path: root/mymenurecordings.c
diff options
authorMartin Prochnow <>2007-02-04 23:31:11 +0100
committerAndreas Mair <>2007-02-04 23:31:11 +0100
commit8adfaaf81b104b8e981026da593e40f9d780c251 (patch)
tree0a72c71d85e1d5bbac8729cefa9e41ec9e58758b /mymenurecordings.c
parent074a396ce9f5c5239dd790c6566e0f19dff45f59 (diff)
Version 0.13v0.13
- added two setup option to adjust the plugin behaviour to whose of VDR's recording menu (jumping to last replayed recording, call plugin after replay ends) - only editing of cutting recordings is prevented now - moving recordings between filesystems is now possible; includes: * check for enough free disk space on target filesystem * switch to limit bandwith (a.t.m. 2MBytes/sec) * prevent editing of recordings that are moved * marker for recordings, that are moved - added marker for cutting and moving recording entries - added marker to title bar for cutting and moving recordings - recording info menu shows additional informations (name, path, channel, size, lifetime, priority) - added setup option to select between plugin's and VDR's recording info menu - dvd.vdr is ignored, as long as a 001.vdr is present - fixed following issue (again): if there are more then one recording with the same name, only one of it is shown if all recording details are hidden
Diffstat (limited to 'mymenurecordings.c')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/mymenurecordings.c b/mymenurecordings.c
index 7eb996d..d0cabc1 100644
--- a/mymenurecordings.c
+++ b/mymenurecordings.c
@@ -2,11 +2,16 @@
* See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <fstream>
#include <vdr/interface.h>
#include <vdr/videodir.h>
#include <vdr/status.h>
#include <vdr/plugin.h>
#include <vdr/cutter.h>
+#include <vdr/menu.h>
#include "myreplaycontrol.h"
#include "mymenurecordings.h"
#include "mymenusetup.h"
@@ -14,6 +19,8 @@
#include "patchfont.h"
#include "tools.h"
+using namespace std;
extern SortList *mySortList;
// --- myMenuRecordingInfo ----------------------------------------------------
@@ -40,9 +47,52 @@ myMenuRecordingInfo::myMenuRecordingInfo(const cRecording *Recording, bool WithB
void myMenuRecordingInfo::Display(void)
- cOsdMenu::Display();
- DisplayMenu()->SetRecording(recording);
- cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(recording->Info()->Description());
+ cOsdMenu::Display();
+ if(mysetup.UseVDRsRecInfoMenu)
+ {
+ DisplayMenu()->SetRecording(recording);
+ if(recording->Info()->Description())
+ cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(recording->Info()->Description());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stringstream text;
+ text << *DateString(recording->start) << ", " << *TimeString(recording->start) << "\n\n";
+ if(recording->Info()->Title())
+ {
+ text << recording->Info()->Title() << "\n\n";
+ if(recording->Info()->Description())
+ text << recording->Info()->Description() << "\n\n";
+ }
+ string recname=recording->Name();
+ string::size_type i=recname.rfind('~');
+ if(i!=string::npos)
+ text << tr("Name") << ": " << recname.substr(i+1,recname.length()) << "\n"
+ << tr("Path") << ": " << recname.substr(0,i) << "\n";
+ else
+ text << tr("Name") << ": " << recname << "\n";
