/* * osdworker.h: OSD worker thread * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * */ #ifndef _OSDWORKER__H #define _OSDWORKER__H #include #include "tool_socket.h" #include "tool_select.h" #include "streamdevice.h" #include "remote.h" #include "netosd.h" #include "ffnetdev.h" #include "vncEncoder.h" #define MAXOSDMEMORY 2048000 #define rfbEncSpecialUseAlpha 0xFFFFF000 // server shall send alpha values in addition to RGB values /* * Macros for endian swapping. */ /* #define Swap16(s) ((((s) & 0xff) << 8) | (((s) >> 8) & 0xff)) #define Swap32(l) (((l) >> 24) | \ (((l) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \ (((l) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | \ ((l) << 24)) static const int rfbEndianTest = 1; // true means swap TODO: check machine endianess - for now -> hardcoded #define Swap16IfLE(s) (*(const char *)&rfbEndianTest ? Swap16(s) : (s)) #define Swap32IfLE(l) (*(const char *)&rfbEndianTest ? Swap32(l) : (l)) */ // --- cOSDWorker ------------------------------------------------------------- enum states { NO_CLIENT, CLIENT_CONNECTED, PROTOCOL_OK, AUTHENTICATED, HANDSHAKE_OK }; class cOSDWorker : public cThread { private: bool m_Active; static cOSDWorker *m_Instance; cTBSocket *m_OSDClient; bool close_OSDclient_request; int OSDPort; int state; bool UseAlpha; rfbPixelFormat ClientFormat; rfbPixelFormat ServerFormat; BYTE *m_pSendBuffer; int m_SendBufferSize; cBitmap *m_pOsdBitmap; bool m_bOSDisClear; bool m_bColorsChanged; void HandleClientRequests(cTBSelect *select); bool RFBRead(char *buffer, int len); void CreateSendBuffer(int OSDBufferSize); vncEncoder *m_pEncoder; struct timeval m_lasttime; struct timeval m_lastupdate; cPluginFFNetDev *m_pPlugin; protected: virtual void Action(void); void Stop(void); public: cOSDWorker(void); virtual ~cOSDWorker(); static void Init(int, cPluginFFNetDev*); static void Exit(void); static bool Active(void); static bool ClientIsReady(void); static void CloseOSDClient(void); static bool ClearScreen(void); static bool DrawBitmap(int x1, int y1, cBitmap &pOsdBitmap); static bool SendScreen(int x1=0, int y1=0, int x2=0, int y2=0); static bool SendCMAP(int NumColors, const tColor *Colors); static bool OSDWrite(unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_length); static bool SendPlayMode(ePlayMode PlayMode); static bool GetOSDColors(const tColor **OSDColors, int *numOSDColors); }; inline bool cOSDWorker::Active(void) { return m_Instance && (m_Instance->state!=NO_CLIENT); } inline bool cOSDWorker::ClientIsReady(void) { return m_Instance && (m_Instance->state==HANDSHAKE_OK); } #endif