/** * GraphLCD plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * service.h - class for events from external services * * (c) 2010-2011 Wolfgang Astleitner * * mailbox-contribution: user 'Keine_Ahnung' **/ #include "strfct.h" #include #include "service.h" #include cGraphLCDService::cGraphLCDService(cGraphLCDState * state) { mState = state; /* initialise flags for services */ radioActive = false; radioChanged = false; radioUse = false; lcrActive = false; lcrChanged = false; lcrUse = false; femonActive = false; femonChanged = false; femonUse = false; mailboxActive = false; mailboxChanged = false; mailboxUse = false; radioLastChange = lcrLastChange = femonLastChange = mailboxLastChange = 0; femonVersionChecked = femonVersionValid = false; // default min. change delays radioUpdateDelay = 100; // 100 ms lcrUpdateDelay = 60000; // 60 sec femonUpdateDelay = 2000; // 2 sec mailboxUpdateDelay = 10000; // 10 sec } cGraphLCDService::~cGraphLCDService() { } bool cGraphLCDService::ServiceIsAvailable(const std::string & Name) { if (Name == "RadioTextService-v1.0" || Name == "radio") { radioUse = true; return (mState->GetChannelInfo().isRadio) ? radioActive : false; } else if (Name == "LcrService-v1.0" || Name == "lcr") { lcrUse = true; return lcrActive; } else if (Name == "FemonService-v1.0" || Name == "femon") { femonUse = true; return femonActive; } else if (Name == "MailBox-1.0" || Name == "mailbox") { mailboxUse = true; return mailboxActive; } return false; } void cGraphLCDService::SetServiceUpdateDelay(const std::string & Name, int delay) { if (delay < 100) return; if (Name == "RadioTextService-v1.0" || Name == "radio") { radioUpdateDelay = delay; } else if (Name == "LcrService-v1.0" || Name == "lcr") { lcrUpdateDelay = delay; } else if (Name == "FemonService-v1.0" || Name == "femon") { femonUpdateDelay = delay; } else if (Name == "MailBox-1.0" || Name == "mailbox") { mailboxUpdateDelay = delay; } } GLCD::cType cGraphLCDService::GetItem(const std::string & ServiceName, const std::string & Item = "") { size_t found = 0; std::string ItemName = Item; std::string ItemFormat = ""; std::string ItemExtra = ""; if (ItemName != "") { found = Item.find(","); if (found != std::string::npos) { ItemName = Item.substr(0, found); ItemFormat = Item.substr(found+1); if ( (found = ItemFormat.find(",")) != std::string::npos) { ItemExtra = ItemFormat.substr(found+1); ItemFormat = ItemFormat.substr(0, found); } } else { ItemName = Item; } } //NeedsUpdate(); if (ServiceName == "RadioTextService-v1.0" || ServiceName == "radio") { radioUse = true; if (radioActive) { if (ItemName == "" || ItemName == "default") { if (currRTSData.rds_info == 2 && strstr(currRTSData.rds_title, "---") == NULL) { char rtpinfo[2][65], rtstr[140]; strcpy(rtpinfo[0], currRTSData.rds_title); strcpy(rtpinfo[1], currRTSData.rds_artist); sprintf(rtstr, "%02d:%02d %s | %s", currRTSData.title_start->tm_hour, currRTSData.title_start->tm_min, trim(((std::string)(rtpinfo[0]))).c_str(), trim(((std::string)(rtpinfo[1]))).c_str()); return rtstr; } else if (currRTSData.rds_info > 0) { return trim(currRTSData.rds_text); } } else if (ItemName == "title") { return trim(currRTSData.rds_title); } else if (ItemName == "artist") { return trim(currRTSData.rds_artist); } else if (ItemName == "text") { return trim(currRTSData.rds_text); } else if (ItemName == "rds_info" || ItemName == "info") { return (int)(currRTSData.rds_info); } else if (ItemName == "rds_pty" || ItemName == "pty") { return (int)(currRTSData.rds_pty); } } } else if (ServiceName == "LcrService-v1.0" || ServiceName == "lcr") { lcrUse = true; if (lcrActive) { if ( strstr( currLcrData.destination, "---" ) == NULL ) { char lcrStringParts[3][25], lcrString[100]; strcpy( lcrStringParts[0], (const char *)currLcrData.destination ); strcpy( lcrStringParts[1], (const char *)currLcrData.price ); strcpy( lcrStringParts[2], (const char *)currLcrData.pulse ); sprintf(lcrString, "%s | %s", trim((std::string)(lcrStringParts[1])).c_str(), trim((std::string)(lcrStringParts[2])).c_str()); if (ItemName == "" || ItemName == "default") { return trim(lcrString); } else if (ItemName == "destination") { return trim(lcrStringParts[0]); } else if (ItemName == "price") { return trim(lcrStringParts[1]); } else if (ItemName == "pulse") { return