+ cChannel *chan=Channels.GetByChannelID(((cRecordingInfo*)recording->Info())->ChannelID());
+ if(chan)
+ text << tr("Channel") << ": " << *ChannelString(chan,0) << "\n";
+ int recmb=DirSizeMB(recording->FileName());
+ if(recmb<0)
+ recmb=0;
+ if(recmb > 1023)
+ text << tr("Size") << ": " << setprecision(3) << recmb/1024.0 << " GB\n";
+ else
+ text << tr("Size") << ": " << recmb << " MB\n";
+ text << tr("Priority") << ": " << recording->priority << "\n";
+ text << tr("Lifetime") << ": " << recording->lifetime << "\n";
+ DisplayMenu()->SetText(text.str().c_str(),false);
+ cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem(recording->Info()->Description());
+ }
eOSState myMenuRecordingInfo::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
@@ -83,185 +133,198 @@ eOSState myMenuRecordingInfo::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
// --- myMenuRecordingsItem ---------------------------------------------------
myMenuRecordingsItem::myMenuRecordingsItem(cRecording *Recording,int Level)
- totalentries=newentries=0;
- isdvd=false;
- name=NULL;
- filename=Recording->FileName();
- // get the level of this recording
- level=0;
- const char *s=Recording->Name();
- while(*++s)
- {
- if(*s=='~')
- level++;
- }
- // create the title of this item
- if(Level<level) // directory entries
- {
- s=Recording->Name();
- const char *p=s;
+ totalentries=newentries=0;
+ isdvd=false;
+ name=NULL;
+ filename=Recording->FileName();
+ // get the level of this recording
+ level=0;
+ const char *s=Recording->Name();
- if(*s=='~')
- {
- if(Level--)
- p=s+1;
- else
- break;
- }
+ if(*s=='~')
+ level++;
- title=MALLOC(char,s-p+3);
- *title='\t';
- *(title+1)='\t';
- strn0cpy(title+2,p,s-p+1);
- name=strdup(title+2);
- }
- else
- {
- if(Level==level) // recording entries
- {
- char *buffer=NULL;
- string titlebuffer;
- // dvdarchive-patch functionality
- asprintf(&buffer,"%s/dvd.vdr",filename);
- isdvd=!access(buffer,R_OK);
- // marker
- titlebuffer=' ';
- if(Recording->IsNew()&&!mysetup.PatchNew)
- titlebuffer='*';
- if(!Recording->IsNew()&&mysetup.PatchNew)
- titlebuffer=char(128);
- if(isdvd)
- titlebuffer=char(129);
- titlebuffer+='\t';
- // date and time of recording
- struct tm tm_r;
- struct tm *t=localtime_r(&Recording->start,&tm_r);
- char recdate[9],rectime[6];
- strn0cpy(recdate,"",sizeof(recdate));
- strn0cpy(rectime,"",sizeof(rectime));
- snprintf(recdate,sizeof(recdate),"%02d.%02d.%02d",t->tm_mday,t->tm_mon+1,t->tm_year%100);
- snprintf(rectime,sizeof(rectime),"%02d:%02d",t->tm_hour,t->tm_min);
- if(mysetup.ShowRecDate)
- {
- titlebuffer+=recdate;
- titlebuffer+='\t';
- }
- if(mysetup.ShowRecTime)
- {
- titlebuffer+=rectime;
- titlebuffer+='\t';
- }
- // recording length
- if(mysetup.ShowRecLength)
- {
- char reclength[21];
- strn0cpy(reclength,"",sizeof(reclength));
- asprintf(&buffer,"%s/index.vdr",filename);
- int haslength=!access(buffer,R_OK);
- if(haslength) // calculate recording length from the size of index.vdr
- {
- struct stat buf;
- if(!stat(buffer,&buf))
- snprintf(reclength,sizeof(reclength),"%3d'",(int)(buf.st_size/12000));
- }
- else // no index -> is there a length.vdr, containing recording length as a string?
