:57:29 +0200
commit57a99e05234ffc28bb3a1d16c058bf38ce629d82 (patch)
treefd24bf63611cfe9aad299e2cb88c1c85df950c1d /contrib/reclist
parentacf461064b16ec85ef52887773d8d6a364826106 (diff)
Merge from v1.3-devel head (Submitted by Joe_D
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/reclist')
9 files changed, 679 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/README b/contrib/reclist/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5ae33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/README
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+The reclist is independent of the extrecmenu plugin.
+It's nothing else than a set of scripts to create a 'database' of all
+recordings. And to create different user defined outputs of this DB.
+1. Copy the include scripts to /usr/local/bin
+2. Edit to meet Your needs.
+ VIDEODIR should contain Your video directory (eg: /video)
+ RECLISTDIR is the directory, the list will be created in
+ RECLISTFILE is the filename of the list
+ All other parameters are values to define the layout of the output
+3. Edit Your commands.conf file:
+ You may want to use ./commands/commands.reclist.conf as a starting point.
+ Modify the path to and
+ (if neccessary)
+Explanation of the scripts
+ sets values to generate the list and to generate the user defined outputs
+ scans all recordings and calls '' for each recording
+ calls 'vdr_create_recording_list_entry.awk' to create an entry for each recording
+ does the real work. It extracts the neccessary values out of info or info.vdr
+ and stores them in the reclist. Currently these values will be extracted:
+ Title, Genre, Country, Year, Length, Date, Size, Media, Path.
+ creates the user defined outputs of the list.
+ usage: <type> <what>
+ where <type> = (title|genre|country|year|length|date|size|media|path)
+ and <what> = (all|head|tail)
+ 'all' shows all entries, 'head' shows the first n entries, 'tail' the last n entries
+ where n id the LINES_PER_PAGE defined in
+ is just a script for convenience. It can crop a lengthy output to the first/last
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/commands/commands.reclist.conf b/contrib/reclist/commands/commands.reclist.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfe7b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/commands/commands.reclist.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+List of Recordings commands {
+ generate list of recordings : /usr/share/vdr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
+ Recordings sorted by title : title all
+ Recordings sorted by genre : genre all
+ Recordings sorted by country : country all
+ Recordings sorted by year : year all
+ Recordings sorted by length : length all
+ Recordings sorted by media : media all
+ Recordings sorted by path : path all
+ Recordings sorted by size : size tail
+ '' (w/o Tatort+Kochen) : size all | grep -v "Kochen/" | grep -v "Tatort/" | tail
+ '' (w/o Tatort,Kochen+Musik) : size all | grep -v "Kochen/" | grep -v "Tatort/" | grep -v "Musik/" | tail
+ '' (only Movies) : size all | grep "Spielfilme/" | tail
+ show newest Recordings : date tail
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/commands/ b/contrib/reclist/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc2b0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Liste der Aufnahmen {
+ generiere Liste der Aufnahmen : /usr/share/vdr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Titel : title all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Genre : genre all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Land : country all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Jahr : year all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Länge : length all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Medium : media all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Verzeichnis : path all
+ Aufnahmen sortiert nach Größe : size tail
+ '' (ohne Tatort+Kochen) : size all | grep -v "Kochen/" | grep -v "Tatort/" | tail
+ '' (ohne Tatort,Kochen+Musik) : size all | grep -v "Kochen/" | grep -v "Tatort/" | grep -v "Musik/" | tail
+ '' (nur Spielfilme) : size all | grep "Spielfilme/" | tail
+ neueste Aufnahmen anzeigen : date tail
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/ b/contrib/reclist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca4b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+echo "${1}" | \
+ awk -f /usr/local/bin/vdr_create_recording_list_entry.awk basedir="${VIDEODIR}" Seperator="${SEPERATOR}" \
+ LenTitle="${LEN_TITLE}" \
+ LenGenre="${LEN_GENRE}" \
+ LenCountry="${LEN_COUNTRY}" \
