path: root/scripts
diff options
authorAndreas Mair <>2010-08-26 07:50:59 +0200
committerAndreas Mair <>2010-08-26 07:57:29 +0200
commit57a99e05234ffc28bb3a1d16c058bf38ce629d82 (patch)
treefd24bf63611cfe9aad299e2cb88c1c85df950c1d /scripts
parentacf461064b16ec85ef52887773d8d6a364826106 (diff)
Merge from v1.3-devel head (Submitted by Joe_D
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d141956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# -------
+# 1.
+# If you run VDR as user, you need in /etc/fstab the option "user" for your HDD mountpoint.
+# Example:
+# /dev/sdf /media/hdd auto defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0
+# 2.
+# If you use a VFAT partition for your video-data, you must configure sudo to allow the
+# VDR-user to execute mount and umount as root. To edit sudoers run 'visudo' command as root.
+# Example:
+# # Cmnd alias specification
+# Cmnd_Alias SYSTEM = /bin/mount, /bin/umount
+# # User privilege specification
+# vdr ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: SYSTEM
+# With a vfat partition some things doesn't work: resume, marks
+# 3.
+# Tools needed: mount, awk, find, test, stat, sed
+# 4.
+# If you have some Archive-HDDs with the index.vdr only on Archive-HDD, you don't use vfat
+# and you want to see the recording length in the menu, you can switch GETLENGTH to 1 and
+# the script will create a length.vdr for you.
+# 5.
+# If something went wrong, set DEBUG=1 and send me the file which is defined in $DEBUGLOG.
+# Use VDR-Portal or EMail.
+# 6.
+# Exitcodes:
+# exit 0 - no error
+# exit 1 - mount/umount error
+# exit 3 - wrong hdd / recording not found
+# exit 4 - error while linking [0-9]*.vdr
+# exit 5 - sudo or mount --bind / umount error (vfat system)
+# -------------
+# Mountpoint, the same as in fstab
+MOUNTPOINT="/mnt/archive-hdd" # no trailing '/'
+# Log warnings/errors in syslog. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
+# Create a length.vdr after mounting the Archive-HDD for the played recording. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
+# Only for non-vfat and with index.vdr only on Archive-HDD.
+# Put debug infos in file $DEBUGLOG. Only if $DEBUG=1.
+# No changes needed after this mark
+# read config file
+if [ -f /etc/vdr/hddarchive.conf ]; then
+ . /etc/vdr/hddarchive.conf
+# get VIDEO path
+if [ -f ${VDRSETTINGSFILE} ]; then
+# Remove trailing slash
+MOUNTPOINT="$(echo "${MOUNTPOINT}" | sed -e 's/\/$//')"
+if [ -L "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then
+ MOUNTPOINTT="$(find "$MOUNTPOINT" -printf "%l")"
+# determine hdd-device
+DEVICE="$(awk '( $1 !~ /^#/ ) && ( $2 == "'$MOUNTPOINT'" ) { printf("%s", $1); exit; }' /etc/fstab)"
+if [ -L "$DEVICE" ]; then
+ DEVICET="$(find "$DEVICE" -printf "%l")"
+if [ "$ACTION" = "mount" -a -z "$NAME" ]; then
+ NAME="basename ${REC})"
+# function to print help
+call() {
+ echo -e "\nScript $0 needs three parameters for mount and two for umount. The first must be mount or umount, the second is the full path.\n"
+ echo -e "Only for mounting the script needs a third parameter, the last part of the recording path.\n"
+ echo -e "Example: mount '/video0/Music/%Riverdance/2004-06-06.00:10.50.99.rec' '2004-06-06.00:10.50.99.rec'\n"
+ echo -e "Example: umount '/video0/Music/%Riverdance/2004-06-06.00:10.50.99.rec'\n"
+ echo -e "For more information read the MANUAL part inside this script.\n"
+# function to log messages
+log() {
+ case "$1" in
+ info)
+ echo -e "INFO: $2"
+ [ $SYSLOG -eq 1 ] && logger -t "$0" "INFO: $2"
+ ;;
+ warning)
+ echo -e "WARNING: $2"
+ [ $SYSLOG -eq 1 ] && logger -t "$0" "WARNING: $2"
+ ;;
+ error)
+ echo -e "ERROR: $2"
+ [ $SYSLOG -eq 1 ] && logger -t "$0" "ERROR: $2"
+ if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "-------" >> $DEBUGLOG
+ echo -e "Parameters: $ACTION $REC $NAME\n" >> $DEBUGLOG
+ echo -e "ERROR: $2\n\n" >> $DEBUGLOG
+ echo -e "Mountpoint: $MOUNTPOINT\nDevice: $DEVICE\n" >> $DEBUGLOG
+ echo -e "MountpointT: $MOUNTPOINTT\nDeviceT: $DEVICET\n" >> $DEBUGLOG
+ FSTAB="$(awk '( $1 !~ /^#/ ) && ( $2 == "'$MOUNTPOINT'" || $2 == "'$MOUNTPOINTT'" ) { printf("%s", $0); }' /etc/fstab)"
+ echo -e "fstab: ${FSTAB}\n" >>$DEBUGLOG
+ echo -e "Filesystem: $(stat -f -c %T "$REC")\n" >> $DEBUGLOG
+ mount >> $DEBUGLOG
+ echo >> $DEBUGLOG
+ cat /proc/mounts >> $DEBUGLOG
+ echo >> $DEBUGLOG
+ sudo -l >> $DEBUGLOG
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Some checks before doing something
+[ "$ACTION" = "mount" -o "$ACTION" = "umount" ] || { call; exit 10; }
+[ -z "$REC" -o ! -d "$REC" ] && { call; exit 10; }
+[ "$ACTION" = "mount" -a -z "$NAME" ] && { call; exit 10; }
+[ ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ] && { log error "Mountpoint $MOUNTPOINT doesn't exist"; exit 10; }
+[ ! -e "$DEVICE" ] && { log error "Device $DEVICE doesn't exist"; exit 10; }
+case "$ACTION" in
+ # check if not mounted
+ if mount | egrep -q " $MOUNTPOINTT "; then
+ # check if hdd is in use
