/* * Image plugin to VDR (C++) * * (C) 2004-2005 Andreas Brachold <anbr at users.berlios.de> * (C) 2003 Kai Tobias Burwieck <kai at burwieck.net> * * based on MP3/MPlayer plugin to VDR (C++) * (C) 2001,2002 Stefan Huelswitt <huels at iname.com> * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * Or, point your browser to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "data.h" #include "data-image.h" #include "list.h" #include <vdr/tools.h> // ---------------------------------------------------------------- const char *g_szMountScript = "mount.sh"; char *AddPath(const char *dir, const char *filename) { int l = strlen(dir); char *name = MALLOC(char, l + strlen(filename) + 2); if(name) { strcpy(name, dir); name[l] = '/'; strcpy(name + l + 1, filename); } else { esyslog("imageplugin: ERROR: no memory for filename"); } return name; } class cFileExt : public cListObject { char * m_szExt; protected: void clean() { if(Ext()) free(m_szExt);m_szExt=0;} public: cFileExt() { m_szExt = 0; } virtual ~cFileExt() { clean(); } cFileExt(cFileExt& x) //Copy-Ctor { if(x.Ext()) { m_szExt = MALLOC(char, strlen(x.m_szExt)+1); strcpy(m_szExt,x.m_szExt); } else m_szExt = 0; } const char* Ext() const { return m_szExt; } const char* Set(const char* sz) { const char *f = sz; for(;*sz != 0 && *sz == ' ';++sz); //Skip leading whitespace for(f = sz;*f != 0 && *f != ' ';++f); //Find end of item \0 or ' ' clean(); //Prevebt double assign if(f - sz > 0) // Store founded item { m_szExt = MALLOC(char, f - sz + 1); strncpy(m_szExt,sz,f - sz); *(m_szExt + (f - sz)) = '\0'; } return f; } }; class cFileExtList : public cList<cFileExt> { public: cFileExtList(const char* szExtList) { const char* sz = szExtList; while(*sz != 0) { cFileExt ext; sz = ext.Set(sz); if(ext.Ext()) Add(new cFileExt(ext)); // Add copy }; } virtual ~cFileExtList() { } }; // -- cScanDir -------------------------------------------------------------- bool cScanDir::ScanDir(cFileSource * src, const char *subdir, eScanType type, const char *spec, const char *excl, bool recursiv) { bool result = true; char *cmd = 0, *dir = 0, *s = 0, *e = 0, tc; switch (type) { default: case stFile: tc = 'f'; break; case stDir: tc = 'd'; break; } if(subdir) asprintf(&dir, "%s/%s", src->BaseDir(), subdir); else asprintf(&dir, "%s", src->BaseDir()); // If is'nt set a filter use this a default if(stFile == type && (0 == spec || 0>= strlen(spec))) spec = "*.jpg *.jpeg *.jif *.jiff *.tif *.tiff *.gif *.bmp *.png *.pnm *.mps"; // Check if filter is set build complex include find ( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.jpeg" -o .. ) if(stFile == type && spec) { cFileExtList list(spec); //Splitt *.jpg *.jpeg cFileExt *src = list.First(); while(src) //Loop throw all found item { char* sn; if(!s) //open bracket asprintf(&s, " \\( "); asprintf(&sn, "%s-iname \"%s\" ",s,QuoteString(src->Ext())); if(s) free(s); s = sn; src = list.Next(src); if(src) //follow ext { char* sn; asprintf(&sn, "%s-o ",s); free(s); s = sn; } } if(s) // close bracket { char* sn; asprintf(&sn, "%s\\)",s); free(s); s = sn; } } // Check if filter is set build complex exclude find -not ( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.jpeg" -o .. ) if(stFile == type && excl) { cFileExtList list(excl); //Splitt *.jpg *.jpeg cFileExt *src = list.First(); while(src) //Loop throw all found item { char* en; if(!e) //open bracket asprintf(&e, "-not \\( "); asprintf(&en, "%s-iname \"%s\" ",e,QuoteString(src->Ext())); if(e) free(e); e = en; src = list.Next(src); if(src) //follow ext { char* en; asprintf(&en, "%s-o ",e); free(e); e = en; } } if(e) // close bracket { char* en; asprintf(&en, "%s\\)",e); free(e); e = en; } } #if 0 asprintf(&cmd, "find \"%s\" -follow -type %c %s %s %s 2>/dev/null | sort -df", QuoteString(dir), tc, s?s:"", e?e:"", recursiv?"":"-maxdepth 1"); #else asprintf(&cmd, "find \"%s\" -follow -type %c %s %s %s 2>/dev/null | sort -df | grep -v \"/\\.