+ LenYear="${LEN_YEAR}" \
+ LenLength="${LEN_LENGTH}" \
+ LenDate="${LEN_DATE}" \
+ LenSize="${LEN_SIZE}" \
+ LenMedia="${LEN_MEDIA}" >> ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/vdr_create_recording_list_entry.awk b/contrib/reclist/vdr_create_recording_list_entry.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6fe60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/vdr_create_recording_list_entry.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ debug=4;
+ BLANK=" ";
+ # set default values if not defined
+ if (basedir == "") {basedir="/var/vdr/data/_video/";}
+ if (Seperator == "") {Seperator="|";}
+ if (LenTitle == "") {LenTitle=50;}
+ if (LenGenre == "") {LenGenre=20;}
+ if (LenCountry == "") {LenCountry=5;}
+ if (LenYear == "") {LenYear=4;}
+ if (LenLength == "") {LenLength=4;}
+ if (LenDate == "") {LenDate=10;}
+ if (LenSize == "") {LenSize=9;}
+ if (LenMedia == "") {LenMedia=8;}
+ InputParam=$0
+ InfoFile=InputParam;
+ if (debug>0) printf("InfoFile :%s\n", InfoFile) > "/dev/stderr";
+ InfoFileBasename="";
+ Title="";
+ SubTitle="";
+ Genre="";
+ Country="";
+ Year="";
+ Length="";
+ Date="";
+ Size="";
+ Media="Internal";
+ Path="";
+ Len="";
+ Nr="----";
+ FullDir="";
+ n = split (InfoFile, p, "/");
+ if (debug>2) {
+ for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+ printf("p[%d] :%s\n", i, p[i]) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ if (n>2) {
+ Dir = p[1];
+ FullDir = p[1];
+ if (debug>2) printf("FullDir1 :%s\n", FullDir) > "/dev/stderr";
+ InfoFileBasename = p[n];
+ for (i=2; i<=n-1; i++) {
+ if (i<=n-2) {
+ Dir = Dir "/" p[i];
+ if (debug>2) printf("Dir 2 :%s\n", Dir) > "/dev/stderr";
+ } else {
+ Date = substr(p[i],1, 10);
+ if (debug>2) printf("Date :%s\n", Date) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ FullDir = FullDir "/" p[i];
+ if (debug>2) printf("FullDir2 :%s\n", FullDir) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ if (index(Dir, basedir)==1) {
+ Path = substr(Dir, length(basedir)+1);
+ if (debug>2) printf("Path :%s\n", Path) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ if (FullDir != "") {
+ EscDir = FullDir;
+ gsub(/\"/, "\\\"", EscDir);
+ if (debug>0) printf("EscDir :%s\n", EscDir) > "/dev/stderr";
+ getsize = "du \""EscDir"\"";
+ if ((getsize | getline duRes) > 0) {
+ n = split(duRes, s, " ");
+ Size = s[1];
+ if (debug>1) printf("Size :%s\n", Size) > "/dev/stderr";
+ close(getsize)
+ }
+ }
+ # check, if recording is valid (not deleted)
+ if (match(EscDir, /rec$/)) {
+ # check for length file
+ LenFile=InputParam;
+ sub( InfoFileBasename, "length.vdr", LenFile );
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for length...\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (debug>1) printf("LenFile1 :%s\n", LenFile) > "/dev/stderr";
+ getline Len < LenFile;
+ if (debug>1) printf("Len 1 :%s\n", Len) > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (Len != "") {
+ Length = sprintf("%d:%02d", Len/60, Len%60);
+ } else {
+ IndexFile=InputParam;
+ sub( InfoFileBasename, "index.vdr", IndexFile );
+ gsub(/\"/, "\\\"", IndexFile);
+ if (debug>1) printf("IndexFile:%s\n", IndexFile) > "/dev/stderr";
+ $1="";
+ "stat -L -c %s \""IndexFile"\" 2>/dev/null" | getline;
+ if (debug>2) printf("Len 2 :%s\t%s\n", $1, IndexFile) > "/dev/stderr";
+ if ($1 != "") {
+ Len=($1/12000);
+ if (debug>1) printf("Len 3 :%s\n", Len) > "/dev/stderr";
+ Length = sprintf("%d:%02d", Len/60, Len%60);
+ }
+ }
+ # check for archive DVD
+ ExtFile=InputParam;
+ sub( InfoFileBasename, "dvd.vdr", ExtFile );
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for archive DVD...\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (debug>1) printf("ExtFile1 :%s\n", ExtFile) > "/dev/stderr";
+ getline Nr < ExtFile;
+ if (debug>1) printf("Nr 1 :%s\n", Nr) > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (Nr != "----") {
+ Media="DVD "Nr;
+ } else {
+ # check for archive HDD
+ ExtFile=InputParam;
+ sub( InfoFileBasename, "hdd.vdr", ExtFile );
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for archive HDD...\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (debug>1) printf("ExtFile2 :%s\n", ExtFile) > "/dev/stderr";
+ getline Nr < ExtFile;
+ if (debug>1) printf("Nr 2 :%s\n", Nr) > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (Nr != "----") {
+ Media="HDD "Nr;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ rc=getline line < InfoFile;
+ if ( rc>0 ) {
+ if ( substr(line, 1, 1)=="T" ) {
+ Title=substr(line, 3);
+ } else if ( substr(line, 1, 1)=="S" ) {
+ SubTitle=substr(line, 3);
+ } else if ( substr(line, 1, 1)=="D" ) {
+ # D Horrorfilm, USA 1999||...