+ if mount | egrep -q "^$DEVICET"; then
+ log warning "hdd in use (at: check if hdd is in use)"
+ fi
+ # if already mounted, try to umount
+ log warning "hdd already mounted, try to umount"
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: hdd already mounted, try to umount)"; exit 1; }
+ # unlink broken existing links
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"*.vdr; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"*.ts; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"index*; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # mount hdd
+ mount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd mount error (at: mount hdd)"; exit 1; }
+ # mount was OK. Now, find recording on hdd
+ # search recording in the subtree (Movies/Action/)
+ DIR="$(find "${MOUNTPOINT}/${RELPATH}" -name "$NAME")"
+ # if not found, seach recording on the whole disk
+ if [ -z "$DIR" ]; then
+ DIR="$(find "${MOUNTPOINT}/" -name "$NAME")"
+ fi
+ # if not found, umount
+ if [ -z "$DIR" ]; then
+ log error "wrong hdd / recording not found on hdd"
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: wrong hdd / recording not found on hdd)"; exit 1; }
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ # check if video partition is vfat
+ if [ "$(stat -f -c %T "$REC")" != "vfat" ]; then
+ # link index.vdr if not exist
+ if [ -e "${DIR}/index.vdr" -a ! -e "${REC}/index.vdr" ]; then
+ ln -s "${DIR}/index.vdr" "${REC}/index.vdr" || { log error "could not link index.vdr (at: link index.vdr from hdd to disk)"; }
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${DIR}/index" -a ! -e "${REC}/index" ]; then
+ ln -s "${DIR}/index" "${REC}/index" || { log error "could not link index (at: link index from hdd to disk)"; }
+ fi
+ # link [0-9]*.vdr files
+ for FILE in "${DIR}/"[0-9]*.vdr; do
+ if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
+ ln -s "$FILE" "${REC}/$(basename "$FILE")"
+ fi
+ done
+ # error while linking [0-9]*.vdr files?
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log error "error while linking [0-9]*.vdr"
+ # umount hdd bevor unlinking
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: error while linking)"; exit 1; }
+ # unlink broken links
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"*.vdr; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ for FILE in "${DIR}/"[0-9]*.ts; do
+ if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
+ ln -s "$FILE" "${REC}/$(basename "$FILE")"
+ fi
+ done
+ # error while linking [0-9]*.ts files?
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log error "error while linking [0-9]*.ts"
+ # umount hdd bevor unlinking
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: error while linking)"; exit 1; }
+ # unlink broken links
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"*.ts; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ # If wanted, create length.vdr
+ if [ $GETLENGTH -eq 1 -a ! -s "${REC}/length.vdr" -a -L "${REC}/index.vdr" ]; then
+ echo $(( $(stat -L -c %s "${REC}/index.vdr")/12000 )) > "${REC}/length.vdr"
+ fi
+ if [ $GETLENGTH -eq 1 -a ! -s "${REC}/length.vdr" -a -L "${REC}/index" ]; then
+ echo $(( $(stat -L -c %s "${REC}/index")/12000 )) > "${REC}/length.vdr"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ ! "$(sudo -l | egrep "\(root\) NOPASSWD: /bin/mount")" -o ! "$(sudo -l | egrep "\(root\) NOPASSWD: /bin/umount")" ]; then
+ log error "you must configure sudo and allow $(whoami) to use mount/umount!"
+ log info "$(sudo -l)"
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: you must configure sudo)"; exit 1; }
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ # mount recording
+ sudo mount --bind "$DIR" "$REC"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log error "sudo mount --bind $DIR $REC"
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: sudo mount --bind)"; exit 1; }
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ # check if hdd is mounted
+ mount | egrep -q " $MOUNTPOINTT " || { log error "hdd not mounted (at: check if hdd is mounted)"; exit 1; }
+ # check if video partition is vfat
+ if [ "$(stat -f -c %T "$REC")" != "vfat" ]; then
+ # is mounted, umount hdd bevor unlinking
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: is mounted, umount hdd bevor unlinking)"; exit 1; }
+ # unlink broken links
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"index*; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"*.vdr; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ for LINK in "${REC}/"*.ts; do
+ if [ -L "$LINK" -a ! -s "$LINK" ]; then
+ rm "$LINK"
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ # umount recording
+ sudo umount "$REC" || { log error "sudo umount $REC"; exit 5; }
+ # umount Archive-HDD at umount
+ umount "$MOUNTPOINT" || { log error "hdd umount error (at: umount hdd at umount)"; exit 1; }
+ fi
+ ;;
+# Output help
+ log error "\nWrong action $ACTION."
+ call
+ ;;
+exit 0