trim(lcrStringParts[2]); } } } } else if (ServiceName == "FemonService-v1.0" || ServiceName == "femon") { femonUse = true; if (femonActive) { if (ItemName == "" || ItemName == "default" || ItemName == "status") { return (const char*)currFemonData.fe_status; } else if (ItemName == "name") { return (const char*)currFemonData.fe_name; } else if (ItemName == "snr") { return (int)currFemonData.fe_snr; } else if (ItemName == "signal") { return (int)currFemonData.fe_signal; } else if (ItemName == "percent_snr") { return (int)((currFemonData.fe_snr * 100) / 65535); } else if (ItemName == "percent_signal") { return (int)((currFemonData.fe_signal * 100) / 65535); } else if (ItemName == "ber") { return (int)currFemonData.fe_ber; } else if (ItemName == "unc") { return (int)currFemonData.fe_unc; } else if (ItemName == "video_bitrate" || ItemName == "vbr") { if (ItemFormat == "" && (ItemExtra == "" || ItemExtra == "0")) { return (int)currFemonData.video_bitrate; } else { double divisor = (ItemExtra == "") ? 1.0 : atof(ItemExtra.c_str()); double value = currFemonData.video_bitrate; if (ItemFormat == "") { return (int)(value / divisor); } else { char buf[20]; snprintf(buf, 19, ItemFormat.c_str(), (value / divisor)); return buf; } } } else if (ItemName == "audio_bitrate" || ItemName == "abr") { if (ItemFormat == "" && (ItemExtra == "" || ItemExtra == "0")) { return (int)currFemonData.audio_bitrate; } else { double divisor = (ItemExtra == "") ? 1 : atof(ItemExtra.c_str()); double value = currFemonData.audio_bitrate; if (ItemFormat == "") { return (int)(value / divisor); } else { char buf[20]; snprintf(buf, 19, ItemFormat.c_str(), (value / divisor)); return buf; } } } else if (ItemName == "dolby_bitrate" || ItemName == "dbr") { if (ItemFormat == "" && (ItemExtra == "" || ItemExtra == "0")) { return (int)currFemonData.dolby_bitrate; } else { double divisor = (ItemExtra == "") ? 1 : atof(ItemExtra.c_str()); double value = currFemonData.dolby_bitrate; if (ItemFormat == "") { return (int)(value / divisor); } else { char buf[20]; snprintf(buf, 19, ItemFormat.c_str(), (value / divisor)); return buf; } } } } } else if (ServiceName == "MailBox-1.0" || ServiceName == "mailbox") { mailboxUse = true; if (mailboxActive) { if (ItemName == "" || ItemName == "default"|| ItemName == "hasnew") { return (bool)currMailboxNewData; } else if (ItemName == "newcount") { if (currMailboxUnseenData > std::numeric_limits::max()) { return (int)-1; } else { return (int)currMailboxUnseenData; } } } } return ""; } /* async. check event updates for services from other plugins */ /* only sets flags but does NOT update display output */ bool cGraphLCDService::NeedsUpdate(uint64_t CurrentTime) { //mutex.Lock(); /*radioActive = false;*/ radioChanged = false; /*lcrActive = false;*/ lcrChanged = false; /*femonActive = false;*/ femonChanged = false; mailboxChanged = false; cPlugin *p = NULL; // Radiotext // only ask if radio-services are defined in the skin and min. request delay exceeded if (radioUse && ((CurrentTime-radioLastChange) >= (uint64_t)radioUpdateDelay)) { radioLastChange = CurrentTime; p = cPluginManager::CallFirstService("RadioTextService-v1.0", NULL); if (p) { if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService("RadioTextService-v1.0", &checkRTSData)) { radioActive = true; if ( (currRTSData.rds_info != checkRTSData.rds_info) || (currRTSData.rds_pty != checkRTSData.rds_pty) || (strcmp(currRTSData.rds_text, checkRTSData.rds_text) != 0) || (strcmp(currRTSData.rds_title, checkRTSData.rds_title) != 0) || (strcmp(currRTSData.rds_artist, checkRTSData.rds_artist) != 0) ) { currRTSData.rds_info = checkRTSData.rds_info; currRTSData.rds_pty = checkRTSData.rds_pty; currRTSData.rds_text = checkRTSData.rds_text; currRTSData.rds_title = checkRTSData.rds_title; currRTSData.rds_artist = checkRTSData.rds_artist; currRTSData.title_start= checkRTSData.title_start; radioChanged = true; } } } } // Lcr // only ask if lcr-services are defined in the skin and min. request delay exceeded if (lcrUse && ((CurrentTime-lcrLastChange) >= (uint64_t)lcrUpdateDelay)) { lcrLastChange = CurrentTime; p = cPluginManager::CallFirstService("LcrService-v1.0", NULL); if (p) { if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService("LcrService-v1.0", &checkLcrData)) { lcrActive = true; if ( (strcmp(currLcrData.destination, checkLcrData.destination) != 0) || (strcmp(currLcrData.price, checkLcrData.price) != 0) || (strcmp(currLcrData.pulse, checkLcrData.pulse) != 0) ) { currLcrData.destination = checkLcrData.destination; currLcrData.price = checkLcrData.price; currLcrData.pulse = checkLcrData.pulse; lcrChanged = true; } } } } // femon // only ask if femon-services are defined in the skin and min. request delay exceeded if (femonUse && ((CurrentTime-femonLastChange) >= (uint64_t)femonUpdateDelay)) { femonLastChange = CurrentTime; p = cPluginManager::CallFirstService("FemonService-v1.0", NULL); if (p) { #ifdef GRAPHLCD_SERVICE_FEMON_VALID femonVersionChecked = femonVersionValid = true; #else // nota bene: femon version <= 1.2.x will not make it until here because of a 2nd bug in femon in these versions if (!femonVersionChecked) { // only execute this check once std::string version = p->Version(); size_t mstart = 0; size_t mend = std::string::npos; int numval = 0; if ((mend = version.find(".", mstart)) != std::string::npos) { numval = atoi(version.substr(mstart, mend-mstart).c_str()); if (numval > 1) { femonVersionValid = true; } else if (numval == 1) { // version 1.x.x mstart = mend + 1; if ((mend = version.find(".", mstart)) != std::string::npos) { numval = atoi(version.substr(mstart, mend-mstart).c_str()); if (numval <= 6) { // version <= 1.6.x isyslog("graphlcd plugin: femon <= 1.7.7 requires a patch prior to be usable with graphlcd.\n"); isyslog("graphlcd plugin: see README for further instructions.\n"); } else if (numval == 7) { mstart = mend + 1; numval = atoi(version.substr(mstart).c_str()); // ignore trailing characters if (numval <= 7) { isyslog("graphlcd plugin: femon <= 1.7.7 requires a patch prior to be usable with graphlcd.\n"); isyslog("graphlcd plugin: see README for further instructions.\n"); } else { // version >= 1.7.8: ok femonVersionValid = true; } } else { // version >= 1.8.x: ok femonVersionValid = true; } } else { isyslog("graphlcd plugin: unable to decode version information of femon.\n"); } } else { isyslog("graphlcd plugin: unable to decode version information of femon.\n"); } } femonVersionChecked = true; } #endif /* GRAPHLCD_SERVICE_FEMON_VALID */ if (femonVersionValid) { if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService("FemonService-v1.0", &checkFemonData)) { femonActive = true; if ( #if 0 (strcmp(currFemonData.fe_name, checkFemonData.fe_name) != 0) || (strcmp(currFemonData.fe_status, checkFemonData.fe_status) != 0) || #endif (currFemonData.fe_signal != checkFemonData.fe_signal) || (currFemonData.fe_ber != checkFemonData.fe_ber) || (currFemonData.fe_unc != checkFemonData.fe_unc) || (currFemonData.video_bitrate != checkFemonData.video_bitrate) || (currFemonData.audio_bitrate != checkFemonData.audio_bitrate) || (currFemonData.dolby_bitrate != checkFemonData.dolby_bitrate) ) { currFemonData.fe_name = checkFemonData.fe_name; currFemonData.fe_status = checkFemonData.fe_status; currFemonData.fe_snr = checkFemonData.fe_snr; currFemonData.fe_signal = checkFemonData.fe_signal; currFemonData.fe_ber = checkFemonData.fe_ber; currFemonData.fe_unc = checkFemonData.fe_unc; currFemonData.video_bitrate = checkFemonData.video_bitrate; currFemonData.audio_bitrate = checkFemonData.audio_bitrate; currFemonData.dolby_bitrate = checkFemonData.dolby_bitrate; femonChanged = true; } } } } } // Mailbox // only ask if mailbox-services are defined in the skin and min. request delay exceeded if (mailboxUse && ((CurrentTime-mailboxLastChange) >= (uint64_t)mailboxUpdateDelay)) { mailboxLastChange = CurrentTime; if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService("MailBox-HasNewMail-1.0", NULL) && cPluginManager::CallFirstService("MailBox-GetTotalUnseen-1.0", NULL)) { if (cPluginManager::CallFirstService("MailBox-HasNewMail-1.0", &checkMailboxNewData) && cPluginManager::CallFirstService("MailBox-GetTotalUnseen-1.0", &checkMailboxUnseenData)) { mailboxActive = true; if ( (currMailboxNewData != checkMailboxNewData) || (currMailboxUnseenData != checkMailboxUnseenData) ) { currMailboxNewData = checkMailboxNewData; currMailboxUnseenData = checkMailboxUnseenData; mailboxChanged = true; } } } } //mutex.Unlock(); return (radioChanged || lcrChanged || femonChanged || mailboxChanged); }