+ line=substr(line, 3);
+ # Horrorfilm, USA 1999||...
+ if (debug>2) printf("line3:%s\n", line) > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for values...\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ # get Genre from tag (...|Genre: xxx|...)
+ Genre2=line;
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for Genre... ( tag '...|Genre: xxx|...' )\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ startIndex=index(Genre2, "|Genre: ");
+ if (startIndex>0) {
+ Genre3=substr(Genre2, startIndex+8);
+ if (debug>2) printf("c3 :%s\n", Genre3) > "/dev/stderr";
+ stopIndex=index(Genre3, "|");
+ if (stopIndex>1) {
+ Genre4=substr(Genre3, 0, stopIndex-1);
+ Genre=Genre4;
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Genre: %s\n", Genre) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ # get Year from tag (...|Year: xxx|...)
+ Year2=line;
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for Year... ( tag '...|Year: xxx|...' )\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ startIndex=index(Year2, "|Year: ");
+ if (startIndex>0) {
+ Year3=substr(Year2, startIndex+7);
+ if (debug>2) printf("y3 :%s\n", Year3) > "/dev/stderr";
+ stopIndex=index(Year3, "|");
+ if (stopIndex>1) {
+ Year4=substr(Year3, 0, stopIndex-1);
+ Year=Year4;
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Year: %s\n", Year) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ # get Country (and Year if not already filled) from tag (...|Land: XXX YYYY|...)
+ if(Country=="" || Year=="") {
+ Country2=line;
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for Country or Year... ( tag '...|Land: XXX YYYY|...' )\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ startIndex=index(Country2, "|Land: ");
+ if (startIndex>0) {
+ Country3=substr(Country2, startIndex+7); # USA 1999|...
+ if (debug>2) printf("c3 :%s\n", Country3) > "/dev/stderr";
+ stopIndex=index(Country3, "|");
+ if (stopIndex>1) {
+ Country4=substr(Country3, 0, stopIndex-1); # USA 1999
+ if (debug>2) printf("c4 :%s\n", Country4) > "/dev/stderr";
+ gsub(/^ +/, "", Country4);
+ gsub(/ +$/, "", Country4);
+ gsub(/ +/, " ", Country4); # USA 1999
+ if (debug>2) printf("c5 :%s\n", Country4) > "/dev/stderr";
+ n = split (Country4, F2, / *[, ] */ ); # split to 'USA' '1999'
+ for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+ if (match (F2[i], /^[0-9]+$/)) { # only digits
+ if (Year=="") {
+ Year = F2[i];
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Year: %s\n", Year) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (match (F2[i], /^[A-Z/]+$/)) { # only UPPERCASE
+ if (Country=="") {
+ Country = F2[i];
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Country: %s\n", Country) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # if not filled already, get Genre, Country and Year from the beginning of the line (Horrorfilm, USA 1999||...)