+ // create the title of this item
+ if(Level<level) // directory entries
+ {
+ s=Recording->Name();
+ const char *p=s;
+ while(*++s)
- free(buffer);
- asprintf(&buffer,"%s/length.vdr",filename);
- FILE *f;
- if((f=fopen(buffer,"r"))!=NULL)
- {
- char buf[8];
- if(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),f))
+ if(*s=='~')
- char *p=strchr(buf,'\n');
- if(p)
- *p=0;
+ if(Level--)
+ p=s+1;
+ else
+ break;
- fclose(f);
- snprintf(reclength,sizeof(reclength),"%3s'\n",buf);
- }
- free(buffer);
- strreplace(reclength,' ',char(131));
- titlebuffer+=reclength;
- titlebuffer+='\t';
- }
- if(!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime&&!mysetup.ShowRecLength)
- titlebuffer+='\t';
- // recording title
- s=strrchr(Recording->Name(),'~');
- titlebuffer+=s?s+1:Recording->Name();
- title=strdup(titlebuffer.c_str());
+ title=MALLOC(char,s-p+3);
+ *title='\t';
+ *(title+1)='\t';
+ strn0cpy(title+2,p,s-p+1);
+ name=strdup(title+2);
+ uniqid=name;
- if(Level>level) // any other
- title="";
- }
- }
+ if(Level==level) // recording entries
+ {
+ string buffer;
+ stringstream titlebuffer;
+ stringstream idbuffer;
+ buffer=filename;
+ buffer+="/001.vdr";
+ if(access(buffer.c_str(),R_OK))
+ {
+ buffer=filename;
+ buffer+="/dvd.vdr";
+ isdvd=!access(buffer.c_str(),R_OK);
+ }
+ // marker
+ if(MoveThread.IsMoving(filename))
+ titlebuffer << char(133); // move in progress
+ else if(isdvd)
+ titlebuffer << char(129); // dvd-archiv
+ else if(cCutter::Active() && myReplayControl::Cut && myReplayControl::Cutted &&
+ (!strcmp(filename,myReplayControl::Cut) || !strcmp(filename,myReplayControl::Cutted)))
+ titlebuffer << char(132); // cut in progress
+ else if(Recording->IsNew() && !mysetup.PatchNew)
+ titlebuffer << '*'; // new recording
+ else if(!Recording->IsNew() && mysetup.PatchNew)
+ titlebuffer << char(128); // alternative to new marker
+ else titlebuffer << ' ';
+ titlebuffer << '\t';
+ // date and time of recording
+ struct tm tm_r;
+ struct tm *t=localtime_r(&Recording->start,&tm_r);
+ if(mysetup.ShowRecDate)
+ titlebuffer << setw(2) << setfill('0') << t->tm_mday << '.'
+ << setw(2) << setfill('0') << t->tm_mon+1 << '.'
+ << setw(2) << setfill('0') << t->tm_year%100 << '\t';
+ if(mysetup.ShowRecTime)
+ titlebuffer << setw(2) << setfill('0') << t->tm_hour << '.'
+ << setw(2) << setfill('0') << t->tm_min << '\t';
+ idbuffer << t->tm_mday << t->tm_mon << t->tm_year
+ << t->tm_hour << t->tm_min;
- SetText(title);
+ // recording length
+ if(mysetup.ShowRecLength)
+ {
+ buffer=filename;
+ buffer+="/index.vdr";
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ if(!stat(buffer.c_str(),&statbuf))
+ {
+ ostringstream strbuf;
+ strbuf << setw(3) << setfill(' ') << right << (int)(statbuf.st_size/12000) << "'";
+ titlebuffer << myStrReplace(strbuf.str(),' ',char(131)) << '\t';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get recording length from file 'length.vdr'
+ buffer=filename;
+ buffer+="/length.vdr";
+ ifstream in(buffer.c_str());
+ if(in)
+ {
+ if(!in.eof())
+ getline(in,buffer);
+ buffer+="'";
+ while(buffer.length()<=3)
+ buffer.insert(0,1,char(131));
+ titlebuffer << buffer << '\t';
+ in.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!mysetup.ShowRecDate && !mysetup.ShowRecTime && !mysetup.ShowRecLength)
+ titlebuffer << '\t';
+ // recording title
+ string s=Recording->Name();
+ string::size_type i=s.rfind('~');
+ if(i!=string::npos)
+ {
+ titlebuffer << s.substr(i+1,s.length()-i);
+ idbuffer << s.substr(i+1,s.length()-i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ titlebuffer << s;
+ idbuffer << s;
+ }
+ title=strdup(titlebuffer.str().c_str());
+ uniqid=idbuffer.str();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(Level>level) // any other
+ title="";
+ }
+ }
+ SetText(title);
- free(title);
- free(name);
+ free(title);
+ free(name);
