The hddarchive feature of the extrecmenu plugin is similar to the dvdarchive feature. Except that the recordings are moved to a HDD and not burned to a DVD. In my case, I have an external USB docking station for SATA HDDs in which I plug in the HDD with the recording to play. Installation ============ 1. Copy the '' to the same directory like '' (in Gentoo Linux it is /usr/bin/ 2. Copy the 'hddarchive.conf' to the same directory like 'dvdarchive.conf' (in Gentoo Linux it is located in /etc/vdr/) 3. Edit the 'hddarchive.conf'. MOUNTPOINT should be an existing path, in which the HDD will be mounted. 4. Copy the script '' to /usr/local/bin/ 5. Edit /usr/local/bin/ check that ARCHIVEHDD is the same as MOUNTPOINT in 3. VDRSETTINGSFILE is the path to the gentoo vdr config file (/etc/conf.d/vdr). This is only used to get the envvar ${VIDEO}. Alternative, You can set VIDEO=... manually. 6. Add the content of ./reccmds/reccmds.custom.conf to Your reccmds.conf. 7. Create a file hdd.vdr in the root direcory on each archive HDD (/hdd.vdr) The content is used to identify the HDD and should be unique. I have used 2 digits 01, 02... "99 harddisks ought to be enough for anybody" ;-) 8. If you use the "live" plugin you may want to patch it with ./patches/live-ArchiveHDD.patch to support the archive HDDs.