/* * mymenu.h: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder * * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef __MYMENU_H #define __MYMENU_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "archive.h" #include "setup.h" class cMyMenuRecordingItem; class cMyMenuRecordings : public cOsdMenu { private: char *base; int level; bool show; int recordingsState; int helpKeys; void SetHelpKeys(void); void Set(bool Refresh = false); cString DirectoryName(void); bool Open(bool OpenSubMenus = false); bool Prepare(const cRecording *Recording); eOSState Play(void); eOSState Archive(void); eOSState Delete(void); eOSState Info(void); eOSState Commands(eKeys Key = kNone); eOSState Sort(void); public: cMyMenuRecordings(const char *Base = NULL, int Level = 0, bool OpenSubMenus = false, bool Show = true); // when Show = false, the menu works in background without being displayed virtual ~cMyMenuRecordings(); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); eOSState Play(const cRecording *Recording, bool IsPluginReplay = true); }; class cMyMenuRecordingItem : public cOsdItem { private: cRecording *recording; int level; char *name; int totalEntries; int newEntries; public: cMyMenuRecordingItem(cRecording *Recording, int Level); virtual ~cMyMenuRecordingItem(); void IncrementCounter(bool New); virtual void SetMenuItem(cSkinDisplayMenu *DisplayMenu, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable); const char *Name(void) { return name; } int Level(void) { return level; } cRecording *Recording(void) { return recording; } bool IsDirectory(void) { return name != NULL; } }; class cMenuRecording : public cOsdMenu { private: cRecording *recording; cString originalFileName; int recordingsState; bool withButtons; bool RefreshRecording(void); public: cMenuRecording(cRecording *Recording, bool WithButtons = false); virtual void Display(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; class cMyReplayControl : public cReplayControl { private: bool isPluginReplay; public: cMyReplayControl(bool IsPluginReplay = true); virtual ~cMyReplayControl(); }; class cMenuPathEdit : public cOsdMenu { private: cString path; char folder[PATH_MAX]; char name[NAME_MAX]; cMenuEditStrItem *folderItem; int pathIsInUse; eOSState SetFolder(void); eOSState Folder(void); eOSState ApplyChanges(void); public: cMenuPathEdit(const char *Path); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; #endif // __MYMENU_H