void myMenuRecordingsItem::IncrementCounter(bool IsNew)
- totalentries++;
- if(IsNew)
- newentries++;
+ totalentries++;
+ if(IsNew)
+ newentries++;
- char *buffer=NULL;
- char entries[8];
- snprintf(entries,sizeof(entries),"%3d",totalentries);
- strreplace(entries,' ',char(131));
+ char *buffer=NULL;
+ char entries[8];
+ snprintf(entries,sizeof(entries),"%3d",totalentries);
+ strreplace(entries,' ',char(131));
- if(mysetup.ShowNewRecs)
- {
- asprintf(&buffer,"%c\t%s (%d)%s%s%s%s%s",
- char(130),
- entries,
- newentries,
- (!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime&&!mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
- (mysetup.ShowRecDate||mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
- (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength||mysetup.ShowRecLength&&mysetup.ShowRecDate)?"\t":"",
- (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
- name);
- }
- else
- {
- asprintf(&buffer,"%c\t%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- char(130),
- entries,
- (!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime&&!mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
- (mysetup.ShowRecDate||mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
- (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength||mysetup.ShowRecLength&&mysetup.ShowRecDate)?"\t":"",
- (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
- name);
- }
- SetText(buffer,false);
+ if(mysetup.ShowNewRecs)
+ {
+ asprintf(&buffer,"%c\t%s (%d)%s%s%s%s%s",
+ char(130),
+ entries,
+ newentries,
+ (!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime&&!mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
+ (mysetup.ShowRecDate||mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
+ (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength||mysetup.ShowRecLength&&mysetup.ShowRecDate)?"\t":"",
+ (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
+ name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asprintf(&buffer,"%c\t%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+ char(130),
+ entries,
+ (!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime&&!mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
+ (mysetup.ShowRecDate||mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
+ (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime||mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength||mysetup.ShowRecLength&&mysetup.ShowRecDate)?"\t":"",
+ (mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength)?"\t":"",
+ name);
+ }
+ SetText(buffer,false);
// --- myMenuRecordings -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -270,9 +333,9 @@ void myMenuRecordingsItem::IncrementCounter(bool IsNew)
bool myMenuRecordings::golastreplayed=false;
bool myMenuRecordings::wasdvd;
-myMenuRecordings::myMenuRecordings(const char *Base,int Level):cOsdMenu(Base?Base:"")
+myMenuRecordings::myMenuRecordings(const char *Base,int Level):cOsdMenu("")
- // only called if plugin menu is opened
+ // only called if plugin menu was opened
// patch font
@@ -283,23 +346,20 @@ myMenuRecordings::myMenuRecordings(const char *Base,int Level):cOsdMenu(Base?Bas
// set tabs
if(mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&!mysetup.ShowRecLength) // recording date and time are shown, recording length not
- SetCols(2,8,6);
- else
- if(mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime) // all details are shown
+ SetCols(2,8,6);
+ else if(mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime) // all details are shown
- else
- if(mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime) // recording time is not shown
- SetCols(2,8,4);
+ else if(mysetup.ShowRecDate&&!mysetup.ShowRecTime) // recording time is not shown
+ SetCols(2,8,4);
+ else if(!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength) // recording date is not shown
