path: root/css
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2007-02-25- Fixed CSS styling for the buttons toolbox in status box.Dieter Hametner
2007-02-22- Polling in status box can now be toggled between active and inactive.Dieter Hametner
2007-02-18- Added status box with current channel, program and elapsed time in theDieter Hametner
logo area. - Added support for progress bars to display elapsed content. - Extendend ajax.js to be usable for non xml requests. - adapted styles for the new features.
2007-01-19- Reintroduced a shortened part of the description in the event box.Dieter Hametner
2007-01-19- Added new class epgEvent. Sie epg_events.h. This class collects epgDieter Hametner
data from other structures. It can the be used to appent to the page a hidden section with full epg datas for the epg-popup boxes. - Changed whats_on to uses this new feature. - No description in the event boxes any more. A mouse over tooltip shows a shortened version of the description. A click on 'more' displays a full epg box. - Added tip parameter to ajax_action_href. The text is displayed as tooltip when hoovering over the link. - Adapted style.css to make event boxes smaller.
2007-01-18- Changed default tooltip style class to domTThintDieter Hametner
- Added tooltip style class domTTepg for epg infos like in recordings - Added new pageelement.epg_tt_box to create epg box tooltips. Used at moment in recordings. Planned also for whats_on and schedule. - Changed structure of event box in whats_on to same structure like epg box. This makes the styling comparable between the two boxes. - added bg_tools.png to with a vertical fadeing border to resemble the fading bottom of more line oriented pages.
2007-01-17- Moved cRecordings locking infrastructure to RecordingsManager.Dieter Hametner
- Take care to have at any time maximum one instance of RecordingsManager alive. This is done with a combination of boost::shared_ptr and boost::weak_ptr. See LiveRecordingsManager() function. - RecordingsTree now uses RecordingsManager to calculate a MD5 Hash for each 'real' cRecording item. - The MD5 Hash is used in the Ajax-Request to start play back of a recording. (Server side needs implementation of this.) - Id's are also used in the DOM for the identification of the tooltips. - New code dependency on openssl libraries (for md5 function). - Changed style (not yet complete) to have 'action' items also in the recording description popup.
2007-01-15- Recordings optimisationsDieter Hametner
- Experimental 'yellow' Tooltips
2007-01-14Updated recordings tooltipps.Dieter Hametner
2007-01-14- Extended tooltip infrastructure.Dieter Hametner
- Made recordings use tooltip infrastructure to display detailed info. - Updated style for this.
2007-01-14Updated header lines.Dieter Hametner
Moved channel selection into menu line, when schedule is active.
2007-01-14UpdatesThomas Keil
2007-01-14Send detailed recordings information on the recordings page.Dieter Hametner
To make it visieble we still need to activate the tooltip javascript.
2007-01-13BugfixesThomas Keil
2007-01-13Changed overall menue structureThomas Keil
2007-01-13add img border=0 styleThomas Keil
2007-01-10- additional buttons in recordings at the rightDieter Hametner
- Adjusted styles for recordings - recodings folders are now on top of one group - changed some images and added play.png
2007-01-10Alignment of recordings, new movie icon, adapted stylesDieter Hametner
2007-01-09layout with with for the date and time of recordings entries.Dieter Hametner
2007-01-09fixed page layout (partly by Michi)Dieter Hametner
2007-01-08fixed event title box alignmentThomas Keil
2007-01-08fixed styles on whats_onThomas Keil
2007-01-07Imageheight now fitsThomas Keil
2007-01-07Change Top-Box styleThomas Keil
2007-01-07box-background imagesDieter Hametner
2007-01-07Styles fixes from MichiDieter Hametner
2007-01-07Changed some stuff for whats_on.ecppThomas Keil
2007-01-07Michis header style and fontsize changesDieter Hametner
2007-01-07added styles for edit timerThomas Keil
2007-01-07debug-version of recordingsDieter Hametner
2007-01-07Pimped timer active and inactive iconsDieter Hametner
2007-01-06- added styles for error pageSascha Volkenandt
2007-01-06Collapsable treeview of recordings workingDieter Hametner
2007-01-05- added style for submit-panelsSascha Volkenandt
2007-01-05cursor-style for buttonThomas Keil
2007-01-05- added style for small buttonsSascha Volkenandt
2007-01-04Added recordingsThomas Keil
2007-01-04- introduced page "remote control"Sascha Volkenandt
2007-01-04- added content type directive to precompiler callsSascha Volkenandt
2007-01-04Styles added for the Schedule tableThomas Keil
2007-01-04Updated all Makefiles to omit 'default target bug' from httpd MakefileDieter Hametner
2007-01-03Event-Box now has info-DIV with start/end informationThomas Keil
2007-01-03Modified some stuff.Thomas Keil
2007-01-03Update mit Bild uswThomas Keil
2007-01-03using -Wl,--whole-archive to link sublibrariesDieter Hametner
2007-01-03UpdateThomas Keil
2007-01-03VerbesserungenThomas Keil
2007-01-03Use incremental linking for libtnt-liveDieter Hametner
2007-01-03Moved *.ecpp to pages and *.css to css subdir, added images dirDieter Hametner