/* * Image plugin to VDR (C++) * * (c) 2004-2011 Andreas Brachold * * This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the * GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See the file COPYING for details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "commands.h" #include "setup-image.h" // --- cImageCommand ------------------------------------------------------------- char *cImageCommand::m_szLastResult = NULL; cImageCommand::cImageCommand(void) : m_szTitle(NULL) , m_szCommand(NULL) , m_bConfirm(false) { } cImageCommand::~cImageCommand() { if(m_szTitle) { free(m_szTitle); m_szTitle = NULL; } if(m_szCommand) { free(m_szCommand); m_szCommand = NULL; } } bool cImageCommand::Parse(const char *s) { const char *p = strchr(s, ':'); if(p) { int l = p - s; if(l > 0) { m_szTitle = MALLOC(char, l + 1); stripspace(strn0cpy(m_szTitle, s, l + 1)); if(!isempty(m_szTitle)) { int l = strlen(m_szTitle); if(l > 1 && m_szTitle[l - 1] == '?') { m_bConfirm = true; m_szTitle[l - 1] = 0; } m_szCommand = stripspace(strdup(skipspace(p + 1))); return !isempty(m_szCommand); } } } return false; } const char *cImageCommand::Execute(const char *szFileName) { char *szCmdBuf = NULL; if(m_szLastResult) { free(m_szLastResult); m_szLastResult = NULL; } // Combine command and filename if(szFileName && m_szCommand) { if(NULL == strstr(m_szCommand, "%s")) { /// Merge command and filename e.g : identify 'my_image.png' asprintf(&szCmdBuf, "%s \'%s\'", m_szCommand, szFileName); } else { /// Replace Mode, replace any %s with filename /// e.g. : jpegtran -rotate 90 %s > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg %s /// would to jpegtran -rotate 90 'my_image.png' > $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg && mv $CONVERT_TEMPDIR/tmp.jpg 'my_image.png' char *szF; asprintf(&szF, "\'%s\'", szFileName); if(szF) { szCmdBuf = (char*)calloc(PATH_MAX,1); if(szCmdBuf) { char* d = szCmdBuf; char* s = m_szCommand; for(;d-szCmdBuf < PATH_MAX-1 && *s != '\0';++s,++d) { if(*s == '%' && *(s+1) == 's') { strncat(szCmdBuf,szF,PATH_MAX-1); d += strlen(szF)-1; ++s; } else *d = *s; } } } free(szF); } } const char *szCmd = szCmdBuf ? szCmdBuf : m_szCommand; dsyslog("imageplugin: executing command '%s'", szCmd); // Set environment ImageSetup.SetEnv(); FILE *p = popen(szCmd, "r"); if(p) { int l = 0; int c; while((c = fgetc(p)) != EOF) { if(l % 20 == 0) { m_szLastResult = (char *)realloc(m_szLastResult, l + 21); if(!m_szLastResult) break; } m_szLastResult[l++] = c; } if(m_szLastResult) m_szLastResult[l] = 0; pclose(p); } else esyslog("imageplugin: can't open pipe for command '%s'", szCmd); if(szCmdBuf) free(szCmdBuf); return m_szLastResult; } cImageCommands::cImageCommands(void) : m_szFileName(NULL) { } cImageCommands::~ cImageCommands() { Clear(); } void cImageCommands::Clear(void) { if(m_szFileName) free(m_szFileName); m_szFileName = NULL; cList < cImageCommand >::Clear(); } bool cImageCommands::Load(const char *szFileName/* = NULL*/, bool bAllowComments /*=true*/, bool bMustExist /*= false*/) { Clear(); if(szFileName) { m_szFileName = strdup(szFileName); m_bAllowComments = bAllowComments; } bool bRet = !bMustExist; if(m_szFileName && access(m_szFileName, F_OK) == 0) { isyslog("imageplugin: loading %s", m_szFileName); FILE *f = fopen(m_szFileName, "r"); if(f) { int n = 0; char szBuf[8192]; bRet = true; while(fgets(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), f) > 0) { ++n; if(m_bAllowComments) { char *p = strchr(szBuf, '#'); if(p) *p = 0; } stripspace(szBuf); if(!isempty(szBuf)) { cImageCommand *l = new cImageCommand; if(l->Parse(szBuf)) { Add(l); } else { esyslog("imageplugin: error in %s, line %d\n",m_szFileName, n); delete l; bRet = false; break; } } } fclose(f); } else { esyslog("imageplugin: error %s: %m", m_szFileName); bRet = false; } } if(!bRet) esyslog("imageplugin: error while reading '%s'\n", m_szFileName); return bRet; }