+ SetCols(2,6,4);
+ else // recording date and time are not shown; even if recording length should be not shown we must set two tabs because the details of the directories
+ {
+ if(mysetup.ShowNewRecs)
+ SetCols(2,8,3);
- if(!mysetup.ShowRecDate&&mysetup.ShowRecTime&&mysetup.ShowRecLength) // recording date is not shown
- SetCols(2,6,4);
- else // recording date and time are not shown; even if recording length should be not shown we must set two tabs because the details of the directories
- {
- if(mysetup.ShowNewRecs)
- SetCols(2,8,3);
- else
- SetCols(2,4,3);
- }
+ SetCols(2,4,3);
+ }
@@ -350,124 +410,149 @@ myMenuRecordings::~myMenuRecordings()
-void myMenuRecordings::SetFreeSpaceTitle()
+void myMenuRecordings::Title()
- int freemb;
- VideoDiskSpace(&freemb);
- int minutes=int(double(freemb)/MB_PER_MINUTE);
- char buffer[40];
- snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"%s - %2d:%02d %s",tr("Recordings"),minutes/60,minutes%60,tr("free"));
- SetTitle(buffer);
+ int freemb;
+ VideoDiskSpace(&freemb);
+ int minutes=int(double(freemb)/MB_PER_MINUTE);
+ stringstream buffer;
+ if(MoveThread.Active())
+ buffer << char(133);
+ if(cCutter::Active())
+ buffer << char(132);
+ if(MoveThread.Active() || cCutter::Active())
+ buffer << ' ';
+ if(base)
+ buffer << base;
+ else
+ buffer << tr("Recordings")<< " - "
+ << minutes/60 << ":"
+ << setw(2) << setfill('0') << minutes%60 << " "
+ << tr("free");
+ SetTitle(buffer.str().c_str());
void myMenuRecordings::SetHelpKeys()
- if(!HasSubMenu())
- {
- myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
- int newhelpkeys=0;
- if(item)
+ if(!HasSubMenu())
- if(item->IsDirectory())
- newhelpkeys=1;
- else
- {
- newhelpkeys=2;
- cRecording *recording=GetRecording(item);
- if(recording&&recording->Info()->Title())
- newhelpkeys=3;
- }
- if(newhelpkeys!=helpkeys)
- {
- switch(newhelpkeys)
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
+ int newhelpkeys=0;
+ if(item)
- case 0: SetHelp(NULL);break;
- case 1: SetHelp(tr("Button$Open"),NULL,tr("Button$Edit"));break;
- case 2: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count()?tr("Button$Commands"):tr("Button$Play"),tr("Button$Rewind"),tr("Button$Edit"),NULL);break;
- case 3: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count()?tr("Button$Commands"):tr("Button$Play"),tr("Button$Rewind"),tr("Button$Edit"),tr("Button$Info"));break;
+ if(item->IsDirectory())
+ newhelpkeys=1;
+ else
+ {
+ newhelpkeys=2;
+ cRecording *recording=GetRecording(item);
+ if(mysetup.UseVDRsRecInfoMenu)
+ {
+ if(!recording->Info()->Title())
+ {
+ newhelpkeys=4;
+ if(MoveThread.IsMoving(recording->FileName()) || IsCutted())
+ newhelpkeys=5;
+ }
+ }
+ if(MoveThread.IsMoving(recording->FileName()) || IsCutted())
+ newhelpkeys=3;
+ }
+ if(newhelpkeys!=helpkeys)
+ {
+ switch(newhelpkeys)
+ {
+ case 0: SetHelp(NULL);break;
+ case 1: SetHelp(tr("Button$Open"),NULL,tr("Button$Edit"));break;
+ case 2: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count()?tr("Button$Commands"):tr("Button$Play"),tr("Button$Rewind"),tr("Button$Edit"),tr("Button$Info"));break;
+ case 3: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count()?tr("Button$Commands"):tr("Button$Play"),tr("Button$Rewind"),NULL,tr("Button$Info"));break;
+ case 4: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count()?tr("Button$Commands"):tr("Button$Play"),tr("Button$Rewind"),tr("Button$Edit"),NULL);break;
+ case 5: SetHelp(RecordingCommands.Count()?tr("Button$Commands"):tr("Button$Play"),tr("Button$Rewind"),NULL,NULL);break;
+ }
+ }
+ helpkeys=newhelpkeys;
- }
- helpkeys=newhelpkeys;
- }
// create the menu list
void myMenuRecordings::Set(bool Refresh,char *current)
- const char *lastreplayed=current?current:myReplayControl::LastReplayed();
+ const char *lastreplayed=current?current:myReplayControl::LastReplayed();