+ if(Genre=="" || Country=="" || Year=="") {
+ if (debug>0) printf("Looking for Genre, Country or Year... ( tag 'D Horrorfilm, USA 1999||...' )\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ n = split (line, F1, "|");
+ # F1[1]: Horrorfilm, USA 1999
+ gsub(/^ +/, "", F1[1]);
+ gsub(/ +$/, "", F1[1]);
+ if (debug>2) printf("b1: F1[1]:%s\n", F1[1]) > "/dev/stderr";
+ n = split (F1[1], F2, / *[, ] */ ); # split to 'Horrorfilm' 'USA' '1999'
+ for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+ if (debug>2) printf("b2: F2[%d]:%s\n", i, F2[i]) > "/dev/stderr";
+ if (match (F2[i], /^[0-9]+$/)) { # only digits
+ if (Year=="") {
+ Year = F2[i];
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Year: %s\n", Year) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (match (F2[i], /^[A-Z/]+$/)) { # only UPPERCASE
+ if (Country=="") {
+ Country = F2[i];
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Country: %s\n", Country) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Genre=="") {
+ Genre = F2[i];
+ if (debug>1) printf("Found Genre: %s\n", Genre) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (debug>2) printf("l :%s\n", line) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ }
+ } while (rc>0);
+# close("/dev/stderr");
+ if (debug>0) {
+ printf("Title :%s\n", Title) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("SubTitle :%s\n", SubTitle) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Genre :%s\n", Genre) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Country :%s\n", Country) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Year :%s\n", Year) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Length :%s\n", Length) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Date :%s\n", Date) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Size :%s\n", Size) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Media :%s\n", Media) > "/dev/stderr";
+ printf("Path :%s\n\n\n", Path) > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+ if (SubTitle != "") {
+ Title = Title": "SubTitle;
+ }
+ if (length(Title)>LenTitle) { Title = substr(Title, 1, LenTitle) };
+ printf("%-"LenTitle"s%s", Title, Seperator);
+ if (length(Genre)>LenGenre) { Genre = substr(Genre, 1, LenGenre) };
+ printf("%-"LenGenre"s%s", Genre, Seperator);
+ if (length(Media)>LenCountry) { Country = substr(Country, 1, LenCountry) };
+ printf("%-"LenCountry"s%s", Country, Seperator);
+ if (length(Year)>LenYear) { Year = substr(Year, length(Year)-LenYear+1, LenYear) };
+ printf("%"LenYear"s%s", Year, Seperator);
+ if (length(Media)>LenLength) { Length = substr(Length, length(Length)-LenLength+1, LenLength) };
+ printf("%-"LenLength"s%s", Length, Seperator);
+ if (length(Date)>LenDate) { Date = substr(Date, length(Date)-LenDate+1, LenDate) };
+ printf("%"LenDate"s%s", Date, Seperator);
+ if (length(Size)>LenSize) { Size = substr(Size, length(Size)-LenSize+1, LenSize) };
+ printf("%"LenSize"s%s", Size, Seperator);
+ if (length(Media)>LenMedia) { Media = substr(Media, length(Media)-LenMedia+1, LenMedia) };
+ printf("%-"LenMedia"s%s", Media, Seperator);
+ printf("%s\n", Path);
+ } else {
+ if (debug>1) printf("No regular recording. Ignoring.\n") > "/dev/stderr";
+ }
+END {
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/ b/contrib/reclist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80df4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+PRGNAME=$(basename $0)
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: ${PRGNAME} (all|head|tail)"
+if [[ -z ${what} ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit
+# set values for the positions of each column and the sortpositions
+# crop vertically / lines
+if [ "$what" == "head" ] ; then
+elif [ "$what" == "tail" ] ; then
+COMMAND="cat /dev/stdin | ${LINEFILTER} cut -b 1-${CHARS_PER_LINE}"
+#echo "cmd: ${COMMAND}"
+eval "${COMMAND}"
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/ b/contrib/reclist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49efa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: ${PRGNAME} <type> <what>"
+ echo " where <type> = (title|genre|country|year|length|date|size|media|path)"
+ echo " and <what> = (all|head|tail)"
+PRGNAME=$(basename $0)
+if [[ -z ${type} ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit
+if [[ -z ${what} ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit
+# set values for the column length
+# crop vertically / lines per page
+if [ "$what" == "head" ] ; then
+elif [ "$what" == "tail" ] ; then
+if [ "$type" == "title" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k 1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$1; l1=32; \