\"", QuoteString(dir), tc, s?s:"", e?e:"", recursiv?"":"-maxdepth 1"); #endif //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",cmd); cReadLine l; FILE *p = popen(cmd, "r"); if(p) { int len = strlen(dir); char *s; while((s = l.Read(p)) != 0) { char *ss = strstr(s, dir); if(ss) { s = ss + len; if(*s == '/') s++; } if(*s) DoItem(src, subdir, s); } pclose(p); } else result = false; free(cmd); free(dir); free(s); free(e); return result; } char *cScanDir::QuoteString(const char *str) { static char *nstr = 0; free(nstr); nstr = MALLOC(char, strlen(str) * 2); char *p = nstr; while(*str) { switch (*str) { case '$': // dollar case '\\': // backslash case '\"': // double quote case '`': // back tick *p++ = '\\'; // fall through default: *p++ = *str++; break; } } *p = 0; return nstr; } // -- cDirItem -------------------------------------------------------------- cDirItem::cDirItem(cFileSource * src, const char *subdir, const char *name, const eItemType type) { Source = src; Subdir = subdir ? strdup(subdir) : 0; Name = name ? strdup(name) : 0; Type = type; } cDirItem::~cDirItem() { free(Name); free(Subdir); } char *cDirItem::Path(void) { char *path; if(Subdir) path = AddPath(Subdir, Name); else path = strdup(Name); return path; } // -- cDirList -------------------------------------------------------------- bool cDirList::Load(cFileSource * src, const char *subdir) { bool res = false; Clear(); if(subdir) Add(new cDirItem(src, subdir, "..", itParent)); itype = itDir; if(ScanDir(src, subdir, stDir, 0, 0, false)) { itype = itFile; if(ScanDir(src, subdir, stFile, src->Include(), 0, false)) res = true; } return res; } void cDirList::DoItem(cFileSource * src, const char *subdir, const char *name) { Add(new cDirItem(src, subdir, name, itype)); } // -- cFileSource -------------------------------------------------------------- cFileSource::cFileSource(void) { browsedir = browseparent = 0; basedir = description = include = 0; useCount = 0; needsmount = false; } cFileSource::cFileSource(const char *Basedir, const char *Description, const bool NeedsMount, const char *Include) { browsedir = browseparent = 0; basedir = description = include = 0; useCount = 0; Set(Basedir, Description, NeedsMount, Include); } cFileSource::~cFileSource() { ClearRemember(); free(basedir); free(description); free(include); } void cFileSource::Set(const char *Basedir, const char *Description, const bool NeedsMount, const char *Include) { free(basedir); basedir = strdup(Basedir); free(description); description = strdup(Description); free(include); include = Include ? strdup(Include) : 0; needsmount = NeedsMount; } char *cFileSource::BuildName(const char *filename) { return AddPath(basedir, filename); } void cFileSource::SetRemember(const char *dir, const char *parent) { ClearRemember(); if(dir) browsedir = strdup(dir); if(parent) browseparent = strdup(parent); } void cFileSource::ClearRemember(void) { free(browsedir); browsedir = 0; free(browseparent); browseparent = 0; } bool cFileSource::GetRemember(char *&dir, char *&parent) { dir = parent = 0; if(browsedir) { if(browseparent) parent = strdup(browseparent); dir = strdup(browsedir); return true; } return false; } bool cFileSource::Parse(char *s) { char base[256], des[256], incl[256]; int needsmount, n; if((n = sscanf(s, "%255[^;];%255[^;];%d;%255[^;]", base, des, &needsmount, incl)) >= 3) { char *base2 = skipspace(stripspace(base)); Set(base2, skipspace(stripspace(des)), needsmount != 0, n > 3 ? skipspace(stripspace(incl)) : 0); // do some checking of the basedir and issue a warning if apropriate if(access(base2, R_OK)) { esyslog("imageplugin: WARNING: source base %s not found/permission denied",base2); } else { struct stat64 ds; if(lstat64(base2, &ds)) { esyslog("imageplugin: WARNING: can't stat source base %s",base2); } else { if(S_ISLNK(ds.st_mode)) { esyslog("imageplugin: WARNING: source base %s is a symbolic link",base2); } else if(!S_ISDIR(ds.st_mode)) { esyslog("imageplugin: WARNING: source base %s is not a directory",base2); } } } return true; } return false; } bool cFileSource::Action(eAction act) { static const char *str[] = { "mount", "unmount", "eject", "status" }; char *cmd = 0; asprintf(&cmd, "%s %s %s", g_szMountScript, str[act], basedir); bool res = (system(cmd) == 0); free(cmd); return res; } bool cFileSource::Mount(void) { bool res = false; if(needsmount && (res = Action(acMount))) ClearRemember(); return res; } bool cFileSource::Unmount(void) { bool res = false; if(needsmount) { theSlideShow.Remove(this); if(!useCount && (res = Action(acUnmount))) ClearRemember(); } return res; } bool cFileSource::Eject(void) { bool res = false; if(needsmount) { theSlideShow.Remove(this); if(!useCount && (res = Action(acEject))) ClearRemember(); } return res; } bool cFileSource::Status(void) { if(needsmount) return Action(acStatus); return true; } // -- cFileSources -------------------------------------------------------------- bool cFileSources::Load(const char *filename, bool dummy) { if(cConfig < cFileSource >::Load(filename, true)) { SetSource(First()); return true; } return false; } cFileSource *cFileSources::FindSource(const char *filename) { cFileSource *src = First(); while(src) { if(startswith(filename, src->BaseDir())) return src; src = Next(src); } return 0; }