- if(level==0)
- SetFreeSpaceTitle();
+ Title();
- cThreadLock RecordingsLock(&Recordings);
+ cThreadLock RecordingsLock(&Recordings);
- if(Refresh&&!current)
- {
- myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
- if(item)
+ if(Refresh&&!current)
- cRecording *recording=Recordings.GetByName(item->FileName());
- if(recording)
- lastreplayed=recording->FileName();
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
+ if(item)
+ {
+ cRecording *recording=Recordings.GetByName(item->FileName());
+ if(recording)
+ lastreplayed=recording->FileName();
+ }
- }
- Clear();
+ Clear();
- // create my own recordings list from VDR's
- myRecList *list=new myRecList();
- for(cRecording *recording=Recordings.First();recording;recording=Recordings.Next(recording))
- list->Add(new myRecListItem(recording));
- // sort my recordings list
- char path[BUFSIZ];
- snprintf(path,sizeof(path),"%s/%s",VideoDirectory,base?base:"");
- list->Sort(mySortList->Find(path));
- // needed for move recording menu
- Recordings.Sort();
- char *lastitemtext=NULL;
- myMenuRecordingsItem *lastitem=NULL;
- for(myRecListItem *listitem=list->First();listitem;listitem=list->Next(listitem))
- {
- cRecording *recording=listitem->recording;
- if(!base||(strstr(listitem->recording->Name(),base)==listitem->recording->Name()&&listitem->recording->Name()[strlen(base)]=='~'))
+ // create my own recordings list from VDR's
+ myRecList *list=new myRecList();
+ for(cRecording *recording=Recordings.First();recording;recording=Recordings.Next(recording))
+ list->Add(new myRecListItem(recording));
+ // sort my recordings list
+ char path[BUFSIZ];
+ snprintf(path,sizeof(path),"%s/%s",VideoDirectory,base?base:"");
+ list->Sort(mySortList->Find(path));
+ // needed for move recording menu
+ Recordings.Sort();
+ char *lastitemtext=NULL;
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *lastitem=NULL;
+ for(myRecListItem *listitem=list->First();listitem;listitem=list->Next(listitem))
- myMenuRecordingsItem *recitem=new myMenuRecordingsItem(listitem->recording,level);
- if(*recitem->Text()&&((!lastitem||strcmp(recitem->Text(),lastitemtext))||!recitem->IsDirectory()))
- {
- Add(recitem);
- lastitem=recitem;
- free(lastitemtext);
- lastitemtext=strdup(lastitem->Text());
- }
- else
- delete recitem;
- if(lastitem)
- {
- if(lastitem->IsDirectory())
- lastitem->IncrementCounter(recording->IsNew());
- if(lastreplayed&&!strcmp(lastreplayed,recording->FileName()))
+ cRecording *recording=listitem->recording;
+ if(!base||(strstr(listitem->recording->Name(),base)==listitem->recording->Name()&&listitem->recording->Name()[strlen(base)]=='~'))
- if(golastreplayed||Refresh)
- {
- SetCurrent(lastitem);
- if(recitem&&!recitem->IsDirectory())
- if(!cControl::Control())
- golastreplayed=false;
- }
- if(recitem&&!recitem->IsDirectory()&&recitem->IsDVD()&&!cControl::Control())
- cReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(cReplayControl::LastReplayed());
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *recitem=new myMenuRecordingsItem(listitem->recording,level);
+ if(*recitem->UniqID() && ((!lastitem || strcmp(recitem->UniqID(),lastitemtext))))
+ {
+ Add(recitem);
+ lastitem=recitem;
+ free(lastitemtext);
+ lastitemtext=strdup(lastitem->UniqID());
+ }
+ else
+ delete recitem;
+ if(lastitem)
+ {
+ if(lastitem->IsDirectory())
+ lastitem->IncrementCounter(recording->IsNew());
+ if(lastreplayed&&!strcmp(lastreplayed,recording->FileName()))
+ {
+ if(golastreplayed||Refresh)
+ {
+ SetCurrent(lastitem);
+ if(recitem && !recitem->IsDirectory() && !cControl::Control() && !mysetup.GoLastReplayed)
+ golastreplayed=false;
+ }
+ if(recitem&&!recitem->IsDirectory()&&recitem->IsDVD()&&!cControl::Control())
+ cReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(cReplayControl::LastReplayed());