+ c2=\$2; l2=10; \
+ c3=\$3; l3=3; \
+ c4=\$4; l4=4; \
+ c5=\$5; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$8; l6=1; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "genre" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k2,2 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$2; l1=20; \
+ c2=\$1; l2=22; \
+ c3=\$3; l3=3; \
+ c4=\$4; l4=4; \
+ c5=\$5; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$8; l6=1; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "country" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k3,3 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$3; l1=5; \
+ c2=\$1; l2=30; \
+ c3=\$2; l3=10; \
+ c4=\$4; l4=4; \
+ c5=\$5; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$8; l6=1; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "year" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -k4,4 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$4; l1=4; \
+ c2=\$1; l2=32; \
+ c3=\$2; l3=10; \
+ c4=\$3; l4=3; \
+ c5=\$5; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$8; l6=1; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "length" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k5,5 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$5; l1=4; \
+ c2=\$1; l2=32; \
+ c3=\$2; l3=10; \
+ c4=\$3; l4=3; \
+ c5=\$4; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$8; l6=1; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "date" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k6,6 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$6; l1=10; \
+ c2=\$1; l2=22; \
+ c3=\$2; l3=9; \
+ c4=\$3; l4=3; \
+ c5=\$4; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$5; l6=4; \
+ c7=\$8; l7=1; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6), \
+ l7, substr(c7,1,l7) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "size" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -n -k7,7 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$7; l1=9; \
+ c2=\$9; l2=49; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "media" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k8,8 -k1,1 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$8; l1=8; \
+ c2=\$1; l2=25; \
+ c3=\$2; l3=10; \
+ c4=\$3; l4=3; \
+ c5=\$4; l5=4; \
+ c6=\$5; l6=4; \
+ printf (\"%-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1), \
+ l2, substr(c2,1,l2), \
+ l3, substr(c3,1,l3), \
+ l4, substr(c4,1,l4), \
+ l5, substr(c5,1,l5), \
+ l6, substr(c6,1,l6) ); \
+ }'"
+elif [ "$type" == "path" ] ; then
+ COMMAND="cat ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} | sort -t'|' -d -b -f -k9,9 | ${LINEFILTER} awk ' \
+ BEGIN{FS=\"|\"} { \
+ c1=\$9; l1=59; \
+ printf (\"%-*s\n\", \
+ l1, substr(c1,1,l1) ); \
+ }'"
+# crop horizontally / chars per line
+#echo "cmd: ${COMMAND}"
+eval "${COMMAND}"
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/ b/contrib/reclist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e5a5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# set values for the length of each column
+#echo "LEN_TITLE : ${LEN_TITLE}"
+#echo "LEN_GENRE : ${LEN_GENRE}"
+#echo "LEN_YEAR : ${LEN_YEAR}"
+#echo "LEN_DATE : ${LEN_DATE}"
+#echo "LEN_SIZE : ${LEN_SIZE}"
+#echo "LEN_MEDIA : ${LEN_MEDIA}"
+#echo "LEN_PATH : ${LEN_PATH}"
+# find the info.vdr files and let awk create a recording list entry
+rm ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} 2>/dev/null
+find ${VIDEODIR} -name 'info.vdr' -exec \{\} \;
+find ${VIDEODIR} -name 'info' -exec \{\} \;
+#find ${VIDEODIR} -name info.vdr -exec echo "{}" \; | \
+# awk -f /usr/local/bin/vdr_create_recording_list_entry.awk basedir="${VIDEODIR}" Seperator="${SEPERATOR}" \
+# LenTitle="${LEN_TITLE}" \
+# LenGenre="${LEN_GENRE}" \
+# LenCountry="${LEN_COUNTRY}" \
+# LenYear="${LEN_YEAR}" \
+# LenLength="${LEN_LENGTH}" \
+# LenDate="${LEN_DATE}" \
+# LenSize="${LEN_SIZE}" \
+# LenMedia="${LEN_MEDIA}" >> ${RECLISTDIR}/${RECLISTFILE} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/reclist/ b/contrib/reclist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a23d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reclist/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+source /etc/conf.d/vdr
+export VIDEODIR="${VIDEO}/"
+export RECLISTDIR="$(dirname ${EPGFILE})/"
+#export RECLISTDIR="/root/t/"
+export RECLISTFILE="vdr_recordings.lst"
+FONTFIXSIZE=$[$(grep "FontFixSize " /etc/vdr/setup.conf | awk 'BEGIN{FS="="}{print $2}')]
+export CHARS_PER_LINE=59
+export LINES_PER_PAGE=21
+export SEPERATOR="|"
+export LEN_TITLE=50
+export LEN_GENRE=20
+export LEN_COUNTRY=8
+export LEN_YEAR=4
+export LEN_LENGTH=4
+export LEN_DATE=10
+export LEN_SIZE=9
+export LEN_MEDIA=8