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- free(lastitemtext);
- delete list;
- if(Refresh)
- Display();
+ free(lastitemtext);
+ delete list;
+ if(Refresh)
+ Display();
// returns the corresponding recording to an item
@@ -750,17 +835,19 @@ eOSState myMenuRecordings::MoveRec()
// opens an info screen to a recording
eOSState myMenuRecordings::Info(void)
- if(HasSubMenu()||Count()==0)
- return osContinue;
+ if(HasSubMenu()||Count()==0)
+ return osContinue;
- myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
- if(item&&!item->IsDirectory())
- {
- cRecording *recording=GetRecording(item);
- if(recording&&recording->Info()->Title())
- return AddSubMenu(new myMenuRecordingInfo(recording,true));
- }
- return osContinue;
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
+ if(item&&!item->IsDirectory())
+ {
+ cRecording *recording=GetRecording(item);
+ if(mysetup.UseVDRsRecInfoMenu && (!recording || recording && !recording->Info()->Title()))
+ return osContinue;
+ else
+ return AddSubMenu(new myMenuRecordingInfo(recording,true));
+ }
+ return osContinue;
// execute a command for a recording
@@ -816,6 +903,30 @@ eOSState myMenuRecordings::ChangeSorting()
return osContinue;
+bool myMenuRecordings::IsCutted()
+ if(cCutter::Active()) // cut in progress?
+ {
+ if(myReplayControl::Cut && myReplayControl::Cutted) // are there the paths to the cutted recording?
+ {
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
+ if(item)
+ {
+ cRecording *recording=GetRecording(item);
+ if(recording)
+ {
+ if(!strcmp(recording->FileName(),myReplayControl::Cut) || !strcmp(recording->FileName(),myReplayControl::Cutted))
+ return true; // selected recording is cutted
+ else
+ return false; // seleted recording is not cutted
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true; // cut is in progress but i don't know for which recording, so editing for all recordings is prohibited
+ }
+ return false; // no cut in progress
eOSState myMenuRecordings::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
eOSState state;
@@ -854,23 +965,30 @@ eOSState myMenuRecordings::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
case kOk: return Play();
case kRed: return (helpkeys>1&&RecordingCommands.Count())?Commands():Play();
case kGreen: return Rewind();
- case kYellow: if(cCutter::Active())
- Skins.Message(mtError,tr("Editing not allowed while cutting!"));
- else
+ case kYellow: if(!IsCutted())
- myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
+ myMenuRecordingsItem *item=(myMenuRecordingsItem*)Get(Current());
+ if(item)
+ {
+ cRecording *rec=GetRecording(item);
+ if(rec)
+ {
+ if(MoveThread.IsMoving(rec->FileName()))
+ break;
- if(item&&cStatus::MsgReplayProtected(GetRecording(item),item->Name(),base,item->IsDirectory())==true)
- return osContinue;
- if(!HasSubMenu()&&item)
- {
- edit=true;
- if(item->IsDirectory())
- SetHelp(tr("Button$Rename"),tr("Button$Move"));
- else
- SetHelp(tr("Button$Rename"),tr("Button$Move"),tr("Button$Delete"),(!item->IsDVD())?tr("Details"):NULL);
- }
+ if(cStatus::MsgReplayProtected(rec,item->Name(),base,item->IsDirectory())==true)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!HasSubMenu())
+ {
+ edit=true;
+ if(item->IsDirectory())
+ SetHelp(tr("Button$Rename"),tr("Button$Move"));
+ else
+ SetHelp(tr("Button$Rename"),tr("Button$Move"),tr("Button$Delete"),(!item->IsDVD())?tr("Details"):NULL);
+ }
+ }
case kBlue: return Info();
@@ -886,6 +1004,21 @@ eOSState myMenuRecordings::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
// update menu list after sub menu has closed
+ if(!cCutter::Active())
+ {
+ // no cut in progress so delete the paths to the cutted recording
+ if(myReplayControl::Cut)
+ {
+ free(myReplayControl::Cut);
+ myReplayControl::Cut=NULL;
+ }
+ if(myReplayControl::Cutted)
+ {
+ free(myReplayControl::Cutted);
+ myReplayControl::Cutted=NULL;
+ }
+ }